Man, it hurts. Look it, this is what I mean, every time. Yeah, you saw me.
I’m sorry? You saw me drive. Yeah, I know. But I’m just telling you that every time, it’s in the tube.
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. Wait. It’s not us.
It’s YouTube that made it backwards, but you know that. Oh, man. Wait, more power.
What was it? When were we on, Tuesday? Yes. I’m sorry, sweetie. What was the date for Tuesday? The 4th? So I’m looking for the 5th.
257, please, 257. Oh, man, it hurts. Oh, God, please help me.
Mm. Man, it just came out. Just now as I’m getting on, you know, babe? Story of my life.
5? Oh, I’m ready, babe. I don’t want to do this, babe. Can I take the night off? No? True.
Where did that come from? Is that Snowy? I wonder if Snowy liked my joke. All righty. I guess I’m ready, Tim.
3, 2, 1, go. The recording has started. I used to be a dean on UB, until I watched Frank’s UB2B.
With a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side, Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide. So whenever I need a dean or a fix, I tune in to Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is the dean heartbeat. Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie. It’s OK, dink, give this man a cookie.
You never know what suit he’ll be wearing. So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring. So whenever I need a dean or a fix, I tune in to Frank26.
He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the dean heartbeat. Sit up, be patient, and get ready.
Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie. Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight. Come on, Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a dean or a fix, I tune in to Frank26.
He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the dean heartbeat. Hey, dink, I need a cookie.
Come on, dink, I deserve some cookies. Cookies, cookies, cookies. Come on, dink, give up the cookies.
It might help my pain. Greetings, family. Welcome to another one of your Frank26 UB2Bs.
It’s really wonderful to be with you. God bless you all. Thank you kindly for being with us.
It is the 7th of March, 2025. I greet you in agape love because we are KTFA, which stands for Keep the Faith Always in Our Heavenly Father. Before we do anything, we always go to God’s throne room.
I mean, we do that because we can’t do anything without him, and we do that to set the example of what maybe you should consider to do. It’s not a sermon, okay? I’m not preaching to you. I’m just suggesting because when you pray to God and you ask for his help, if you are faithful in that prayer, okay, he’ll answer that prayer.
But the problem is that most of our prayers are selfish. God, please give me this, give me that, give me that, and do this, and do this for me, and this and that. Consider your prayer to be a worship to God.
He likes that. Let us get ready for tonight by talking to God. Join me.
Abba, Heavenly Father, I come into your throne room by the blood of your son, Jesus Christ, my brother, my Savior, my friend. I have learned in my lifetime, God, that the end of all things, which will happen to me eventually, but the end of all things is you. And I just told my brothers and sisters here that they should pray to you and worship you, but to be careful how they pray to you, because I was doing it wrong.
I finally realized that you don’t answer prayers that lie to you. You don’t answer lies of your children. You don’t answer selfish prayers.
So I’m here to tell you, Father, it’s not by my sweat, it’s not by anything I do, but it’s by the power of the blood of your son, Jesus. It’s not my gain, Father. It’s not my glory.
It is your glory. And Heavenly Father, this may sound a little odd for those that are listening to us, but I’m praying for faith. You give me everything.
I need faith. I have some, but I need stronger faith. It’s not easy to walk through this world.
The power of your son told you. The temptations are amazing. The pressure is overwhelming.
I need help for my faith to be so strong that I can walk on water, that I can move a mountain, that I can believe that you will answer my prayer. I do. In the name of your son, Jesus, I pray for tonight.
And for all those that are with us, for there are some that are just simply angry, but the majority is so happy, and I rejoice with them as we honor and glorify you through this prayer, through the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Son, to the Holy Father. Amen, amen, amen. Oh.
I think we have Andy. What? He’s making noise. Wait a minute.
I think he muted himself. Andy, you there? Oh, there he is. Okay.
I thought Snowy told him. Don’t, don’t. We’ll see what he has to say about it.
Yeah, really. Amen, amen, amen. Thank you, Andy.
God bless you, sir. Yes, sir. God bless you.
We’ll see what you have to say. Indeed. Okay.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, how you been doing? Everything that we’re going to say tonight is just strictly in my opinion, okay? And we need to establish that before we go, you know, before we go any further. This is a speculative investment. There is no date.
There is no rate. You got that? Good. What is there, then? Well, we offer you a comprehensive study of the possibility of a date of a rate.
That’s a completely different attitude, isn’t it? A different point of view, isn’t it? Yeah. Hey, Red Dirt, thank you kindly. God bless you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I see you went with red, too, huh? Old-timers, you know what my colors represent. As much as I’m excited about what’s going on, it’s frozen to a degree.
But I’m going to do my very best. What is the title of your Ubi-Tubi? The title of your Ubi… And by the way, tonight, I’m going to get you guys involved. I want you to answer my questions, okay? So get yourself ready.
Red Dirt, again, thank you, sir, for the Bibles. Thank you, Red Dirt. Crack your knuckles, get ready, stretch out those fingers, and get ready to type.
Because I’ll be asking you maybe, like, three or four questions, and I’d like for you to answer them. So anyways, family, our study is triplicated into three parts. The first part is looking at the articles.
And as you know, I always ask you, join me. Join me at Now, if you’re not a member of, okay. But if you are, it’s the second to the last page in the final article thread.
You know how valuable the final article thread is, right? We’re going to pick up and we’re going to start tonight with final article number 5,145. 5,145. Now, ladies and gentlemen, the second part of our study tonight is to read to you my team’s reports, Eddie’s report, what’s going on on the other side of the pond.
And then we go into the third part. And the third part for tonight is going to basically, I’m going to pick up where I left off. Where did we leave off? There’s your first question.
Where did we leave off the last time? When was I with you? Tuesday. Tuesday. So Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Where did we leave off Tuesday night? I mean, I was almost, I’ll give you a clue. I was almost done. We were saying goodbye.
I was getting ready to play the Frank 26 song. Then all of a sudden something happened. What happened? What happened? Go ahead and tell me.
Let’s see here. Ray says Aki. Roger says Aki.
Bear says Aki’s report. Okay. There you go.
I like that one. The one DGM. You tell me because I can’t find it.
Hurry. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Oh, my word. Yeah, that’s exactly right.
Here. Let’s do it real quick, right? Ring-a-ding-ding-ding. Ring-a-ding-ding-ding.
Look, family. I showed you. I was walking.
Not now. Not now. And I said, whoa.
Yes, sir. Are you? And then he tells me what he tells me. And I’m like, okay.
What do we do with this? Let’s talk about it. And what did I do? What did I do after I hung up the phone? What did I do? Are you rapping me? What is that? We’re rapping. What are you talking about? What did I do after we hung up? Well, we basically said goodnight.
We said goodbye. But here’s what I’m trying to ask you. What did I say to you when WalkingStick said what he said to me? And then I said, are you, Matthew, are you crapping me? Are you, you know, are you kidding me? Are you really? And then I said, okay, thank you.
And I hung up. What did I say to you, family? Let’s see. Are you going to sleep like a baby? Yeah, I did.
There was the, okay, okay, okay. I like what Danny Hill is saying. He said, you said that there was a date and a rate? Yeah.
Danny, did I by any chance, just by any chance, Danny, did I say, they gave me the date and the rate? Huh? Let me see what Danny said. Danny, did I say, they gave me the date and the rate? Trash Dog said, you said he got upset. Yeah, because I said, are you blanking me? And he says, I’m not here to blank, blank.
Yes, sir, yes, yes, yes. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’ve had a rough day, and this is what I’ve got.
All right. Okay, okay. So I listened, and when I was done, I asked him, what do we do with this? And he said, let’s talk about this.
Yeah, and that’s basically what happened, right? So I need to make sure that the internet, because I saw what they did, I need to make sure that the internet is mature enough to study with us. Because Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, it is amazing how, remember that game when you used to whisper something? My dog left the house, and we cannot find him. And then you pass that on to the guy next to you.
My dog left the house, and we can’t find the wife. And then the next guy, you pass it on. My dog bit my wife, and we can’t find any of them.
And then you go to the next one. I mean, by the time you get done to all 10 people at the very end, it’s a completely different statement. Because I said very clearly, WalkingStick says that the report has a date and a rate in it.
I’ll tell you what, family. And then I said the following. I’ll tell you what, family.
Give me some time. Did I say that? Did I? Give me some time. This is kind of raw right now.
I don’t think we should get any salmonella on us. Let my teams look this over, because it just came in. I mean, the call just came in.
Let us study it. Let us look it over. Let me pray about it.
Let me think about what it is that I want to share with you. Do you all remember that I said that? Let me see here. DGN says, yeah, I do.
I sure do. Apostle Nathaniel says, yes, you did. Tamara says, yep.
Pia says, yep. Robert says, you had to get with your teams. Thank you, Robert.
I sure did. Greg says, yep, that’s what you said. Jay says, yep, okay.
Everybody’s happy, yep. Okay, I know. What? Hold on, family.
Hold on. Really? Okay, hold on. Up there, up there.
My glasses, dude. Thank you. Thanks.
Hey, family, do you want to have fun? Oh, shoot, the number’s backwards, isn’t it? Oh, no, got it. But it says 662-255-3743. Oh, God.
I snorted. My teams are laughing their heads off because that’s the phone number to the no-caller guy that calls me all the time. I just gave it to you.
Oh, God forgive me. You know, if they’re going to pick on me, I’m going to have fun, you know? And I never said I have the date, I have the rate, but they sure did pick on KTFA, didn’t they, in these past four days. So I’m here to tell you and I’m here to say thank you.
Thank you to all of you that are good students, all of you that supported exactly. I didn’t see one person that said, yeah, you said that they gave you the date and the rate. Not one person said it.
You know why? Because you’re good students, you study with me, because you pray with me, because you are, because you have etiquette, because you have decency, because you, you know, you know very well that four days later, well, three days later, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, three days later, I was going to explain everything, wasn’t I? Yeah, you know that. But sadly, the internet just is not that disciplined. But I’m very proud of you, KTFA.
I’m very proud of you, admins. I’m very proud of KTFA itself. You know how many times we are copied and pasted? You know how many times they take my image? You know how many times they take Shane Doodle’s notes and take it to their website, to their blog, to their basement, to their, wherever, to their cave, wherever they go and meet privately, and they review everything I say.
How come they don’t review what other people say? How come they don’t use the pictures and images of someone else or the name of someone else? Because we’re pretty good at what we do. And we praise God for it. So it was extremely important that I, you know, that I, Andy St. Heidi, it was extremely important that I, you know, establish that ground floor, that foundation before we went any further.
Number one, everything I say to you is just in my opinion. What, honey? Oh, my page just went blank about something else. Okay.
Oh, they’re sending, they’re sending. That’s why. All right, thank you.
Um, yeah, I just wanted to, you know, iron that out because the shirts were just way too wrinkled. You know what I mean? Oh, look at St. Pat Nix is saying, you’re the best. What’s it say? What did I say? Oh, did I say it backwards? I’m sorry.
Look at Pat St. Nix is saying, you’re the best. And GKM from the Blue Couch. GKM, you obviously know what the Blue Couch means, right? Well, guess what, GKM? What’s the title of your UB2B? What is it? The rumor is my opinion.
