GOLD-BACK RESET Accelerates Under Basel III Endgame (Uncut) 02-16-2025
GOLD-BACK RESET Accelerates Under Basel III Endgame
A quiet but powerful shift in the global financial system is happening and most people have no idea. Basel III ending, a set of banking regulations that look like routine risk management on the surface may actually be setting the stage for something much bigger. Is this just about stabilizing banks or is this laying the foundation for a massive monetary reset, one that puts gold back at the center of the system? If that’s the case, what exactly is Basel III? How will it impact gold and most importantly, what impact will this massive shift have on your savings, your wealth, and the future of money as we know it? Let’s get into it.
Basel III is often framed as a set of global banking regulations created in the wake of the 2008 great financial crisis as a way to make banks safer, but it’s not all that it appears to be. In fact, there are a lot more questions than answers. These regulations were masterminded at the very top, at the BIS, the Bank for International Settlements, a secretive group that we don’t know that much about.
Often referred to the Central Bank for Central Banks, they operate out of Switzerland and dictate global regulations for banks across the world, even here in the United States. But let’s be real, do we really think that this elite group of regulators didn’t realize that banks were over leveraged until after 2008? That the same institutions that helped aid these banks’ reckless behaviors are now suddenly prioritizing all of our safety? Or are they doing it in their own self-interest? Big picture, Basel III requires that banks hold more high quality assets to prevent liquidity crisis, reduce risky lending practices, and ensure that banks are more prepared for any kind of financial shock. But the devil is in the details and here is the part that nobody is talking about.
Basel III changes the way that gold is treated in the banking system. And when you start following the gold, you realize that these changes might not be about preventing the next crisis, they are about preparing for the next crisis. Let me explain.
For decades, gold has been considered a tier three asset, meaning that banks had to discount its value on their accounting sheets, treating it as a risky asset. But now gold is reclassified as a tier one asset, meaning that banks can account for 100% of its value on their balance sheets, treating it the same as cash and US treasuries. This is a game changer because in the past, if gold prices went up, it did not impact central banks that much.
But now, for the first time in decades, gold prices going up significantly hugely benefits central banks. By making gold a tier one asset, Basel III is also forcing a shift away from paper gold, gold ETFs and gold futures contracts and towards physical gold, meaning physical tangible gold will be at the center of this new financial system. Because one of the most important rules in Basel III is their net stable funding ratio, the NSFR, which essentially makes it much harder to suppress real gold values with paper gold contracts.
I’ve talked about this before, but real quick for those of you that are new here, the spot price of gold that you read about in the news is actually much lower than it should be if true supply and demand were in charge. Essentially, the COMEX and the LBMA, they operate on a fractional reserve system, the same way banks do. Think about your deposit in a bank.
They don’t keep 100% of that deposit, they keep a small fraction. But there’s an illusion that they have 100% of the deposits in their holding. The same thing happens in the gold market.
They make multiple paper claims, gold ETFs, gold futures contracts, on the same piece of physical gold, meaning that they are able to artificially suppress the price of gold by creating all this paper, when in reality the amount of physical gold they have is far less. Last year alone, the LME did trillions of dollars in paper gold trade on unallocated metals. So even as demand, true demand for gold rose, the price didn’t accurately reflect that because they suppressed it with the amount of paper trades that were going on.
But Basel III is changing the game. Under the new rules, banks must hold physical gold. There can no longer be this huge reliance on unallocated contracts.
The system is crumbling in lifetime. Look at what just happened last week in London with the Bank of England, unable to make their gold demands. The veil is being lifted on this system that has been suppressing gold prices and everyone is starting to wake up and realizing it.
At the same time, central banks are buying gold in record numbers, especially over the last three years. Why? Because they know what’s coming. Here are the top three reasons that they are buying gold.
A protection against currency instability. As global debt reaches unsustainable levels, and trust in fiat currencies is completely shattered, it is gold that will act as a true hedge against inflation, a true safeguard against devaluation. A shift towards a multipolar currency or neutral settlement currency world.
As China and Russia and BRICS alliance nations work together to move away from the dollar that has been weaponized against them, gold is neutral. It doesn’t speak one language. It’s not affiliated with one country.
It transcends all politics and acts as universal true money. And most importantly, the big picture number three, central banks are buying gold because they are preparing for a new monetary system. As number one and number two come to fruition, and the fiat system that we know today collapses, these banks are going to be leaning on their hard assets.
