Coffee with MarkZ. 12/27/2024
hello all good morning hello champagne Princess Lisa hello Rainman hello John from Texas hello hello hello Brier girl and fluffy pup and Mom UV hello Savvy and Okie Bob hello chgo from Chicago hello tetto and Switzerland it’s good to have you good to have you in the house hello Mike J freezy hello RW Mr C is supposed to be here today guys Mr C is supposed to be with us if you will read the uh descript well let’s uh see if I can figure out where what’s going oh I know what I got to do here
it’ll all make more sense uh shortly but yeah it was in the description and then joined by Mr C I guess I should have done coffee with Mark and Mr catrell try to keep up with you all hello Tennessee nurse Sarah is now 39 officially older than dirt right T nurse yeah that gives us uh Georgia celebrating hers this morning uh we missed her mother’s heavenli Earth earlier this week Dawn tenur oh wait no for Sarah Sarah we’re not celebrating Tiner celebrating the daughter hello Dian and Quebec hello
team Co da word gravity field I’m sorry I’m just reading these having a good time with them hello miss Emily hello Maverick fer Mama hello JN Amy Dr Hara Tommy any news on in country rates they haven’t changed yet guys we got people on the ground there they have not changed yet there is huge talk there are government agencies talking about repricing but they have not changed yet a lot of uh a lot of rumors running around the rumor mill unfortunately uh there’s just enough truth to them to get people more than excited for some that
aren’t truthful if that makes sense sense hello Thomas and Winnipeg Dan we have to celebrate your birthday tomorrow right or on Monday which which is easier or better well you’re going to be hung over Monday morning maybe we should do it tomorrow morning uh Bruce there’s no set amount of currency you can exchange I’ve been told that very explicitly and I believe it uh Paul we can ask Mr receive out birth certificates but he’s talked about them many many many times probably hundreds of times and said no he does
not believe we’re getting paid for our birth certificates or nobody would work and then nobody would have anything then people would starve the lights wouldn’t come on hello hick town ah bet you are kgn Tennessee good morning Mark my son just flew in from Alaska bet you are happy Mama enjoy it Anthony I’m told no I’m setting aside just in case we don’t know for certain on the taxes whether you’re going to have to pay him or not my guess 90 whatever percent no we’re not going to have to but I’m prepared just in case to
be safe oh let’s see Kelly uh let’s see my dad called me yesterday early telling me he thinks uh he would like some cherry piie so so today taking him a whole pie and ham and bean soup see I love the leftovers in the holidays my grandmother used to make a cherry pie and then she’d put like shaved coconut on it it was good that was a big thing back in the 70s and 80s salaries I am told Jack Money’s been moved I don’t know if they’ve distributed uh we shared an article yesterday on 1.2 trillion dinar
that was moved specifically to make that finally happen we have some information going today on what’s going on in the Kurdish region and of course Mr C to quiz Bill everybody’s got their opinion their right to speak lot of crazy math going on on what people think rates should be have the auction stopped well I can tell you 100% Yesterday they auctioned about 275 ion and I am waiting for the results of today’s as of yesterday at the Clos business I can tell you that no 100% they had not stopped the auctions today
that’s a different story I don’t know what to tell you yet I’m waiting for a source checkin as we speak but I can tell you absolutely 100% auctions did occur yesterday jubil I’m with you you can go to an airport and exchange currenc you go to currency exchange count or not paid taxes what’s going to make it different yes Mr C is supposed to be here this morning all right you guys start answering that one in chat so I don’t have to it’s in the description if you read it banana news will start in about three
minutes I know we’ve already been tackling some of it but let’s see chaos to Harmony nope I wasn’t as excited as you last Christmas Chaos see unfortunately I get blamed for all the other gurus too I get blamed every time one of them says it’s happening at 1206 on Thursday or whatever we all get lumped in and blamed on if you listen to me you wouldn’t have been thinking that but let’s see has there ever been a revaluation more than one currency at a time yes James coming out of World War II um I shared a lot of history last
night on the Kuwaiti revalue uh which is in should be in the links let me double check yes and the links from last night are a few on Kuwait’s and their revaluation you know Reuters News things like that so you don’t have to take my news for it or my word for it you can find out for yourself uh I don’t know about this weekend Greg I was hoping to already have an update as to whether they were working this weekend I don’t I’ve run into a brick wall on that one I’m not getting a response yet could just be holidays
moving traveling I know they worked last [Laughter] weekend you know no no Lamar Jackson is tremendously tremendously talented but uh he plays for a crap Team all right pretty capable team I just still don’t like them for what they did to the people of uh the good people of Cleveland when they screwed him in the middle of the night not a not an Art Modell fan so they will forever forever be be smirched because of it all right Robin why does everybody have such a difficult time with Mr cell’s name let me do that and highlight that
one just to maybe we can like get past that one it’s crail c o TT r l l catril see you know they just need to go ahead and bring you know back back to Maryland Baltimore the Colts need to go back to Maryland I don’t know what we’re going to do with although the Rams were actually originally Cleveland’s team they can go back to Cleveland what are we gonna do with all the other teams all the teams go back to where they belong like the Tennesse Texans damn it you’re the Houston Oilers I liked it when teams were more
faithful to their fans I know they never were it’s just me living in a romantic version of the world all right let’s get into it uh let’s start here with arinara dinar Falls a week before dollar selling platform closes platform hadn’t closed but people are already starting to panic not certain what it’s going to look like many out there believe that what it’s actually going to look like is an increased rate of the Nar over the dollar but there could be a little unsettled water a little turbulence as
we get white water rafting through the uh currency stream I’m not worried guys I know what I know what their answer is I know there is a lot of concern right now within days business confused with dollar exchange rates expected to rise in the parallel Market businesses are trying to figure out how do we price things what do we do we know we can uh still operate but we’re uncertain we pay this much for a product is inflation going to happen not going to happen this is also why uh the government has created a committee uh
just for sudden value changes which to me is great this is a great way to hide it and Cloud it and camouflage it their concern is going One Direction it would be the perfect opportunity to unlash an increased value because you put the mechanism into place to help the businesses the government agencies the people the education the media Etc explain it to people I’m excited about that one call for re-evaluation not re uh you know revaluing re-evaluation of the cost for o production in Kurdistan under the