That’s the definition of the Blue Couch. We’re going to have fun tonight. So the first part is the articles, and I know you’re ready.
I know you already turned the final article thread. You’re waiting for me. And the second part is going to be, you know, Eddie’s report, Mr. Sammy’s report, Neil’s report, all of our team’s report.
And the third part is we’re going to pick up where we left off. Ring-a-ding-ding. Ring-a-ding.
Hello? Are you shitting me? And what I’m going to do is I’m going to define. I’m going to define with a little more clarity what that means, and here’s why. Because if you are a good student with me, yes, it’s exciting.
But we have to be rather careful. It still needs protection. It still needs to be frozen and not released in its entirety, in my opinion.
Besides, come on. Just be serious about it. You know very well it’s coming.
You know very well. I mean, you can read the signs. You can’t read Arabic, but you can read English.
You can read the articles. You have cerebral capability to understand that that’s a good guy, that’s a bad guy, and the good guy is saying the good things and the bad guy is saying the bad things. So deepen our hearts.
So deepen our hearts, family. You should sleep good like I did. Let’s get to work.
Oh, and when we get to that last part, yeah, the rumor is my opinion. When we get to the third part, when we get to walking sticks report, you understand you’re sitting on my blue couch with me, okay? Good. Now, for those of you that don’t understand that definition, I’ve been on the air since 2008, well, December 2008.
KTFM, King of the Faith Missions, was established actually on December the 1st of 2008, but we actually launched 2009. So I’ve been on the air, what, 16 years? 16 years. Y’all going to need therapy when this is over after watching me all those years.
I’m telling you, man. The twitch won’t go away, doctor. Well, stop watching that fool.
We’re going to pick up where we left off again. Why not? That’s the theme for tonight, and there’s a reason for it. I don’t do things on purpose.
I do things with a purpose, don’t I? Yeah. So we’re going to pick up with 5,145, final article. Al Alak, okay, CBI, what’s up? Well, we got 20 Iraqi banks that practice direct transfer operations.
Who are more? Well, because, you know, it starts with an F. Frank? No, no, no, no, Frank, no, no, no, no, not you. I mean, it’s me, Frank, Alak, okay? You know what I’m talking about, okay? I got 20 Iraqi banks that practice direct transfer operations, okay? Well, for Alak, for the vote, Frank, okay? Get off my back, okay, okay. And what’s the blue title for this, 5,000? Let’s see here.
Monetary reform steps with foreign currencies that we have never seen before. Oh, well, I like that. I like that a lot.
The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Alak, confirmed today on Tuesday that there are 20 banks that participated direct transfer operations in eight foreign currencies. Excuse me, how many? How many? Eight. It’s more than eight in the flow, isn’t it? So you’re already starting to give me some ideas here, huh? Let’s see here.
Today, there are 20 Iraqi banks participating. Oh, there’s 20 now? Okay, okay, okay. But you went from eight to 20, right? Well, that basket is heavy, isn’t it, boo-boo? I don’t know, Yogi.
What’s in it? Gold. Bat. Today, there are 20 Iraqi banks practicing direct transfer operations with international correspondents in eight foreign currencies within the new system.
Within the what? Within the new system. The SWIFT? No, that’s the old one. The reinstatement? The float? What new system are you talking about? I like explaining that the other banks that are still outside this framework are now working to qualify them according to specific standards and cooperate.
You mean the U.S. Treasury and Donald Trump standards? In cooperation with an international consulting company to apply the necessary standards that qualify them to join foreign transfers operations. Why? Because we’re going to have a cack-a-load of foreign currency coming into our country. We used to see all the contracts that Sudanese signed and their foreign currency is coming into our country.
We’re going to convert it into dinars. You know what that’s going to do to our currency? Especially to our M figures? M1, M2, M3 figures? Yeah, I know it’s going to go off the hook. Three, four? Shoot, that’s chump change, but we might as well start there.
I like explaining that the other banks that are still outside of this framework They’re pissed. But that’s what they get. And you know because you’re a student.
You’ve been studying with me, right? What did Sudanese do to them? Hey, you, come here. You still using your American dollar? I sure am. Do it again.
I’m laughing and making a mockery out of this because after so long, it is. I like explaining that the other banks that are still outside of this framework are now working to qualify. In cooperation with an international consulting company to apply the necessary standards and qualify them to join the foreign transfer operations that is about to happen in Iraq.
He stressed that there are no new sanctions. I know, your article. There are no new sanctions.
There are no changes. Really? Hey, Sudanese, did you see that? I like that there’s no changes. You didn’t send anything to parliament? Frank, I don’t send them anything.
Did they pass laws? Who cares? I know. He stressed that there are no new sanctions or changes. But on the contrary, there is high praise and appreciation for international bodies especially with regard to the mechanism for selling cash dollars.
In other words, our banks are being primed right now in order to deal with the American dollar. We’re going to protect it. We’re not going to let it be used in our country.
Now you can use it in three different fashions. You already know what those fashions are. But we’re going to protect the American dollar because it’s going to do what to our currency? I don’t know.
It’s going to give it value. Of course. We’re going to float together.
That’s why you’re doing this. He stressed that there are no new sanctions, no new changes. No, no, no, no.
With a new mechanism, you know, regarding the selling of the cash dollars. A lot stressed that the necessity of focusing on these successes to show a positive image of transformation in the banking sector, a positive image in the transformation of the banking sector. The citizens know.
The citizens know. It wasn’t no magic trick, you know, like, you know, hey, unveil, voila, look, new banking. No, we know.
We’ve been watching. It’s called monetary reform education. This has been, this is a very positive image of the transformation of the Iraqi banking sector, which will be positively reflected in the dealing of the international financial institutions with Iraqi banks.
Not at 1310. That’s right. Final article number 5146.
Iraq increases its gold reserves by 10 tons. No, you didn’t. No, no, no, no, no, liar, liar, pants on fire.
No, no, no, no, boo-boo, you lie. No. Although, look at all that gold.
Dear God, that’s a heck of a picture, isn’t it? This is way till Trump goes into Fort Knox. But over here, look at this. The World Gold Council announced on Wednesday that Iraq has increased its reserves of the precious metal by 10 tons.
They keep doing this, don’t they? The last figure I heard was 152.7 tons. And then they came out and they said, well, in actuality, it’s 162.7 tons. We’ve had a 13.6 increase just in the year alone.
Why? Don’t you understand the value to your currency is less than used toilet paper? Huh? Don’t you know that? What? Oh, really? What do I see up on top? What’s the blue title for this article? Gold reserves is not for 1310. Yeah. Final article number 5147.
Hold on a second. I’m sorry, family. Every now and then, every now and then, I have pain.
Every now and then. And I’m not afraid of pain. It doesn’t, you know, it’s not like it.
I’m not afraid of it. It’s not like it bothers me. It annoys me.
Final article number 5147. You know, I can be, I can be, I can be a Walmart Kroger. I can be shopping with my wife.
And all of a sudden, I don’t think I’ve, have I ever dropped to my knees outside? No, inside. Inside, yeah, in buildings, in our home. The pain sometimes drops me to my knees.
Final article number 5147. Evaluation of the central bank’s journey in 22 years. Now, this article is super long.
And it is very, very neatly, it’s very tedious. It is a, it’s a construct. It is a conglomeration.
It is a climax. It is a summary, a totality of what the monetary reform has done for the banking system, for the purchasing value, for their currency itself, for the exchange rate, all of this. The whole monetary reform education that has been presented up to this date, up to this point so far right now, behold.
This is an event, and who is this coming from? The CBI. To who? To the citizens of Iraq. For what reason? Because they’ve been educated on what they’re about to receive and do.
This is a wonderful summary. It’s all here for you. Knock yourself out.
Evaluation of the central bank’s journey in 22 years. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title? Well, the monetary reform education teaches the whole ball of wax to the Iraqi citizens. And in parentheses, I said, KTFA family, read all of this.
Because when you read this, you’re going to realize where we’re at. And when you realize where we’re at, you’re going to say to yourself, well, of course they have a new exchange rate. Find article number 5148.
Granting a leave to Al-Salah, exchange company, private joint stock company, category A, the top. That was a big word salad. That was a Caesar salad.
What did I say? Granting a leave to Al-Salah, exchange company, private joint stock company, category A. Oh, OK. So you’re granting a license to practice work as a private joint stock exchange company under the category A in the name of Al-Salah, exchange company. And this is for the year 2025? Is this what you’re telling me? Uh-huh.
Let me ask you something, Al-Salah, exchange company. What are you going to exchange in Iraq? Oh, Frank, that’s a loaded question, dude. Middle speak with the English, Frank.
Very bueno. Sorry. Yeah, I know.
Find article number 5149. Oh, baby. Oh, baby.
Shalom, Hamas. And by the way, that means hello and goodbye. You can choose.
This is the letter or the text that Donald Trump sent to Iran. Now, the reason I put this in here, and by the way, what is the blue title for this text? It says, Iraq must separate from Iran for the sake of the monetary reform. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sure you’ve noticed that since Donald Trump came to office on the 20th of January, the 21st, whatever it was, you’ve noticed that so many things have happened on a daily basis.
Now, you’re going to say, I know. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I’m not talking about Trump on a daily basis.
Well, who are you talking about? I’m talking about the monetary reform. I’m talking about Iraq. I’m talking about Sudan.
I’m talking about Byzantium. Shoot, I’m even talking about Byzantium. I’m talking about the U.S. Treasury, the IMF, the World Bank.
On a daily basis, they announce something about the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar. Surely you have noticed that by now, because you study patterns with me, don’t you? Donald Trump, you’re telling Iran to leave Iraq alone, basically. You’re telling Iran to stop, give up the hostages, or all hell’s going to break loose for them? Basically.
If Iran was to straighten out, if you could, by some miracle, straighten out that government that’s out there, the people are great, but their government reminds me of my far left. If you could get rid of them, Trump, what would that do to the Iraqi dinar, Mr. Trump, President Trump? You know what’s in Fort Knox, don’t you? You know what’s in our reserves, don’t you? Do other teachers talk to you the way I do? Final article number 5,150. Oh, my goodness.
What is this? Owner? Sudani. Hold on. Hold on.
Let me make a call. Ring-a-ding-a-ding. Ring-a-ding.
What do you want, Frank? Sudani. Did you do it again? Ah, sure, I did. Well, how many guys, how many does that make so far? Oh, probably like about a good 20 of them.
What’d you do? Punch them in the nose? No, you didn’t. Well, almost. No shit.
Okay. Final article number 5,150. Owner of a fake exchange office.
The other one’s got their license granted, dude. That’s how you do it, okay? You’re doing it this way because you’re trying to push the American dollar through Iraq into Iran. And that’s just going to piss my president off.
That’s just going to make Sudani angry. And he’s just going to delay what we all want more and more. So, you see, it’s called security and stability, okay? That’s what we’re after.
So the owner of a fake exchange office, you know, who thought he was going to take advantage of what is soon to happen with his office, got busted. He was arrested in Bursa with about a quarter of a million dollars in his possession. Let me see.
Oh, there he is. Barca police commander announced on Thursday the arrest of the owner of a fake exchange company who smuggles dollars through remittance. Let me see.
Oh, you blurred out his face. Okay. I’m just curious.
