FRANK26 – AKI/BANK STORY (Uncut) 02-26-2025
It’s already, uh, I just turned it on, but yeah, I know. 30, what was, uh, when were we last on? Monday. I’m sorry, you know what I mean.
24. 24 was Monday, correct? Yeah. Thank you.
Three. Oh, no, wait a minute. Oh, this is, this is what I have to do now? Yes, unmute it.
And then scroll up until you get off mute. Right, so it’s all set? Yeah. I’ll never have to worry about it now, right? Three, two, one, go.
The recording has started. I used to be a Dinah newbie, until I watched Frank’s newbie-to-be. With a twinkle in his eye, then God by his side, Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide.
So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune into Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat.
Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie. It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing.
So I wear my sunglasses, because they are so glaring. So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune into Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat. Sit up, be patient, and get ready. Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie.
Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight. Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune into Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat. Hey dink, I need a cookie. Come on dink, I deserve some cookies.
Cookies, cookies. Come on dink, give up the cookies. Cookies, cookies.
Eggs, eggs. Come on dink, I deserve the cookies. love we are and that stands for keep the faith in our heavenly father keep the faith always ktfa we’re a christian-based organization and before we do anything we always go to our heavenly father and we pray i have something uh different tonight concerning our prayer and what i’d like to do is see if i can i see unfortunately one of our phones broke down today and i don’t know if you’re going to be able to hear this so let me try this hold on a second first unmute start at the beginning hit play yes you can’t hear it because it’s broadcasting every morning and father god we give you the glory president trump father for appointing us father god thank you for anointing us to do this job
but we pray you give the president the vice president wisdom father god as they leave father i pray for all of our colleagues that are here around the table and in this room lord god we pray that we would leave with a righteous clarity father god as we serve the people of this country in every perspective agency every job that we have father we would humble ourselves before you and we would lead in a manner to call us to lead and to serve while the bible says the blessed is the nation whose god is the lord but father we today are in a grateful place father thank you for giving us this opportunity to restore faith in this country and be a blessing to the people of america and our god today in our conversation he said that’s a very good job you did you’ve done that before huh and
i apologize if you were not able to hear that but that was uh president trump today um before they did anything oh does that sound familiar um he decided that uh he was gonna have a minister pray and when they were praying it was pretty cool in my mind in my mind’s eye that kind of looked like i know it was the first uh cabinet meeting uh but to me it looked like uh it looked like the the last supper in the sense that gentlemen were together and praying to jesus christ this is the first time i’ve ever seen this from the white house i’m sure it’s before but it’s the first time that my eyes have laid on it uh laid upon it and it meant a lot to me it meant a lot to me because i have been praying with all my heart and soul and belief that we would have a president a praying president in the white house when i first saw it it it it it it touched me emotionally god is good family god is good that man just prayed for our conference call and he prayed for that cabinet meeting and it went very well it was an hour and one minute i think yeah he you know he’s doing good do do pray for president trump do pray for the you know your country pray for israel pray for peace
but the main thing is um is pray and that’s what we’re trying to show you i respect donald trump i may not agree with everything he says and does but i respect him i i i’m like 99 of what he what he has i respect him i’ve been with you for a while you remember one time i brought you the founder of uh espn dadada dadada espn bill rasmussen remember and he was with us for over a year he would come every week and he would talk to you remember you remember that old timers bill rasmussen the founder of espn was with us then i brought uh kim clement remember that that was so nice then the following year he passed away
but he told us what the holy spirit was saying about the iraqi dinar nothing nothing nothing and then suddenly he said interesting um then we brought in uh brandon uh who made that uh prediction or the prophecy that trump was going to be shot in the air and he told us uh what the holy spirit was telling him about it about our investment wouldn’t it be nice if i could bring in president donald trump to talk to you would you like that let’s see what god wants now that uh the prayer has been done we have our brother andy who’s going to blow the shofar the floor is yours amen amen amen thank you andy love you sir yes sir i won’t be here for the end oh oh good good good you go there and uh you catch the rebound later god bless you sir yes sir well family uh first before we start i want to say hi to dutch dutch good boy dutch you’re a good boy dutch yeah they sent me your picture dutch can’t believe that you’re a beautiful doggy beautiful dog good boy dutch and you dutch how do you do that for three hours just there staring at me on the television what is it something is it do you smell the the treats i mean what is it i just wanted to say hi to my new friend a beautiful dog that sits there and stares at me for three hours i was told they sent me a picture of him he was so cute all righty family we’re here to study the iraqi dinar the very first thing i want to tell you is that everything we i share with you is just strictly in my opinion it’s just strictly in my opinion okay uh i i i like for example how do you like my blue suit you know with pink trimming that’s my opinion okay and everything that i share with you tonight is just going to strictly be in my opinion by the way speaking of that the last yubi-tubi that we did was monday
okay now normally we get anywhere from 20 to 25 000 views okay that’s nice but this one didn’t so why are you bringing it up frank because i believe it would behoove you i think you missed something look don’t worry about the first part although it was packed but the second part that thing was locked and loaded and you missed it okay i think there’s 1700 normally we get about 20 so the way that’d be that’s about 7 000 views for those of you who didn’t catch it you might want to catch it okay it’s up to you if you don’t want to catch it it’s okay don’t worry about it go about your life but it might it might it would it just might behoove you to to check it out
okay now that i’ve said that let us continue tonight our study is once again trafficated the very first part of our study will be the articles you are a member of and i appreciate that thank you kindly for being part of our family i need for you to come on in you’re right tank my flower is pink it’s it’s it’s not uh red i just noticed it is that what you’re talking about is that what you’re close your eyes yeah now tell them um so we’re gonna we’re gonna start with final article number 5101 5101 okay all right the second part is uh a report from eddie premium club 26 i didn’t post anything did i no i didn’t why uh because i was with you on monday and yesterday i figured i might as well say what i got and show it to you today on wednesday here we are okay okay now the second part or excuse me that’s the second part eddie’s report then we have the third part well guess what aki called back finally yeah because his daughter finally came home after being in the hospital for two weeks but aki did call and he did talk to us
so there’s our study for tonight okay we’re going to break it up into three parts like i say and the very first part is going to take you to the final article thread it’s the very last page of the final article thread inside of my form many of you don’t even know when i say final article thread i tell you it would behoove you to be a member of my form my form is you know tink there’s a lady that comes out to to listen when we sing her name is joy she lost a child just like a gaway girl she lost a child just like us i lost my sister and joy was talking with gaway tink and i was really surprised what she said and it touched me it made me realize that it’s worth the effort of everything that we go through here no mary lou sanchez
i’m not using reverse psychology on you why would i do something like that why would you even ask me such a question like that today donald trump was asked a question and he said why would you ask me a question like that oh i know your purpose last time i was on the air we had 52 no calls from mr no caller id mr no caller id god bless that poor man so anyways uh yeah mary lou i’m here to talk to you about some very important things i already lost my train of thought what was i talking about you were talking about galley girl oh yes and it turns out that joy said tink she says when i lost my child oh here he goes i missed you buddy where you been no caller id there he is good for you uh gosh i thought maybe you didn’t love me anymore okay so what was i saying yeah so joy it turns out was telling galley girl that she lost uh she lost a child she lost a child and
she was saying it’s not fair for parents to have to bury their children and then she says when when she got home she she’s you know depressed after burying her her child and she says i asked god um you know show me someone that can lift me that can help me show me something someone and she says she sat down turned on her computer and um and she found ktfa and she’s been with us ever since that sad day that she buried her child because on that same sad day she found joy and that’s your name joy that’s what ktfa is all about i love you joy in the name of jesus christ i lost a loved one i lost my father last year i cry when i think about him but i don’t let no one see me cry okay final article number 5101 treasury imposes additional sanctions on iran’s shadow fleet as part of a maximum pressure campaign well family it is oh by the way yes we’re going to try for kate we we have uh final articles we have uh eddie’s report and
we have uh aki called us but we also have one more treat what’s the title of your yubi tubi tonight treasury imposes additional sanctions really on who on iran’s shadow fleet what is what’s a shadow fleet um they really should not be selling oil iran right no they shouldn’t be there’s sanctions against them the united states put them on the on iran but they are selling their oil really yeah how uh through ships and they call it the shadow fleet they load them up and
they send them to countries that will buy them like north korea china you know cuba nasty countries so it turns out that the u.s trade oh donald trump same thing u.s treasury imposes additional sanctions on iran’s shadow fleets as part of maximum pressure campaign the last time we were together we talked about a great pressure from donald trump upon sudani to do some certain things which sudani did we got every law we need don’t we parliament how you doing no we’re all right parliament did they come and talk to you no do you know why parliament you really want me to answer that frank yes parliament why has sudani not sent a lot to show you the new exchange rate the budget the hcl the cards the salaries why hasn’t he done that parliament because he’s protecting the new exchange rate from us that’s right parliament good boy so treasury impose donald trump imposes additional sanctions on iran’s shadow fleet you think you can sell your oil and
supply terrorism around the world especially inside of iraq that is so important for us right now because of what they’re going through through their monetary reform well i’m sorry it’s not gonna happen not on my watch says every leader that is standing shoulder to shoulder against evil right now and family i don’t have to show them to you because you know exactly who they are what do you do with a bad child you correct them you spank them you send them to their room what’s the blue title for this article do you want some more keep it up final article you see security and stability is so important for the monetary reform you you hear me say it billions of times uh well it’s got to be for a good reason because it must not fail with the iraqi citizens at any snap of a finger it can fail with the iraqi citizens and
if it does the whole cards that are stacked up will fall apart you want to talk about a delay you want to talk about going back to square one you ever play hopscotch i don’t want to go back to square one final article number 5102 so therefore security and stability is rampant at its best it is at its highest technology those were the i worked all day on those words okay everything i do is not necessarily on purpose it is done with a purpose final article number 5102 the central bank of iraq organizes a workshop on the international islamic standard issued by a a o i f i okay that’s all wonderful and
dandy uh but what do i say what’s the blue title for this the cbi prepares the exchange rate for the international theater the cbi prepares the exchange rate for of iraq’s currency for the international theater the cbi prepares the exchange rate of of the goi of the cbi of the iraqi citizens for the international theater why because it can leave its borders now so so you don’t understand the value of that too bad why don’t you just go float away you like that you see how i did that i’ll go away they don’t know it’s you like that okay final article number 5000 i i laugh at myself in the mornings when i shave hi frank hey frank what are you part chinese what are you part chinese no why somebody told me your last name was lee well it’s not and
someone told me your first name was ug i get it okay final article number 5103 trade minister of trade that would be the cabinet that’s sudanese people they’re all shoulder to shoulder on the same idea for the monetary reform what’s up we got to check this out trade online shopping in hyper markets increased by 15 percent daily every day wait a minute wait a minute what’s 15 times the next what’s compounded interest of 15 percent on a daily basis just me are you kidding me okay okay okay um minister of trade is telling the world that online shopping you know like amazon ebay whether you’re too too 2b or 2d or 2 2 2b is it sd sd uh sd is that what it’s called etsy etsy etsy etsy whatever whatever all those uh um 15 percent increase daily in iraq oh dude what’s the blue title um that’s at 1310 can you imagine oh and by the way look at the picture look at that that’s bigger than look at that picture and then look beyond the picture look beyond the picture look at blow it up here i’m gonna blow it up look at that look here look at this look at that and
