FRANK26 – DON’T BE GREEDY (Uncut) 02-06-2025
We’re going to go ahead and go over the same over here. Thank you. I’m sorry Yes, it’s on well, I’m frozen Everything is all frozen.
How about you? I’m sorry Copy there were two things I didn’t see I see it now. Three, two, one. Go.
The recording has started I used to be a Dino newbie Until I watched Frank’s UB2B With a twinkle in his eye and God by his side Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide So whenever I need a Dino fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dino beat Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie It’s okay dink, give this man a cookie You never know what suit he’ll be wearing So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring
So whenever I need a Dino fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dino beat Sit up, be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dino fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dino beat Hey dink, I need a cookie Come on dink, I deserve some cookies Cookies, cookies, cookies Come on dink, give up the cookies Greetings family, welcome to a supplemental Ubi2bi
It stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father Now before you start complaining that the image has been reversed And then again it’s flipped or whatever Look, you have an option, you have a choice You can either watch this video, these Ubi2bis With the image reversed, thank you Ubi2bi Or you can watch it correctly You can barely hear me The volume will be so low that you can barely hear me
Because when I turn the camera around the other way So the image is the other way You can barely hear me because the speaker is on the other side But if I turn it around this way and it’s reversed Then you can hear me So it’s your choice, what would you like? Would you like for the picture to be perfect Or would you like to be able to hear me? I swear, I just can’t win, can I? We are Which stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father It’s a supplemental Ubi2bi
And we have some seriousness behind this call tonight I would encourage you to call people Look at what we got We’re headed towards about a thousand, that’s fine But I want to talk to a lot of people I wish they would come, I hope they would come We have a bible study, I came on early tonight Because I want more than an hour with you Oh, I got a bank story Would you like a bank story?
This is an informative bank story You know the kind where in the beginning we used to say Before we do anything, hold on a second We are Stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father Because we’re a Christian based organization Before I do anything I always pray to God Would you join me?
Abba, it’s good to be with you again By the blood of Jesus, that special blood There’s something about that blood, isn’t there God? One day you’ll tell me, huh? But by that blood, through the Holy Spirit I’m in your presence I’m in your domain And I can feel it Thank you for your mercy and your grace Thank you for your love, for loving me first I understand now I understand now how to love you I ask for strength for tonight Not so much physical But spiritual I want to deliver something And I want to make sure that it’s a successful delivery Talk for me Talk for me I turn myself over to you And I pray for all of our brothers and sisters That are with us tonight They all have different crosses that they carry Help them father Some of them are smooth crosses Some of them are ragged Some of them are rough
Whatever the case is that burdens your children I pray father For their joy and happiness through you It is in the name of your son Jesus By the Holy Spirit that I pray for this conference call tonight And all that are with us, amen Amen Amen Hey Andy Hey Andy Amen, amen, amen Thank you sir, we’ll see you at the end When we are done at 7 o’clock family I invite you to our Bible study Where Andy blows the show fire And we study the word of God with Pastor Kendall It feels good You want to feel good? Join us after this Ubi-Tubi, okay? Now, if you remember
It was last year that we started sending people to the banks And the reason why I sent them to the banks Is because we wanted to get a feel Of what the banks are saying What they were saying to us is that It’s a scam And the reason why you now know Is because this is a speculative investment A bank is not going to tell you You’re going to be rich A bank is not going to tell you On this day you’re going to be rich A bank is not going to tell you You understand? Good So, with that in mind
We were sending people to banks And when they came back and told us That they were saying it’s a scam I said, stop Then, right around January of this year We started sending people back Why? Because it seems to me That it’s the beginning of the quarter It’s the perfect timing So let’s just go see what’s going on Because, in my opinion, and we taught it The CBI was having some powerful meetings Weren’t they? And you know who they are One of them whispers a lot, doesn’t he?
So it turns out that we were Sending people back to the banks And what were the banks now saying? Nothing What? Nothing We can’t help you at this time They didn’t say it’s a scam No They said they can’t help you at this time With the Iraqi dinar? Yeah That’s a new pattern They’ve been having some meetings So we stopped But then we picked it up About three weeks ago again Last month Towards the end of last month, I should say And lo and behold It’s a new attitude The pattern changed again What was it? You’ve been with me, you study with me Not at this time, okay?
Okay I’d like to get a hold of you, though What? Ring-a-ding-ding? This is Chase J.P. Morgan wants to talk to you Go for it Hi, this is J.P. Morgan We’d like to make an appointment with you You want to come in? We’d like to talk to you About what? Oh, about business opportunities, investments I got 35 cents in my account What’s the matter with you? Yeah, but we’d like to talk to you You know something, don’t you?
Well, in other cases, I’ll be there And all these people that went They reported back to us That they had 10 questions That’s a lot of intel That’s a lot of information That has been piling up So I’ve decided that tonight I’m going to share one of those with you I think it was only 5 questions That they presented This is a bank, a Chase bank In Texas In fact, I may move to Texas Because of this But We wanted to ask questions, right? Like the number one question In my heart is Bank, excuse me You’re going to charge me what? You’re going to charge me 1%, 2%, 3%? That’s a fee to exchange my currency?
And then you want me to put my currency In your bank? Do you want me to turn the other cheek So you can slap me there too? How stupid is that? Then you’re going to tie my money up? No, no, you’re not going to charge me A single penny, okay? And then we decided that maybe A group of people That have a lot of dinars You’ve got some power there, don’t you? Overwrite those fees If not, bye-bye What do you think they’ll do?
So We’ve been asking these questions FDIC Trust fund, insurance, your lawyers We’ve been asking every question that there is I want to know even how much Parking space you’ve got So all this debt, all this I did ask All this debt, all this information Has become very valuable In my opinion At the critical stage that we’re at right now In the monetary reform study So I’ve decided that I’m going to share A bank story with you
That answered I believe five of those questions And those answers will surprise you So have yourself a pencil and paper ready And because we only have about 1.2 people with us right now I’m going to wait And give you the bank story At the very, very end Now why did I call us together? I planted the seed with you The last time that we were together Which was Tuesday night I told you that I wanted to have an extra You be two, me a short one Hopefully we’ll be done by seven Where I wanted to That’s right, Stephanie, that’s right I gave you the example of the parable Of the three chests
The parable in the Old Testament These banks, we want to We want them to take care of us With these banks They’re American banks American international laws Banking laws These banks are in my neighborhood Your neighborhood I need to trust these banks And it’s not so much that I don’t trust The American banks of my country Edron is a good example of a bank I don’t want I mean, just last year, I think we Three more banks closed down And you don’t even know about it Google it Banks are closed left and right All over the United States, why? Undisciplined procedures Thieves Profiteering Politics The struggle for power And how do you get power?
Mainly by dominating somebody else When you dominate somebody else You own everything that they have That’s why There will always be black and white There will always be the minority And the majority It doesn’t matter what color it is Ask the American Indians Ask the Hawaiians Ask many Many Indonesian islands That were conquered by Yeah Now The American banks We’re probing them
We’re asking them We’re trying to feel them out It’s not a scam, is it? No What are you going to do for me? Because Forgive me, okay? Forgive me, Mr. Bank Or Mrs. Bank I don’t trust you I mean, don’t take it personal I don’t trust The world right now I could influence you American Bank One minute You could be saying one thing
The next minute You could be saying another thing American Bank I need to know you better I’m concerned about that In fact, ladies and gentlemen Some of you have already received it Because many of you called me And told me about this Remember, I’ve already preached
A billion times Do not give your dinars To anybody Don’t let them out of your sight Especially the ones that tell you We belong to this humanitarian group And we’re going to CBI is going to give you $3 We’re going to give you 4, 5, 6, 7 We’re going to give you a lot more Than the CBI Well, first of all, that’s illegal There’s no such thing as Two exchange rates for one currency And if there is, it’s because It’s because it’s a lie If you turned your dinars over To somebody else Because they promised you More than what you should get Ladies and gentlemen, what is the title Of your Yubi-Tubi tonight?
