Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Manorino, Wednesday, February 19th, 2020, freaking five. Isn’t it lovely? Look, man, this is my pre-market report.
Still stepping out of Babylon here. I think I’m gonna lose the shirt and tie. Honestly, I’m so sick of it all.
Anyway, look, guys and girls, we need to talk because we’re witnessing yet another phenomenon. What am I talking about? Here we go. Global bond yields rising yet again.
Now, what have we seen every time this happens? Well, a miracle, simultaneous miracle occurs. You know, once this gets a little out of hand, the markets start falling. Well, you know, some mysterious entity out here just gets in here and starts buying it all.
Look, this is what I believe is going to happen, and I want to hear from you on this one. I still don’t believe they’re done. Who are they? They are the central banks, the handful of families who control the entire world, essentially.
They are not done creating dependency on their system, slavery to their system, period, the freaking end. I think we’re on the same page. And this means, again, a more widespread and profound destruction of the middle class and the world economy.
And that means the potential, listen to what I’m about to tell you, the potential for the stock market to go higher exists. It’s still here, regardless of anything else. Look, nothing matters to the stinking stock market anymore at all, other than the promise and the prospect of more easy money.
On the back of what? Oh, the financials, the brass raids, currency devaluation, and wealth getting sucked right out of you, being pushed right up to the one and two percenters. This phenomenon of people has been in full effect since, like, freaking forever. Anyway, on the back of what’s happening here, see all that green there? That’s bond yields rising pretty much across the board.
In fact, across the board. You got stock futures this morning? Eh, not too much going on here. Relatively flat, lovely, and fantastic.
You got commodities? All right, nothing major going on here either. Catching the bid, although. Bitcoin, crypto is doing okay.
Look, man, this environment is so twisted. It is so absolutely disconnected from reality. But unfortunately, the people are paying for it, as they always do.
Now, here’s some headlines from this morning. Weekly mortgage demand drops six percent. Again, this is not on President Trump, although I can tell you this is not going to stop.
It’s going to get worse. The deliberate taking apart of the world economy. Now, just here in the United States, again, this is the act of central banks.
We haven’t seen anything yet. And I really do sincerely believe, with all I got, that we are going to enter a new phase. A new phase of interest rate suppression, or artificially suppressed rates, and of course massive currency purchasing power losses across the board.
There’s not a single word to you today. Not one. I mean, the silence is deafening.
Calling for higher rates. They’re all working with their central banks to promise you lower rates. Make that up.
Make it up. I dare you. So anyway, look.
Home affordability today, and you know this. Look it up for yourself if you think I’m making this up. Is at a historic low.
People cannot survive. Public debt is skyrocketing, along with government debt. There’s a parallel here.
If you can’t see that parallel and understand that this is not just an accident. This is not a comedy of errors that got us here, then I don’t know what to tell you. And for those of you, really, because I read through the comments, that need more variety.
Greg only talks about the economy. Greg only talks about the financial markets. Well, that’s all I do.
If you need more variety, go someplace else. I mean, maybe you need to, like, join a circus or something. I don’t know what to tell you, man.
That’s all I cover here, because I am trying my hardest to keep all of you ahead of the curve on this. And we’ve been so far ahead of the curve on everything, it’s un-freaking-believable. Anyway, let’s look at this one, too.
There’s a couple of interesting things I want to show you. These are also headlines from today. You can’t make this up, either.
So this is two from MarketWatch. The market is at the last stage of a bull cycle. Let’s read this real quick.
A potentially treacherous bubbly period looms. Really? A bubbly period looms? How about we’re in the largest distortion across the spectrum of asset classes that we’ve ever seen. A hyper-bubbling debt like we’ve never witnessed in the history of the world is responsible for artificially inflating a stock market to the largest bubble that we’ve ever witnessed.
But it’s potentially treacherous, and it may be a bubbly period. It may not be. You’ve got to be kidding me.
Again, make this stuff up. Make it up if you can. I think it’s absolutely impossible.
And then going on, MarketWatch. The biggest U.S. stocks haven’t been this expensive since the dot-com era. How about this entire issue across the board? We’ve never seen anything like this in the history of the world.
And you know that. Why? What’s the secret? Wait. I don’t know.
The secret is, again, people look at the root cause of the entire problem on a worldwide scale. The effect, again, currency purchasing power destruction wiping out the entire middle class of the world via the mechanism of artificially depressed rates. It’s a wrecking machine.
No one’s going to tell you this. It’s a wrecking machine for the middle class and for the economy. No one’s going to tell you that.
No one’s going to tell you that. They’re just going to sell you reasons why. We need this.
Oh, you need this. Oh, we need lower rates. Really? We’re already in an inflationary nightmare.
And if you think this is anything, you’ve seen anything yet, I guess you’re completely deluded as well. We are going to see. If you think prices are going to come down anytime soon, I mean, I think there’s a lot of people who actually believe that.
That soon we’re going to start to see prices drop and home affordability is going to become better. Your cost of living is going to just miraculously turn around. You’re in for an extremely rude awakening because I’m telling you now we’re going to enter a new phase.
A new phase is coming. Central banks around the world are not done keeping rates artificially suppressed, working with respective world leaders to make sure that rates are artificially suppressed. I mean, think about what I’m saying here.
How can we have a real market in any way, shape or form? Whether it’s the real estate market, whether it’s the stock market, whether it’s the currency markets or anything else. When you have a mechanism in here where central banks are in here buying it all. I mean, you know this.
They’re issuing debt. They’re the number one issuers of debt in the world right now. They’re running the system and they’re buying it all through another mechanism.