look beyond it look at the look at the growth of this country this and you think that this you think this banking structure is at 1310 how many times have i told you about a second set of books this is amazing this article and the citizens of iraq know what’s going on and that’s why they too are leaving their borders when they shop final article number 5104 the pm advisor uh announces a launch of 70 banking products uh to promote uh development and
financial inclusion before like you really cared before well did you care ever last just go into last year did you care about the relationship between the iraqi citizens and your banking structure did you care yeah we were going through the monetary reform education oh okay okay the year before that did you care not as much as last year well you get my point okay uh this is amazing uh the prime minister advisor announces a launch of 70 banking products that’s a lot of products dude just give them their money that’s one of the products frank oh oh this then i gotta read this article yeah he’s right because we’re talking about the to promote promote you understand monetary reform education uh to promote the development of the financial inclusion do you know do you know what that means right i know what finance means
it means you know what inclusion means uh to be a part of it to to to to include in oh a new exchange rate why don’t you read the article uh why don’t i just read the blue title all right read the blue title well first let’s read the title of the title again the prime minister sudani advisors uh sent uh uh an announcement uh that they’re launching 70 banking products to promote development and financial inclusion what’s the blue title uh the monetary reform education is getting louder it’s getting louder every day every day to by 15 increase i suppose on a daily basis what do you think maybe final article 5 105 al sudani and the u.s secretary of state don’t you just love that okay so we got else it’s the prime minister and
the new u.s secretary of state family with all due respect did you ever see the secretary of state in iraq did you ever see him in the last four years do you understand why he’s there now why because he’s on vacation no he’s there to talk yeah about what well let’s see how sudani and the u.s uh secretary of state discuss areas of coordination between the two countries by phone i can just imagine that call to uh prime minister muhammad uh sudani receives a phone call tuesday uh today tuesday from the u.s uh secretary of state uh marco rubio and uh during the phone call uh the two sides discuss the overall bilateral relationship between iraq and the united states and
ways to enhance and to develop them uh okay mr secretary of state do you mind if we stay at 1310 hell yes oh you prefer that we uh increase the exchange rate yes oh okay okay what does did donald trump tell you donald trump wants you guys to get your ass moving and take care of your oil and don’t let anybody else interfere with it you understand okay okay this phone call was magic in my opinion you know when you strike a match everybody can smell you struck that match sudani and
the u.s treasury of state in my opinion are talking about coordination between the two countries and the coordination between the two countries that they discussed was bilateral relationship between the two countries oh yeah we want you to have a suck a horrible exchange rate while we have the powerful exchange rate yeah that’s what we discussed okay that’s how we want mutual relationship with each other okay you stay worthless and let us uh continue to do what we’re doing in the united states of the america how’s that huh of course not and
on top of that in my opinion sudani when he was talking to this guy in my opinion okay and what about what what what what what about next week and what about next month it went not on the budget the budget what about the tri-patriot budget what do you think about now now oil um look can we get it at this point what if what if what if we what if we did move it just a little bit towards iran but iran would then would then be able to pay us back but we have focus listen i gotta go i gotta go no mr rubio hold on hold on another question look look i’m starving to talk to you i’m starving to talk to trump i got al sudani and the u.s treasury state uh uh secretary of state okay just try that again al sudani and
the u.s secretary of state discuss areas of coordination between the two countries by phone bilateral core bilateral cooperation bilateral so so what you do i do so if my so if i have value you should have value oh okay bilateral corporate and
what is the blue title for this article word has it word has it’s called a rumor word has it the secretary rubio he couldn’t get sudani off the phone man i gotta go no no no wait wait i don’t know what i’ll talk to you again yeah final article number 5106 now what we have here is the administrative clash at najaf airport between the united states delegation and
iraqi security so iraqi security at the airport you know this is my job this is my job this is my job uh hi ho hi ho i go to the airport that’s my job that’s my job to guard the airport because i’m an iraqi guard okay that’s what i do yeah okay good job good job okay then all of a sudden out of nowhere what’s that what what are all these helicopters landing at our airport says the iraqi security oh look oh my goodness gracious that’s about eight black tinted vehicles also they’re storming the airport and
there’s a number of american special forces they’re all getting out of the helicopters in the web they’re carrying weapons they’re wearing bulletproof vests they conduct searches inside of the airport corridors using a special camera i know what that special camera can do it can see through walls can’t do with special cameras without referring to the relative security authorities inside or outside of the airport oh really guys what are you doing here none of your business oh my goodness the source added that the two black hawk helicopters landed at the airport carrying an american official at the washington embassy in baghdad in addition to a number of armed soldiers the purpose was to visit the governor without revealing the identity of the officials who showed up and
that’s not why you showed up dude america way to go you don’t know do you family do you want to know should i just leave this article alone and go to our final article number 5107 you tell me should we talk about this article what do you think i don’t know let’s see do you want to talk about this article or should we just walk right by it and i ask you while i take a quick a quick second to drink my electrolytes because my body’s cramping and
said no tell us about it frank we want to know hey what’s going on why not yeah we’d love to know yes tell me we want to know right now yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah tell us spill your guts come on man spill your cookies yeah for sure says verne talk about it all right here so oh well look look look look look uh i’m showing you a lot of pictures today here check it so the american black hawk helicopters go into this airport that is well protected well secured by iraqi forces and they rush in there you know past the iraqi forces the iraqi forces are like what is that those are americans but what are they doing here shouldn’t we stop them go ahead no what are you guys doing stand down okay he said stand down i’m gonna stand down and
the american forces well you see we have the thank thank goodness for space force we have the ability to do an awful lot of things a lot of interesting things sorry a lot of interesting things and um we can see we can see past the surface of mars we can find ancient aztec maya and inca ruins in the jungles of of the yucatan and we can see through walls and in my opinion donald trump wants to protect the monetary reform maybe at levels that have never been protected before maybe at a space age level that you don’t even understand
so when the american helicopters came in and dropped off some very important people that you don’t look at these people media you will not print anything will you and the administration it was they call it an administrative clash hey does the goi know you’re here there’s a sudani know you’re here what are you guys doing here and they say what they want to say and look at the blue title that i get there’s two of them here you got two articles back to back and
um the first one says u.s uh helicopters uh black hawk helicopters landed at uh najaf airport today as special forces stormed special forces stormed in with their night vision cameras uh snapping pictures of entrances of exits of vip lounges uh even of the bathrooms of course uh sources say it is a bold move to crack down on the u.s and weapons smuggling routes tied to iran and lebanon okay yeah yeah yeah yeah and what is the blue title for this article uh we ain’t going nowhere so security and
stability at its very best what is the second uh uh article here um so uh administrative clash at uh najaf airport between u.s delegation and iraq uh iraqi security and what is the blue title for this uh great intel gathering uh for a reason great intel gathering for a reason now normally i wouldn’t even bring this up and
this actually happened last week and you didn’t even talk about it but the reason i talk about it now is because in my opinion i want to point something out to you if i was the president of the united states of america i would be doing this right now you see the best way to defeat your enemy is to know your enemy i know everything there is about cancer and
that’s why with the blood of jesus we defeated it donald trump knows very well that iran is trying so hard to stop the monetary reform to stop the oil flow to stop the security of the in fact of the whole middle east region to attack israel to supply the 4h clubs donald trump knows so we need to know our enemy very well forward and backwards and
it turns out that this these uh this uh this uh this uh this little visit by american forces that scared the hell out of the out of the airport security and everybody else was for a very good purpose and authorized by sudani it was it was intel gathering you need to know every nook and cranny of that airport there’s a television program what is that program called tink where where they bust people because they bring in stuff through the airport gosh i don’t even know the name of that show it’s all something it’s a contraband it’s on it’s on the discovery uh channel i think yeah you know they they they they pull you over the show they pull people over and
then they they they search them and oh you’re carrying drugs okay um that’s because we have a good system a good security system i mean we only get a small percentage a lot of it goes through but the security in our airports it’s good and the airport what did i tell you about roads what did i tell you about roads okay and roma okay now airports that that that’s instant you can instantly move weapons drugs people whatever it may be through airports this is the highest form of security for the monetary reform right now because ain’t nothing else in iraq that is being more protected than the new exchange rate and
the new lower notes in my opinion final article number 5107 um we have again an issue where iraq uh urgent news uh circulating from iraq uh it turns out that we have amir and uh fayat uh were arrested by the american forces and were forced uh we uh by the american forces and were intending to escape from the najaf airport oh how did you know that they were you got good intel from that airport good job oh you found a job or you found what’s his name i can’t even think uh you found uh fayat oh that’s pretty good you see how these articles uh work back to back okay so we went out we got the intel and
then we came back and we busted the people that were doing what they were doing wrong and what were they doing messing around with the new exchange rate messing around with the new currency oh you mean they got it no but they’re preparing to do that so it turns out that urgent urgent there’s news circulating from iraq amir and fayat were arrested by the american forces and were intending to escape from the najaf airport a simple comment was made if the news is really true iranian militia have begun to breathe their last in iraq oh god unquote yeah i mean i’m not that dramatic about it what’s the blue title security stability for the monetary reform period end of story nothing else that’s what’s going on thank you very much and
it is so important because the more security stability you have the louder it is the more powerful it is the more that you get rid of these people the more intel you pick up the faster what we want will come it’s that simple this is not an algebraic formula this is not a theorem this is very simple okay then all of a sudden final article number 5108 to arrange the papers uh with the americans uh revealing the reason for our uh return to baghdad yeah that guy he was do you know who he is family uh uh al uh uh cat cat he me cat he me you know who he is and
the article says uh to to arrange the papers uh with the americans also he arranges with donald trump trump what’d you do man uh do we arrange papers uh with america revealing that uh uh the reason for uh outcome uh al-khamidi uh return to baghdad trump you want you you’re the one that got al-khamidi to come back to iraq yes
i did right well jeff here says uh jeff henning hanging henning henning uh says will that there be the former the former prime minister of iraq yeah i know isn’t that cool frank well dude you went and got an old prime minister to help the new the the current prime minister yes i did that’s brilliant wow that’s what we do in business frank we use references if i’m gonna build me a business a building you know in new york i’m gonna look at the other buildings that were built in new york too you know i’m gonna look at their architectural plan so i’m talking with sudini right now or um yeah yeah sudani i said sudini i’m talking with sudani right now and
uh i’m hooking him up yeah yeah you should see the stuff we gave him from space force he says like i didn’t know that yeah we showed him all the different routes all the different escape routes all the the data that we’ve you know that we’ve been picking up okay we gave that to him he’s happy about it all the intel military intel interpol into information everything that we’ve arranged for them so i’ve also made arrangements uh we’re going to go and
uh bring his uh bring the form a former prime minister i like this one frank he’s he’s all right it’s all right he wants what’s right for the people of iraq so i’m hooking him up together final article number 5108 to arrange the papers with america thank you sir uh to revealing the reason for al khamidi’s return to baghdad what do i say up on top what’s the blue title for this article uh activate prime minister excuse me excuse me active prime minister brings in old prime minister for his knowledge and