supervision of an international audit firm finally we can put this to bed for the HCL bringing in outside audit firms to determine the actual price of getting the oil out this has been one of the final points that has been keeping HCL from being settled uh look for that to speed things up bounce over here we’ll talk about all the rumors the rumors are I mean they’re out there um especially right now I’m getting a lot of rumors from Indian nations and groups attached to Indian nations um that they’re being told to be
to prepare for em and I know that that sounds like such a load of crap um but it’s very similar to what they heard right before Kuwait happened and for those that don’t know that some Indian astion very did very well with the Kuwaiti revalue so seeing similar mechanisms being enacted uh or activated just like they were in 1990 I believe it was 1991 has me really excited to catch that part I always say the same thing about pronouncing names Jer it’s Jer it gets tough because you’re trying to figure out what everybody
meant when they made their handles I’ve had quite a few though just like you did it and it works out great then I know how you want me to pronounce it so yeah don’t ever hesitate to break it down phonetically like that for me it’ll help ah Dino Mike HCL the can that’s being kicked the can that that getting ready to come to rest it’s kind of like guys want a dam is breaking you don’t know exactly when the Dam’s going to break but you can see all the cracks forming in it you can see the water leaking through it you know
it’s about to you just don’t know exactly when it’s going to uh Carrie they’re going to have to come up with a lot if a medbed can truly change our looks to a significant degree or change our age they’re going to have to work out something on the ID front right because we’re supposed to have IDs to vote what are your thoughts on the news setting the stage for no speaker of the house elected by January 6 news set of the house doesn’t elect the speaker by the 6th then they can’t certify the election I’m not worried not even kind
of one bit I think the uncertainty is going to expose a lot of people but we’ll get that one right uh funniest name I ever saw was a love lady a guy in the army that would suck for him right what’s your name love lady maybe they could like give them one of those ambiguous first names like Aubrey you don’t know if it’s a guy or a girl so you make it Aubrey love lady or something I don’t know you could have fun with that one now Hulk I was referring to a couple of my contacts within a group groups
that are attached Indian nations have been told to uh prepare for that imminent release could be within days that is an unusual one that is something they have not heard in a long time biz you’re too funny uh rocker mom The Establishment has a lot of plans for January 6 they will come to nothing and be of no effect they got a lot of plans there are so many attempts to the curves upsetness Don’t Panic guys if there’s any such thing is a white hat they are planning for this reading fuse all right let’s
see reading a few of these still seeing 30 uh Anthony I’m still hearing anywhere where from 30 to 50 I’ve heard as low as 11 but only one source said that and I don’t considered a good one so oh let’s see wait wait paty I had a preacher years ago his name was Pastor Outlaw epic epic bowler many many years ago I worked with a man named Shirley P think about it if you breed a pitbull with a zoo what kind of name are you g to have pit zooo I know you saw what I did there I’m loving it no Brunson updates I
am in no way looking for a rescue from the Brunson I keep up with it ly as brother I think they are serving brother I think they are serving a very necessary they are opening up more attack fronts to bring back the Republic I think that is very necessary and I wish there were about a thousand more people doing similar things a cut by Death By A Thousand Cuts is what this Corporation needs so that we the people can be in charge again I worked with Martin Martin oh Scarlet that’s great pastor pck and Dr
Payne I worked in an operating room with Dr Bones I’m loving some of these guys you’re making my day I know we need to get back to it noers boy name Sue doesn’t have the same meaning today as it did back in 1965 I’m surprised somebody hasn’t made a country song out of that yet teners I mean think about it right oh let’s see our weather lady’s name is majestic storm definitely thinking that’s a stage name I’m still laughing about time now you are appreciated thank you Thomas I saw this question I think
it was last night are silver certificates going to be worth anything after this goes I have a friend that has a bunch he was asking me what I thought and I have no idea Thomas I can tell you what I’ve been told that the silver certificates will represent uh for let’s say it’s a $5 silver certificate this going to be the easiest way to do this one I mean they make there are others but let’s say it’s a $5 silver certificate that $5 silver certificate represents five silver Morgan coins which is like I believe
that’s 74 ounces of silver per so for an exist for an example we will do a quick bit of math I’ll break out my calculator and I’ll tell you what I am being told on the silver certificates um so since they are um all of them are 74 I believe that is correct for Morgan silver dollar so you’d have five times 74 so you would have 3.7 troy ounces of silver because silver is valued as a troy ounce so that’d be 3.7 then you would multiply it by the value of silver right now now we expect the value of silver to increase
greatly when we reattach to the metals so it should be much higher than that but today’s value figured on that one with oil right at I mean excuse me with um silver valued right now right at 30 bucks we’re just going to run with that to keep the math as simple as is possible we’ll just multiply that 3.7 times um 30 bucks for an ounce of silver so roughly $111 is what a $5 silver uh certificate should be right now based on that math because it represents a $5 one dollar Morgan silver coins 74 ounces
this is what it’s tied to directly legally tied to U part of what uh Kennedy did then that should give you your idea so if it’s a five it should represent five Morgan silver dollars which is 74 of an ounce and that’s if I did that math right guys I’m running straight from memory on that no word on Shibu enu had a friend who saw a dentist at catch him and pull them that’s great I’m going to keep reading and trying to answer some questions before we dive into a little more news and then Mr C let’s bowler that is just
wrong let’s see here we have many people we have so many people needing help guys we did we helped 49 families with the uh holiday charity giveaway or you guys did uh you all and Miss goula um it’s pretty much wiped out now we’ll start slowly rebuilding but it was nice to be able to help that many people there’s so many more that need help there’s so much more that needs done we need this to go does black shirt I go H it does well here let me take this off take this Banner off see it’s got some gold writing on
it Dr butcher oh God he’s surgeon Orthopedic that’s too funny Dr bone break H my baby was delivered by Dr grab oh wait wait wait my dad was born in gay Georgia uh Mark we have a Jack Russell Shih Tzu mix so everyone knows Jack does exist Ronnie that is great H let’s see I had twins in a classroom Rick and Ricky that is too funny Nancy when I was born the attending doctors were Dr Waters and Dr pool brass HD let’s see by pack mule Richard skull I hope your high school Spanish teacher was more capable than
