Fort Knox, Where Is The Gold? (Uncut) 02-18-2025
wow the Gold Rush of 2025 really is starting to look like some sort of emergency this accumulation that is going on is continuing uh this chart is from Nick L of gold charts are us and it’s the published repositories ETFs and mutual funds and you look at the accumulation of gold that has been going on this year and it is absolutely enormous this is published in ounces but there’s another even better way to look at this that we’re going to take a look at in a moment but uh 3 million ounces last week uh about uh
3.4 million ounces the week be before 3.6 or seven the week before that uh 3.1 the week before that this is just absolutely enormous however uh Nick also presents this data in a slightly different format this is the weekly cash flow so it’s how much currency is flowing into this market and you’re talking about $8.9 billion last week this is like uh whale a a whale there’s speculation or whales doing this accumulation but 8.9 billion so here we’re talking right about 10 billion uh 10.1 or 10.2 uh 8 uh five or six something like
that so this is just enormous what’s happening take a look at the dollar flows for the past couple of years and you’ll see uh about a billion maybe is the average not eight nine 10 billion and so uh Glenn Beck I’m not a big fan he uh advertises a precious metals company uh to get your bullion there and when you call them they’ll try their hardest to switch you over into some really overpriced collector coins I had a client of mine buy a whole bunch of gold from them uh and then the price of gold doubled and he called to sell it
back and they only offered him a third of what he paid and so uh I just I don’t like that but in this video uh Glenn is speculating that this could actually be the US Treasury or the Federal Reserve doing an accumulation why well there’s a lot going on here uh is gold missing from Fort Knox I don’t know why everybody focuses on Fort Knox it’s not the only place that the US stores gold but everybody does and uh anyway uh the odds that it’s it’s missing are put at just 9% now which seems very low so people are betting
that there isn’t gold missing from Fort Knox however uh this it could be uh that by the time there is an audit there won’t be any gold missing if glenbeck is correct so who is confirming that gold wasn’t stolen from Fort Knox maybe it’s there maybe it’s not that gold is owned by the American public we want to know if it’s still there and this is from Elon Musk uh so uh US senator I’ve I’ve tried repeatedly to get into Fort Knox Fort Knox you can’t come to Fort Knox me why you know and then show more
uh so breaking Rand Paul on Fox news this morning gold is going mainstream Doge PR preps gold uh Reserve audit after ran Paul invites musk to review uh and that is uh this is Zero Hedge let’s do it Rand Paul supports Fort Knox physical audit again Fort Knox so uh why Fort Knox well um you know there’s the last AIT of Fort Knox was in 1974 and it wasn’t an audit uh the US Treasury opened just one of the 15 vaults and showed what might be roughly 6% of the gold that’s supposedly stored there so where is the gold uh this is
the Department of Treasury Bureau of fiscal Service uh report on government gold reserves and this is from February 28th 2021 but I like the format that they they presented in and I went and downloaded the most recent format which is very very difficult to read uh and nothing much has changed uh so uh the summary is that uh gold bullion and then gold coins blanks and miscellaneous gold uh equals this many uh troy ounces and 11 billion 41 million uh at the statute price which you’ll see in a moment is
just absolutely silly but there’s uh Denver Mint Fort Knox and West Point so that’s the Deep storage gold and out of the 245 million ounces 100,000 million 245 million ounces 100 less than 150 is at Fort Knox the balance is at these other two points but then there’s the working stock for the treas for US Mint and then Federal Reserve held gold so this is at the uh the bank the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and then their display I’ve been to their uh they call it a Money Museum it’s a it’s a money and currency
Museum there’s a lot of money in this Museum uh gold coins uh the the Federal Reserve uh Vault New York fed Vault and then the display upstairs the part of that currency and money exhibit this is the amount that is money uh and um and the subtotal so you’ve got Federal Reserve held gold out of the total uh government gold here so but what’s more important than that you know why would the government want to uh accumulate gold uh if if they’re going to be audited all the gold has to be there so that’s Glen Beck’s speculation
but uh uh it’ll be if they they’re talking about revaluing the gold that is what a lot of people are thinking that this upward uh spike in gold prices is uh from treasury secretary Scott betet said within the next 12 months we’re going to monetize the asset side of the US balance sheet and that includes gold and uh this Glenn Beck said that the statutory price was $45 an ounce which is wrong this says it’s $42 an ounce which is wrong uh but if if it’s it’s it’s actually $42 2222 so it’s 42.2 two22 uh anyway um if it’s revalued it
could inject about 800 billion into the treasury general account uh but since the government spends over7 trillion doll each year that would be less than two months worth of spending so they really wouldn’t do that what’s more important than than uh auditing uh Fort Knox is auditing the Federal Reserve Alon musk considering to have Ron Paul head up an audit of the Federal Reserve this would be great so let Ron Paul have at it and audit all of the places that gold is stored not just for it knocks so