for his experience thank you president trump final article number 5109 secretary rubio call uh with iraq prime minister sudani re whoa wait a minute it’s rubio you had a really good talk didn’t you with uh some of sudani’s people huh yeah i talked with sudani too couldn’t get him off the phone frank yeah i heard heard he was so excited isn’t he yeah yeah he’s excited that we’re here yeah i am too sir so uh secretary rubio call uh with uh iraq prime minister sudani and here’s the readout for it here’s the readout and
when you read this article i think you’ll have a nice smile on your face because you realize what we’re doing this partnership that we’re establishing with iraq is bringing in what what does the article say let me see uh stability and sovereignty oh dear me what do we need so what’s the blue title uh stability and sovereignty and
we all know for what reason final article number 5110 now the reason that i i bring this to you family is because um this is a gazette in fact it is the gazette from yesterday i believe uh it’s not the gazette that we’re looking for okay but this is a gazette issue number 4815 and uh it says that um well the blue title that i gave this it says minister of finance points at the monetary reform laws family is the minister of finance you know one of the cabinet cabinet members of sudani talks to the iraqi citizens and
he points out to them listen guys this is the report this is the whole data issued by me the minister of finance for for for the year of 2024 and the year of 2025 excuse me i’m so tired and um underneath you see blue parentheses what do i say to you the minister of finance discusses with the imf the same items 24 25 so this is the gazette the recent one from yesterday and
it turns out that out of the blue the minister of finance comes out and talks to the to everybody in iraq about the monetary reform process about the laws about what they have applied in the in the fiscal year for 24 and 25 well listen uh minister of finance that’s the same discussion that you are having with the imf or i should say that you just had with the imf that’s right frank and
now i’m reporting to sudani and i’m reporting to the iraqi citizens because sudani told me to go out and tell them and give them the report well then this must be one hell of a report it is yeah ladies and gentlemen final article number 5110 read them and read them and thank god none of it is a 1310 it’s mathematically and it’s physically impossible it’s electronically impossible final article number 5111 central bank governor inaugurates the ninth finance and
banking conference central bank governor a lot inaugurates the ninth finance and banking conference hey a lot yeah when was the last time you did that never have what’s the blue title for this article the cbi goal is to be a cashless society but first a new exchange rate hey a lot yes frank are you guys doing with the uh exchange rate yeah frank come here we were done with the exchange rate a long time ago we were done with them with with the with the uh lower notes a long time ago what we’re doing right now is we are trying to make uh iraqi citizens uh understand that the future for our country concerning you know our monetary is not physical we don’t want them to touch we don’t want them to touch currency anymore that’s one of the safety features what that’s one of the security features the security and
stability for the monetary reform we want to take the currency out of their hands brilliant i mean i brilliant sir and that’s what you and that’s what this report is you’re going to you’re telling the iraqi citizens about this i’m telling the world about this right frank come here come i can’t get any closer a lock what’s up frank it is so much harder for the evil ones to steal physical cash it’s almost impossible for them to steal electronic currency know what i mean why do you think we’re going bananas because the secretary of of state is here in iraq anyway know what i mean i do know what you mean i do know what you in fact here let me what else did you tell them in this report well i’m glad you asked right uh i added that the financial and
banking system you know the monetary reform education that we’ve been giving them i added that the financial and banking system will witness the decline of paper currency to be replaced by digital payments of for the central bank and that the central bank is moving to create its own digital currency you’re making your own the lover knows okay and
that the central bank is moving to create its own digital currency to gradually replace the paper process as is happening in some central banks in the world oh yeah okay so the central bank governor inaugurates the ninth annual uh finance and banking conference and he tells the world basically that hey look we’re going to become a cash to society what is the blue title for this article by the way cbi gold is to become a cash to society but first a new exchange rate uh a lot are we done with that uh exchange rate yeah that’s why this banking and
financial system will witness the decline of the and so forth and so forth check this out in in in coordination with this article trade bank right underneath okay go to the next article trade bank of iraq stops cash withdrawals via atms outside iraq my goodness gracious so the cbi really you guys you’re not allowing any more transactions on your atm machines outside of iraq i thought that was the whole goal for you guys to go outside i go go crush your borders why are you stopping the withdrawal i know i donny m and
god bless you tomorrow walking stick gets his treatments if anybody wants to help us with you know finances to help walking stick we we receive them we receive them with open arms we appreciate you we’re grateful to you and thank you uh the minister of trade uh says that the banks of iraq uh have been told to stop any withdrawals via atm machines outside of iraq and
what is the blue title for this article family what is the very first thing that i tell you uh well this is the first step of a cash to society yeah interesting the decision only includes cash withdrawals from atms outside of iraq while users can continue to use the cards to pay via pos devices or in electronic transactions on the internet this is interesting because look look look look look why would they be why would the monetary reform education be teaching the iraqi citizens that you are going to lose your 3-0 notes okay and
they’re going to be replaced electronically okay because they’re about to replace them with lower notes in the new exchange rate as well too this is all part of the monetary reform process this all makes sense look at the next article the central bank of iraq is moving towards launching a digital banking currency instead of a paper currency what do i say up on top what’s the blue title for this the book of revelation i told you that the only reason why i decided 20 years ago to teach you about the iraqi denier is because of that reason revelation from the same place four rivers quote the central bank is moving to create its own digital currency technically you can already do that because you have a currency it’s called three zero notes you just convert it electro electronically but you’re telling them that you are converting into a new currency and it’s going to be created into a digital currency as well too quote one million bank cards in iraq and
the central bank will support them electronic wallets family i don’t know what to tell you but they are educating them they’re telling them what’s about to happen look at the next article chalet oh dude what’s up chalet stresses the importance of the electronic payment in the digital transformation in iraq this is getting serious ladies and gentlemen look at the next article rafadin bank affirms its commitment to developing the financial sector and enhancing digital transformation rafadin bank on wednesday said that it can it is committed to developing the financial and banking sector and
enhancing its role in supporting digital transformation and financial inclusion iraq is renewed iraq is renewed iraq is renewed in quotations which reflects its ongoing commitment to developing its services according to the latest international banking standards well i’m sorry they’re not 1310 final article number 5112 now this article should grab you this grab this this this should grab you why well look at it the whole bloody well not all of it let’s see half of it is red and
blown up five times cheryl thank you cheryl them anybody i haven’t been looking but anybody that’s helping us with walking stick we are humbled we are grateful we need your help final article number 5112 check this out confirming shabbat news okay what do you want uh trump is heading to impose sanctions on iraqi groups what your president trump uh he’s he’s headed towards uh uh imposing sanctions on iraqi groups notice that you didn’t say iraqi banks no no no no is he going to put sanctions on iraqi government no no no no no no no is he going to put this uh sanctions on the cbi no no no no no no who is he putting sanctions on uh iraqi groups iraqi groups oh framework yeah yeah yeah yeah sudanese militia yeah yeah yeah or i’m sorry uh i mean maliki’s uh militia yeah yeah yeah yeah oh iranian politicians in parliament oh yeah okay trump dude i’ve never seen anything move so fast and
i studied the speed of light in college dude mr trump how long have you been in the 20 today’s 20 20th of january to february it’s been a month and six days mr trump the things that you are doing normally takes years how are you doing this this is almost supernatural the things that you’re doing are my prayers of the last four years the american website fox news yeah they’re all right what about them the american website fox news published a report today on wednesday in which it referred to the maximum pressure well i know what maximum pressure is that’s when you break the neck not when you put them to sleep what about this maximum pressure the maximum pressure sanctions that the president trump administration is pursuing against countries oh wait a minute
i thought it was groups in iraq keep reading frank against countries that have economic and trade relations with iran including iraq which includes punishing a group of banks and controlling baghdad’s reserves at the u.s federal reserves according to the website report translated by shabbat news agency these countries should expect to feel the shock wave resulting from trump’s campaign on the iranian oil trade indicating that iranian currently exports an average of 1.5 million barrels of oil per day but under the executive order issued by trump on february the 6th the secretary of states and treasury will work to implement a campaign aimed at driving iranian oil exports to zero in fact implement a campaign aimed at driving iranian oil exports to zero is in quotations i ask you to read this article what will fuel the float answer my question answer my question drink some water what will fuel the float family say again michelle is on oh that’s sweet
i hear that we have a guru that’s on oh pardon me pardon me pardon me okay we’ll get to that in just a second all righty so this uh last part down here is so good implement a campaign aimed at driving iranian oil exports to zero because that’s what’s going to allow the three zeros to be removed and
right now you’re saying oil there it is oil yeah oil that’s what’s going to drive it along with those of you that are saying security and stability yeah security and stability for the oil that funds what is stolen i’m very proud of all of you i’m grateful to you and i i thank you kindly for uh working with me as i ask you these questions now we still have articles to read go ahead and flip over to the next page final uh page um the second uh uh the last page i’m sorry and
that would be final article number 5113 at that point uh we’re going to bring in our advertiser now and at that uh when we’re done with our advertiser we’re going to pick up at that point final article number 5113 then when we are done with this we walk into the second part of our study and that’ll be that’ll be eddie’s report then we walk into the third part but it’ll determine um if i’m annoyed by these this no caller id i just might walk away and
not even do that i also have a bank story i have a bank story okay i wish you love wouldn’t you so it’s not really trifocated tonight it’s tetricated we have four uh four four things to study with you tonight all righty now what we’re going to do now is i am going do you do you notice that every now and then every now and then i i allow somebody to come into my yubi to be and i don’t even represent their product i don’t sell their product i don’t know anything about their product but they ask for help when they call me and
they tell me that they have a product i look at it if i think it’s something that can be of help i let them come in i give them 15 minutes to talk maybe 20 minutes to talk and the reason why it’s a dual purpose number one i want to help somebody she’s building her little business number two i want to help somebody this product might help somebody so with that in mind um oh dear what is the lady’s name michelle are you there come on in hi frank yes this is michelle hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second sweetie i know i told you to start but uh take it until um uh 25 after and
uh when when do you want those that video shown in about five minutes yes when do you want to do that video when do you want me to show that video yeah can we do that as soon as i finish good good good good i need five minutes they’re calling me i’ll be right back in five minutes you talk okay for the va available um on this gsa contract frank is going to put my contact into the va ordering so they asked to heal the human body it’s a picture of it i’m not sure if they’ll be able to put it up or not you insert your hand inside the device you’re resting your hand on a heating element that has 4 000 computer codes with a vacuum seal it’s the negative pressure in the chamber that allows the device to do what it does which is heat the blood in the palm of the hand we’re perfusing heat into the vascular system through the palm of the hand and
it’s literally like an oil change from the inside out as we perfuse the heat into the circulatory system blood is non-newtonian it’s um which means it’s like molasses through the heating the blood in the palm of the hand it slightly thins it and heats it which means that it’s going to move more freely through the circulatory system the body’s need is to radiate this excess heat off how it does that is by pushing this blood farther and farther into the circulatory system and when that happens blood oxygen and nutrition is being delivered down to the capillary deck which is where all of the blood oxygen and