mine uh Mr Edwards he had a wicked southern accent it was hilarious listen to him try to speak any kind of Spanish Ola they told me a me go I mean it was bad I mean like really really thick and rough you’re ologist named Dr snip I know one someone from Climax Michigan Jeff there is a climax North Carolina probably 15 miles from where I grew up we always got a kick out of going to climax do right down the road from High Point Let’s see Meta Richard Cranium before J right I worked for uh surprisingly
the same name not the same person uh but I worked for a Richard Daly an attorney which was fun uh he was a federal prosecuting attorney they called him dickham Daly hell all right we need to get to it Miss I learn wait wait Germany from Miss Roni y God I love some of these I know you’ve been through yep West Middle sex god some of these names are great we could do like a whole one intercour PA my wife worked with a guy named Richard head just epic Tony napole mark would it be wrong when this goes I buy a blacked out SUV
and have three big guys snatch me up at work and I go out kicking a scream and throw me in the back and driveway yeah Tony and that’s when you disappear and move go ahead and line up your house to be on sale by by your new one in a different neighborhood and just let them Wonder it’d be epic hilarious actually I think we should probably just hire like a a team to go around and do that for all of us wouldn’t that be hilarious like really big guys dark out bulletproof they pull up check in just walk up to you check in clear the room
uh just come in hey main certain your good boss walk away Rick long all right let’s get back to it China six oh wait no that’s not where I was going I was going all the way back here sheriffs say they can help ice in Trump’s Mass deportation plan even Democratic sheriffs from heavily Democratic counties coming on board and saying hey we’re going to work with them we even had a democratic uh a Democrat Sheriff uh from California that made the comment that very much believed that they were dumping prisons in other
countries said they would gladly work with to deport uh violent or lawbreaking illegal immigrants course the whole like they already an illegal immigrant because they broke one but anyways let’s just run with it any that uh commit new crimes they are looking forward to finally being able to send them out of their jurisdiction get them out of their court system and not have to deal with them anymore so you have a massive number of sheriffs now saying they plan to work directly with gladly work with with to take care of this um
uh problem their neighborhoods aren’t safe they literally ran for Law and Order they want Law and Order is the final migration back to the office happening in 2025 big corporations are bringing employees back and CEOs are working to make the office experience feel worth it to persuade employees to return worth it they’re talking about like the M of this catering food to come back just to make people okay with coming back to work just tell them they got to come back to work that’s that easy tell them they got
come back to work those that don’t won’t you’ll find that the majority of work from home aren’t as efficient as work at office some are there are exceptions to this but the overwhelming majority don’t I know one guy and they talked about this people that are taking on more than one full-time job because they can work from home they don’t have all the distractions some people two and three full-time jobs because they were able they were given a certain number of tasks they could knock them out in an hour sitting
around with a thumbs up the butt the rest of the day you know fishing uh watching soap operas catching up on uh all the episodes or binge watching Stargate they found they could do more so they took on another job they had people with two three full-time jobs I know one that had three uh would just hire people from Pakistan Indonesia Philippines or whatever to work remote hand off part of the job and still only work two or three hours a day but we’re doing two or three full-time jobs crazy right but we’re
talking about about how much more efficient people are when they’re actually in the office at least on average uh and what it means and the number of people looking to leave as much as 60 some perc of people I think it was considered leaving or not coming back to work full-time uh but it’s expected to be about 30% are going to say yep nope not coming back most of these same corporations that are forcing the employees back have too many employees so for me this looks like a great culling that we are about to see
other news I’m GNA hurry through these so we get to Mr catrell China’s sixth generation Fighter the white Emperor takes to the skies head of Trump’s second term it is a it’s basically it’s a bomber SL fighter tactical fighter bomber there’s six gen the first to the market or supposedly the first of course this is just testing this is the first one seen in the sky that they have been able to clearly identify uh looks like your big delta wing or flying wing so it can carry more weight three engines now the US of
course is going to have to and Trump Trump’s going to have to announce hey here’s our six generation fighter it’s all this like is my fighter bigger than your fighter yeah it’s kind of like them measuring penises and stuff and I wonder if like Kim jungl like North Korea if he feels left out in this one when they start measuring things like that I’m just kind of curious D you have a nice day really can’t get my question here well Gina try answering asking your question if I see it I’ll answer it if I don’t see it I won’t
answer it uh New York to charge fossil fuel companies for greenhouse gas emissions New York becomes the second state to enact a polluter pay climate change super fund act New Jersey California Maryland could be next all right let me get back to this one I see a comment in here I get a kick out of uh what does it mean they’ve decided to charge all these companies um for ones that they say uh did climate damage allegedly between 20028 so they’re just going to Knack this uh saying they the uh companies are
going to charge them 75 billion go after them if you’re a company you’ve been operating within the law you’re doing your thing many of them very much care about environment and things like that but your state has suddenly decided it knows better than anybody how to operate private businesses and they come after you for billions and billions of dollars are you going to stay in New York I mean how many real estate companies have been bailing out of New York how much of Wall Street has left New York how many of the Great banking
firms because of New York’s punitive laws against corporations and companies have left gone to Florida Gone to Texas it’s been a mass Exodus of businesses in New York so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to go after manufacturers as well people that make things produce things things that keep your economy stable now we’re going to go after them well New York it was good knowing you uh Steve yes but I work from the office yeah like I said some people are more effective some people aren’t at all
majority aren’t effective working from home there are exceptions always will be uh this one’s a great one I’m just going to leave it in here because I need to get to Mr C how Mal’s radical reforms turned Argentina’s economy around it gives a very detailed take on what he did how many things cut the change the growth and how it could be used possibly as a pattern or a learning experience for Trump and crew all right let me get to it hate to break the news to the Chinese but we’re ahead of them yeah I believe