They are going to need gold as a way to set themselves up in the new system because every major monetary shift in history has had gold at the heart of it. And this time will be no different. But this is not just about central banks.
This impacts all of us. So how close are we? Where are we in the timeline? Well, Basel III has been rolling out for over a decade. That being said, the final stages of preparation were enacted on January 1st, 2023, which is interesting because if you look at the spot price of gold, which we know has been suppressed even with the suppression from January 1st, 2023 to today, that spot price has jumped over 60%.
And it’s no secret why. The rest of the world is laying the foundation for this transition. However, the United States is actually lagging behind and are not expected to complete a full transition until 2028, with the transitionary period kicking off this year, July 1st, 2025.
So why the holdup? Well, there’s a couple of theories. One of them is that the United States understands that the sooner that Basel III goes into effect, the sooner that the dollar loses its standing as the global reserve currency, which it cannot afford to lose. Think about it.
Basel III forces banks to treat gold as a tier one asset, the same as cash. This absolutely could disrupt a dollar-dominated world where confidence is based on debt derivatives and fiat-backed assets. The U.S. has a lot to lose as gold’s role expands because it threatens dollar supremacy.
Now, another theory that people think could happen is that the U.S. is just buying time for the next few years, getting a plan B in place. Many are pointing to even recent comments from last week, the U.S. Treasury Secretary talking about monetizing U.S. assets. Many are pointing to this clip and saying that is about gold.
Within the next 12 months, we are going to monetize the asset side of the U.S. balance sheet. But no matter what the cause for delay, we know one thing for sure. The rest of the world is moving forward towards gold, especially BRICS nations.
They are preparing for this transition, and anyone who is not preparing for this transition is going to get left behind. So what does this mean for you and I? Well, number one, pay attention to the elite, those in power, those who know something that we don’t, because if central banks are stockpiling gold, it is for a reason. And if they are preparing for a reset, then we should be too.
Number two, the gold supply squeeze is going to be real as banks and institutions move towards physical gold. What was considered expensive today will be considered cheap tomorrow. And lastly, the wealth transfer is happening now.
Those who understand that, those who see what’s really going on and prepare today, will be in a position of power when the final stages of the reset come into play. The dollar is failing, period, point blank. It might not collapse today, it might not collapse tomorrow, it might not collapse in the next year, but I never said it would.
Dollar collapse is a process, a process that leads and is marked by certain events, but it’s a process that is happening today and accelerating, one that will lead us to hyper inflation and ultimately a currency reset where your dollar or dollar denominated assets will be worth next to nothing. When that happens, those who are prepared for the new monetary system, which we know now for a fact that gold will be at the center of, those will be the people who will have their wealth protected, those who hold and own gold, tangible, real, physical gold, because that is where we’re going. And it’s not only that your wealth will be protected, but again, if we look at where gold is going in a revaluation, whether by decree or a natural supply and demand, those will be the people who will be thriving.
They will be set up for opportunities on the other side. The bottom line is that Basel III is not just another boring banking rule. It is a key piece of the foundation of what is coming next.
Don’t listen to what central banks and governments say, watch what they do. And if they are stockpiling gold, there’s a reason why, and it’s something that we should be preparing for too. Now, if any of this is concerning to you, or you want to understand what you should be doing next, we have an incredible free guide available for you.
It’s the ITM Gold and Silver Guide. I highly recommend that you download a copy so that you can have this information to access whenever you want. We made it super easy.
All you have to do is scan the QR code, or you can click on the link in the description below to get your copy today. But of course, in addition to downloading the guide, if you want to take it a step further and understand how we can help you, because that is our mission, is to help people prepare for what’s coming next, you can call us at the number below. Again, you can scan the QR code, click the link in the description, multiple ways to get in touch with us, to talk to one of our expert analysts who will help you create a strategy for what’s coming next, and make sure you are prepared for these massive monetary shifts that are happening.
Because again, they don’t talk about this in the mainstream news. They don’t want you to be prepared, but we do. And again, I so appreciate you being here today.
I love reading all of your comments, so please leave your comments, questions below. I will read them. My name is Taylor Kenney with ITM Trading, your trusted source for all things gold, silver, and lifelong wealth protection.
Until next time.