nutrition exchange occurs as that happens the increased oxygen and blood supply is reducing inflammation systemically the the device is developed so it never overheats the body so when that happens it keeps the blood-brain barrier open through treating the body from head to toe literally bathing the body in blood oxygen and nutrition the muscular skeletal system relaxes as more and more oxygen is pumped into the system the blood and oxygen reaches deeper and
deeper levels into the body including the cell structure so like i said i’ve recently gotten the device on the gfa contract i’d like to read a statement from jonathan barryhill and then frank has two videos of veterans who are actually using the device about their results so jonathan states as a myself i know firsthand the challenges many other states personally the addison device has been life-changing in helping me manage anxiety depression pts and
pain i use it both morning and evening and the benefits are incredible it’s hands down the best thing i’ve found if it were up to me every veteran in the country would have access to this device i lost one of my closest to suicide due to pts and anxiety i only wish i could have shared this with him before it was too late honestly barryhill so as um so i think as we’re watching kind of the health trends and what we’re hearing we keep hearing about how toxic our environment is um and
that inflammation is um the contributing factor to most major illnesses time magazine had a cover story about the secret killer being poor circulation and what that does is create inflammation and builds up body toxins the addison device again addison is an acronym it stands for advanced vascular circulation enhancement when you can increase oxygen blood and nutrition delivery to the cell into the capillaries it reduces inflammation it helps to remove the waste and toxins and
um that added oxygen helps bring the body to an alkaline state um so what i find for myself personally using this device again it’s very simple to use profound and how it heals the body i’m finding it to be the wd-40 of medical devices and i think over time we’ll continue to discover more and more ways that it’s assisting the body but for me personally i had brain fog um several chronic um health concerns including chronic pain and
using this device in two months my brain fog was gone um lines with a condition i was dealing with that has been resolved my chronic pain has been resolved but then i started noticing if i got a sore throat i’d start using the device and at 30 minutes i noticed that my sore throat was better at an hour it was even better and by an hour and a half the sore throat was completely gone but then i thought well um if it works for that and it’s working for all these other things um i touched the stove and i had blistered my hand from the burn i started using the device on my other hand and within 30 minutes that throbbing pain of being burned was completely gone and
by the next day using the device the burn had completely healed i’ve also found it to heal cuts much quicker so when i say i i think i’m going to call it my wd-40 medical device because every time i turn around i’m noticing that it’s helping something else anyone who has um blood and
is on the planet will benefit from using this device i think pain is one of the top reasons people go to the doctor that’s our fda clearance is for um pain strain um muscle spasm muscular relaxation um arthritis um although the device was developed initially to help a family member with migraine headaches so i am going to leave some time at the end here i think um frank should be back on i’m back in a few minutes to um could you play uh brandon trager’s um testimony brandon trager president of the ball outdoors message got it okie dokie can you hear me michelle i can maybe she sent another one yeah i see you here michelle but unfortunately oh dear me jen look at this i’m stuck i cannot get out of here to go back and
see her video look at that oh dear no it’s just not gonna let me show her video do you have it somewhere oh i got it i got it i got it i got it thank god hey michelle michelle you’re not gonna be able to hear you’re not gonna be able to hear oh there’s no sound of this is there yeah i’m about to hit play michelle is it the ones with the hands copy hold on a second brandon i got brandon right here brandon trager okay you want me to hit this here we go all righty i’m about to how long is this it’s one minute oh good here we go i’m about to hit it i pray to god that y’all can hear it family you will not be able to hear it michelle because you’re on this phone but here goes hold on thank you nope nope can’t hear it nope no i’m sorry michelle i am so so sorry i know you wanted to show this but here let me at least hold it up this is a veteran and
this veteran is showing the device how he puts his hands in it and so forth there is volume but it’s so low you cannot hear it because i have michelle on this phone and i apologize about that michelle okay so that took care of that uh you you’re back on on the on the floor okay thank you so let me um let me talk about some of the great benefits and i’ll give you can go there um it’s that’s forward slash z-a on that website there’s a video about how the device works and also brandon is there talking about his experience with the device he was clearly a skeptic but he stuck with it and
he’s so glad he did because as a combat vet he’s riddled with all kinds of pain issues and they have resolved for him and then jim is another vet he suffers from pts anxiety um was not sleeping and he talks about within a week how much his anxiety has reduced to sleeping better actually sleeping and
that was just within a week for him so please go to that website forward slash v-a both of those videos are there to be viewed as well as additional information about the device um so uh it really helps reduce stress it reduces pain it increases blood flow it increases the delivery of any supplement vitamin or um pharmacological that you’re taking it actually delivers it into the tissue so it’s utilizable but 95 percent of people who use the device say they’ve gotten the best night’s sleep ever um are you frank are you able to put my information up i really encourage yes ma’am can you take my number text me um and
let me if you’re a vet let me help you get the device through the v-a system you won’t be sorry and once you have the device in your home your whole family can use it yes michelle we’re putting up we got five zero three three one seven five one one five and you can just call michelle ladies and gentlemen and she’ll be glad to answer your questions and help you if you should have interest in this product any final closing comments michelle and
i don’t know if we have a couple of minutes left for a couple of questions or not if not please please text me in all questions and i can definitely help all the veterans through the va system yeah michelle i think it’s better that you do that because if we start the questions now you’ll be limited let the family call you and
again this is a product ladies and gentlemen that i don’t know if anyone has a need for it but if you have a serious injury like what she demonstrated tonight you’re at a point and i don’t want to use the word desperation you’re at a point where you’re seeking you’re learning you’re gathering information learn about this product see if this product can be of some help to you i’ve heard about it before i understand the physiological and biological principles of how this product works i never brought it because uh i suppose we had other products but this is a good product and i wanted to see if i could be of help of help to this lady our sister michelle god bless you michelle you have a good one and
i hope that you have some customers okay god bless you too thank you so you’re more than welcome bye-bye all righty family we back to studying again and i apologize my wife said that some of you couldn’t hear the volume but she moved the phone up so that you could hear her once again the phone number is 503-317-5115 if this is a product that you might find interest give michelle a call and you can learn more about it let’s get back to work family we left off on final article number 5113 final article number 5113 iraq discusses with the international monetary fund controlling expenditures and
the 2024 budget and if you noticed earlier i said hey cbi or excuse me um yeah hey cbi you’re going to explain to the iraqi citizens about the expenditures of and 25 budgets yeah well isn’t that what you’re doing right now with the imf yeah iraq discusses with the international monetary fund controlling expenditures and
the 24 budget why do you think that they’re doing something like this family controlling expenditures um because they want to control they want to control the monetary reform of iraq what is the blue title do you think that the imf will be doing all of this work with the cbi at 1310 no so the other question that i should follow up with has the imf ever had a discussion uh with the imf about controlling any of their expenditures for their budget no because they didn’t have a budget final uh article number 5114 the framework spit spit spit holds an emergency meeting to discuss the retails of the rubio sudani call hey hold an emergency i can just see the framework and
maliki picks up the phone what what what what what what happened we don’t know you don’t know what rubio said to to the finance minister chalet no what did he say to sudani we don’t know what you don’t know what are you talking about we need to hold an emergency session emergency you understand i mean like yesterday and i want to know exactly every detail about rubio and sudani’s call you understand
it okay i laugh at it because it’s our turn to laugh and i see the comments that are being made about doge it’s so stupid your defense it’s my turn to laugh before you would grab the gavel and you would say no your time is up next and
you would say whatever you wanted to hurt people it’s my turn now the framework holds an emergency meeting to discuss the details of the rubio sudani calls you know what sudani you know what sudani tells you framework it’s my turn now what is the blue title for this article rubio at the cbi to count rubio at the cbi to count rubio yeah would you count secretary huh one two three four five six seven eight nine two would you count rubio at the cbi uh to count and
you can count on that yeah i think so final article number 5 115 oil minister another cabinet member guy have you caught on to the patterns yet today it’s all about sudani signing a contract with bp to develop northern oil fields and increase production to 450 000 barrels per day let me read it one more time the oil minister says to the iraqi citizens we just sound we just signed a big a big donkey uh contract with bp i mean it is monstrous i don’t think we know i don’t think we’ve ever had anything this big before this is big iraqi feeling and
guess what what it’s in the oil in the northern fields regions bp said i want it i want it so he said fine go get it out for us we don’t care oh my goodness gracious and and and what’s the blue title for this article uh and
this is just bp can you imagine what fuels the exchange rate what does bp want hmm well did they just give them a new field in northern what did i tell you the last time we were together that nasa does they found some amaze this oil field is as big as lake erie as deep as lake erie that’s what are you talking about the veins because you can see every precious metal i told you two years ago to start getting ready if you would have gotten ready two years ago with precious metals in iraq you would you’d be in good position right now and
all of this 450,000 new barrels per day in this field and and the blue title said and this is just bp what do you think is going to happen to the monetary reform of iraq fine article number 5116 the national bank of iraq wins the national bank of iraq wins the excellent award from the city bank in recognition of its outstanding performance really really really city bank hey what’s the blue title city bank let me see uh are you crazy city bank it’s a scam don’t you know that laughing out loud you’re funny frank mark again thank you mark god bless you god bless you god bless you thank you oh pastor aim is called today didn’t he oh no and
right about now they’re going over there they’re waking up they’ll be waking up very soon dear god remind me to call him okay uh so yeah fine article number 5116 city bank gives the biggest excellent award uh to the national banks of iraq uh city bank must be stupid they don’t know this is a scam of course i’m being facetious final article number 5117 the association of banks announces a new project to facilitate financial transfers within iraq electronically what is the blue title no uh excuse me the blue what is the blue title new currency of iraq prepares to leave its borders new currency of iraq prepares to leave its borders and
that’s what this article is talking about in fact walking stick wanted me to point out have you noticed have you noticed that they’re talking about digital currency they’re not talking about three zeros are they oh good point and that is the final articles that we are studying together right now family now we walk into the uh second part of our study tonight which is uh the uh articles from um or not the articles our report from eddie last time that we were together was uh it was monday and
that was the 24th so i am looking for the yesterday i took a genius to figure that out i’m looking for yesterday from eddie’s report help all righty family we’re gonna start with uh yesterday’s report no we’re not okay well yeah okay we’ll start with the third report from yesterday family here you go we’re gonna start with the third report and finally poor poor mr sammy comes out of the woodworks you’re still po buddy i would work on the po’s instead of being po’d okay that’s a good bank joke hey listen mr sammy says i watched you last night on your on your television program mr frank actually he says i watched it this morning here uh from last night and
i want to thank you brother frank oh he says i want to thank you brother frank for your support and your kind words i was just frustrated but i did go up the ladder i did talk to some people and they told me to wait i said that’s all i’ve been doing they said look no no no no look look look my buddy told me to wait for the oil he said to me they don’t start the oil at 13 10 sammy you know that and
they haven’t started it yet do you see the oil because you still got 13 10 so so they did so you so you don’t see 13 10 yet did they do did they do anything yet no so hold on so hold on okay hold on and then to on tv today they’re saying that all the ministers are scrambling this is interesting mr frank we wanted to get this used as quickly as possible they just told us on television that all the ministers are scrambling to make sure that the digital system is in place and up and
running so maybe when we have that in place it’ll be our turn um i i i’m not too sure what i told him continuing sir mr sammy still thinks that the budget tables already had been with the council of ministers ever since it was approved with article 12.