Can I talk to Blurrout? Hey, Blurrout! Question. In fact, let me read the blue title to Blurrout here. Why would you go out of your way to counterfeit worthless currency? Huh? Oh, we’re frozen.
Okay. Huh? Just asking. Not a sermon.
Just asking. I’m serious, Blurrout. I say, I call him Blurrout because his face is blurred out.
I’m serious. You were arrested in Bursa and you had a quarter of a million American dollars. Shoot, how many dinars did you push and steal? So you converted them and you stole this money, huh? And Bursa police caught you.
So my question to you, Mr. Blurrout, why would you go through all this trouble? Why would you go out of your way to counterfeit worthless currency? Oh, let’s see here. Oh, we got an answer down at the bottom. Look at blue parentheses.
Because when we exchange it, we will be given the currency and the new exchange rate like everybody else. You see, they’re stealing something worthless because it’s not going to be worthless soon. Understand, family? Final article number 5151.
Oil minister announces imminent activation of export file via Turkey port in Cheyenne. What do I say on top? What’s the blue title? Everything waits for the new exchange rate. End of story.
That’s it. It’s finished. There’s nothing else.
I don’t even want to read this article. I don’t want to know anything else. You can tell me this, this, this, this, and this, but everything waits for the new exchange rate.
We just had new contracts rewritten last month. We just had new contracts signed this month. Do you see them activated? Do you see anybody in the country of Iraq doing any of this? The only ones that you see is American companies.
Why? Let’s just say we have a head start. Final article number 5152. Central bank policies result in lower annual and core inflations in 2024.
That’s fantastic. Once again, we’re talking about the M1, M2, M3 figures. This is important because those figures are, that’s how you calculate the RV.
That’s how you calculate if you’re going to float. That’s how you calculate the new exchange rate. So central bank policies result in lower annual and core inflations in 2024.
Well, what’s 2025 going to be without a program rate? Phenomenal, Frank. The most powerful country on this planet earth. What’s the blue title for this article? Low inflation equals security and stability for the monetary reform and the float.
Yeah, it does. Wow. Well, this is fantastic.
It’s beyond fantastic. In fact, the article is so fantastic, I would say about 90% of it is red. Let’s check it out.
You want to? Central bank policies result in lower annual and core inflation in 2024. This means that controlling the general level of prices. Eddie, this is about you.
I know, Mr. Frank. This means that controlling the general level of prices, which is a basic objective of the monetary policy of the monetary reform that confirms the soundness of the steps and the fixed approach of the central bank in achieving all the objectives contained in its applicable law. The objectives of this.
Listen carefully now. Oh, please don’t go to sleep yet. The objectives of the central bank’s monetary policy, monetary reform are to achieve economic growth and stability.
Security and stability. That should have said security. I’m sorry.
I put stability by accident, but in blue parentheses, that should have said security. So in other words, the objectives. What is the goal of the central bank of Iraq’s monetary reform plan? I mean, I’m reading it.
I mean, this is what it says. What is the goal? It is to achieve economic growth. M1, M2, M3 figures.
Oh, low inflation. Oh, this is all great. Changing of prices.
Oh, this is all great. And for stability. For stability and security of Iraqi’s banks.
That house the purchasing power, the future of Iraq’s currency. Continuing in this article, because it is loaded. This affected, you know, the stuff that we’re reporting to you, this monetary reform education.
This affected the monetary and commercial markets, and it affected the exchange rate. It will soon. That’s what this plan is to do, yeah, from the CBI.
And the exchange rate. And it also affected prices of imported and necessary goods and materials rose at high rates during the 21 and 22 years. Therefore, therefore, the inflation index was the most prominent challenge facing the monetary policy and directly affected the stability of the exchange rate.
Look, look, I’m not going to sit here and explain all of this to you. I just read it. It’s simple English.
They’re defining to the citizens of Iraq what the monetary reform did and is about to do. Check this next part. In the same article, which have reached 20 Iraqi banks.
Hello. Here we go again. We already have that report.
Yeah, but this is for the Iraqi citizens. And what is it telling them? Look here. We have reached so far.
We’ve reached 20 Iraqi banks so far using eight foreign currencies, namely the U.S. dollar, the European euro, the Chinese yuan, the UAE dirham, the Iraqi Indian rupee, the Turkish lira, the Jordanian dinar, and the Sudanian riyal. We have reached, so far we have 20 banks, and we’re working with eight different foreign currencies to these banks. And, you know, we’re talking about euro, the dollar, the Chinese, the UAE, the rupiah, the lira, all of these.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold, the basket. Now, I don’t like saying the basket because it’s not going to be a basket per se. So let me try this again.
But I wanted to introduce it as the basket in order to remove it, to permanently say, behold, the float. It is currently working to achieve other goals, which are the stability of the exchange rate. I don’t have to be very repetitive here, do I? It’s very obvious.
Hi, Rebecca. How are you, sweetie? It’s very obvious here, isn’t it? Listen to what it says. That’s why I told WalkingStick, are you shitting me? Seriously? Because you don’t know where this came from.
You might know tonight. We’ll see. It is currently, even though it’s just, wherever it came from, it’s my opinion.
Okay? All right? Wherever it came from, it’s a rumor. Okay? All right? That they have an exchange rate and a date. Okay? All right? And what is the title of your UB2B? So this whole process that they’re talking about, they say here, it is currently working to achieve other goals, which is the stability of the exchange rate.
Okay. 1310 is not stability. It’s not stable.
It needs a gyroscope. It is currently working to achieve other goals, which are the stability of the exchange rate and maintaining a foreign exchange reserve that covers the local currency and circulation and imports, increasing the gold reserves and reducing percentage of local currency export. Good grief.
Here, let’s go down that checklist again. So this stability for the exchange rate, it requires others here. We have local currency and circulation.
We got that. Yeah. Okay.
We’ve got the imports. Let’s see. Eddie, you got enough supply? Yeah, we do.
Okay. All right. Increasing the gold reserves.
Sudani, did you increase the gold? You know we did, Frank. Okay, okay. And reducing the percentage of the local currency that’s exported.
Did you guys kill the options? Yeah, we did, we did, we did. Look right after that in blue parentheses. What is the comment that I made? Family, all of this has been accomplished as of today.
All of this has been accomplished. Okay, what does this say? What does the CBI tell the citizens of Iraq in this report? Look, in order for us to have a stable exchange rate, we needed to do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. And guess what? We did do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
Oh, my word. All of this has been accomplished as of today. Yeah.
Keep reading. Therefore, oh, I like that word. That’s a good way to start it.
Okay. Therefore, the economic results and the output in 2024 confirmed that the policies and the procedures undertaken by the central bank have, have, have, get it out, have achieved an important goal of its goals to what? What? To achieve stability. Okay, okay.
In the, in the monetary system, which is an important step in achieving other goals of the monetary policy, you’re telling the citizens that you’ve accomplished all of these goals as the CBI? Are you serious? And the reason why you did all of these is to add stability to your exchange rate? And the citizens know that 1310 is not stable? Are you serious? Well, look, blue parentheses. What’s it say? What’s it say? Print it. Print it while I take a break from my pain and take some water.
What does it say at the end of this article? You telling me, CBI, that you have done all these things for the purpose of, of stabilizing the exchange rate in Iraq? No wonder you’ve been telling everybody about the, about the new currency, about the old currency from the 50s, about returning back to the golden days, about, just wait, we got the new exchange rate. No wonder you’ve been saying all these things. What does it say at the very end there, family? Go ahead and post it, please.
Isn’t that something? There’s probably not a single person that’s with me, following me on these final, final articles. That’s the second time this guy says that. What does that mean? Instead of you’re asking me? You’re wrapping me? Oh, Matthew, that’s funny.
Thanks, honey. There it is, doctor, or excuse me, Mr. D. Yeah. At the end of this article, it says, let’s roll.
Texas Proud says, let’s roll. Jeff Duffers, let’s roll. Roddy Horton, let’s roll.
Alan, JJKR, Eric, Tim, Tim, Tim, since it looks like it says. Kathleen. Huh? Timmons.
Timmons, Timmons. Kathleen Martine, Martine? Martineaux. Something like that.
Angie Harwood. That’s right, family. That’s right.
Dean Wilson says, well, let’s keep rolling. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I agree, Bruce.
Let’s roll. And I like that statement, because when you see all of this that’s been accomplished, well, yeah, let’s go. Let’s move it.
Let’s roll. Let’s go to the next page, family. Final article, page 258.
Final article, page 258. We’re going to pick up there. I’ve got about four minutes before we bring in our advertiser.
And let’s see how far we can go. Oh, by the way, our advertiser is moi. Final article number 5,153.
Parliamentary committee. Parliamentary. Can you imagine if somebody’s just showing up for the first time? They don’t have a squat idea of what I’m doing, do they? Well, that’s kind of rude.
Look, he’s spitting. What’s wrong with you? Final article number 5,153. Parliamentary committee.
Calls on the government. What? Parliamentary committee. Calls on the government.
Calls on the government to refer the oil and gas law to Parliament immediately. Is that right, Parliament? What’s the blue title, family? What’s the blue title for this one? Let me see. That’s the blue title.
LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL. What do you want, Parliament? Okay. We’ll work on it, okay? Okay.
Isn’t that right, Bruce? Isn’t that right, Texas Proud? Everybody laughs at Parliament. They ain’t got nothing, not a file. All right, so they passed some laws, but it was just for a couple of paragraphs in the budget.
So then when they did that, they thought, oh, okay, we’re going to get the rest of the budget. And Sudani says, the English, Jack, no. What do you mean, no? Well, don’t we have to? They want the new exchange rate, Sudani.
Yeah, and so do you. But we know what we’re doing. I’m working with Trump.
I’m working with the US Treasury. We know what we’re doing. And there’s a rumor, family, as of last UB2B, there’s a rumor that they have a date and a rate that’s established.
And that rumor is my opinion. Way to go, Don J. Final, oh, it’s 7 o’clock. Let me see how many more articles are there.
Oh, there’s only a couple more. And since I am going to do the commercial, I can call my shots. Let’s just finish up the final articles, OK? We’ll do our commercial.
And then we’ll walk right into Eddie’s report. Premium. Premium.
I apologize. Last week, I was so busy, oh, beyond busy, that I never had a chance to put anything in premium. I really humbly apologize.
Every week, I put something in there. But last week, I just, what’s my life like, Jen? The phones, I mean, what’s my day like? It’s like my emails. It’s like your emails, yeah.
My wife deals with 100, 200 emails a day. And I’ll deal with about 100 calls a day. And I just didn’t have the time.
I had one person that got mad at me and says, oh, dare you not put anything in premium. So I offer an apology that I didn’t. I’m sorry.
My life is consumed. Everybody wants a piece of me. Final article number 5,154.
America calls on Iraq to end dependence on Iranian energy and welcomes al-Sudani’s commitments. America calls on Iraq to end dependence on Iranian energy. Well, that’s good.
Trump, do you want Iraq to do electricity, oil, gas with Iran? And Trump would say, no, they got their own. That’s true. They do have their own, don’t they? Iraq does, right? So maybe Iraq should be self-sufficient.
Maybe Iraq should start drilling. Maybe Iraq should start providing for themselves. And they can do that, family.