we are too the tr3b but we’ll let them think they are and we can get into like measuring ourselves or themselves now I’m ready for a Mr C getting microphon set up and there it is no it isn’t that is something unrelated but I can’t take it right now Democrats failure to pass driver license okay anyways that was totally ah o there’s Mr C hello Mr C good morning Mark how are you today I’m good how about yourself surving doing well how was Christmas really quiet it was very nice not snow blow which super really good oh
wow you haven’t snow blowed in days that’s correct I’m recovering doing pretty good hold on Mr C for some reason somebody thinks blowing up my phone’s a good thing let me mute and find out what’s going on sorry about that guys let me see if I can get back to Mr C before I forget it though Mr C are you there I may have to hit another button let’s see how do I un hold I think we got you back now Mr C well very good very good thank you I know thank you not a problem uh we’re just getting back to recovery stage now uh wife’s
going back to work so we’re getting back to normal which is sometimes hard doing these crazy weeks between holidays because you never quite know what’s what’s open what’s not open and how are you doing so yeah so did it go well did you get what you wanted did the Chinese come see you I didn’t get that uh been very very quiet this week this past past week um uh obviously they didn’t show up I do not have the codes I wish I did I’d love to get this over with now but it’s been very quiet very nice
um yeah Bo I think I upset a few people really no I I didn’t really many people there are some people that were we were talking about the great returning as people are being forced to go back to the office uh biggest thing is Trump using it as an opportunity to greatly reduce the number of government workers that really don’t do anything uh 22 some thousand of them that been working remote some people are there are people out there that work remote and I’ve met a few I’m one of those I do better
remote um but I’m an exception people that work well remote you guys are an exception take pride in it yeah we we first started in the late 80s early 90s uh I took a lot of rubing for operating down the home I’ll tell you it was really good because I got to raise my younger daughter which was kind of neat and we uh we really did a lot of business uh around the world um as much as getting started later it was taking over my bu see here but we’re did pretty good yeah I think some some jobs are built for remote and I don’t think there
should be a problem others you need to be in the stinking office and I I very much believe that for 99% of government jobs and you work for the people you’re supposed to be there when the people need you accountability yeah um I’m just uh let’s see people picking on me now Mr C all right so uh we should probably focus more on you than some of these questions it’s okay I had that called that interrupted they want to know if they uh wanted to expand my car warranty oh yeah Insurance one of those things that you just love to
hate right oh before I forget total uh just total plug here not for Mr C but Freedom Forge coffee they have added some cool things to their site including a Blog so you guys can go in talk about uh which coffee you’re enjoying Etc pretty cool stuff over Freedom but. coffee uh you might as well have your coffee made by Patriots in America Etc all right anyways now back to you Mr C um what we are what are you feeling timing wise they’re going to ask that they’re going to want to know who’s
come who hasn’t I assume you’ve not been visited no I still believe it’s going to be around the 20th of January uh after he takes the official o until that time it’s a question mark now we know that the protocols of the gold treaty uh require that martial law kicks in when they do the revamp but I still believe he’s going to have to be the president uh in order to initiate all this process I’m still thinking before but I can live with it I mean at this point we are you look at the 20th you had 4 We’re 24 days
out from what you’re thinking whatever if they come tonight it’ be fantastic that’d be great it’d be super I’m tired of this I really am I’m sure a lot of other people are too yeah no many are um yeah Richard agrees with you somebody saying hey how can Iraq uh survive until the 20 they got no problem survive until the 20th their people wouldn’t let him survive much after that because Sudani has been very clear that he wanted things done uh by the end of the year or at the very first of the year so he will
start coming under a lot of political pressure so paral of the gold treaty are the same as the CRA practically and that within a two-hour time frame when the time before they come see me or during or right after is when they pick up the the large Bad Rats say it that way uh so that they cannot steal the money and that’s the safety of their funds that’s a primary item for the Golden Dragon um very uh here’s a good question for you uh Rob or excuse me Bob saying good morning Mark could you please ask
Mr C if our currency is considered bare bonds why are we told if we didn’t buy the currency we have to have proof of where we got the currency wow yeah it’s it’s just some gurus out there saying you have to have receipts for every bit of your currency and that’s no a Veron means a holder is the owner slash that’s it uh you don’t buy currency although if you’re off R you were doing that but uh the whole game right now in the RV is to stop Arbitrage and to make sure that all currencies on are on parody value a
dollar equals a pound pound equals a l Etc uh funds doesn’t matter the holder is the is the owner you have the right to exchange it yeah that’s what I’m I’m told unless you have just an obscene like tens of thousands of dollars spent on the currency tens of thousands more like 50,000 100,000 or more that you’re not going to have to show where anything came from I’ve been told that over and over and over uh but somebody post it and I still got to answer a million people popping in questions other question that goes along
with that is are we going to be taxed on the earnings the answer is no although Obama wanted to do that at 37% he got shut down by the Golden Dragon and the answer right now is there are no taxes because it is a bearer bull uh it doesn’t matter yeah I mean you bought it with taxed money it’s already been taxed that’s my take I’m prepared just in case what I did rather than spending you know 10 grand on some of these whip snazzle really cool looking trusts uh that some people out there pitching uh for you
know five 10 20 grand I just spent a couple hundred bucks on extra Vietnamese Dong figured I could just pay the tax with that that’s my thinking anyways really although we’re now talking about trust here uh to make sure that we can take care of our family and all the other projects that we’re starting so TR are important but that’s Road um so would they delete four zeros to three zeros to a g parody oh wait has to be one of the other not both referring to Nar versus dong rates Tommy I’m not 100% catching your
uh applying logic to your question uh they change the value and then they have lower denominations that whole delete to zeros things I have no idea yes because as we understand it Mr C and he’s tried to explain it I’ve tried to explain it gets very difficult at the exchange when you exchange it you put it in you have that many dong you’ve got to you’ve got to change how you think they’re not deleting zeros they’re giving you that new value and then you don’t need the notes that have more zeros it’s I’m having a tough
