three two one go that’s my mistake go this is getting ridiculous see this that’s set right yeah full full throttle and this even even i did this it’s not this i’m gonna just stop it over there i used to be a dino newbie until i watched frank’s yubi to be with a twinkle in his eyes and god by his side frank’s teachings reaches far and wide so whenever i need a dino fix i tune into frank 26 got it he’s got the latest greatest news from the streets tune in now tune in here this is the dino beat now take it from me frank is no rookie it’s okay tank give this man a cookie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so i wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever i need a dino fix i tune into frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the dino beat sit up be patient and get ready frank’s got some news from walking stick and eddie frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on iraq can you give us the rain so whenever i need a dino fix i tune into frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune
in now tune in here this is the dino beat hey dink i need a cookie yeah yeah come on i deserve some cookies right now right now right now right now cookie cookies cookies come on tink give up the cookies so greetings family how you doing how you doing how you doing i decided to come and be with you just for a little bit i promise i won’t take more than let’s see it’s 7 16 how about 7 35 hopefully i’ll be done by then before we do anything we are it is the third of uh i’m sorry it is the 17th of march 2025 we are which stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father this is a bit of a surprise for you i’m sure but you’ll see why but before we do anything we give honor and glory to our heavenly father would you join me abba we are once again gathered we are once again with you we’re in prayer we’re in thought we’re in harmony with you
i feel this way god because of my relationship with you i appreciate my friendship with you i appreciate the fact that i can talk to you father i appreciate the fact that you love me um sometimes i feel guilty about that um i you know like like a present that i should not receive but but i’m very grateful that you love me and i want you to know that i love you too be with me tonight help me that i can say these few words that maybe would have a little bit of joy in people’s hearts bring a little cheer into their hearts as well all honor and glory to you father for it all belongs to you did i tell you i love you i did in the name of your son jesus by the holy spirit i pray amen amen amen hi andy hi andy right amen amen amen thank you andy amen yes sir uh well good news well i think so well that’s an odd comment that somebody just made why would you say that about my wife you silly man is he still with us or was he been removed permanently yeah he says think thinking the king has no clothes on it’s not about me oh i thought it said tink tink the king has no clothes on what does that mean it’s a book oh it’s a book
oh i’m so sorry well you see that’s why it’s confusing defying people besides putting in my opinion defying what you want to say okay all right let’s get back to work because i don’t want to be with you too long i already wasted five minutes already here listen to listen family the reason i got together with you is because i wanted to read something to you uh this is a report that i’ve received from uh from neil what’s the title of your yubi-tubi well the title says uh the tables are set you know one day jesus is right now preparing a beautiful meal for us yeah we’re going to eat in heaven i know that’s all right that sounds crazy how you you’re going to eat in heaven we’re going to have a beautiful meal that that jesus is preparing for us right now he’s setting the tables for us you know in fact when jesus was uh when he came back from from from being crucified three days later um he sat down with his apostles and ate he saw them at the river and he said to them cast your cast your nets over to that side you’ll get fish no there’s no fish trust me and they did and they got fish and they sat down they ate with them and that’s when peter was told about the fact that do you love me three times yeah we’re going to eat in heaven isn’t that interesting anyways back to what i was trying to tell you and um we want to uh show you tonight something that was encouraging these tables obviously are the t are the financial tables of the of the budget for for iraq for 2025 26 and 27 it’s apartheid budget the financing behind it now do you think that 1310 would would do it i want you to stop and think about this 1310 is not going to do it it’s only logical you’ve already seen the budget right you saw the whole thing the whole breakdown were they teasing the citizens of iraq
are they a glutton for punishment are they showing them something that is impossible to receive well it is at 1310 you agree don’t you the whole world agrees logic agrees this budget is not for 1310 and the title of your yubi-tubi is that the tables are set that would be the financial tables of this budget i was having a long conversation with uh mr sammy and if you don’t know mr sammy is the equivalent of um of aki’s boss mr sammy is the equivalent of aki’s boss mr sammy is not a teller mr sammy is in the executive branch level of the bank that he’s in in iraq therefore he goes to cbi meetings doesn’t he ah the same ones that aki goes to and our conversations between mr sammy and myself have been very parallel very common very united very symbiotic very siamese twin it’s a mirror image the things that i say to him he at first i thought well you’re just trying to go along with me but after you know more conversations and after learning his spirit and
