3 two one go the recording has started [Music] I used to be a until I watched Frank with a twinkle in his eyes and guard by his side Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need I not fix I into fight 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the D now take it from me FR is no it’s okay T give this man a cookie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing stop wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so oop FR 26 he’s got the latest greatest news
from the street tune in now to this is the D sit up patience and get ready Frank’s got some news from rocking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the R so whenever I need ofs I tune Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tun in now tun in here this is the d i hey I need a cookie not yet come on tank I deserve some cookies maybe at the end cook cookies cookies come on ttin give up the cookies [Music] greetings family welcome to another one
of you Frank 26 UB tues it’s good to be with you it is the 23rd of December 2023 I greet you in a Gody love we are which stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father before we do anything we always go to God’s thr room and we ask for his um for his support we ask for his strength and that’s what we’re going to do then afterwards we have our brother Andy that blows the chauff far and then we get started and and you know our study you know our study I break it up into three parts okay so the first part
get into the form yeah I know you’re a member of my form good get into the form and I’ll meet you on the very last page on the very last page a final article thread and we’re going to start with uh the second one post number 4,794 so be ready and then after that we do Eddie’s report and then after that we do walking stick’s report and uh then we say goodbye okay we have a f minute commercial today that was it just it is going to be a f minute commercial they’re going to come in around 7 o’clock so now that oh and one more
thing my name is Frank 26 in my opinion I’m wearing Christmas colors in my opinion I’m going to share with you uh a study of the Iraqi dinar in my opinion everything I say to you will be in my opinion I have the freedom to express my opinion nothing that I say to you is a fact it’s not a fact it’s not 100% guaranteed it is my opinion and you know what my opinion is worth so let’s get started uh we don’t have Kindle with us no okay let us pray ABA heavenly father I come to your throne room I run to your
throne room to be with you I’m always excited to be with you papa you said to me that if I ask anything upon you that you would Grant it as long as I believed as long as I believed I believe in your son I believe in the sacrifice on that cross I believe that he arose three days later because you conquered death for all of us through him I I am reconciled I am grateful I am I I am forgiven of my sins and I had a lot of sins father I still have them every day of my life don’t I but father you and I have a
different relationship you don’t walk in back of me you allow me to jump on your back thank you for the the piggyback right through this world because I can’t do it by myself I pray for my children my grandchildren I pray for my wife my sister my family I pray for our ktfa family I pray for my church family I pray for Faith Church family I pray for all of us God because that’s what you asked of us I pray for Israel I pray for the United States of America I pray for the five communist countries that refuse
you that’s a lot of people father that’s a lot of people I definitely definitely definitely pray for those that don’t that that don’t know you I pray that they would one day actually they will one day be with me tonight be with me again because I need the strength for my body I need the strength to control my mouth my tongue I need the strength to control my emotions my brain sit right next to me god let’s see how many people we can help tonight and the first step is to tell them that the only way is through you
through the blood of Jesus Christ and then and through that blood and through that name I pray to you Heavenly Father by the holy spirit amen amen amen we we may have our brother Andy hi buddy you go right ahead blow that show far all right [Music] amen amen amen thank you brother Andy we’ll see you at the end okay yes sir ladies and gentlemen I want to play a recording to you that is only like about seven six minutes [Music] long you know that the last time we were together at the very end and Pastor
Kendall said to me can you cuz cuz we did our our our our last YouTube on Thursday remember and Thursday night we do our Bible studies with Faith Church with Pastor Kendall so as soon as I finish with my YouTube he says Frank can you give us dessert now for those of you that study with me you know what that means and I said well I I always do at the end of my YouTubes after you pray after we blow the show far I I give a little a little something extra he said could you give a little something extra at the end of the
Bible study so I held it I held on to what I had and I didn’t give it at the end of the conference call I gave it at the end of the Bible study there sure was a lot of people there if that’s what it takes good but what I want to do is I want to play to you what I said it’s not very long you want to hear it listen I hope it’s loud enough this is the dessert that I shared and I share it with you because I think it’s important because other other sites are not talking other sites don’t talk about what we talk about until after we talk
about it I know that sounded egotistical didn’t it but it is the truth I’m glad we’re helping them I want them to listen to this I want you to listen to this it’s important because tonight we open a we open a new file tonight I share with you some tonight I tell you something that uh we really haven’t told you in a while I don’t think we’ve ever told you here we go your word by way for God’s word thank you for the tenacity that you have the energy that you possess the excitement that you show us when we
study the word of God with you thank you it’s motivating I may not sound like I’m excited but it’s because I’m I’m still sick but I wanted to put that uh on top of the uh at the very top first to give honor God to God for his word number two we wanted some dessert and um concerning our study so we didn’t get any dessert at the end of our UB Tu and bringing it over here the following is in my opinion and um it’s important that we understand what we tried to teach tonight that the next step in my
opinion is for the auctions to stop What’s the title of your in our currency to float freely internationally in a basket with other currencies that would cause friction it would cause the value to go up externally if we have this event in the lips of the CBI Sudani if they are saying to them that on December the 31st the auctions will end if what we have been seeing the Sudani is telling the citizens I’m going to keep my promise to you yeah again he said still this year but whatever if these three things that I
just mentioned uh have a reality to them then the precursor before this event also has a much a very very strong reality precursor and that precursor is my dessert my opinion the lower denominations the lower not that will be passed out are now in the banks are now in the position ready to be handed over to the citizens with the uh drawing and pictures and whatnot to explain it to them if we have the float coming if we have the auction stopping if all the things s Sudan and the CPI have been saying well Areo therefore the
conclusion yeah then that means that the lower notes have been put in position because the next step would expose them I hope Shang Dole was with this tonight because that’s what I wanted to share with everybody now Pastor Kendall wanted me to dismiss his in prayer and we shall so that’s what I shared as dessert family let me uhu pause here that was the dessert that I shared um um Thursday night um think about what I said If and I mentioned one two three there’s a reality to these things from Sudani and his
government then I’m not even taking you in this direction you know towards the float I want to go backwards if what there’s telling them is true which it is in my opinion yeah we’re going to see this on December 31st or whatever they’re going to stop the auctions but if this is true then everything before it is also true and we told you that they would have the lower denoms in the pictures at the banks when the time was right based on what Sudani has said in our last study together in my opinion lower denoms are
in position where they need to be in order to be given to the Iraqi citizens now that’s how I wanted to start this out okay and What’s the title of your UB tub the title is 12 3124 stop I think that that’s rather explanatory isn’t it that self-explanatory isn’t it on December the 31st of this month of this year the auctions will stop I’d like to get started family and what we’re going to do is we’re going to start with final article uh like I told you get to the final article thread good you’re there we are now at the second to
the last uh page excuse me we’re we’re at the last page we’re at the second article not not not the very first one we’re at the second article on the last page and that would be final article number 4,794 it says when will the 2025 budget tables reach the House of Representatives when will the 2025 budget tables reach well with there with Sudani Sudani is doing what he’s doing you can say a second set of books you can say whatever you want you can say a supplemental government like we have been talking about you can say whatever
you want but but once again uh when will the 2025 budget tables reach the House of Representatives what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this who cares now I’m I’m hoping that you understand what I mean by that it’s not that’s not that’s not that’s not me being nasty that’s not being you know derogative or who cares no I’m telling you the truth who cares what those people in Parliament want final article number 4,700 and and and and the article basically is saying that final article
number 4,795 experts propose reconstructing some banks in line with government Banks experts I don’t even know you I I only pay attention to the economist or the experts that Sudani uh brings out Sudani didn’t tell me anything about you Mr expert and what do you saying uh we we propos to restructure uh some of our banks so that they can be in line with uh you know the government Banks what do I say up on top ladies and gentlemen what’s the blue title uh it’s already done thank you why are you talking about this why
are you bringing this issue Up When It’s Already Done oh you’re you’re a terrorist you’re a troublemaker you don’t want the monetary reform your cash cow is coming to an end yeah was too bad final article number 4,796 it says the Central Bank correspondent Banks and Traders reassurance Central Bank correspondent Banks and Trader reassurance now in the body it says the following uh enhancement in in EN enhancement it’s in quotations well then that okay something was enhanced what enhancement stage that