time because people don’t understand it and for me I’m like so simple why don’t they understand it well most people are not educated in the economics of uh currency now this is true I I guess that’s a good point if I had hadn’t spent you know years and read so many books on it and all those I probably would scratch my head too I was taught that not only in school but also at e hun and then again when we went to Europe we got to see it firsthand very interesting stuff H what was that like being in Europe at that
time well that was crazy they were investigating the BCCI scario and we went to Basel arranged the deal went to Paris arranged the deal with the Arabs went to Basel set up the accounts came back to London to execute and they shut down vcci so it was really crazy for us like oh my God all that work for nothing yeah that’s another whole uh story uh Dawn asking question Mr C is there a certain amount of currency we can exchange or can we exchange all we have well you should exchange all you have because you’re only gonna get the
one shot yeah that’s what I mean they want it in they want it out Bring It All there’s the short of it Mr C if we find out what is in our qf account well our qf or Quantum qfs account redemption center how does the rest of the people find out about their qf account or get their card the same way you do well yeah they don’t have to go to an exchange center they just go to the bank that’s right yeah a lot of people worried about this one what happens if they only go in uh any repercussions on exchanging a
small amount at a regular bank and then taking the rest of it to a redeeming bank or a bank that’s set up for Redemption you’re not going to have that much of a choice um various Banks for example here locally uh I’m sure that what’s going to happen is the exchange is actually going to happen in Pittsburgh but the local banks will make sure that that exchange does occur um whether you take a small amount or a large amount doesn’t matter it’s all going to be keyed into your qfs um which that makes sense to me a
lot of people worried about um uh what if the dinar floats I just I’ve been told repeatedly over and over that any float would only be that the much float as they would allow would be about a 2% float in a year so I I just what if thear FL that’s a good question because you know what we’re trying to do is eliminate Arbitrage and CLS actually particip U facilitate Arbitrage you got to be real careful on that uh you can’t get leg up because that’s how the bad guys always made their money on a daily
basis by shorting the Yen buying dollars at a discount and arbitraging and that cannot be um yeah I’m with you on that one Danny uh bringing up one Mr C this is not for you at all but this is a great opportunity for me to address it you’ve been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or moderator edit and try again 99.9% of the time it’s the AI it’s the algorithm it’s the artificial intelligence that monitors though it tells you it’s a Moder moderator or the owner of the channel this it’s their AI but we have to click a button
saying that we let them or we can’t allow you all to chat period so you gotta live with it I gotta live with it but Danny is dead on change one or two words it is the craziest thing as to what they decide to time you out for audit you silence you for it’s the craziest thing you can say the exact same thing change the wording one or two words change the order the words use the same words and it works I’ve seen it I have I can’t tell you how many screenshots where it’s done it to me that I have saved over the
years just because of the insanity of it trying to figure out the algorithm all right back to you than GRE um change the centuries it’s SL here Darius gr ask who gave me January 20th as a date nobody has giving me a date ever ever ever ever and that was the whole point of this because everybody listens to to my communications especially since U uh Bush senior May me a CIA uh I would say a Target I was called a protector quote unquote for the funds that he stole but what’s going on here is based on the fact that everybody
listens to my communications nobody would tell me the actual date of when they would see me or when the exchange would take place this is based on my own personal observations and Analysis now I most likely can be wrong I’ve been wrong for 34 years so no difference toight uh yeah reserve the right to be wrong um I’ve been right way more than I want to be right in this process um which I don’t draw much joy out of um meaning right about just how twisted some of these people are all right uh let’s see well GG there’s 100%
going to be a separate appointment to go over your humanitarian I am told they just want to know do you have a brief overview of you given it thought and then they set up that appointment all they’re doing when you go in is creating account putting your currency that you bring with you into set account that’s all they’re doing their job isn’t to sit there and hold your hand to uh give you all kind set up retirement accounts uh send money to the car dealer to this one you go set that up with your
private Banker after walk right out the door or walk right over to the teller station or the PRI or the private banking section as soon as you do your exchange and do all those things The Exchange itself all they’re worried about just like if you went in opened an account at the bank took in you know a couple Grand you’ve been keeping in a cookie jar and opened account same idea don’t overthink it yeah I agree uh DJ asked do you think what we’re seeing is all scripting I have to agree that it probably is in that they’re setting up
the uh the formats to be able to execute and again that’s why I come back to January 20 because at that point execution will be uh forone conclusion because we want to change and get the government back to where it belongs get the country on the back on the right track and take care of what has been uh badly mismanaged for the last four years um now some are worried well they be using our Biometrics to set up our accounts or our card um I’m told there’s going to be great secur uh Security on them um I’ve not been told what uh how
that is set up yet so I I don’t know what to tell you I know there are a million people out there that have told you there’s going to be an angel an alien uh an AI computer quantum computer reading your soul and all that and to me that’s just not accur it it’s going to be a heck of a surprise to everybody in the banking industry that’s been preparing for this because they’ve heard nothing about it but uh wait and see I agree uh wait and see uh let’s see I make all soda pop question of Iraq and Vietnam RV so high wouldn’t that make
all their citizens Millionaires and ruin their economy that’s possible yeah I know what they’re saying the only most people all right average American average American how much money do you have any one time on you you get your money you pay your bills you do Mo most most people around the world have very little left in dayto day they get it it quickly gets spent whether that’s buying the groceries paying the rent whatever people with actual savings is a small percentage of the population so when they think oh my
God aren’t they all going to be very few of them are holding as much as you guys are holding overwhelmingly in this group we hold more than the average person from those countries that use those currencies I have to agree with that and that’s something you’ve got to remember I mean most people at the end of the month I mean how many of you guys are struggling by the end of the month you got $2 $5 $10 well let’s say it revalues and goes up 10,000 times your $1 is now worth 10 grand so I mean it’s not going to create as many as
