Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel (Uncut) — Thursday. 20 February. 2025
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It’s Thursday, February 20, and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in wherever you’re located around the globe.
We’re happy to have you here, and I think we’re going to have a really good call tonight. Appreciate everybody making it in, and let’s do this as we do every call. Let’s open it up with prayer, and then we’ll go to Sue for what should be a really exhilarating teaching like we had on last Tuesday night.
So let’s go ahead and pray the call in together. Heavenly Father, we thank you so much that you have us exactly where we need to be. We’re in the palm of your hand such as no one can snatch us out of your hand.
Thank you for bringing the information that we have today. Thank you for bringing warmer weather throughout a lot of the Midwest and Northeast and coastal regions. And thank you for everything else that’s working toward bringing our blessing in as soon as we can possibly receive it.
Thank you for all that you do in our lives. Keep us healthy. Keep us financially hydrated.
In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Sue, this has been a very special time for us all on the big call, so we’re really looking forward to seeing what you have in the way of a teaching tonight for us. Well, I’m going to dedicate this.
Oh boy, get ready. I’m going to dedicate this to all the people that want to come more alive, that want to rewild themselves, which means living in their fullness and aliveness. I want to, yeah, I think that’s where I’m going to leave it for now.
And this is called, Seeds of Greatness. My question is, are you really alive? Are you passionate about your life or are you stuck in a rut, letting the pressures of life weigh you down or taking for granted what you have? You weren’t created to simply exist, to endure or to go through the motions. You were created to be really alive.
You have seeds of greatness inside. There’s something more for you to accomplish. The day you quit being excited about your future is the day you quit living.
When you quit being passionate about your future, you go from living to merely existing. In the natural, there may not be anything for you to be excited about. When you look into the future, all you see is more of the same.
You have to be strong and say, I refuse to drag through the day with no passion. I’m grateful that I’m alive. I’m grateful that I can breathe without pain.
I’m grateful that I have somebody to love. I’m grateful that I can hear my children playing. I’m grateful that I was not hurt in that accident.
I’m grateful that I have opportunity. I’m not just alive. I’m really alive.
This is what the Apostle Paul told Timothy. Stir up the gift. Fan the flame.
When you stir up the passion, your faith will allow God to do amazing things. If you want to remain passionate, you can’t let what once was a miracle become ordinary. When you started that new job, you were so excited.
You told all your friends. You knew it was God’s favor. Don’t lose the excitement just because you’ve had it for five years.
When you fell in love after meeting the person of your dreams, you were on cloud nine. You knew this match was the result of God’s goodness. Don’t take it for granted.
Remember what God has done. When your children were born, you cried for joy. Their births were miracles.
You were so excited. Now you have teenagers and you’re saying, God, why did you do this to me? Don’t let what once was a miracle become so common that it’s ordinary. Every time you see your children, you should say, thank you, Lord, for the gift you’ve given me.
We worked for three years trying to make something incredible happen. And it was a dream come true. It’s easy to see that when you work on something and make a dream come true, it can also fall in to the ordinary.
But instead, we’re going to ask you to live in amazement. We all have seen God’s goodness in some way. God opened a door, gave you a promotion, protected you on the freeway, and caused you to meet someone who’s been a blessing.
It was God’s hand of favor. Don’t let it become ordinary. We should live in amazement at what God has done.
When I look at my children, I think, God, you’re amazing. When I see my wife, I think, God, you’ve been good to me. Driving up to my house, I think, wow, thank you for your favor.
Don’t let your miracles become so common that they don’t excite you anymore. Realize that by choosing to see the miracle, you choose to see what God has done for you. And sometimes, seeing what God has done for you can sow the seed of greatness back into you again.
And what if it wasn’t just sometimes, but every time you noticed how much you loved, how much you appreciate, how much you’re giving and receiving, it becomes the seed of greatness that never stops growing. That’s our teaching for tonight. Mmm.
I love that, Sue. That’s a really cool teaching, and it should take us into a lot of different ways to analyze it and think about it. It reminded me, when you’re talking about living and really living, I heard in my mind, you know, John 10 10, the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I am come, meaning Jesus came, I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.
And that meant on this earth as well. So the opportunity for us to leave our past behind and live in the present and really expand into our future is really what gives us purpose and meaning and it allows us to leave the things that were not of value to us in the rearview mirror. We don’t really need to carry all of that trauma, hurt, baggage forward in our new lives.
And we’re about to get a whole new restart. It’s just like doing a restart on the computer. We’re going to restart our own lives.
We’ve got the financial aspect coming in with the blessing, financial blessing. And then we’ve got, for those of us who are going to opt for the bed beds, a chance to get wound back in our biological age to the age of 28. And if you’re over 80, you can wind back 50 years.
So let’s say you’re 80, you can wind back to the age of 30. And it’s going to be a restart. It’s a new beginning.
And I’m excited because we’re not going to take that for granted. We’re not going to look back and just go, oh well, so what? No, I think we’re going to embrace it as this is my new life. This allows me to give to people in ways that I never imagined I could.
This allows me to be a humanitarian and do projects that I just haven’t ever been able to fulfill. But now I have the way to do it. Now we have the wherewithal.
We have the finances, the health, and the drive to help other people. That’s where the fun is. It’s not going to be just how many toys can I buy for me.
You know, it’s what can I do for other people that’s so rewarding. It’s much better to give than to receive. Now it’s nice to receive gifts, yes.
But it’s just better to give gifts. It’s better to see other people reach their dreams. To other people, as we level the playing field across the globe, achieve what God has for them to achieve.
And we in Big Call Universe are integral in that role of lifting humanity up around the globe. With Rebuild America, with Rebuild International, helping our veterans with their Veterans Retreat Network, working with pastors and evangelists and missionaries with the Pastoral Retreat Network. I mean, there’s four projects right there that we’re championing that I think some of you will help us on.
And I’m looking forward to that. I really am. I think what we do with this, this is like a new lease on life.
This is what it comes out to. Those of us who are a little bit advanced in years, 65, 70, 75, that age group, we got a new start. We got a new beginning.
And we’re only going to age at 15 years for every one year of time. Fifteen, we age one year, like I just said, for every 15 years of time. So if you’re 28 biologically, you’ll age one year over the next 15 years.
So are we going to live to be as old as Methuselah and Noah and some of the Old Testament prophets and figures? I think we could. We certainly have the capability to live very long lives. Yes.
So what are we going to do with that time? Are we going to live abundant lives as Christ came to give us? Are we going to live abundantly? I think so. I think it’s about, and we are at the crux of the matter, getting ready to kick this thing off and go into whatever God has planned for us. And I’m excited about it.
Don’t get me too revved up, Sue. Don’t get me too revved up, Bob, because I’m excited about where we are. I really am.
So let’s go in to see what Bob gets from this teaching, what he received, and what he thinks of the teaching and what it means to us, Bob. Thank you, Bruce. Thanks, Sue.