This vortex, as I showed you, is massively inflationary. No one is going to tell you that. No president is going to tell you that.
No world leader is going to tell you that. Certainly no central banker is going to tell you that. But that’s the fact.
Does it make sense to you that central banks, by issuing debt through one door in the form of currency and then buying it back through another door via government debt, this is a vortex of inflation? A vortex is just swirling larger and faster. And that’s what we’re seeing inflation right now with the money velocity ticking up. And we’re not done.
They’re not done with us. Believe me, this phenomenon, this worldwide phenomenon of currency destruction on the back of this mechanism here so central banks can essentially continue to inflate is not going to stop. So you and I, we’ve got to continue to do what we’re doing.
You and I have been, again, so far ahead of the curve on this. We’re going to continue to bet against the system to become our own central banks. That is holding hard assets, gold, gold and silver, silver, silver, silver, my favorite assets of all time.
Yes, I love the crypto space and you know why. Because again, man, look, if you can’t see where we’re going, where we’re being thrust into a new system right now. Again, it’s nothing but a bridge into full tokenization and maximum control.
That’s all this is. And who really, who runs the monetary system? Who’s responsible for this? It’s the central banks as well. They already have this all set up.
You understand? We heard from Bank of America about a month ago. Moynihan, their CEO, said all they got to do is flip a switch. You know, the truth comes out.
You just got to listen for it. You got to be astute enough to be able to take this stuff in. So the Wall Street megabanks who are in all kinds of trouble.
And this is, they’re getting a backdoor bailout, in case you don’t know, via the mechanism of being massively deregulated. Like on a scale we’ve never seen before. And this merger with cryptocurrency, I think this is an unholy alliance.
I really, really do. It’s all about control and it’s nothing compared to where we’re going with full tokenization. Paul, this is Greg Manarino.
I’m going to tell you again. Everybody knows it’s coming. Everybody knows it’s coming.
But again, look, man, it’s not going to change anything for you and I. You and I are going to continue to do what we’ve been doing here. With regard to this market, with regard to what’s happening here, look at the U.S. 10-year yields. Higher.
They’re all higher. Every single time. I mean, there’s going to be a moment when they don’t get in here, central banks, and buy it, buy all the debt.
Because, again, they’re going to implode the system via the debt market at a time of their choosing. Sound about right to you? Okay. But they’re not done.
I really, I thought about this all night. In fact, I couldn’t sleep. Look how terrible I look.
I believe, and it’s just so evident and so obvious to me, at least, and I want to hear from you. Here’s the question. Do you believe that central banks are going to now enter into a new phase, a new phase of rate suppression as the economy is free-falling faster? The economy of the world, not just here in the United States, is in dire shape.
I think we can all agree on that. Middle class can’t survive. They continue to borrow beyond their eyeballs, defaulting on their debt like we’ve never seen before.
Banks with negative balance sheets, with massive derivative exposure, way more than their collective value or market cap. I mean, it’s an incredible situation, but these are the facts. You don’t believe me? I urge you people, look, man, when I say anything, if it hits you the wrong way or the right way, however it is, please do your own research on what I’m saying here.
It’s very easily researchable these days. Everything is in our face. Again, the truth is always there.
It’s right here. It’s in your face. You’ve just got to look for it, and you’ve got to, again, use your own God-given intellect, the gift that you’ve been given.
When something hits you the wrong way, you know it. And look, man, again, we, you and I, we’ve been so right on all of this for so long, and I know that I’m preaching to the choir, to most of you that are here right now. But I cannot see a way, again, the silence is deafening.
There’s not a single world leader saying, hold on a minute. We need to raise rates because the purchasing power of the currency is being evaporated. You’re not hearing that.
All you’re hearing is, again, calls for even lower rates. And here in the United States, we have, you know, again, we’ve got Elizabeth freaking freak show Warren, and we’ve got President Trump here on the same page saying we need lower rates, and we need them now. We don’t need this here.
This is exactly the situation we’re in. I showed you a chart in the early 70s. We’ve got this skyrocketing inflation, but we haven’t seen anything yet.
And I believe this is going to be exacerbated by collective central banks entering this new phase of rate suppression here and currency purchasing power destruction on a massive scale, a wrecking machine on a monstrous scale for the economy and for the middle class. Sound about right to you? Because I think that’s where we’re going. And the potential here, again, of wrecking the economy, could push the stock market higher.
Again, there’s no connection at all between the market and the economy. And I’ve shown you this gap for 10 years. The wider this is, the more they can destroy the economy, the higher the stock market is going to go on the back of easy money.
Duh? Do you see what we’re talking about here? Pretty obvious, isn’t it? All right, guys and girls, listen. I want to hear from you on this. So, again, the question is, do you believe that Greg is correct or Greg is wrong, that we’re going to enter into a new phase of rate suppression and currency purchasing power destruction? Is that where we’re going or is this all going to turn around? So dystopia is going to turn into utopia.
Let me know what you think, all right, because I really do want to hear from you when I do read through the comments, honestly. Love all you guys from the heart with all I got. I will see you later, 4 or 5 p.m. Have some questions ready for me because when I open up, when I say, okay, everyone, let me take some questions.
Very few these days. So, you know, if you think of something during the day, and I’m open to whatever you guys and girls want to talk about, just write it down. I’ll see you later, 4 or 5 during the live stream.
And I love the live stream. I love interacting with you guys and girls. It really makes my day because these prerecorded videos, they don’t do too much for me, I’ll be honest with you.
But I do it because half of you don’t like the live stream. It’s kind of strange. But so I’m trying to make everybody happy here.
All right, whatever I got to do. All right. Love you all.
See you later. I’m out.