will start at the beginning of next year what’s going to start at the beginning of next year uh which will adopt transfer mechanisms with International standards that do not allow tampering with Iraqi funds in the country’s wealth that’s a lot of big words okay wait a minute enhancement you you’ve applied something yes we did what what what CVI what what did you apply uh starting at the beginning of next year on January the 1st yes yes yes yes okay what did you start on January the 1st uh it’s going to help us to transfer uh
it’ll be a it’ll be a mechanism to help us to transfer with International standards and your your article eight is what you’re saying your your currency is free to leave its borders yes okay and what about it well that’s not that’s going to prevent terrorism uh it will it will not allow tampering with with the Iraqi funds you can’t touch our money anymore and uh and and you can’t touch our country’s wealth anymore the purchasing power yeah man that’s a lot of words uh that’s a lot of uh that’s a lot of musle balls man you
you you got the musab ball to say something like like this yes we do what about Iran what about them okay okay what about Parliament what about them oh okay okay okay okay okay what about Maliki what about him okay I think I get the point you Sudan you’re you’re fully in in control of everything aren’t you yeah but there’s suggesting that you get your banks in line with your government Banks we’ve already done that tell them to shut up oh okay okay okay okay he ain’t playing should no play not anymore never did never did final
article number 4,797 International praise for government security and economic performances wow Bravo says the world what you got security and stability in your country yeah we do Bravo says the world what you’re article 8 yes we are Bravo says the world what you got a new exchange rate yeah how you know Bravo uh what do I say up on top okay so first of all once again International praise everybody he Bravo okay International praise for the government for Sudani for the government’s security and economic performances for what
you’ve done Sudani for the the two reforms Bravo and what do I say up on top uh the world trusts Sudani and his reforms you do too don’t you oh and there’s some good I I I I’m not I just don’t want to read you guys read we did all this work for you it’s all highlighted get in there and enjoy it final article number 4,798 want and and we want to thank Claire for that Claire is the quarterback for this final article thread and my wife for that matter final article number 4798 highlights of what prime minister
said during a special meeting with the head of Iraqi media Network on Al iraia news say it again highlights of what prime minister Sudani said during a special meeting I the well we know what he did that special meeting the USA was there they told him to get this thing done now this is a highlight of that meeting yes with the head of the Iraqi media Network on iraia news what do I say what’s the blue title for this article because it’s big it’s a big article it’s good but what do I say what’s the blue title for
it monetary reform hot points monetary reform hot points this whole article family is uh pointing out all the different things that uh that that that Sudani has done with his two reforms by reforming I mean the whole nation the whole banking structure everything inside of Iraq has been redone reshaped um this article itself is super long and and I call it monetary reform hot points now when you scroll down you see oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s endless oh this is seriously this is endless here I I’ll
even well no I won’t show you this is endless look at all those one I can’t even begin to count them I’m going to say 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 there’s over a 100 points hot points that are telling the world what Sudani has done with his two reforms now what do you think what what when it gets to the currency when it gets to the exchange rate what do you think it says what do you think it says huh okay first of all our government’s policy succeeded in a difficult stage our government’s
policies the monetary reforms and and economic reforms yeah our government’s policies succeeded in a difficult stage Iran terrorists but they’re gone yeah our government’s policies succeeded this is past T in a difficult stage family look at all of these points over a hundred of them and they’re all fantastic let’s just pick some of them for the heck of it okay I’m going close my eyes okay ready go boom let’s see what this one says we uh preserved the Supreme interest of Iraq and prevented it from being dragged into the areas of
conflict yes you did Sudani your leadership did this and that’s what allowed the reforms to do so well oh how about another one okay okay uh there are no threats and we do not allow any party to make any threats you got that Parliament you got that Iran you got that Democrats good I ain’t kidding I am not kidding how about another one Iraq has reached a stage of regional and international reliability and acceptability Sudani you think the whole world accepts you and your Banks you think that they find you reliable and
they find you acceptable really Sudani this is what you think the whole world thinks about you don’t you Frank yes I do there are so many of them we will not allow anybody to right look at this there’s just so many of them this year’s achievement of 2024 is not a is not a constitutional name and the year 2025 will be as well oh so 24 was not a constitutional name but 2025 will not be that’s a powerful statement here I’m just going to read some of these because they’re so good and you’re going to
enjoy them when you read them yourself this is the what did I call it what what is the blue title for this monetary reform hot point we established projects for 5 years 10 years and up to 20 years not at a program rate it’s impossible that’s right Frank oh okay can I read another one go ahead conducting a population census is an indicator of security and stability that’s what I said what else uh the people trust the current government that’s what I said we have a political project and a vision and it is and it is and its basis will
be the people that’s what Sudani said what else it is time for a new methodology in the political work just take them out into the back you know what to do with them that’s what yeah that’s what Sudani says he’s GNA bust you all the new methodology what’s the methodology okay good uh let’s read what else the country’s highest interest must always be the goal that’s what Trump said this is amazing how about way down at the bottle wait here our relationship with the United States is institutional that’s why your
Constitution is not going to be in oh that’s why you made that statement before that makes sense wow this is amazing what else there is a real partnership between Iraq and the United States yeah that’s what I said we ain’t going nowhere you know that we ain’t going nowhere are you kidding me we we’re not Obamas we don’t pull out we’re staying we’re going to protect not only you Iraq and Sudani but us our investment we agree with Trump to develop economic relations oh my word family you got to spend some time okay
go and read all of these there’s over a hundred and they’re all monetary reform hot points that what what Sudani has done and and it and it basically shows you that the bad guys you know the bad guys Parliament Sudani the state uh uh the state uh uh uh law all those bad guys defeated defeated today no not today two days ago two days ago uh Eddie says to me Mr Frank uh they’re really uh how did he put it I right they’re really angry uh he’s talking about you know those that were were’re stealing it all Parliament
they’re really angry why why what’s up now they just found out their Cash Cow is dead really yeah it’s on TV really yeah so I said Eddie tell Parliament to move over their days are done their days are done in fact it’s numbered their days are numbered it is it’s the same day that our president becomes the president of this this United States of America watch what happens after that uh final article number 4,799 Donald Trump oh hello speaking of Donald Trump and the quote great Iraqi Dinar revaluation I’m not making this up I’m
not making this look what’s you see that can you see it what does that say okay so this is an article that is saying that Donald Trump is part of the Great Iraqi Dinar revaluation okay first of all is this uh from you Sani let me see oh no it’s not from you but it is Iraqi business news now that’s a reputable place okay what is this let me see by guest bler any opinions expressed here are strictly of that of the authors uh inside of Iraq business Iraq business Sudani you let you let them put this in
here didn’t you Sudani you let them put this in here in here in in the buiness didn’t you Sudani huh did you Sani did you yes I did well it’s brilliant because Jiminy crickets look okay okay once again Donald Trump and the great Iraqi dinari evaluation what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this okay this is an opinion this is this is an opinion but a good one and family when you read this it’s going to be like it’s going to be like it’s going to be like you listening to me lecture to you it’s going to be like
me lecturing to you oh thank you uh to my staff to our ktfa admins our staff thank you for protecting me but I am going to help Paul Vance Paul Vance you you posted a question that my admins took off because I asked them to remove these type of questions but they tells me Paula that you’re new it tells me that you’ve been studying with other people you come in you say does Frank believe in the tears getting paid first Paula I hate to break your your heart sweetheart but there are no tears these other people that you study
with they created this illusion that if you belong to this tier you have to give up some of your Dinars you have to be part of their group whatever it is you will be able to exchange first uh that’s beyond stupid as stupid can get there are no tears there is no first level second level third level of our American population everybody’s got Dinars everybody will be treated the same way why because they all fall under the international laws the international banking laws there is no other ways there is no other options there is no
tier one tier two three three all that garbage you got that Paula okay sweetie I took some time to help you out welcome to ktfa oh and if they tell you uh give me your Dinars and you’ll be part of the Admiral group you’ll be part of the dong cha Bing China group uh you’ll be part of the humanitarian group you’ll be part of the United Nations group you’ll be part of run in fact turn them into the police because that’s money laundering you’re not allowed to do what they’re doing that’s evil and then they tell you
that if you belong to that group you’re not going to get with the CPI offers you’re going to get four five six seven eight you’re going to get a lot more which is again illegal there’s no such thing as two exchange rates for a currency you got that you got a lot to learn paa welcome to your new home let’s hope that Paula was happy about what I just said to her and if not if she’s negative then get rid of her completely but I don’t think so I think she’s going to be grateful that we just helped her so ladies and gentlemen this
