Economists Uncut



Okay, everybody here we go. It’s mini gregor manorino monday february 10th 2025 pre-market reports gonna be just freaking lovely lots of stuff going on some big Events over the weekend. We covered some of this Uh yesterday in my markets and look ahead check that out Before you watch this one to bring you up to speed so i don’t have to repeat myself I know a lot of you hate when I do that Anyway, look guys and girls.


Let’s let’s do this Let’s start off with how the market appears to be opening trading Does not start for just about an hour from the time. I am doing this video blog. So with that we got the debt market not Not telling us anything right now relatively flat across the board stock futures are slightly higher I don’t have prints out print outs of this stuff We got gold silver and crude oil catching a bit got cryptos catching a bit, but nothing major again We’re relatively flat across the board.


We’re going to get a bunch of economic news This week and again, this is not on trump right now with regard to any of his policies It’s all going to be propaganda. Anyway, we know that with regard to Trump’s economic policies and we really know who runs the economy. I mean who controls the monetary system? Who controls the financial markets the financial system the economy it’s central banks collectively they fund this whole damn thing Anyway, but we’re not going to start to see real effect of that in my opinion uh for a couple of weeks here, so let’s just uh Take things as they as they come at us here.


So with regard to the market now I went over a few things with you with regard to defense spending here in the united states. It looks like it’s going to take a Major leg up right now. The united states is the number one Investor in in defense companies defense stocks here Uh, 3.4 percent of us gdp right now being spent on defense.


It looks like this is going up to six six percent uh, that is an epic Jump in defense spending with regard to the united states, which will of course be added to us gdp And i’m still saying this people look man. This is a shell game going on Uh, absolutely, you know cut here or whatever. It might be fine fraud you know And then of course blame it on whatever they got to blame it on without showing the the american people any proof just words Okay, uh, and then of course move that cash someplace else So we’ve been hearing, you know, let’s just touch on that real quick.


We’ve been hearing a lot about fraud um being performed in Misallocation of funds here from the treasury and apparently now from the consumer financial protection bureau uh I mean look man, do we the people Not deserve to be actually shown What’s happening and not only being shown but if there actually is fraud and corruption and misallocation of funds Are you expecting some arrests? I mean obviously this wouldn’t happen immediately, but when do you think we’re going to see a single? Just one high level Arrest, I personally don’t think it’s going to happen at all Maybe some flunkies down there to get blamed for this. There is of course be just a show for the public here But again, look man, first of all forensic auditing Forensic accounting this is not something that can be done just overnight and on a whim Uh, and that’s what it seems like a lot of this is happening Right now. Okay, we found this Okay, uh fraud and corruption and misallocation of funds All right Great.


Um, we got to get rid of this stuff. There’s no doubt about it. I am certain that it’s going on.


That’s fact But I believe Do you that we the people deserve to be kept? In the loop here Or no, do you believe that you and I should be actually shown the proof told who was responsible for it? And then again said hey, you know what we’re taking action here Not only will be shutting down this program and parts of this program Okay, great. If they’re corrupt and there’s fraud and there’s whatever it might be People can do a lot of talking. All right, but I want to be you know I’m the kind of guy that wants to see it.


I want to see proof. I don’t want to it’s not it’s hearsay or whatever it might be, uh until we’re actually shown proof and then A finger is pointed. It’s these people.


That’s one person there. We’re taking action. This is going to be arrests This is going to be consequences for these actions Is that sound about right to you? Or are we really moving to some kind of a dystopian society where the rule of? The constitution here.


It just gets thrown out the window here. Where’s due process? Uh, let’s just shut down these corporations or agencies in these in this case Let’s just shut them down or parts of them without any due process i’ve told you this was going to happen already Do you remember me telling you that that I said we’re going to see parts of the constitution be stripped away You can’t do this. This is supposed to be the united states of america, which it isn’t anymore quite obviously But due process i’m gonna come after you too Let’s see how far we can allow this to go.


Now. Remember something else this precedent is being set here and I understand A lot of you guys and girls are all gung-ho about doing this and doing that But this is not just going to be trump is not going to be the president forever You understand there’s going to be a changing of the the the creature that sits behind the resolute desk at one particular point and you might not like the policy or whatever it might be but giving an unchecked power To let’s say a president here is going to set a precedent for what’s going to come down the line So you guys and girls what i’ve been telling you is hold your leaders to account let them show you the proof in this case here because we want to see it for the next Administration or the one after that or the one after that or the one we want to see this stuff I’m saying I think we need to um, honestly start asking a little More from those that are apparently leading our nation here. I want to see Action.


