FRANK26 – IT’S NO TOP SECRET (Uncut) 03-04-2025
Oh, I’m sorry. The 26th? Yes. Thank you.
So I’m looking for the 27th. One more page. I’m almost ready.
No. Another one? Everybody’s calling when we’re trying to do this. This is ridiculous.
I forgot what I was doing. I put up the 27th. No, I did that.
Find out what time Trump starts. And it looks like I’m writing. 9 o’clock.
He starts at 9. Thank you. All right. 3, 2, 1, start.
Go. I just realized we don’t have a recording. You have it, do you? Nobody.
There’s no recording at all. That’s right. I just realized that.
I’m so sorry. So with that in mind, here we go. Here we go.
I just realized we don’t have a recording at all. You have it, do you? This is ridiculous. I forgot what I was doing.
No, I did that. That’s right. You have it, do you? Everybody’s calling when we’re trying to do this.
This is ridiculous. I just realized that. You have it, do you? You never know what suit he’ll be wearing.
So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring. So whenever I need a D-Not fix, I tune into Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is the D-Not D. Sit up, be patient. and get ready. Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie.
Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight. Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a team, not fix a tune into Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street to now to engage.
This is the Dean heartbeat. Hey, I need a cookie. Come on tank.
I deserve some cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies. Come on, Tim. Give up the cookies.
Greetings family. Welcome to another one of your Frank 26. You’d be two B’s.
We are K T F That stands for keep the faith. Those in our heavenly father. We’re a Christian based organization that happens to study the Iraqi dinar.
How about that? Everything I say to you about the Iraqi dinar is just strictly in my opinion. And everything I say to you about Jesus Christ is a fact of life. Will you please join me? Because before I do anything, I always go to God in prayer.
I went to go see the Detroit Pistons play the Denver Nuggets last week with my family. And we said a prayer when we got in the car. Why? For the trip.
You should say a prayer when you’re going to do anything. Even if you have to think about something, say a prayer. Let God, let, let, let, let God do the thinking for you.
I said something last week that apparently touched someone because they called me and they told me, Frank, I’m going to thank you, Rebecca Hill. And what happened was, remember I said to you, read God’s word. I encourage you to read God’s word.
Remember that? And then I said, if you read God’s word, it straightens out your thinking. It straightens out your thinking. And I encourage you to pray.
Why? Why? Well, because in the, in the Bible and the word of God, God tells us, he says to us, because I know the plans that I have for you. I like talking to God. And I talked to him through prayer because he knows the plans that he has for me.
You see family at this age of knocking on 70 here, my plans never worked. I’m always excited to talk to him because his plans work for me. He knows the plans that he has for me.
Abba, heavenly father, I come to your throne room with great respect, with joy by the blood of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to ask you for strength for tonight, to ask you for guidance for tonight, for patience for tonight. I’ve got to go through all the hurdles, all the people that want to throw rocks and cause problems. I need your help.
But you know, besides what’s happening tonight, I also want to tell you something, God, I know your son. Yeah. I know who Jesus Christ is.
I know he died on the cross for me. I know you raised him from the dead after he went to the bottom pits of hell while he was dead for three days. He arose from that pit.
I know this. I know that your son talked to Thomas and many others, hundreds of people. I know by faith, all of this.
And I know you heavenly father, because you know my name, your character, your existence, your being. I am knows me. What am I but a grain in the sand of every ocean in the universe? I’m nothing, but you know, my name.
I love that relationship with you. I call upon your name. I call upon the blood of Jesus.
I call upon the name of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit that you would answer this prayer for strength for tonight. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Amen. Andy, when we get to heaven, we’re going to hear the shofar a lot, correct? Correct.
And we’re going to hear it before we head there. Andy, do you think that we’re going to hear when we hear the shofar blow? Do you think that right after that, we’re going to hear somebody go whoop? The way he’s going, he might outlive me. I’ll tell you something.
I’m so used to hearing him say that, that little whoop, whoop, when you blow the shofar that it’s just not the same unless I hear him. Thank you, Andy. God bless you.
Love you. Thank you. Thank you, brother.
All righty, family. We are here to study the Iraqi dinar and everything that I say to you is just strictly in my opinion, but we also have our president. President Donald J. Trump will be making a speech at nine o’clock.
And I also know that they have the pre-game show at eight o’clock. I’m going to do my very best to finish by eight. Now, in all honesty, I only have, what, 42 minutes.
I only have 42 minutes before we bring in our commercial. Our commercial will go from seven to seven twenty. Then from seven twenty to eight, I’ll try my best to put everything else in there.
Now, there are three subjects that we always cover, don’t we? What is the number one topic? The articles. So get into the final article number 5,118. I’m not going to do all that I always do because I want to speed time up.
Get in there. I know you’re a member of So the final article number 5,118. Then the second part will be when we talk about Eddie’s report.
Yeah. Why? Because Eddie fills in the gaps that the articles don’t leave empty, you know, leave empty. And then there’s a walking stick report.
So all of that to be crammed in and less and less in about an hour and a half. I don’t think so. So whatever it is that I can share with you, I will.
Then I will just catch up again the next time we’re together. When is the next time that we’re together? Friday. What is the date? The Friday.
The 7th, March, Friday, the 7th, 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time is our next UB2B. Unless something dramatic happens, then we have an extra one right along the way. But for right now, that’s what it’s scheduled.
And if anything happens, what do I do? I put it in my form. I put it in our form in premium. I had a gentleman that wrote me an email and he cursed me up.
And I know he didn’t curse, but he basically did, telling me that he wanted to leave premium because I didn’t post anything this week. I felt really bad for him because I did. He must have missed it.
And he says, I want out of premium because it’s not worth it to see nothing for ten dollars. Actually, it was just for one week, which would have been what roughly what would have been three dollars and thirty three cents worth. Yeah, no, there is.
Premium is valuable. It is extremely important. Ask the members.
And then the final part is Walkingstead. What report do we have from Walkingstead? Do you remember the last time we were together? I showed you very, very briefly. I showed you very briefly a message that I had from Walkingstead.
In fact, here it is right here. Here it is. Well, actually, I don’t I don’t think.
Wait a minute. Oh, I didn’t show you that one. I’m sorry.
I didn’t even show you that one. I showed you whatever. So Walkingstead tells me, hey, Aki called.
I said he did. He said, yeah. He said Aki called and he’s going to call back.
Oh, wonderful. Then yesterday he said I spoke to Aki for about 20 minutes or assuming I spoke to Aki about 20 minutes ago. He’s talking to his bosses, to his boss now.
So. When I was with you, I don’t even know when it was. Friday? Yeah, I think it was Friday.
I was with you. I showed you this. No, I showed you.
I showed you the one where he said that whatever he talked about. And then yesterday. He said that Aki was going to call the one I showed you on Friday.
And then yesterday, Aki calls. And Walkingstick is talking to him, but guess who is also on the phone? Aki’s boss. Which we have never.
Which we have never had the privilege to communicate with. Then I say whatever I say. Communicate with me.
He says, yeah, I’ll give you the report. And he says, it may take a while. Look, I don’t know if you can read that backwards there, but he says it may take a bit.
OK, I’m on the call now, but I can’t understand half the stuff they’re saying. So so Walkingstick has to wait for the interpreter to tell us what Aki and Aki’s boss is trying to tell Walkingstick. He got some of it, but it’s broken up.
If it was every other word, OK, but it’s like every other third word. But I crack off that part right there. He said, I can’t understand a single thing they’re saying, what he’s saying.
So then I told him, I said, hey, I’m getting on now. If I’m allowed, let me know. So there we are.
I don’t know if I can share Aki’s report with you, family. Let’s just say that we’re trying to get permission from up above. We’re trying to get this report to see if we can share it with you.
So let’s go ahead and do the final articles. Then let’s go ahead and do Eddie. And then we’ll determine if we even have time, because I’m not going to go past no later than, let’s say, let’s say no later than 8.15. That is a must.
That is that’s a red line. I want to leave because I want to also see what President Trump has to say. It’s going to be historical.
And we’re not going to have no Pelosi sitting back there ripping up the speech that Trump is going to do. The reason why is because, just like Sudani, just like Trump, we’re not giving anything valuable to the enemy to read and cause delays. Go ahead and shut the phones down.
Shut them all down. And look at. Hey, no caller.
It’s good to see you. God bless you. I missed you.
I hope you’re doing well. But right now, let’s not play because this is more important. You don’t need to be calling me right now.
Family, we’re going to pick up with final article number 5,118. And it also depends on how many times no ID calls and wastes our time. So here we go.
An article number 5,118, Iraq foreign minister. Well, callons call is an important step to achieve stability in the region. Now, again, I’m not going to take the time to read this, but this is historical.
This is important. That’s why I brought it to you. What’s the blue title? Monetary reform requires.
Monetary reform requires this type of security and stability from Iran. Now, do you think that Iran is giving up security and stability for Iraq freely? You think they’re volunteering to be good neighbors? No, of course not. So the foreign minister, Iraq’s foreign minister, Ocalan’s call is an important step to achieve stability in the region, because that call was to Iran.
Look at the article that’s underneath it. Birzani, Birzani, the Siamese twin to Sudani. Birzani sends a message after Ocalan’s historic delegation.
Everybody’s trying to communicate. Look at the one that’s underneath it. Birzani calls on workers to adhere to Ocalan’s call.
It is time for peaceful and democratic and democratic struggles. So you’ve got three articles, boom, boom, boom, boom, right in a row, like carpet bombing, that are not destroying but creating peace. If we can get Iran, oh my goodness, to start working with Sudani, let alone whatever Trump is telling them to do, you see, it’s not that they have to do things.
Iran doesn’t have to do things that Trump wants them to do. Trump doesn’t need Iran. No, what it is, is that Iran has to stop the things that they are doing.
And that’s what Trump wants of Iran. So these three articles, boom, boom, boom, boom, is carpet bombing of security and stability that is demanded of the monetary reform, right? You know that. Yeah, you do.
What’s the next article? Oh, shoot. What’s next article? Oh, dear me. Hold on.
I’m having so many problems. So many people are communicating. No.
Final article number 5,119. Central Bank of Iraq signs agreement with Emirate Islamic Bank. Okay, Central Bank of Iraq.
That’s good. Okay, what about it? We signed an agreement with Emirate Islamic Bank. You’re signing with everybody.
Yeah, and here’s another one, family. Emirate Islamic Bank. That’s pretty good.
It says that the CBI reaches to the international theater. That’s my blue title. The CBI reaches to the international theater.
And you know what’s interesting? The international theater is paying attention to the CBI. But the CBI has a program rate of 1310. It’s no longer a top secret, Frank.
You mean it’s not a secret? You could say that, but you see the exchange rate? It’s top secret, okay? But it’s no longer a top secret in the sense that everybody knows that we have a new exchange rate. Central Bank of Iraq reaches out to the Islamic Bank. What does it say up on top? What’s the blue title? CBI reaches to the international theater.
Yeah, and the international theater never paid attention to a program rate. Never paid attention to worthless. A penny rate? Really? Never? What is the difference? What’s the title of your Ubi2bi, family? It’s not a top secret.