final article number 4799 it is amazing because here’s a here’s a gentleman that is being allowed to go on on Iraqi business news now who do you think who do you think gave him that permission I already suggested who so he goes in there and he says you know what man the the the the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar Is For Real it is for Real it’s off the hook uh uh an I can never say this word Anna an doal antidot antidote and look can you see the word and help me with it I’m trying to I know what the word means
anal anotal anotal an okay antidotal evidence um good evidence let me just paraphrase it okay solid evidence justifiable evidence it’s a possibility evidence so this antidotal evidence including uh inquiring to the Iraqi business news seems to suggest seems to sugest um that supporters of the United States President elect Donald Trump are more likely to believe that the Iraqi currency the Iraqi dinar called the IQD will increase in value by an unprecedented multiple unprecedented multiple some are saying as much as
maybe 1,000 fold the dinar evaluation Theory emerged after the 2003 Iraqi War the basis of the premises is that Iraqi dinar which traded around $3 three IQs per one American dollar back in 1991’s Gulf War was crushed and roughly it went and then it goes on and it goes on and it tells you the history and it tells you what they’re going to do and what they’re doing right now yeah okay wow wow now as positive as this article is what number is this final article number 4799 oh it’s fantastic it’s got a picture of
Donald Trump right there with his hand saluting and oh this is the American flag in back of him yes sir Donald Trump uh so so if you’re you’re for Donald Trump then then you you think that there’s going to be a revaluation of the IQD says this guy oh and it’s a great report you know it’s got a lot of facts and figures in it then underneath it look what’s underneath it what does the title say a a currency of Iraq a compreh ensive guide uh excuse me not a the the currency of Iraq a comprehensive guide well is this good it sounds good
doesn’t it but it sucks because the article that I just told you 4799 is so good about the monetary reform and the truth the evil the farle decides to come out with a counter AR and says the concerning the currency of Iraq you know uh we have a comprehensive guide here to give you all right what do you want to say uh well the Iraqi dinar is the official currency of Iraq serving as a critical component of the nation’s economy uh infrastructure well you’re a genius yeah what about it uh well it turns out that for business investors
and speculators alike uh uh understanding the Dynamics of the dinar is essential for navigating in Iraqi markets uh the read of the Iraqi Nar plays a pedal role in shaping of our country’s trade and it goes on and on and on and on and on it’s fairly good but then towards the bottom towards the middle towards the bottom the guy says the opposite and that’s what they do that’s what evil does That’s what Satan does he causes confusion in the brain oh you can bite that Apple no no my man told me not to God told us
not not no you can do it it’s okay he told Adam not to bite it did he tell you not to bite it I don’t yes no I I what so this article that comes out and is so good about was about to happen with her with their currency is counted by another article that comes out and starts out so good but then it tells you it shows its real colors no we don’t need this no no no no we no no this will destroy our Cash Cow how are we going to steal money they don’t tell you that oh no listen if you stop the auctions at
the end of this month oh you know how detrimental that’s going to be you realize what you’re going to what is going to happen do you realize citizens will have purchasing power what are you crazy that’s the goal yeah but that’s not our goal I know so always be aware of the pro and the cons when the Articles come out that’s why we do as much as we can to teach you family and help you final article number 4,800 um renewing the Iraqi Japanese relationship with 11 billion in loans for Vital projects and development
policies oh wow where to go Japan you can really use their help can’t you you need their oil bad huh that’s okay hey Japan I like what you’re doing you’re establishing a relationship 11 billion loan Japan you know very well that Iraq does not have to pay back that loan right but you’re showing your commitment to Iraq aren’t you that’s pretty good you you you just made a move you just made a move that might actually help Taiwan ladies and gentlemen I’m going to step out of character for a second I received hundreds of your calls
and thank you by the way for all your well wishes of my birthday I I I just can’t return all of your texts and emails I’m sorry but know that I saw them know they touched me all of yours happy thanksgivings all of your Christmas textas you’re talking you know it’s thousands now that I just can’t keep up but I am honored I’m grateful thank you in my conversations with you there are many of you that ask me about the Vietnamese Dong I wanted to specialize and concentrate on the Iraqi dinar by doing so we would be able to
give you everything that we could and and and break it down and analyze it uh with our opinion as best as as as best we could and I think we’ve done a good job in these 20 years that we that we’ve been with you but concerning the Vietnamese Dong have you not noticed that my broker and I don’t look over there have you noticed that my broker and I only sell two currencies he has the ability to sell anything he wants he says within you know US territories but we only sell the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnamese Dong
why if you go to the uh international monetary fund the IMF website you’ll see on there about the Iraqi dinar it says the Iraqi dinar is going through a revaluation right now I would take them at their word hence my broker and I sell the Iraqi dinar oh why do you sell the Vietnamese Dong oh finally no this is the second one I think I saw someone to help us with walking stick earlier if anybody Rebecca yeah if anybody wants to help us we’re humbled we’re grateful and I thank you we need the money to help walking
stti but that’s still another week away from for him but still anyone that can help us we appreciate it we we’re great grateful thank you okay now back to what I was saying so Frank I understand the logic of selling the Iraqi dinar but tell me why do you also sell the Vietnamese Dong and I don’t answer that question but I feel like it now isn’t that crazy I feel like it because of the circumstance of the geopolitical Arena here let me try to help you okay you got Taiwan that is desperately trying to stay
afloat they’re worried that China is going to come in there and try to take them over they don’t want that their state television would quickly just boom flip over to the Chinese broadcast gu and they would tell them what to do Taiwan doesn’t want that Taiwan will fight back like a little Chihuahua it’s going to fight back but now Taiwan is linking up with others that’s smart Japan what are you doing linking up with others like who Iraq Taiwan have you linked up with with Iraq yet so as much as Taiwan wants to be
independent as much as they want to you know have things made in Taiwan all over the world it’s kind of difficult for them right now but but the little the little fire the little fire buug the little sparts The Little Engine That Could and did uh is Vietnam Vietnam right now is acquiring so much business from around the world and the reason why is because China is failing China’s economy is like has cancer it is slowly eroding away every day every month every year their economy is getting worse and worse
and worse exporters don’t really want to do any more business with China United St get ready when Trump gets in there you’ve lost everything China from ABC to tick tock you’re going to lose it all it was your greed it was your greed so those that were getting cheap labor products from China will turn to Taiwan and turn turning to Vietnam Vietnam’s economy is exploding but they’ve learned a little trick from their daddy and their mom they’re not going to raise the value of their exchange rate for their
currency they want to take advantage with all of this business that’s going through their borders with a low exchange rate you can only do that for so long Vietnam eventually people will get mad what if they all turned in their attentions to Taiwan tell me mexic are you losing your plants that you had yes you are aren’t you so ladies and gentlemen the Vietnamese Dong has explosive potential in my opinion based on what I just told you that the world will now slowly turn more and more towards Vietnam for the things that they used to
get out of China that evidence has already been displayed in the last six years in their economy if you study if you study Vietnam if you went to Vietnam today you would think you in Dubai who knows maybe when this is all said and done I’ll teach a little bit about the Vietnamese Dong but I think I just gave you a Mountain’s worth of information because in the northern part of Vietnam six years ago they discovered a field that grows this plant that will eventually overtake seia because it’s a better
plant it’s amazing so we uh will’ll have our Advertiser in about five minutes he’s only going to talk about five minutes and so this final article number 4,800 renewing Iraq uh Japanese relationship with 11 billion in loan for Vital projects and development policy what is it that I say uh what is the blue title for this article and I say the following another Iraqi investor gets its wings final article number 4,801 did non oil revenues contribute to Iraq’s budget question mark what do I say up on top
yes with 1 two 3 four 5 six seven eight with nine explanation marks one one two 3 one two 3 one two three did non oil revenues contribute to Iraq’s budget yes and I’ve already taught you I’ve already given you all the pros and cons of a Dutch Disease an economy a currency uh an economy in in a country cannot have a Dutch disease they can’t they can’t put all their eggs in one basket it’s too dangerous even though Iraq has done that but it doesn’t matter because it was all being stolen anyways but now the
diversification is important so the question is being posed did non oil revenues contribute to Iraq’s budget hell yes you know how much olive oil is in that budget you know how many diamonds are in that budget you how much you know how much copper is in that budget how much how much silver is in how much gold speaking of gold Iraq have you bought more gold yes we did let me ask you something why are you buying gold uh no comment no no no no no really look let me ask you this aren’t you going to
float your currency yes in a basket if you’re going to float your currency in a basket then what do you need gold for you don’t have you don’t need gold to back your currency the basket back the basket backs your currency stay on line I’m putting you on mute stay stay on line did you understand what I just said family good right now I’d like to stop but so anyways that was that article did the oil contribute to it and all but everything else did they got so much gold they got so much gold they don’t
even need the basket so why are they doing the basket as a favor to all these other investors so we’re going to pick up with final article number 4,82 when we come back right now I’d like for you just give uh my dear friend Allan uh just a few minutes because he came before and he told you about this and I want him to tell you uh about this uh once again Allan are you there sir Allan are you there sir yes sir I’m here the floor is the floor is yours let me know when you’re done thank you yes sir very very quickly