this is the Federal Reserves um uh summary of uh us reserves Reserve assets so this is the entire us Reserve asset Gold stock 11 billion 41 million at um you know even even this is incorrect 42.2 two uh for per troy ounce you’ll see this in a moment I’ll I’ll point this out in just a moment uh so 11 b41 million then you go to um the Federal Reserve report on gold and gold certificates total gold and gold certificates Reserve is 11 b37 million not 41 million so that’s actually the gold certificate accounts so this chart
is wrong and I will show you here in the Federal Reserves h41 release you’ve got to go down to Gold stock so this is factors affecting Reserve balances of depository institutions um and condition statement of the Federal Reserve Banks and so Gold stock 11 billion 41 million but if you jump down to the bottom of this report you have collateral held against Federal Reserve notes now most people will say the the US dollar is not backed by gold and they couldn’t be more wrong it is backed by gold here are the gold it’s
the gold certificate account this is 11 billion 37 million so if you take just that chart that I showed you that was just the gold certificates now since this backs this the 2 trillion se790 billion worth of federal Federal Reserve notes outstanding uh so this is the currency the Federal Reserve notes outstanding this is their current valuation of gold on their books and if you take one and divide it into the other uh you’ll find that uh the amount of gold backing for each dollar is 0.395 46 cents per ounce so about 410s
of a penny at the current valuation of uh $42 and 22.22% million and then you mark it up you basically Mark that to Market to not to the price current price of gold but if we were to back if we were to go back on a gold standard like the old treasury notes before the Federal Reserve where every dollar in circulation that the treasury would issue that promised to pay gold had gold to back it up fully backed not a reserve ratio then gold has to go up 2,186 n% so uh at which gives you a gold price
of 10,633 per ounce if we were to back all of the paper Federal Reserve notes that are in circulation so um uh now getting back to here’s the uh Book value of the Department of the treasury’s records of the so the book value is 42.2 two22 uh and but what’s more important here this is the bottom of that uh statement that shows you where where all of the uh gold is stored this is the most important part the gold Reserve held by the department of the treasury is partially remember this partially offset
by liability for gold certificates issued to the Federal Reserve okay let’s take a look at that partially uh you remember that um we’ve got the gold certificate account at 11 billion 37 million and 11 b41 million was the total gold so um that partially that they’re talking about here is that 99. 9637 is the partial amount of the gold so 99.96% of all of the US Gold has been pledged to the Federal Reserve so uh is offset by a liability for gold certificates issued to the federal reserve banks at the statutory rate
which treasury May redeem at any time so the treasury can go ahead and say to the Federal Reserve okay give us the IUS these notes for gold that we’ve issued and we will give you the gold at $42 and22 point2 per ounce we’ll give you uh will give you 99.96% of all of America’s gold at that price that’s what the IUS the gold notes say so this is the currency in circulation uh and you know uh raise your hand if you think they’re going to stop printing uh you know really you have to take a look at that
and this are they are they going to stop printing currency uh faster than we mine gold raise your hand if you think you know forget it don’t raise your hand so uh as gold prices recently hit record highs a shortage of gold gold bars emerged consequently investors turned to silver balls bars as an alternative leading to a surge in demand for silver bars an official at one of the major Banks said and Banks halt sales of silver bars amid soaring demand so demand for silver is finally going up Ronan Manley excellent
analyst and commentator and uh you know blog writer uh Bank of England pulling out all stops uh to tell the plebs that there’s nothing to fear about delays in the gold withdrawals from the old lady now the old lady that refers to the nickname for the bank of England used to be the old lady of thread needle Street uh this Vaudeville show has too many acts and is getting tiresome uh so the uh for many many years there was a lot of gold dealers around the world they would go off of the uh the lbma fix and you know fix is
the they would say they’ fix the price there was an AM and a PM fix and uh so this is the evidence you know is gold manipulated the price of gold absolutely and this is like proof positive now James Anderson started at he’s a friend of a good friend of mine we’ve known each other for many many years uh here is how that chart is read uh since 1970 if gold had only been traded between London AM and PM fixes the price today would be $231 per ounce so in other words the am fix the um the
the um banks that sat around there would be like five men in a room deciding what the price of gold is going to be uh so if if you traded it during those hours it would be $231 but if it had it if it had traded outside the London Am Pm npm fix hours it would be $ 41,9 129 per ounce today so uh this is the chart uh this is trading between the it’s the intraday gold price and the blue line is uh outside of this gold fixing scheme and the um red line is the am fix which pretty much tracks the gold price and so
as Frank Durban would say nothing to see here people move along I want to thank you for watching