he thinks that this is just a smokescreen i know it says attic but it means article so mr sammy still feels the same way that i do they got the budget or i’m sorry they got the rate they just haven’t they’re protecting it ever since that uh article 12 was passed i mean they got the rate in fact parliament kind of hinted at that didn’t they i don’t know if you know that claire do we have an article parliament hinted no not part of the part it’s um the cab and the comm yeah we talked about it on monday that they were receiving it and
they were going to go ahead and then by today wednesday that it would be yeah remember that so yeah mr sammy i agree i i i i think i think what do i know i think the comm has the new exchange rate yeah i do but the parliament doesn’t nor nor will they uh anyways so then and he says i just think it’s a smokescreen i think it’s a smokescreen and then i respond uh to him by saying a few things so let’s kick back and
here’s what i said i agree gentlemen you see at this stage in my opinion the monetary reform is so close to us that they are giving the citizens excuse me i feel that we are so close for them to give the citizens the new exchange rate which means that we are so close you know what this is important let me re-read this hello hello hey sharon ford welcome welcome uh gentlemen i agree and at this stage of the monetary reform we are so close to giving you they are so close to giving the citizens the new exchange rate which means that we are so close to giving the new exchange rate to the enemy to parliament and
that’s why sudani wants all of the systems up and running and that’s why the secretary of state came and made sure that’s being done so that it can be detected we can smell a fart before they do it we can detect every stealing that they would occur that would occur this monitors their constant terrorism in your banking structure you don’t know too much about it but you don’t need to i have a feeling that all of these moves from sudani are because he’s being guided by the united states treasury and donald trump to make sure that this time we hit mark you hit the mark i’m just as frustrated as you mr sammy and
i’m just as focused as you are and i don’t take caca just like you do yesterday 10 uh in the uh in the morning our fifth report that came in television shows popular uh popular popular mobilization bill passed by the council of ministers and it’s referring to parliament it seems like like the comm is doing all the work for parliament because they don’t want to give anything to parliament we agree with this mr frank what do you think and so forth also mr frank chalet is on tv again and
he guess what he’s talking about the bank and reforms what you get tired of that eddie look at that no chalet’s on tv and he’s talking about the bank uniforms and i tell him i said he’s i said he is yeah he is eddie sammy hog tie his ass hog tie his ass don’t let him leave until he gives you what you’re looking for laughing out loud but seriously gentlemen if and when you are allowed to ask some questions you you know what you know what questions to ask sending yes sir and we did and
here we go uh frank eddie eddie says the television says iraq has reached agreements uh the final agreements uh uh that is with the bp uh oil fields incur in kirkut and
they say that this is uh vital uh before the final contract uh is uh concluded now the when they say contract wouldn’t that mean a new rate not a memo of understanding golly eddie god you see eddie that’s why i told you to stick with mr sammy i’ll bet you anything you got there from him because that’s right there are no more mous no more there’s no reason for them to which i said to which i said excellent gentlemen excellent no i mean i mean really excellent uh gentlemen every day like i told you is bringing out more evidence of what is about to be given to you iraqi citizens a new exchange rate hey frank eddie says he hopes that we get it before 2039 he says we might see this in 2039 now please make note that he’s laughing and
cracking up okay okay to which i say to him laughing out loud hey tell him not to exaggerate it’s more like 2038 not 39 sending and you know what i’m not sending this i’m not sending that what what what eddie just said about 2013 i’m not sending that to mr sammy i don’t want him to jump on me it’s just eddie’s opinion uh neil don’t worry about it hey frank u.s secretary of state called and
he talked to sadani about bilateral agreements he couldn’t get um they talked a long time to which i said good yesterday 4 47 uh in the afternoon television uh says that the that the oil minister and by the way before i go any further at the beginning of this uv2v i told you we get an average between 20 to 25 000 views per uv2v and the last one that i did you guys crashed it you guys crashed it and
when we got up to around 25 boom it shut down so i had to start another uv2v to give you part two but both of those uv2vs are at around 17 000 views that’s about 7 000 people that are missing what we brought may i suggest it would really strongly behoove look look forget about the first well the first part was also very good but the second part what we what we what we talked about first time i ever talked about a glitch like that so i think it would behoove you to check out part two of monday’s uv2v continuing 4 47 pm television says that the oil minister is now saying that the oil export uh flowing to regions uh is is is now happening early much earlier than expected it will start flowing next week oh i didn’t see that this is excellent mr frank this is excellent news mr frank we don’t think that it’s that the oil is going to flow at 13 10 you know that’s a good point that’s a very good point all right so this is good news this is you see you don’t get everything in articles uh our teams fill in the rest of the gaps so the television says that the oil minister chalet is uh saying now that because the oil is flowing and it’s going to start flowing early next week this is excellent and
we don’t think it’s going to flow at 13 10 i don’t either gentlemen i don’t either and everything seems to be coming you know to a to to to to to a massive uh collision it’s like an atom smasher uh i say to him gentlemen i don’t i don’t think so either i i don’t think that it’s going to be doing it at 13 10 or or or it wouldn’t be flowing uh it wouldn’t be flowing with the nars it’d still be flowing with american dollars to make up the loss in the exchange rate of the iraqi currency yeah yeah gentlemen uh if i mean no if there’s no if i’m very very confident that the oil is going to start flowing next week family now
i’m not as confident that it’s going to be revealed at 13 10 but i am confident that it’s going to be done at a new exchange rate but but i don’t know when it’ll be revealed at that rate these companies didn’t sign with what they just signed in the northern fields of kirkwood for 13 10 you lose money you know the old saying two steps forward one backwards they’ll take 10 backwards and
one forward there’s no there’s no progression at 13 10 and there’s no reason to go up there at 13 10 but there is a good reason to protect the new exchange rate and continue to show 13 10 regardless of everything else proves that this can’t be at 13 10 it is a brilliant mechanism it is a brilliant form of security stability for the monetary reform of iraq and donald in my opinion donald trump knows all about it like i told you earlier we were blessed in the beginning years i brought uh bill rasmussen for about over a year every week he would come he was the founder or he is the founder of espn dadada dadada then i brought you uh kim clement when he told us uh there will be a season of nothing nothing nothing and
then suddenly frank and then he went home to heaven the following year i brought you in brandon last year he was the one that prophesied about trump being shot in the ear and wouldn’t it be cool if uh wouldn’t it be nice if we could bring in president trump uh to talk mr frank uh yeah and and we agree with what you’re saying and
also it would have been flowing before now it’s saying that it’s going to be at 13 10 oh here we go finally today first report six in the morning a lock is on television he’s saying we are working on digital currency that will replace our currency in time so okay hold on right about there so this is what i want to show you okay hey i like on tv okay what’s he saying to you are you sure it’s not uh chalet no it’s not it’s not some economist no it’s a lock well that’s good because i didn’t expect a lock until next week but what’s a lock saying well he’s saying that he’s working on digital currency he says digital currency that will replace our currency in time did he really say that yeah eddie how many ways has he got to tell you there’s a new exchange rate i know i know right mr frank uh we understand what he’s trying to tell us here so this is really good news also a lock also said iraqi citizens we have achieved international interception interception that’s what it says but
i think it’s probably a translation iraqi citizens a lock says we have achieved international interception saying we are not we are excuse me saying i think he says we are linked globally we are linked globally we are linked international so america you can come in here bb oh you’re british never mind all the other american contracts you can’t get your ass in here now next week maybe huh so you americans can come in here to iraq and
use your own cards what do you think of that here in iraq we’re international and it will be accepted we are we are linked internationally and mr frank they are showing now before i show you that so so so a lot all of a sudden sudani shifts gears all right shall i sit down sit down are you kind of okay sit down a lot go ahead and
get out there and tell them iraqi citizens we international the whole world is connected to us even americans can come in here and do business with their own cards no problem they’ll be accepted and they’ll be well taken care of we are international whoa so he gets all excited about this okay look at ron ron cunningham says thank you i was unaware oh i thought he was saying he was thank you to us that he was unaware they’re talking whatever they’re talking about but then when a lot tells them this okay i already showed you that part right and
look at the bottom he says to me he says and and you know what else mr frank what guess what what uh we we also they they will accept mastercard visa card it’s all linked international and guess what they’re showing also a new kentucky fried chicken it’s being built here here here honest honest engine what do we do because cub scouts go girl scouts honest honest engine mr frank look honest for real looky here there it is there it is look at that look at that colonel sanders is riding a camel look at that check it out uh hey mr frank what that’s in that’s in in in baghdad okay okay that’s good that’s good but guess what they got another one in fallujah they what they got another chicken in fallujah yeah yeah and just now uh they just put it in we’re this place is growing off the hook mr frank he says we got kentucky we are linked i mean we are seriously linked to the world we kind of knew this already but uh i’d never heard it come from a lock he’s saying it on tv now when eddie said that to me i had to stop and
think about it i looked at the old notes i look at pulled out one file on oil and it hit me hard you son of a gun eddie you are so right and later i talked to him about it brother i have never seen a lot tell you that you are international and look at the timing he’s been put away for about 10 days and now sudani sends him out he tells you you’re international not at 1310 because you’re linked to the world we kind of knew that but we never had a lot come out and
say that to us on television never hey we already talked about ramadan that’s not important that’s old history don’t even think about it throw it away pay attention to everything else you just you just got here welcome by the way wow colonel sanders riding riding a camel that was fun right but we’re linked to the world and a lock okay all right next report uh at eight in the morning uh now now a lock is still on tv a lock is saying that we have 1 million bank cards in iraq and we support the e-wallet we are going digital also the finance minister is meeting and discussing check this out mr frank he’s with the finance and banking reforms with the imf today how you like them apples huh the finance minister chalet is meeting and
discussing our financial and banking reforms with the imf today well we know what the imf wants value to our currency this is really good yes it is eddie uh next uh fifth report uh from today the cbi is uh holding training courses today for exchange companies on foreign currency and exchanges well that’s pretty obvious isn’t it mr frank we know why they’re getting ready and