yes sir I appreciate that hey this is Alan Mullins and uh I I I was calling in about the uh visa and MasterCard settlement that took place back last year in h March of last year and I I got overwhelmed I totally overwhelmed everybody calling in and everything and I just want to let you know that if you did call in I am working through everybody individually and in order and gain to everybody as quickly as possible uh but I want let you know that if you had a business any time between uh January the 1st 2004 through January the
25th of 2019 those 15 years if you had a business that accepted Mastercard or VISA then there was a settlement and you probably more than likely have I can’t guarantee but you more than likely have money coming back from this settlement and I’m working with attorneys that are working with the individuals and getting their money back and submitting everything to the courts for that payment uh if you if you had a business during that time if you would reach out to me please again my name is Allan
Mullins My phone number is 770 31521 09 my email address is Stellar Lind s t l l a r l ND if you have already reached out and uh um you have not gotten a hold of me yet please uh keep keep calling me go ahead and call me or you can email me that might be the better way uh but all I need is a little bit of information from you and we’ll get you in the system uh also there is a program for restaurants now um that uh they are offering a $5,000 um uh settlement straight out straight $5,000 to restaurants
who accept Visa Mastercard now uh currently but you have to qualify for that so if you’re if you own a restaurant and you’re interested in that please reach out to me anywhere in America any type of restaurant whatsoever they’ll work with you uh and it’ll be $5,000 that they’ll put in your pocket uh for working with them if you qualify so anyway Frank thank you so much for letting me on and um uh got people are calling with a lot of questions and um I really look forward to helping everybody that I can I called
my sister and I told her that you were trying to call and she says I don’t listen to my voicemails I get to oh no and I said okay well uh I’ll have them go call you so go ahead I’ll definitely I I’ll definitely keep preaching out to her yes until she until she answered I’ll be happy to do that text text her she might be able to do it that way although she said she knew about it and she had already filled out the papers but I told her I said I still wanted her to talk to you to see if there’s any
loose ends that she may not know about absolutely yes anywhere that I can help especially family things like that and the ktf family you know if if there’s anything that I can do you know to help them I’ll be happy to do that I I appreciate you let me on and tell this to the people I think it’s going to be a a real blessing to the people yeah you don’t want to leave this money on the table because if you don’t know about it you’ll never get it it’ll walk right by you exactly and I mean they we I I
mentioned before that there was a 50% saturation that they were trying to get to they did not reach that with the original deadline back in August I do believe that they’re going to reach that 50% deadline uh February the 4th is the deadline for getting this in and you know so we need to have it in you know by the at least by the end of January uh so I do believe they are going to reach the 50% saturation this time and you know it looks like after that that people will start getting their money
and I mean we we have people already in your family um uh Frank that you know could be getting 50 60 ,000 back so it’s going to be a true blessing for a lot of people it is going to be a blessing and I’m very grateful to to you to bring this to us listen uh maybe in a maybe next week let’s bring you back in because you know five minutes is no problem and just explain to the the family once again okay yes sir I’ll be happy to thank you I hope I hope I did good on the time this time thank you God
bless you bye bye yes sir bye bye hey family did you notice that last time I was with you last Thursday I wore a red suit and a green um a green vest and and and a no a green tie and a white vest today I reversed them the Christmas colors I’ll tell you the next time our next UB Tui we’re going to have a guest I’ll tell you that much right now anyways so let’s see where we at I don’t know what am I doing oh we got a pick up where we left off so let’s go back to the final articles and that was Final
article number 4,801 excuse me 4,000 thank you 4,82 I just work here I’m sorry parliamentary committee confirms the return of movements regarding preparation for uh of the oil draft and gas law so here’s Parliament once again being silly thank you uh who is that winter C Winters thank you thank you thank you so much golly truly sincerely thank you so we got uh ium I iumer whatever your name is you don’t ask those kind of questions okay it’s against the law you understand thank you all righty so this one says uh
Parliament committee wants to know hey when is the when is the draft and the gas law you know the HCL uh when we going to have that uh Hey and you know Parliament asking right what do I say up on top what’s the blue title will you please shut up will you please shut up Parliament I don’t even have to waste any more time on that do I family final article number 483 uh brazan what’s up buddy bani discusses Regional developments with Trump’s National Security nominee holy cow really bani you had a conversation
with Trump’s people yes wow what’s the blue title uh the same conversation was with Sudani yes they told me final article number 484 Al Sudani directs the opening of musul international airport on June the 10th what do I say up on top believe it or not ktfa family believe it or not this is important for the monetary reform that’s why I bring you this article the the the the the roads that Rome built is what allowed Rome to exist for over 500 years no other government has existed the the United States
government is is is getting you know we we’re we’re what I don’t know headed towards 300 years in existence something like that that that this is amazing the roads of Iraq are not just on the road on the ground they are in the air they’re in the water these roads are going to bring in the power to the currency right now the Iraqi is sitting there smiling so big you know why because of all of the foreign currency that is poured in that is backing it up all this foreign currency all these contracts that are still waiting in fact
for for the signal they had to have their currency foreign cursy converted into Iraqi dinars good God Almighty that’s the same thing that the United States did with the dollar with oil but they they took it and they applied it for themselves well Bravo for you Sani and Bravo for you to United States Treasury for working this out with them this is amazing believe it or not this is very important for the monetary reform the opening of this airport final article number 485 the dollar market is and by the way
tankk we were at almost 2,000 people and it went down to 1,600 because of the commercial that we did M let me ask you something at any time during my broadcast can I stop people from coming in to watch no like for example right now I would love to lock it all those three four 500 people that just left that’s just I just find it so dirty for them to do that but uh but I shouldn’t let it bother me final article number 4,805 now this article I hope that you’re watching with me Claire found that funny something
else I said oh oh something else okay um now this article I hope you’re with me I hope that you’re in our form I hope you’re looking at this article because look at it here go go ahead and look at look scroll up look at that look at that look at that huh all right so now let’s let’s talk about what you just looked at final article number 485 the dollar market is is one leg the dollar market is on the dollar market Market in Iraq is on one leg that’s not very good is it no Mr Dylan no Chester never did
like that one leg it turns out that a new mechanism and the exchange rate is threatened sound like snaggle puss there is threatened really the dollar market is on one leg that is true a new mechanism and the exchange rate is threatened that’s not true in fact what does it say you are the threat you see the blue writing this whole article is tattooed with blue writing so let’s start right there the dollar market is on one leg that is true a new mechanism and the exchange rate is threatened no the fact that it’s on one
leg is what is going to save the exchange rate you Thief you put this article out to try to cause confusion well I tore it apart sucker what is the blue title that I gave this article the monetary reform spits out lukewarm that’s exactly what you are with this article wishy-washy oh it’s going to be good oh no it’s bad oh I don’t think we should do it oh I think it might be the monetary reform spits out luk warm you’re either with us or you’re against us and the title itself already starts out with something so
idiotic an oxymoron a sentence that cancels itself from the beginning to the end continuing reading this article the Central Bank of Iraq is preparing to stop dealing with the electronic platforms for dollar transfers abroad thank God it’s going to float it’ll gain value and at at a time when experts have warned against raising the exchange rate to a higher level in light of the news circulating about this in light of the news circulating about this do you think that the news is circulating in Iraq is
saying oh it’s terrible to raise the value of our currency oh it’s horrible really you’re that stupid to put this out okay what do I say you are a liar you are a liar in the story let’s read through the next paragraph the electronic platform was launched in early 2023 that is true and it just just they just did it at the beginning of this year to tell you the truth I don’t know about last year but so be it and it represents a system for auditing dollar transfers before they are executed yeah yeah but you guys found a way to steal
it all the time instead of the audit that the United States Federal Reserve used uh to conduct after this execution well wait a minute okay once let’s let’s read that again really quick the electronic platform the electronic platform was launched early the in 2023 and it represents a system for auditing dollar transfers before they are executed instead of the audit of the US federal reserves used to conduct after the execution of of of of this of this currency uh okay and and what do I say in blue what does it say what do what am
I saying about this paragraph and this angers you and this angers you let us continue to read what else are you got to say to the citizens of Iraq Banks and companies and Merchants in Iraq faced oh yeah Banks look which what do I do refresh P got it thank you Banks don’t do that Banks companies and Merchants in Iraq faced some challenges before adapting uh to the new method Banks companies and Merchants in Iraq faced some challenges yeah they faced you faced some challenges before adapting to the new method what do I say
