Dinar Guru Uncut

TNT Super fantastic Conference Call (Uncut) – Friday, December 20, 2024

TNT Super fantastic Conference Call – Friday, December 20, 2024

Blog talk radio.

Tony, how you doing?

Yeah, I’m super fantastic every day super.

Fantastic Wake up, wake up. It’s the TNT Denard. We’ve been waiting so long but we made it this far if you’re feeling like I’m feeling you know it’s so hard gotta keep your head up keep your faith in the lord and re restore the truth breaking down the walls over 10,000 people waiting on the call and winning all coming to real reality is over with it’s so close I can feel it like a super if you ever had it you keep your head when you cash it, outlast it you ain’t even got it flashy how you doing Tony? I’m super fantastic Far from past it now close your eyes in the magic those have been down bouncing back like elastic how many really trying to do something that’s so drastic Asking if you see another fella of the north era of making their life better yeah Getting ready for the R.V.

we getting ready for the R.V.

Let’S go.

We getting read ready for the R.V. we Getting ready for the R.V. getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.

V. We getting ready for the Rv, we getting ready for the R.V.

We Getting ready for the R.V.

Remember that we on the same map Tony and Ray ran the brothers on the same path it’s time for transference of wealth and ain’t trying to be left with my life on the shelf can’t do it by myself we gotta do it together. A life of wealth we living life to living forever let’s go. Getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V.

let’s go. We getting ready for the RV we getting ready for the R.V, getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R. V.

We getting ready for the RV yeah, we getting ready for the RV it was all a dream but now it’s a reality now it’s what it has to be to keep your faith and you will see the catastrophe feet but just be patient though incredible how he used the hottest things to bless your soul TNT the nar Tony. Raven, where you at? People waiting on the intel call they hit you back? Raven got the ladies going crazy on the open mic call Midnight to the break of dawn that’s going on living in a time where we really know we need it you gotta believe it ain’t no time to be conceited this blessed life I cherish like the air that I’m breathing no grieving listen to the words that I’m speaking Lifetime of wealth transfer to the believer know somebody ready y’all can hear through the speakers.

Iqd rev Waiting with anticipation. I’m patient and impatiently waiting to be patient. Getting ready for the RV yeah, we getting ready for the RV. Getting ready for the RV?

Yeah, we getting ready for the RV. Getting ready for the RV?


We getting ready for the RV. Getting Ready for the RV yeah, we getting Ready for the RV ring got the ladies going crazy on the open mic. Midnight till that breaker down is going on. Living in a time where we really know we need it.

You got to believe it ain’t no time to be conceited. This bless life I cherish like the air that I’m breathing. Breathing. Listen to the words that I’m speaking.

Lifetime of wealth transfer to the believer know somebody. Ready I can hear through the speakers. Iqd re evaluation Waiting with anticipation. I’m patient and impatiently waiting to be patient.

Let’s go.

Getting ready for the RV. We getting ready for the RV. Getting ready for the RV. We getting ready for the RV.

Getting ready for the Rv. Yeah, we getting ready for the RV. Let’s go. We getting ready for the RV.

Yeah, we getting ready for the Rv. Getting ready for the RV. We getting ready for the RV. Let’s go.


N T District 12, get ready. District 11, get ready, get ready. District 10, district 9, get ready, get ready. District 8, get ready.

Just at 7. District 6, get ready, get ready, get ready. Districts 4, district 3, get ready. District 2, get ready, get ready.district 1, area code 4, 0, 4.

Get ready. Cat lift, water for the drip, drip, drip. Area code 2, 8, 1. Pump up the tires, don’t be late.

Get ready. Bus lady, There you go. Seven, five, four, Mission lady get ready. I’m bringing you a love.

Nine, seven, two. Danny and Dallas get ready to go. Three, six, zero. Walt, the brother from another mother.

Get ready. Hit me T N T N T Are you ready? I said, are you ready? So you’re ready.

Coach Okie got you ready. Then Tony got you ready. Ray got you ready. Then Pam got you ready.

DC got you ready. G Mann got you ready. The mods got you ready. And dad got you ready.

Tish got you ready. 8, 6, 5, 2, 8, 1. Some of us call us just for fun. Got you ready.

Congratulations to Iraq, the coalition of nations, Denaland and the TNT family. Now the RV is ready. It’s time. Welcome to the information superstation tnt.

Hosted by that dynamic duo, Tony and Ray Renfro. They’re super fantastic and fantabulous. Served to the degree bringing you the latest and greatest Iraqi dinar. Revaluation information from around the globe.

Easter West.

It’s the best.

So sit back, relax and get ready to have your mind blown in the TNT intel.

Good afternoon, TNT. Super fantastic fandom. Monday, December 23, 2024 Raven98 here along with.

Good Morning TNT. It is a marvelous Monday morning and it only gets better. Only gets better. All right, so we’re here, but we didn’t want to be because we wanted to be in the bank on Saturday or Sunday.

I did anyway, I don’t know about you guys and we were actually told that we should be. Except Saturday morning I did get a call and they said, I mean Friday, I told you guys, they said what? Between Friday and Monday. And then we got between Sunday evening and Monday morning and then we just got Monday and we’re still on Monday and I’m still waiting for a call right now.

You know, some things did happen though, so I really want you guys to be aware of it. So people did get paid. Some people got paid yesterday, some people are getting paid today. And I know people have appointments for tomorrow.

I know where they’re getting paid and almost how much they’re getting paid. So we’re still waiting. But here’s the thing. Remember I told you guys that they said they don’t let each location kind of do its own thing within the parameters.

I don’t know exactly what the parameters are, but I wanted to go over the two things I know have already happened and they’re similar. So while I’m not going to use the exact Zach numbers, it’s going to be close enough because they’re close enough. Two different people getting paid at two different locations. Two different people.

Two different locations, but the same thing. So on Saturday, I think when the grant date he got on a Friday, I think I told you guys, at 2 million dinar and is offered 2850 for the first 50 million and 720 for the rest. Okay, he had a hundred million down and he was given $12 for the first 50 million and 346 for the remainder. So let’s just go with that.

Yesterday the guy got paid. He had 200 million dinar. He was offered. He was offered 28.50 for the first 20 million.

Not 50 million. 20 million and 391 for the remaining 180 million. Or he could get $12 for all 200 million. Also he got $2 for all of his VND and he had about 700, 800 million VND.

Now he got 25% interest. The first guy I was talking about, he got 22% interest over five years. So there are going to be variations. You are going to be able to negotiate some terms.

I would say it’s going to be based on how much you have. And they had about the same amount, but they were dealing with different people. So the offer was different. The.