And they are doing that. But it turns out that President Trump said to Sudani, it turns out that President Trump said to Sudani, I want you to control Iran, you understand? I don’t want them to use my dollar no more, you understand? Sudani says, yes, sir. I don’t want them to use your dollar.
I want them to use our Iraqi dinar. I don’t want, Sudani, I don’t want you buying any oil, any gas, nothing, no services, no electricity, no power, no energy, nothing. But here’s what I’m going to do.
You know what I did with Canada? You know what I did with Mexico? Did you see what I did there, Sudani? Yes, Mr. Trump, President Trump, you gave him an extra month. Tell you what, I’ll give you a month too. You want one? OK.
You got a month. Take a month and increase your energy output, all right? And in that time, that month, go ahead and buy the electricity from Iran. But after a month, I want to talk about this again, OK? I don’t want you to do anything that prolificates, that increases the wealth for Iran, because they don’t use the money for their people.
Their people are starving to death. Their people are eating rocks. They’re boiling them and cooking them and eating them.
I don’t want a single penny to go into Iran because they’ll use it for terrorism. The whole world knows what Iran does. You got that, Sudani? Are we cool on this, all right? Yes, Mr. Trump.
Good. So America calls on Iraq to end dependence on Iranian energy and welcomes al-Sudani’s commitments. U.S. Treasury Department called on Iraq to stop relying on Iranian energy sources as soon as possible.
What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for this article? Al-Sudani knows whose side he is on. Yes, he does. Final article.
Oh, wait a minute. What does this say? Down in the bottom, what does the article say? The comment comes hours after the U.S. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessette confirmed that the U.S. would tighten sanctions on Iran, adding that the U.S. would shut down the country’s oil sector using predetermined criteria and timelines. He hinted that making Iran bankrupt again would be the beginning of our updated sanction policy.
Ladies and gentlemen, make America great. Yeah. Make America great again.
Yeah. M, what is it? M-A-G-A. Well, I just showed you a new one that was recently released and it’s all over the mantra in Iraq.
It’s all over Iraq. And it says, make Iraq great again. M-I-G-A.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. or President Trump, I believe, will soon tell Sudani what Texas Proud just posted in chat room. M-I-B-A, says our president. Make Iraq great again.
What would that mean to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar? What would it mean to the reserves of the American dollar? What would it mean to Fort Knox? That’s enough. Final article, number 5,155. Trump reveals he sent a letter to Iran to negotiate on the nuclear.
Ring-a-ding-ding, ring-a-ding-ding. Hello, what is? This is President Trump. Is Trump on the phone? Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, put him on speaker.
Uh, uh, yes, uh, President, honorable, honorable President Trump of the United States of America. This is the supreme leaders of Iran, and we are here to listen. We wanted an audience with you.
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. We’re not Chinese? Okay, oh, thank you, thank you, thank you very much. We’ve been hanging around with him too much, I guess.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. Trump. What would you like to talk about? Really? Okay. What’s the blue title for this article? Security and Stability for the Monetary Reform comes in many ways.
And as far as I’m concerned, that’s suffice. I have no need to say anything else about this article, because you know very well what’s going on. You know very well who’s in control.
You know very well what you’re seeing. Alrighty, now that we’ve done that, let me spend, I’ll bide if you give me 15 minutes, huh? Seven minutes on one product, and then seven minutes on another product. Now, the first product I wanna talk to you is called Colostrum.
Now, the reason I wanna talk to you about Colostrum is because I went through cancer. And the doctor told me, he says, you gotta keep your sugar level down. Okay, good, I take something that helps me, and it’s called Immune, okay.
But then he says, listen, we just gave you chemotherapy, and it destroyed your whole immune system. Isn’t that great? No. Hey, be careful if you cut yourself, ooh, you know.
Be careful if you catch a cold, ooh, you know. Really? Yeah, yeah, you don’t have an immune system. We destroyed it.
You see, when we gave you chemotherapy, it killed all the cancer, but it also killed everything else that’s good inside of you. Yeah, I notice my vision is not as strong as it used to be. I notice half my hair is gone.
I notice I’m extremely tired. I’ve lost 63 pounds. Yeah, that’s what chemotherapy does.
Now, we need for you to rebuild your immune system. Ladies and gentlemen, do you remember the story of Jesus? When Jesus was born, it was on the eighth day that they took baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, they took baby Jesus to the temple for circumcision, okay. Well, why? Why not on the first day? Why not on the third day? Why not on the sixth day? Why was it the eighth day? And the reason why is because the E. coli bacteria, the bacillus, the fauna, our immune system that grows in our belly, in our intestines, I should say, in our intestine, our immune system, it’s not as, we don’t have one when we’re born.
So we suckle on our mothers and she gives us breast milk. And you know what happens when she gives breast milk to the newborn baby? Well, it’s called colostrum, mother’s milk. And it’s colostrum that establishes the E. coli bacteria, the beautiful fauna, the beautiful bacillus bacteria, all the good stuff that builds your immune system.
If influenza A virus comes and tickles your nose and you sneeze and makes you a little raw, next day you wake up with a cold. Yeah, well, your immune system says, uh-uh, we don’t play that game. But if your immune system is low, more than likely you’ll get sick the next day.
You ever walk outside and it’s raining or it’s really, well, mainly raining, that’s the best example. When you walk outside, it’s raining and then you come back inside and you’re just soaking wet, change your clothes. Oh, well, you eventually change your clothes.
Next day you get sick. You ever notice that? Why? The human body’s temperature is 98.6 degrees. If it falls below 98.6 degrees, the bacteria that is everywhere, everywhere.
I mean, if I take this phone and I go like this, I’m covered with bacteria. That bacteria will start to overtake you. So what it boils down to is that I wanna introduce to you, I’ve already introduced you, but I wanna rekindle and tell you that this is colostrum.
This is mother’s milk. And when you, in fact, when I take it, oh my gosh, it smells like a milkshake. But there’s nothing chemicals, this is all, this is colostrum, mother’s milk.
Mommy’s milk, they destroyed my immune system. I take colostrum every day. The doctor says you are extremely healthy.
Yeah, I know why. If you’re interested in talking to me about this product, give me a call, my name is Frank. My phone number is 419-283-2552.
Once again, 419-283-2552. My wife just made a post and she said, I love colostrum in my coffee. Why not? It’s mother’s milk.
I take colostrum, you can buy it in the tablet or you can buy it in a powder form and sprinkle it on your food. It’s mother’s milk, it builds your immune system. Take it all the time, don’t worry about it.
You can’t overdose on it. I love this product. When I bring you a product, family, it has to hit three boxes, three criterias.
Number one, I wanna make sure that the product that I bring you brings you closer to God. Number two, the products that I bring you, I want them to help you physiologically, biologically, anatomically, well not physiologically, biologically. And number three, who knows? If it works and you’re impressed, you can make a little business and have a little extra money on the side.
Those are the three reasons why I bring you products. This product, I believe, is God sent in order for you to rebuild your immune system and stay strong. Why should you be sickly all the time? Just because you smoke cigarettes all the time? Just because you eat potato chips at one o’clock in the morning on the couch every night? Just because you’re overweight? Just because your sugar level’s high? Yeah, yeah.
Just because I got cancer? Yeah, that’s a really good reason, yeah. So if I can be of any help to you with this product, do you know what it costs, Tink? Like $42? Yeah, I think it’s like $42. My name is Frank.
419-283-2552. And you can go to my website, And when you scroll down, right about in the middle, you see all my banners. Well, this is the banner that you’re looking for.
The company is called Anovate. Anovate. And that is the picture of what you’ll see on our banner.
So once again, you’re welcome to call me. I’ll gladly help you. I can order the product for you.
I can answer your questions for you. And I can give you some barbal testimonies from me. The other product I wanna talk to you about, family, in fact, can you see that? I don’t know, can you see it on the camera up there? Anyways, anyway.
Oh yeah, I do see it. But I do see it on the camera. Yeah, I do see it.
My body suffers from pain. And the pain that I normally experience is in the core of my body and the back. I had 18 operations.
Excuse me, 17 and I have one more to go. Yeah, it’ll probably be towards the end of the year. And they took five parts of my body out.
So I got a lot of scar tissue and I have pain. So whenever I have pain, I use this. Because it’s natural, I don’t want no chemicals.
I don’t want no aspirin. Only got one kidney. I can’t tax my kidney.
I don’t want an ibuprofen. I don’t want an aspirin. So I use this.
And family, it works right away. I’m not kidding you. This works right away.
Look at here. This is, there’s about, how many is in there? About 50? 30. Oh, 30? This is the little XR39.
And XR39. X39. Oh, I said XR.
X39. Do you remember we used to have an XR39? A car that was called the XR? I remember that car. Anyways, yeah, this here is X39.
And what it is, is you take these little sticky things in the back, you know, and you can see what’s right there. So this substance that you see on these patches, what it does, family, is it stimulates the human body to produce stem cells. It stimulates the human body to produce stem cells.
Now, if you don’t know exactly what a stem cell is, here, let me read you real quick. Your body emits heat, including heat in the infrared spectrum. Our patches that we’re talking about are designed to trap this infrared energy when placed on the body, which causes them to reflect it back to stimulate specific points of the skin that promotes a general state of well health and healthy activity.
Basically, it stimulates stem cells. And stem cells, you know, very quickly. And stem cells only, only go to the skin.
Where you are needed. If you take a stem cell through ejection or you stimulate them like this through your own body, that stem cell is gonna go through your bloodstream and hormones will be produced from your brain to tell us that stem cell where to go. Let’s say you sprained your ankle.
Oh my goodness, that hurts. And it’s all black and blue, nasty and swollen. Right? Put some of these patches on that sprained ankle.
First of all, the pain starts to subside very quickly. Second of all, the edema, the inflammation starts to reduce a lot faster than you would in about three to five days. This is an interesting product.
It’s called X39. And this is the one that’s universal. This one, you can use it for anything, anywhere in the body.
But believe it or not, they have other patches. Some of these are good to lose weight with. Some of these put you to sleep.
Some of these are in case you’re in a bad mood. Some of these are in case you need more stamina. There’s another whole section over here.
Some of these remove stress from your body. Some of them help you with endurance. There’s just a lot of good stuff about these patches.
And I use them all the time because every day I deal with pain and it works. God is my witness. It works right now.
You got a bum knee? Try one of these. Just see what happens. Try two.
Try three, four. Just put it all on your knee and see what happens. So this is called LifeWave.
And the company is called- LifeWave. LifeWave. The product is called X39.
And once again, if you scroll down, if you scroll down and when you go to, then you can see all of the products and you look for this. Or just call me. Give me a holler.
My name is Frank. My phone number is 419-283-2552. That’s enough for commercials.
Let’s get back to work. Alrighty, family. Now, what we have next, ladies and gentlemen, is Eddie’s report.
For those of you in premium and in Club 26, you got to see some of this. You’re now gonna get to see or have the rest of this. Trump hints at imminent event in Iran.
I hope to make a peace deal with them. Whoa. This just now.
I mean, what did I say? If we could make peace with Iran, this is not a coincidence. Trump hints at imminent event in Iran. I hope to make a peace deal with them, says U.S. President Donald Trump, expressed his hope on Friday evening to conclude a peace agreement with Iran that would prevent them from possessing a nuclear weapon.