in blue what’s my Blue Tattoo there not a single issue not a single issue there is not a single issue it went through smoothly stop with your lies uh some Iraqi Banks face challenges uh before adopting this no they didn’t they went very smoothly nice try continue let’s read let’s let’s continue to read your garbage but they finally underw but they finally but they finally underwent a series of training remember we talked about that but they finally went under a series of training that the employees of these
Banks received before fully adapting to the platform’s work what do I say in blue what’s my little tattoo there um then then why all the drama if the monetary reform was a success because that’s your job isn’t it that’s your job continuing uh the exchange rate hike adding purchasing power to the currency what about it the exchange rate hike in light of those moves news has been ra raised about a move towards a new adjustment to the exchange rate which has raised Economist concerns about the potential impact of this move
and the and the economic process in general what do I say What’s My Blue Tattoo there what do I say to about this paragraph you okay you okay wait you seriously think that adding purchasing power uh uh uh to the currency for the citizens is a negative concern this is what you’re saying this is what you just vomited out because it smells it smells like a lie and family I bring this out because these are the things that Eddie has to go through man they go crazy but but they’re no longer fooled the last time I
was with you on Thursday you saw what Eddie said you saw what Mr Sammy said to him in fact for those of you in premium in club 26 you saw what he said two days ago didn’t you and I have more to share from you from from Mr Sam Mr Samy has turned out to be quite an asset uh we will reward him final article number 4,86 Al maadani uh what about it Parliament is Keen to approve the budget schedules oh okay well first of all Al maadani you’re a good guy you’re actually a good guy aren’t you the House of
Representative dude the Speaker of the House of Representative that aren’t you you’re you’re the one that tunani appointed so what are you saying Parliament is Keen to approve the budget schedule what do I say up on top uh good guy controls Parliament for Sudani oh that’s you mashhadani yeah okay but Parliament is Keen to approve the budget schedule but they said it was a mess and it was no no good don’t raise the value they said all kinds of negative but now you’re saying just as a speaker of of
parliament uh you’re saying that Parliament is now saying we are Keen to approve the budget schedule really so they’re not acting like little Queens anymore huh they’re Keen instead to go ahead and do it CU they got no choice their Cash Cow is dead it’s hamburger what yum [Laughter] SN oh that broke the tension there for me my wife she loves hamburgers she loves a bacon cheeseburger that was the first thing that when I went went to meet her at her house the very first time her mom opened the door and she looked
at me and it wasn’t even five minutes later she says you hungry are you hungry are you hungry I said no ma’am I’m and and and Jan looked at me she said you better say yes you better uh yes ma’am I’m starving I’m I’m really hungry well come on enter the kitchen son we’re g to make you a she didn’t talk like that she didn’t talk like that how did she talk well come into the kitchen sit down sit down yes ma’am yes ma’am oh man her name was Ruby oh Ruby now I want a Ka bur now you want a Kaa aab Burger I do too but their Cash
Cow is dead sweetheart okay and that means that they made a hamburger out of that cow okay and they probably are selling it at the COA AA uh burgers in uh where is it it’s up in is H is in drive through waiting to get their burger right now they just posted what somebody’s in a drivethru they’re waiting to kaana no no kidding here we are talking about hamburgers and they in a driveth through to get Hamburg so yeah Al muchad basically is controlling Parliament and Parliament is say okay we’re ready to pass it you got no choice
you idiots final article number 487 central banks harvested in 2024 and its uh strategic access of 2025 what do I say up on top uh International banking laws playing playing on the same level this article family is talking about how all of the banks in Iraq are now following International banking laws that’s fantastic that’s article 8 that’s the freedom of the capital freedom of movement security and stability within their Banks this is all that was necessary for the monetary reform to come out with a new exchange
rate this is a beautiful AR IAL very well put together final article number 488 Central Bank policy in light of banking compliance with International standards did we not just say that did we not just say that you see how we put these articles together yeah you do once again Central Bank policy in light of the bank in compliance with International standards between controversy of expectations and requirements man that’s a lot of words salad where they got Cala working over there no what do I say on top what’s the
blue title monetary reform truths and the facts for the citizens of Iraq so when you look at this article uh half of it is is is red half of it is five times blown up five times and red for a reason here let’s look at this very quickly the debate is Raging there is no debate it’s happening the debate is Raging about the steps taken by the Central Bank of Iraq towards the United States Federal Reserves and the US Treasury and doubts are raised that they are are incorrect steps in managing monetary policy really
pick a finger our opinions even went so far as to warn of banking collapse as a result of these agreements that will result from them at the beginning of next year oh at the beginning of next year you intend to start with this that you say is going to be a collapse I wonder what you’re going to start at the beginning of next year you got no choice because of what’s going to happen at the end of this year do you cons uh that result from them at the beginning of next year in terms of the connections of
the Iraqi Arab banks with corresponding of American banks these options described it as confusion and error in following monetary policies that are not appropriate for the current economic situation you want to bet and besides it’s already done it’s too late you can huff and puff all you want it ain’t going to work therefore we say therefore we say in this regard and warn against the incor correctness of these opinions if we take them in good faith and as the after mentioned steps and procedures
are no uh nothing but a reflection of the central bank’s policy to support the national economy in its orientation towards establishing a relationship with Arabs and international correspondent Banks and the gradual transactions to operate to enhance the advanced balance of shut up basically it says look our banks cannot afford to raise the Val value of our currency which in turn is counted by the people that know what’s going on you’re stupid of course it’s going to help our economy it already has you’re stupid
you’re trying to cause trouble sudon is going to take care of you if you continue this so they don’t and what they do is they come out with these articles that are a little bit confusing that say one thing and then another well which is it but Eddie and his family they don’t play this game no more do you Eddie anyways the bottom part of the article tries to make amend for its attempt to destroy the success of the monetary reform it is about to mature in it’s concluded in its concl you mean in its
conclusion from the above and according to the importance of the linkage and compliance step that the private sector must be ready it is to start developing and financing the national economy and achieving the desired growth it has especially after American Banks like JP Morgan now do you understand family recently expressed its Readiness to support Iraq trade financing operation which is the largest in size and Sol and Sol solidity among Global Banks and has a major role in corresponding operations between Banks
worldwide y we do worldwide we got we’re connected with well then why are you talking stupid why you saying that what you’re you’re saying that what has been established with all of these countries and their Banks is detrimental to Iraqi Banks and then you come over here and you say well the solidarity that we have with global Banks uh it has a major role in the correspondent operation between Banks worldwide you speak with a fork tongue but it’s too late these are these are nothing more but but but acts of
desperation it’s too late you cried wolf so many times the wolf is looking at you right in your eyes final article number 4,809 with the document with the document with a do with the doc with with what document the new conditions of the Central Bank of Iraq for buying and selling foreign currencies oh family Iraq is going to become digitalized family The Book of Revelations tells us that the world will go in this direction family hypothesis is coming very soon family the signs are here Iraq is telling its Iraq its citizens
about the monetary reform about the purchasing power about the exchange rate about the float Iraq is uh telling the Iraqi citizens uh about um the future of their currency because they don’t want them to use their currency I can just see about 500 people just fell off their couch what did he just say Iraq Sudani the CB they don’t want Iraqis to use the new currency what are you talking about Willis go ask Willis my name is Frank what are you talking about Frank um I’ll explain it to you when I get to Eddie’s report okay Iraq doesn’t
want them to use their you mean the lower notes yeah the ones that you just said that are now in position to be given to the citizens yeah isn’t that an oxymoron oh hell no I’ll explain it to you in a little bit okay final article number 4,810 Dollar auctions hello December 31st 2024 what’s up the dollar auctions uh what is the truth about stopping the central bank’s platform for the currency conversion what do I say up on top what’s the blue title let me see oh this is a good one um a hodge podge of
Truth a hodge podge of Truth make sure that you read this because look what it says the dollar auctions okay let me ask you something what is the truth about stopping the central bank’s platform for currency conversion why are we doing this when you look at the body in here I highlighted a little bit the talk about the official suspension of the central bank’s platform for the currency transfer window on today’s date December the 23rd 2024 is incorrect what this platform will be stopped at the end of
this year according to what the banks officially announced not 1223 like it says here that’s incorrect we will stop the auctions 12312 stop that’s your title okay all right all righty all righty P you remember the other article that I said oh my word look at the monetary reform hot hotpots and I told you there was over a hundred of them right and then here comes the other article that comes out and says no no no no it was the opposite of all the hotpots they denied everything right because that’s what they do they want to
cause confusion they want to cause lies okay we’re kind of used to that here in America aren’t we yeah so this article that I just read to you is beautiful a high podge of truth of about the monetary reform look at the next article right underneath it expected rise in the dollar temporary shock awaits the Iraqi Market what do I call this what’s the blue title a hodge podge of monetary reform confusion just like the other article that was so good it was followed up by an article that lied this article that I