The second guy, I’m gonna tell you, he didn’t even know 2850 was available until we told him on Saturday. They didn’t even offer it to him because they won’t offer it to you unless you ask. They’re not supposed to tell you he didn’t know. But when he went back, they said, oh, yeah, we can do that, and this is how we’re going to do it.

So it’s a different offer in there. So don’t expect them to just tell you, yeah, 2850. You have to ask for it. And even then, as you see, the parameters are going to be different wherever you are.

And that’s why I said, if you don’t like it, then get up and walk out. But again, that’s the thing we’re going to do. First mouse, second mouse, third mouse. See what the different variations are out there.

Because I don’t care what one person gets with 200 million, everybody with 200 million should be eligible for the same thing. 300 million, 400 million or 25 million, 50 million, they should be eligible for the same thing. But you won’t know until you wait to see and find out what’s out there. So, yes, it was.

Everybody’s looking for it today. And to tell you, there were some people who were fully funded today, which means they exchanged last week. They got 10%. They got the rest of their money in their bank account this morning, fully funded.

100. It’s like any other transaction at the bank. You go and make a deposit, they’re going to give you 10%, because that’s what every one of these guys got, 10% up front, and then the rest in a couple of days. Right?

Are we still there? Hello? Anybody hear me?

Yeah, we’re still here.

You didn’t say that. Somebody’s texting me saying the call stopped, so I didn’t know.

Okay, no, we didn’t stop. We’re rolling.

All right, so. All right. Thanks, guys. Thanks.

All right, where did I put this up? Right here. Anyway, so now you guys see the difference in what’s going on, what could be available, what you have to look out for, how you should be negotiating. We did hear this morning.

Now, if we Wait, I’m waiting. I got some things out there about today’s rates, about what they’re hearing, everything else but the three letter agency said this morning that it’s supposed to go international this evening. That’s what he said this evening. You’ll see it.

It’s going international this evening and I’m gonna take five or six o’clock is what I’m gonna tell you. So we’re gonna wait and see. He also said they would work tomorrow, they won’t work on Christmas and then they’ll go every day after that. So we will wait and see.

So there’s no bad news. The government didn’t get shut down. Everybody’s happy, everything’s moving forward. We’re just hoping to get the release this evening.

So probably after five or six we’re gonna have the 800 number supposedly so people can call, make appointments for tomorrow, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Now that’s what I got from the three letter agency. I’m waiting for my bank people to verify that, but the bank people called on Saturday and said, hey, we’re going Monday, we’re going live. So right now they are together.

I just don’t know what the time frame is. Okay, Ray, was that it? So so far, 22% interest, 25% interest over five years, I can tell you there’s a lot more interest out there because I was told my interest is going to be higher than that. I know some other people have made agreements already, haven’t been processed, so for interest higher than that.

So they have a little bit more money though. I’m trying to look over my notes here and see if I got anything else I’m supposed to tell you. So what I’m waiting on, if we get it while we’re here, is update on rates, update on time to see if they can do what they want to do, and for confirmation on exchanges that took place yesterday and today. But I gave you the information, so.

All right, let’s do it. Okay.

Let me scroll back to the top up here. Sun 1 One says if a bank is offering interest rates or if I am negotiating them with 20 to 30%, how would you go about asking for a share of the 20% overnight return the bank is making on your deposit of fund.

Guys? You’re not asking them for a share of anything. You’re giving them the information, letting them know how much they’re making. And you’re negotiating for what you want, period.

It’s not, hey, give me a share of that overnight if I know this is what you’re making. I know this is how fractional bank is work. I know you’re gonna loan this money out 10 more times with that. This is what I want.

Not a direct challenge. You gotta remember that guy sitting there you’re negotiating with probably doesn’t even have a clue what overnights are. Not his job. It’s not at his level.

It’s a whole different division. And that’s what he’s going to tell you. So you can’t say I want my share of that. This is what I know the bank makes.

And you have your proof because you printed it out to take it with you and show them exactly what. And we’ve sent the link out enough times. You can print it out an hour before you get ready to go to your appointment and say this is what you’re making. 22 times a month times 12.

This is what you make for the whole year off of my money. And I know it. I just want this little piece of pie. Okay, what’s next?

Let’s see. Ninja grand says Yesterday was my 73rd birthday. Is today too late for the birthday song? Yes, but related.

Happy birthday to you. Maybe Tony may sing to you. Hope nothing man.

What did you say her birthday was?

It was yesterday her 73rd birthday.

Oh, you awful mean for Christmas time, buddy. But go ahead. How am I mean?

That’s. That’s the process.

We do the birthday song for people.

That when the that birthday is that thing. I’m not being mean by sticking to the rules now be different she said. Would you bend the rules this one time for me? Please identify no.

Then you can say I’m being mean. And she didn’t ask me to bend the rules. He just said is it too late for the birthday song? Yes.


See all right. That’s not being me.

I want to want to help you celebrate. I wanna wanna wish you lots of presents. I wanna wanna help you eat your cake. If you’re bossy posse bossy in the island way.

You’ll be jamming all night to the light of day. Your birthday birthday is your day to shine. Another year and you’ll be looking fine.

So have a no worries.

Such a hesitate. It’s time to celebrate.

All right. Happy birthday. Let’s see here. Crystal landmark.

When was the last time you heard from? In the past. Tony mentioned he was going to have Okie on the call as part of the grand finale announcement of our blessing coming to fruition. I was just wondering if he is still with us.

If you know.

I do not know And I haven’t heard from Okie in years, so I do not know. He was really sick and I don’t know what has happened to.

All right, four says, there was a time that I gifted 25k dinar notes. My question is, can they call the 800 number to exchange their notes? If they only have one note and maybe 2 million notes for the dollar.

Absolutely anybody and everybody can call the 800. Did you hear me? Okay. Yes.

I’m reading this.


Dobie45 says, thank you and your families for you and your sacrifice. I’m completely grateful for the knowledge and wisdom through 15 years. I’ve been thinking about this question and was hesitant to ask, but since this might be coming to a close, my question is this. What do you think is the estimated amount of time you all put in daily to make sure that we are the recipients of all of this information?

Estimated amount of time we put in daily to make sure that we are the recipients of all this information? Let’s see, there’s 24 hours in a day. Okay. I’ll be conservative.

I’m gonna say 16. What about you, Tom?

Sixteen hours a day. I’m gonna say Ray. Ray. Ray does.

He probably does more than that because he does the morning show. Right. What time you start on the morning show?

Oh, well, I start at 9 now. It starts at 5:30, but I don’t come on until 9:00.