Boy, that call worked. I wanna talk about nukes. What? That will prevent them from possessing a nuclear.
He’s going, isn’t he? Isn’t Trump going over there next week? To Saudi, right? Are we going with him? Okay. Nuclear weapons that would prevent them from possessing a nuclear weapon, stressing that, quote, something will happen with them very soon. This guy’s got, I know what he’s talking about.
And he ain’t talking about bunker busters. No. Trump told Iran, you better, you know, get ready to nuclear weapons, stressing that something will happen with them very soon.
Or maybe he means he’ll be disarmed. Trump added in his statement he made at the White House that the United States is in the final moments of, really? We have a deal with Iran? This is great news, family. Final momentum of negotiations, in the final moments of negotiations with Iran, and that he hopes that military intervention will not be necessary.
No, we’ll wipe them out. I mean, you’re talking about the Keystone cops against the most, the formidable force in the world? We have a situation with Iran. Something is going to happen very, very soon.
He told them what he’s going to do. That’s why they’re willing to. Trump continued, you’ll be talking about it soon.
I think, okay. Trump continued, quote Trump, you will be talking about it soon, I think, unquote. This is so good.
This is so delicious. Oh man. Oh my God.
I think he says, he expressed his hope for reaching a peace agreement, saying, quote, I am not speaking from a position of strength or weakness. I am just saying that I would rather see a peace agreement than the other option, but the other option will solve the problem. Yeah.
Unquote. My goodness, this man is. Continuing, without further clarifying what he meant by the other option, Trump had said earlier in an interview with Fox Business that aired on Friday that he wanted to negotiate.
Hold on a second. He wanted to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran and that he had sent a letter to the Iranian leadership last Wednesday. Yeah.
Proposing talks with Tehran, which the West fears is rapidly approaching the ability to make nuclear weapons. I think they want to get the message across. It says here, the other alternative is that we do something because we cannot allow another nuclear weapon.
Ooh. He continued, asked whether he had sent the message to Iranian supreme, didn’t I say supreme leaders? The, to, to Iranian supreme leaders. To, to.
You remember, you remember that, that one video on YouTube where this guy’s, the Iranian guy with the, he’s got the gun and he’s being interviewed. And as he’s being interviewed, they got subtitles in the bottom and he gets pissed off. And then when his friend is talking, they don’t have no subtitles and he loses it.
Oh really? I speak perfect English. Okay. Anyways.
So no, Trump says, I’m sorry, man. Yo, yo, bro. Homo, homo, homo, homo, homo.
Homie, homie. Homie, bro, listen to me, Iran, supreme leaders. We can’t have another nuclear weapon on this planet.
We got too many. And you’re certainly not going to have one. And if you try to do that, the other alternative is that we, we do something because we cannot allow another nuclear weapon.
He continued, he asked whether he had sent the message to Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Trump replied, yeah. Okay.
There are two ways to deal with Iran. Number one, military or make a deal. And I prefer making a deal because I’m not looking to hurt Iran.
They’re a great people, Trump said. Wow. Thank you, Claire.
Put it in. Go ahead and put it in, Claire. And we’ll do the blue title later.
Thank you, Claire. You know, again, I thank our KTFA staff. We got a great staff.
I thank the Lord for the team that he put together under me, I guess. I don’t, I mean, with me. We’re well-organized.
We’re well-disciplined. This morning, we had some problems with one individual and I’m sorry. My team takes over because I’m too busy.
I’m gonna miss the person. I ain’t got nothing against anybody. I don’t have any enemies.
I convert them into friends. But they don’t, but if they don’t wanna be my friends, I’m sorry. You gotta go, you know, just go away.
Sadly, I guess we did today. Let’s see, what else is there? Yeah, okay. Eddie’s report.
Here we go, family. Thank you, by the way, Claire. Thank you, everybody, all KTFA staff.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here it is. So family, we were together Tuesday, so I’m looking for Wednesday, right? But then again, Tuesday night, reports came in and maybe I can, we’ll see.
Let me go at least to Wednesday, if I can find a Wednesday. Here’s Tuesday. Tuesday still.
Wednesday, here we go. Wednesday, seven in the morning, first report. And by the way, family, we bought a new phone.
It’s pretty. It’s pretty, but it didn’t reverse the image. It’s so, it’s YouTube.
It’s YouTube. Hey, YouTube. First report Wednesday from our teams in Iraq.
Just as a reminder, everything I say is just strictly my opinion. Iraqi News is talking about Iraq economic outlook. And they’re saying that it is so hopeful because our inflation is in a free fall.
Mr. Frank, our country is amazing. We are strong financially. We are stable with our leaders.
It is time, isn’t it? Also, sir, big news conference with financial leaders saying we are in a good financial and economic position saying the budget tables will hit parliament mid-March. So yeah, it’s all encouraging. Iraqi citizens, you’re being told every day your economy, your country, it’s off the hook.
It’s fantastic. You got no problems. They’re saying that the budget tables will hit parliament mid-March.
Now, before we go any further, by the way, I hope I have your attentions. It was last month that Sudanese said, right around the middle of the month, last month in February, he said, at the end of February, we will bring the budget tables to everybody, to the Gazette, to the citizens, to parliament, to everybody, okay. And then right around towards the end of last month, he says, I’m gonna do it at the beginning of March.
And we have the articles for all of them. And he says, I’m gonna do this at the middle of March. You’re gonna expose the tables in the middle of March because they have the new exchange rate, okay.
At the, in the middle of March, right? Yes, sir, or yes, Frank, thank you. Here we are headed towards the middle of March in about another week. And he just made an announcement and he said, I’m gonna do it at the beginning of March.
Today. And he says, I’m gonna expose the budget tables at the end of March. Jeez Louise.
We went from the end of February to the beginning of March, the middle of March, the end of March. Now, the 1st. Family, what’s April the 1st? Besides, you know, April Fool’s Day.
What’s April the 1st? Tuesday. Wednesday. Oh, baby girl, have I told you I love you? I love you too.
Oh my goodness. Our Troyer is in the right direction, but no. They use the same fiscal year as we do.
The next person says, is Michael, oh, I’m not touching Foucault. The beginning of the fiscal year, no. Biblical, think biblically.
No, no, that’s not it. There it is, there it is, I see it, I see it, I see it. Claire, you cannot play.
But A.W. Noah, he says, it’s a new quarter. It’s not a 50 cent piece. It’s a new quarter.
What did Dr. Shabibi want when he wanted to release the new exchange rate? The beginning or the end of the year or the beginning of a quarter? Yeah, that’s right. So the big news conference for the financial leaders is saying that we are in good financial and economic position, Mr. Frank. They’re saying that the budget tables will hit parliament in the mid-March and that the government has a few changes and that the government has a few changes and that the government has a few changes.
They told the Iraqi citizens. A few changes to the tables. Okay, let’s read this, okay? Okay, okay, hold on, hold on.
Let me change this up. Where are you changing? The exchange rate, hold on a second. Oh, speaking of this, sister, you recognize, oh, it doesn’t have her name, good.
You recognize the envelope? They recognize your writing? Sister, a nine, almost nine page, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, a 16 page letter. I read every word. I love you also.
You have nothing to worry about and we’ll be here if you need help, okay? Thanks for that beautiful, long letter. Anyways, family, let me get my phone here. We had a few changes to the tables to make before going over and they’re saying that several projects are stopped now and the reason why they’re stopped, it’s stalled due to the funding.
You know, Mr. Frank, like you say, everything is waiting for the new exchange rate and supposedly the budget also is waiting for the exchange rate, but these changes are being made in the budget to address, being made in the budget to adjust for these situations. So once again, I’m sorry. I mean, this is very, very blatant.
This is very, very obvious. What did you change? The budget tables. Where the exchange rate is at? Yeah.
What’d you change in them? What do you think? Okay. Wednesday, next report. Television says that payment issues stalled.
Occurs oil reflowing. Another meeting is set for Thursday. Hopefully this time they will iron this out, but between you and I, Mr. Frank, no, because what is it waiting for? LOL.
Next report, 11 in the morning. The new oil meeting tomorrow will also be, the new oil meeting tomorrow, we are hearing about, also hearing about, could be where that contract with BP is done. This is a key.
There is, this is a contract, Mr. Frank. This is not a memo of understanding. This is not an IOU.
This needs an exchange rate. And because they keep kicking it down, down the month, it’s very obvious. TV now says that the budget tables have been moved to the end of March.
TV says now budget tables moved to the end of March. Then, now, they says to the middle. Now, to the end of March, they just announced this.
So you can see, this is literally Sudanese telling the Iraqi citizens on their television, hey, I got the tables for you, okay? You know, for the budget, the tripartite budget. And you know what the tables have, okay? I mean, that’s the funds for what we’ve been talking about. And I’ve decided that I’m just gonna, I’m just, I know I told you at the beginning, I know I said at the middle of this month, let’s do it at the end of the month, okay? So in other words, he’s not denying it.
He’s not saying, what, are you crazy? I’m not doing that. He’s saying, yeah, we’re getting it done, but just bear with me. We’ve waited forever.
You can wait just a little more. But he’s communicating with the citizens. Television is saying that the minister of finance, because Sudanese sends him out to talk to the citizens of Iraq.
Television is saying that the minister of finance will, will, will send the budget tables. Oh, this is fantastic. He will send the budget tables to the cabinet next week.
This is fantastic. And it’s for the discussion and for the voting. Then it will reach parliament by the end of the month.
This is fantastic. Mr. Frank, look. Mr. Frank, look, really? Mr. Frank, look.
We need to see those budget tables now. Yes, they keep moving them. Now, a possible another two weeks to end of the month.
Hopefully, cabinet will vote on it next week. Oh, you’re smart. Why didn’t you say parliament? Good job, Eddie.
Hopefully, cabinet. I told you, didn’t I? Supersede them. And that’s what Sudanese does.
That’s what Trump does. That’s what he does. Look at parliament.
They don’t know Jack. They don’t even know that he has beans in the stock market. Jack and the beans.
So, yeah, they’re telling us they’re gonna give us these tables now. They keep moving it. Then now, possibly in another two weeks.
Now, he tells us at the end of the month. Hopefully, the cabinet will vote and tell parliament to stick it. Hopefully, the cabinet will vote on it next week swiftly and get it to parliament as soon as possible.
Yeah, it will, Eddie. Mr. Frank, continuing with our report, the television is now talking about the oil. And they say that it could drop below $65 a barrel and that we would create a deficit in the budget.
But guess what? We have a solution. Smile. Look at, we have a solution.
Smile, says Eddie. Yeah, give us a new right, right bro? To which I then say the following to him. Eddie, I have a, let’s see how much.
Eddie, I have a report coming from WalkingStick that is coming from Aki and his boss. And as you know, his boss is one that’s in charge of the private bank. So this private bank in Dearborn, apparently, you remember the meetings that the CBI was doing with all of its private banks about two weeks ago? These are the results from it.
The CBI, everybody has been, then there’s what I told you yesterday, release and stay strong. I don’t know when I’m gonna get to share it, but I’m gonna read the report today. So you see, this was Wednesday, right? Wednesday, yeah.