Another really great night here on the 20th. Just about 17 more days to go, and then we’ll have daylight savings. It’s already dark.
That’s right. Bruce, you spoke a lot of the things that were on my mind that I was going to say, and I’m enthusiastic, too. You can age one year for every 15 if you like.
I won’t be participating in that collective nocement. And so I’m not going to be aging at all. That’s good.
I love your teaching, Sue, about the seeds of greatness. It’s really just awesome. And, Bruce, what you were saying about stopping with the worrying and the trauma from the past, and I think that this is a great time energetically for people to start to relieve that pressure, as Sue was saying, and unwind some of the emotional entanglements from past issues.
And this is the time to pray for that, to intend it, to say to God, it’s my intention to unwind all these things from the past. Why? Because it’s time for this aliveness and passion that Sue was talking about. And sometimes it can be hard to express that if you have all these past pressures that have to be relieved.
So use your prayer. Sue, a couple of years ago, brought to us the concept of havening that Dr. Rudin came about with in his book, When the Past is Always Present. And you can, on the Boomers Forever Young website, you can learn all about havening.
You can learn how to do it. You can listen to an interview with a certified havening instructor, and that helps tremendously. You can also learn the emotional freedom technique.
You can learn the inner balance technique from heart math. And quite often, pressures and traumas are related, as Sigmund Freud said, to issues with relationships. And he said humans have a hard time on planet Earth because there’s external dangers in the form of storms and famines and the like, but there’s also our frailty of our organs and our bodies that tend to be designed only to last so long before they get sick.
But he also said the most difficult of all the human things are strained relationships. They cause so much stress and unhappiness. And there’s a really great podcast on our site on the technique called nonviolent communication or compassionate communication.
And learning that technique, especially if you learn it with somebody that maybe you have a strained relationship with, it can very quickly and easily improve. And as you do these things, you’ll be more free to live with this aliveness Sue talked about. And we can ask ourselves, you know, what is it that makes me feel alive? And is it something where I really enjoy God’s beautiful Earth? And if so, do you go out for enough walks in the outdoors, in the woods, by the beach? And if it’s your children or your grandchildren, you know, do you go to visit them enough? Do you call them on the phone enough? Do you teach them things like havening and nonviolent communication? And, you know, maybe you’re really passionate about the new business you’ve started, your volunteer job, your career.
And that’s great too. And it might also be, you know, your church. Lots of people have one of the most important things in their life, the relationships that they have at their church and their relationship with God through their church.
And if that’s the case and you’re the person who goes to church on Sunday, how about next week you try going every day? See how that works for you. And, you know, beyond that, we can dream of things that are brand new, not even things that we are passionate about right now, but something that we can dream up in our prayers, in our meditation and get started on it. And as we do these things, as we’re relieving the pressure and focusing on our passions and dreaming even more, this is the way to feel that seed of greatness right in your heart, that seed of greatness that was given to us by God, and we can rejoice.
That’s good, Bob. We certainly can rejoice. And that seed of greatness that God puts in our heart, when we plant that seed, we will get a harvest.
And maybe we’ll get the 30, 60 or 90-fold or 100-fold harvest. And it’s going to be good. It’s good, and we’re about to reap that harvest ourselves with this blessing.
So thank you, Bob. That was great. I enjoyed that very much.
I love the comments from you. Sue, this was a really good teaching, and what aspect of it resonated the most with you, or what did you gain from it? Yeah, yeah, I want you to bear down on this one. What aspect of this? I’ll just say, just listening to the two of you, it lit a fire.
Bruce and I were talking in the afternoon about his watching a French politician sort of parroting what Donald Trump had said, which is putting America first. And he was saying, we’re going to put France first. And I was pointing out to him, oh, that’s really interesting.
And I’m going to key off of what you said, Bob, because to me, we’re about to go through a brand new period, talk about seeds of greatness, where we’re going to be restoring integrity. Putting America first is going to be about restoring integrity. And when I talked to you, sort of setting up this teaching about rewilding, this woman was talking about the way you get energy moving is to do work with your breath, work with moving outside, work with movement, work on your energy, work on literally what’s going to restore your nervous system to your aliveness, your gifts, your strengths, so that you can be paying attention to where you can give, not out of distraction, not out of, oh, let me just try this, or let me just try that, or you know, just like kind of scattered all over the place.
You should get that after you have this feeling of aliveness in yourself, and you can share that with others. But if you’re not recalibrating and moving your energy and using the things like nonviolent communication, if you don’t have that relationship with yourself so that you’re giving quality attention to, okay, I want to feel more alive, and Bob is absolutely right. The number one thing is going to be your relationship to energy, Christ energy, to relationship in Christ.
To me, that’s what makes you come alive. Putting yourself, giving yourself priority to say, okay, I need to concentrate, I need to be the energy that is alive, that is healthy, that is vital. I can’t tell you the amounts of people that I talk to that are talking from their head, and they’re talking about nothing that they’re excited about, nothing that they do that enlivens them.
Like listening to Bob talk about his friend, you know, his scientist friend. He was so alive, he was so engaged. The thing that I would say and leave this call tonight with, find the people that are healthy and alive.
The people that, you know, they’re talking about something that they get excited about, but I would also say find the people that have a practice of movement. Because if they’re not moving, you’re going to notice it in their energy, you’re going to notice it in the way they’re not getting BDNF, brain-derived nootropic factor. They’re not getting movement through their system.
Their system isn’t renewing, their cells aren’t renewing, they’re not alive, they’re not energized. And I, for one, made a commitment to surround myself with people that, you know, were moving, walking, running, doing something like that, because they’re the ones that you see walking on, that you pass each other on the street, and they’re like, hey, what’s your name? I see you out here all the time. It’s like, that’s what you want to do.
We want to be spreading aliveness and health. And so to me, the seeds of greatness, just like, you know, putting America first again, put your aliveness in Christ first, embody it, and then share so that you can sustain that discipline for the rest of your life, and your light in Christ will keep growing. That’s how I see it.
Mm-hmm. That’s good, Sue. I like that.
Movement. If you’re not moving, you’re stagnant. Yes.
It could be dancing. It could be West Coast swing. It could be… It could be anything.
It could be walking around. It could be putting music on. It could be… But whatever.
You’ve got to move. You’ve got… And we have not… How many of our parents? I certainly did not see my parents. I saw… Actually, I saw my… You know, on the weekends, but they didn’t have a committed practice to moving.
No. They didn’t. I want to see that as the new way of life, that we have parents that are modeling that for our kids and not putting people so their bodies break down because they don’t know how to… They’re not showing you.
They’re not teaching you. This is how you care for your vehicle. They’re not showing you that.
I want to see movement as a normative condition, Sue. Yes. Movement, dance, walking, running, playing tennis, swimming, eating.
Did you move? Did you have fun? Did you enjoy being in your body today and your kids grow up and that’s what they see? Are you kidding? Did you enjoy being out in nature and watching a brood of very fat, plump robins eating berries from a bush? That’s right. Yeah. All right.