Final article number 5,120. You have to forgive me. I am exhausted.
I’ve had a long day. I’ve had a long Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. I’m just a little tired, but we’re going to get through this.
Final article number 5,120. Parliament will not be suspended. Parliamentary legal committee reveals the plan for a session during Ramadan.
Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. Parliament will not be suspended. Says who? Parliament legal committee reveals that they’re going to hold a session during Ramadan.
You’ve never done that before. Well, yeah. Parliament, you’re going to work during Ramadan? Yeah.
You’ve never done that before. Why are you doing that? No, we can’t tell you. We’re already in enough trouble as it is.
Well, just read the blue title, Frank. That’s a good idea. Okay, okay.
Proof that they work through Ramadan. Basically, proof that nothing is stopping the monetary reform. What do you think that parliament has to do that’s so important during Ramadan? Something that Sudan wants done, huh? Final article number 5,121.
Russia announces imminent resumption of oil projects in the Kurdistan region. Yeah. What’s the blue title? Northern Iraq oil fields welcome Russia.
Yeah, they do. Iraq welcomes the whole freaking world. Russia, you’re in a war right now.
Yeah. You can afford, you can afford to do oil business with Iraq at 1310. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Frank.
I mean, we’ve been at war for two years. We could have done it in the last two years, but especially with Bozo in the White House, but no, no, no, no. You know very well why we’re doing it now.
Look at your, look at the title of your UB2B. It’s no secret. It’s, it’s no top secret.
I know that. I know that. Final article number 5,100 and, oh, come on, 5,122.
I’m going through these a little faster than I normally do because we only have so much time tonight, family. But we have an amazing report from Aki, but I don’t know if I can give it to you. And I’m waiting to see if I have permission to do that from the higher up.
Final article number 1,000, but we do have the final articles and we do have Eddie’s report. Final article number 1,000, excuse me, final article number 5,122. Artificial intelligence monitors oil wells in Iraq.
What is the blue title for this article? The state-of-the-art all over Iraq. AI to monitor the oil wells. You don’t want to lose a single drop, do you? No, Frank, we don’t want to lose a single denar.
The same technology that you have for your oil, is that by any chance the same technology that you’re using to know where every denar is at? Yes, Frank. All right, family, we have a third part here in Walking Stick. Take your time.
I’m only going to be on the air until eight because I want to see Trump at nine. If you think we should just hold all of this material until tomorrow, then we can share this tomorrow night on an extra YouTube. Thank you, sir.
Take your time. I’m only going to be on the air until eight because I want to see Trump at nine. If you think we should just hold all of this material to you, all of this material until tomorrow, then we can share this tomorrow night on an extra YouTube.
Thank you, sir. Wow, family. I’m excited.
I want to read this. So yeah, the state-of-the-art is everywhere in Iraq, family. You think we need the state-of-the-art for 1310? Yes.
Final article number 5123. The CBI governor announces interrogation of Iraq’s e-payment system with global markets. Now, the body of this article says the following.
He emphasized that the banks has achieved international integration by linking the Iraqi electronic payment system to global networks. I’m asking you, family, I’m asking you, why didn’t this global network, why didn’t they use this interrogation, not interrogation, what’s the word I’m thinking now? Integration. Integration.
Thank you. Why didn’t they use this integration system before to merge with Iraq? Because the program rate was not worth it. This is historical what you’re seeing right here in these last two articles that you’re going to read because I don’t have the time to read it for you.
The CBI governor announces integration of the Iraqi e-system payments with global networks. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness, family.
Once again, what is the blue title for this? Once again, CBI reaches to the international theater and not at 1310. Not at 1310. Okay, look, everybody’s calling right now.
They’re trying to figure out family. I was not able to broadcast our YouTube on the phone. So it’s endless phone calls asking us where is the broadcast on the phone because they don’t have a computer.
But this was so important with what walking stick is going to bring me. I didn’t want to occupy this phone. So I think the best thing to do is maybe why don’t we? No, I don’t want to occupy this phone.
That’s just all there is to it. No, this is more important. So that was final article number 5123.
And what is the blue title? Once again, the CBI reaches to the international theater, but not at 1310. That’s the point that we’re trying to make tonight, family, okay? 1310 is not, is no longer top secret. The new exchange rate is top secret.
But the fact that there’s a new rate is not secret. And it’s not a top secret. Dennis Lampley says, I’m on my phone also.
Yeah, but at least you’re here. You’re able to watch us or you’re on the phone with our Ubi2bi. These people don’t even have a cell phone.
It’s Denise. Oh, it’s Denise. I’m sorry, Denise.
It looks like Dennis. Yeah, but it’s just because I’m not wearing my glasses. So final article number 5124 is trying to prove what we’re telling you.
The digital currency to be launched in Iraq between economic opportunities and potential risk. Well, yeah, sure, of course. But listen to the potential opportunity.
Why digital currency? Because the whole world now knows that it’s not a secret that Iraq has a new exchange rate. It’s that simple. Why do you think that the banks are now excited? Why do you think that the banks are calling you? I’ve got so many bank stories, I don’t even know what to do with them anymore.
But I don’t have the time to share them with you. Maybe I should have a Ubi2bi just bank stories. That’d be cool.
What do you think? But this is important because it’s telling you the world knows the truth about us as the CBI. What’s the blue title? Digital currency is so hard to steal. Isn’t it, Parliament? So the article itself explains to the whole international world, you can trust my bank.
You can trust that your money will be protected in my banks. Why? Because we’re converting it into our money. What do you think we’re doing to our money? Protecting it.
Final article, number 5125. Kurdistan banks will take their share of sanctions. Economist explains the reasons why.
Wait a minute. Kurdistan banks will take their share of sanctions. Really? Yes, sir.
Are you serious? Yes, sir. May I have another one, sir? Fine. Bend over.
Whack. Wait a minute. Let me do it again.
No, no. No, no. But no, seriously, are you going to behave or not now, banks of Iraq? Yes, we are.
You’re willing to take punishment? Yes, we are. You’re willing to take the fines? Yes, we are. Kurdistan banks will take their share of sanctions.
Economist explained the reasons why. Let me tell you the reasons why. Because you don’t want to miss out on what’s about to happen.
Yes, sir. No kidding. Hmm.
What’s the blue title for this one? Control of cockroaches, even in Kurdistan. I love it. Final article, number 5126.
Well, would you look at that? If you’re watching, if you’re looking, will you look at that? Now, I showed you that hat. I showed you make Iraq great again. And then the following day, look what Iraq releases.
Eddie and I told you, Mr. Frank, I even showed it to you. Do you remember that? You remember I showed it to you? So you get to see it a few days later, but we had already shown you. And this is what I’m trying to show you in case you can’t see it.
That logo is the new logo in Iraq. And that logo says M-I-G-A. It doesn’t say O-M-G-A, it says M-I-G-A, which stands for make Iraq great again.
And Iraq has it all over the place. Let me ask you something. Whose idea was that? Let me ask you something.
Hey, Canada. Oh, Canada. Can you? Can you actually deal with your prime minister? This guy is looking for another way to blame Trump again.
Look, just get rid of the guy, okay? The things that he’s saying right now, they’re ridiculous. Those are the things that Trump told him to do. And now he comes out and he says, I have an idea.
I think we should protect our borders and work with the United States of America. We don’t need these tariffs. We don’t need these punishments upon us.
I think that we can secure them. Yeah, whatever your name. Yeah.
Yeah, Nanook. That’s right. Everything you’re now saying is exactly what you were told to do by Trump.
Oh, you’re a genius. You got that pattern. You remind me so much of, what’s his name? New Scum.
You remind me so much of New Scum. So much of him. You both have the same characteristics, the same je ne sais quoi, whatever that is.
But look at this. This fine article number 5126 is showing you the same logo that we showed you through the cap. What’s it say? After calling for cutting funding to Baghdad.
After calling for cutting funding to Baghdad. What’d you do, old Canada, Purdue, or whatever your name is? Oh, you’re now begging to work with the United States. Let me see here.
After calling for cutting funding. Hey, Baghdad. Hey, Sudan.
Did Trump say he was going to cut back on funding you? Yes, he did. Why? Because we’re not doing enough to secure Iran. What are you doing now? Oh, we’re tying them up.
We’re hog-tying them, Frank. Yeah, we got them. We got them.
We got them good. Yeah, I know. After calling for cutting funds to Baghdad, U.S. representatives are saying, let’s make Iraq great again.
U.S. Representatives Joe Wilson called for making Iraq great again and stopping Iran’s control over it after his previous call to stopping the funding of Iraq, according to the American Fox Channel. Yeah, I know. I like that.
And this is my Trump card. This is my turn. You disrespected me as an American.
My own government spit in my face. But it’s my turn under God. And everything we’re seeing is the reaction, the reflection, the movements of God.
Not so much of Trump. Not so much of the, what’s the guy, Putin in Russia. Not so much the guy in China.
Not little rocking. No, this is God. Because this is all good.
This will be very good for Iraq. It’ll be good for Iran. You got to get rid of the, what do I call them? Cockroaches.
Got to get rid of them. Got to get rid of them. And what did I tell you that they would do? And that’s what they did.
I’m very pleased about this. He said, look, the great people of Iraq and all their religions and ethnicities, and all the, this is the heir of the great civilization of Iraq. And they deserve better than to be ruled by terrorists, like a regime out of Iran, criticizing the former Joe Biden’s administration abandonment of the non-secretary protest movement in Iraq, adding that we must empower the Iraqi people to make Iraq great again and liberate Iraq from Iran.
The report also mentioned Wilson’s previous publication in which he called for stopping the funding of Iraq and cutting off all aid to Iraq as long as Iran runs it. As long as Iran runs Iraq. Oh my goodness.
So you see, ladies and gentlemen, security and stability was only going to come to Iraq by removing Iran’s influence. Where was the influence? In parliament. The Iranian politicians, how are they doing? They’re pissed off.
Why? Because they don’t get nothing. Nothing. They don’t even get the daily newspaper.
No, no. Sudani doesn’t pay attention. Nobody pays attention to them.
Why? Because this is the way Trump wants it. And that’s why they’re all now running to Sudani, running to Trump. And can we have a piece of the pie? Yeah.
Even Trudeau? Yeah. Even Mexico? Yeah. Wow.
Final article number 5127. Urgent oil minister exporting the region’s oil will begin within hours through the Turkey-Chien pipeline. What does it say on top? The commercials on Arakia television say oil will start flowing within hours.
Here they’re saying within hours. Okay. That sounds good.
And now the reason I say that to you is because there are articles and there are people that will tell you, there are gurus that will tell you, no, it won’t start flowing until the middle of this month, until the middle of this month. Yeah. Fine.
I don’t care. You want to believe that? So be it. I am of the school.
If you’re a student of Frank 26, the oil is flowing. The oil is flowing, but there’s articles that said that there’s not, and there’s problems in it. Where are the articles coming from? Walk backwards, follow or trace the money.
Final article, final article number 5128. Analysis detailing the reasons for the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar over the last 21 years. This is a conglomeration.
This is a synopsis. This is a well put together report of what’s happened since I bought my dinars. 21 years ago.
