Economists Uncut

GOLD: “This Is Getting Serious” (Uncut) 03-25-2025

Insiders Scramble For GOLD: “This Is Getting Serious” – Mike Maloney

This is 10 million ounces in only the first 58 trading days of the year. The COMEX, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, they are under threat that their fractional reserve scheme might become exposed. And the emergency continues.


The Chicago Mercantile Exchange notified everybody recently that they are raising margin requirements by roughly 8%. Why do they do that? They do that when they’re uncomfortable. The margin requirements go up and down now and then.


So this isn’t highly unusual, but it just shows that they’re in an uncomfortable position. They’re getting squeezed. There is a threat that their fractional reserve scheme might be exposed.


And that is the reason they’re taking this action. It slows down trading. It makes it more expensive for traders.


And I’m going to show you some of the reasons why in just a moment. But first, I want to let everybody know that I’m going to be speaking at Jason Hartman’s Empowered Investor Live event in Irvine, California, April 4th through 6th. And so if you want to come and see me, I’ll be there.


You can go to Anyway, so the COMEX gold deliveries. Deliveries. These are contracts where the person that bought a futures contract does not settle in cash.


They want the gold. And so you can see this big downtrend here. But wait a minute.


This is annual data. And this is 10 million ounces. And this was produced.


The data is as of February 27th. That means this is the first 58 days of the year. So this is the COVID panic.


This is the record right here. 25 million ounces delivered. And then 19 and then 20.


So these are during the lockdowns. It looked like the world was going to end. People protecting themselves and so on.


So this is 10 million ounces in only the first 58 trading days of the year. Now, if you take 365 divided by 58, you’ll discover that it goes into 365 6.3 times. And so that means if the uptake continues the way it is, we can see more than 60 million ounces delivered instead of that previous record of 25.


So yeah, the COMEX, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, they are under threat that their fractional reserve scheme might become exposed. And so here’s what it looks like when we go monthly. And you can see December.


This is January here. So that’s in that last bar. This is February.


And, you know, February is a short month. And so I would imagine by now March has already surpassed this. So this is getting serious for the big boys.


They are in a very uncomfortable position. When we take a look at the other, when we include other things like mutual funds and ETFs in ounces, the uptake here, the total flowing into these vehicles, meaning that there there’s people purchasing, there’s more buyers than sellers, and it’s by a long shot. There was more outflows last year and the year before than there were inflows.


And then suddenly, very end of 24 and so far all through 25. This is weekly. Big, big accumulation.


And then the Swiss gold exports. Now, you know, the gold market is fairly opaque, but the Swiss refineries, they are very generous with their data and they are very transparent. So and because it’s one of the major refining hubs in the world, this is really good data to look at.


And what you see here is they basically they’re refusing the rest of the world. They’re just not. They’re saying, sorry, go take a hike.


We can’t sell you any any gold. It’s all got to go to the United States to keep the fractional reserve scheme concealed. And it’s got to go back to the UK to help refill the Bank of England’s coffers.


And so I just, you know, I’m sure it’s very uncomfortable for the big boys, but I just love seeing them get squeezed like this and being in such an uncomfortable position as a precious metals investor. This is rewarding. I want to thank you for watching.


We’ll see you next time.

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