The title of your Yubi-Tubi tonight Is don’t be greedy Don’t be greedy, family If you have dinars from somebody else Because you’re trusting that they’re Going to give you more than you should get Shame on you And if you lose those dinars Get an army together And get them back And by the way, the way That you can get them back Is just tell the individuals That have your dinars That are playing games with you Okay, it’s time for me To turn you over to the police To the authority, to the FBI Your phone number, your address Your full name, everything, okay?
They don’t want no attention They don’t want nobody Knocking on their door Now the other thing There is a campaign Like I told you To take your money away from you I’m extremely concerned about this Larry, you say How am I supposed to know How much I should get That’s your personal decision That is your personal decision Take it, thank you The guy from Michigan again
That’s your personal decision, Larry I can’t help you with something like that But I’m trying to protect you, Larry That whatever it is that you buy Be careful There are groups There are entities There are organizations There is a government Ours That is preparing To take it away from you They will find you They will find different ways To take it away from you
They will penalize you You’ll have interest put on you You will make a mistake They will capitalize on it I told you to get a team together I told you to get professionals together And if you don’t do that I’m sorry I’m sorry, I wish you the best Right now there is a campaign Are they having trouble They say there is no audio One person One person, okay There is a campaign Listen carefully And it is being done by emails The emails are saying to you That you have an appointment With Chase I have an example of one of them But I’m not going to hold it up If you haven’t got one of these emails Thank God
But if you did Get one of these, be careful Be careful It is a scam It is a fake email Chase is not sending anybody Any emails asking for any appointments Unless you called in And asked for an appointment So There is the very first thing That I wanted to tell you Be careful what bank you decide to go with I gave you Established banks Chase Bank of America Wells Fargo Of course they said it was a scam What did you want them to tell you The truth It is a speculative investment
They would have lost their license They would have lost their banks They would have lost everything What are they telling you now So That’s That’s a precautionary thing These fees These fines They are going to add up How many of you own a business How many of you have employees What happens if you don’t pay The taxes on your employees What is that called Quarterly taxes Employee quarterly taxes What happens Let’s say that you have A budget Let’s say it’s $10,000 a month For salaries For your employees Three months later You were not able to Send that money to the government A year later Oh you forgot To send the money for that period Yeah I know I did Well we are going to put a little fine on you Is that okay with you Do I have a choice What was it $40,000 What Say what in your lowest $40,000 Now I exaggerate this
But it is the gospel truth Our government Doesn’t horse around They don’t play around This new government Might be a little bit different Because they might want to actually Stop taxing us What a miracle that would be To penalize you From our government They are waiting for you They are looking at you The last administration had some what 80-90,000 agents That were going to come out and get you You thought that was a mistake That’s not part of what’s going on Why would you need that many Hold on a second Well done thank you I will use it tonight
So The campaign is out there family And they are sending emails that are fake You’ve got all of these groups That say give me your dinars And we’ll give you more That’s That’s greed On steroids What does the Trump administration Unveil, what does it say No tax on tips No tax on social security For seniors So these promises But right now I just want to make sure family You understand the fake emails You understand that our government Is putting itself in position To come after you You understand, maybe you don’t Be careful what you purchase Be careful what you purchase Make sure that you can afford to keep it I know that the happiness
The joy in your heart You want to buy your mother Your father, your children Something really nice and big Can they afford it You don’t think that Hey family Look at here Oh if you have children Back it away okay Now by the way I can do this You fool Thank you by the way I can do this you fool Because you see this is now public domain You have just sent me something
And I’m going to show everybody Your phone number So this individual says He wants me to stop talking Stop effing that What do you think ladies and gentlemen What do you think So now you see his number Maybe make his day okay Alright I’m like Trump I’m not going to take no caca Hi Rebecca Hill Hey Wayne how you guys doing The concept is that If you take your dinars And you say to yourself Well it came out at one to one That would be fantastic I’m going to make sure That we take care of this guy okay
There you go And it’s not It’s extrament head Use the proper words you knucklehead So I’m concerned about the fact That maybe Just maybe Why was that taken away Jen I’m not going to hold on Well please unban that The man just poured his heart out So anyways family We’re just going to play this game all night I have no problems with it If you take your dinars At one to one Okay now follow me Ready If you take your dinars At one to one And like I told you The last time we were together Let’s say you have two million dinars And you want to take 1.5 Of that dinars Thank you
And you want to take 1.5 Of those dinars And you want to exchange them Okay Let’s say you want to take 1.5 of those dinars And you don’t want to exchange them Why Well I’m going to take half a million I’m going to exchange that That’ll be fine And then the other 1.5 I’m going to hold on to it So that I can Watch the float And when it goes past a dollar Maybe I’ll exchange it Maybe a two dollar Maybe a three dollar I’ll determine that But that’s in the future That could be I don’t know a year More than a year You understand Alrighty So That If I was to take my dinars That I have right now And I was to exchange All of them right now Well then I could invest All of them right now And by the time I waited A year For the float To give me more value On the dinars
I was going to hold on to I would have already accomplished it By investing properly And I gave you the example Of the three chests This example This parable is found in the bible I’ll say it again I’ll give the example again There’s this There’s this king This lord And he took three of his servants He was going to go away for a while And he gave them all a chest Full of gold Their mission was to make sure That they took care Of that gold For this individual And what they did About a few months later He comes back And he says okay servants Report to me The first servant comes with this box This chest And he He says I’m sorry I had to use some of this okay
I had to use some of this This is entertaining Corda Sorda family It’s backwards It’s backwards but they still get the number I had to use some of it I’m sorry In fact hold on a second I’m going to get rid of this guy Because I’ve got to pay attention to you folks There I’m sorry Lord I had to use some of this money I brought back half of it Mmm Get away from me The second person comes And he brings the chest And he puts it down And he opens the chest And it was filled to the top
The same amount And he said I took care of your gold sir And I have brought it back to you The guy looked The guy looked at him And he says mmm Get out of here And when he comes He brings the chest he puts it down And then he says I brought your chest back to you sir And I have also brought Another chest and half of another chest I invested it I took care of your money And I bring you back more Well done faithful servant
And he puts him in charge Of the treasury department Mmm Interesting This is what God wants of us Proper stewardship of this money I’ve done my very best To bring you everything That I think you need In order to be ready And I’ve given you These groups tonight That you gotta get away from I’ve given you
These fake emails That are being sent In massive amounts To lie and take your dinars away Supposedly from Chase I’ve given you What our government is waiting With fines and fees And penalties and interest And they’re waiting for you To make a mistake So let’s just say That this happens In the year of 2025 And let’s say that I’m gonna hold on To my dinars Why? I have been holding on To these dinars For almost two decades now Why should I hold on To them for another decade?
I don’t know how long The float’s gonna go Why should You know how Uncomfortable I have felt all these decades Holding on to this currency? So if I convert All of my dinars There you go Go on CBI I got my American dollars Where is it? It’s in my possession It’s in an American bank With international banking laws Or if I want It’s not in an American bank It’s where I want it to be Okay Now stop and think This is the year of 2025 Well let’s just say For example ladies and gentlemen
That I’m just throwing numbers out there Right Everything I say tonight Is in my opinion I forgot to say that Everything I’m saying tonight Is in my opinion Okay I am wearing a pink With polka dot Shirt What do you think? In my opinion That’s my opinion Hey that’s my opinion Cool Okay And everything else that I’m saying to Is just strictly in my opinion So in this year 2025 Let’s just say That I Moi Me Okay I decide that Yeah I’m gonna exchange 10% of what I got And I’m gonna hold on to 90% Because I’m greedy I’m super greedy I want to see it go up even more Mmhmm What Invest it all now And then maybe it will actually be What Oh I never thought of that Well that’s an idea
Okay Invest it all Properly And it will eventually go up And by the time I wait for the float To reach it’s Real effective rate Shoot I will have already reached that same amount With proper investment That’s right Now let’s just say 2025 Let’s say it takes I don’t know Throw a number at me How long do you think the float will go for?