Yeah. I don’t know how long it’s been for you, but what is the blue title? Monetary reform teaches from the RV to the RI. Monetary reform teaches from the RV to the RI.
So this article is giving a complete, a complete teaching of what happened in the last 20 years to the monetary reform, to the currency of Iraq, really to the banks of Iraq. Really? Yeah. Didn’t I predict that this would come out? Yeah.
Please enjoy this article. There’s an article right underneath it, by the way, that is in continuation with it. In a graphical analysis, the months with the most and least impact on the fluctuation of the dollar against the dinar since 2005.
Now, where do we see that? Look at that. Look what I team just said to me. Looking pretty sassy there.
It’s their fault, I team, not me. In a, in a graphical analysis, the months with the most and least impact of the fluctuation of the dollar against the dinar in 2005. Okay.
What? What is this article trying to tell me? Well, some economic bozo says, look, the reason why we’ve been having fluctuations with our exchange rate is because of the weather. What are you, woke? What are you, far left? What? Well, you see, some months we do really good, some months we do really bad because of the weather. It’s really hot.
We get windstorms. Shut up. What is the blue title? Monetary Reform Education Explaining the Delays of the Purchasing Power? No, there are no delays.
It’s moving forward. There is no good month and bad month and good month and bad month. I promise you, monetary reform has been marching forward like a Sherman tank running over everything.
Final article number 5129. From the safe internet, from safe internet to smart systems, Iraq enters the digital revolution era with steady steps. What do I say up on top? Digital currency is far safer than paper.
Security and stability is what’s important for the monetary reform. This digitalization family is extremely important for the next step when they release the paper to the people. Victor, you know, we have, I was thinking about that, that no one’s, you know, we had our sister at the very beginning, but Victor, you know, we have Rebecca Hill twice on top of that and Deborah.
Thank you for you. But then all of a sudden Victor comes in and he says, I owe silver. I’m here.
Thank you, brother. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you, sir.
My point with final article number 5129 family is what I made the point before. Where was digitalization before? Well, it never was around. They didn’t have the systems to have it.
They didn’t have the systems to use it, to be able to trust it. Digitalization protects the currency because it’s a lot harder to steal electronically than it is to steal physically. This says from the safe internet to the smart systems.
Yeah, I agree. Digital currency is safer and faster than paper. Security and stability was the goal.
Now, these are the steps that we’re in right now. This is not what they need to accomplish. This is where we’re at right now.
Final article number 5100. And that’s why you see all of these things that are so impressive. They make you want to scratch your head and say, wait, that’s not possible at 1310.
I know. What’s the title of your Yubitube? It’s no top secret anymore. Final article number 5130 a lot.
Iraq has become one of the best countries in the world in controlling the sale of the dollar. Yeah, because Donald Trump demanded it. Yeah.
And when you didn’t do what he told you to do, he says, fine, I’m going to take your funding away. And when Sudani heard about that, what did he tell you a lot? He kicked my butt. Good.
And what did you do? Well, he sent me out to the streets and I had to tell the people, we got a new exchange rate for you. Calm down. He even sent Shaleh out and they said the same thing.
And what did he, Shaleh says, we’re returning back to the glory days. Yeah. And that was just last week when he did that, didn’t he? Yeah, he did.
So Iraq has become one of the best countries in the world in controlling the sales of the dollar. Who told you to say this? Sudani. I got in trouble.
What is the, what is the blue title for this article? The CBI board of directors tells the Iraqi citizens, we control the dollar in our country. There is no problems whatsoever. And this article family is beautiful.
In fact, it’s one of the articles that I’m going to take actually time to read almost 90% of it. This is from the CBI. And this is because Sudani told him to say it.
And that’s because Sudani and Trump are like this. Okay. And that’s because Brazani and Sudani are like this and they are working with Trump like this.
Iraq has today become one of them. Really? It happened just like that today, huh? Okay. Iraq has today become one of the best countries in the world, excuse me, in controlling the sale of the dollar.
Yeah, because you were abusing it. You were bruising it. And Trump told you to stop.
You stopped the auctions, didn’t you? Continue. Yeah. The sale of the dollar.
As this process is carried out with transparency and accuracy, yeah, right, yeah, nothing gets away now from the CBI and the U.S. Treasury. As it’s carried out now with transparency and accuracy, supercomputers, and through it the citizens verifies his documents and his departure from the country, explaining that this mechanism, you know, this monetary reform, this mechanism is the most disciplined, transparent, and controlled in the world, as indicated by international experts. Footnote.
And international experts never wanted to work with us at 1310. Never had a program, right? Never. But they are now, right? Because we don’t have any of that.
Okay. Continue. A lot noted that the false news, you know, okay, you know, parliament.
The false news and the media distortions may harm the interests of Iraq and the banking sector, stressing the importance of being proud of the major developments that Iraq is witnessing. Yeah. Don’t pay attention to the rumors.
Shalai, did you tell the, yeah, okay, you told the citizens. He pointed out that the government and the central bank are working hard to establish sound practices that are compatible with the international standards. You mean like a currency with value to it? Calling for the need to highlight these achievements in the media.
He pointed out that highlighting these transformations and developments helps to enhance international confidence in the Iraqi banking sector, which is vital to the continuing of the development of our financial system of Iraq. Your monetary reform is superior. It is being protected by supercomputers on the ninth floor of this new CBI building, which is nothing but the U.S. treasury.
The ninth floor is all U.S. treasury. You are well protected. Next article.
A lot says Iraq has become one of the best countries in the world for controlling the sale of the dollar. And what does it say up on top? Security and stability ignores rumors. Security and stability ignores rumors.
So this is extremely important. These articles, that’s why they’re blown up red. That’s why 90% of these articles is red.
Look at this last part. A lot also said, look, the false media, you know, the false news that’s out there. Are we talking about our government? Okay.
His government. Okay. Joe Nicholson, Sr., thank you.
God bless you. Thank you. You love this group.
We love you, sir. Welcome. Look, he went on and he says, you know, the false news that we were talking, that Sudani was talking about, you know, the false media distortion, it may harm you, Iraqi citizens.
It may harm the interests of Iraq and the banking sector. So don’t pay attention to that crap. Okay.
Stressing the importance of being proud. Okay. Iraqi citizens.
Okay. Okay. Be proud.
Be proud of the major developments that Iraq is witnessing right now with the CBI. Yeah. How you like me now, says a lot to Sudani.
How you like me now, says Sudani to Trump. How you like me now, says Trump to the world. As dramatic as I just made it, it’s 100% true.
- 100. You know it.
The enemy knows it. The Democrats know it. 100.
Try stopping 100. Try stopping the monetary reform, Iran. It’s an impossibility.
Fine article number 5131. Sudani advised that the digital currency is in a quantitative leap that improves oversight and supports combating money laundering. What do I say up on top? Security and stability cannot be repeated enough for the monetary reform.
That’s what this article does. The Central Bank of Iraq is moving towards issuing a digital currency as a gradual alternative to paper currency, indicating that this trend represents a quantitative leap in the national digital payment system. And so does a new exchange rate, ladies and gentlemen.
Final article number 5132. IOC demands written agreements, payments, securities. APIKUR spokesman said.
What is that? The Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan. Oh, Kurdistan. What do you want? We want it in paper.
We want it written. We want it in blood. What? That you’re going to pay us what this says here in the contract.
This is amazing. You’re going to pay. Really? This is what we’re going to get.
Put it in writing. And that’s what the Kurdistan oil industry is saying. Put it in writing.
That’s why Turkey is saying we’re not moving any oil yet. Yes, you are. Shh.
We’re supposed to say we’re not moving yet. We need leverage, Frank. Shut up.
Oh, we’re not moving any oil yet. OK, OK. No more.
No, no, no, no. You put it in contract. Yeah.
You rewrote it. I got a new exchange rate. Oh, yeah.
Now pay me. And I say, I see it. I see it.
That’s what this article tell me. Pay me. Pay me everything.
You promise me. No, I don’t care what you promise the citizens. Purchasing power of my foot.
Pay me. You want that oil to move? Pay me. And it’s interesting because down here, look, this part, we just need to know that there is a plan in writing.
OK, for us to get the money. Dude, can you just what? Why don’t you tell me the color of your underwear, too? OK. Pink.
No, no, no. So what are you saying? We just want we just want to die. We just want to be paid.
We just need to know that there is a plan in writing for us to get paid the money. El dinero. OK.
- The money that they promised. You don’t know that.
But this is why we’re making a demand about it. Check this out, Frank. That plan that they promised us that we’re so excited about needs to be written on paper and agreed to for how the companies will get repaid.
Will you stop talking? No, man, we want our money. Don’t you, Frank? Yeah. Yeah.
All right. Yeah. But you’re saying too much.
OK, we want to get repaid, dude. And when and when they will get repaid. How many times are you going to say that’s enough? And when we do finally get repaid, he says, acknowledging that the different companies may have their own individual decisions to make, but stressing the need for a clear financial road map.
OK, put it in paper. Don’t go on it. Furthermore, we the APIK, you are whatever.
We seek assurance regarding future oil export volumes. OK, yeah. Decisions are about how much oil will be exported and at what rate.
Is that better, Frank? OK. And at what rate? Stay on the line, guys. I’m muting you.
So and so we just need this in writing. We want the decisions made, how much we can move and at what rate must also. That’s the last part.
The last part, like the like the fine print writing at what rate decisions about about how much oil will be exported and at what rate must also be specified in informal agreements. Oh, that’s just beautiful. Oh, my word.
We got another page to go to. Let me look real quick because our advertisers are with us. But let me see how many are.
Oh, let me see how many. How many articles are there? Well, it looks like, oh, Lordy, Lordy, there’s still too many articles to go. Ten minutes.
Oh, I love you guys. I love you guys. I love you guys.
Then get your butts in here. Oh, hold on. There you go, gentlemen.
The floor is yours. Ten minutes. Go.
All right, Frankie, but we’re going to get it done and get you back into this teaching. We appreciate you guys. My name is Tony Pearson and Cliff Collins.
We’re from Mobetter Studios and we create customized songs, one of a kind, personalized songs for birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, any occasion. Just a love song. We’ll do that.
We do that and we do it with a lot of work and we’ve done over almost 275 songs today. So we’re real happy with that. We want to let you know a couple of real quick testimonies that we’ve done.
And we’ll do that real quick, Frank, and then we’ll get right back to the teaching, OK? Yes, sir. All right. Here’s the first one.
We did a song and Frank, this is the one that the lady called you about, Miss Bonnie. And we did it for her 95 year old friend, Susie. And this is the one that she told you about.
So we want to play just a brief testimony of what she said for us. OK. Hi, I’m Bonnie from Arizona and I ordered a country birthday song.
Tony and Cliff wrote a birthday song for my friend Susie called Heaven Sent Me an Angel. I think Heavenly Father just sent Nashville two more kings of country music. They actually put my name on the certificate as one of the creators of this beautiful song.
I was proud to have Loretta Lynn and Crystal Gale in my family tree, but I’m thrilled to be listed on the blockchain as a co-creator of this beautiful song. Anyone fortunate enough to have these talented men create a special song for your special occasion will truly be blessed. Thank you so much, Tony and Cliff.