preparing for us uh also eddie says mr frank kuwait is like like a size of a state inside of iraq and their currency is the strongest now check this out check this out so he says to me dr tooth fairy thank you thank you thank you so eddie says hey mr frank okay now we know kuwait is the law is the most powerful currency on this planet earth okay we know that okay and you can even put you can put kuwait inside of iraq can you imagine huh so here’s my question to you here’s my question or not my question he says it and and and and their currency is the strongest and he says but not for long but not for long good for you i love your attitude these last few days buddy and
then he shows me um just a pig then he shows me why he says to me not for long and there and boom and that and to which i know he says interesting isn’t it mr frank that’s good and then he says to me interesting mr frank and it could it means it could mean there’s a change coming but i’m not in the mood to talk to you about that then um then i say to him uh the following and uh we’re going to we’re going to discuss everything that i just read to you analyze it and
as you can see it’s a bit it’s actually twice as much more look at that of what i’ve already told you why i see why okay hold on family all right family it turns out that this is the end of what i’m going to share with you from eddie greetings gentlemen greetings uh eddie hello neil it’s good to see from uh hear from you again uh mr sammy let me respond to your reports uh first of all gentlemen uh that is the goal of the cbi and for sudani uh for that matter to convert your whole country into a digital currency environment it will save your banking structure a lot of money and also protect your money and
your new exchange rate it’s harder to steal electronically than it is to steal physically you can ask any banker that you will eventually become a cashless society now concerning what a lot is saying today it is very calculated it is very tactful because these are words from sudani to you iraqi citizens you understand um why is he doing that because just like you you eddie you noticed this is the first time that a lock is at is saying to you iraqi citizens that you are now international now you’ve heard it many times from the goi from sudani from his cabinet even from the imf but to hear it but to hear it from the source now check that out but to hear it from the source of where the funds will be coming in my opinion is rather crucial it’s rather crucial to be able to hear it from the cbi directly and
i think it is because sudani wants him to tell you this it is crucial to hear this from the cbi directly right now and they talk about international cards being used in your country without any restrictions eddie please listen carefully to these words your country without any restrictions really for the contracts i want you to notice just like your currency without any restrictions yes indeed my dear friend this is an international status for your country this status is what the imf wanted so badly and in and in my opinion it’s what my president wants and
it’s what sudani wants and it’s what the cbi wanted in order to protect your new exchange rate your new currency by the way kentucky fried chicken wow it is now everywhere from baghdad to felicia this is good news by the way personally i like the original recipe and thighs don’t forget the uh mashed potatoes and gravy
please now let’s consider the fact that the finance minister chalet is with the imf discussing financial and banking reforms are you kidding me well this could should be what i call the final countdown it doesn’t get any more direct than this does it gentlemen why would they be talking about that your monetary reforms because the tables for the new budget are ready to be exposed because the new exchange rate in those tables is ready to be revealed and in my opinion the imf and the cbi are very close together right now with many different things for example you’ve got the cbi that’s holding classes for their banks and their employees to learn how to exchange the proper way the proper procedures on how to do the exchanging of foreign currency in the banking structure uh through your banks of the cbi are they are they that stupid are they are they that stupid why would they why would they teach them today are they that stupid no it’s just that this is going to be this is going to be a brand new currency a brand new rate and
all of that new information has to be distributed equally and fairly so that you do not have a mass confusion that state would destroy this whole monetary reform process i’m pretty sure that our secretary is talking right now and saying security stability please it must not fail with the iraqi citizens we’ve come this far once it is put in their hands it must not fail with them why is the cbi bragging that iraq is now linked to the world internationally were they not before what is the difference now well gentlemen in my opinion a new exchange rate now the next issue issue that you talk to me about concerns kuwait gentlemen in my opinion the iraqi dinar is is soon to swallow the kuwait currency let alone all of the currencies in the middle east and
possibly in the world and finally the atm machines that you that you mentioned they will it’s okay i see it and finally the atm machines uh they will everything i say to you is in my opinion right you like my green suit that’s my opinion okay like my blonde hair that’s my opinion so gentlemen the last topic that you brought up concerning the atm machines in my opinion they will slowly start to transition into digital currency for now you’ll be able to get your the lower notes you’ll be able to get coins you’ll be able to get gold you’ll be able to get bonds you see in the beginning the atm machines will be used to give you the lower denominations and
you will get your notes through the atm machines and the banks but but as time goes by as the monetary reform educates you and you feel more comfortable you will only be able to retrieve your lower notes at the banks this is all part of the security to protect your currency from the evil ones wonderful report today gentlemen and
i have a feeling that there’s more but i want to stop right there 42 dollar rate i can’t put that get ready thank you all righty uh whoo how you doing i had to step away when we had our advertiser because the pain brought me to my knees and then my wife came over and she smoothed my my back and she lifted me up off the floor and brought me back to you ladies and gentlemen i have the intention to share a bank story why don’t we do that so i can take a rest and then when we’re done with the bank story aki called now well i i i’ve noticed that uh my friend no caller has only called me once and or twice and
i said that if he kept it up i wasn’t going to share wow you see you are my friend whether you know it or not i don’t have anything against you and whatever you have against me man it don’t make no never mind i pray for you i prayed for you last night no caller oh look good there he is i got a feeling he’s just trying to say hi uh greetings to you too dear friend greetings to you too uh no caller this whole conference call they were talking to them about digitalization family digitalization did they do they talk to them about their three zero notes uh take care of them all they do is they tell them uh bring them in bring them in you’re going to give me new three zero notes no we’re going to give you electronic credit for them the cashless society has already started they’re talking about digital currency they’re not talking about three zero notes walking stick brought that out profoundly in our meeting today and
that’s why i’m repeating it to you all righty let’s uh kick back relax and and enjoy uh a bank story i haven’t given you one in a couple of weeks here we go let’s hope i got it let’s hope i got it let’s see it’s number 95 yeah there it is i do have it ready set play okay yeah it’s actually working on me here i want to thank you my brother for answering your phone first of all because i found your your text very very encouraging this is and before you get into your story that’s what we started last year sending people to banks and
we wanted them to see what banks would say it turns out that they were saying it’s a scam about three months later the banks changed their tunes and they started to say uh we don’t know anything we don’t have any information about that and then and then recently at the beginning of the year yeah we know but we can’t talk about it so leave me alone and and all these bank stories that we’ve gotten have been verifying this now if i remember it was wasn’t it last yeah last month you had a bank story you shared it with me how did that go and
then walk into what just happened go ahead don’t say don’t say the name of anybody’s name uh first of all which state are you in so i’m in louisiana louisiana and which bank uh the first bank was over near the new orleans area and
what bank was that it’s a chase bank all right and the second bank you’re going to follow into is that also chase that’s also chase because that’s all i deal with is chase bank i’m be silent now and the floor is yours i mean share your the best that you can remember everything because these are the kind of stories that we need go for it so the first thing over in the new orleans area that i went to um i stopped by just in general to check out some normal accounts so because i’m an account holder and
so i asked the uh general questions only regarding my account and i said you know while i’m at it let’s uh let’s pull up foreign currency and i say it like that because they’re more apt to do that because they deal with euro and different things so she’s you know okay sure what do we pull up what do you need i said i want to pull up iqd and she immediately says oh we don’t do that now we both know that if you have an immediate answer for something that you’re knowledgeable of it whether you say yes or no okay and
so i said well your immediate answer tells me that you know more than you’re putting on good observation good observation and when she says uh she says yeah sure we can pull that up so again you’re very knowledgeable of foreign currency i see and uh so she pulls it up and i said now let’s go back to the iqd just for reference because not only do i want to see that there’s nothing on there but you know that it should actually be pulling these notes up but grayed out okay right and
we both know that these notes were previously as grayed out the year before because they were i’ve checked this many times and she started great good she says well so we’re not gonna deal with it right now x y and z so that’s fine i’ll have to come back to you so i go and i sit by the front door because again my mom’s still doing some business in there and as i’m standing by the front door she walks over and
she says what is it that you know about the iqd so this was a woman that was you know pretending that she had no interests but as she got away from her tele desk she wanted to know what more information and so we pulled it up online and you know she uh she started talking more about it uh so she knew she knew um then i had her wealth management department call me which they did reach out so that’s again they knew what they were calling for yeah okay um so we went over that uh talked to that wealth management guy saying that you know that i know chase is the biggest player in this and
you know he never denied that he just says yeah we’re just not sure when etc but he’s like i am writing i’m keeping your contact information i’ll be reaching out to you as soon as we know as well as the new orleans and when was that when was that brother that was actually december 12th now that i’m looking back at our texts okay i sent you the video sure enough everybody was getting ready for the beginning of january all right so okay so what’s the next chapter in your story go on so the next was uh uh day before yesterday um i was over in the uh the chinese bank of wilma homer area and uh homer tibidope area uh-huh and
i went in there to just make a general deposit again because i’m an account holder right and same thing when i said uh i said while i’m here then we’ll pull up the iq gate and she immediately looked at me with a grin this time this is a different lady but she says oh we’re not handling that i said this again that’s interesting that you have an immediate answer yeah uh you know a cookie cutter answer everyone’s saying the same thing now right and
then what even got more funny is i said well how much do you have you know just looking because we both know it so i said i said how much do you have she just kept her grin and she says we’re just not dealing with that okay all right professional thing and i get it there are policies so wealth management guy reached out she took my number name and i would say a couple hours later he reached out to me and