Let’s say Let’s say at least a year Okay At least a year Um And for the fun of it And I And And in this case In this example Let’s just make it Three years I like things in threes right So Let’s just say within the Oh okay I got Dane Jock Saying nine months Yeah yeah I always I always thought between Between nine months to twelve months Remember Remember I’ve always said that In my opinion What do I know Um Love the polka dots Stop it Robert Okay Patriot And by the way I love this repertoire Come on talk to me okay Patriot Ma Mama Mama Uh so Wasn’t Wasn’t it supposed to be ten years?
Hey good point Patriot Uh it’ll be ten years Where The currency will exist In a A dual fashion They will co-exist You know You can You’ll still have the three zero notes in the streets Rarely used How often do you use the one thousand The five thousand The five hundred American notes Never But they will co-exist For about ten years But The float What do you guys think? I’m thinking ninety days Says Barb Whoa Barb Ninety days Okay well Why not There’s a great hunger for this currency Ray Cox Uh six to nine months Okay Alright I like that That’s a good one
Uh Karen says I’m thinking About one to two years Maybe you know One to two years Yeah alright Well I’ll tell you what Since I like things in threes And in this example Let’s add Three years To the year of 2025 What would that be? Uh 2028 In the year 2028 We’re going to have an asteroid That’s going to come by It’s going to be indicative Of the year 2023 Do you realize that 2028 Is three years away
The float could probably Be in that time frame Oh Do you realize that 2023 Is um Is how far away Five Six Eight years away Eight years away Huh Twenty Twenty I’m sorry 2032 Forgive me 2032 Thank you Tink Thank you for backing me up Uh which is Eight years away So One Global Event Is three years away One One Possible Extinction Event Could be eight years from now Oh yeah We can put A rocket On the asteroid Push it You know In a different direction Yeah Probably
We’ll probably save our asses Yeah But if God wants that To hit Earth It shall That would be That would be That would be a Global devastation Just three years from now Would it mess up Our electronics Would it be like a What is that That bomb That they drop Where it kills All the electricity Huh Yeah No it’s a bomb I know the name of it Why it’s slipping My brain right now It’s cause
I’m I’m tired But anyways There’s a bomb That we drop EMP E That was close Electromagnetic pulse Yeah An EMP bomb Oh look everybody Oh my word There’s a bunch of EMPs here What am I talking I forgot I lost my train of thought That’s destroyed electrical Huh A bomb that destroys electrical Yeah but why Oh yeah So Can you imagine family If this thing was to disrupt Our electrical Communications Shoot Family Do you see what’s happening To the weather Do you know
That the The equator Flips About every 20,000 years Do you know The degree of flip Right now on the equator You don’t Well you should It is that close to flipping And when it does You talk about an EMP That’ll be an EMP On steroids It’ll devastate All electrical All communications All How How How How are your dinars gonna look If we have a A catastrophic event
That you’re holding on to still When you should have Maybe cashed them in Here How about this one We all know Now We all know now The truth about COVID Now I can’t talk about it Because I’ll get a third strike But we all know the truth But Throw that aside And let’s talk about X Y Z What’s XYZ I don’t know But it sounds good What do you mean Well I got a funny feeling That in some laboratory Somewhere Somebody’s cooking up XYZ And I got a feeling XYZ is gonna be 10 times worse
Than the first one Because the first one It didn’t really Fully complete its mission Yeah There is a group of people That are coming after you And there’s a group of people That don’t want people On this planet They’re the only ones That want to be on this planet That way they have everything So What happens if Maybe next year There’s another outbreak How’s your dinars
That you’re holding on to looking You think that there would be Someone that would exchange Them at that time I have presented to you Tonight Six different scenarios Look at Bud What’d I miss Nothing Bud Nothing important I presented to you Six scenarios tonight That I believe you should Seriously You know Think about And Have it as part of your Calculated formula Of whether Or not You’re going to exchange Right away Whether you’re going to Exchange 10% Or whether you’re going to Exchange just 90% And hold on to 10% Maybe you just want to Exchange 10% And hold on to 90% What does the future hold I don’t know But when you look at history It’s volatile
It’s very rare When you find peace moments Even when I was young In the 70s Everybody was angry About Vietnam In the 60s That’s probably the only time That the United States Had a A very pretty decent time Right after 55 56 Chevy You know But it’s very rare Where we have peace times Our world is Constantly changing The financial and economic Cooperations That occur on this planet Earth Can cause You know Chain reactions So I just wanted to Get together with you In fact Walking stick told me He says Yeah Frank You’re going to sneak And this is just
We were just Throwing numbers around We were just playing around So We picked 50 cents To play with As an example And he says Because I said to him What do you think man He says No I agree with you This is a This is a good thing For you to teach We all agree with you And then he says
You’re going to sneeze At 50 cents If it If it comes out At 50 cents to the dollar I said no And I’m not going to sneeze If it comes out At one to one With the dollar either I said that first I said I’m not going to sneeze If it comes out At one to one With the dollar And then he says And what You’re going to sneeze If it comes If it comes out At 50 cents to the dollar Frank Would you get mad At 50 cents to the dollar I said no That’s the point
That you’re trying To make tonight Put the greed aside Be grateful For what you’ve got When you get it And apply Proper stewardship to it I agree I agree Hey family This is tangible To the currency The government of Iraq Is selling Bonds They always sold Their bonds in Dollars Family These bonds Are in Iraqi Dinars That’s dumb Think about it 1310 Here’s your bond What’s the yield on it 1310 How long do I keep it One year Or six months One year later How much money Did I make You actually lost 37 dollars What What And And what’s interesting Family is that
There are no longer Any penny stocks Everything I say Is in my opinion The Iraqi stock exchange There’s no more Penny stocks Because they can’t Use the dollar Did I get away with it There’s no more Penny stock Therefore Bonds are being Pushed For the dinar They’re being Bonds Dinar bonds are being Pushed into the market Of Iraq Wow
That is a That is a screaming indication That we have a new Exchange rate If not it would be In American dollars Did that light bulb Just come on Over your head Yeah it did didn’t it Let me turn it off Wow Think about what We just said Another thing They announced in Iraq Today They’re going That they are International Did you read the article
I’m not gonna spend time And go over the articles We’ll go over the articles Tomorrow Holy cow Iraq announces That they’re in Family You cannot be International Now think about this Okay and tell me if I’m Right or wrong Can you Okay I’ll ask you this Can you be International At 1310 Let me see Go ahead answer me Can you Can Iraq be Internationally recognized With a With an exchange rate Of 1310 What’s your answer Peggy says no Mr. Hosea says Nope Nope nope nope Nope nope Trash dog I like that Nope Christabella No share Apostle Nathaniel No Matthew yes Whoa Wait a minute Matthew Is the only one Look at that Wait a minute Wanda says yes Way down there The answer is yes
What Frank tricked us Yeah no Can Here’s an example What’s the exchange rate Of a Vietnamese dong It stinks It’s not at an International level is it Not really Is their currency International Yeah Why is it that everybody Does business with them Because of what they got Iraq Is at 1310 And they are International They’ve announced Yeah But They’ve done things That Vietnam Has not done What are you talking about You can look it up Well give me a hint WTO regulations Interesting
They have to have A currency with that You know I never thought of that Yeah That’s why we’re here to teach So yeah family I got us together So that I could tell you To please Take it to God in prayer Think about this seriously Talk to your family What should you do When the value goes up Should you exchange 10% And hold on to 90% of it Should you continue this journey Or should you exchange 90% And hold on to 10% Well why don’t I Exchange 100% Because in my thinking You want to diversify When you exchange Yeah Diversifying in a currency Is acceptable I did it with the dinar For a long time
And I can continue With the dinar But At a smaller scale Instead of putting all my eggs In one basket I just put one egg In the dinar Right now All my eggs are in the basket Of the dinar Makes sense Diversify And that’s why you got a team That’s why you got lawyers That’s why you got Bill Johnson Diversify Spread your money In every way that you can Ah look at Greg’s Greg says The first 10% goes to God How true Make sure that the original total That you have In your capital gains That you take that As a 10% Don’t wait until Uncle Sam Takes your money away Until you lose money Until you have Whatever you Okay whatever I got left Okay God 10% of this belongs to you
No it doesn’t work that way You are stealing God’s money If this is what you want to do Knock yourself out Ah but it’s the wrong thing to do That’s right Apostle Nathaniel Tithes Extremely important I always think of God equals The cross Here When it comes to Tithes Nathaniel G O D Equals What I mean by this is that We have the opportunity To give Charitably We have the opportunity With offerings
On the offering plate We have the opportunity With donations Or we have the opportunity To tithe These are your four Ways that you can serve God At the very start And then after that family God bless you with your teams Okay Good luck God bless you God bless you On the decisions that you make I believe That the route
That I want to take And I don’t mind sharing that with you It’s just my opinion Is the 90 10 I may go 95 5 I will still hong Hold on to a small portion Of my denars A very minute Microscopic portion As a form of an investment I will also hold other currencies that I find valuable for the future as a form of investment. Look for the rate of return. Make sure that you get the very best of them all.