Again, I’m Bonnie from Arizona and I love my friend’s song. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. OK, we’re going to play just a little brief of it. Yeah, I want to hear it.
I still haven’t heard it. Go for it. OK.
Beautiful. That’s number one, Frank, and that’s the song that she said she replaced the Frank 26 song with. I don’t know.
It is beautiful. Before we turn it back over to you, Frank, we got a… Stacey ordered a song. It’s a grandmother.
She ordered a song for her 15-year-old grandson, Tristan. We won’t get to the part, but at the end of the song we put in that he’s 15, he’s trying to find his way, and we put in there he was a good-looking young man, and all the girls went, woo, woo, woo! And she said he just lit up like a Christmas tree when he heard that part. So let us play her testimony for you, then we’ll be done.
- Stacey, Texas, birthday occasion. Yes, it was absolutely a hit.
He enjoyed it so much, especially the part about the girls say, wow, wow, wow. So he really did enjoy it, and everybody else did, too. Wonderful job.
Absolutely wonderful on short notice. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can we play just a little brief of it? OK.
My sweet boy Brings your baby’s heart so much joy You grow up so fast You get down to be A handsome young man He’s plain to see You love to play sports It’s true Running fast and strong Is what you do That laugh of yours Gets us every time Spread sunshine Like a summer shine Happy birthday All right, Frank, there it is. That was Tristan. He was a 15-year-old young man that really enjoyed his birthday song.
We knocked it out for him and got her done. She called us on Friday. His birthday was on Monday, so we were able to get it done for her quickly.
Just want to say thanks to the family and all the wonderful things. There’s so many more, Frank. There’s probably 20, 30 more testimonials we can’t get to tonight, but we want to get back to the teaching and back to your thing.
We just want to let everybody know, if you want to have your own personalized song, go to, is our website, or you can call me at 423-367-7648. Again, that’s 423-367-7648. It’s my cell.
We’ll be glad to talk to you and answer your questions, or you can text us. One final thing, Frank, before I turn it back over to you. We mentioned last week we had a price increase coming at the end of the month.
We’ve extended that sale of 20% off, so you can get a song now for $100 up until Monday, this coming Monday. Our website has not changed over yet, so if you order a song this week, you’ll still get the Valentine’s special. We’re going to continue it on for another week.
We had a lot of people order on Friday trying to get it, so a lot of people didn’t get in, but if you want to call back this week up until Sunday night at midnight, the website will change. For now, you can get that special. Just one other quick note is the KTFA family, Cliff and I are starting to advertise in other areas naturally, but the KTFA family will always, always, always have a special place in our heart, and you will always, always, always have a special discount code that will give you a cheaper price than anybody in the country can buy.
So we’ll be announcing that more maybe on Friday, but that’s what we got, Frank, and just want to say thank you, buddy, for everything you do, and want to turn the show back over to you so you can get on with the teaching. Well, I was going to ask Tink, if she pushed you in the belly button, would you go, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, Many of you, you just constantly, it’s wave after wave, saying that you really enjoy our Frank 26 song that Cliff and Tony put together for us. Well, you can download it.
What is the price for downloading it, do you know? $2.99, something like that. Yeah, we’ve got it kind of pretty low. Of course, that goes back to the KTFA family, so yeah, we’ve got it down there.
And if anybody had, I noticed last week someone had trouble downloading a song. If you ever, ever have trouble with that, please call my phone number and we’ll get it worked out. Occasionally, there’s some hiccups, but most of the time, it works fine.
Go ahead and give out your phone number that way in case they want to call and make a song. It’s four, two, three, three, six, seven, seven, six, four, eight. It’s my cell, and we answer it 24-7, seems like.
So sometimes the California people call at 3 o’clock in the morning, but we still answer it. I know. I get those calls too.
God bless you, gentlemen, and thank you. Thank you, Tony Cliff. God bless you guys.
Thank you, Frank. Appreciate you, buddy. Yes, indeed.
You bet. Bye-bye. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s pick up where we left off so we don’t lose too much time.
And I believe it was final articles, wasn’t it? Let’s see. Which one did we… Oh, yes. We are now flipping over to the last page.
We are now on page 257, and we are in final article number 5133. And I’m going to take a quick little sip here. If you go to, put that in there for me, would you, honey? If you go to our site,, and you go to the very top, is it at the top where the download, or is it one of the banners? It’s a banner.
Ah. So if you go to and you scroll down about the middle of that, you’ll see all the banners. And look for the banner that has, what? Click here to download.
Oh, I see. It has our logo, the planet Earth. It says here, click here to, what does it say? Download Frank26 theme song.
And when they go, it takes them to their website. And for three bucks, you can have that as your property as well, too. All righty.
Yeah. Back to work. Final article number 5133.
Dollar prices decline gradually in Baghdad and Erbil. It actually should say dollar prices decline gradually in Iraq. That’s what it should basically say because that’s what Donald Trump wanted.
And you do that by controlling Iran, and that’s where we’re at. The article itself is good. It’s got a little part where I want to read.
It says, the markets of Iraqi capital Baghdad and Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan region, are witnessing a gradual decline in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar as of today, Sunday. Well, the fear was that the dollar was going to be in great demand because they got rid of the dollar, and they’re only using their dinar. But knowledge is powerful, isn’t it? In my opinion, Eddie knows very well what’s going on.
They already took as many of three zeros as they wanted to the banks, and they’re going to go ahead and bring the rest when the time comes, and they will be converted electronically. This article itself, the blue title says, the monetary reform is succeeding to protect the United States dollar and the Iraqi dinar. That’s the purpose of this reform family, to protect both of those currencies, believe it or not.
There used to be a program with Elliot Ness called Believe It or Not, wasn’t it? Yeah. That wasn’t his name, Elliot Ness, but you know him. Final article number 5134, financial and economic measures.
You mean the monetary reform? Yes. What about it? Iraqi finance minister announces the results of its meeting with the International Monetary Fund. Oh, well, this is good.
This is really good, because you know what? We’ve been waiting for this meeting. We’ve been waiting for this meeting. IMF, weren’t you meeting with the CBI? Yeah.
Aki, were you meeting with the IMF, the CBI, and everybody? Yeah. Oh, well, we were waiting for this meeting to end. Walking stick.
Yeah. Aki called. He says he’s got the report.
Yeah. Well, we kind of got a report, too. Yeah.
What’s it say, Frank? Well, it says that the financial and economic measures, Iraqi finance minister announces the results of its meeting with the IMF. And he says that, you know, the Iraqi minister, he says, the finance guy, he says on Sunday, the results of this meeting with the IMF, well, it’s indicating an agreement to intensify efforts to expand cooperation with foreign correspondent banks, while the IMF stresses the importance of developing the banking sector. Okay, so basically the IMF told you, Iraqi banks, to continue developing outside of your borders internationally, right? Yep.
What’s Claire laughing about? Nothing. Oh, man, I’m left out. Okay.
I can see everything, Claire. I can’t. Even the people that call me and think I can’t see them.
So yeah, the IMF meeting. What’s the blue tie? What’s the blue tie? Let me see. IMF brags about the CBI and Iraq’s economy.
IMF, you’re happy with the CBI? Mm-hmm. Really? You’re happy with 1310? Mm-mm. Well, why are you happy with the CBI? Because it’s not a secret, Frank.
Yeah, I know. This is really good. What else you got to say about this? In addition? Yeah, what else? See how I did that? In addition to enhancing the use of Iraqi dinar in major transactions.
Really? That’s what you did, IMF? But it’s worthless. How is this possible that you’re using the dinar all over the planet Earth right now? In addition to enhancing the use of the Iraqi dinar in major transactions, which enhances the strength of the national currency. You’re talking about the float.
Uh-huh. That meeting was good, wasn’t it, Aki? Uh-huh. Your boss even talked to WalkingStick, didn’t he, Aki? Uh-huh.
Hey, WalkingStick. Was that a great call? Uh-huh. Well, actually, we’re still doing it.
We’re translating it. Okay. Holy cow.
So this article is beautiful because the IMF is bragging about the economic reform of Iraq, and then at the bottom the IMF is bragging about the float of Iraq’s currency. Okay. All right.
Final article number 5135. Due to the collapse of the Toman. Now, what is the Toman? Toman is another way of describing the Iranian currency.
Due to the collapse of the Toman, Iranian parliament dismisses the minister of finance. I can just see the supreme leader of Iran. I am the supreme leader of Iran.
And I beat him. Take his head off. All of it.
Take it off. Down to the shoulders. Take it off.
I vote my finance minister guy because our money is kaka. It’s camel kaka. CCC.
Okay. It’s worthless. Get rid of him.
Fire him. I am the supreme leader of Iran. Pay attention to me.
What is the blue title? What’s the blue title up here? Security and stability for the IQD comes in many forms. Supreme leader of Iran, the reason why your currency’s been destroyed is because you don’t have baby Biden to baby you around anymore. Yeah.
He took away, you know, you can’t suckle anymore. You’re not being fed my money anymore. I don’t know for what reason.
Oh, nuclear proliferation. Well, that’s going to go bye-bye to pretty soon. So I read Iranian supreme leader.
You fired your finance minister because your currency is being destroyed. No, you fired the wrong person. But the most important thing, ladies and gentlemen, is this is exactly, exactly, exactly.
I mean, this is target. This is precise. This is pinpoint precise bombing.
We needed to get rid of what in order to bring the new exchange rate? Just like the guy from Saturday Night. What was his name? He passed away. He used to be on Saturday Night Live.
And you go, you do a skit, and you go, thank you very much. Thank you very much. Latka.
Latka. Latka. Latka.
Latka. Thank you very much. That’s what I envision.
We got the Sudani and Alak and Trump, all of them standing side by side. We just got rid of Iran’s influence by destroying their currency. You did.
Wow. Thank you. Thank you very much.
This is fantastic for us. That’s why I’m enjoying this. Final article number 5,136, the central bank, the gold reserves, no, no, no, no, don’t even go there.
Well, why did you put the article up, Frank? Because I wanted to go there. Okay, central bank, what do you want? Our gold reserves have grown by 45.1%. 0.1%? Where did you get those numbers? You just grabbed that out of the air. Oh, no, no, no.
Okay, this is real. Okay, okay. Okay, so you’re telling me that in one year, your gold reserves grew by 45.1%? That’s impressive.
That’s impressive. Now, why don’t you tell me what the total tonnage is of your gold reserves? Nope. Okay.
Final article number 5,137, oil ministry. We have succeeded in reaching self-sufficiency in liquid gas and exporting the surplus. Thank God.
No Dutch disease here. And this is exactly what was needed for the monetary reform. You just can’t count on the oil.
That’s fantastic, but you just can’t count on the oil alone, okay? But you’re telling me, Iraq, that you have a variety of different things? This is wonderful. Oh, my gosh, the float is going to be amazing just because of this. What’s the blue title? Many of Iraq’s resources, not just oil, many, and this article will tell you about that.
It’s endless. I’ve told you about the four rivers. If you’re a student with me, you know that when I say the four rivers, you know what I’m talking about.