Yes. Absolutely. Let’s shut down every freaking organization.


I’m all for this that is Committing fraud that is corrupt that is misallocating funds We need to get rid of this and action needs to be taken in the form of let’s see some arrests here You know, obviously not right now. And then how about some evidence with regard to forensic accounting forensic auditing? Let’s see that or is it just oh, I see this on a paper here. Oh, this is not right without you know Actually finding out what happened this is there’s some dangerous precedents being Set and again right now all you guys are all for it Think about the longer term effects and imagine, you know, you can’t live like an animal or a child in the moment You have to think down the line of what this means if let’s say the next guy or girl Who’s selected to sit behind the resolute desk doesn’t have? The same kind of mindset as you you understand we cannot allow certain precedents to be set without Us being shown proof of what’s going on here.


Otherwise This this is not a good Setup, you understand for what’s coming down the line. Anyway, look So with regard to a few things that happen over the weekends with regard to defense spending It looks like it’s going to be going up to amounts six percent of gdp All right. That’s an epic sum um And we’ll see how that plays out now with regard to this issue with uh, the Consumer financial protection bureau has been virtually shut down.


There is some aspect of it that that is functioning Uh at this particular time now look you guys and girls. I understand I looked through the comments I made it put out a few posts yesterday about about this here A lot of people on this side a lot of people on that side That’s fine. You you guys and girls need to make up your own mind decide what this means But i’m going to tell you what what’s going on here.


Let me let me show you this is the last month of the financial sector Bank stocks, uh included obviously here. Look at this run this Why is this happening here? We’ve been hearing a lot of talk about deregulation a lot of talk About allowing these institutions basically to do anything they want and this is why we’ve been seeing this run up now With regard to the shutting down for the most part of the consumer financial protection bureau. This is look, man, um Do your own research on this.


This is a major massive gargantuan win for the banks for the banks Avoid bank of america here people i’m going to tell you right now avoid it You know my take on this I think it’s being set up as a fall guy for wall street I told you this way way before fox business came out with pointing their finger at Bank of america and they’re they’re, you know, they’re debanking Conservative republicans all these banks commit this kind of stuff, but this one here is being set up They need to sign blame. The system is being taken apart. You all know that um, all the wheels are in motion right now, but again, um The major wall street institutions here outside of bank of america are go they’re they’re right now couldn’t be happier the the fat cats at these institutions here Eliminating this is part of what we’ve known has we’ve been talking about for for a long time Um, this is a part of the deregulate deregulatory process with regard to banks.


They don’t want any regulations here. It looks like uh, the banks are sincerely getting their way here and Again, we we we lose here. These are predatory institutions In my opinion, so if you’re looking to put any cash to work, uh First of all, let’s see if this turns out to be a sell the news.


All right this run-up uh in anticipation of You know the regulatory element of banks being stripped away. It may continue higher There’s no doubt about it, but we got to see where this goes if in fact My lions out here looking to get into let’s say bank stocks here Um, let’s see where this plays out if it turns out to be a sell the news moment i’m not You guys are gonna do what you want, but i’m telling you this is going to turn out to be a massive buying opportunity because again this deregulatory environment for banks this removal Again look man, you know how this plays out mark andreessen Said specifically is working with elon musk on this that the consumer financial protection bureau uh Is terrorizing the banks? I don’t know about you, but I see that I saw that as a positive thing Um, I don’t think these banks should have no parameters to play with because they’re going to play with your cash Do you not understand what’s going on here this deregulatory environment, which we are in? Can’t be denied. Okay, and I think it’s I mean, this is huge.


This is a massive step step towards Deregulation of the financial system and again this merging with cryptocurrencies as well Uh, I I don’t like this alliance that’s being set up here. I think the people Uh are being bridged. I mean, there’s no doubt about it in my mind into uh, A system that we didn’t vote for we don’t want which is going to eventually lead and everybody knows it To full tokenization of the system, but there’s no pushback um Anyway, all right.


Look so that’s where that’s going to go. There’s no doubt about it. But again Consider what i’m saying here Um, let’s see where this goes if we get a drop Sell the news moment on again a massive win.


I can’t even underscore this enough for the banks on a deregulatory level you know with The trump administration now basically shutting down the consumer financial protection bureau here and I want to see proof of fraud Don’t you I want to see proof of misallocation of funds. I want to see action taken Fingers pointed at who are the individuals responsible and I want to see arrests. Am I asking for too much here? Am I asking for too much? This never happens.