And I’m trying to, so I’m trying to tell him that, hey, I’m gonna hopefully get to read this and then I will share it with you, which I already have. And that’s what I told you, that’s Wednesday. So that’s what I told you the day before on Tuesday.
And 99.999999999% of you were polite and proper and courteous and heard exactly what I said. I never said they just gave me a new date and a rate. I never said they gave me a date and a rate.
No, I said they have a date and a rate. But desperation causes people to grab onto that and say, you know the date and the rate, you better give it to me, give it to me. Boy, you need help.
Hey Jim, Edmonds know what I’m doing, don’t they? They know what I’m doing. Then he says, okay, what’d he say? Stay strong, that’s all I did. He says, well, that’s exciting, Mr. Frank.
I’m looking forward to sharing that with Mr. Sammi and we can coordinate together and see what he says. And by the way, Mr. Frank, I’ll send it to him and he’s thinking the following. The first week of April.
Let’s hope sooner sending that. Well, yeah, you see Mr. Sammi, for some reason, literally walks with my intel or my opinion, I should say. That’s Eddie telling me about that.
Alrighty, hey, Mr. Frank. Well, no, it doesn’t say hey, Mr. Frank. It just simply says, the Central Bank of Iraq has decided to revoke the license of Tufan Company for currency exchange and brokerage.
There they go again, Mr. Frank. They seem to constantly be coming out. The ones that you call cockroaches.
Well, Sudani just squashed another one. Wednesday eight something late in the evening. I should have given you Tuesday evening report too.
Anyways, CBI came out today and banned an exchange company due to their continued violations. Yeah, that’s right. And we had that article.
Then we talked about that. Alrighty, here we go. Six in the morning, yesterday’s report.
Here we go. Television shows breaking news. The oil companies in Kurdistan and Baghdad are meeting right now to discuss and resolve the payment issue.
Mr. Frank, listen to that. They just told us that they’re there talking about the payment issues. Mr. Frank, that can only mean they’re coming out with a new exchange rate very soon for us.
Yesterday, 8.30 in the morning, Mr. Sammy said, Mr. Sammy said that for me, he’s talking to Eddie. Mr. Sammy said for me to stop worrying about the budget tables. He told me, Eddie, we won’t see the budget tables until the oil is flowing.
You see, Eddie, this oil pipeline, it’s very long. It’s a massive pipeline and it covers much land. And he doesn’t see this without an international rate for this oil.
And Turkey is saying that they are ready. The pipeline has been tested and it’s ready. So we basically are waiting for the real effective exchange rate to appear.
Everybody knows this. That’s it. Although I wouldn’t call it the rear at this point, but you’ll see what I said then.
So basically, everybody’s waiting for the real effective exchange rate to appear. That, Eddie, will allow this oil to flow. That’s why you haven’t seen it flowing.
It waits for the new exchange rate. The television is talking about how far we have come saying in early days after the war, we had 35% inflation rate. And now we are at around 3%.
Are you kidding me? Oh my word. And now we are around 3% inflation. They’re talking about non oil revenues.
And again, Mr. Frank, the oil appears to be the key. Mr. Sammy wants to tell you, sir, they keep moving the table dates around. It’s because they have not started the oil flowing.
Let’s see what the meeting comes out today and what we see next week. You see, everybody knows. Everybody knows.
Let’s see after the, okay, what they say next week. Yesterday, nine in the morning, the next report. Sir, Sudani is on television issuing a directive to enhance digital program in all of government departments and forming committees to make sure that this is done.
It looks like he’s also gonna be talking with your president. Crypt, he had a meeting today about crypto, about it. All right, all right, I understand.
So let’s just go. Sudani’s on TV issuing a directive to enhance digital programming in all government departments and forming committees to make sure that this is all done. The oil minister, Al Sawad, announced on Thursday that the oil export filed to the Turkish port in Cheyenne and the possibility of increasing exports from the Barso oil is about to be activated.
Wow, everything is falling into place. It’s like everybody knows that there’s a new exchange rate coming. To which I then, to which I then, I say a few things.
So let’s, yes, huh? Oh, no, I didn’t turn it on, thank you. Where, what time? Holy cow. Hold on.
Thank you, Jan. Let me, oh, hold on. Yeah, no, Bruce, I see what you’re asking.
Oh, Bruce, I wanna talk to you about it, I really do, but no, I do wanna talk to you about it. But instead, Google Donald Trump meeting about cryptocurrency today. He met with about 20 people, and he told them something that you might wanna hear.
Continuing where we left off, Emily. Or did I, did I read all of this to you? No, I didn’t even read to you yet, did I? I’m sorry. Thank you, gentlemen.
What a beautiful report that Mr. Sami presented to you, Eddie. I appreciate it. I appreciate, I appreciate you, Eddie, and I appreciate you, Neil.
Thank you, gentlemen, for all of your opinions and all the hard work that you put together every day for me. Once again, we are left standing on the same spot. We are left standing on the same spot concerning this monetary reform.
We wait patiently in line with everybody and everything else. We all patiently wait for the new, we all patiently wait for the new effective exchange rate. Now, that’s called the rear.
And in reality, Mr. Sami, we won’t see that for quite a while. It’ll come through the float, as you know. But what I care to see right now is at least one-to-one, or maybe go back to the glory days with an RI of 322.
We all wait for the new rate to come out. I have said this so many times, it makes me look foolish now. But like I said, I am left standing in the same spot, and I will not abandon my post.
I know this blessing is coming, not because I know a date or a rate, but because I understand what the United States, what the United States Treasury, what Donald Trump and Sudani are doing with the CBI. Indeed, Mr. Sami, it was a wonderful report today. Yeah, it was, yeah.
Because we understand what the articles were saying. We’ve got tables, we’re gonna show them to you. We just don’t wanna show it to Parliament.
Then all of a sudden, you didn’t catch that. The cabinet is gonna pass it, the laws? Wait, that’s Sudani’s people. It’s Parliament that does that.
Oh, superseded, I told you. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Yeah, we suggested that.
Continuing, he says to me, television now, every time there’s something on the TV, they, boom, send it right away. Television now is saying that a section of the pipeline with Iraq and Turkey will resume. They’re saying this is gonna happen right away.
Mr. Frank, when you stop and think about that, why are they letting the oil flow? I think it’s because that new exchange rate is either in their contract now or been guaranteed to give it to them. This announcement marks a significant step towards reviving the pipeline that has been inactive due to a dispute between Baghdad and Erbil since March of 23. And you know, that’s also a very good point, to which then I say some stuff.
Mr. Sami, in my opinion, Turkey knows very well about the new exchange rate, so they have no problem starting the flow of the oil. But notice, it’s just a small portion. It’s not all of it.
In other words, give us the new exchange rate if you want everything. And he said, exactamundo, dude. Yesterday, late in the evening, CBI News is saying that they have granted Al Saleh Exchange Company a Category A exchange license.
And we already talked about this. And you know why. Why are these exchange companies popping up all over Iraq? And why is Sudani closing the ones that are still using the dollar, yeah.
Oh, bless his heart. Look what he sends me. Y’all need some cookies, Mr. Frank? Yeah.
Okay, premium. Premium. And Club 26.
Yesterday, I attempted to post something for you and I couldn’t because it wouldn’t do it. But what happened was that there was some breaking news that occurred and I wanted to share it with you. And here it is up on top.
It’s pretty much what I’ve shared with you. They’re going to release the budget tables. This is kind of, and then Eddie says to me, that’s kind of hiding the rate.
That’s kind of hiding the rate because they’re saying once all conditions are met, they will start immediately. All conditions are met. And then he says, well, something’s up here.
Something’s up here. And he’s talking about this that broke on the news. And then that statement.
Yesterday, Iraq is negotiating in Halibutron to develop new oil fields. We are exploding with oil field refineries all over here. Iraq, Mr. Frank, television is talking, oh, today, 7.40 in the morning.
Television is talking about total spending a part of the budget. They say that it will be 83% and that the budget tables are coming to parliament soon. Next report.
Television is saying, parliament excludes the oil and gas law to pass during this election cycle, saying too many political differences. Television say in parliament, parliament excludes the oil and gas laws to pass. So Eddie, we have parliament passing gas, huh? Yeah, it seems to me that that’s what they do for a living, don’t they? Anyways, because they’re full of you know what? Don’t worry too much about what they’re saying.
Pay attention now instead to the cabinet because apparently Sudan has given them the full power to take us to whenever. You know what? And that’s it. That’s enough for today.
I know it’s not a lot that I shared about today, but that’s enough. So now, yeah, there we are. How are you doing everybody? It’s good to be with you.
That first part was, that was an eye-opening articles. Those articles were just simply eye-opening. For Sudani to come out and tell the Iraqi citizens, we’re gonna give you the budget tables.
I mean, granted it was supposed to be at the end of last month. It was supposed to be at the beginning of this month. It was supposed to be at the middle of this month.
And now he’s telling them, okay, look, let’s do it at the end of the month. And you know what April the 1st is. And you know what Dr. Shabibi wanted.
All of this is in looking good, sounding good, whatever you wanna call it. Alrighty, family. Now, the next thing that we’re gonna do, the trification of our study takes us into WalkingStick’s report.
And let me just say that old timers, you’re sitting on my blue couch. And for those of you that don’t know what that means, look at the title of our Ubi2bi tonight. Look at the title of our Ubi2bi tonight.
The rumor is my opinion. What rumor? Ring-a-ding-ding, ring-a-ding-ding. Yes, WalkingStick, man, I’m glad to hear from you.
Did Aki respond? Yes, he did. Good, good, does he have a report for us? Now, family, you already know that this report is from a combination of many meetings I was having with every department that you can think of. But mainly the IMF and the U.S. Treasury and the World Bank were spearheading this.
We had everybody with these meetings, everyone, not just countries, not just contracts. We had a lot of different companies that came in. And our dear friend that we call East was also, East Contract, was also privy to be involved in these meetings.
So it turns out that, and by the way, what I’m about to share with you with that phone call after I said, are you, are you kidding me? It was that WalkingStick said to me, these meetings have concluded and there is a date, there is a rate of when they wanna bring out these budget tables. And Aki’s, and Aki’s boss is the one that we wanna thank because he made the calls, he got the information. Not gonna tell you from where, I’m just gonna tell you that he got a rumor.
He got a rumor, Aki’s boss got a rumor that there is a rate and a date. But you know something? In my opinion, family, it’s real. You see, Aki’s boss, Aki’s boss, the person that he called, is a person in the need to know about the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar.
Then Aki says to us, due to what Sudan is, or actually he didn’t say Sudan, due to what the GOI and CBI are instructed to do, they’re instructing us, I am moving my family here to the city where the bank is, where me and my boss work. And the reason why is because due to the fact that my boss told me, you’re gonna be very busy very soon. So he’s bringing his family from the state that he lives in, he’s bringing them down south to be closer to this bank that he’s in charge of.
We are marching in the right direction of a date and a rate that has been established. In my opinion, the key is that they have a target to hit. And in my opinion, Trump is saying, don’t miss this target.
Continue to distant yourself from Iran, Sudani. For example, you get your electricity from Iran, Trump says, okay, use Iran’s electricity for now. But only if you have a plan of contingency to create your own electricity supply as soon as freaking possible.