Ah, let’s see. That is what I really wanted to share with you. Now, with this said, go ahead and turn up the heat.
Now with this said, family, I want to play a recording for you because this recording is now taking you to the next level. Because like I started our UB2B tonight, it explained to you what we started to do last year with banks, with many of our KTFA family members. It explained to you what we did in January with our KTFA family members.
And it explained to you what we’re doing now. It has created a plethora of Intel information that these banks are now willingly giving. Because they want to.
They want to answer your questions now. They’re not going to answer the question, when is it going to happen and how much? You have to be pretty childish to ask a bank that. But you need to ask the bank, what are you going to do for me? Now, what I’m about to play for you is information for you, knowledge for you.
And it’s going to surprise you, to be honest with you. I pray to God that you can hear this. I’ve turned it up as high as I can.
Kick back, relax. This is about 18, 19, maybe 20 minutes long. It’s a lot of information.
Oh, it looks like it says 26 minutes long. Wow, OK. Please enjoy.
And keep in mind, what was our title tonight? Don’t be greedy. And we’ve shown you six ways that that greed can get to you and you can lose it all. And now you’re going to hear where banks are at with you.
I sent her a list of my questions. So first of all, she wanted to know a little bit about my brother. I said, oh, my God.
So then after that little introduction, she said, all right, I’m going to start with your questions about the she said. I said, first of all, can I ask you a quick question before we start? And she said, sure. I said, have you came down with a memo yet? Good for you.
Good for you. What did she say? She just started smiling. She said, no, not yet, girl.
I said, OK, but guess what? She said, you are going to be the first one I call. Because she knows that that she’s waiting for you. She’s waiting for you.
Now, what happened? OK, so then she said, so she looked at her email and she said, I think one of the questions you were concerned about was the fact that are there any fees? I said, yes, please talk about that. I said, because I’m getting so many stories about, you know, me having to pay all these fees, but I’m bringing you all this money to your institution. She said, well, let me clarify that for you.
She said, Gail, you are bringing in your cash. I said, OK, you’re exchanging to our bank. I said, OK, she said.
So there is no fee. What cash? What? She said. She said there is no fee.
So, so, Mr. Frank, I stayed on that for a while to make sure. And I, I, I, I rephrase the question. I said, I, I rephrase the question.
I said, OK, I’m prior military and there’s never been a fee when I, you know, exchange foreign currency. And she said, and you’re right. And there isn’t one.
I said, OK, how about this? I’m bringing you millions of dollars to your bank. Is there any hidden fees for having multiple million in your in my account? Well done, well done. She said, Gail, once again, this is your cash you brought to us.
There is no fee. I said no percentage or anything. And then guess what she said, Mr. Frank? She said, well, at this time, there is no fee.
She said there is a change in the future. There it is. There it is.
He said, could that change? And she said, possibly, she said, I said, so I would like to speak. And what if it what if it changes? And I’m bringing you this business and all this money. I said, I mean, that’s not going to be cool for you guys to charge me.
Because I remember what you said. Well said. I’m going to call you mini me.
I’m going to call you mini me. That’s exactly what you said about that. He said, well, I’m sure that Chase will accommodate you.
You see the way it’s flexible right now that it can go up. It is also flexible that it can disappear. But it’s also based on how many deniers you bring in.
If you go in with a few million, they may charge you because you don’t have much leverage. You don’t have the power. You go in with, you know, hundreds of millions.
In other words, not just by yourself. Oh, my. Oh, my goodness.
You are in a position of great power. I asked her about that group thing. People coming in as a group.
Yeah, she loved it. Oh, she loved it, didn’t she? But wait a minute, she said. And I was kind of like, oh, sure, but she said.
I said, can I ask you a question? Suppose I bring a group of investors in who’s who’s highly invested in this as well. I just wouldn’t be all right with multiple currency. I said, does that change anything as far as us getting a different rate? I mean, does that have any need to get more incentive? And she said she looked at me.
She said, no. I said, what do you mean? No. She said, no.
She said, let me tell you about Chase. Chase has their own policies. They’re not going to deviate from them.
She said a change rate is an exchange rate. But I think she just said there isn’t going to be an exchange rate. Are you going to choose? Excuse me.
Oh, she’s just talking about the exchange rate. In other words, it doesn’t touch me. There are more than one.
One. Yeah. A lot of these other gurus are saying that I’m going to get you a higher rate.
There’s no such thing. It’s not true. So that’s what she was talking about when she’s when you referenced the groups.
She was thinking about the groups that I’ve been teaching people and telling them to run away from. But you were talking about the group that you want to bring in and have more denars to exchange more leverage. I see.
Does she finally understand the difference of the word group? Oh, yeah. She broke it down to me. I was just telling you, I said, just like my brother who’s doing it from Denver.
I said, he’s with me. I suppose I brought two more people. But of course, we all wouldn’t be sitting in your office.
You might have two people to advocate. She said it doesn’t change anything, Gail. She said it does not change the fact that if you come in, she said in the rate is three to the American dollar.
We’re not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you bring in six, seven, eight people.
We’re not going to say, OK, now I’m going to give you ten dollars. You understand. You understand.
There’s only one rate. There’s only one rate. All right.
But go back to the original question. Are you going to charge me a fee to exchange or if I come in with a hundred other people? And the answer is no, we’re not going to charge you any fee whatsoever. Now, that’s new to me.
But if that if that is the truth. Oh, my goodness. God has just made it very convenient for us to move as quickly as possible.
Exactly. Now to you know how people are saying, well, we have to have a point that I got to call. She said, this is what you’re going to do.
She said, you’re going to take my card, which I took a card. And she said, when this actually happens, she said, I want you to call me. Yep.
She said, call me and say this. I’ve been on my way to the bank and I have X amount of I don’t have to give her the full amount of currency just to let them know. She said, because we have to be prepared.