Okay. They didn’t until 9. And then he’s here for the 1:00 show. I’m using Eastern time.

Right, Right. So that’s the 1:00 show. And then when we get done with this, he takes an hour from lunch and he starts the next show. Right.

What’s it called?

It’s at 4pm, right. And the second half.

Yeah. Okay. And then at 6:00, 8:00 at night, I called, I said, what are you doing? He says, I’m gonna open mic.

So now he said, oh, my God, how can you do that? You’re killing me. But he does. So that’s every day, though.

It’s not just there. I mean, we do the calls three times a week, but other than that, that’s a schedule every day. All of you just don’t get to hear it. All that.

That’s all. But it’s there.

So let me do the intel calls in between all of that.

Yeah, at one o’clock, three times a week. But no, I mean the intel.

Intel calls with the intel providers. 20, 30 minutes.

Yeah. And people don’t Understand that part? Yeah. And we still do that on the call for majority of those too.

So it’s. Yeah, 18 hours a day is conservative. I think what you have to stay involved. Same thing.

I started out doing this call with the intel and I started out doing three hours a day, right. Or four hours a day, then three hours, then two hours. And now we’re down to an hour and a half because Ray was like, I’m done. And you gotta remember, started out doing calls every day of the week, every day for three hours every day.

Along with doing the information calls, all our contacts, different agencies just. And them explaining every single thing. And we went along throughout the years, even today. I’ve been on with the imf, the ust, I’ve been on with three Banks, I’ve been on with Eric.

All this is before the call and then me and Ray going back and then during the call and then I tell you I’m waiting for information right now. And we do this every day. Some mornings I get Woke up at 6 o’clock, I got the information or hey, Iraq wants to talk to you or whatever it is while you guys are sound asleep and I’m up. Some mornings people send me text at 4:30 in the morning.

Happy holidays. You gotta go through again. All day long if I’m talking to somebody, we’re trying to verify it, they’re talking to somebody. And then I’m trying to get on a three way call.

It’s, it’s a lot. And then I’m reading all the articles and then Tish is trying to convince me that it’s January. No, I talk to Tish all the time, but we go back and forth with information and then I gotta look at the news all day long. Then I gotta read all day long the news articles.

Then I gotta go back and look at Russian TV and China TV and see what I can pick out. And then you guys have no idea. I got a call and you know, guys tell me Friday he had somebody else look, he’s like, yep, CIA said they still got your file, they still got this number, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Y’all got called raised.

What the hell does that mean? What does that mean? And then I gotta go through that and then I gotta make a couple other phone calls. So this is what I just got from the CIA.

This is what this is. And I ain’t talking about y’all, I’m talking about just me. And I was trying to figure out what the hell does that mean on and on and on. You have no idea.

No, no. And it’s not just early in the morning. It’s all day. It’s late at night.

It’s when I’m trying to sit down and have dinner with my family and people are constantly texting me. And can you do an update? Can you explain this or can I talk to you about this? And I don’t have time to solve individual problems.

I don’t have time to have suggestions for every one of you of what you should say to the banker individually for your circumstance. That’s why we do these calls. But yeah, trust me, my day is taken up. So when I say I’m going to have a cigar and some scotch, I earned that for that day.

Trust me, I earned it. One point. Now I probably needed it. So I don’t know why you wanted to know, but there it is.

All right, what’s next? But Ray is every day, all day. He lives on the call. Do the other thing.

Make connections, do this. The information didn’t make sense out of all of them. So anyway, go anyway.

Okay. Connections says if Venezuelan Boulevard is the only currency I hold, do I still go through the 800 number?

I go to the 800 number. I want the highest rate. That’s the purpose of it. Go get an appointment so you can get the highest rates available.

If you go to the teller, you’re going to get the 4x rate. The tellers cannot negotiate with you. Okay. Okay.

Plans guys. Says, do we have any knowledge of anyone who exchanged Venezuelan currency?

Nope. Nope.

And I think it’s because the VIPs don’t know about the Boulevard, but you guys do. They don’t listen to us.

Because of who they are. They’ve only been doing the dinar and the vnd, except for the one guy who has them because they don’t really pay attention to this. They’re just in it. And that’s why that guy, even though he’s way at the front of the line, had no clue about the 2850.

He’s so busy doing the contracts with Iraq and countries and what they’re doing, he had no clue. And now just fact that we told him on Saturday, he got a much better deal yesterday. Much better than what they offered. Well, if you don’t know, you don’t know.

All right, who’s next?

Let’s see if one has given many 100,000 notes of DOM to different individuals. They called 800 number or go to branch teller window.

I think if they got one note and you gave something like that, just go to the seller window and get their money.

Yeah, especially a 100,000 note at the minimum rate. The minimum rate, they’ll get $47,000 for it. So.

All right, and listen, Everybody can call 800 if they want to, but then they’re going to tell you, no, you don’t qualify for this number. Go to the seller in exchange.

Okay, little fish, please exchange. Please explain why changing the 10,000 dinar into 10 dinar is not a lot.

Do you have a picture of the.

10 dinar note yet?

I don’t have any pictures of any lower dinars. So they’re changing the 10,000 note to a 10$10 dinar note. If they just lop off the three zeros, it would be less than that, wouldn’t it? At the current rate.

That’s what a lot is. At the current rate, you’re reducing it. They’re dropping it off, making it small enough with a new rate. That’s the difference between a lot and an evaluation.


Okay. Al N James says, since my husband died. Oh, December 13th, I’m sorry, can I take our daughter with me to the exchange? She was given POA to take care of selling her home in North Carolina.

I don’t see any reason why not. Oh, then our believer too says, oh, you want to say something else.

First? I’m just sorry for a loss. Sorry especially we’re right here at the end. I’m sorry you got to go through that.

Okay, then our believer 2 says, would there be a situation that you would walk away from the 2050 rate? What would you negotiate for? Will you address that? Hopefully.

And they’re online, so they. So we’re going to live.

Tell you guys nothing but a failure be to try. And the closed mouth don’t get fed. So again, I can’t tell you individually what you should and shouldn’t because I’m not gonna be there negotiating it. I don’t know the text tone of your voice and how you’re approaching it.

And I don’t want you guys going in all over the country saying, tony said, Tony said. And Tony said, you know, you’ll give me this. At this point, you just gonna have to man up a woman, whatever it is, and go in there and negotiate and do it professionally. Okay.

That’s first thing. Do it professional. But I’m giving you the variations like I did today about those two transactions so you will know where the variables are, what you should look at, shouldn’t look at what’s possible. And then you decide, I can’t tell you how much to ask for if you got 157 versus the guy who has 200 million or versus the guy who only has 30 million?