people think it’s still going to create Millions around the world but not billions around the world correct that’s my take on that one I agree uh Paulie colie 98 is asking um when this exchange occurs are the wife and I going to move yeah we’re not going to move that far away eventually just uh about a half a mile even less than that um am I going to be secure absolutely absolutely part of the problem is and I’ve already been told this I will have security uh in a transition framework until I get my own system and staff
together but I’m not g I’m not gonna worry about it because given the amounts of funds that are G be directed my way whether I control them or all them it’s going to be S such a substantial amount I’ll be an asset of the country uh more so than anybody else so I’m not really worried about that um I don’t think you need to be worried about that one either oh I’m seeing some different stuff here uh big boy want to know uh why there’s so little news on cmkx uh when that was the begin well the beginning for you investing Omega Clyde
Hood all those things we don’t talk about them much because they’re static they haven’t changed they go at the same time your thoughts on that as to why we don’t get overwhelming amounts of information on it well I know various people have tried to uh to squeeze money are our Rock but the problem is it has already been tied by the protocols of the gold treaty through the exchange itself and that’s why there’s there’s nothing it can really do I know people spend a lot of money trying to squeeze it out but since the corporations still
exist in charge of that fund they’re not going to do anything until that Corporation goes away and that happens when the when the codes are given and the corporation dies yeah when May and trustees tied it to the reset they guaranteed we’re going to get it but they didn’t guarantee us when we’re gonna get it and that part sucks as a shareholder that part sucks but if the way they had it before we were never gonna get it yeah it does suck but I’ll tell you what I think it was a smart of them to do that because I agree if if
that was not the case they would siphon it back out and re re-inflate themselves with that with that fund which is not what they wanted to do they wanted to make sure that the rats were stripped so the only way they could do it is to tie to the gold exchange um and that’s what they did for safety so that the government couldn’t ping and tap and take it um ZooTube asking a question here self-proclaimed Guru claims their inside their inside information is needed to keep the banks from having us sign paperwork that
allows the funds to be clawed back I’d be wary of anybody that claims that but they’ve got secret Insider information and the only way you can get it is to pay them take it uh whatever and the only way to successfully do it is through them I just the number one item of this whole process is transparency and the Beautiful part of all this we’re now hearing this word this concept out of trump and his associates and I think it’s tremendous because that is what it’s about transparency rule of law source of funds use of
funds they’re all together as one package uh one package um here’s kind of a fun one and Mr C I know this probably isn’t you uh but is the high amount of Iraqi dinars in circulation a problem or no and I did some math on this recently so I mean this is this is one that I’m prepared to tackle um Mark yes and no they have been reducing the mountain circulation there are many experts that believe it is now below 100 trillion uh they claim in circulation before they started pulling it off the streets that
there was about um 115 120 trillion which was going to ruin the exchange rates now there was about somewhere between 7 and 16 depending on who you listen to trillion before the devaluation of them when Saddam Hussein was there um so just to keep the math simple it’s not actually this many times more because they have been getting it off the streets they’ve been doing the auctions they’ve been pulling off quite literally trillions of dinar um and one one one sweep alone they took off 14 trillion uh but let’s just run with 100
trillion it’s believed it’s probably more like around 90 trillion right now in circulation uh from what I have been reading and studying so we’re just going to run with that math just to for argument sake uh that there are 100 trillion and there used to be 10 trillion just to keep the math as simple as we can uh we have about twice the national resources that we had before as they have done um more drilling more exploration uh they have uh added um multiple other income streams and benefit to the country between tourism
agriculture which will support it uh so keep that in mind as we go forward inflation rate from 1991 to now would make a dinar that was valued at $3 and something back then probably worth you know $15 now but they’ve printed more so roughly over twice the value close to three times the value in resources potential people uh between tourism uh natural gas Etc uh so you can already justify about 40% of the value straight out of the gate just by The increased value uh of that 322 you figure in inflation which make
it even higher you figure in the increased amount in circulation which does reduce the value you’re G to come up with somewhere right around four bucks I’ve done the math over and over I could break this down take a little more time and write it down for folks as we go through it so it make more sense to folks um but this is an easy one to do if you figure in the extra value the inflation from when they did it and you can come up with some substantial values for it when we first started out in 2003 long time ago uh based on the
treaty that uh Bush W signed with u Iraq the presal government the r return for dinar was between 3.21 uh 21 to $3.75 and given that that is a long time ago I’m not surprised that was around four plus yeah um I really do need to break that one down um I’ll see if I can get Dr uh because I I don’t enjoy doing uh Powerpoints and all that anymore I’ll see if I can talk him in to help me with a PowerPoint that goes through the math just to make it easier for folks it’s not going to be 100% accurate but it’s
going to be close enough to give you a very solid idea as to how this works sounds good and Teresa I’m not selling trust I’m just saying they have their place and hardcore longevity you really need to think about it but initially no it cost you zero guys if you already have internet and a device to research there are so many great YouTubes on the difference between revocable irrevocable family limited partnership there’s so much information you don’t need to talk to Mr C or me at least not in initially there’s so much you can
find out yourself absolutely or go to a bookstore and buy the uh Financial dictionary another great one uh bourbon girl wants to know do the Redemption exchange centers send all these foreign currencies back to those countries or do they send them to the treasury or do they and the US Treasury shred them after reconciliation well actually the it does go back to the US Treasury because that becomes our Central Bank and they are returned to Iraq uh or other places for all the currencies but that’s uh that’s
an internal operation of law nothing to be concerned about and with uh dinar I mean they’ve been very clear that they were doing a dinar for oil so they’ll be coming in over time so most of the treasuries will hold that and turn it in over time for that discount um and the US would of course hold currencies from other countries uh for whenever there’s a deal with them in other words uh say if we all turn in currency to Vietnam the US government would use it whenever they do contracts with the government to settle and clear