Oh, my gosh. Everything was brought to this area. Everything.
Final article number 5,138, Kurdish financial delegation arrives in Baghdad to discuss financing salaries with seven types of financial books. Urgent. Would you say? With seven types of financial books.
What’s the title? What’s the freaking title of our YouTube tonight? It’s not a top secret anymore. You guys are talking about the books? I mean, you got seven of them. Well, we Kurdistan, this is not Baghdad, Frank.
Yeah, but you do what you’re saying is exactly what is what’s the blue title for this article? More things that wait for the new exchange rate. The delegation carries with it seven types of salary. Oh, you got salary financing.
The delegation carried with it seven types of salary financing books, which include various categories such as retirees, civil servants, military personnel, social welfare, and many other books dealing on the finances of Iraq. Why isn’t it in the budget? Well, all these books, Frank, are in the budget. They were just individually separated because we were running things on a separate set of books, but everything is now in the budget.
I told everybody this. Yeah, well, we’re telling them now. Yeah.
Okay. I know article number 5,139. Iraqi dinar hits a nine month high against the American dollar.
The Iraqi dinar hits a nine month high, but we just saw an article that says that the American dollar has hit a very, very low position in Iraq. I thought it was supposed to go crazy because you can’t use the American dollar, so everybody’s going to smuggle it in. It’s going to go crazy.
It’s going to get out of hand. Oh, it didn’t go that way. Wait a minute.
Citizens are using the American dollar in Iraq? No, they can’t. Are banks in Iraq using the American dollar? No, they can’t. What are citizens using? The Iraqi dinar.
But it’s worthless. But it’s no secret anymore, Frank. Yeah.
And that’s what explains the reciprocal of what we just saw. The dollar hits all-time low. The dinar hits an all-time high.
Family, do you remember me doing this? It’s basically economics 101. Remember the church, the graphs in economics 101? Do you remember me doing this? If the dollar and the dinar were going, la, la, la, la, la, and la, la, la, la, la. You remember all that? Behold, the dollar went down because the Iraqi dinar went up in value? No.
Yes. Bin article number 5,140, Shaleh, geopolitical, oh my word, geopolitical. This can get nasty.
What about it? Geopolitical controls push towards shifting to official channels for currency trading. I don’t care. Shaleh, do you care? No, not really.
But I’m supposed to come out here and say, you know, talk about it. All right. What’s the blue title? The power of the monetary reform pushes the dinar internationally.
I don’t care if it leaves its borders. I don’t care if it grows up and he’s a big boy and he’s got big pants on and he’s out there with all the others. I don’t care if he’s in a float.
I do care if he’s in a basket. But I don’t care. I don’t care about any of this.
This is wonderful. You want to trade with the Iraqi dinar? You want to trade with the Iraqi dinar? Is that what you’re telling me? Well, yeah, but you see, we’ve got to avoid certain things. We’ve got to avoid Iran.
Well, yeah, but we’ve got to avoid it. Just read the article, Frank. The shift, it’s a shift right now, Frank.
And you know that. It’s not a secret anymore. This is a paradigm shift.
You said a paradigm shift. Remember that, Frank? Here they say, this shift aims, I wonder why they didn’t use paradigm. This shift aims to move away from informal financing, from the parallel dollar market intensively.
Yeah, we’ve got to get away from that, especially with the change, especially with the change in the behavior of small traders in avoiding the parallel market. You mean like my friend Eddie? Uh-huh. Linked to the country’s regional and geographical problems.
What did I say? Look it, in blue, in blue, right there, blue for instance. What did I say? There is a shift in the geopolitical arena of Iraq. Well, that can only be because of maybe you have a new leader.
Let me see. Janani, are you still there? No, he’s still here. Well, maybe because you have an internal war.
We got a war in Iraq? No, no, we don’t. Okay. Geopolitical shift.
Maybe because a volcano erupted and destroyed all the resources, the water. You guys got any volcanoes blowing up? No, you’re not Hawaii. Okay.
No. What’s the geopolitical shift problem? Continue to read, Frank. He also stressed that the end of the compliance of platforms phase adopted by the Central Bank of Iraq in the past two years and the country’s entry into a new phase has contributed to providing great flexibility in the financial transfers through official channels.
I’m running out of time, but you know what that is? What’s it say? What’s it say? What’s it say right there? What’s it say in blue? What’s it say? What’s it say? Behold. Behold. I told you, behold.
When I started reading it, behold the float and behold the geographical shift that is occurring is because there’s a, there’s a change in an exchange rate. Sudani didn’t die. That was not the change.
There isn’t a war. There isn’t, there isn’t a green, whatever garbage going on. No, no.
What happened? What was it? Where’s the paradigm shift? It’s a new exchange, Frank. Good idea. Final article number 5,141, counterfeit currency.
Why are you even bothering me with this? The cockroaches have been dealt with. Every time they had, they make babies, they don’t get very far. Look at Iran right now, the mother and father of the babies.
They’re begging for help. Counterfeit currency and unmarked gold dealers busted. Oh, is that why? Oh, I thought you had problems with them.
Well, we did, but we busted them. There’s actually more of them. There’s what? There’s more of them.
And we’re going to bust them. Oh, do they know that you’re watching them? No. Counterfeit currency and unmarked gold.
Who’s doing this? Basically supercomputers. Oh, solid. 100, 100.
Okay. Counterfeit currency and unmarked gold dealers busted in Iraq. What’s the blue title? Security and stability dominate the monetary form.
Yeah, they sure do, don’t they? Oh, I love it. Look at this article right underneath it that’s matched to it. Sudani to the head of ports, I want you to, you ports, okay, you officials, you guys that are in charge.
I put you there, okay? That’s me, Sudani. I have something to tell you. What’s that? I want you to deport every officer, every person, every employee that is against, who puts out any negative information.
Really? Yeah. What, are you trying to be like Trump? No, I’m obeying him. But listen to me, okay? I’m the prime minister.
If you know of anybody that is spreading rumors about me, about my reforms, about my country, you let me know. Let me know. I’ll take care of them.
Right? I’ll take care of it. Okay? Okay. I’ll send Uncle Vito.
I’ll send Aunt Shelly. I’ll send the Bobsy Twins. You know, the Siamese ones.
I’ll send everybody. We’ll take care of it. We’ll take care of it.
Okay? All right. So Sudani is just amazing. From the very perimeter, the very edge, their ports, to the new CBI building, the cockroaches don’t have a chance.
If they scurry and they come out, they get squashed. They’re being watched constantly. They think they’re hiding, but there’s a lot of cans of raid just waiting for them as soon as they come out.
This is security and stability that was needed, necessary, required, demanded of the new exchange rate before it comes out. As much as you constantly are saying, where is it? What’s the delay? What’s going on? This is the truth, everybody. And it’s very simple truth.
What does this article say? What’s the blue title? Another One Bites the Dust. Yeah. Final article number 5,142.
Completion of network operation for sonar at all border crossings. Really? Really? Really? Sonar? Sonar at the border? Sonar at the borders? At the airports? But it’s not for the airplanes, is it? No, it’s not, is it? Sonar at the border crossings. Man, what’s the blue title for this article? What’s in your wallet? What’s in your wallet? We know.
Final article number 5,100. Hey, Donnie. How you doing, man? It’s good to see you.
Final article number 5,143. Government advisors. Electronic payment enhances dinar stability and it shrinks the parallel market.
Well, that was the whole goal of removing the auctions. You’re going to shrink? No, you’re going to destroy. You’re going to eradicate.
You’re going to remove the parallel market. All that’s left is what? Our currency. But it’s worthless.
Don’t worry about it. It’s going up. In fact, guess what? This piece of paper, this fiat, get rid of it.
It’s going to become electronical when it’s all said and done, when the smoke clears. Final article number 5,143. Government advisor.
Electronic payment enhances dinar stability and it shrinks the parallel market. Well, enhances dinar stability is an increase in the exchange rate. And shrinks the parallel market is the removal of the auctions.
Now, granted, I know you’re going to throw it in my face. We still have auctions, but not the same way. And if you’re that ignorant about it and you keep throwing it in my face, well, then there’s very little I can say to you.
Hmm. All righty. Well, this is good.
Electronic payment enhances dinar stability. Wow. And it shrinks the parallel market.
Wow. And what’s the blue title? The monetary reform says. Ta-da.
Final article number 5,144. Parliament finance. Spit, spit, spit.
We expect the budget tables to reach Parliament in the middle of this month. What is the blue title? You know, if you behave Parliament, then you will see those tables. That’s all.
It’s that simple. Hmm. Final article number 5,145.
Allot. What about it? What’s up, Allot? What the board of directors want you to say? We got 20 Iraqi banks that practice direct transfer operations. He says the governor of the central bank, Allot, he confirmed on Tuesday that there are 20 Iraqi banks that practice direct transfer operations in eight foreign currencies.
But, but, but, but, dude, at your rate, it makes no sense to do that. Every transaction, the foreign currency would lose money in the transaction. Well, Frank, today there are 20 Iraqi banks practicing.
Read my lips, Mr. Frank 26. I didn’t say they’re doing it yet. They’re practicing.
Frank, you know everything is waiting for the new exchange rate. What’s your man with you? Okay. You threw me a curveball there.
Okay. Frank, today there are 20 Iraqi banks practicing. Until we get the new exchange rate.
Practicing direct transfer operations with international horse bonds with eight foreign currencies within this new system. Allot explained that other banks that are still outside this framework are now working to qualify them according to the specific standards and cooperation with an international consulting company to apply the necessary standards to apply them to join foreign transfer operations. He stressed that there are no new sanctions.
There are no new sanctions. There are no new sanctions or changes. But on the contrary, there is praise.
There is praise. There is praise. You don’t praise a program rate.
There is praise and appreciation. You don’t appreciate 1310. There is praise and appreciation from international bodies especially with regards to the mechanism for selling cash dollars.
Allot stressed that the necessity for focusing on these success to show a positive image of the transformation of the transformation, really? Of the Iraqi banking sector, which will be positive. Which will be. You still haven’t released that rate, have you? Which will be a positive reflect which will be positively reflected in the dealing of international financial institutions with Iraqi banks.
Because international banks around the world are not stupid to deal with us at 1310. And that’s it on the articles. How am I doing on time? Oh, we only got like 20 minutes.
Alright, where’s my phone? My phone’s right over here. Now quickly, let’s go. Boom, boom, boom.
Take your time. I told him. Zoom, zoom.
Where am I going? Eddie, one, two. Alpha, alpha. No, not alpha team.
Not I team. Not gamma. Come on, come on.
Where are you, man? I got more teams than I know what to team up with. Where am I going? When were we together? Friday. That was the 27th? Were we together on the 27th, honey, Friday? We were.
Thank you. The 27th is Thursday. That’s when you were last on.
Really? Friday we went. So I’m looking for Friday onward? Yep. Oh, dear me, how much time.
Friday onward. Here, what I’m going to do this time is I’m not going. Here’s Thursday.
There’s Thursday. There’s Friday. Help me.
Did I show you this? Did I show you that? I don’t mean in my form. I mean here on the phone when I hold it up like that. Because our last UB team, is that Denise? Yes.