Well, thank you, Sue. That was a really good teaching. I like that.
And I love the comments that Bob made. I really think we’re going in the right direction, you guys. We really are.
This is exactly how we need to look at things. And as we espouse this new life that we’re about to go into and everything that comes with that, yeah, there will be challenges. Sure there will.
Even some of our projects will be challenging. But I think the reward is going to far outweigh any of the hassle or any of the problems that come up for us and our projects. Sue, that was really good.
Let’s do this. Let’s take a look and see if we have any praise reports or prayer requests tonight, this Thursday night. We do.
We have a number of them. Okay. We have, thank you, Henry.
We have, I guess I turned off my, so you don’t hear my little blinking on text coming in, and Judy and Ken. Thank you, Judy and Ken. Hello, big call family.
We have a friend here in Missouri, Cindy, that is in a very serious condition with lung cancer. We just received a message this evening that one of her lungs has shut down and they’ve intubated her. Please, everyone pray that she will survive this crisis and that Yeshua will breathe his breath of life into her and save Cindy.
Pastor Jerry M. Thank you, Jerry, for including us. We’re going to put our hands on our hearts. It will activate those neurons and just connect us into the beautiful radiance of Christ in our hearts.
We’re going to see Cindy and you, Pastor Jerry, and your congregation and all the people that you know, plus the big call, all of us praying for Cindy, seeing Jesus overlighting her and bringing this beautiful healing to her and literally walking into her lung and the perfect love and frequency of Christ moving in to heal her, sustain her, fill her mind, even if she’s not aware of them yet, the med beds, with the possibility of getting into a med bed as soon as possible and being completely healed and restored in Jesus’ name. And we’re going to do up there for Jim, who is the husband of Leanna. And Jim is being deeply challenged with his heart.
And we want to see Jim and Leanna and their family, we want to see them being so immersed in the strength and the faith and the energy of perfect healing that anxiety and concern is melted because they’re literally standing in a pillar of Christ’s light and miraculous healing. And what they feel and what they know is that by Leanna standing with him or being by his side, the two of them are creating such a field of Christ miracles and beauty and healing with our energy combined that Jim is stabilized. He’s stabilized in the truth that he is a miracle worker, that Christ in him is a miracle worker, that Leanna is a miracle worker, and that they know their power to sustain and hold the space where they and Christ are one as if they were walking on water and this heart condition is now dissolved in Jesus’ name.
And we’re going to, let me see, I think I’m just going to borrow a beloved’s text. And this is for Brian from Judy and I. And Judy wrote, Brian, how do you like this, co-pilot? Brian, where are you? We miss you so much. J and K, intend your healing and all of the hardest part is behind you.
Know you are missed and loved by all of us. And we see this landing in the center of that Brian with affection, with love, with Christ healing, and with all the big call and all the pod standing and smiling at his side. In Jesus’ name, he’s completely healed and we say amen.
And let’s see. Hold on, we’re not quite done. We’ve got Jeanne, I think.
I hope Jeanne’s in there. Yep, prayer request. Here we go.
Yes, J. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you for the many gifts you’ve given us in our lives. We humbly ask you to bless us and all people with everything that we need. 13 days until Ash Wednesday, 3-5-25.
17 days until daylight savings time. Begins on Sunday, March 9th. On this day, clocks move forward one hour at 2 a.m., causing most people to lose an hour of sleep.
I like the way she said that, most people. Not everybody. It’s interesting.
It made me think for a minute. 28 days until spring, 3-20-25. 51 days until Passover.
Passover in 2025 begins on the evening of Saturday, April 12th and ends on the evening of Sunday, April 20th. 59 days until Easter, 4-20-25. National Love Your Pet Day, Tuesday, 2-20-25.
On February 20th, we celebrate National Love Your Pet Day, a day, wait a minute, what day is today? Today’s the 20th, yeah. Why am I, okay. But it’s Thursday.
Yes, it’s Thursday the 20th of February. I know. She said National Love Your Pet Day, Tuesday, 2-20-25.
She’s off. Yeah, it’s Thursday. I’m just like, wait a minute.
At least I’m paying attention. You are. That’s good, right? On February 20th, we celebrate National Love Your Pet Day, a day to embrace one special trait that makes us human and our love of our pets.
National Caregiver’s Day, Wednesday, how come this is like this? 2-21-25. Right. You’re creating confusion, right? It can’t be Wednesday, 2-21.
Today’s Thursday. It would be Friday. Friday would be the 21st.
I know, I know. A couple days, yeah. Okay, okay.
I’m just getting a little, like, time and space confused. Yeah, this is called missing time. No problem.
Time, space, grid, space, time, time, space, ripe up. National Caregiver’s Day is observed on Friday in February. On February 21st this year, the day honors individuals who selflessly provide personal care and physical and emotional support to those who need it most.
Yes. Now we’re good. Be Humble Day, Saturday, 2-22-25.
And don’t worry about this, Jeannie, because I’m the queen of typos and all sorts of stuff. I just had a little bit of vertigo from the date missing. On Be Humble Day, no boasting is allowed because bragging about one’s achievement, success, and abilities can lead to pride.
National Tennis Day, Sunday, 2-23-25. National Play Tennis Day is celebrated on February 23rd across the country every year. This is a day dedicated to playing tennis, a racquet sport that’s one of the most popular sports to play and watch in the world.
Today we pray to our Heavenly and Loving Father for the following. For all our leaders and listeners on the big call, especially for their health, Pastor Scott’s health, MedBed, Debt Jubilee, RV Blessings, R&R, and Social Security, we continue to pray for all the prayer requests on this big call, especially everyone’s health and well-being. Blessings and peace to all on this call.
Through Christ our Lord, amen and amen. Everyone have a blessed weekend and stay safe. Amen.
Thank you, Jeannie. That was pretty good. But today, Thursday, the 20th, Sue, is National Hug Your Pet Day.
So that’s good. I’m big time in favor of that. That’s really good.
I love those pets, yep. Or your pet, your imaginary pet that’s on the way, right. That’s right, yep, that too, yep.
All right, right. Well, listen, that was good. Thank you, Sue, for those prayer requests and praise reports from Jeannie.
And we’re very pleased to move through the calendar and get all the way to Daylight Savings. Time, that’ll be good. Can’t wait for that.
And National Tennis Day is Sunday. Could be a little brisk in a lot of the country to get out and play tennis. Sue’s not a fan of indoor tennis courts like I was.
No. Having played quite a bit indoors as well as outdoors. But we may have to visit that more or less April 22nd.
But, you know, February 22nd, National Tennis Day, okay, okay. Maybe a good day to watch tennis on the tennis channel or whatever. So thank you, Sue, appreciate that.
Let’s talk about, Sue, you had rumored to me that you’ve got some things planned for Big Call Universe. Tell us what you’ve got in mind on that so we can all tune in to you for that. Well, let’s pretend, just imagine that you’re walking into, and I want this segment to always be this because it is what it actually is.