so most of this it seems like a huge amount but it actually trickles into the system over time over decades even yes uh let’s see you see any good ones you just Dr Gabriel they don’t care about our health if they were if they were successful we’d all be dead yeah exactly they would have every bit of our assets Unfortunately they need us because they can’t build and make their own things by themselves so they need somebody to mix the concrete for the Footers build their houses make their uh their Dums uh
create their you know everything in their world their wealth Etc they have to have us we are a a necessary evil to the wealthy yeah how do you put that I mean that because that’s how many of them look at us Mr C I mean we’re just we’re necessary little Roots really annoying but you know they’ll Pat us on the head on occasion as long as we keep making their lives uh comfortable I’m waiting until the RV happens when the world flips over we become the elite they become the servants qu of Coach right I’m I’m looking forward to
the flip zoo tube thank you for that super sticker and Wanda you just B me away this morning I don’t know what to say thank you um oh wow where did time go this morning Mr C away holy crap yeah I want to say some thank yous before we uh run out of time here uh Ted and Jackie H out of Denver I appreciate your cards very very much uh David and Lanna J from Union City I got your package I’ve read through it’s very very interesting I’ll be back to you soon and Lyman uh I’m hoping I’m very thankful you on
the men and thank you thank you very much and good luck uh we appreciate you Mr C greatly um although as good as this Q&A question was if you want to come back for an extra one next week you let me know I will do that and again Merry Christmas to everyone uh hopefully everybody had a good time and Happy New Year coming up in which case let’s hope they do show up before that I I would love it I would be so static yeah me too because otherwise we’re not going to talk to you till next year right it’s the way it goes so again
thank you for the opportunity to be our so boox and your questions are great I thank you very much and have a good week everybody take care happy newk yeah that one went way faster than I was expecting I thought we were maybe not even halfway into it and I noticed the time so sorry about that guys Iowa bound many of us are in a similar situation because of skrs absolutely don’t worry the currency you have in hand you’ll be able to go to the bank with or the Redemption redeeming Bank whatever you guys want to call it um
let’s do birthdays and then see if we can uh talk a Matt and a Lucas although I want to be hon well Matt’s already in here so Lucas is being a bit of a slacker maybe we’re not gonna see him maybe we’re not going to see him Georgia happy birthday heavenli Earth belated to your mother Dawn Sarah anybody else please sound off I know I miss a lot uh but I’m G to try to catch it at least let folks in chat let uh your let them know it’s your birthday so somebody can wish you a happy birthday so they tell
me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you to dick and she it just it’s just too funny Soul Searcher I love some of these names that you guys have thrown at me this morning Matt how was Christmas great Mark good morning how are you oh I’m fantastic I think I got a remnants of a little cold in my throat but it would have been a lot worse but I been taking my immunity I probably took 40 those
soft gels in the last three days so that worked but I feel good now yeah yeah so yeah Merry Christmas and uh yeah for sure how was your Christmas good yeah it was fantastic y for sure pretty quiet had a good time with uh friends uh extended family is what we’ll call them my son uh Zach was there spoke to all the kids the parents so it was good yep good perfect yeah so anyways uh yeah I’ve been uh fighting this crud going around but I did good on it you know I’ve been feeling all right just get a
little bit tired here and there but no big deal you know so and uh it would have been a lot worse if I would have been taking those pills then I took some of that uh what was it Fen B stuff you sell you know you were selling before oh that’s great it’s good stuff yeah I think that really helped too so oh get I there a lot of science there um you want to go I mean we got Lucas in here we should at least say hello to him before you take us through the specials okay and first off I’m not a slacker I’m
trying to find good service Jiminy Christmas all right so you’re not the slacker but what cell phone company are you using because they sound like Slackers to me well it’s I wouldn’t say much of the cell phone company as it is my choice to you know live out in the middle of nowhere and I mean Matt Matt’s been to my house he he knows I’m I am definitely not near anybody yeah I did notice how you invited Matt to your house but not me I I see how that one works I mean hey he said th this is actually true he
actually called me up and said hey I’m coming to your house this day and I said awesome sounds great he actually initiated it it was not the other way around so if you if you you know what you could do Mark to oneup him is be like hey Lucas I’m coming to your house for two days or I can say Lucas you’re coming to my house for two days then we’re really up on them I as long as I can throw a couple dirt bikes on the plane and bring in there to p p fart around over there I would be more than willing now we’re
talking I got a buddy with like 340 Acres uh close by that you could go uh you know right all over I would be 100% down for that I love it um all right before we got distracted you were supposed to be telling us about specials Matt yeah let’s roll on those specials and then we’ll get them over with quick hey the uh the specials you guys are uh they just started at 10:00 a.m. me and Scotty just got off the line together today and you have a discount you can have the discount and the currency both this week
so how do how do we get there though because right now I’m just at CBD okay right okay so that’s right go to the CBD I was getting ahead of myself I was so excited there and then you put in U once you’re in the site you go to the wholesale on top there okay and uh then you’ll see you hit that you’ll see Mark Z and then once you hit the mark Z you know a lot of people it’s coded into your uh little deal there already so you get in but a lot of people are new so you put in a this word
called lowercase k r a m CBD and then you’re into the site okay and then you’re in the specials and then you read what it says there it says check out our specials below must be a wholesale buyer happy New Year and then starting at 10 o’clock and then it says uh let’s see the the discount everybody can use that it’s called new 10 and don’t call after you do your order and say you forgot because by then it’s too late and uh so anyways so put it in right away you guys new 10 at the end and you’ll get 10% off plus at every
hundred bucks you get 5,000 darar so you get the dinar in the discount but uh that’s 100 bucks after the discount in the postage so you’re going to have to do an order for 111 so that’ll get down to 100 but um make sure you do that okay because we always get people calling they say oh I was five off or something but I don’t take the calls Amy tells me about them and she takes the calls and she’s unforgiving so she would have been a sheriff back in the old days but anyways or the new days I think she