Denise says yes. A.E. says no. So most of the people are saying yes.
Okay, so I did show this to you. Well, then something is wrong. Because this came in Friday.
Look. This came in Friday at 8 o’clock in the morning. So how is it possible that this had came in Friday at 8 in the morning? Ah, premium.
You’re the ones that are saying yes to this. All right. I got to start.
Let’s get going, family. So with your permission, we’re going to start Friday. Premium.
Some of this you might have already caught. And for the individual that sent me that last nasty email telling me, remove me. Remove me from premium.
Remove me from KTFA. Just premium. The $10 a month that I spend in premium is not worth it.
You didn’t put anything there last week. Well, apparently I did, didn’t I? All right, family. Let’s get to work.
Friday. And I’m not going to hold it up with your permission like I always do. Because we got work to do.
Let’s get going. Hi, Mark. Thank you, my brother.
Thank you, Mark Engel. Thank you so much. Thank you.
TV is showing agreement to supply Lebanon with crude oil. And they must pay up front with cash immediately for the deal to happen. Oil minister is saying that the oil flowing will start within hours through the pipeline.
We’re not sure if this is going to really be the case, Mr. Frank. TV explaining why no cash withdrawals outside USA. It’s relating to stopping money laundering.
We are protecting our currency. They keep showing the pipeline and saying within hours this will resume. Now, this was Friday.
You see that they were thinking that within hours it’s going to resume. In my opinion, it has resumed. You don’t have to.
Everything that I say to you now is strictly in my opinion. How do you like my green suit? This is my opinion. Everything I’m going to say to you, everything I’m going to share with you right now is just strictly in my opinion.
Next report. Television is showing Shaleh. Now, he’s giving a seminar at the College of Iraq and its transition and economic challenges.
He started talking about Iraq back in the 1950s and he talked all the way back further up to now saying we are an amazing country and with many natural resources and how great of a country we are. Mr. Frank, look what he says. We are returning back to the glory days.
Mr. Frank, we know what that means. I say to him, Greetings, gentlemen. I’m sorry that I fell behind from all of your reports so much on my plate, but very quickly, yes, the commercials that they’re showing you are all the commercials that we told you.
Look at file number so-and-so and you’ll see all the commercials are lined up. We told you the times, the dates that they would be out. So these are the commercials, okay? They are all focusing on the monetary reform education to you Iraqi citizens.
They are telling you what they are doing, what they have done, and they even went back to the 1950s, back to the glory days. All of this is the education. All of this is exactly, almost word for word how we told you that they would tell you so that you would be aware and it doesn’t catch you by surprise of what they are doing with their financial restructuring.
Unfortunately, there are negative articles coming out of Kurdistan saying that they will not start the flow of oil. Apparently, there are eight oil companies that are not willing to start the flow of Kurdistan oil in Baghdad. Now I know your commercials are telling you that it’s going to start within hours and I believe that that is… I understand.
So they’re telling you that the oil is going to start. This was Friday. They told you that the oil is going to start within hours.
So I believe… How about we can believe that the oil has already started, in my opinion. The articles are owned by politicians and you know some of the media is crooked because they’re run by Iranian politicians. But the commercials, the commercials, the commercials.
You pay attention to those. That’s why we’ve been telling you about them for so long. That’s why we prepared you for these commercials.
Those commercials that are being produced and released right now are from the GOI, from the CBI, from Sadani, all of them. And by the way, Zelensky… How old are these reports? By the way, Zelensky made a big mistake today with my president. But he will crawl back with his tail between his legs saying that he is sorry.
But his stupidity is a blessing for my country and, in my opinion, a blessing for our investment with your country. Because now you’re going to see Russia, you’re going to see the Congo in Africa. You’re going to see many countries with these precious metals.
You’re going to see many countries that are going to tell President Trump, Sir, come into our country and protect our country from the evil ones. Protect us and we will give you all the rare minerals that your country needs. And in my opinion, gentlemen, this relationship could also be established between Iraq and Donald Trump.
By the way, I really like the fact that the CBI signed with Islamic banks. It makes sense that they would be the last ones to trust Iraq. Think about that.
Yes, sir. Sorry. Oh my gosh.
Frank Eddy says yes, he agrees. And he says he’d be very surprised if when the oil does start flowing, it’s at 1310. It just won’t make any sense if they do.
Frank, A-P-I-K-U-R is now on TV saying no oil is going to flow. Well, so much for flowing in a few hours. They’re not going to resume the flowing until payments are made and guarantees.
These are eight international companies that help us with oil in pipeline flowing through Turkey. Apparently, they want their contracts rewritten. They want to be paid.
I bet you they want to be paid in the new exchange rate, and that’s the problem. Once again, everything is waiting for the new exchange rate, like you say, sir. Saturday, 6.14 in the morning, our first report.
Television shows news report on why the NAR exchange rate fluctuates. They’re talking about the last 21 years. It’s education to us.
They actually called it monetary reform education like you do, Mr. Frank, to the citizens. This is a good story, and that’s the article I told you from the very beginning, from RV all the way to RI. There’s a lot of good information for you to catch their family.
These eight oil companies inside of Kurdistan still are saying, are still saying no to the oil flow until we get paid, until they are rewritten. Once again, it sounds like they too want to be paid, like they have been sniffed out of pay, like they’ve been sniffed out of pay before. Well, no more.
I know, Eddie. Continuing, next report. Alak is on TV saying, Iraq is one of the leading countries in controlling the American dollar sales and makes us the leader in the global region.
We are becoming a currency central hub and the American dollar is being protected in this fashion. Didn’t I tell you? Didn’t I tell you? That the dollar and the dinar both are being protected. Controlling dollar sales and making us a leader in the global financial arena.
All this talk, whenever we’re going, whenever we’re going to see action, all this talk, whatever, oh, all this talk, whatever. When are we going to see action? Talk does not give us bill money. We’re still waiting.
Minister of Oil meeting with the oil companies in Kurdistan region next Tuesday in reference to conclude contracts and payments. Let’s hope so, Mr. Frank. Looks like they’re meeting with the companies that said no to the flow of oil until they get paid.
Now they’re talking to them about contracts. OMG. There it is.
You were right. It is about contracts and pay. Chalet, Saturday, next report on TV today praising the CBI for moving to digital currency.
I then in turn respond. Greetings, gentlemen. Well, it’s another day as the sand pours in Iraq or as the oil flows in Iraq.
Those are good titles for a soap opera, don’t you think? Don’t you think? But right now this dramatic soap opera is playing out in your favor, gentlemen. Just like Chalet told you, just like Sudani told you, don’t pay attention to the rumors because the oil will flow. And in my opinion, it is flowing and it will supply the budget.
And it will supply the budget. Look at the eight oil companies that do not want to start that do not want to start the flow of the oil. Ask yourself, why? Why? And in my opinion, the answer is because the new exchange rate has not been revealed to them yet.
So Sudani protects it until he is ready. And also, look what he’s doing. He’s meeting with them privately.
Maybe he’ll rewrite and show privately. Eddie, also, instead, I want you to focus on the monetary reform education, son. Look at the way they are explaining the monetary reform education.
Just like we told you, look at your files. All of this is about the fluctuation of the exchange rate. The reason, the cause of the delay of this monetary reform education is for you to understand what they are about to do.
If there’s any delays, it’s because they’re educating them. It is important to also notice how a lot who brags about the CBI and your monetary reform is now also bragging about how the CBI is now controlling the American dollar because this is what is controlling your new exchange rate. And this is what Donald Trump wanted for Iraq to treat the American dollar fairly.
All these statements from the CBI point in the direction of your monetary reform success. Brother Eddie, realize, is what leads to action. Yes, Mr. Frank, good point.
Frank, Eddie says he’s excited about the oil flowing without payments because the meeting with the oil companies is obviously talking about the new exchange rate. Eddie, I say, if and when the oil actually starts flowing, it should be with the same new exchange rate that is in the budget. And like you suggested in your opinion, this oil cannot flow.
It cannot be realistic at $13.10. It’s literally impossible mathematically, let alone financially. Frank, Mr. Sammy says that they have tested out the oil pipeline already. They just need to strengthen out the payment of the oil companies.
That’s why they’re working on the contracts with Zidani privately, and they’re meeting with him this coming Tuesday. Oh, that would be today. Sunday, 8 in the morning.
Now we go into Sunday, ladies and gentlemen. How’s it doing on time? The news on TV says that the gold reserves have grown in Iraq to 45.1 percent. Mr. Frank, Mr. Sammy says that the IOC are demanding a written agreement on their pay before they restart any oil in any pipelines.
This is good, Mr. Frank. We’ve read your report. We agree with you.
They are meeting Tuesday, but the only thing with that and why we haven’t seen that in writing yet is that would spill the beans. They would expose the new exchange rate, so maybe that’s why he’s meeting with them privately because it would spill the new rate, so to speak, on a rate if they put it in writing. How are they getting paid and at what amount? There goes what Sudani has been hiding in the budget tables all this time.
Yeah, okay. All right. All right.
That’s a good point. That’s a good point all this time. Remember, Sudani only gave them two paragraphs to vote on in Parliament and the rest is under wrap until he wants to reveal what we believe is the new exchange rate.
And I said, yes, gentlemen, Sudani and Trump threw Parliament a bone and they’ve been chewing and gnawing on it, trying to see if they can learn anything about the monetary reform. Next report. Mr. Frank, television says that the dinar has reached a nine-month high against the dollar, a positive trend for our national currency, they say.
Also, the IMF in Iraq announced new steps to strengthen our national economy along with our currency, to which I say, I agree with you, Mr. Sami. The IOC demands are legit and they should be met by Sudani, but it puts Sudani in a catch-22. He’s damned if he does, he damns if he doesn’t.
So, we wait patiently until Sudani is ready because it looks like everything and everybody else is ready for the new exchange rate. For the new exchange rate. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t be seeing a complete, we would be seeing a completely different scenario.
Nobody would be asking to meet with him. IMF announces new steps to build your economy only because they know all the steps of the monetary reform are in place and waiting for the new exchange rate. Now, gentlemen, when the CBI tells you that they have a nine-month high with the Iraqi dinar against the American dollar, it is the monetary reform education telling you the success of your banking structure, the success of your security and stability against parliament, the success that the CBI has had in controlling the stealing of foreign currency, like the American dollar, through the auctions, the success of a new exchange rate through an RV process that is about to give you citizens your purchasing power.
The two paragraphs were supposed the two paragraphs were purposely sent to parliament to shut them, to shut them down, to shut them up and to blind them and to keep them at distance until Sudan is ready to reveal the new exchange rate that they so desperately want to see. They are starving hyenas, parliament is, salivating just for a scent of what everybody else considers not to be a secret anymore. Starving hyenas, salivating for it to be given to them so that they can devour it and steal it, but no more.
Sudanese security and stability is so impressive. The IMF finds it impressive. Donald Trump is happy and pleased with it.
Your security and stability around your monetary reform is a state of the art and it has the United States Treasury on the ninth floor of the CBI with great protection for you. CBI moves to digital currency for the payment system. That is a dramatic shift, Mr. Frank.