You’re walking into a new hallway that is opened up like a lecture hall. But this is opened up to the cosmos. And all around you, it’s a circular hallway and all around you are these incredible moving lights and frequencies of, it just makes your body come alive with wonder and alertness.
So it’s a totally new environment and there are beautiful pictures of nature kind of coming in and out of this environment. And that is going to be part of the quantum learning future. But tonight, we’re going to talk about something that I don’t think very many people know about.
You might want to get your pen out. It’s called the dopamine desert. And the dopamine desert is a state of cognitive, that means your thinking, and emotional depletion where novelty, excitement, and deep learning have been replaced with stagnation, monotony, or numbing distractions.
So I’m very, I mean I think you guys know I’m always coming up with something novel because I like to learn and I like to be with people that like to learn and I like to be with people that have something that they’re really engaged with in a healthy way. They’re not compulsive about it. They have good relationships.
They haven’t abandoned their family to go and do it. They’re engaging in healthy ways that give them energy. They’re taking care of their body.
They’re engaged with something. And the dopamine desert is a place where, and I think I don’t know the research on this, but I would say the majority of our population is in a state of what’s called low neural stimulation. They don’t have much motivation.
They don’t have curiosity. And they don’t know how to focus. And they don’t know what really engages them.
And it’s a kind of deep engagement. The kind that, you know, it fuels your inspiration, your problem solving, and your impact. And so we’re going to be launching a course next week, Wednesday the 26th and Thursday the 27th.
It’s two classes. And it’s about who did you come to be? What kind of problem solving, impact, inspiration, what’s going to keep your innovative edge? How are you going to let go of everything? The taking on too much, the scattering? You know, a lot of people really struggle with not knowing how to create a regenerative boundary for their life. Like, really where they get energized.
Just the right amount of people and friendships. Just the right kind of restorative, deep focus work. Working out, doing the things that are actually going to make them come alive without losing themselves, being compulsive, or losing themselves to an activity.
And so we, and what I do with the Regenerative Future Network, we say to stay engaged in the deepest learning of your life is going to be about restoring your integrity and being curious about the most important things that can unlock your potential. And that doesn’t mean chasing after, Lord knows I did that, chasing after every course, chasing after every this, doing. It means about getting really committed to practicing and learning key things.
So first of all, we will re-announce this class next Tuesday, so don’t worry about it. You could just say, you could just say who, if you wanted, if this captures your attention enough, you can say who I’m meant to be, if you want to sign up for this class. But I really want to focus and close with this, Bruce.
I’m really excited for the people that are purchasing the MedBed 100 class and the Quantum Learning class. And the reason is this, I’ve got to find my testimonial here. I like hearing from somebody, here’s what they said, amazing package Sue, made it so real and answered so many questions, Jake and Carolyn.
You know, to get something, the way we do our classes and the way people respond to it, it turns out that the way most of us were taught could sometimes hit your intellect only and not your limbic system. And so some teachers are very musical and they don’t have a vocal dynamic range when they teach. The teaching is boring.
And we constantly hear that the reason why people love our classes so much is because it is stimulating. It does energize you. It does give you, we’ve had people say strange things, it does give you energy, clarity, and a sense of aliveness that helps you with your motivation and to sustain your motivation.
And then we work on helping people raise their standards. So in the MedBed 100, you’re going to raise your standards in what you know, how you’re going to interview and connect, what is, thanks to Bruce, the information that we get from one of the top guys in the MedBed community, and then 65 different attributes that you could add in seven different categories. A lot of people don’t know that they can play the harp.
They can. I’m going to be an advanced surfer. Bob, what are you laughing thinking about? Bob is leaving that.
I was thinking more about you playing the harp and being a real angel, Sue. He can play the harp. That’s a friend of ours.
Okay. I am going to, I was going to do drums and I decided that’s a little too intense. I am going to be a master hand, well maybe, because a master hand drum, hang drum player, which is that like bell, really cool ambient music sound.
But there’s so many things that you can add. And if you don’t know this and you go into the MedBed, you’re going to go in, oh yeah, just fix this, fix that. You’ve got to raise our standards.
We have to, and the standards aren’t, this is research-based information. So that’s the MedBed 100. And the next program that we offer, just to keep it simple, is the Quantum Leader Future Founder.
Now why is that important? Why are these classes, they’re basically neural encoding. And what that means is they’re going to connect with what you have been programmed to believe is possible and what is actually possible. And that is literally the essence of what we have to be to be the leaders of the future.
If you’re not stretching, exploring, and getting curious about what is going to emerge, then you’re basically holding yourself and your project back. And that’s serious stuff. You have a responsibility to explore, be curious, and do it in your own pace.
That doesn’t mean, well, I’m just going to, you know, stuff myself with a bunch of new ideas. It means if you get one of these two classes, your ability to ignite the inspiration, the motivation, to open up the possibility in you and the way to think and the way to activate your genius mind, which is really both your hemispheres working together, that all gets enhanced. Everybody in all of our classes just say, it’s expanding who I am.
It’s expanding me beyond limitation. It’s expanding me beyond thinking the same 65 to 80,000 same thoughts. You can feel those people when they walk in the room.
They’re stuck. They’re not very curious. They’re not very excited.
And the more you can help yourself not be one of those people and to move into stretching, the better and the more you give to the world through your light, through your learning, and through this new form of leadership. So all you have to do, and I’m almost done, is just send us an email to IntegratedMinds at and just put wantum and then medbed if you want both, and then just put medbed if you want just the medbed. They’re $100 each.
So both are $200. And you can get medbed 100 or you can get quantum 100. And we will get an invoice out to you.
You do not need to have a PayPal. We’ll send you out an invoice. I want to thank the person.
We had one way of doing it because of this person saying it was challenged. We now have another way of sending out invoices. So it’s super easy and you’ll get it within that day.
We usually process the invoices in the morning and get it out in the evening. So that’s it. Be a person that the seeds of greatness is going to be stepping in with wisdom, stepping in to the unknown, to create with people that are talented around you to guide you into creating things that maybe haven’t existed yet.
And that’s a big learning skill. But teaching leaders these diverse skills so that they can be wise, they can be agile, they can be creating new things, that’s what we’re passionate about. Because when you do that, your life, your learning, the people you’re surrounded with are going to fill you with wonder and awe.
So that’s my segment for tonight. It’s just like being with Bruce and Bob. You’re welcome.
Yeah, that’s good. Thank you. Yeah, I really think, Sue, you should consider the marimba.
You should play the marimba, man. It’s like a steel drum. I kind of like that.
It’s kind of like a steel, it’s a kind of steel drum. Yeah, yeah, steel drums, man. Steel drums, man, very good.
I like the idea of hitting different cymbals and having both your feet doing something and your hands doing two different things. That would be incredible. Talk about neuroplasticity for the brain.