Only you know that. So for me to come and say this is what you should ask for, you know, doesn’t really make sense. I know what I’m going to ask for and it’s totally different from what you’re going to ask him. All right, what’s next?

All right, live callers, 716 area code 71 6. Hi, 57 0.

Good morning.

How do you do that?

What did you say? How you do that?

Yeah, I’m on.

You’re on.


He said 71 6, right? That’s me.

Yep. 716.

Hi, how are you? I’m so glad you took my call this time because the last couple of times I got knocked off. But anyway, this is a wonderful day for, for everyone, I’m sure, but I have a. Just a few questions because I had a few and I didn’t get a chance to ask you, but I’m trying to keep it short.

Can you hear me okay?


Okay. My, my. You were saying that with the dinar. Let me see.

We’re supposed to get an authorization code with a denier, and that means that we should get 28.50. Is that for all of the denier that we have and the dawn?

First of all, no, I don’t have the authorization code yet.


And second of all, I don’t know what the parameters are going to be because they haven’t given it to me yet.


So I can’t tell you. That’s what we’re waiting now. You should be able to get the 2850 without the authorization code. But a limited amount.

Right. He’s ready. In a limited amount without the authorization code as it goes through. What I was trying to do is negotiate a higher amount or higher rates for everything else with the authorization code and to go in and accept kind of an interest rate.

I haven’t gotten that information yet. I told him this morning at 5:00, you’re gonna have a problem because I don’t have the information. And I can’t say go to this bank or this bank unless I get that information. Everybody will be on their own.

Okay. Okay.

Okay. Well then that would, that would be for the dong too. The dong at 1212 for 50 million. Now, okay, if I have twice that amount of da hung or more than that, can I, you think if my daughter goes in with me, which she has power of attorney so I’m thinking about taking.

I’m planning on taking her with me. And she has her own dinar, but not as much as I do. But I could give her the other 50. The other amount, and she could add it to hers.

And we get the same high price, the same high rate of 28.50 and 12. 12.0 for the. For the dong. For 50 million dong.

That’s possible.

I do.

Okay. Okay. And I. I remember a long time ago you said you’re going to take your son and your children with you.

And I’d like to take my. My daughter and son with me. They both have dinar and dong. Do you think I could take them with me to the meeting?

Is there still a possibility?

No. No. So I’m gonna help you out. It’s supposed to be your meeting.


Now, I did have somebody take an attorney in for whatever their situation was, and they allowed the attorney to come in, but they don’t want you bringing all your family members. Right.

Okay. Ma’am, you need to turn your television down.

That’s right. I just muted her because. Yeah, that was too much notice. So clearly understand this.

I don’t know how it’s gonna work out. I really didn’t even want to tell you guys, but I’ve told you hints and that. Please don’t. Look, If I have 50 million dinar and they tell me they’re only going to give me 2850 on $25 million and $3 on the Rex, why do I give them my 50 million?

So here’s my option. Look, this is what we can do. You can give me 28.50 on all of it. They’re not gonna like this.

They’re not gonna let me tell you, okay? Right now we can do it. We can make an agreement. We can do it for five years.

We can do it at this interest rate and we can be done. Or I’m only going to do this much and then set another appointment for my son, another month for my daughter, another one for my neighbor, whatever it is. And now you’ve done four times the work for the same amount and you’re going to give them the 2850 on the first 25 anyway. So they’re gonna have it so common sense to us.

Let’s just make the deal and get it over with. To me. Yeah. I probably shouldn’t have told you guys that because if you don’t know how to approach it, you don’t have enough to approach it.

It’s probably not gonna work. And more important than that, if they say you can have 800 million today or nothing tomorrow, you’re gonna take the 800 million. And I don’t care if it’s 80 million or 8 million person going to take it because that’s what they’re going to offer you. And if you actually do the numbers like this guy did, 200 million and both of.

They gave him 20 million. Right? They gave. Let me go back and make sure I see it right.

What was the number? Let me see. Yeah, they gave them 20 million at offer of 28 million at 1250. Wait, I said that wrong.

2850 for the first 50 million, $7 for the rest. On the, on the first guy. Right. The other guy, 28.

Technical. 20 million and 391. Well, both cases, $12 each was better. That was a better deal.

If you do the numbers, it makes sense because you have to do the numbers. Oh, yeah, this comes out more. Just take the deal because everybody can’t do what I’m gonna do, even though I just told you it’s a little bit different. But the more you have, the more bargaining power you have, because they’re being told, don’t let you walk out the room with that money.

Then let’s do something a little bit different. That’s all that in itself is what you guys have over listening to all these other gurus. Idiots. Idiots, whatever, who aren’t explaining anything to their people, aren’t giving them any education or telling them how to negotiate.

We’re going to get into it the first 10 days because we’re gonna have the actual numbers. If we have the authorization, I’m gonna tell you exactly what it is. And if we don’t, we’re gonna do it a different way, but we’ll get it done. All right, go ahead, unmute.

Yes, sounds good. I appreciate that information. Yeah, I. Wonderful.

I just have. I have just one more question. And that is. You said that I.

I was reading up something on something and, and hearing something about the. Well, two things. One, let me tell you about this one first. This one, the administration, the new administration coming in is supposed to do something with the banks, and they’re.

I’m worried that they’re going to be able to take our money out of our bank. Is there some way we could protect our money once we go to the bank and put it in the bank? Is there a way we can protect it?

I don’t know how you protect it from the government when the government runs everything. Government is not going to Let the banks collapse because the whole economy is going to collapse. And regardless if the economy collapses or the US becomes a third world country, I mean nothing you can do anyway. Now unless you got hundreds of billions of dollars and you do what Michelle Obama said and put some money in your master.

Cuz all that happens, what we think is martial law, you can’t give A$500 a week unless you’re prepared. If everything else happens there going to be the haves and the have not. Now you should be on the have side after everything that we talk and going to and have nots are the only ones we have to be thinking about. Okay, Diversify your money and understand that wherever you diversify, whatever industry, sector, like whatever it is, they’re going to put the money in the bank somewhere.

Okay, I appreciate that, thank you. And this. All right, I’m sorry, and this is one question, this is one thing, information for you.

We’re out of time, man.

No, you got other folks.

No, listen, no, you can’t argue with me when I tell you out of time, you’re out of time. We’re trying to get other callers in too, please. 209 area code.