We never see a high level Person let’s say at the treasury because elon musk apparently found 50 billion dollars worth of fraud or misallocated funds. Well Who’s who’s responsible for that? Is it janet yellen? Are we going to see it creature? Greg, you really want to see me in handcuffs? Yeah. Yeah, janet yellen I want to see you in handcuffs if this is if if you were the one overseeing this Yeah, you think how many of you believe that janet yellen stein is going to be in handcuffs Do one of you believe that’s going to happen even one Come on it’s it’s never the big the rich and the powerful it’s always the you know, the Insignificant people the regular guy or the regular girl who gets that Rare and handed to a man, you know, that’s the story here.


It’s it’s pretty obvious so anyway Um, that’s kind of what we’re looking at this morning here people you know, none of this is what Is is going against anything that you and I have predicted would happen. This is where we’re gonna go Um, and I put I say we got any shadow of any doubt again once we start seeing the uh, the effect of trump policies on the economy which again You gotta suck the economy dry and the people dry to keep the market propped up the mechanism here people Mark my words if i’m wrong, I will call myself out right here publicly The the mechanism of artificially suppressed rates around the world central banks working Diligently to do this here and artificially suppressed rates currency purchasing power destruction Is the mechanism in place right now to continue to? Shovel wealth right up to the one and two percent is right out of your pocket. This is theft On an epic scale.


I don’t know another way to put it Honestly, all right look so in summary here, uh What are we looking at? We’re looking at a system that’s going to get Massively deregulated and so I mean this is huge with the consumer financial protection bureau now, um You know that according to mark andreason elon mux Elon must sidekick with regard to taking down this bureau here. They were this institution was terrorizing the banks No terror anymore so, uh The banks are gonna run amok here with with your cash. You realize they don’t play with their own They play with yours and then guess what happens you bail it out.


You understand that’s what happened last time um Okay, there was some pushback, but what came out of it? Well this institution for one Which did return 17 billion? To people who were wronged by the banks, but that’s who you’re gonna complain to now president trump Good luck with that. All right guys, it goes like i’m not putting anybody down, but i’m laying the I’m spilling some facts out here. Tell me where I got this wrong.


Greg. You are wrong on this greg You are wrong on that. I’d love to hear it.


This is this is a team effort, right? Uh, this isn’t just my thing. This is our thing and we’re stronger together. You know that Anyway, um, that’s kind of where we stand people this guy here right here Loves you from the heart.


I’ve already outlined for you guys and girls over the last two days What you need to be looking at because of the mechanism here again massive massive massive massive increases in defense spending here Yesterday, I showed you four companies You might want to look at on the back of this here. You want to invest invest in defense? That’s that’s that’s you me personally Yeah, I there’s a Kind of an iffy situation there personally, I I won’t but that’s something else Uh with regard to the banks, I guess what’s the real difference here? They’re predatory institutions that uh, are are Are preying on on the people here and what just happened over this weekend is going to allow These institutions to prey on you even more So how do I mean is this a win for the people? How do we know it’s a win if we’re not being shown anything? Um, okay. We’ve heard a lot of talk.


There’s a lot of conjecture a lot of speculation Some finger pointing here, but where’s the proof I as an american citizen? and you That deserve to see we should be shown this am I right or wrong? This is what happened This is who’s responsible. This is the fraud. This is the misallocation of funds This is the corruption here and and these are the people that are going to be arrested That’s what I would eventually like to see.


Um, is it going to happen tonight or tomorrow? No, I can’t even imagine how Really? Does it make sense to me if you have any understanding whatsoever? of forensic auditing Forensic accounting how they could have tracked this so fast. It’s just These things generally take many months to go through So just by let’s say the illustrious elon musk and mark andreessen here uh taking their word I don’t know man. Um I would have to question that i’ll be honest with you and there’s nothing wrong with questioning all leaders Obviously elon musk is a leader here, but not elected but a special Person in some kind of way Anyway, guys, I just look love you off my heart.


I mean that i’m gonna let you go But I want to hear from you. What do you think about the stuff we’ve spoken about here? Uh on the mark off the mark greg you way off base greg you’re on target Love to hear from you either way if i’ve earned you a thumbs up I appreciate that too. Please get to get this stuff out there people.


All right I can’t wait to see you later for the live stream. I mean that these pre-recorded videos. They’re boring to me I love watching the the live stream chat and i’m looking forward to seeing all you guys and girls later.


All right That’s all

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