we had the same conversation just about that the other guy you’re telling me that just yesterday you go back okay so you go to a different chase and you tell the same thing to the teller and the teller uses a cookie cutter answer that you’re getting that i’m getting from everybody the same answer now oh my god and she knew because you asked her how many do you have and the next thing you know you get a phone call from the next level from jp morgan to talk to you and
they also said that was my indicators and i left number for the wealth management to call regarding the dinar because you know if they get busy or they really don’t want to be yeah they’re not going to call right and so here’s my name and number and at that point they know what i have in my account right and so at this moment am i going to qualify for a wealth management manager i’m not but then knowing why i want him to call and he calls that tells me something again we’re good he had the same conversation we’re not we’re just not we don’t know i said well you and i both know chase is the biggest player in this and
he goes yes we’re just not sure when like you just did hold up hold the phone bro hold up man drop that vibe in front let me get this right you told this the second wealth manager guy from jv morgan we all know what’s going on and he’s like yeah we do but we can’t talk about it is that what i’m getting from you that’s exactly what i did you know and i’m trying not to push them too much they have policy and
whatnot but you know i told them i want to be prepared for this because you know it’s something we know you know should be prepared as best as possible right and that’s what i’m sending people in now to get prepared tell me now mr wealth manager because you know how how much it you know like when you play football you got to get past the line the lineman you know the tackle and the guard and once you get past that oh for crying out loud you got 350 pound linebackers two of them waiting for you but if you can just duke them and spin around and and get past them well then you got the defensive backs that are left and and
you can outrun those right and you can score a touchdown exactly and that’s what you did you got past the in the center and you cut yourself into the middle linebacker and they said all right i’ll go ahead and hook you up then the defensive backs called you up and they said you touchdown bro we know what’s going on but we can’t talk about it how’s that for an analogy correct correct and
that bank i went to uh that’s not the first time i’ve been there a friend of mine tony which is fine to say that a friend of mine tony alpha over there he has an account and he’s also spoken with one of the other inside tellers which they had a whole other conversation how did it go so basically she’s saying that uh a lot of the other tellers will will push her from it on a you know policy level everything’s policy and
i guess people are afraid to lose their job because they don’t know when it’s gonna you know nobody knows exactly when uh but but uh you know she’s she’s got herself something let’s just say when i first started this brother none of these employees had their dinars all of a sudden all of our family members are going to the banks and then all of these the these tellers are i look who you can’t find cool and
then all of a sudden we see all these tellers buying dinars you know knowledge is powerful and and this is no longer a secret because if you are studying foreign currencies then you know very well what the inf is saying about the iraqi dinar hey it’s amazing today the finance minister chalet he’s sitting there what do you think they’re talking about today look at the articles every day and
here’s a here’s the key indicator that i like is that i watch your stuff we watch it every night me and tony and uh and you are about two days ahead of all news it’s supposed to be three it’s supposed to be three get it right now we three ahead i’ll never tell you how amazing to see that well i’ll never tell you how but i’ll give you a little clue uh remember the old show called the time tunnel we we enter this time tunnel and we go three days ahead and
then we come back it’s what it seems like because as soon as you say it we wait a couple days and then there and we praise the lord for it i don’t take no credit for it i pray to god i ask you please god please tell me what to do because if not i’m wasting my time i’m wasting your time i’m children’s time that’s great so far we ain’t wasting it i’m so proud of you man you got through all the defensive lines you got right through the end zone and not just once but twice yeah i’d really like to be calling you on the phone and
have you know my ear when it but it’s so hard to time it right no you’re welcome to call me anytime the next time you’re in front of this uh a jp morgan guy you can call me put me on the speaker and i will be very polite and be very tactful with uh with him because this is what i do for a living i do this in my sleep yes i’ll be able to i’ll be able to communicate with him but to tell you the truth you’ve already done it you’ve already done all the work you plowed the field you planted the corn you’re ready for the harvest and
i’m proud of you and uh i thank you because your story is the is the kind that our ktfa family needs to hear this story is not a figment of your imagination this is a reality of this this investment that we’re involved in right now but you just don’t go around finding you know a golden nugget every day this is the once in a lifetime thing i’ve never seen this again you happen to have a a metal detector that that allowed you find to find a golden information and
i’m proud of you and thank you so much for sharing with us now look here if you get to talk to them again feel free to ask them more pinpoint questions like for example what are you going to do for me what does your bank do for me would you be able to protect me if i’m going to get involved in this business do you guys uh do you have lawyers that can represent me learn everything you can about them okay right yeah next time i’m around i’ll try to i’ll go out to all you i know your answer you do if not you know i’ll try to record it or something like that okay well if you do record it that’s permission you know before you do that thank you thank you thank you well i want to thank the gentleman for calling and
sharing that story with us he’s going to get back with us when he when they call him again it’s interesting isn’t it we are blessed to have a good team i saw somebody that just uh earlier they they they posted a joke i like jokes you believe that this guy’s got three gurus on at one i thought i had a lot of screens in front of me oh that’s too funny he’s got one two and
me so he’s got three girls he’s watching what’s anyways uh somebody by the name of uh teed the poor guy’s like that’s me what i do hey teed golf your name is teed golf well i was well i was just sitting here listening to the bank story i was you know surfing and i saw your joke teed golf says i got pulled over by a police officer he comes up to the window and he says you got id and i said i have no idea that’s a good one but mine would have been a cop pulled me over comes up to the window and he he says you got id i looked at him and
i said i got iqd okay okey dokey what’s the next thing smoky i don’t know what were we doing oh we’re done we’re just about done isn’t that good what i want to do now is um give you just a little bit about my meetings with my teams today first of all um why don’t i just say for dessert what aki said huh you know how that works okay but it turns out that aki returned his daughter finally came home after almost two weeks in the hospital she lost a lot of weight she’s gonna get better she’s gonna get stronger god bless her and he did call us and he said i am way behind i said no i we understand
i didn’t mean you know not to call you back no no no no don’t worry your family comes first all that kind of stuff and everything uh there’s uh the many contracts uh the bp thing that’s going on i said look don’t worry too much about what uh about us we’re just glad that you’re okay and that you called us back and
then also uh east the contractor from the east also got a hold of walking stick so i’ll leave and they’re short they’re short but they pick this information it looks pretty good to me what about two days but yeah i’m gonna save this for dessert are you serious okay so yeah this will be our dessert then because it’s pretty good i like it and
that comes from aki and we’re really grateful that aki was able to get a hold of us and talk to us and that’s about it my reports here are not for you just yet um one i’m looking at is is the vietnamese dong another one i’m looking at is the european union uh the the european union and the bricks uh they made a big mistake they made a big mistake like pelusi she made a lot of mistakes trying to frame donald trump and send him to prison european union and
the bricks they made a big mistake what they did informing themselves was in order to go against president trump it’s very it’s obvious everyone knows that it is plainly in sight and that’s a big mistake but how is that going to now affect us in our study so i’ll be looking at that and we’ll be talking about that maybe later on um i can’t see anything else tink is there anything else that i’m forgetting i’m going to leave aki and east uh for after we do our prayer is there anything else sweetie that i don’t uh i’m not seeing i’ll go i’ll go ahead and take that what honey okay one on the back too oh what time is it yeah well it’s only 8 20. you feel like asking me questions 10-15 minutes and then i’ll uh we’ll pray we’ll be dismissed and
uh but for right now i want to thank those of you that helped us financially go ahead and put some questions up try and don’t ask me for data rate okay be constructive there’s a lot of information that we’ve given you you can ask some very very pinpoint questions okay in the meantime rebecca hill not only once but twice once for walking stick and the other ones for the bibles donny inman thank you sir thank you so much for walking stick uh cheryl m god bless you sweetie linda tetrick faithfulness always thank you fran right thank you god god bless you fran what’s that say sp junior that’s somebody new i’ve never seen that name before sp junior in my language we say bienvenido in english is right on no it’s welcome welcome thank you uh sp junior junior yes junior howard crockett my my brother from england how are you sir mark anglin always always 50 for the bibles thank you sir thank you thank you thank you uh b gullet i always thought it was b bullet it’s b gullet b gullet triple seven thank you for walking stick thank you i love that number 26 good number dr tooth fairy thank you dr tooth fairy look forward to meeting you one day thank you kindly and
sean sale sean sale you’re not related to snoopy sales are you he’s probably going like who you gotta go back you gotta go back to the 1970s to know who snoopy sales was wow he even had a uh what do we got hey okay might as well get these guys in here too hold on just a second hold except and no oh i i ended up putting everybody else on hold tank oh merge there there we go next time i know what to do i’ll just merge the numbers uh mute everybody that’s on the call right you know you got everybody muted but i got tony and cliff are you there yes sir there you are you got go for it the floor is yours all right thank you frank uh family want to say thank you just want to remind everybody that we’ve got until friday night at midnight if you have a song coming up uh birthday anniversary whatever you want a custom song you can still get our special you’re saving 20 off up until friday night at midnight so that special is still going and
uh you can get your song done now and give it to them later mother’s day is coming up father’s day uh any birthdays anniversaries cliff and i will create you a custom one-of-a-kind song uh give me a call at four two three three six seven seven six four eight and we do it every day and we appreciate you frank for letting us come on for a minute and uh thank you for the call that was a great call oh thank you my brother and again your songs are making people so happy i i still have not heard uh the one that supposedly has replaced my song uh from from that lady how old is it we may have to play that for you what is she like 80 something years old 85 or something she’s up there ain’t she the lady that we did the party the birthday song is she’s 85 yeah isn’t that something and