And she said at that time, Mr. Frank, when I walk in there, she will make me an appointment personally. Now I’m working with the private, you know, banker. Yeah, yeah.
Well, I prefer that my lawyer will make that phone call. He will make the appointment. He will make the appointment for me.
And then we will make arrangements whether to meet at the bank or some other institution, like maybe maybe my lawyer’s office. But whatever the case is, this is fantastic news. If this is if this is the case, I wish you could have got that on on writing a paper.
But if they don’t charge us. Well, I was taking notes in front of her. She said it was OK to take notes.
OK, so that’s the first question. Go to the next questions that I gave you. What happened? OK.
We talked about you mentioned taxes to me, right? Right. I asked about taxes. Will my money be taxed? He said tax.
You talk about exchanging your money, your your own money. Good. That’s a good answer, right? Yeah.
A bank does not have the ability to collect taxes. I’m very grateful. Why would I tax your money? Good.
I don’t know. OK, go to the next. Go to Frank.
She said if you’re talking about taxes, she said the only thing that’s going to be taxed is your what you call it, the investment, any investment that you do. She said, of course, you’re going to be taxed with any investment. The government is going to tax you.
That’s right. That’s what I keep telling everybody. Of course, they’re going to tax your capital gain.
That’s right. They’re going to say, oh, you made a million dollars. Isn’t that sweet? They want their part, too.
And then on top of that, and then on top of that, in fact, tonight I’m going to do a YouTube at 530 that is going to talk about the idea that I’ve been saying for a long time. People don’t believe me. They’re not getting ready.
But once this blessing happens, OK, there are there are things, there are people, there are ways set up already to come after your money. And if you don’t know what you’re doing, they will take it. They will take it at the blink of an eye.
And there’s nothing you can do. So she did tell me we talk. There’s two more things we talked about.
I wanted to know about what was it called? Sure. It is. It is.
FDIC. Yeah, that’s what I asked you. What’d she say? She she said, OK, well, we only I said, I know the bank’s going to go up.
What security for one million? But the question was, do they have any other forms? I asked that. What’d she say? And I said, so first of all, I said, so what happens to all my other millions? They won’t be insured. She said, unfortunately, Gail, we don’t insure anything up to a quarter million.
And she said, but what you can do. She mentioned, oh, God, she mentioned in the trust. She said that’s when the investment part comes in.
Yes, yes. And that’s why I tell people you need your team. You need your lawyers.
That’s what she told me. That’s what she told me. That’s why we brought Bill Johnson.
Many thousands of people have already established their trust funds. The moment that this blessing occurs, it’s like it’s like buying a garage. You don’t have to buy the car.
But if you have a garage, the moment you get the car, you’ve got a place to put that car. And that’s the same. And that’s the same thing with these trust funds that Bill Johnson has brought to our to our KTFA family.
Excellent. Good, good answer. Now, I think I gave you one more question, right? Let me think.
How long will you owe my money? How long? Oh, yeah. She said when I asked that question, she said, what are you talking about? I said, OK, I’m sure you guys are going to put a home on Bill. Wow.
I said, that’s a good question. She said, no, we’re not going to owe your money. She said, Mr. Frank, she said one point.
I made the exchange. I did that at least. Go ahead, Mr. Frank.
What city are you in in Texas? What city? I’m in Humboldt. I’m 25 minutes outside of Houston. Man, I just might move to Humboldt next week.
She said, you mean to tell me when I exchange my millions, you’re going to let me walk out of this bank with three, four, five, six millions, she said. No. Well, wait a minute.
She said, when you exchange your money and it goes into your account, you can do whatever you want to do with it. She said, what you’re talking about as far as homes is the fact that if you come in here, you deposit millions of dollars, and you purchase a cashier check or whatever, a tuition, they have a right to hold. She said, because we don’t know where this money coming from.
We need to make sure. You know, when they cash it on out of here. She said, that’s, you know, you’re dealing with cash.
She keeps telling me, you’re dealing with cash, Gail. She said, hold me your check. You got a treasure there.
That lady has got some good information, some good ideas. I’m so proud of you. I really appreciate this phone call.
The family’s going to learn a lot from that. Now, based on this, we now need to also start asking. That’s why the phase of bank stories is asking questions.
From the beginning to the beginning, it was a scam. And then after that, it became a scam. OK, go ahead.
I said, have you heard of Redemption Center? She said, what? I said, Redemption Center? Is there such thing as Redemption Centers? She said, uh, this is just what she was doing. She said, I’ve never heard of any Redemption Center. She said, so maybe they’re going to open.
I’m so proud of you. I’m so proud of you. Oh, last name.
This is for you. This is last name. OK.
That’s great. So it was like, at the end, she said, sure. She said, how long have you been in this? I said, oh my god, I’ve been in this like 20 years.
Really, I have. My brother charged me 20 years ago. I said, 20 years.
And she said, can I ask you where are you getting your currency? I’m like, where are you getting your money from? And I was like, I was getting ready to say, I was trying to hear this. But I said, don’t ask me what you’re getting ready to say. You’ve got your own email sources.
Everybody, at bank stories, they either end up telling the customer, yeah, I watched this guy called Frank 26. I do too. Yeah, but I did tell him about you too.
Oh, you did? Yeah. Yeah. I gave her three things.
I was like, so she was typing up stuff. She probably typed you up too. Oh, bless her heart.
I am, again, very grateful. Now, I have a feeling that she’s going to be calling you before you call her. That’s what my brother said.
Interesting. OK. He said, you’re not going to have to call me.
You’re not going to have to call her. So if they do, yeah, I welcome you to call me back as soon as you can. I will, because I asked her before I left.
I said, now, you have my phone number, don’t you? She said, uh, Gail, I called you. I said, oh, that’s fine. I’m just making sure.
They’re calling people left and right. Sadly, Gail, there is a bad thing that’s going on right now. And I’m going to talk about this tonight.
You see, the purpose of our YouTube tonight is that I want to have people to be prepared that there is a monster out there. There’s a monster that wants to devour this blessing and take it away from you. Oh, my god.
And right now, there is a group of people that are sending out fake emails telling you that you have an appointment. They want to talk to you about your dinars. And guess who it’s coming from? Where? Chase.
The bank? Chase Bank. And when you call Chase or you ask them about this, they’ll tell you, we have nothing to do with that. Stay away from it.
They’re just trying to steal your dinars. That’s why I told people. They’re not getting mine.
That’s why I told people to tell me, well, I belong to the humanitarian project. I belong to the United Nations project. I belong to the Chinese group project.
And they’re going to give me lots more than the three. If it goes up to three, they said, they’ll give me four, five, six, seven, eight, whatever. What they’re doing is they’re taking your dinars and putting it into an Iraqi bank, drawing interest and making money off of it.
It’s called money laundering. Anybody that’s involved with something like this, they should report it to the authorities as quickly as possible. Anyway, so I’m so grateful.
I’m so proud. Well, I thank you for giving me all those questions because I was kind of nervous. And my brother said, why are you nervous? Well, you did well.
You did very well. Call me back if they get back with you again, okay? And they will. And they will, by the way, pretty soon.
I think they’ll be calling you pretty soon. You take care. Bye-bye.
Thank you, Mr. Franklin. You’re welcome. Bye-bye.
Crazy. Yeah. Pretty good, huh, family? There’s a lot of information that we just picked up.
I’m very curious to follow up and learn about there’s no exchange fee at that bank. Hello. Oh, I’m moving.
And this is official. I mean, this is from Chase. Oh, I tore it off.
I’m sorry. This is official. This is actually from Chase.
This comes in the mail. And oh, how about this opportunity, Mr. Frank? What’d you think? Yeah, okay. So this looks legit.
Be careful when you receive an email. Don’t open it. Be careful.