Good morning, good afternoon. First and foremost I want to say thank you to Tony and Ray because I know you have put a lot of time in this special thanks to you Ray, for taking over when Tony had the absence. My question is national debt will be, will the national debt be paid off because our government’s getting all this money in. Will any paying off the national debt?

And that.

Because I have no way of telling you what they’re going to do with the money. I know that’s what Clinton did with the money. I don’t know what Trump is going to do with the money, what his guys are going to do with the money. It’s going to be something different, I can tell you that.

But I don’t think if they are. What they were trying to do last week is raise the debt ceiling for the next two years when they’re paying off anything. But I don’t know, let’s wait to see.

Okay. We’ve always said that when this was going to happen the dong would be stopped being sold. But I called CXI before the call and they’re still selling that. So I think that’s irrelevant.

It’s not important now or I don’t.

Know, maybe they haven’t been notified. Maybe it’s not going to be today at 5:00. Maybe they’ll only get notified an hour before it Happens like we’ve been saying for years.

Okay. And then I just want is pink mat to pink man. Is G man gonna get his pink slip today?

That remains to be seen.

Thank you.

206 area code, you’re on. Greetings, Ray and Tony.

Excuse my throat here.

Tony, when you get the call, it’s.

Likely to be early in the morning.

Maybe even late at night. Are you thinking that you would have.

The launch call for us to go.

Call pretty early in the morning so.

We have a hot chance to get.

Into the the bank that warning?

No, I’m thinking after they give me the information, we’re going to do a call. So if they give it to me tonight at 6:00, at 7 or 8:00, we’re going to be doing a call. So it depends on. Great, great.

My next question is, are you still hearing from Chase?

And if you are, have you had.

A chance to talk to them about.

Whether they’re doing the the Dom and the Zoom?

I do not know they’re going to do the dome. I already know that. But they already said they weren’t going to do the Zim. So I don’t know if that’s going to change or not.

Okay, well, have a great day. Let’s hope you get the calls.

And both of you, thanks for everything, guys. All right. Thank you, sir.

All right. Thank you, sir.

360 area code, you’re on. Hey, Walt.

Good morning, Tony. Good afternoon, Ran, it’s Walt.

Hey, sir.

Hey man, how you doing?

I’m doing pretty good. No more teaching for the year and so that’s good. And so I’m just trying to make sure that I’m ready and good and ready to go go whenever they’ll pull the switch. I imagine everybody feeling that way.

Have you on any of these people that have been exchanging, have they given any light as to what their NDA non disclosure agreement was.

That they wouldn’t buy currency for the next 90 days?

90 days? Yeah, yeah.

They’re not supposed to be talking about what they’re talking about.


That’s all. Nobody has sent me a copy of the NDA. I haven’t even asked anybody for a copy of it.

Better. Yep. Okay, well that’s fair enough.

We can live with guys, because actually it wasn’t gonna go on Forex. And then Saturday they had a meeting, I guess Sunday we got the call. Hey, they changed their mind. They’re gonna put the right on Forex.

And then the bank has said there have been some changes to what was going to happen, go right on Forex. So maybe they give you the 90 days. You can’t say what rates you that, but I don’t know that they can restrict you from buying any more currency.

All right, okay, well, I guess then we just sit tight, wait and see what happens. All right, if they don’t get anything done by the end of the year, what would be the next plan B, if there is such a thing.

Okay, so Iraq was telling their citizens they were going to stop the auctions today and then said, okay, we’re not, not going to. We’re going to go with what the plan was at the end of the year. But everybody was being told of course it was going to stop today, but it didn’t. But at some point they’re not going to wait till the last minute, I don’t think, to stop talk.

So they’re going to have to change the rate. The goal here, what we have Saturday from Saturday’s meeting was they definitely want it changed prior to the end of the year just for accounting purposes and here in the US for tax purposes, whatever that means, so they can start clearly without giving you guys a whole year, I guess, for next year for taxes. The baseball Internet group processed by the 31st. So they’re going to do everything they can to get it done in that time.

Pray what they’re saying now, if for some reason it didn’t happen by the 31st, 15th January would be the cut off. But you got to realize if they stopped the auction, they have no way of doing international business because nobody’s getting money anymore. But they’ve already announced three more countries Friday and Saturday that they now can exchange with. Well, now they’re up to eight or nine, which clearly makes them international and they just need to announce the rate.

So I’m really not that concerned at this point by not getting it done by the 31st, because I think they’re trying everything they can to get it done. My only question is, are they gonna do it today or tomorrow? Are they going to wait till the 26th? That’d be my question, to actually get it started so the rate itself would be changed.

But we do know from everybody, every country, they want this done before Trump comes into office because nobody wants to deal with that. They want this to be something done, any changes be made to it. Okay.

Okay. All right, well, I guess this is my last chance then to say to everybody in the, in tnt, to say Merry Christmas to everybody, to you and Ray and your family and that we’ll keep our fingers crossed that this is the year that it happens and the blessings that we have hoped for and dreamed about and prayed for, that all that will come through it. Merry Christmas to you, too. I get you guys and everybody, and we’ll keep our fingers crossed.

Thank you, sir.

All right. Thank you, sir. Merry Christmas. What about Danny?

You didn’t say Merry Christmas to Danny, right?

Yeah, yeah, Danny, I’ll tell you what.


We’ve had a couple of chats, and he. Apparently, the reports on his mom are good, and that was my main concern when I got a hold of him was that I was more wanting to make sure she was doing better and so forth. And according to. According to Danny, she is.

And that’s a good thing. So I. Yeah, I stay in touch. And we.

We’re both kind of very anxious to see when this does happen, that how everything will play out and what will be the next steps, because we’re. I think we’re of a like mind as to what we want to do. And so far, so good. Yeah.

Well, hold on. Let me check. Danny, does Walt speak for you?

No, this is not Danny.

I thought that 972 was Danny. Oh, my bad. I’ll just check.

All right.

Okay. 972 area code. You’re on.


Yes, sir.

That they have currency. Coin currency over there.

I can barely hear you. I can barely understand. Remember? I can’t understand you.

Well, I had a stroke around the.

Same time your wife did, and I.

Used to listen to you in the hospital room.

Okay, just repeat your question.

Do y’all have proof that they have actual coins like that they use over there for trade?

No, I don’t have any proof. I haven’t seen anything else. Nope.

But would they be using, like, the.

American coins, the silver dollar, quarters and dime, nickel? No, no, no. They have their own coins. Do they?

Okay, well, I sure wish this thing will get over with.

Yes, sir.

Me, too.

Coming down the pipe.

All right, well, thank you. I like.

Thanks. Thank you. Thank you.

Two seven zero area code.

You’re on.