this body the order song is her friend and she was real excited about it and she said it had replaced the frank 26 something i don’t know but that’s what she said well you you you you tickled her pink and then you just made her so happy i really appreciate you guys because this is so personal i don’t know of any other product that i represent that’s so personal i mean it definitely is and you know the song will you know we’ve had one uh not too long ago we were honored to do grammy the great and that was a song we did for an elderly lady and uh she passed away unfortunately but the the lady ordered a song her granddaughter called me and
said that uh while she was passing away she was listening to her song and she was smiling so that’s pretty cool are you kidding me are you kidding me yeah they were playing her song when she passed away we have a lady so that was just amazing amazing opportunity you know that cliffhanger we started we had no clue no clue that this would impact people’s lives the way it has it has ktfa i am proud to say not not me not my wife ktfa it is a conglomerate of many beautiful people with great talents we had a lady that posted uh when i was singing yeah monday i told the story earlier cliff oh who am i talking to you is it cliff or tony it’s tony okay tony i was talking uh earlier this lady her name is joy she posted and
she said i lost my child no parent should have to bury their child i agree i agree i lost a little sister when she was six months old and it was very difficult for my mother my mom forgot about me because she was in great distraught but then she remembered me and um and we were we were strong again together but anyways this lady real quick hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let me finish let me finish the story and then say what you were saying because i what happened was that she she lost her child and she went to bury her child and then when she came home she asked god help me help me i i need help to you know something i need i need to be lifted i think she said something like that and
um she got on the computer and she found ktfa for the first time and she’s been with us ever since and it’s been lifting her in a spiritual manner that’s just so beautiful that’s amazing you know what i was going to share with you when we come back on the next when we have a yubitube in march where we’ll be on for you know 20 minutes i want to play you a song that is very special that cliff and i wrote and it will be a national release song that’s coming out and
it’s having to do with that exact topic it’s a angel mom who lost her daughter and the song is called angel wings whisper and it is i’ll have to send it to you so you can hear it but it is an amazing song and it’s going to be released very shortly uh to a national program that we’re working with and
we were honored to be a part of it and we want to share more with you when it’s time to do that but that is coming i’m honored to be with you guys thank you kindly for sharing that god bless you gentlemen we’ll see you on our next yubitube i might as well say i might as well say it now when is the next yubitube tank what is today what is today wednesday the next one we have scheduled will be just a special one for dr perry when is that march 3rd it’s a monday at six oh next coming monday we have a yubitube at six from six to seven uh six to seven next monday but it’s with uh dr harry it is not about the iraqi dinar ladies and gentlemen okay if you want to know how to help your heart join us if you don’t yeah and
the banner is on our form now already then how about the following day on tuesday why don’t we do our yubitube then all right so our next yubitube gentlemen will tony will be uh tuesday that’d be the fifth fourth the fourth the fourth of uh march that sounds wonderful my friend we’ll see you then you betcha god bless you love you sir thank you i appreciate y’all i think that’s it you know i started by showing you by showing you a video you know instead of uh the prayer that i normally do i ended up showing you a video of a prayer that occurred that occurred at the white house today and i did that because well obviously i wanted to uh i wanted to um to show you that one of my prayers has been answered to show you when king clement told us trump would be a praying president in the white house so i held up the camera and
even though the volume was low i was able to show it to you remember now this let me let me just see if this works because if it doesn’t i’m going to have to disconnect you see we have uh the conference call number going through this phone and i want to play this for you you know what tell me if you can hear this because i don’t want to disconnect those that are on the phone and those that are on the phone listening you cannot hear this video because you’re on the phone but ladies and gentlemen abba heavenly father i praise you for tonight i thank you for everything i pray for those that are with us that you would bless them i pray for my teams as you would protect them i pray for my family my wife and i i pray for our ktfa staff and
i pray to be worthy of your love i thank you god i don’t doubt you i know you in the name of your son jesus by the holy spirit i pray for many especially in iran amen amen amen well ladies and gentlemen i’m going to get this very close to the phone if you cannot hear it let me know because then i’ll just simply say goodbye to everybody on the phone because i want you to to experience this here we go ready volume up as far as it can go this watch this watch this okay and that’s what we’re gonna do and there ain’t no demons that are gonna get in our ways now we’re well prepared and ready for them ladies and gentlemen ktfa will go to the five corners and
we will go in a military tactic that you have no idea about yet or ever but this is a war it’s a spiritual war i’m not here to play games thank you kindly for being with us here tonight i wanted to show you that even in iran there is an incredible amazing explosion revelation of christianity that is occurring in the country in china and cuba north korea i don’t know too much about the north korea but this is what i expect with a praying president that is so powerful i’m very very much at ease very much uh what’s the word i’m i’m happy that there are many in iran that know jesus that’s what i want to say and
i pray that you know jesus as well too we don’t have andy with us to blow the shofar tonight unfortunately but i i pray that you you you you that you learn to know jesus that you have the desire to learn him he’s got you jesus got you he’s got your back if you’re with him he no he’s got your back you take good care of you look at me you remember yes it was jesus that said in the bible how did he put it of all the men that came from a woman there was none greater than john john the baptizer jesus was telling the world his apostles that the guy that came before you 12 before me he laid the road the foundation and
i’m telling you he did good i’m proud of my father’s proud of the holy spirit’s proud of him once god has your back ladies and gentlemen it’s forever you remember jesus told him we sent john the baptist to you and we took care of him of course he was rough and tough what’d you expect a snowflake i had to send you somebody like that and he paved the road and that road is one that you can walk on with jesus if you wish family my name is frank via i go by frank 26 on the internet i am well protected and well loved and
i appreciate that now thank you for being with us tonight and i say goodbye to you now and i say goodbye by giving you some oh my word jan nobody it may be a hundred left of that i’m so proud of them i mean i’m grateful to you i is this just a game i play you know that when we say good night when we start to pray we’d lose like 600 700 of you of our audience but if you’re going to follow me i’m going to lead you to jesus so i use a hook my intel is valuable better yet my opinion it might be valuable so i saved it at the very end something for dessert and
i’m glad that you’re here with me i sincerely appreciate you thank you rd i love you too ladies and gentlemen aki uh told us uh today that they are tomorrow tomorrow very early in the morning aki will be it would be part of a large meeting that will be broadcast to all of the cbi banks even all of the private banks all of the financial institutions that have been working on the monetary reform with the cbi and us treasury and the imf all of them they will all be meeting tomorrow morning all these financial institutions with the cbi and this meeting that will start tomorrow will go for two days so it’ll be thursday and friday it’ll be over a two-day period more than likely one day we’ll deal with banks and
the other day we’ll deal with the international status of iraq the first one when i say banks we’re talking about the exchange rate the currency the monetary reform yeah so tomorrow aki will be part of a meeting of all financial institutions with the cbi and all the private banks and all financial institutions that have been involved in the monetary reform this meeting will occur over a two-day period more than likely first day on the monetary reform second day on the international status uh and
keep in mind this is just a sidebar note i see that uh and keep in mind that bp just signed yeah okay okay okay i’ll keep that in mind i’ll consider it god bless you all you know this this this this this investment of ours it can cause us to doubt ain’t it sometimes you know you sit there and
like i don’t know it causes you to doubt you know but you know what doubt always asks a question it’s faith that answers the question i know some of you may doubt that this will ever happen but i have faith that it will and that’s my opinion and
that’s why you study with me my belief cancels any doubt just like the apostle thomas they told him that jesus had risen from the dead i doubted he said he was going to i doubted it then i won’t believe it until i see the wounds in his hands and his feet cool cool thomas turns around and by his faith he falls to his knees and he says lord master doubt will ask a question but it’s faith that answers it because unbelief unbelief doesn’t want the answer god bless you all and
i would say i would i would recommend i would suggest i would offer you to read to recite god’s words because it corrects your thinking if that’s not profound i don’t know what else is y’all take care you know when i’ll see you monday and tuesday premium get ready club 26 get ready i used to be a dina newbie until i watched frank’s ub2b is there it is 26 take it from me frank is no no rookie it’s okay tank give this man a cookie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so i wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever i need a dna fix i tune into frank’s 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the streets tune in now tune in here this is the dna d sit up be patient and
get ready frank’s got some news from walking stick and eddie frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on iraq can you give us the rain so whenever i need a dna fix i tune into frank’s 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now to thank you this is the dna me hey tank i need a cookie come on tank i deserve some cookies thank you cookies cookies cookies come on you remember these family you remember these animal cookie oh my and
they’re pink well the frosting is pink you remember these oh my goodness look at there’s a horsey look there’s an elephant oh look there’s a lion okay wee it’s quite a zoo in here isn’t it claire are you still with me i did this on purpose because i saw claire are you still with me because we’ve how many people oh look at that we’ve seven three four five five hundred people that’s what they get claire you still with me yeah i noticed you asked me a question young lady what’s your question what’s your question rush says i’m still here go by your rush go on claire put put put what you asked earlier when you when you misspelled it to give you a hint claire’s asking the question ladies and gentlemen she says well what about east well if you remember i told you that aki says there’s going to be a big meeting tomorrow right yeah now did i not say that all financial institutions that have been working with the cbi are going to be there yeah didn’t i say the private banks would be there too yeah didn’t i say that all the financial institutions of these private they’re all going to be there yeah uh well guess what what um all of these uh financial institutions are going to be there and
we’re also going to be having investors ring-a-ding-ding ring-a-ding-ding hello hey east what’s up buddy i’m going to a meeting you are why we signed contracts what’d you say to that we’re gonna find out tomorrow okay thanks buddy i hope you enjoyed your call tonight for those that stayed come on man i gotta have some fun and
i do okay y’all take care nope not my sleeve said bullwinkle you see bye bye well how do i disconnect uh up here right i forgot oh she’s so scary oh look at jan nate harris thank you thank you that is that should help put us over here god bless you nate thank you kindly okay that’s a doggone lady stop it bye