who how he thinks who he is and so i asked him i said recently i said hey sammy do you think that we’re going to see the budget with the new exchange rate or do you think that we’re going to see the budget with the old exchange rate and basically his answer was uh what i gave you as the title of your yubi-tubi for tonight who said that fuku did not understand what you said at 13 10 and that’s right i didn’t say 13 you know it’s amazing what am i doing here why am i wasting my time why is my life being bombarded with stupidity i’m doing my very best man to help this is amazing just simply amazing there was a guru on the internet but let me ask you this family did walking stick commit suicide answer me yes or no did walking stick commit suicide go ahead answer me before i share anything i’m sorry i’m frozen now you know very well it doesn’t take much to you know well did did walking stick commit suicide everybody says uh no
no no there’s a couple hundred that said no anymore nope nope nope his friend did said uh jerald thank you jared okay stop well you see the problem is that i got so many phone calls walking stick died where the where the dickens did you get that well somebody said that they were watching this other uh this other person and she said that walking stick committed suicide i said no that’s do me a favor tell that person to correct their mistake it’s a mistake okay but it’s an irresponsible mistake which this person said that they got it from a source you mean the source no i better i better not say anything very simply look uh my friend walking stick did not commit suicide the internet is saying it because of one individual that is not disciplined enough oh i want to say another thing if some other guru tells you that they get that that i get i my teams meet frank 26 that ktfa gets all their information from them i would run as fast as i could in the other direction do you understand i don’t talk to anybody i don’t allow anybody to talk to me once that was abandoned my team shut the doors completely didn’t you notice that i wore two black back-to-back the same black suit when have i ever worn two suits or excuse me when have i ever wore the same suit back-to-back black black black and white black and
white when have i ever done that before oh but frank gets all of his intel from us yo good god almighty i don’t i’m not an idiot i i i am very constructive in our in our in our form and and i deliver a very very compact message i found it to be irresponsible you don’t post something like that to draw attention to yourself all right i’m done with the garbage i’ve just thrown it out so if everybody ever tells you that i yeah frank 6 gives everything from me you better run faster than lightning and by the way i don’t drink i don’t even wear i don’t even wear wrinkled shirts and sit there with my legs wide open what’s his name i forgot the reason why i called this together family look at i’ve already wasted the 15 minutes that i said i was going to be with you the reason why i called this together
family because i felt that it was important to share with you what oh charla that’s a new name charla uh galbert thank you god bless you god bless you thank you for your financial contribution in my conversation with mr sammy as i was saying earlier i found out that this man loves his country loves his people loves his family and has a very very strong and good relationship with eddie and he’s opened his arms up to him and he meets with him outside of the bank so that he can have more information that he says to us it’s it’s stuff that we analyze mr sammy’s trying to figure out exactly
what the cbi is trying to do and mr sammy hey sammy you think that when they come out with these budget tables do you think that those budget tables are going to come out at 13 10 based on what we’re seeing in that budget and he says why you ask me a dumb question like that mr frank what do you mean dumb question no i’m serious man don’t you what what what is your opinion do you think that they’re going to come out at 13 10 or with the new exchange rate well mr frank the tables are set for a wonderful feast i’m just going to show you a little bit of today not all of it starting with today but before i show you though look at he said
chalet’s on tv and he says chalet again is saying that we have stable reserves that it’s stupid to say that you have 110 billion in reserves at 13 10 oh wait a minute my bad you’re not at 13 10 are you he cracks up so what do you think mr sammy about you know my question what do you think duane jocks thank you uh thank you for all that you do god bless you thank you um so mr sammy what do you think bro like i told you frank why are you asking me a question like that have we not gone over this over and over again especially when we broke down the the budget itself we calculated a table for ourselves we put in all different type of exchange rates right so yeah i think that the right the right exchange rate is in there if that’s what you’re asking me second report from earlier this morning i said a few things to him i suggested a few things to him and um and
then he says the following hey frank mr sammy says that today the television is telling us that the oil can resume within hours the oil can resume within hours today eddie monday uh-huh if it starts to resume then it has to expose a raid for that oil is it flowing no when is it going to flow in a few hours like isn’t tomorrow i don’t know he says in a few hours he says it can you see so mr sammy is trying to make you understand frank that based on your question he’s surprised that you even want to ask that question but he’s saying that today the television is telling us that the oil can resume within hours oh and they are talking about the salaries for march all of this is great mr sammy says this is great news for us who are waiting for the new exchange rate all of it is waiting for and they’re telling us that these things are coming they tell us the pipeline has a truck check this out and this is the fact jack you should be ashamed of yourself we found out who you are they tell us the pipeline has has had a trial run i’m like what can you say second set of books no no mr frank they have just told us on tv that this pipeline has had a trial run it’s successful