Thank you so much for taking my call. I have a call question about the overnight banking. How do I look that up to get that information? Hello?

Yep. I sent out a link on Twitter so everybody can use. So go back to Twitter and look at the past ones and click on the link. I don’t know, Ray.

Did you put it in the form somewhere or not?


Okay. Because I’m not a member of the forum.

Or just go Google overnight bank rates.

Overnight bank rates. Okay, that helped me a lot. Thank you so much. And then.

Right, you’ve mentioned something about 10 things that we need to do. Where can I find that?

No, Tony mentioned that.

Oh, I’m sorry. Okay.

And he was telling everybody to have their own list. We don’t have a prepared list anywhere.

Okay, then one other question real quick. I have about 7 and a half million dinar. Would that qualify for the 2850?

I don’t know because I don’t know what the minimum is yet. But nothing beats a failure. But a try when you set your appointment, that’s what you asked for. Maybe he says, I’ll give you 28.50 for one, and I’ll give you this for the other.

I don’t know. But ask for the 2850.

Okay. All right. Thank you very much. Now to put my hand down.

Is it star one already for you?


You’re good?

I’m sorry.

We’re good.

We’ll just mute you and you stay.

Oh, all right.


Thank you.

Okay. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas to both of you.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you, too. All right.

All right. 972. Erico. Danny, you’re on.

Hey, did Walt already tell you everything I need to tell you? Yeah, well, he. He’s right about several things. We are anxious to get going.

I started telling you this stuff, building two houses for two families that don’t. Don’t have a much strong, you know, and then there’s a couple other hardship cases that are coming. So I. I hope.

I just finished my last job. I thought that was last week, too, but I hung a door this morning. Got enough money to get down the road a little bit, but I wanted to see it. I like the news.

I like that. I’m gonna go back and listen to it again. What I’ve spread around a little bit, you guys know that I tell a whole lot of people. Most of my customers, they’re not gonna be surprised when I’m no longer something somebody could be reading.

But in that process, in one little group, there’s 12 to 15 families that have chosen to. To have currency. And my burden is to make sure that the things that you guys have taught us, we at least expose them to. I’m not going to try to do what you’ve done, but that’s coming up, and doing all that at one time is going to be pretty important.

So I mentioned a little family group that had a restaurant that went under back at the early part of the COVID thing. And they have reorganized. And I checked with them to see. Last week, I checked with them to see if they were going to be available for such things.

And she said, well, we can. We can take 100 people and we can cater. So I just said, well, I’ll get back with you. I’m expecting to do some things, but that’s.

That’s going to be a blessing to them. And of course, I’m gonna wind up paying for all of it. That’s okay, because I’ll be entertaining a group of millionaires. So it’s a.

It’s gonna be a fun thing. If any. If anybody else out there is wondering what to do, that sure is a simple way to bless a. A family restaurant situation and bring others on board to the degree that Tony and.

And King have brought us so far. So just a thought. No pressure, but I think it’s a workable dude.

So, Dan, two things. First of all, how is mom doing?

Thank you for asking. She is stubborn as she can be. She hates that place where she is. But she.

She exercises three hours a day. They split it up hour and a half, hour and a half. And she is worn out by the time she gets back to her bed. But she is not going to quit.

And she rarely expresses hatred, but she does not like this place, so it’s good. Thanks for asking.

Okay. I’m glad to hear that. She’s a fighter. The next thing is, when you’re at this restaurant, does it include anything with inviting Ray?

Well, yeah. Well, of course, I’ve eaten several times in the same group as Ray, but I’ve seen you both. Both invitations. It’s.


You want to surprise a lot of people if you show up, so I’m not gonna plan on that. Well, it’s determined. Yeah. I wasn’t gonna bring it up or close the deal until I had been to the bank, so.


What you. What you communicated today is. Is leading to that time. They are available every.

Every weeknight except Thursday and Friday. And she said, bring them all. Bring all the people you want. So it’s a good deal.

Okay, well, let me know.

They can handle 100 people.

Okay. But I just like the fact that you’re not just showing people how to go get some money, but will just stay engaged and show them what to do with it, how to protect.

There you go. Well, there’s some other things involved in this.

This is.

This is largely a church group. And although all these people have the option to go this route, there are many who did not and it’s not a something that we openly converse about at gatherings. But there’s likely to be a problem once this 12 to 15 families is suddenly got new cars and that sort of thing. So we’re going to have to strive to avoid envy.

Going to have to try to make sure we’re not doing show off kind of things. And our purpose for being together is spiritual and this financial aspect of it is cool, but we got to watch ourselves. And that’s another reason to have the meeting together. So it’s a thought.

It’s a thought.

Well, it’s a great thought. And it’s something that I think I can teach it for years. And network marketing like each one reach one to teach one.

So there you go.

And you’re doing that and those numbers. And that’s what makes a difference in our communities when we do that. Not just say, I got it, but let me help you get it too. And let me help you get it too.

And let me show you how to get. That’s the important thing. You know, give a man a fish, you feed him to a day, he beat him for a lifetime. And I like the fact that you’re still ready, willing and able to teach, because that’s what needs to happen.

All right, well, I appreciate you saying that. Yeah. And I think Walt would say, let’s hurry up and get it done and we’ll get going.

All right. Okay.

Thank you, sir. 813. Erico, you’re on. Hi.

How you guys doing today?

Doing good, thank you.

Super. Fantastic. How you doing?

Yeah, I love hearing you say that. I was just wondering, you know, I’m not gonna have a fortune. I shouldn’t say a fortune. I’m gonna have about 25 miles when it gets exchanged.

What I’m wondering is, how do I set up, you know, not how, but setting up bank accounts? You only. You don’t need that much in your checking accounts. If I set up, say, 12 accounts, do I.

I’m just wondering how much do I really want to keep in an.

I can’t say that. I don’t know what you want to do with it.

Well, the thing is. Yeah, well, I was just figuring that’s what I needed to do as far as, you know, the, the FDIC only guarantees X number of dollars if, you know, they get robbed or whatever, you know, kind of acting happens against them. So, you know, I’m wondering, do I want to keep the majority of it in savings and just have, you know, a couple hundred thousand in bank accounts and just have the rest and save of some kind.

I don’t know. But that’s a good thing to discuss with your wealth manager. Okay. Protect your money in there.


All right, well, thank you, guys.

All right. Thank you, sir. Have a great day. Merry Christmas.

You too.

Okay, thank you. 918 area code. Let me see.

Merry Christmas to the both of you. All right. Merry Christmas.

Ray, I was going to ask you a question about the IRS. Do they still utilize the code 179?