That’s right. You just need a separate building so you can play loud, right? Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, that’s right.
Or plenty of room to play outside, one or the other. Yeah. Well, Sue, thank you for that segment.
Appreciate that. And I’ll revisit that in the Intel segment a little bit. Let everybody catch back up.
So thank you, Sue. Appreciate that very much. That’s good information.
And, you know, those are really two very popular classes on the MedBed 100 and on the Quantum Leader Future… Future… What is it? Future… Founder. Founder. Yeah.
Not farmer. Future farmer. Future flounder.
Future founder. Founder, yeah. I’m floundering.
Future, future, yeah. Okay, whatever. Thank you, Sue.
All right. Very good. Very good.
It’s, like, pretty easy to remember another F word like future and founder. Hello. Earth to Bruce.
Come in, please. So let’s do this. Let’s move on over to Bob’s area of the world.
Now, let’s see, Bob. Last time we had some really good stuff that we talked about. We had some good testimonials.
I can’t get enough of them. I love the testimonials, and I love when people talk about the goodnight formula, talk about Myotrol, the dynamic combo, Boomer Boost and Barley. It’s just… I can’t get enough of that.
So let’s see what else you have in the way of testimonials and in terms of… I think the sale, we can revisit that. And anything else that you can think of, Bob, for tonight? All right. Thank you, Bruce.
You’re welcome. I have got a bunch of testimonials, but tonight I’m only going to read one. One? And it’s a really special one.
Yep. It’s a really special one, and it starts out a tale of two people. I don’t know how you feel about your health.
I was never overly concerned. After all, life is life, and we eat pretty well. I also took some vitamins.
Food is supposed to give us what we need, right? Well, supposed to is a negative phrase. You know, improving health should never be a reactionary game. Health should be a game of offense.
Actually, our intestinal systems start to decline at age 35 to 40 in spite of eating well. We just live and eat the incomplete foods from the market, fast foods with fewer nutrients and sugars in most everything in one form or another. Compound that with our questionable eating habits, toxins in the air and water are taking their toll, and now you have the formula for poor health and faster aging.
Over time, any one of these things can cause major problems like cancer, diabetes, and many more. Well then, what’s the answer? I have to scroll down here. This is long.
My wife and I went on the offense, and we did what works, and the answer is supplementation, the only real answer available. There again, there are many supplements out there, some good, some not so good. I guess the best answer is to ask those who are using the supplements and have a true story to tell.
Just imagine what you will feel like in five or ten years hence. The picture doesn’t have to be bleak. When I went to work for Boomers Forever Young, we started on their total health system, the Boomer Boost, the Barley, which helps to detox and is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
Other items in the system we take are the omega-3 and vitamin D3 and probiotics. After five months, my high blood pressure I had endured for six or seven years just disappeared, and I lost 19 side effects from the previous prescriptions that I now no longer need. We both agreed that the total health system was the fix we needed to give our bodies more healthy and productive years.
At 78, that was a tall order. Well, now I’m 88, and my health is far better than I ever imagined it would be, and neither of us take any medications. We also take some vitamin C and magnesium, and yes, we are sold on this system, and our blood work is near perfect.
We are active, and life is good. And isn’t that what life should be? Then it is signed Jim and Vicki Lee. And we’re allowed to say their names, but we don’t say the names of people with their testimonials.
But Jim Lee has been working at Boomers Forever Young for 10 years. He’s going to be 89 soon. Wow.
That’s terrific. He just wrote us that testimonial after working for us for 10 years. Wow.
That’s terrific. Wow. That’s amazing.
That’s amazing. Yeah, that’s Jim. And he’s, you know, Jim grew up in Central Florida, and they refer to people like Jim as Florida crackers.
And he grew up, you know, in the woods with his parents and grandparents. And a Florida cracker comes from the cracking of a whip that is used to snap above the heads of the cattle that they’re herding. And the sound of the whip makes the cows go in the direction that they want them to.
And that’s where the phrase Florida cracker came from. And Jim grew up hunting and fishing and living in the outdoors and later became a person who was a boat captain and a fishing guide and would take people out into the Gulf of Mexico and all around the flats and up the rivers, catching fish for decades and decades. And he was also a hunting guide.
And he’s an author of two books. One is a cookbook, and the other is a book about his life that’s called Palmetto Sunrise. And he’s a really great writer, and he’s got a really great sense of humor.
And, you know, I could tell you stories about Jim’s sense of humor all night long, but I also have to tell you about our sales. Yes, yes. That’s our testimonial for the night.
Wow, that’s fantastic, Bob. And what is Jim’s wife’s name? Vicki. What is Jim’s wife’s name? Vicki? Jim and Vicki Lee, yeah.
That’s terrific. And they look just the same as they did, you know, when we first met them. You know how people are supposed to age faster as they get older? They looked young when we first met them, and they still do.
They still do. They haven’t aged at all. Yeah, they haven’t aged at all.
And it’s a good time of the year to do what one gentleman did who saw that we had these great sales going on, Bruce, and decided to stock up. So he’s like, these are some of the products I really like, and I’m going to get them at this really great price right now. And so if you were to look on our website and go to the products and then scroll down to on sale, what you’ll find is we have a couple of products that are actually on sale half price.
And the ones that are on sale half price is our heirloom barley and also our resveratrol. We had a question this morning that I got. Yeah.
And I had a question this morning, Bruce, because we mentioned that Ken, the person who creates our barley, had said that he’s found over the years that the heirloom barley seems to work better for people that have arthritis. And someone had asked the question, you know, well, why is that? And the answer is we don’t know for sure because both the different types of barley have different biochemical profiles, and we don’t know the totality of it because there’s so many thousands of different compounds in each of them that the differences have not yet been scientifically identified other than what we know is that there’s more amino acids in the gladiator barley, and it was created for helping people gain muscle weight. The heirloom barley was the first barley that Ken produced and helped many, many people, and he later created gladiator barley.
And the best, as we can tell, there is a genetic expression that occurs when people eat superfoods that have thousands of different compounds because we know that molecules in foods get into your cells and act positively by upregulating certain genes or gene sets. And we do know that there is a gene set that is coded for level 2 collagen and also hyaluronic acid. And level 2 collagen is what makes up your cartilage.
And there’s a code in your DNA that tells your RNA how to make type 2 collagen. And the components of that type 2 collagen are amino acids, metabolic enzymes, and vitamin C, and some minerals as well. And the best we can figure out, this particular gene that has a fancy name to it is in a set that also includes hyaluronic acid, which is present in abundance in the joints of people that have healthy joints.
And as you age, the genes get expressed less often. They get tired. And the protein sheath surrounding the DNA becomes harder to penetrate.
But when you have the right polyphenols, it tends to activate those genes even when you’re much older. And when people start to get old, what happens is their cartilage that particularly, you know, in your knees and your hips, and people will say, oh, my cartilage is gone. I’m bone on bone.