A bank is not gonna send you an email and tell you that they wanna have an appointment with you. Okay? Well, family, let me see. I’ve got 10 minutes before we have our Bible study.
And I am basically done with my mission with you tonight, what I wanted to accomplish. But how about if I share just a little bit until seven o’clock on the dot we stop, okay? I was with you on Tuesday, correct? Tuesday. So then that means, whatever I read to you, hey, premium, Club 26.
Pretty good, huh? That was pretty darn good. That was good stuff we released Wednesday, yesterday, and today. You notice that, you notice, premium, I release information early in the morning too now.
It don’t matter when it comes in. I release it, you got it. Claire puts it all together and puts it in the archives in case you’re not there when it happens.
So here’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna read you just a little bit and I’m gonna get going here. I don’t know.
Let me pick a place here. Minister, town, town, or anything. Sure, why not? Let’s start right here.
How about yesterday at eight o’clock in the morning and then we’ll see how far I can go. You know, I should have answered some of your questions as well too. Hi, Ryan, how you doing, buddy? Hi, Frank, I saw a post last week that said a currency can float, let’s see, plus or minus 2% in a 90-day period.
That’s true. The post said it is clearly posted on the IMF website and it could take decades. It could take decades for it to come out low.
Isn’t that something? Can you imagine what could happen in 10 years? Asteroid. You can find this asteroid in a book called Revelation in the Holy Bible. I believe it’s called the Millstone.
I believe it’s called the Millstone asteroid. You can’t say you weren’t warned. Alrighty, the Minister of Finance again is on television explaining the launch of the government bonds.
They’re telling us, Mr. Frank, that these were two trillion dinars. Did you hear me, Mr. Frank? They said the word dinars. Now, how is that possible at 1310? They just told us that they’re gonna start with these two trillion dinars starting February the 10th until March the 10th.
They’re saying first bonds are gonna pay 6% interest. Wow, yearly. And then the second one is gonna pay 4.75% over a six-month period.
And then he’s talking about the investment opportunity that we Iraqi citizens have. How is that possible at 1310? Laughing out loud. We know what he means, sir.
Television showing breaking news. Kurdistan Council of Ministers has approved resuming oil flow through Sumo since the budget amendment was passed. Mr. Frank, here’s my HCA, finally.
Television shows the United States president canceling the exception to allow Iraq to obtain electricity from Iran. Television says we have the capability to have our own electricity, enough to handle our own supply. Television shows help we, TV shows help we still get from USA on structuring our new electricity layout.
News shows British BP going to invest huge amounts in Iraq’s oil sector. Big government meeting Saturday at the palace. All administration has been ordered to show up.
The international, the IRT, the International Road Transport Union is making headway here in Iraq. They’re talking an awful lot about how we’re growing and how important we are to them. The news says that all citizens will know the basic results of the three census by the end of February.
I don’t have the time to explain all of this to you. Maybe tomorrow we will reread some of this and we’ll talk about it. I say the following then to him.
This is not me talking. Gentlemen, they sure can talk a lot about security and stability nowadays, don’t they? They do it with ease. They do it with confidence.
Now the bonds that they’re offering you Iraqi citizens at those rate returns is amazing. Once again, this reflects a new exchange rate in my opinion. I wish I could buy some of those bonds.
I’m gonna look into it, Eddie. Maybe you can help me buy some of them. Every time they talk to you about Sumo, I can see your HCL.
Yeah, see, they’re trying to make a big deal over the amnesty law and over the courts, but it looks like it’s garbage, okay. Concerning your electricity, Eddie, it is being set up to be a powerful, to be as powerful as your currency because of AI. The United States of America, who cares? The United States of America will lead the field of AI.
That’s why we are going to help you with your electricity and Trump wants you to stop buying it from Iran. Eddie, BP does not stand for bullshit, for BS petroleum. They know exactly what they’re doing because of a new exchange rate.
If not, they would have been around a long time ago. The timing of BP is precise. TIR builds roads that Rome built for the same reason, success.
Mr. Frank, we have a hot news item. Mr. Sammy wants to talk to you. He says, a parliament finance meeting with the United States of America delegation today.
It is happening now about the contracts for the USA oil companies that are working in Iraq. He says, they are all related to the budget tables. So this is like a review to cross the T’s and dot the I’s for the money side.
Mr. Sammy says, it’s all related. They say to article 12, look at that. Praise God.
I’m telling you this, but I’m excited about the budget tables. Anyways, Sammy says that it’s all related and they say that it’s all related to article 12 that was passed and it is all about the budget. It’s all about the budget tables.
It’s all about the budget tables, man. Wow. What’s the name of that song from that girl? It’s all about the- Bass.
The bass, all about the bass. Yeah, that’s a good song. Anyways, Mr. Frank, we now have a huge step, don’t we? This is a big step, sort of speak.
Things are looking good and this meeting would not be happening like you say. I agree with you, Mr. Sammy. These meetings are the last meetings before the announcement, in my opinion.
Let’s see what happens as the days go by. Frank, Sammy is with me. He arrived at the market.
He’s been with me at the store here all day. This is a good sign. Well, yeah, I guess it’s a good sign but we’ll talk about it in a minute.
They’re talking about article 12-2C and then the budget tables relating to the contracts of oil companies in Iraq from the United States of America. Mr. Frank, we know what’s going on now. Continuing, television is showing the United States president, your Trump, and just signed a memorandum making it impossible for Iran to use Iraq’s monetary financial system to avoid sanctions.
Well, Mr. Frank, yeah, then I say, I’ve been thinking about this all day because it’s not the weekend. So tell me, Mr. Sammy, why are you there with Eddie? Why are you there with Eddie to spend the day with Eddie at the market? I think it’s for two reasons. Number one, is it your day off? Number two, Eddie, he’s looking for something.
He’s looking for something. The budget tables and the oil are all the components to you receiving your HCO. Mr. Frank, Eddie says that he was at the store all day from the opening until closing.
We don’t really know why he wanted to say it, but he’s been there all day. Eddie said it was like they were trying to explain the budget tables. Maybe he was trying to help me understand them.
He stayed by my side. No, that wasn’t the reason why. This guy, I bet you the bank sent him.
Anyways, Trump keeps, I’m sorry. Then I respond and I’d say the following. Trump keeps whispering into Sudani’s ear, Eddie, and Sudani is working with Trump.
And to see what Trump just did against Iran by using Iraq is an indication that Sudani and Trump are shoulder to shoulder. Hoorah, yes sir, he is, we agree with you. I continue.
Hey, gentlemen, this action by Trump just tied Iran’s hands even stronger against stealing your purchasing power. Trump is protecting the new exchange rate right along with Sudani. When Sudani explains the budget tables, it will be very clear to you Iraqi citizens.
Right now, there is still too much confusion within this week into next week. I pray that we see these budget tables. Me too, Mr. Frank.
TIR is the new cross-border payment system, Sammy says. He wants you to understand, Mr. Frank. He says, we are launching this new system by using this transfer for international.
And then he says, guess what? This can’t be at 13, because it’s going, at 1310, because it’s going international, saying it will be historic. First international cross-border payments. Look, that’s true, that’s true.
Do you see what she’s sending to you? Yes. You got it? Yeah. Is everything okay? You’re all right? What is wrong with this person putting their name constantly? What are they doing? What the heck is that? Gomez, if you do that again, we’re gonna remove you completely.
I already did it. Oh, he’s already gone? He shouldn’t have messed around, that’s his problem. So he was, Mr. Sammy wants me to understand about the fact that, look, we’re going international.
There’s no way they could be at 1310. He’s saying, it will be a historical first international cross-border payments using this, and we are really close. There’s no way we can make the payment at 1310.