just told you that is amazing is follow followed up by this article there’s a bunch of lies and confusions be aware of this okay okay now we’re done with the Articles oh and by the way I want to thank Somebody by the name of Grandma Betty Grandma Betty you sent me a PM I see it here uh this is so I don’t know about five days ago but Grandma Betty I did not respond because you’re asking me you say that you had a family member that went to a bank and they told you that they could exchange uh they could exchange the Iraqi dinar
for $1.76 or9 or a196 today uh today this day on Monday so now you see why I did not respond to you I didn’t respond to you because anybody that gives you a date or a rate you need to run away from them as quickly as possible now you say to me oh no this is what the bank told you know my my my relative my friend or whatever unfortunately your relative heard wrong and today you know that you now know that that’s what happened okay okay all righty family now we’re going to walk into uh uh Eddie’s uh report to share
with you what was the day what was the last day I was with the family tank 19th the 19th oh that’s right because the following day with my was my my birthday right yep it’s my birthday it’s my birthday it’s my birthday thank you for all of you thank you for all of you that um sent me birthday well wishes you’re very very kind I appreciate you all okay that’s gone that’s gone here we go hi Eddie so I’m looking for the 20th family that’s wow that’s just yesterday jeez Lou Thursday what was Thursday Jen 18 18 no
Thursday was the 19th 19th so I’m looking for Friday here we go family so we start with uh because that was the last thing I gave you so now we’re going to start with Friday at uh 7:59 in the morning today television is uh saying talking about the dis dispersement of the funds and all of 2023 and all of 2024 investment side of the budget they’re saying is going to start on the 25th of December Mr Frank that tells us Iraqi citizens that what they’re meaning is that everything is done including a
rate everything is done including a rate that’s what tells us that’s what tells us uh Iraqi citizens because they said this must be done prior to 20 25 budget review but they talked about the investment side of the budget and we know that’s the part that’s the part that is rate related Eddie my goodness son you’ve been studying the answer to what you just said to me is yes good conclusion on your own I love the fact that you’re not allowing them to to to to drag you into this quicksand and and drown you you know what the who
the Liars are and you know what those lies are and you know who to only pay attention to even brazan came out this week and talked Friday next report I’ve been sending Eddie to Mr Sammy a lot Mr Samy says this new foreign currency that the CBI is dealing with all those contracts that the CBI is dealing with well it only adds to our reserves it only makes us stronger Mr Frank and and and Mr Eddie said that the the the key here is all all of these currencies are already International so therefore so so how would Iraq not be
International how would Iraq not be also this allows all the CB eyes to interact at one level that’s right oh dear unfortunately now it’s my turn and you know my turn is it just I talk too much but let me give you my report of what I gave your your deduction about the budget is correct Eddie very good son you must be studying that budget is going going to expose everything that we’ve been waiting for anyways also yes Edie you are international so is your currency so is your banking structure so is your new
exchange rate um oh excuse me I didn’t say so is the new so is your currency so is your uh your banking structure and the new exchange rate will be the cherry on top of everything that Sudani has accomplished for you citizens it will bring you purchasing power it will bring security and stability from the enemy that stole your money all these years and it will be a very strong relationship with the United States of America which will help our dollar and protect your country Eddie tell Mr Samy the fact that
they are about to stop the auctions means it has to be replaced with a new exchange rate to add value to your currency if all of these things are true from Sudani that he has told you recently then that has told you are true then another thing is true in my opinion thank you Donnie then another thing is true in my opinion the lower notes that they’re going to give to you in my opinion are now in position ready loaded to go ready to be given to you do me a favor Eddie ask Mr Sammy because I got a feeling he has already seen them
seen the pictures of those notes to which he said to which he said this Eddie says Mr Sammy says to Mr Frank time will tell Mr Frank is about all that I can relate to you with a smile thank you Mr Sammy to which I said to Eddie he got them he got them he got them man he got them that’s how you do detective work I think you got them Friday 2 o’clock in the afternoon television guy calling for auctions as fluctuating Dinars reacts to The Soaring dollar with auctions closing these guys are just won’t give up Mr Frank we know
exactly what’s going on and yet they want to try to throw a uh their opinion and cause confusion I said Eddie the only action is to release a new exchange rate and the lower notes to match this there is no other option there is no other option they are now obligated to do this especially after at the end of of this month to which he says exactly because right now the street market it’s at 1520 and that’s just beyond stupid Saturday we now walk into Saturday and this was interesting because because of U prior conversations
that we had but more so because of what he sent to us listen to this Mr Frank he’s talking about Iraqi citizens we at the point we at the point uh we we at point now that we expect to see a lock and give us a speech at any time now so I in turn ask him was this scheduled did you see this on television you feel that he’s going to talk to you yes Mr Frank but I’m saying this to you because of what Mr Sammy had told told has told me okay fire away what else did Mr Sammy give you Saturday 9 something in the morning Mr
Sammy says that the CBI said Mr Sammy say says no says should be says Mr Samy say says the CBI said that when they when they uh when they when they you know bring the electronic platform and when they went to the digital external uh platforms U you know earlier this year with all of these uh uh countries uh currencies Mr Samy said that basically that says that Iraq has met all International standards Mr Sammy says this is a huge move for our monetary reform because it’s showing Iraq is going International Mr Sammy
says opening these external transfers the ones that I told you that will exist that Aki has taken care of opening these external transfers will get rid of the black market because we will be in international and and not only that but also like for example uh FSX uh Swift system um all those are also the Avenues uh that he’s talking about Saturday 10:50 in the morning he they they’re giving them a lecture on the concept of not being infected with Dutch disease and here we go Chalet on TV saying that they want to raise the
non-oil revenues uh to 20% they were at 7% and now they’re at 14 or at least onethird of the budget but and they’re now shooting for 20% of the budget to be uh non oil related that’s good that’s good Eddie but it’s not important Saturday television is reshowing the speech of Sudani from other day when he said citizens want something realistic and they are tired of promises now the fact that they res showed it is extremely important Sudani is going out almost almost almost now on a daily basis telling the Iraqi citizens I got
you I got you I told you I’m going to give you purchasing power I got you now stop it and then he comes out and he tells them he says to them uh TV show in speech of Sudani from the other day when he said the citizens want something realistic and they’re tired of promises so yeah that’s good that’s good Sudani so give it to them uh now we are at yesterday let’s start early in the morning there’s a big television special on uh by the CBI on the objectives of the external transfers from the CBI Mr
Frank they have really been pushing to us the idea of these external transfers uh I went to go see Mr Sammy like you told me Mr Sammy told me today the only big thing remaining this is his opinion it’s my opinion I I see you Mr Sammy told me this is yesterday okay so Mr Sammy told me you know what the the you know realistically you know to be honest with you the the only big thing remaining and we’re going to see it soon is Iraq deing from the dollar and and and with the auctions uh the closing it’s just a
matter of time when they’re going to give you uh what we they’re going to give you your lower uh so now we’re at uh we now we’re at yesterday stillest oh dear how are they Tink are they bored no look at this one I’ll be right back I’m out of here okay oh look we’re back up to 2 but boy did you guys miss a lot that’s okay yesterday television is talking about the discussion for adjustment to uh to to have a new exchange rate can you believe that Mr Frank every day they tell us they’re going to give us a new
exchange rate and this is this is the real good part you know why they’re telling us they’re going to give us a new exchange rate they say since the auctions are stopping since the auctions are stopping since the auctions are stopping one guy is saying it’s not about raising the purchasing power uh but it’s about the demand on the dollar with trade with other countries Eddie knows better and Eddie Eddie gets mad he said these corrupt these corrupts are about to have a fit is this is it right here look it
look at look at the these corrupt people they’re about to have a fit Mr Frank you know why because their Cash Cow is coming to an end yes good job good job Eddie that’s the attitude stand strong don’t abandon your post to which I said yes said he tell Parliament to move over their cow is dead the cash cow is coming to an end and that’s why the terrorists in your country from Parliament politicians that have been stealing and delaying your purchasing power are giving up basically they will they will there will always be
cockroaches in your government but but but they are but their bite is no longer powerful International the international world is excited about your country Eddie you you’re excited I’m excited everybody knows everyone’s excited everyone knows the truth they all know the truth that this is not a scam this is not a scam it’s a reality that is that is already here it’s just simply being presented to you look look what Mr Samy said he’s trying to tell you it’s here they’re going to give it to you very
soon as soon as the auctions end Mr Sammy is preparing you Eddie he is preparing you he wants you to get ready he doesn’t want you to waste anym Time by complaining instead be focused be smart on how you’re going to protect your purchasing power for for uh from these idiots that say that this is not purchasing power it’s to remove the dollar well tell that stupid individual that by removing the dollar you get purchasing power so so stop talking like Camala we don’t need no more war word salads get him out of there Eddie of