Well, people think, well, the cartilage wore out and now my bones are rubbing against each other, when in fact what really happened was the cartilage turned into bone. And it did. Oh, really? Yeah.
And it does because what makes up healthy cartilage, collagen level 2, the peptides that are assembled, the amino acids and the metabolic enzymes, and also the hyaluronic acid that’s created all go together to help make healthy cartilage that’s not turning to bone. And so best guess that we have is that some bioactive compound in the heirloom barley is either stimulating the expression of those genes or is providing those very specific enzymes that are needed for assembling the amino acids into the actual collagen that makes up that cartilage. And so for the people that wanted to know why, that’s the best explanation that we can have at the moment, and there will be more to come in regard to this in the future.
Okay. Let me ask you a question, Bob, really quick. So, Bob, resveratrol is on sale.
And, Tricia, this is for you. It’s 50% off, and so they’ll get that 50% off when they check out in the final steps of checking out with their cart? Is that right? Yes. Yeah.
That’s the way Shopify sites work. You see that there’s a sale because it’s announced on the on sale page, and so you go through and check out, and for a good part of the way, the price looks like it’s the regular price, but then once you go to the checkout, it discounts it for you. Okay.
Once you complete the transaction. Yeah, yeah. Most shopping carts are Shopify, right? It’s a big, big, you know, multi, multi-billion dollar company that has millions of websites on its platform, and most of the time when you go to buy something online, you’re using Shopify, and the discounts are taken at the checkout.
Okay. So, the resveratrol does also have quercetin in the product. It’s specifically put in there because the combination of the two actually help to stimulate the death of old cells that are refusing to get out of the way, and they’re causing a lot of problems via the inflammatory cytokines they’re putting off.
And so, this particular resveratrol that we put together is really helpful in this cleanse. So, Sue talked earlier about, you know, untangling things and cleaning up traumas and getting ready for the seed of greatness, and this is one more aspect of that. If you can clean out all those old dead cells, you’re doing that biologically as well.
The other thing that’s on sale is our dynamic intro, which means a full-size bottle of Boomer Boost and a half-size bottle of barley, which is how people get started, because you have to ease into the barley, so that half-size saves you money. And also now, in addition to that savings, it’s 25% off. And then we also, speaking of collagen, we have a collagen combo that includes the collagen and the heirloom barley and the vitamin C. When you put those together, you’re also going to get 25% off of that.
And so, this is a really good time to stock up. A lot of people use these products. They use the collagen.
They use the barley. They use vitamin C. They like using resveratrol. It helps people feel really good.
And so, it’s a good time to go ahead and do that and give us a call if you have any questions about it. All right. Good deal.
And if you see a phone call coming in from Boomers from 727, that’s probably Jim Lee calling to check up on you and see if you need him to help you with anything. There you go. That’s terrific testimony, Bob.
And to have Jim working 10 years for Boomers and still doing it and not really aging at all at age 88, almost 89, you know, I think that’s terrific. It’s really, really good. I think that’s terrific.
Speaks well not only of the company but of you. And I know that he’s doing a great job and everybody’s doing a great job. My rep, Stephanie, is doing a super job.
And I just think it’s great. You’re very blessed to have people that are dedicated and working and motivated to give their best every day. It’s terrific.
Anything else you can think of, Bob, before we cut to Intel? No, that’s about it for tonight, Bruce. It’s 20 after 10. Okay.
Well, let me just tell them how to get to the website. They just go to my site, which is And when you get on our landing page, you’ll see at the top Boomers. And you’ll see that it’s a direct link to Bob’s website.
So you click on it. It takes you right into Bob’s site. And then you can go through and see the product page, the on sale tab.
You can see the sales that Bob mentioned tonight. And you can go ahead and put an order together. And it’s a great way to, I’m going to say, stay healthy year-round for years.
And, you know, we don’t want to age if we can help it by using products like Boomers Forever Young. It’s a terrific, terrific group of products that have been made very specially. They’re very unique.
Nobody else has Gladiator Barley or Heirloom Barley. Nobody else has Boomer Boost with 66 active compounds. You know, it’s really very unique.
And I find myself using quite a few of the products. I definitely think it’s important. You know, when I had that sore throat, what was it, two weeks ago, Tuesday morning, I woke up with it.
And you guys heard me on the call. I was struggling. And then by Thursday night, basically, it was gone.
It lasted two and a half days. After lunch, I took a nap on Thursday, two weeks ago, in about an hour and a half. And then I realized, hey, my throat doesn’t hurt.
I can swallow. I can yawn. I can do all of this, and I’m fine.
But what’s interesting is, you know, if I weren’t taking the vitamin C, and I did double up on vitamin C for two days, if I hadn’t been on that and taken Boomer Boost and barley and the probiotics and everything else, the D3, you know, all the rest of the things that I’m taking, it might have gotten worse. A lot of people, and Bob was telling me this, a lot of people in Florida and in Texas, you know, had flu throughout the entire state. And, you know, and I know there are people that have been sick here in Oklahoma, too, and I know some of them that have not felt well.
But, you know, I didn’t get it. I got the sore throat. I don’t know where I got the sore throat from, but it didn’t come with anything else, thank God.
And I was healed right away, praise God. So that’s what we need to do is stay healthy, stay on the offense, and, you know, take care of our health. All right, so that’s how to get to the website.
The phone number to call is 800-861-4609. 800-861-4609. Good 9 to 5 Monday through Friday, Eastern Time.
It won’t be until the 9th of March when we go to Daylight Savings Time. Then I’ll be able to say Daylight Savings. But I don’t know that we’ll be on the big call then.
I don’t think so, but we’ll see what happens. All right, let’s go to Intel. Let’s cut to Intel.
Thank you, Bob, very much. Appreciate everything tonight. It’s excellent.
All right, guys, here’s the deal. I’m going to start with one of the last things that I got today, this evening, and that was that Redemption Center leaders are to have received, because it’s past 830 now, Eastern, an email at 830 tonight, Eastern Time, that would tell them whether or not they should go into the Redemption Centers tomorrow morning or Saturday morning. Tomorrow morning, probably, and I don’t know what time, but I’m going to suggest 8, 830 in the morning, or Saturday morning.
Now, keep that in your near memory. The other things that we’re hearing are that things are moving well for bondholders. I heard that their emails were to go out today.
I have not absolutely confirmed it, but I think they did finally go out. But even if they didn’t, they’re getting ready to send those out. We know the Paymaster’s accounts have been hydrated, and now they’re ready to fund those bondholders’ accounts with the money so they can be notified that they have access to their funds in their bondholders’ accounts.