I believe so. Yeah. The section 179 deduction. Yeah.

That’S going to be where I.

Probably going to deposit a lot of.

My money in that and that, utilize that code, buy some loss, carry forward, stuff like that.

Anyway, guys, it sounds great.

Have we, have you given out the.

New rates or is there any new rates? I haven’t received any update for the rate so far. So we’re still going with the race that we’ve been having.

All right, guys, I just want to see you guys be happy. Hey, and I’d like to see the two of you possibly write a book.

Because I think you’ve got. With 15 years under your belt, I think you guys could put a book together.

Would really be fun.

Okay. People have asked me throughout the years, especially when we first started this, and actually this people been getting me to write a book forever. They keep telling me, write a book, write a book. But even if some people are going to write books about this, guys, I know that at least two people have plans on doing a movie about this once they get their money.

Well, that’s what I was. I just want to know what my NDA is gonna say I can or can’t do. So that’s the part I have to wait for. Well, I would say that let’s say.

You put stuff like in the book, like all the money that’s been given to charity and basically, not that you don’t have to show a name, but basically it would really be. See what you and, and Ray has done is raise more money to help.

People than anybody that I’ve known right now.

And so I, I bless you for.

That and I hope you have a.

Really wonderful Christmas and looking forward to me.

All right. Thank you, sir.

All right. Thank you, Sir. Appreciate it.

205 area code.

What’s going on, fellas? Is Bentley War.

Greetings, sir.

Hey, what’s happening, man?

Not much, man. Not much question. So did you find out that the feds really go ahead and send the letter that we was waiting on or the memo that they had A was official, they signed off.

Nope. I don’t know. Nobody says that we got. The banks got something last week memo from theirs telling them it was going to happen this weekend.

It clearly didn’t but on Saturday they said it was going to happen today. So I don’t know if they got the Fed memo. I know the branch has got the memo from near higher ups saying this was going to happen. Gotcha.

So, so basically is it we to the conclusion now basically that if the Feds got this last say so sign off is that that’s what we waiting on the authorization from?

I don’t know. This is it. I don’t know if they got it or not, but I would think they got it before they send it out to the branches. Stuff like this is what we’re doing that they got.

Okay, but nobody says hey, we’ve got the memo from the Fed. I’ve not gotten that direct information yet.

Okay, I’m gonna throw this out real quick. So, but, but we, we all, you know on the same page that the Feds is not related to federal government. Correct. It’s owned by the 13 families, right?


So, so we can maybe arguably say that since it’s owned by outside entity and they got the call on it that is maybe bigger than the President is out of his hands to, to make this go. It’s up to them. So it’s not really a governmental thing.

It’s up to the seven families when he goes.

Yeah, obviously that’s what it seemed like if, if the treasury is, is good and everybody and we were just waiting the banks was waiting on a letter to get authorization to go from the Feds. And that sounds like the 13 families is the ones that’s making this call which is bigger than the President financially in the background.

Okay. So the 13 families, the Fed as we call them, have interest in almost 120 countries in their central bank. So they’ve always been the ones making the call.

Okay, well I guess my point is we can’t just blame it and say well it’s one president or another because obviously is not the power with them signing off and making it go is, is somewhere in that direction when we, you know, kind of looking like where’s this final call coming from? I’m starting to look that way rather than, you know, toward the governor is my point behind that.

So anyway, if everybody’s waiting for the Fed, but it really doesn’t make any sense what we’re saying because the Fed they were waiting for the treasury and the Treasure can clear. So then the Fed can clear everything through the banks. And it’s supposed to be convoluted as it is. But even if you can’t say one president said go, I can show you where a bunch of presidents said don’t go and vetoed it because that wasn’t the Fed, that was president during that time who vetoed it to make sure it didn’t happen.

So we’ll. We’ll know when I write the book.

I got you. All right, man.

Well, that was my question.

Y’all have a merry Christmas. And hopefully we can get a call from you later on before Christmas, though. Have a blessed one, okay?

All righty.

All right, man.

610 area code.

You’re on.

Hey, good afternoon, Ray, and good morning, Tony. It is G, man, mpa.

All right, sir.

Hey, man, how you doing?

Doing super fantastic. Gentlemen, it is another dynamite day here in the usa, and I’m going to keep it to the short version so you can wrap up this call. So, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to go over how to get on those lists that Tony sends out all the emails to and all the text messages to. So here we go, ladies and gentlemen, for all of you who are new to the call and all of you who didn’t know all these calls and all the means of communication that Ray and Tony used to keep us informed need to be paid for.

And it’s up to all of us out here in the currency community to send in our payments in order to buy airtime. To keep this information superstational in the air, you can help by going to www. TNTsuper fantastic.com, clicking on that red payment button, and when you do, scroll down to where you will see the sentence that says click here to use the debit or credit card of your choice. Click on those click here instructions that will then take you to the payment support page, where at the top of the page it says subscribe to our paid members list.

Under that, you’ll be asked to fill out all your information. And when filling out your information there, please double check your spelling. Make sure everything is spelled correctly. After you have subscribed to the paid members list.

Excuse me. The next thing you must do is to send in your payment. So first, subscribe to the paid members list. Then secondly, send in your payment.

And when sending in your payments, it’s easier to send in your payment from a desktop computer, laptop computer, or your tablet. Those are bigger screens and it’s easier to see the payment support page on those larger screens. And as Tony has said on prior phone calls, if you’re sending in your payment on your cell phone, turn your cell phone sideways, it’ll give you a little bigger screen. You’ll just have to scroll up and down on your cell phone in order to see the entire payment support page.

If you are someone who is going to change your email address, cell phone number or your method of payment and you need help doing that, go to the TNT super fantastic.com website. Click on the blue forum button. That will then take you to the TNT latest blasts and tweets. Click on the latest blasts and tweets and that will open up a page of information there.

The second sticky note on that page of information is the steps to get on Tony’s new email step. Email list. Step by step, instructions to get on Tony’s new email list. Click on those instructions there.

Ray has put them in there for us. Everything will come up there. Follow those instructions in order to change your information. And if you’re someone who hasn’t gotten Tony’s emails for any reason, check your spam folder, check your trash folder, check your marketing folder, check your promotions folder.

And if you still don’t see Tony’s emails in any of those folders, it is your responsibility to call your email service provider and find out from them where those emails are. Again, Tony, thank you gentlemen for all you continue to do for us. Thank you again to both of your families for continuing to share you with us. Thank you to those 13 task force members who are still out there making sure that the bankers and meeting facilities are going to be available for us post RV so we can get all that banking information.