and all is good in this pipeline they actually and all is good in this pipeline actually and they said the pipeline has been fixed for over a year are you freaking kidding me no mr frank this is on our ikea channel once you can go see it so i see it and oh my word okay so they told you that this pipeline has been trialed run didn’t i tell you the oil was flowing how did you know mr frank uh but i didn’t know it was a trial run so that’s what they were doing now i understand eddie continue what else does mr sammy have to say to me well he has the pipeline and he has had a trial they said that this pipeline has already had a trial run through turkey and all is good actually he said the pipeline has been fixed for over a year ago but just now they’re saying that within the hours oil can reflow so really oil can reflow and then he says so why are you asking me
well i didn’t know that it was already flowing or tested flowing or is flowing or about to flow in a few hours or can flow in a few hours dear god because if they flow zeddy the exchange rate flows in my opinion everything i say to you tonight is just in my opinion my name is george washington in my opinion what do you think about my new red suit huh what do you think yeah i know dr tooth fairy likes it thank you sir god bless you but back to what we were saying so eddie they just told you that the oil is is capable how’s about how about how about that huh it’s capable of reflowing at any moment now yeah they told you that everything with the pipeline is all set yeah well then that means that everything with the pipeline is all set that means that the exchange rate is all set with it well you know it goes so so and then he says and then he says but just now saying that within hours the oil can reflow so why you ask me so why you ask me if my opinion is is is related to the uh to to the 13 uh 13 10 uh you know that mr frank you know that my opinion is all related to the mechanism in this article 12-2c you and i know that 12-2c will give us the new value why do you why why is it that we now have two gazettes that are hiding this new exchange rate they talked about how the salaries in kurdistan will be paid
and again how they’re going to be paid we need a new exchange rate and then they said this because in my opinion a new rate is coming i mean they said that to us because a new rate is coming they’re not teasing us mr frank uh it’s coming this is a monetary reform education this could have all been done months ago good point mr sammy this could have all been done months ago uh and well and well and well even a year ago when the pipeline supposedly was fixed and running and and and they’re telling us that it’s ready but they didn’t but they didn’t did they they didn’t they didn’t did they they didn’t at 13 10 did they no and you know why you know why because it’s it’s it is all related to the new rate that’s in the 12-2c tables um table uh 12-2c mechanism that the cbi is putting out the monetary reform now now mr sam is still talking to me now now frank you remember the other day when we were talking about parliament uh and we said that they will be like after the fact on the budget tables and
that’s why the the the tables have not been there yet to parliament sudan is protecting it from them um and also it’s not there with parliament yet it’s not their job they will see the tables after a log has done his job and the calm didn’t i tell you that didn’t i tell you the first uh like you said we are so close mr frank they are saying within hours oil can restart okay they can say that but if that’s true holy i mean chimney crickets come on get on uh okay let’s continue reading iraq has lost and this is eddie uh i’m sorry mr sam is still trying to convince me that it’s not going to be 1310 thank you
donnie inman god bless you listen so this is sammy mr frank iraq has lost billions of dollars without this oil flowing and now supposedly within hours the budget tables are coming yes all is pointing to a real effective exchange rate in my opinion continuing he he he’s still he’s still trying to convince me that it’s not going to be 1310 i stimulate people i say things that people want to say and in doing so i give all honor and glory to god because it all came from him i’m not that smart today next report still
we’re still we’re still talking early in the morning this is like the fifth report already look mr bank he didn’t say look but he says all crooks all the crooks he because he knows that i know that what he knows that we know but he’s we both know what we’re talking about we’re talking about iran all crooks are posting on television that the parliament market is meeting its disma dismay uh with with digital currency coming and um they’re trying to say iraq is facing a crisis no no not at all mr frank here we go again you know what is actually happening is that the corrupt the the corrupt cash cow is now being dismantled and they are having a fit they are having a fit he’s still talking this is like the
seventh report for early today this morning television is showing that we may deal with turkey on doubling the energy line between our countries how did you know mr frank that we would have our electricity replaced so quickly also the television is saying herbal received 48 billion from non-oil revenues from baghdad this is fantastic because again the dutch disease must not affect us sudani has been teaching us about this that we have many products many services that the world wants this is amazing for our monetary reform then i say the following to him and i said thank you i want to thank you mr sammy for expressing your opinion to me and you know letting me understand and i said i said this and i said that and i said a little more and