course now we just want what was promised and look what Sudani did a couple of days ago he came out and he told you I got you I know what you want I know you’re sick and tired I know you’re sick and tired of waiting I got you it’s coming sheez how many times has he done that Eddie this year alone he’s not lying son he’s preparing you to give you you’re purchasing power and I pray that it’s this year I do but if it’s not who cares it’s coming that’s all there is to it oh I I I still am still talking and
hold on oh dear um that it’s that’s all there is it Eddie the people that are on television talking about the adjustment of the exchange rate are preparing you Eddie as I have said a million times this monetary reform must not fail with you Iraqi citizens it can fail with the international world but it must not but it must not fail internally with you that’s why Sudani reaches out and talks to you constantly telling you citizens that what he promised you is coming he will keep his promise he will keep his
promise uh then we walk into uh and and and Mr Sammy bless his heart is also doing his very best to help me to help uh Eddie Mr Sammy told Eddie not to read into any of the of that television news that’s not a lock speaking but rather a person who benefits from the black market oh my goodness well put perfect words Mr Sammy I agree with you 100% thanks for helping me with Eddie Frank all banks according to Mr Samy have stopped all cash transfers from today to January the 7th as part of early inventory and we have have uh
declared a two-day holiday on Christmas and then the next day uh this is the first time that we’ve ever done anything anything like that on Christmas I say to him Eddie as soon as and soon you will have purchasing power for the first time in a long time uh now we’re today and here we go television is showing Sani visiting musul today and he says musul uh talked about the large amount of reconstruction projects going in there Sudani all over the place and so is Ban Frank television showing Germany German Germany schools
Germany you mean television showing German schools of Finance working with the CBI of Iraq yeah uh today 8 uh something in the in the morning still TV guy is saying and when he says TV guy it’s people that we don’t trust TV guy is saying that L talked about the closing of the cash transfers until January the 7th now that’s the report that he gave us earlier to that and the annual inventory but Mr Frank they said that this will also Mark the end of using or handling cash that will Mark the end of handling
cash on the 7th so they tell us that this will also Mark the end of using or handling cash as ever before which leads us to think that he is talking about work going digitally we’re going digitally Mr Frank we’re going digitally mostly with a new rate I mean we’re going digitally with a new rate mostly with a new rate and handling of cash it it it will be changed forever from from from how how we how this is from how we read into what they’re saying to us you know today are we are we understanding this
correct Mr Frank they’re going to stop the auctions at the end of the month and then by the 7th they’re going to stop the lower notes now do you understand why I said what I said earlier family about the lower notes good I should have told you sidebar so you could re refer back but you remember this is new this is the new file we open with you tonight this is new so Mr Frank they want us to go into the banks open an account they’re going to have everything in there for us they’re talking that they’re going to
adjust the exchange rate they’re saying that they’re going to give us purchasing power I’m sorry I can’t read all of this to you hold on and they’re saying that they’re going to close the cash transfer first on January the 7th they say it’s for the annual edit and inventory but then they’re talking about the digitalization that it’s going to be mostly with a new rate and and and they’re telling us that the handling the handling of cash will be changed forever from how we from how from what we understand Mr Frank about
this it sounds like we’re not going to be using our our lower notes very much next report Kurds are shutting down operations from 12:25 to 111 there six days for a birthday celebration CBI talking about we are compliant with International banking policies okay uh to which then I I um I I respond to what he told me because uh so much that he sent and I I have so much to respond back to him so let’s just kick back and relax cuz it’s long Eddie I appreciate what Mr Sammy told you yesterday you know for you not
to pay attention to these people that are talking negative against the monetary reform anybody that goes against Sudan’s plans to give you purchasing power should be ignored because they represent the black market and that’s what Mr Sammy said tell Mr Sammy well said sir well said sir that’s that that we that’s that’s a good definition that is why Eddie that’s why I am constantly trying to lift you because you must not you must not allow these demons to defeat you they are liars and they’re at their desperate
moment right now because you’re about to have what is promised to you you see you know the truth and they’re learning the truth you are already Victorious Eddie you are in a celebration State remember that Sudani almost on a daily basis is encourage encouraging you that he’s on your side he’s not the terrorist like they are now lady I want you to stop and think the stopping of all the bank transfers is part of an annual audit yes but in my opinion it is also part of the final stage of your monetary reform to
bring you purchasing power you are going digital yes you will not use the American dollar and you will rarely use your lower notes I’m introducing this to you because you’re asking me you can back this up with Mr Sammy these are the signs these are the indications these are the reasons of why your currency is going International now because it is free and the whole world wants to use it and that effect that effect for them using it will cause your currency to gain value outside of your borders but
first it will gain value inside of your borders by by being paired to the American dollar it has to deeg and go into a pair in an international basket these events do not need to happen because they have already happened they are simply they are simply being shown to you now Eddie when the CBI tells you that all of her banks are compliant with International rules that is the announcement for the introduction of the international basket that will carry your currency into the world uh Eddie in my in my language
because I speak uh Spanish I would uh I would be saying right now that your country is Mu it is it’s super hot it’s on fire uh today continuing fifth report from today there’s a big speech on the television about why closing the auctions and what it’s going to do we already know what it’s going to do Mr Frank it’s going to bring us purchasing power and it’s going to kill the Cash Cow of those evil people also Mr Frank Chalet on TV saying the CBI had harvest in 24 and they’re talking about 25 the year of 25 uh
Parliament committees on TV saying it is about to become a a great investment and have a prosperous economy Parliament committee on TV saying the Iraq is about to become a great investment and have a prosperous economy where you been stupid oh Parliament please go away can continuing Eddie’s report uh six report from today oh I like that Eddie 333 good numbers television is saying that the government is television saying government saying we need to use electronic payments for all for all economic activity stressing the need for
this you getting that you getting that feeling Eddie you getting that feeling they’re going to tell them that they’re not going to be using their lower nodes remember the tender the amount now it makes sense ah they only needed some oh my goodness this is brilliant the ATM machines got the this is smart they’re forcing their hand wow this is a story with in a story this is cool wow okay we need to say electronic payments we believe that they’re getting us ready to go digital I can’t read you this yeah you hear
that the water say what the water thing downstairs but it was a voice wasn’t it it’s going oh yeah it was a voice going okay it’s okay it’s okay we know what it is so don’t worry about it uh to which I say yes Edie see we you are you’re going you’re going to become a cash of Society Eddie you’re gonna become a cat of society and and and at the onset you know at at the start uh it is very important that you realize this it’s important you realize it too family it’s important that you realize this because as the months go by you
will use less and less of the lower notes now why is it important why is it important for you to know that family because if they’re teaching them that they’re going to be digitalizing and using very few of their lower notes then they’re here now the oh bless his heart now I can’t show you all no more but look at what he says he says Thank you Mr Frank or is it just says thank you that we have to stop so that’s it on the um that’s your second report that i’ I’ve given you for tonight first one was
the art Bo the first one was strong and this was uh very strong because you learned something new you now have something new did you see that Iran you know the ones that that have been the the problem all this time did you see that Iran is rationing their electricity yeah um this crisis is very very very dire it’s very very bad it’s cold out there right now they Iran uh leadership ship uh it will crumble I don’t know if the people will Revolt I don’t know if they have that power but when President Trump gets in
there they will either die like the Democrats died I predicted they would die remember they would metamorphosize into something else uh they’ll either die like the Democratic party died or Iran is going to reach out to Iraq back they kind of are already but they’ll reach out and and I think it’ll finally be a good thing it’s cold in my lecture tonight some of the things that I said to you makes me feel that um the countdown is is it’s already started we’re just waiting for the 3 2 1 uh ignition liftoff
yeah I hope I hope things work out with Iran and Iraq but Iraq remember okay Sudani if you want peace you have to prepare for war this is the last part that I wish to share with you tonight family and it’s a a report that my team wants you to understand before I give you this report here what do you think about tonight’s conference call do you do you think that you learned something brand new tonight I mean the idea of digitalization is has always been there yes okay but do you understand that maybe uh they only have until the 7th of
January to use the lower notes and a statement like that means that uh what do you mean until January the 7th well then that means that January the 1st they’re going to get the lower notes did I say that well you’ve implied it I didn’t the article did okay you didn’t think that did you let’s see I’m just curious before I give you um this information here that I’m about to share with you uh it’s shooked what the octopus that I bought uh that I saw at the zoo it shocked oh okay I thought you meant me yeah you