And remember Vegas, Vegas, Vegas and Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh. So I can come join you and enjoy some of that good homestyle North Carolina barbecue. And Tony, merry Christmas to you and your family. Ray, Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all the TNT family.

Merry Christmas everybody. Stay healthy. Thank you very much.

All right, thank you sir.

Thank you sir. Merry Christmas to you. Yours. I hope to be talking to you later or actually before Christmas anyway, but Merry Christmas.

Thank you. We appreciate you.

All right.

You’re very, very welcome, gentlemen.

Okay. Merry Christmas, sir. Let’s. Oh, there it is.


Thank you for finding me, Ray. I appreciate that. It’s been an exciting afternoon when blog talk radio just came on at 1:54pm and said thank you for using Block talk radio. Goodbye.

Okay, fine, enough. I’m glad I have their number memorized. So thank you, Ray and hello Tony. And I’ll say hello to you again, Ray, as well.

In your opening monologue, Tony, you had indicated about the rates that some of those folks had already gotten. And then for the given amount and then the remainder, was that those redemptions, were they occurring in the same section like over there in California, or were these in different sections of the country that you were getting feedback on that.

They were in Texas at different locations.


Good enough. Hooray for Texas. In all of this, we’ve been really kind of dealing with what’s happening here in this country. I’m just kind of curious with respect to what are your feet on the ground in Iraq saying is happening over there?

Are they satisfied? Are they getting antsy like we are? What’s the status with our Iraqi counterparts?

No, I think they’re just waiting for the 31st. They know everything’s going to change. They keep hearing, you know, coming days, coming days. They know the rates are being changed out.

So they’re getting daily briefings more and more in their news. They’re not antsy at all. They stopped using the dollar already. So they don’t care about that.

They care about theirs revaluing. And they know something is going to happen before the 31st and every day, just a few more days, few more days.

So they’re doing a countdown just as similar to what we are doing on a countdown on, on this. And we know that 10 days when, whenever this does actually materialize, that’s when our very special TNT Super Fantastic or pay will be in full swing. In the meantime, I joined with all the others and in wishing both of you and your families as well as the rest of our TNT family, a very Merry Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa as well. So happy days.

Happy days. Appreciate it. Thanks again. I appreciate your tenacity in finding me.

I’m sure you’re. I was probably about the last caller on the list as a result of my being kicked off of Love Talk. So appreciate it. Thanks again.

Take care.

Bye bye.

Bye. All right, guys, we’re still moving forward. They’re still paying people out. They’re paying people out today.

We pay people out yesterday. Again, I have somebody scheduled to be paid tomorrow already. They catch them on Sunday to be paid tomorrow. Three letter agencies think this evening we’re supposed to see it internationally.

So we’re gonna wait to see if we do. Maybe it’s possible evening to get a phone call tonight or in the morning either way, but just see, right. They can’t keep paying them and not pay for that. And I don’t mind, mind that they get paid.

I don’t mind that they’re getting different rates, different instance rates, different volumes, because it’s showing me the wide range that we have available to us in order to operate. And we’ll look at that as soon as it happens. Okay, so we’re good. We’re ready to go.

We’re bouncing off the wall, both at the bank, at your agencies, saying it’s over and done once again. So we’re gonna see what happens. I’m ready now for those who are already in. You’re subscribed.

You have nothing to worry about if you’re subscribed. If not, the rest of it’s gonna be a long holiday because once we do that, we’re no longer talking about subscribers. Going to change it. 72 hours, it’s gonna be over.

Those will be the only people remember Waltop’s going away in six days. It’s gonna be gone. I’m only moving subscribers over. That’s it.

And we’re gonna go from there. You will have your 72 hours to subscribe. I’m only moving subscribers to the new program. Once it’s up and running, it’ll be open.

So right now, today, we’re gonna wait and see what happens. Hopefully this thing goes live. Tonight. We can all go out and do the night before Christmas shopping till midnight, getting all the things that we wanted to get and have a great Christmas.

So I’m looking forward to it. All right. With that, I’m gonna say do what I’m gonna do. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Merry, merry, merry Christmas to you and yours, your family. Be super fantastic for the day and for the holidays. If I don’t get to talk to you. All right.

Share the super fantastic. All right, Ray.

Twas the night before. RV and all to the house. Never mind. I was just kidding.

It could be though. Anyway, that’s going to do it for this marvelous er, Monday. Keep believing because we sure do.

This keeps me going.

On those days.

When I feel like giving up fire.

I believe the storm will soon be over. I believe the rain will go away. I believe that I can. Can make it through it.

Oh, I believe it’s already done. I want you to already see yourself.

Out of the storm.

The clouds will move. It’s time for you to smile again. Come on. Sh.

I. I believe my family will get better. I believe God will provide. I believe the promise that he made.

Oh, I believe the blessing is yours. God’s already pre approved you for it. Come on, Sardi. I believe that my God is a healer.

Yes, he is. And I believe that I will survive. Oh, I. I believe that.

The word.

Tells us that if any two of us shall agree on anything on earth, that God will do it for us in heaven. And I know sometimes life has a.

Way of knocking you down, down to.

The point where you can’t even pray for yourself. But today I want to agree with you that it’s getting ready to get better. And right now we are giving your problem an expiration date and we’re saying it’s over. That you’ve been crying long enough, that you’ve been worried long enough, that you’ve been struggling long enough.

And I believe that God’s gonna do it for you. I believe God. I’m going to do it. Yes, you will.

If nobody wants to help you, God, I’m gonna. God will fix it. God will fix it. Yes, he will.

If you just believe. Just believe God. I know you’ve been crying at night, but I came by to let you know that it’s going to get better. Go in the room and grab your children, put your arms, arms around them and let them know it’s going to get better.

If you’re trusting him, hang on in there. God told me to tell you it’s going to get better. God’s going to do it. You can’t handle.

You can’t. You got to give it to Jesus to work out for you. Good. Tell somebody.

Oh, you got to believe. You need to call somebody right now and tell them God’s going to do it. If you don’t remember anything else.

Remember this.

Your storm is over. I believe your rain is gone away.

Clouds have moved.

I believe you make through it. Oh, it’s already done. I’m excited about your future.

For the open mic family that’s still listening and TNT listeners, looks like we might be having we being me and welcome Mike family. You might be hosting New Year’s Eve party this year in the islands. So if so if you’re following me on Twitter, you’ll get the notifications, the invitations and come hang out and the islands with us as we bring in 2025. And yes it will be a post RV event.




It it.

And that ladies and gentlemen is a wrap. Enjoy your marvelous herb. Monday we are out of here.

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