Get the hell away from Iran, Sudani. You don’t want to be very close to them right now. And that alone, that posturing, that position that Trump wants from Sudani in my opinion is because it equals security and stability.
And that’s the only reason why we still don’t have the new exchange rate. Because a lack of security and stability. Donald Trump tells Sudani, control those that used to control you.
Control your country. Family, they went from the end of February to the middle of March and now to the end of March. In my opinion, that’s your target.
Unless they kick that can further. I will follow that can. I will follow that can with my can opener.
If they kick it to next month, I will follow it. This kicking of the can down the road has a reason, KTFA family. A purpose for Sudani to protect the new exchange rate.
And like Dr. Shabibi, the author of the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar, just like he wanted the start of a quarter. Ladies and gentlemen, our dear friend Aki must have a very good idea of this true timeframe because he’s moving his family to the bank’s location. This target date has to be, in my opinion, within arm’s reach.
Why would it be given to all the contractors for the end of 2025? In my opinion, it’s for now, for the tripartite budget. There’s a lot of talk, there’s a lot of talk with America, with President Trump. And Trump has put, he has lit a fire under all of these countries.
And now we find out that he may be making a peace deal with Iran. I don’t have the date and rate. Aki doesn’t have the date or the rate.
His boss does. It looks like we’re done. It’s a possibility that we’re done.
You know, you stop and think about it. This was another powerful conference, or conference, another powerful Ubi2bi. It just had so much information in it.
Let’s see, it’s five after. Let me see if I can help, okay? My pain has subsided. Let me see if I can be of any help.
Would you like to ask me a question? Go ahead and post them. We have Roger Bernstein that says, great intel tonight. Karen says, it’s God’s will and it’s His timing.
Thank you, Irma. God bless you. God bless you, Irma.
Yeah, I think what we need to do is just continue to read these articles and see where Sudan is taking us. I believe he’s the guy that has that special box with all that special, those special numbers. I wanna see what he says.
I wanna see where he goes. I know that he’ll be traveling. But God has a date and a rate, right? No, man, okay, that’s good.
Let’s see, wow, Frank, no, let’s see. I’m looking for a question. What do you mean by budget tables? Well, Juan, the budget table is where the exchange rate is at that will fund the budget.
They need to do this, this, this, this, this, build that, build that, then that bridge and that school and that. And how do they do that? Well, the budget determines where the money goes through the CBI. And that’s what is called the budget tables.
But they’re being kept quiet, very private right now. Because it protects the new exchange rate from the evil that has always stolen it. Let’s see, I have a friend who has denarsis.
Is there a way to check and see if they are real? Hi, Charlie, Charlie Pemberton. Yes, Charlie, maybe for like about five bucks. Go to a dollar store, get yourself a black light.
Remember back in the hippie days? Peace, man, woo, in the basement. Those black velvet posters, huh? Get a black velvet light, get a black light. Get a black light and then buy a velvet.
And then buy a velvet. It was a trip when mom and dad would turn on the light and, what are you guys doing down there, nothing? Woo, I just turned red. But anyways, did I answer his question? Black light, take it to the back.
Yeah, get a black light. Hold up the denar. Yeah, Google, it’s called security features of the Iraqi denar.
And Google and you’ll see all the different features. And when you put the black light up, oh, look at, oh, okay. Now, if you don’t see them, oh boy.
The other thing you can do is take it to a bank. The bank has what’s called a currency book. Every three months they have a new book.
Yeah, take it to them. Let’s see, let’s see, let me see, let me see. Do you think Trump will go to Iraq on his Saudi trip? Do I think Trump will go to Iraq? Oh, Iraq, no, no, I don’t believe he’s, gotta come to Iraq.
If he, no. The only way is if Sudani pulls the trigger. Let’s see here, got another one? Do you think that Trump is going to be, is using other currencies to catch the rats in D.C.? Do you think that Trump is, no.
Who is that, Roger, is that who said that? No, Roger, he’s using the American dollar. Wait till he goes to Fort Knox. Please tell Crystal happy 29th anniversary.
Happy anniversary, Crystal, 29 years. Boy, I hope you got that guy in line, okay? Yeah, hey brother, you better walk in line, man. When I turned 60 years old, my wife turned me in for two 30-year-old guys.
But a week later she called me, she says, just come on back. I said, why? And she said, well, one’s bowlegged and the other one’s cross-eyed, just come back. Not true.
Not true. Do we have to wait for Parliament to vote on the 2025 budget tables? Do we have to wait for Parliament? No, did you notice today what Eddie said? Sudani sent it to this cabinet. You talk about telling Parliament, hey, pick a finger.
Because they’re Trump, they’re the reason. They’re the reason. Next.
How far would you recommend to travel to a bank and exchange? What bank would you recommend? I’d go wherever it’s necessary to exchange my currency at the best way possible, the best services possible. Obviously, I’m gonna start locally here. And once I establish that, and I’m only gonna probably do like 10, 20%.
Remember, I taught you the reverse, the reciprocal of what we thought we wanted to do. No, no, I’m gonna invest it myself. Next question.
Do you think they’re gonna release it with the tariffs like President Trump mentioned? It will be a big day. So that’s a date. Well, yeah, the day they release it, it’s gonna be a very big day, not just for Iraq, but the whole world.
You’ll see. Next. Has Aki given you locations of banks? Are you able to share those? I’m not ready to share any of that yet, okay? When the blessing happens, yeah, we will.
Next. Does Iraq want to make their country a place for tourists? I know they’re building a mall, but what about other things like resorts, casinos, hotels? It is beyond. Look at what Dubai has, look at what United Arab Emirate has, look what Saudi Arabia has, and multiply that by 100, and that’s what Iraq will have in about a year or two.
That’s why I told you, pay attention. Play Iraq Monopoly. Next question.
Do you think we’re waiting for Iraq to distance themselves from Iran? No, no, no, no. They’ve been ordered to, they shall. That’s a slow process.
It’s not like an acute situation. It’ll take its time, and it’s being done. But, but, but, if Iran truly, sincerely comes to the table tomorrow and talks to Trump, oh my word, in my opinion, we may not have to wait much, much longer.
This is, this, why don’t we have a new exchange rate? Because the Iranian influence, the politicians, the evil media that’s in Iraq, that’s in the parliament, constantly are stealing it with fake invoices, fake names. Oh boy, this sounds familiar. Next question.
Look at the currencies along with the Iraqi denier. Yeah, yeah, we, tonight we mentioned 20,000. Next question.
Will the swamp in the U.S. be clean before we see the new rate? The only time the swamp will be clean is when Jesus comes back. No? I mean, look, I’m not, I’m not sitting here, you know, blind, blindly, yeah. I’m not sitting here being so naive about Donald Trump.
Yeah, I like the guy. Yeah, I like his policies, but I also disagree with a lot of other things. I don’t agree with his stance on abortion.
I’d get rid of it. He wants to keep it. It’s headed to the state.
There’s this doge thing. When I saw what he was doing, I was happy, but then when I saw it get out of control, I thought, Trump, you just can’t do a massive clean-up and hurt so many innocent people. What are you, Biden? So then all of a sudden, he gets criticized, and I guess he either talks and gets good counsel, or he talks to God and the Holy Spirit told him, look, let me make a change here.
So he’s got the government, a federal person now, determining which one of these gets canceled. Like our veterans, you know, they were hurt. Look, family, politics is nasty.
How many of you are familiar with Boy State? How many of you know what Boy State is? It’s been around for about maybe 70, 80 years. Boy State is where, what they do, when you’re a junior or a senior in high school, the school selects, the city selects, they call it, you know, top, top candidates to represent the area. I represented Northwest Ohio, and I had to go to Ashland College, and I ran for a political office, all the way from mayor, all the way to the presidency, and it teaches young generations about our government, our institutional governments, and I ran for Senate.
I lost by one stinking vote, but the guy that got the Senate of my district, of my state, he appointed me commissioner of health. I learned a lot. I learned a lot about politics, American politics, and I was left with a very bad taste in my mouth.
Look, the reason why Jesus came, and this is to answer your question, when will the cockroaches be gone? When Jesus comes back. But the reason why Jesus came to earth was because of politics. He had to put an end to the law.
The reason Jesus died on the cross was because of politics. Next question? Let’s do a few more, and then we’re done. When President Trump is successful in stopping Iran’s nuclear weapon, will it have an effect on the Iraqi dinars? I already gave a long lecture on that tonight.
Please go and rewind and enjoy it. Next question? No auctions in Iraq for over a week. Has that ever happened before? Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, you see, it’s not the same auctions, okay? It’s not like it’s taking oil, or excuse me, money from oil and converting it into Iraqi dinars, no. It doesn’t do this, it doesn’t function. The auctions are not the same as they used to be.
This is a completely different animal for a different purpose. Hold on, I see someone, Robin Parker. When the RI happens, will you be doing a you-be-to-be to tell us? No, Robin, I will pretty much fade away.
You’ll find me on talking about mission work for God. But as far as me teaching about currency after that, no. And it’ll be very hard to find me, only my teams, only our KTFA staff, certain people will be able to find me.
That’s a cool suit, Frank, I like that one. Every suit has a color coordinating message. The information tonight was about the monetary reform, about the exchange rate, about the security and stability, about the fact that the CBI and the GOI told the Iraqi citizens, we’re gonna bring you the tables, all of that.
That’s super red hot. But what we have from AKI, I wanna share more, but it’s frozen and that’s what silver stands for. Yes, Jen, any other questions? Shang wants to know, will you release the pre-exchange checklists in time for them before the release of the dinar? No, no, not until the exchange rate has been released, not until the smoke clears for a day or two, then I will post them at KTFA.
And they won’t be in premium, they’ll be on the, I call it outside, what do I wanna say? In the forum, in the thread, the thread, where everybody will be able to see them, okay? Yes, Beth. Does Trump working with the Zelensky troops have an impact on the dinar’s timing? No, none whatsoever. I feel bad for Zelensky.
He’s not a soldier and he’s acting like he’s not a soldier. He’s a politician, he’s a comedian, he’s a civilian. And what he did in the Oval Office, are you serious? You didn’t just bite the hand that feeds you, you cut it off.
You, your diplomacy was so retarded. You’re lucky you didn’t get beat up. Next question.
Do you think we’ll have up to nine months to exchange? Hey, I’ve always said anywhere from six months to a year, let’s see what happens, but they say that there’ll be coexisting up to 10 years. I guess we may have some time to do that. But that would be coexisting, right? The three zero notes and the new lower notes.
Maybe it’ll be a different story though. Maybe it’ll be a different story for the float. Maybe they’ll cap that, which they will.
And that’s a completely different issue. Yes, Jen. It’s not a question that somebody said that Iran already pulled out of talks with Trump.
Iran already pulled out of talks with him? That’s sad because now Trump is gonna do the next thing that he promised them that he was gonna do. And if I think he’s gonna do what I think he’s gonna do, this won’t take long. Next question.
Good. Hey, did y’all have a good time? I did. Take care of each other, okay? I wanna thank those that helped us financially tonight.
Red Dirt, not only once but twice. Thank you. God bless you, Red Dirt.
Eric Sims. Thank you, Eric Sims. Paul S. Thank you, brother.
Rebecca Hill, our sister, Rebecca Hill. Thank you. Donnie Inman.