then i said even more and then i kept saying more and then i didn’t shut up and i said that and i said that and i said that and i said that and i said that and I said that you know what I said a lot why don’t I just go ahead and start reading it so it turns out that I say to him mr. Sammy I want to really thank you for reaching out and giving sharing with me your opinion you see I value your opinion I appreciate it because it constantly mirrors my team’s opinion I believe that we are on the same level of understanding okay your your your information constantly mirrors my team’s opinion yes yes I agree article 12 C holds the key which is the new exchange rate that’s why it’s being protected in the Gazette and not exposed to anyone that’s why I told you that the comm will receive it first and they will go through the budget tables and
not Parliament today they tell you exactly that Parliament will get it at the end when everything is completed so that their greedy little hands do not try to find ways to steal it because that is in their DNA that is in their DNA simply to steal from you to make Iraq’s life miserable but the leadership of Sudani and Trump are making a change in your country in the Middle East I’m excited Eddie I’m excited that they’re telling you that the oil is about to flow are you kidding me like I said that is the blood that runs through the veins of your monetary reform so if the oil flows son if the budget financial tables are exposed this combination has no choice but to bring forth a new exchange rate in those tables because like
like you said if they did not have a new exchange rate they would have used 1310 at the beginning of this year mr. Sammy’s logic is good indeed the signs the indications are all true about the new exchange rate coming soon of course all of
this is just in my opinion just like when they say that the oil will start flowing in their in their opinion in a few hours guess what I agree with that opinion in the beginning the exchange rate is looking for at least one to one with the American dollar not to be matched with it but to be paired with it and possibly a basket of international currency with value for each other then later on Eddie this real effective exchange rate will come in a float as the value climbs as the whole world uses your currency it will climb in international value by trading it by using it by selling it by crossing it from banks to bank platforms the platforms the dinar will grow internationally then at that point the CPI will control this float this financial growth of your exchange rate the CPI will control this financial growth of your exchange rate by watching it monitoring it and then capping it at a specific number that was tested and approved through the RV phase of your monetary reform now now now concerning the cows that are having a fit or I mean to say the concerning Parliament that is losing its cash cows well mission accomplished their mission accomplished that was the goal to remove this terrorism they were the ones that were not allowing you to have a new exchange rate can you imagine how much they would have stolen it with the new exchange rate that was the goal to remove the terrorism that was preventing the security and stability of your currency of your monetary reform this is what dinar. should be be demanded an environment of security and stability before you even think about talking before you even think about about talking about a new exchange rate you need your country safe and stable
so it’s not easy for the enemy to steal from you they’re talking about a new exchange rate for your currency you have everything that is needed to bring forth that new exchange rate that’s why you are seeing so many things that are miraculous in your country right now Eddie and the most miraculous thing to me is the security stability that Sudani and Trump have recently brought to the monetary reform the security that has tied the hands of those that have always stolen your wealth the Iranian terrorism inside of your country that’s why Trump is taking care of them outside of your country the roles of fear are now reversed in the advantage of you Iraqi citizens that was the goal concerning Turkey concerning Turkey concerning Turkey and the energy lines the gridlines for your country just like I told you Eddie Trump had a backup for a backup
in order to replace your electricity your energy you’re going to need it for the monetary reform you’re going to need it for the supercomputers for the AI this energy that you would be losing like I told you Trump was going to help you as long as you did not get it from Iran he had a he had a backup for a backup and and you and you now have it I am to stop how about this one nice one Sudani’s on the television you see these are things you just don’t know that’s why you come to us I’m grateful that you’re with me I don’t want to sound egotistical I don’t want to sound prideful I’m grateful to my teams but I’m not pleased when others take our information and lie about it exaggerated or do not verify it and if anybody tells you that I get their information from them
Oh Jack you better run check this out Sudani’s on television he just launched eyes of Iraq I like that why not it’s a good name for it you can squeal on anybody man we’re doing the same thing we did the same thing yesterday we have an app where we can squeal on on terrorism yeah that’s right well it didn’t happen with them today this is not a coinka dinky is it Wow I didn’t notice that Sudani’s on TV mr. Frank and he just launched I of Iraq program it’s an app yeah we’re gonna put it on our phone I got the phone okay I can’t tell you it’s an app for our phones you know what it is it’s a link to 9-1-1 service and artificial intelligence he launched it today he called it the eye of Iraq I don’t want you to see this top part up there but there it is about them apples Wow you know what I said to him here you can read it then I’ll read it out loud now