Now, in a related subject, we know who the security force is back out in Reno, Sparks Reno Airport, and we know they’re getting three flights an hour in and three flights an hour out of Sparks Reno Airport. And we also know that, oh gosh, I’m going to say two years or more ago, that in one of the larger buildings there, let’s call it a hangar, I think it was a hangar, were steel shelves that went 35 feet tall, 220 feet long along one wall that were full of USTN shrink-wrapped money, our new currency, our new physical United States Treasury notes. And today we heard from one of our contacts out there that money is moving right under our noses, and I think that is a way to say that the physical USTN currency is moving from, let’s call it the Sparks Reno Airport, let’s call it the Treasury location that’s on the Paiute Reservation, that it may be moving and being transported to where it needs to go.
Now I know redemption centers received additional USTN currency yesterday and today. Now yesterday was Wednesday, today is Thursday, so they’ve received additional shrink-wrapped bundles of our new USTN currency in addition to what they already had a year and a half ago. The redemption centers and banks received this currency a year and a half ago.
This was to add to what they had at the redemption centers. I don’t know that they need it anymore at the banks, but I know the redemption centers, which is what we’re most interested in, as you know, is what those are what received additional deliveries of those currency, new USTN currencies yesterday and today. Now I can tell you why I think that is, because remember a little while ago I told you guys they don’t want us to take more than $500 in our new cash, our new folding money, USTN folding money.
Well, they just upped that a couple of days ago to, well, we don’t want you to take more than $3,000. You could take a little bit more maybe if you really insist, but they want to try to keep us now to about no more than $3,000 in cash that would come out of our total at the time of our appointment, redemption of XEM and exchanging our currencies. So that’s something that is interesting, that change.
The other thing that we’re looking at is what is the timing for us? We have one source so far that is confirming that we will get notified Saturday and exchange starting Monday of this coming week. Now, that’s one source. I don’t have it confirmed from any of our normal regular sources.
They’re all saying it’s close, we could be notified over the weekend. Well, Saturday is part of the weekend, isn’t it? We should be notified over the weekend and blah, blah, blah. But nobody is committing to a day.
Now, look at this. If the Redemption Center leaders that I just talked about got that email at 8.30 tonight and it says come in tomorrow morning, okay. What if it says don’t come in Friday but come in Saturday morning? That looks pretty good for us to get notifications on Saturday and start on Monday.
We shall see. I think that could be the case. Listen, if they go in tomorrow and we get notified tomorrow, so much the better, right? We will take it.
So, I don’t know which it’s going to be, but I like either one. Either one’s a win. All right, so keep that in your mind.
Now, let’s cut to some really good information that I heard yesterday and a little bit the day before yesterday, but I didn’t want to bring it out on the call Tuesday night. But I do want to bring it out tonight. Many of you guys have seen in the social media and on TV about getting what some people are calling a dividend, but the real title is going to be Treasury backslash IRS.
Treasury slash IRS. Oh, shoot, I can’t think of the final word. It’s not dividend.
It’s not payout, but it’s something else. I’ll think of it before we stop. It’s basically like a dividend, but it’s coming from our U.S. Treasury slash IRS savings account, if there is one.
That’s what they’re calling it. And this is coming from monies that Elon Musk and his Doge team are gaining back for us from all of the waste, fraud, and abuse that they’re finding in government agencies such as USAID, which USAID is not USAID. It stands for the United States Agency for International Development.
It sounded like a good idea in the beginning years and years ago, but it’s been corrupted, and it’s been terribly corrupted, and it’s probably going to be completely shut down. That’s my instinct on it. But the monies that are coming, and this is what Elon Musk said today on Newsmax on an interview that I watched the entire thing on.
He said approximately 20% of what they’re recouping is going to go to pay to the American people, the American citizen, and another 20% of what they regain will be going to pay down the national debt. So that’s what they’re saying they’re going to do with it. Now, those of us who know that this $36, $37 trillion national debt was tied to the USA corporation, I’m not sure that we have to pay that back.
I believe the corporation’s been dissolved, and maybe we have to pay it to someone, but maybe we don’t too. But this money that we’re going to be getting is supposed to be approximately $5,000 per month for 12 months for anyone aged as a U.S. citizen that’s age 32 and older. Now, I heard another thing that I want you guys to understand.
I’m giving you what I’m hearing. This is my disclaimer. I’m telling you what I’m hearing, and I can’t absolutely say I have it verified by maybe more than two sources right now.
If you’re 65 years and older, you should get $7,500 a month for 12 months. This amount that we’re going to receive, if you’re on Social Security, you’ll get it in your Social Security bank account. It’s not Social Security, though.
It’s this dividend. I hate to use that word. It’s not the right word.
That’s what this is coming from, from the Treasury. If you have a bank account, which most of us do, it’s going to come to the bank account that they have on record for you. Buy your Social Security number.
That’s how they know it’s you, and it’s going to you. They’re saying the average is going to be $5,000 a month. When you’re 65 and older, as some of us are, it’s supposed to be $7,500 a month, a nice 50% increase.
So, hey, that’s a pretty good deal. This is not a replacement of Restitution and Reconciliation Allowance, R&R. This is not the Social Security increase.
It’s something completely different. And I have heard, remember, this is my disclaimer, this is what I’ve heard, and I hope it’s true, that it’s supposed to come in, our first payment of this, it’s supposed to come to our bank accounts by direct deposit over this weekend or very early next week. Now, think about the timing for this.
This money is coming to every U.S. citizen 32 years of age and older. Why 32? Because they want you to have worked and paid taxes for about 10 years. And their starting age is 32 until you’re 100 years older, however old you are.
Now, what I find really interesting is, and I look at this thing in terms of the big picture, why are they doing this and why are they doing it right now? Why are they doing it this weekend, we believe? Because if we get our numbers Saturday and we begin our exchanges Monday or Tuesday, but I think it’s supposed to be Monday, if we get notified Saturday, then guess what? The entire country is being hydrated financially. Everybody is going to have some money, and it’s not going to look so strange for us to be going into redemption centers. Some people that are not informed because they’re not listening to the big call might go to banks.
Basically, everybody’s going to have money. This is a cover for us going in for our exchanges and redemption of ZIM. It’s kind of giving us cover to go.
I think that’s another reason why this $5,000 payment is coming this weekend or very early next week. Are you guys with me? You see what I’m saying? I think it’s really, really interesting. And I’ve got to thank Elon Musk and his team of geniuses, up to 100 people working with him to find this waste, fraud, and abuse in our government.
And I have to thank President Trump. And I heard President Trump speak today at CPAC in the D.C. area. They’re not saying in Washington.
They’re saying in the area. So I don’t know where it’s being held. But I heard a lot of the people that were there.
Now, there’s one thing that was said there today at CPAC that I thought was tremendous and a really good idea. They plan to have a garden of statues denoting the leaders in our country through the years. These will be statues.
I don’t know if they’ll be made of bronze or what they’ll be made of. That wasn’t discussed. But these statues are going to highlight a lot of people in history.
Now, this is Black History Month, February. And President Trump did a really good job of bringing out the importance of the black leaders in this country, going all the way back to Civil War days and bringing us up to modern days. He had Tiger Woods there at the CPAC.