I call it a paradigm shift because they’re obviously telling you why no one else would do it at 1310. No, because that is basically the goal of the CBI to be a cash to society. Eventually, the lower notes will be removed from your society.
But that’s years down the road, Eddie. Right now, the digitalization is so important. It is so vital for the monetary reform education.
This digitalization is more important for you as an Iraqi citizen to be able to pay and buy inside and outside of Iraq. It’s very important for protecting the new exchange rate. It’s harder to steal electronically.
The digitalization is also a part of the float. The digitalization is also a part of the modern technology that’s on the ninth floor of your CBI building. Sir, Iraq Development Fund just signed an agreement with one of the largest investments companies here in China.
And I bet you one of my favorite cookies, this company will not do any building, will not do any business in Iraq with the contract until Sudani exposes a new exchange rate. It’s that simple. So track that contract.
Oh, we’re at yesterday. Okay, fine. Yesterday, 7 in the morning.
Appears to us, Mr. Frank, there was no auction on Monday. We don’t see anything on the television. And the news, like usual, we don’t see it.
In fact, the CBI website, guess what? The news information section, it’s down. It’ll probably be back up later on. We will report.
Also, Sir, Sudani launched an alternative energy project. Guess we’re going to need it for the AI that he’s bringing in. He told us everything is going to be AI.
Mr. Frank, Chalet’s on TV now Every time that these guys go on TV, they tell me right away, instantly, so that in case I want to watch it. Mr. Frank, Chalet’s on TV now talking about a shift of geographic trading. He’s talking about a currency.
He’s talking about currency. Now, we’re not sure what he means. We are lost.
So, I mean, I don’t mind showing you that Sudani went out because, you know, a lot told him to go out there. I’m sorry. Sudani went out there because Sudani told him to go out there and talk about this geographical trading situation.
And I’ve already talked to you about it in the articles. But I’m not ready to talk to you about it in depth. I’m sorry.
So, continuing. Greetings, gentlemen. I then respond to some things.
Greetings, gentlemen. Eddie, Mr. Sammy, Neil. First of all, concerning all the auctions, we noticed that also today, that there were no auctions.
I really don’t care, to be honest with you. The auctions are no longer important to us. But I’d like to see the flow of money, of cash.
Money and cash is what I said. I don’t know if this is Sudani’s way of continuing to hide information from Parliament. So, that’s the only reason that I can come up with concerning the auctions.
Now, concerning Chalet, it’s just another way for him to tell you that your currency is going to have purchasing power soon. You see, what I call this dynamic paradigm shift in the geographical trading can only be because of a shift to the value of your currency. A shift of your exchange rate in the positive direction.
Once again, there’s only so many ways that they can continue to tell you the same thing over and over again until that magic day comes when Sudani says it’s time. Mr. Frank, Parliament spit… Eddie, you make my day every time you do that. Television says Parliament will take one week off and come back next week, Eddie says about that.
Then I said to him, Eddie, for real? Check it out. Parliament can take a year off and nobody will even notice that they were gone, but they’re taking it off because they better do the job during Ramadan that is being demanded of them. If not, you know very well what Sudani is going to do.
No more fines. Their butts are going to be in prison. That’s the power of the security and stability that you have right now, just like my government.
The left is arguing against… The left is arguing amongst themselves. They are creating what I called four years ago, phagocytosis. They are eating themselves.
They are eating their own from within. And that is exactly what’s happening with Parliament and the leadership of Iran right now. History continues.
Family, I’m only going to take this until 15 after. Wherever I stop, I stop, okay? Yesterday 1.37. Oh, look at that. We’re losing people.
We’ve lost a couple hundred people. Television says that from Deputy that the United States of America is totally supervising all financial transactions. Did you catch that, Mr. Frank? Your U.S. Treasury is supervising all financial transactions in Iraq, and the U.S. Treasury is aware of all the money, everything, and where it goes in Iraq? How in the world can Parliament steal, laughing out loud? Eddie, yeah, like I told you just a little bit ago, that is the beauty of your security and stability, where it’s at right now.
It is so powerful. And in my opinion, Eddie, and in my strong opinion, they are aware of the new exchange rate. If not, we would not be, we would not be in this, if not, they should say they, they would not be this heavily involved right now trying to get the CBI to talk to them.
Mr. Frank, Mr. Sammy thinks about, oh, Mr. Sammy wants you to think about something. Yeah, what’s up, Mr. Sammy? Sammy, give me a second. I’ve been talking a lot.
Give me a second. Mr. Frank, Mr. Sammy wants you to think about this. Why are they telling us on the television the monetary reform and through these commercials, why are they telling us that we are linked to the international world? If our rate is going to be 1310 program rate, that would be crazy, wouldn’t it, sir? And today, Shalade also comes out and he says to us, soon, all the major contracts that have been paid, oh, shoot, this isn’t an article? Okay.
But it’s just not with us yet. Okay, so, soon, Shalade comes out and tells us on Iraqi television, he says to us Iraqi citizens, soon, all major contracts that has been paid in dollars will now be paid in dinars, so that means that they have to accept our dinar. Right there is the big major contracts that Sudani rewrote.
Those are no longer in dollars, but Shalade says that soon they will be in dinars, therefore that soon they will be in a new exchange rate, sir. Television is showing arresting a gang that is responsible for counterfeiting fake U.S. dollar and Iraq dinar and fake gold and coins, showing them being arrested all over Baghdad, millions in dinars and fake dollars, all fake, both confiscated. The finance minister was to complete the signing off for the salaries on Monday and give us today the decision and also the big meeting today with the oil companies on concluding payment contracts and the IMF meeting.
We await all these reports for you. The IMF meeting today with companies and leaders was cancelled since no breakthrough happened this past Sunday in private meeting. Appears must have been no rate given or money given because the oil companies said nope, we will not start flowing oil until we are paid.
So no agreement reached. Tells me, Mr. Frank, we are oil companies’ reps are saying to us they have not been paid for past work and will not begin new project until paid for past work and have a rewritten agreement on payments. They could not even do this? Mr. Frank, I think Mr. Sammy is helping Eddie to help him understand when he said they didn’t understand, they do now.
Mr. Sammy told me oh, this is Eddie talking. Mr. Frank, Mr. Sammy says to me about the meetings about the meeting today that was cancelled he said a delay is not a denial it’s coming. Oh, this guy’s good.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, look, look, look. Okay, I am live but they cannot hear you, okay? Nah, no worries. Here’s my question.
You think we should wait and just because I only got five more minutes before I get off the air because Trump is going to talk at nine. Do you think that we should hold this report until the next time I’m on the air? Or is it that important that we should say something? Say again? Are you shitting me? Yeah. Thank God you left.
But, bro, what you just said, thank you. Can I save that? Alright. You had to do what, your friend? What? Oh, I’m sorry.
You had to This is a different chapter you’re talking about. I’m sorry, bro, you had to go through that. Are you okay? You okay? Alright, bro.
What you just said, I can say that the report included that. That it has that in it. Oh my God, and I’m so sorry.
I didn’t mean to disrespect you or say Well, yeah, it’s funny, but, you know No, no, no, no. When I said, are you shitting me? You know, I didn’t mean to disrespect you. Oh.
Okay. Well, go beat his ass. I hope you beat his ass.
I can’t thank you. I can’t thank you enough, man. I can’t.
So, look at you. I’m gonna sleep like a baby, okay? No, no, for real. Think about it.
What you just told me? I’m gonna sleep like a baby, right? No, but Well, it was probably fun for you. You had too much fun doing that. Can I call you tomorrow then? Let’s say around noon, one o’clock and I can get the report then? From Aki? I can’t believe it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no, no, but I just can’t believe that he said that to you or that Aki said that to you. I mean, wow.
Okay. Wait a minute. The guy you’re talking about smacking, that’s not Aki.
You’re not talking about him, right? Oh, okay, okay. You keep jumping over the fence on me, man. Stay in one side.
I hear you. I hear you. But go take care of business, alright? Yeah.
Go on, go on. Okay. Oh, you gotta take people in for treatment? Oh, she does, huh? You go with them, huh? You go with them to get their treatments too? Oh, right.
Yeah. Bye. Y’all support… Y’all… You support each other, you know? You support each other.
Tony, I have sympathy or I relate to what you’re telling me, but with all due respect, the other part that Aki brought, I mean, are you kidding? It’s just… Golden, bro. Golden is what we are. Golden.
Alright, brother. I’ll talk to you tomorrow about that. And we’ll save everything then for our next Friday.
This coming Friday is the next YouTube. You think we should wait from now until Friday to release that? Yeah. Yeah.
And we’ll figure it out. Okay. Okay.
Alright. Yeah, I want to watch them too. Yeah, I better end.
Alright, thank you, sir. You take care. Alright.
You bet. Bye-bye. Oh, okay.
So this is what Mr. Sammy told me when I asked him about the meeting today. He said, Eddie, a delay is not a denial. It’s coming.
Frank, a lock on TV news conference saying that we have transferred over to international system and was all safe and we have no U.S. sanctions on us. Parliament saying they’re expecting the budget tables to reach them in the middle of this month. This is on the news right now.
Rakhia Channel One, this is your sat… Iraqi fractions clash over PMF and oil and gas law showing chaos in meeting. Sending pics. I don’t want to share any of this with you, family.
Television is saying for two straight days, the currency auctions have not been posted. They’ve been canceled, which leads to the dollar rise on the market. It says, it says this, the following underneath.
So he sends me that. And table… You know what? I’m in a hurry, family. And we can… Here’s what I said.
Greetings, gentlemen. Allow me to respond to your report. I agree with you, Mr. Samy.
That logic tells us that everything that we are seeing, that we are active, that is being activated by the GOI, is not being activated at 1310. Or none of this would be happening at all. This is not an illusion.
This is not an illusion that is occurring at 1310. This is an illusion to protect the exchange rate from parliament, from Iran. So Sudani constantly sends out Shillay to talk to the citizens, along with the economic experts, to soften the blow, to lessen the negativity, to remove the rumors.
To remove the rumors. For example, Shillay comes out daily and tells you Iraqi citizens that all the contracts are being paid in Iraqi dinars. And I can just see him rolling his eyes and also saying, oh, and by the way, we are paying them at 1310.
Wink. Wink. And then he cracks up and he laughs because he knows that you know the truth.
How do you like that? You know the reality of the monetary reform. Yes, right now, it looks stupid because it is being protected by Sudani from parliament, from Iran, from the same evil that always stops you citizens from receiving what belongs to you. Those days are over, gentlemen.
I love the fact that every day Sudani is arresting Spanky and his gang. Spanky and his gang. Spanky and his gang that is constantly trying to steal what they are trying to give you citizens.
A new exchange rate with purchasing power. Now, some may question Sudani and ask why the constant delay? It’s because he is constantly squashing the cockroaches that are trying to steal this purchasing power. The monetary reform must not fail with the Iraqi citizens, and the enemy is trying everything possible for this to happen.
Failure. Those that want this now without the discipline of allowing it to unfold properly do not deserve it. But, I will admit, you Iraqi citizens have suffered long enough.