God bless you, Donnie Inman. Thank you. I talked to Donnie today on the phone.
I did, I did, I did. Hey, Donnie. Mark Anglin, not only once for WalkingStick but also for the Bibles.
Jose Chavez. Jose Chavez. I got a feeling you’re speaking to Spanish, huh? Muchisimas gracias, hermano.
Gracias por ayudarnos. Howard Crockett, my friend. Hi, buddy.
How you doing? Thank you, Howard Crockett. Thank you so much. God bless you, sir.
Linda Tetrick. Thank you, Linda. You’re always there for us.
Thank you. Irma Brooks. I did, I was just gonna say, that sounds familiar as well, too.
Well, family, I had a wonderful time. We had some wonderful talk. We had some wonderful ideas.
And yeah, it’s a rumor, you know, what I bring to you from Aki and his boss and the guy that his boss got it from. All of that, I bring it to you as a rumor. But this rumor I bring to you as my opinion.
Let’s see what happens, okay? All right? I can’t think of anything else. Our next Ubi-Tubi will be Tuesday. Is that, look at the calendar, Beth.
No, so let’s go ahead and say Tuesday, okay? Tuesday we do our three o’clock horse in a round and, huh? Oh. What about Monday, honey? Hey, it don’t matter, I don’t have to sing. I don’t have to sing, it don’t matter.
Tuesday, we have some appointments and if I don’t make it at three, no worries. But then I’ll see you at six and we’ll do our study. Is there anything else that I’m forgetting, family, KTFA family? LLShadowFurryB, LLShadowFurryB.
You are amazing. Yes, you are. Thank you kindly, God bless you.
I pray that what we shared with you tonight was helpful, that you take it to God in prayer, okay? Thank you. Um, I think I’m done, baby. How about, what do you think? So if you need me for anything, hey, by the way, I’m a registered agent.
I’m a registered agent with a licensed broker with the United States Treasury. If you need any currency, call me. Many of you are calling me and telling me, I put my order, Frank, in these places and they’re not sending me, they’re saying that they can’t get the dinar.
Yeah, I know, I know. I mean, go with who your heart tells you, okay? It doesn’t matter, go with whoever you want. If someone sells it cheaper than I do, so be it.
Go with them, it doesn’t matter. God takes care of my wife and I. And you, if you want to help and take care of us, we gladly will accept your order, we’ll take your order. But you have to call me.
You have to call me. So my phone number is 419-283-2552. 419-283-2552.
419-283-2552. Claire says, who is your fantastic CC? Somebody was calling your phone, you need to look at your phone. Somebody was calling my phone? Oh, these poor, oh bless that.
I knew you know, I knew I was forgetting something. I knew, I knew I was forgetting something. Go for it, gentlemen, the floor is yours.
How are we doing, buddy? Doing good, go right ahead. I was thinking maybe I was no comradery tonight. No, Frank, we appreciate you, man.
This is Tony and Cliff with Mobetter Studios. We write custom songs. We’ve been helping the family out now for about five or six months with custom songs.
If you want a special song for that special someone, we can do that for you. A very one-off or one-of-a-kind dedicated song is a gift that’ll give a lifetime of giving. And we keep hearing from people that have ordered songs and keep calling us and tell us how good they are and how much they enjoy them.
So it just lasts, it’s not a, you know, you give a box of chocolate, it’s like for how, you know, those have been gone. I didn’t get any this year, but they’re done gone. But you know, those type things leave you, but the song sticks around.
So if you want to do a custom song, our special, the internet is done. It will change Monday night, midnight of our Sunday night, midnight. So if you want to get our special 20% off KTFA Family, you can do that up until the end.
It’s still going. So it’ll get you a song for $100. There is a price increase coming, but Frank, as I told you, we’ll announce it on Tuesday nights, Ubi2bi.
There’ll always be a discount code for the KTFA Family to receive a discount cheaper than anyone else in the country would pay. So we’re going to look after the family and make sure you guys always have a code. And we appreciate, you know, y’all helping us get this thing started.
And we just want to reward the family for their support. You’re more than welcome, my friend. A lot of people appreciate you and you bring joy into their hearts.
There are people in this world that bring evil to the world. God, God will deal with them. And there are people that bring joy into this world.
God will reward them. Thank you, gentlemen. We appreciate you, buddy.
We’ll see you Tuesday, if not sooner. All righty. Take care.
God bless everybody. Thank you, bud. You betcha.
Well, babe, I think that’s it. Oh, gee whiz, sorry. I hung up on you.
Sorry. Family, I am done. I’m going to go have my supper and kick back and relax, okay? You know, grace is God’s mercy at the cross.
Grace is God’s mercy to us at the cross. He didn’t have to let his son die for us. But he did.
He suffered watching his son die for us and because it had to be. The sacrifice was to wipe out our sins. We can’t be in the presence of God.
He is holy. He is holy. And I ask you to join me as we pray right now.
Abba, Heavenly Father, I thank you for another day of my life with you. I thank you for this call tonight, our time together. Our teams, our staff, my wife.
Thank you for the energy, the strength of tonight. You held me up and I appreciate it. I ask for forgiveness of my sins by the blood of Jesus because I just can’t stop sinning.
I don’t want to. I don’t mean to. And I don’t want to break your heart, but I know I do.
Help me, God, like I told you earlier. Would you please help me to have faith? You help me with everything. Would you help me to have stronger faith? That I don’t get angry so easily.
That I don’t get undisciplined. That I don’t become tempted. I want to serve you, Father.
I want to walk with you. I want to talk with you. I want to come home one day.
I want to see my mother. I want to see my father. I want to see my grandfather, my grandmother.
I want to see the grandfather that I never met and yet I was named after him. I want to come home. But I also know that I need to be worthy of it.
May the grace that you offer me, Father, that is found at the cross through the blood of your son, may it protect me, may it protect all of us. And Father, I ask you, give me another chance. Give me mercy.
Give me time not to disappoint you again. And when you’re ready with this blessing, set us free, just like a bird in caged. Open the doors, please.
Let us expand our wings and fly out. There’s so much excitement. There’s so much energy in our hearts and our souls and our bodies that we want to go out and do things, do the right things.
There have been some terrible seasons of nothing, but there are some wonderful seasons ahead of us with you because you offer everything. It is in the name of your son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit that I pray to you, Holy Father. Amen, amen, amen.
And amen. Amen. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh my goodness. Do you think I’m a clown? No, no, no. I know, I’ve read that.
I was talking about the guy that’s calling me. Oh, okay. Yeah, he is.
Cause Don’s a good guy. And by the way, God, P.S. I’m glad that you’re willing to listen to me because I am wanting to talk to you. Thank you kindly, family, for being with me.
I had a wonderful time because it was exciting tonight. And I got a feeling that when I’m seeing you again next Tuesday, it’s just going to be as exciting. Y’all take care of each other, pray for each other, visit each other, love each other, just talk to each other.
Communication is good. The lack of it is sad. God bless you all.
I’ll see you soon, okay? Sweet Aloha. Bye-bye. ♪ I used to be a Dinah newbie ♪ ♪ Until I watched Frank’s UB2B ♪ ♪ With a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side ♪ ♪ Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide ♪ ♪ So whenever I need a Dinah fix ♪ ♪ I turn into Frank 26 ♪ ♪ He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street ♪ ♪ Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat ♪ ♪ Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie ♪ ♪ It’s okay, think, give this man a cookie ♪ ♪ You never know what suit he’ll be wearing ♪ ♪ So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring ♪ ♪ So whenever I need a Dinah fix ♪ ♪ I tune into Frank 26 ♪ ♪ He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street ♪ ♪ Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat ♪ ♪ Sit up, be patient, and get ready ♪ ♪ Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie ♪ ♪ Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight ♪ ♪ Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? ♪ ♪ So whenever I need a Dinah fix ♪ ♪ I tune into Frank 26 ♪ ♪ He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street ♪ ♪ Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat ♪ ♪ Hey Tink, I need a cookie ♪ ♪ Come on Tink, I deserve some cookies ♪ Is that what I think it is? ♪ Cookie, cookie, cookies, cookies ♪ ♪ Come on Tink, give up the cookies ♪ Man, that’s good, honey.
Family. Oh, baby. Can I eat the whole thing? Half? This is called pan dulce.
Oh my word. When I was a little girl, I used to eat a lot of this stuff. All the time.
My mom would… When I was a little kid, I used to eat a lot of this stuff. My mom would take me to the store. Mom would keep them busy while I was picking up all the crumbs I could get.
This is called pan dulce. Pan means bread. You know, like Panera.
And this is clusters of sugar. It’s a thin layer, clusters of sugar. It’s called pan dulce.
This is Mexican- Sweet bread. Sweet bread, yeah. Oh my goodness.
That took me back many years when I was a little kid. For those of you that are Latin like me, how many of you know cajete? Huh? Huh? Cajetes, remember? Oh dear me. When we would go across the border, I’d buy a stack.
Remember how they used to stack them up? They’d come in those little wooden crates. Cajete. And it had what is called leche.
Hey, Jose. There’s Jose. Jose, do you know what cajetes are? You’d have to go way back in time.
Wow. Caddy Lewis said that? Couple times. Well, she’s gone, right? It’s a guy, I think.
Oh, well, they’re gone. They’re gone, right? No, we removed them permanently. I did.
What an evil person. Oh, such a shame. So anyways, cajetes, yeah.
There he goes. He just put a cajete. I mean, very few people know the taste of wood with leche quemada.
It is such a unique taste. I mean, if I was to taste that, it would rush me back in my diaper days, I guess. Hey, here’s another one.
Are you still there, Jose? Do you know? If you know this one, I will be impressed. The American soldiers used to think that my forefathers, the Aztec Indians, they would see them with the Apaches and they would all be around the fire and they thought they were eating rocks. Do you know bilunceo, bilunceo? Let me see you say that, huh? Can you say that bit? Bilunceo.
Ooh, that’s not bad at all. Bilunceo, it’s in the shape of like a teepee almost, like bilunceo and it is hard. You literally need a hammer, bam, to break a piece off.
It is the original jawbreaker. But the Indians, the Aztecs would sit there with the American Indians and they traded recipes and this was one of the things that they had, bilunceo. It looks like chunks of rocks, but you put it in your mouth and it stays solid, but you know, like a jawbreaker.
Therefore, it keeps your mouth moist. And in arid places, like in deserts, there’s a trick that soldiers use. You put a little small pebble in your mouth, preferably under your tongue, a little small pebble and you’ll produce saliva constantly.
You’ll constantly be re-drinking, but at least satisfying a quench of a thirst. You can also make water with your hand like this. You have to breathe in through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
And when you do the vapor of your nose, it accumulates right here. My hand is wet. And if you do that for about 30 minutes, I mean, come on, you’re in the desert.
You ain’t got nothing else to do. You’ll eventually have a little puddle of water in your hand that can satisfy you a little bit. I know too many useless things.
Y’all take care of each other. Sweet Aloha. God bless you.
Bye-bye. Goodbye. Ha ha, gotcha.
I’m so hungry. Can I have the pan dulce, babe? No, no, no. Can I have the pan dulce as my food? Can I have my food as my dessert? Can I have the pan dulce first and then my food? Should I shut up? Okay.