He’s a big supporter of Trump. President Trump talked about everybody that he was talking about that was going to be in this garden of statues, most of whom, I believe, have passed away. And he said, I don’t know, Tiger, if you’re going to want to be in this garden yet or not.
And Tiger said, no, no, that’s okay. I don’t have to be in it yet. But you’ve got very famous Rosa Parks.
You’ve got Coretta Scott King. You’ve got, oh, you guys know all of the black leaders, the women and men will be in there. It’s going to be a great thing.
And I have heard two things. I’ve heard that President Trump said they’re narrowing down the states that want to have the garden. We think it’s only one, but then I heard tonight there might be as many as six or eight of these in various states in the United States.
There might be that many. And I thought, well, that’s great too. That’s fine.
Frederick Douglass. Gosh, there’s so many leaders. And there’ll be white leaders too.
And I hope it’s well balanced. I hope it’s well balanced. And there’s, I’m sure, an even number of black and white leaders through our history that would be recognized with these statues.
I was very proud of the black leaders that were there at CPAC today, especially, you guys remember the head of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, right? And we have a new leader for HUD. And he said, I can’t remember his name. He came up and spoke very strong.
You could tell he was a believer in Christ. And he said some very favorable things about Trump and about what was going on for black people in America as far as the benefit of having voted for Trump at the highest number of black and Latino votes we’ve ever had for a Republican nominee. It went on and on.
And it was really very positive. And I’m excited about Rebuild America. I’m excited to have black and white male and female leaders working with us throughout the country.
I’m very excited about that. So, we’re looking for notifications, I hope, by Saturday that will tell us that we can set appointments for as soon as Monday. Appointments to start exchanges as early as Monday.
Now, realize this, I only have that confirmed from one source. But I do have the Redemption Center leaders going in either tomorrow or Saturday. Well, I’m hoping it’s either one, right? And we get notified as a result of it.
But keep an eye on your bank account balance over the weekend to see if this $5,000, or if you’re 65 and over, see if it’s $7,500 coming in over the weekend, or very early next week. It could be early next week. But when they discussed this yesterday, and I saw it referenced on Newsmax, and we’ve heard it’s all over social media, and they’re calling it $5,000, some are saying more.
Well, the way I look at it is, this is a bonus. It’s not R&R. The R&R is not affected by it.
But this is a trial run for R&R. It’s a trial run. They want to see who is going to receive these, what U.S. citizens that are not 120 years old, because we don’t have any that old, but however old our citizens are, they want to see who they are and make sure they receive the benefit of this payment.
And this is a trial run to see if people that don’t receive this deposit, if they start complaining and saying, I didn’t get my, lo siento, I didn’t get my, well, guess what? They’re going to find out who additional illegal immigrants are to this country, and they will weed them out and return them to their country of origin. So this is kind of a two-fold experiment to do this, and it’s for one year. Let’s say you get the $5,000.
Let’s say you’re 50 years old and you get the five. Five grand times 12 is $60,000. That’s a nice annual payment to you.
I mean, it sounds like, I don’t even know, I don’t even want to say what it sounds like, but if you’re 7,500 a month times 12, if my math is right, that’s $90,000 a month, I mean a year, $90,000 for the year. So this does not affect our restitution reconciliation allowance, or R&R, and is not the increase that we anticipate in Social Security. Now, I can’t tell you when the increase of Social is to happen.
We’re hoping to hear that tonight from our Social Security contact, but we don’t have it for the big call tonight. Sorry to say. I’m excited for all of us because this is showing the direction that we’re going in.
You know, Elon Musk and his team is absolutely making a huge difference in all of our lives. And President Trump is doing the right thing by refunding this money back to the citizens, the taxpayers who paid these taxes. Okay, so it’s a very, very positive thing.
And if you don’t see the benefit of it, you need to be able to see it. It will be a stimulus, even though it’s not being called a stimulus, it will stimulate the economy. A lot of people will save this money.
A lot of people will spend it or do a little of both. I’m hoping this is just the first fruits of the R&R, of the RV happening this weekend. If we get the notifications, we’ll get started very early next week with exchanges.
I’m hearing Monday. So let’s see what happens. And I just wanted you guys to hear that.
And I had five confirmations about the $5,000. I saw it myself. I saw Elon Musk talking about it.
And when they talk about it or when Trump talks about something like this, it’s already happened. It’s already a done deal. And we’re looking to see if it pops this weekend, which I’ve heard.
It will come over the weekend. But if not, it should be very early next week. And if you don’t have a bank account and you’re a true U.S. citizen, you will get a check in the mail, probably certified mail, to you.
And now that could take a little bit of mailing time. That could take – it’s not coming FedEx. It should be coming certified mail.
So I don’t know when those are going to go out. Maybe they go out Friday. Maybe they go out Saturday.
Who knows? Maybe they go out Monday. But the direct deposits, which can happen, as you guys know, very instantly, that is supposed to occur over the weekend. So I’m very excited for all of us about that.
I’m excited to get us started with our blessing, with our projects. But I’m also excited that Sue has her two very important classes still available, the MedBed 100 class, two classes, total of about three hours, and her Quantum Leader package, two classes, also $100. Send Sue an email and send it to IntegratedMinds at and then put in the subject line MedBed 100 or Quantum 100.
And indicate if you have PayPal. She likes that to be used for sending funds on PayPal. But if you don’t have PayPal, just say, I’ll take an invoice and she will get an invoice to you from PayPal that you can generate and send back to her.
And that will work. That will work fine. Now, IntegratedMinds, I-N-T-E-G-R-A-T-E-D, and Minds, M-I-N-D-S, at So that’s what I wanted to cover today.
I just couldn’t wait to tell you guys about this U.S. Treasury slash IRS rebate. Thank you, Lord. Thank you.
Rebate is what it’s being called. U.S. Treasury slash IRS rebate. It’s not a tax refund.
This is a rebate. And it’s because taxpayers have been paying monies in that have been abused and used and all that, that Elon Musk and team are grabbing back, taking back. We’re recouping this.
And this is part of what you’re going to be receiving. So that’s what I wanted to say. It is considered a rebate.
So that’s the term that should be on the memo if there is one on our direct deposit. And something to that effect should be there for the physical checks that go out certified mail. So let’s go ahead and thank everybody for listening to the big call.
Let’s have a great weekend. Let’s look forward to emails. Let’s also look forward into our accounts to see the funds that should have come in over the weekend or early next week from this rebate.
And let’s get excited about the blessing that’s on its way here. So thank you Sue. Thank you Bob.
Thank you GCK and Jeannie, and Pastor Scott, Continued Healing. And thank you everyone, all the satellite team for getting the signal out all over the world. And thank you Big Call Universe for listening as we’re in our 14th year of the big call.
Everybody have a great weekend. Not sure if we’ll have a call Tuesday, but check in just in case because it could be a celebration call. We’ll see what happens between now and Tuesday.
Everybody have a great weekend and we’ll talk to you soon. God bless.