that you’ve read it I’m now I’ll read it out loud I said good hey Eddie dial 9-1-1 and ask for the new exchange rate man so I will be with you tomorrow look at that I ended up being with you almost enough about 45 minutes I will be with you tomorrow and we have some more things to talk about tomorrow okay this was a short one I know Claire right that’s almost as funny as the I am the Arrhenian supreme leader a family I’ll leave you with this actually it’s dessert let me dismiss this and then I give you dessert thank you Heavenly Father thank you for your mercy your grace your love by the blood of your son Jesus through the Holy Spirit
I approach you I approach you with a great respect my my dear friend need your help the operation is failing the graft may fail and he’s bleeding he’s out of surgery but my friend needs needs your help Papa and by the blood of Jesus I know you’ll heal him he’s my friend like you like you are God you’re my friend and I know you would do anything for me I’d do anything for you God please do everything you can for my friend at the hospital be with those that are with us tonight they have family that and friends that are maybe in the hospital I pray for their purse to be filled
I pray for their hearts to be happy I pray for their families to be in good health I pray to be worthy of your love I’m sorry when I’m not but I’m grateful that it’s always there I love you thanks for loving me first and I thank you for tonight I believe it helped people and I ask for forgiveness if I overstep my my my limitations in the name of your son Jesus by the Holy Spirit I pray amen amen amen oh and he’s still with us oh blow that show apart then we give dessert the rate okay no no no no don’t count on it or comment amen amen amen God bless you all thank you kindly thank you Andy love you my brother and before I give you the dessert I want to show my respects to those that helped us with financial contributions Rebecca Hill for walking stick Donnie Inman for walking stick charla Gilbert Dwayne jocks mr. or dr. tooth fairy is she bless her heart all this time I’ve been assuming like a fool dr.
tooth fairy my apologies dear sister God bless you and Donnie Inman and lady L is that a lady yeah that’s a woman I guess that one good I got that one point for me okay alrighty I’m gonna now leave you with your dessert are you ready are you ready huh I can’t hear you huh give me a drum roll oh by the way I say jolly good no that’s that’s British a top of the morning to your mate no okay a top of the morning to your beer did you have your four-leaf clover today mate oh that is good that’s good well let me just take you up there cuz I want to throw you over the castle yeah I’ll take up to the platini stone and all okay what what I’m gonna throw the platini stone at you if you keep it up mate okay let’s go so it turns out that I have a wee bit of a lassie here come here lassie who’s that that’s your in tin tin I asked for lassie what’s going on here oh I need help ladies and gentlemen walking stick and I would like to tell you something because because Tracy Fink is saying I’m ready I’ve been waiting come on give it to me what what’s a dessert
Oh Mark Anglin bless you be and bless you too god bless you thank you kindly for your financial contribution oh ladies and gentlemen um in my opinion President Trump is going to do everything possible to reacquire the Suez Canal I said the Suez I’m sorry the Panama Canal but hold on now hold on hold on now why is Donald Trump going to recapture the Panama Canal have I not told you that Iraq and the United States of America Sudani and Donald Trump are mirror images have you not noticed that did we not give you an exemplification of that today well here’s another one for you in my opinion our president is going to use military force to reacquire what belongs to us the Panama Canal the stipulations were that they were not to allow anyone else to overtake it China has and China’s panicking now
because we’re coming in now why is it why is it that Donald Trump is doing this I think you already know the answer to that right okay security stability yeah what happens if China takes over the Panama Canal we’re screwed aren’t we yeah big time big big time well guess what it turns out that if you go to YouTube and if you google Iraq Suez Canal Iraq Suez Canal google it why because you’re gonna find out that Iraq is building its own Panama Canal for the very same reasons that we are the mirror image is not a coincidence we will be not pegged but paired at the belly button go google what I just told you and have fun I’ll see you tomorrow 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I promise not to make it so long sweet a lot oh wait a minute no no wait a minute no no no no no no no
I want to I used to be a Dino newbie until I watched Frank’s you be to be with a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a Dino fix I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the streets to him now to him here this is the Dino beat now take it from me Frank is no lucky it’s okay think give this man a cookie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need a Dino fix I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the streets to him now to him
here this is the Dino beat sit up be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from Rocky stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news it keeps us straight come on can you give us the rate so whenever I need a Dino fix I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the streets to him now to him here this is the Dino beat hey Tink I need a cookie come on Tink I deserve some cookies cookies cookies come on Tink give up the cookies oh this is a good one Tink my wife just gave me leche que madre that’s this I will eat tonight okay god bless you all thank you kindly for being with us I’ll see you again tomorrow night at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time where we will talk about yeah