too let’s see uh drop the mic oh okay I like that one I like that one drop the mic tin I don’t see anything else let’s go fuzzy that’s my concern no M yes sir oh here we are always learning yes sir always do uh these are my thoughts too well I I I wouldn’t be surprised about that geothermal you you have some good thoughts sometimes uh that you have posted and I appreciate it uh absolutely learning yes sir awesome Jesus said buy from me Silver and Gold Jesus said buy from me silver and gold I don’t recall Jesus ever saying
that but I don’t want to get into that right now uh he said gold and silver I have none but that’s a different story I appreciate you friend good I hear you okay we keep winning okay the beginning cash oh there we go geothermal uh the beginning of the cash of society well said Revelations I told you didn’t I that when this blessing would come it would Usher in what post it all righty uh let’s see what else you’re stop uh AKA sucking everyone in what sucking everyone into a new wow okay fuzzy locks so if Iraq is going completely
digital then how do we have to exchange the dinar we have before it loses its value that’s not even an appropriate question it has no ref no reference to what we’re studying tonight we’re not talking about a lot if you have a credit card no I keep learning okay and all right that’s enough now let’s see if they what is it that I told you would come in who’s the first one geothermal there he is again Brian baby cakes Frank we can do the Heisman Trophy pose okay I will did you see the trick play that the
Lions pulled the quarterback gets underneath the center the halfback is in back of him he says hike he gets the ball from the center he turns around his guy that he’s going to give the ball to Falls flat on his face the quarterback as he’s trying to reach for him trips him boom boom boom boom boom boom and the linebacker salivated they said so they rushed in vacating the middle open for a long pass it was a touchdown woo that was so I I was when I saw it happen live I’m like oh no oh yay oh man those lions are something
else all righty let’s get back to working because I’m sure you want me to leave you alone here I’ve been with you too long here we go family walking stick and I would like to tell you ladies and gentlemen after they stopped the auctions the nation of Iraq’s uh the currency of the nation of Iraq it has to be backed by something it will no longer be backed by the American dollar but with a basket the other currencies can back up the Iraqi dinar but that’s not the best way for it to go the best way is for the
Iraqi dinard to be backed by gold or by its assets inside of that basket giving it the most power for all the other currencies question can they do both can they do both what can they be gold back and be in the basket at the same time I asked this because it sure looks like it they are constantly telling us the tunnage of their gold that they keep buying and that amount keeps going up and up every time they tell us no doubt the currency of Iraq is not just backed by oil but by endless amount of
things let alone the Futures that are in the ground well can can can can a currency be backed by more than just one thing yeah then they would qualify for the basket yeah isn’t cryptocurrency backed by many sources yeah okay the fact that Sudani is talking so much about the purchasing power to the Iraqi citizens is amazing it is encouraging it puts us exactly where we need to be with this monetary reform education because in our opinion no prime minister has ever made such bold Promises to the citizens of his
Nation these conversations of giving purchasing power to the citizens have never been seen in the Middle East nor said by a prime minister of the Middle East in conclusion the monetary reform education is extremely fast they are now all all the way to the point where they are past the bu the uh the basket and talking to the Iraqi citizens about the future of digitalization in their country digitalization will help them a lot with the uh with the monetary form all digitalization will be done on their
cards on their bank accounts digitalization of their currency mainly will help at the onset because you cannot introduce too much currency at the start Bingo there it is that’s why they’re doing it it would give you it would equal currency inflation not a cashless Society at the onset but given time Iraq will be that is the goal well that’s also the few um what what one of the four horsemen told us about in in the latter days a measurement for your wheat no money without the mark right now the Mark is on a
card right now the Mark is on a bank account but eventually the world of digitalization and the modern technology will put it on our bodies because we’re so damn lazy God knew that I want to stop I have more but I’m in pain I’ve been in pain most most of this call that’s why I ended our singing ubby Tubi a little bit early but family I believe that you are walking away with a with a with with a trunkload of uh information think about this study it in your heads I wish you all to remember Mary and
Christ during this season of Merry Christmas I want you all to to support each other to love each other I know that there are enemies out there but like I told you before I have no enemies because I make friends out of them be strong during this time of the year whether you are having the best day of your life as a Christian or whether you’re having the worst day of your life as a sinner always go to the Cross always go to the Cross he’s there waiting for you I want to thank those of you that helped us with financial contributions
sincerely we appreciate you we we we we we need this help for for many people you bless me by buying our products by ordering Dinars from us and my wife and I we make a living and we’re happy this money is used to help others thank you I want to thank Rebecca Hill chrisella Worthy is the name VI Max SE Winters truth Donnie enman Mr holiday Mr D do we have Pastor Kendall with us no no okay well ladies do we have Andy with us yes okay well ladies and gentlemen I thank you for allowing me to come into your
living room your kitchen your garage wherever you’re at and I pray that you take our conference call to God In Prayer as I dismiss us I always leave something at the end on night ABA heavenly father I thank you so much for this conference call it went as expected I give you all honor and Glory because it’s simply something that I do I just regurgitate the information all honor and Glory belongs to you and I present it to you I bring it to you father on this season that we give each other gifts may I give you my
sins I don’t want them I’m tired of them I don’t want to sin but I do but you helped me every time I feel him next to me I look for you and you destroy him I love my relationship with you thank you Father thank you for being there I love you take care of my family my children my grandchildren my wife wife take care of my brothers and sisters take care of Israel America I love you it is in the name of your son Jesus by the holy spirit that I pray to you because I love you amen amen amen thank you Andy amen
amen you know Frank this is Christmas this is the the season to give yes sir gifts and I want to give the greatest gift that anybody can give another person Jesus Is Our Lord amen and I want to tell you all that that’s what this whole season is about that Jesus Christ was Lord make him your lord he loves you and he forgives you ask him to become your [Music] lord hold [Music] on amen amen amen thank you Andy I love you so much my brother yes sir did I hear kend oh okay okay well thank you God bless you my brother and we’ll see you
uh God oh our next UB tub is Friday Friday the 28th Friday the 28th family 6 pm. Eastern Standard Time Friday the 28th those of you in premium and uh in club 26 more than likely yes we will be posting again just there just to too much happening um I want to thank also Vicky row and Greg Gates uh my wife told me here that you all also contributed God bless you and thank you for helping yes oh thank you for helping us with financial contributions um oh real quick guys Cliff Tony you there hey buddy how
you doing tell the family go for it would you just want to say Merry Christmas from me and C to everybody appreciate everything you guys do and Frank thank you for the time you spent with us today buddy we really appreciate your your time and your effort and uh we want everybody to know that we we care about you uh our specials for the songs we’re still doing them I’ve got a couple more to wrap up before the end of the year but we do have still time for our special buy two songs for 150 until the end of the year
December 31st also I want to make a special announcement to those who have bought songs from us already look in your email and please check your spam folder we are sent out an email today with a kind of a pre special for the big announcement we’ll make January 1 to the general public but for now it’s private uh invitation only for the current customers of mo better Studios so check your email box for that and we look forward to uh sharing something brand new Frank as we talked about last week uh coming up first ub2 in January we’ll
introduce that all righty appreciate it thank you gentlemen and Merry Christmas to you guys and thank you for bringing so much joy into people’s hearts thank you man we app appreciate you guys and there again if they want to call me 423 367 7648 we’ll be happy to get your personal song to you uh we we love everybody and thank you guys for your support MOS appreci love you take care guys thank you byebye bye bye alrighty family um I believe that’s it we prayed did we blow the Chau far yes yes we blew the cha far and um all
righty hey family remember I told you that our next UB tub is going to be Saturday no I’ll see you Friday at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time now you may say to yourself why that’s your dessert God bless you all thank you kindly for being with us tonight sweet Aloha oh no oh yes oh no oh yes [Music] I used to be a until I watched Frank with a twinkle in his eyes and got by his side Frank teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a fix I tune into FR 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here
this is the D now take it from me Frank is no it’s okay T give this man a cookie think so you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need a de I fix I tune in Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tun now T this is the I be sit up be patient and get ready friends got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the rate so whenever I need a dinar fix I tune in to
Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the hey T I need a cookie woo come on tank I deserve some cookie cies cookies cookies cookies come on T give up the cookies oo [Music] God bless you all thank you kindly for being with us I’ll see you it turns out Friday okay 6 pm. Eastern Standard Time God bless you all and premium Club 26 I’ll see you tomorrow thank you for being with us sweet ala byebye goodbye goodbye those are these are cookies D look at the back of them it shows you
it’s a cookie and a candy wow so it’s the cookie and it’s it’s got caramel and chocolate on it wow wow okay it passes the sniffs smell okay for sniffs test let’s see T like a turtle tastes like a turtle oh man Jan here babe did you taste one no you want to taste it no wow they’re terrible babe they’re horrible okay yeah I don’t want to I don’t want you to suffer