Then I say to him, Mr. Sammy, when you look at how successful Rome was as a conquering government on this planet for over 500 years, it was because they established roads, roads that went all over their area in order for them to make easy conquest of their enemies and to move their soldiers, their supplies, their spoils, their men. It’s very interesting what’s going on with the road systems of Iraq. And yes, it’s a joke when you think about it all being done at 1310.
I agree with you. What the heck was that about? Yeah, I know, but why? You wanna go and deal with it or not? I, about it at 1310, and I agree with you, sir. Hey, Mr. Sammy, I’m still talking, by the way.
We are as close as your breath is to your lungs. In my opinion, we are as close as the next beat is to your heart. We are as close as I am to God.
TV says Iraq government and CBI have launched a banking initiative to enhance our banking sector, and it’s internationally acceptable, to which I said, there it is. Bingo. There it is.
Bingo. Internationally. Internat.
Sammy says that the banking reforms will add value to our dinar. Hey, Eddie, I don’t know if Mr. Sammy will understand this, but tell him that I said, exact the mundo, dude. Laughing out loud.
They’re already sending. Hey, Frank, they are already there. Mr. Sammy showed up very early, and Eddie went with him to the market.
I guess they’re expecting more news. I’ll send as quickly as I can. Neil, every morning is filled with so much excitement, with so much more news from Iraq.
Let’s see what happens tomorrow. Mr. Sammy wants to talk to you again. He says to you, Mr. Frank, have you noticed over the last few days, it’s joint statements from both Iraq government, Sudan and the CBI, saying that they are united together.
And for years we have been told it is just the CBI in charge of changing the rate. But now we have Sudan and the CBI are joining forces on this. This is great news.
And the reason we believe, Mr. Frank, is because your American president Trump, he signed off, remember, on the memo to stop the Iranians from profiteering off of Iraq. And it was being done to Rafadin Bank. That’s why they shut it down.
Rafadin got busted. You didn’t know that, but we share. They were money laundering to Iran from taking Iranian oil and selling it off as Iraqi oil.
We were just told that they were doing over 500 million a month. $500 million a month was going to the militia in Iran. But now they’ve been busted.
Television showing us that the Kurds are getting paid their salaries in January through the digital system. They’re showing the Kurds at the ATM machines with drawings of their money. Yes or no? How about one? Copy, got it.
Here’s an example, family, of the ATM machines in the Kurdistan region. Look at the size of these things. They’re all pouring into them and they’re using them.
And that is good news. Frank, this is the news media shots of the Kurds at the ATM machines. They’re all pouring into them.
Mr. Sami says, when the French were here and Alok did a press conference with them, that was a key reminder years ago that the French helped us with the Paris Agreement to keep Iraq out of debt and losing so much money. So this meeting with them kind of showed France, French, showing the French were here and we stand now and we are now digital and with international qualities. Television has big special.
Yeah, but they show up at the end anyways. Television had big, Mark, how you doing, buddy? Who’s that? My father, bless you, brother. TV had big special right now, Mr. Frank, where the federal court ruled to halt the amnesty law.
Two others are passing the basket. You know what? Can I abandon that? And they said, no, no, no, no, you can’t stop. I’ll read all of this to you later, family.
And it’s going into the, oh, the Gazette. Meetings that he saw with the dispossessed protest final ruling coming out, if any of you read. Oh, that is a good sign, Eddie.
That is a good sign, yeah. Anyways, to which I then, I follow up and I say the following to him. Greetings, gentlemen.
I am now just reading your reports. Yes, yes, I did notice that, Mr. Sammy. It was kind of hard not to notice it because normally the CBI takes care of its business and the GOI does their business without interfering with each other.
But we are seeing a unity, a commonality, a shoulder to shoulder, a bonding between Sudan and Allah. And that’s why I told Eddie, only pay attention to these two. When the smoke would clear, I told him, parliament would be flushed down the toilet.
And they have been by Sudan with fines and embarrassing pictures. Rafahdin Bank was still being used by these cockroaches to steal and funnel money into Iran by stealing your oil. Well, of course, Kurdistan was angry and nobody knew why.
But more so, my president Trump was fuming at this and he whispered into Sudanese’s ear, stop that stuff, stop that stuff right now. They will tell you that they’re going to stop the flow of gas and oil from Iran in 2028. But I strongly agree, in my opinion, that this is coming to an end now.
The combination of the leadership of Sudan and Allah for the monetary reform is strong in your country and they are avoiding the evil of parliament in Iran and following Donald Trump’s whispers. The United States Treasury on the ninth floor of the CBI building has space age technology and equipment that is protecting the reforms of Iraq, that is protecting the exchange rate. Can you say Space Force? Now, concerning the ATM machines with Kurdistan people, this is also part of the monetary reform education before the new exchange rate is released.
Call it a test run to see how the ATM machines and the Iraqi people would cooperate and react to these ATM machines, how they would cooperate with each other. And based on the pictures and the information you sent me, it looks like it’s a success today. Once again, the GOI and the CBI succeed with the monetary reform.
Continuing, as far as the French, they always show up at the end anyways and that is an indication of where we are at, thank God. I wanna thank you all for telling me that they are dealing with the Paris Club Agreement protection because I forgot about that. Yes, Frank, Mr. Samy said that that was way back in 2004.
Well, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever. The fact that they are there to collect is only because there’s a new exchange rate. If not, the French wouldn’t be there.
Don’t think there’s enough dinars to pay them at 1310, Frank, laughing out loud. You’re funny, Eddie, you’re funny, Eddie, you’re funny. Frank, Mr. Samy has a few connections, not very… Mr. Frank, Eddie has a few connections, not very big, but he has connections up the ladder, up the food chain ladder, let’s call it.
So he’s trying to get more news and information for us today. Okay, Eddie, tell Mr. Samy that we got our report from three o’clock in the morning. I will share when time allows me.
Tell Mr. Samy, I will be grateful because the information that he receives from now on is literally inches away from the announcement. Everything that we will learn will be so powerful. Sir, we’ve got them on TV saying one of the challenges right now is getting the horde loads of money in the homes of the banks during this current stage.
Really, Eddie? They just told you that? They just told you about the dinar mattresses again? You see the timing, son? You see the monetary reform education? Hey, CBI, tell me, why is it so important for you to retrieve your three zero notes? Why don’t you just, why don’t you want the Iraqi citizens to use them? Oh, I know, I know what you’re gonna say. It’s because Iraqi banking systems are going digital, but they still have to use some cash, don’t they, in their hands, right? Why are you collecting the three zero notes? Here, here, let me answer it for you because you’re gonna replace them with the lower notes. Jeez.
Just stop. So, there you go. Did you have a good time? Oh no, is Pastor Kendall mad at me? No, he said, take your time, slow down.
Oh no, oh yo, man, Pastor Kendall just, is there any lightning in the clouds? Hey, Pastor K, I saw what you said, by the way, about Moses, thank you, thank you, sir, thank you. I had a wonderful time with your family. I didn’t intend to make it this long.
I apologize, I went over about 10 minutes, but I wanna thank those that helped us financially. God bless all of you. Rebecca Hill, Rebecca Hill for WalkingStick, Wayne Bennett, Travels and Taste, Bus Driver, Linda Tetrick, gotcha, gotcha, LL Shadows, that’s someone new, LL Shadows.
Thank you kindly for your financial contributions. Family, there’s a lot going on. In fact, I have so much more we will share tomorrow.
We will be back with you tomorrow at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. At that time, we’re going to continue with Eddie’s report, and we’re gonna look at the articles. They are filled with a lot of information.
And by the time I get with you tomorrow, those articles will overlap with the information from Eddie and our teams. Premium, and I believe also Club 26, I know that you have a burning question. If you have a question, what would your question be? In fact, I just mentioned it just right now as I was talking.