It’s time for you to receive your purchasing power, and I sincerely believe it is already here because of the because of what I told him. Yes, sir, Mr. Frank. Eddie thinks that this is getting into a political mess, but Sudani will take care of things.
Also, Sudani is taking care of the elections. Then I continue and I talk to him, and I said, Mr. Sami, concerning what you were talking about, concerning what’s going on with the oil, yeah, it’s going to get geopolitical, yeah. Of course, it’s going to get nasty.
It’s going to get confusing. But, just like everything else, if you give it enough time, when the smoke clears, Sudani gets what he wants. And the reason why he gets what he wants is because he holds the biggest Trump card.
In fact, that card is called Trump. His advantage is powerful. And everyone in the Middle East knows it.
Iran knows it. Parliament knows it. The monetary reform knows it.
The oil knows it. Let me propose to you something, gentlemen, that you may disagree with me, but, in my opinion, the oil is flowing. In my opinion, the oil is flowing.
It’s just nobody’s business until it becomes necessary for it to be their business. Now, I can’t prove what I’m telling you, but you can see what I’m telling you. How do I make such a bold statement? Because the evidence is there.
You have all these contracts with billions, if not trillions, of dollars involved, and nobody’s lifting a finger. Are you serious? Well, it’s very obvious. Nobody is being paid.
Nobody. And they’re waiting for the new exchange rate. But you think, you really think they’re going to sit there and be idle? Of course not.
In my opinion, gentlemen, the oil is moving in the right direction and flowing for the right reasons. And the rest of the world will understand and catch up when the reasons are justified. Continuing.
By the way, Mr. Sammy, that is a brilliant statement. A delay is not a denial. It’s just another stupid day dealing with stupid people, right? Here’s another chunk that I gave to him.
Gentlemen, when the CBI tells you that they have transferred over to the international system, it doesn’t have to be with a high exchange rate, but it has to be without any restrictions. And the fact that you are in that position allows you to raise the value of your currency. You see, this position was worked for.
This position took a long time and effort to get to this level. And it’s not going to be wasted, regardless of what Parliament says or wants. And as far as Parliament and the tables for the budget goes, I’m sure you’ve already caught on by now.
Parliament will never … Parliament will never see the budget tables until you citizens see the new exchange rate. So Parliament will never see the new exchange rate until you citizens see the new exchange rate. Let that be your new mantra, Eddie.
Mr. Frank, here’s a report, and I appreciate it. By the way, Eddie, follow up on that, please. Thank you.
Well, you see, I’m going to stop, because the rest of this is … These are reports that Eddie sends, but they’re documents, reports that we have. So I’m going to stop now and tell you that you … That’s it? All right. So the first part was … The first part was the articles.
The second part was Eddie’s report, and the third part is WalkingStick. And as you saw, thank God, WalkingStick was able to call while I was doing our conference call. Now, the thing about WalkingStick’s report is that we have to study it.
You know, John Smith, that’s enough to remove you from my sight. You shouldn’t have said something like that. Look at John.
My team’s … Thanks for turning it back on. Thanks, guys. My team’s have to deal with people that are constantly calling.
You don’t … Here. Are they listed? Thank you. So, John, maybe I shouldn’t share anything, John.
What do you think, huh? What do you think? Because, golly, I mean, it’s okay, right? I can suffer, and you can say anything that you want to me. It doesn’t matter. I have to deal with this type of vomit.
Look at this. There’s no end to it, by the way. There’s no end to it.
It’s about a hundred times, and I’m trying to talk to you. So my teams have a way. This guy has a way.
They know who he is. But he has a way. And he’s even calling other people with my name, and people pick up the phone, and they say, Hello? Hello, Frank? Because it says Frank on their phone, right? Hello? Are you calling me, Frank? And the other person on the other line starts cursing.
You mother this and you … You son of a … Yeah, there’s your … And Holy Ghost on you, too. You mother this and that. And these are … Oh, he just hung up.
But that’s the same caller ID guy. So can you imagine what I go through every day of my life? No, you can’t. Can you imagine the … Why do you … Dude, if you’re going to call … Do it again so I can see you, man.
Oh, thank you. All I can do is pray for that man that keeps calling me like that. He comes in here, and he eats.
He feasts. It’s like someone coming into my home, and they go into the kitchen, and they open the refrigerator door. And they just take everything out, and they make a mess all over the table, the kitchen.
And then they go in the bathroom, and then they make their deposit, and they don’t even flush. And they belch, they fart, and they leave. No, thank you.
That’s what this caller ID is like. I feel bad for him because he was probably raised by wolves. It takes a very special spirit.
It takes a very special soul to act this way. And there are many of them. There are hundreds of them.
But my team protects me from them all. I’m fascinated the way it works. Oh, by the way, there is a member on our forum by the… And I didn’t get your name properly.
I removed one of your texts by accident. I’m so, so sorry. Now, you go by T-O-W-N-I-E? T-O-W… I-N-E? T-O-W… I know it starts with T-O-W and then with something else.
You sent me a text today. And by accident, it was removed. I’m so, so, so sorry.
So if there was something that you needed from me, T-O-W, I think N-I-E or E-N-I or something to that degree. Resend, okay, or call me. And by the way, I don’t like texting.
Please don’t text me. Just call me, okay? It’s much easier for me to file all your phone calls. Yeah.
We have the final thing. The final thing is what Aki told WalkingStick. And… And I’ll tell you what.
I’m going to dismiss this with a prayer and I’m going to leave it as dessert like I always do. But I’m not going to tell you. I’m not going to give you the report because I don’t have it.
I’m just going to tell you what he told me and then I said to him, I said, what did I say? In fact, let us dismiss ourselves right now with this man that keeps calling. Hold on a sec. Yeah.
Anyways, I want to hold this in my hand as I dismiss this. Abba, Heavenly Father, I come to your throne room by the blood of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. And I bring someone that for some reason demonstrates anger, demonstrates satanic actions.
Human beings, Father, are your creatures. But unfortunately, sometimes the soul, the spirit of that human being gets kicked out of the body and it’s replaced by demons. I believe that my friend here has demons that he needs help with.
I pray by the blood of Jesus that this man, there’s no caller ID, everyone, the man that sent us a text that’s angry because I didn’t put enough for him in premium. I pray for all these people that have these demons in them. Because what they should have in them is the soul and the spirit that you put in them.
The creatures that, the children, the human beings that you created were not programmed to hate and kill. We were created out of your divine love to love each other. We reprogrammed ourselves.
I ask that you would reboot this man that calls caller ID caller ID. And I pray the same for all these other people too, Father. Caller ID might be doing it just to fold my leg and give me a hard time.
I don’t know. But I do pray for his soul, his spirit to return back to his body. Because I know, I know that the actions that he’s demonstrating are of a lost soul that needs to find its body again.
Thank you for this evening. Thank you for my friend Watkins. Thank you for the people that he takes care of tomorrow, the soldiers that he will be with.
It all will go well. Thank you for our teens. Take care of them, empower them, protect them, as they do the same for me.
Father, I’m so grateful that you put these people together for my wife and I, for my family. All honor and glory to you, Lord. I pray for America.
I pray for Israel. And I pray for no caller ID. By the blood of your Son, Jesus, through the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
I don’t think that we have Andy with us, do we? He’s not with us. He’s not going to call in my phone. Okay.
No problem. So, we’re done, ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank those that helped us financially.
Rebecca Hill. Sweetheart, you are so loyal and so faithful. You hit me when I sing.
You hit me when I lecture. Thank you kindly, Rebecca Hill. We love you very much.
And we can see where you want us to put some of this money towards the Bibles. We understand. Deborah Vaughn.
God bless you. All these people that helped us for financial contributions. I’m going to leave one person at the end here.
Duke. Thank you, Duke. Thank you so much.
Joe Nicholas, Sr. Thank you. Thank you. Above and beyond.
God bless you. Howard Crockett. How are you doing, my friend? From Jolly Old England.
Donnie Inman. Thank you, Donnie. Thank you.
Mark Anglin. And Donnie Inman again. My goodness gracious.
Bus driver. Thank you, bus driver. And Victor Abdul.
Thank you, Victor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you from the bottom of walking stick’s kidney.
And my heart as well, too. Oh, Millie. Look at that.
God bless you, Millie. Thank you kindly. Thank all of you that helped us with financial contributions.
And I had a wonderful time. I dismiss this by playing our KTFA song. And before I say goodbye to you all, I leave you with dessert.
Family, we’ve been wanting to communicate with Aki for quite a while because of the meetings he’s been attending. Well, it turns out that not only Aki, but also East, contract East, was attending these meetings as well, too. They’re done.
So the reports are coming in. And today, Aki was able to communicate with walking stick, and Aki’s boss was right there with him, too. I found that impressive.
I was thankful. Because now you have two people that you can ask questions to. So the questions were all proposed two days ago.
And the answers were brought in today. And the answers were translated and given to a walking stick today. And tomorrow, I will be having the privilege to sit with our teams and look at these notes.
Now, the one thing that I believe is important to share with you is that this report sounds like, it really sounds like, you know, a finality. It really sounds like a culmination, an ending. Because walking stick told me that they have a date, they have the rate, they have the… It’s all in this report.
I don’t know what I said. I said something like, are you freaking kidding me or something? And then he says, I’m not blankety-blank kidding. I’ve had a blankety-blank 14-hour, and then he goes on and on, and I’m like, oh, shoot.
I pushed the wrong button. But then he says, no, no, no, and he even apologized. Bless his heart.
Laura, thank you, Laura. God bless you. Thank you, thank you very much.
So, I would ask for your prayers. I’m serious. That I can sit with my team tomorrow.
That I can focus, that I can pay attention, that I can understand, and that we can determine what it is that we can share with you. Now, you know how I do it. I’ll share it with you in my opinion, right? But it takes it to the next level.
This would be, in my opinion, with you sitting next to me on my blue couch. And if you don’t know what that means, it’s not important. Old-timers, they know it.
So, there you go. The report may have that information, that it has so much more. And that’s what I’m excited about.
And that’s what I told him on the phone. I says, are you serious? And then that’s when he kind of chewed me out. And then I said, well, sir, that means I can sleep like a baby tonight.
I can sleep tomorrow, the future. I hope you had a good time, okay? God bless you all. Go see President Trump.
And I’ll see you on Friday, 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Sweet Aloha. Bye-bye.
I used to be a Dena newbie until I watched Frank’s UB2B with a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide. So whenever I need a Dena fix, I tune into Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dena D. Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie. It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing.
So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring. So whenever I need a Dena fix, I tune into Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dena D. Sit up, be patient, and get ready. Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie. Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight.
Come on, Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dena fix, I tune into Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dena D. So whenever I need I tune into Frank He’s got the latest, greatest news So whenever I need a Dena fix, greatest news from the streets.
Wow. Wow, that’s a good cookie, Jan. I know.
They’re homemade, that’s why. Wow. That’s like a lemony sugar cookie or something like that.
Vanilla. Oh, vanilla cookie. Wow, honey bunny.
I gotta have my supper, watch my buddy Trump, and then eat my sugar. You already had your dessert. Sweet Aloha.
God bless you all. See you on Friday at 6pm Eastern Standard Time. Bye-bye.