Premium, there are thousands of you. What were you doing last night at three o’clock in the morning? What were you doing? We’ll talk about it tomorrow night when we do our next Ubi-Tubi. But I prepared you in Premium and Club 26.
I want to thank all of you. God bless you. It’s sleeping time.
You’re lazy bum, get up. He was sleeping too. Hawaii time.
Hawaii time. I know, I know. We can forgive him.
That’s okay. I was singing your song, says Lily Pinkhouse. You know something, Little Pinkhouse? I find myself the same thing.
I think it was like about four days ago. It might’ve been over the weekend that I woke up. I think it was like around four o’clock, three o’clock in the morning.
And I don’t know. And I was just, I was singing the song in my head. And when I rolled over, I laughed at myself.
I closed my eyes and I went. Anyways, by the way, where’s our dear brother? Gentlemen, go ahead and call me now. Tony would love to sound so far.
Who’s that, Tony? I’ll tell you what, we’ll just do both of them. Would live to sound so far. Tony would live or like to sound.
I’m not too sure what you’re asking for, 2-4. I’m not too sure what you’re asking, but anyways, I had a wonderful time. I thanked all of those that helped us financially.
Abba, Heavenly Father, by the blood of your son, Jesus, that special blood. One day you will tell me about that blood. By that blood, Father, I pray to you.
I ask for protection. I ask for your mercy. I ask for your grace upon me, my family, my brothers and sisters.
I pray for Israel. I pray for America. I pray for the president of the United States of America.
I pray, Father, to be worthy to even just to worship you. In the name of your son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, I pray with faith, amen, amen, amen. Amen.
Amen. Go right ahead, brother. Amen, amen, amen.
Hey, Brother Andy. Yes, sir. We have a gentleman by the name of Tony that says that he would like to blow the shofar.
How do you feel about that? Well, that would be fun. Good. You’re my shofar blower, my official shofar guy.
And I always want to come to you first. That’s the chain of command. But now that you’ve given me permission, let me call this Tony man and see if he wants to blow the shofar.
Because blowing the shofar simply honors our Heavenly Father. Hi, are you there? Hello. Hi, you wanted to blow the shofar? Yes, sir.
And he sounded it for you once before. Yeah, I want to sound it for you once before. We prayed this one time.
Sure, go ahead, because my phone is about to run out of power. Go ahead and do it. My phone is about to run out of power.
Okay. That would you bless us to have, Father God, the enemy would not steal it. We cover ourselves with the blood of Jesus, Father.
And we thank you and praise you, Father. Let your kingdom come, your will be done, for finances to finance the kingdom, for souls to come into the kingdom. And we give you all the glory and all the honor and the praise, Lord.
Amen. We thank you for the angel protecting our finances, Father. Protecting our children.
That we’ll create generational wealth like never before. We thank you and praise you as the fire will go to the Heavenly Father. And you send your angel to protect what you want us to have for our family.
We rebuke the lies of the enemy. No weapon formed against us will protect us. We talk of the power and the power of the blood of your Son, in Jesus’ name.
Amen. So be it. Amen, amen, amen.
I thank you, my brother. I thank you, my sister. May the Lord shine upon you so that it can reflect to the world.
God bless you. God bless you, sir. Thank you so much, sir.
You’re welcome. Oh my. Oh my goodness, Andy, huh? Whoa.
He has a, that’s a large shofar that he blew. It had a good sound to it. I know.
Andy, when I went to Israel, I was gonna buy a shofar that was about, it was about a good four feet long. It was gold trimmed. It was beautiful, but it cost so much money.
And then I was advised, if you buy this, someone’s gonna steal it from you before you even get it home. And I said, well, I wanna ship it home. No, they’ll steal it.
It’ll never make it home. That’s just the way it is here. Okay, thank you.
But yeah, I had the privilege to blow a very large shofar. And you know something, ladies and gentlemen? Andy blows that shofar, Tony blowed that shofar so that you would be aware of it. So that you would be aware of it.
The sheep know the shepherd’s voice. And the sheep will also know the sound of the trumpet as it blows when Jesus comes back. You one day, you will hear that sound and you will look up and you will wonder, what is that? But you will know.
Because we told you. Thank you, Andy. And thank all of you.
If they hear the sound, if they hear that sound and they don’t know what it is, and they’ve not accepted Jesus, it’s too late. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You talk about the final call, that’s it.
All righty, well, speaking of final calls, God bless you all. We’re not gonna hang up. The recording is going to continue because, huh? Oh, okay.
Yeah, because, in fact, Pastor Kendo, are you around? He is. He is? Yeah, brother, I was praying for you. I didn’t know if you were going to be on Gatsby or not.
Thank you. Thank you. You mean for trying to hurry up? You mean trying to hurry up? Yeah.
I felt bad, but would you dismiss us with a prayer, please, sir? Sure. Father, we come and God, we thank you for all the gifts you’ve given us, Frank, Jan, and even to our Lord, thank you for them, God. As Frank always says, the information that we receive, God, we bring it to you as an offer of the gospel to the world.
For this is the cause of what we do. God, we lift you up, we praise you. We pray for our country, we pray for our leader, we pray for our president, but we pray for those who need you the most, the ungodly.
Well, I believe, God, that when that trumpet sounds, they won’t even hear it. They won’t even recognize it, but your children will. So, God, I pray that you would help us to unclog the ears of those who are lost, that they may be found.
Lord, we’re here for you to be praised, glory, and honored. For it is in Jesus’ name I pray, with thanksgiving. Amen.
Amen, amen. Thank you, Pastor Kendall. God bless you and your family and all of the mission work that you do, not only at KTFA, but around the world.
Thank you, sir, and we’ll be with you. I may be a little late, but we’ll be with you with the Bible study in just a short minute, okay? Sure, and I’m gonna be going over two more types tonight. More what, sir? An example of Moses.
Ah. An example of you being our Moses. Oh.
Okay. Also, the example of Ephesadeth. He was, even though the order of Christ was through him, he was a type of Christ.
And we’ll explain a little bit of that tonight. Roger that, sir. Thank you.
You know, when cancer hit me, I did feel like Moses because I thought I was gonna be punished and not get to see the promised land. But Moses did climb the mountain, and he did get to see from a distance, I am still alive. There’s work to do.
God bless all of you, and please stick around and listen to Pastor Kendall’s Bible study as we’ll be talking on the subject of Moses. I say goodbye to you, but just for a while. I’ll see you in 24 hours, okay? 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time tomorrow night.
Sweet aloha. God bless you all. I love you.
[“I Used to Be a Dean On UB”] ♪ I used to be a dean on UB ♪ ♪ Until I watched Frank’s UB2B ♪ ♪ With a twinkle in his eyes when God by his side ♪ ♪ Frank’s teaching reaches far and wide ♪ So whenever I need a D-not fix, I tune in to Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets. Tune in now, tune in here, this is a D-not beat.
Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie. It’s OK, Tink, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing.
So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring. So whenever I need a D-not fix, I tune in to Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is a D-not beat. Sit up, be patient, and get ready. Frank’s got some news from Walking Stick and Eddie.
Frank breaks down news and keeps us straight. Come on, Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a D-not fix, I tune in to Frank 26. Frank 26, he’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is a D-not beat. Hey, Tink, I need a cookie. Come on, Tink, I deserve some cookies.
Cookies! Cookie, cookie, cookies, cookies. Come on, Tink, give up the cookies. Woo! Thanks, Tink.
God bless you all, KTFA family. I’ll see you in pre-mem. Well, no, I don’t, well, maybe I will tomorrow morning.
It depends on what happens. But I’ll see everybody else tomorrow at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Please stick around, please stick around, and listen to our Bible study.
Bye-bye, sweet Aloha, take care.