might be a sheriff now but anyway Sheriff of the warehouse she’s the sheriff of the warehouse she doesn’t let anything get by okay so now okay I are we done no I’m just oh no no you you tell me I didn’t know where you were headed with that one I mean uh right right now I’m here at the uh you got a discount code and currency this week so new 10 nw10 is the code to get 10% off and now and then on the uh going to the phone you guys 612 412 8343 and if you call um and uh Wendy doesn’t answer then uh she’ll get back to you as fast
as possible you know she’s like talking to a person already so uh yeah just uh she’ll see your number and then just uh get right back to you okay yeah Dr Hera someone did take the place my sister Wendy took the place and that’s who you’re getting when you call on or text that number to have them call you back yeah um so yeah 612- 412-8339 answered uh and uh and you can’t get through or whatever text to you know whatever you want to do is good you know everything you do is really good whatever you do okay and then you get
down to the specials and uh we got the coffee in there we got three for 80 so if you actually get the 10% off the currency it’s like you’re getting coffee three for 72 after the C I don’t know 3 for 65 so it’s pretty economical right now today and then we got we got gummies in there TC gummies Miracle Gold gummies I’ve been taking a lot of those Miracle Gold gummies lately I don’t even let them melt in my mouth I just swallow him is that all right to do Lucas can I just swallow him yeah you why the world would you
want to I mean if you want to take a pill take a pill if you want a delicious tree eat a gummy oh I I know I know what you’re saying and but I just wanted to do it fast so to get the effectiveness of it so anyway but no I yeah you know what it was I took it with a bunch of other pills to be be be frank there and then uh you want to chew it up yeah I’m gonna have to do it in two stages the chewing stuff and then the swallowing stuff yep for sure I gotta remember that I always put them together because then I start chewing the pill
because here’s the thing this a disaster what’s that I’m saying when when you chew it up you actually get more Effectiveness because you have you know you really have it starting to absorb through your bloodstream in your mouth oh okay for sure you know what you’re right you know and I I I know that kind of thing I just wasn’t thinking straight because of the all dayss here but uh yep that’s for sure I’m doing it okay so we got the Miracle Gold gummies we got the immunity we got the uh brain new Tropic I’ve been taking that
lately too because I I think I’m getting old and I need it and the weight loss I need that too so I take that everything I take I put in here I got Lies made in here I got turkey tail pain cream the mushroom the 60 count mushrooms that’s a dynamite product you get 60 count in there instead of the 30 so and then we got our two and a half gummies there you get 125 of those for 70 bucks lotions gummies all kinds of stuff and then we got a couple Sleepers at the end and a few people found them we got uh some
soft gels I lowered the price down for three bucks and then uh I got some on Delta eight and then I got some gummies there at uh three bucks too because I feel bad for the people that don’t have the 10 so I thought well if I give them a deal on the fives there and uh those are um mixed flavors by the way and that’s it for all the specials body yeah I’m with Lucy the Delta 9es have kept me from losing my mind love the calming of stress I mean that’s true science it works yeah it works and Joyce your buddy from
Arkansas said hello Matt hi Joyce how you doing yeah Joyce is awesome she’s uh y she’s G A someday we’re going to go on a caravan motor coach deal I think she’s got a big motor coach I got a small I don’t even have a motor coach I got a motor home it’s small I don’t I I want like well what I really want a medbed so I don’t need a handicap equipped one um and then I want it to have like you know the toy stor so I can put a cool car in it or some of uh those motorcycles from Lucas and be able to like you
know go hit it like tour go to all the different Matt like RV parks oh I can’t wait we’re going to have a we’re going to have the uh motocross track there too and everything you know well let’s not get crazy Motocross have you ever done Motocross it is terrifying it is I I had some friends take me oh my gosh all right never done sober oh oh it is it is probably you probably you probably don’t want to Mark to be quite Frank point I mean it is it is horrendous yeah how the I got buddy that I went to high
school with his kid two of them they like competition this is what they do right they they do Motocross Racing oh my gosh I mean it is it is it is one of the scariest things I’ve ever done I would rather Skydive than Motocross yeah no I’m with you like every day of the week it it it’s terrifying but people do it and they have fun I don’t know how they do it they defy physics well they they just get comfortable with it right like it’s just doing it over and over to where you feel comfortable but I’m telling you
what I mean I thought I got like 12 feet of air and I probably was only off the ground like two feet but it was it was terrifying like I mean you see the they’re like oh yeah you’ll crash every once in a while I’m like listen I’m not 18 years old anymore I don’t want to hit the ground you know 10 feet above on like hard compacted dirt like that does not sound fun to me at all yeah no I’m I’m I’m with you I don’t uh but God Bless the people that are brave enough or talented enough to do it Jennifer wants to know water soluble 85
on the list to make after first of the year they want the uh the heavy kick in water soluble back in stock I know I know it’s and the water solubles like guys the thing is the the steps to make it are substantially greater like it just takes a long time just the process of making it is about a 10day process so after we extract then you have to do the water soluble like it’s not just an easy like oh yeah just put it through a machine and it comes out water soluble I wish it were I wish it were that simple
but uh um you know and so here’s the other thing too Mark we’re also coming down um you know because of the issues with hemp in and of itself and the lack of farmers which has been massive right so we’ve had problems with the farming and so people don’t want to do it because of the issues that happened in 2018 2019 and kind of trailed into 2020 um you know the the lack of biomass is starting to really show itself so um we’re starting to have a lot of problems getting biomass yeah um which yeah makes me want
to start a start a farm right well that’s the thing I think it’s the if we can do an easy shipment from down there to up here um you know it really would be probably worth it yeah it’d make more sense with the amount of unused Farmland here and the fact that uh hemp doesn’t care if it’s on a hill or not um Farmers here could do really well make more sense to process it here and send the processed material because of shipping yeah but that’s just Logistics um and I know we should probably be paying more attention to people’s
questions but we do get like so many side tangents somebody looking for there for a while you guys did a 50 mgram Delta 8 uh gummy but it was like limited I don’t think you do those anymore no I think she’s ask she’s asking about the 10 the five milligrams yeah right you guys oh no I think she’s asking for a short while you I think for a short while you did a 50 milligram Delta 8 not a Delta 9 but a delta8 yeah we used to we used to a long time time ago um but uh the problem was Mark and I think you know we found this
on several fronts is that people were you know thinking that they could take two or they accidentally take two and then you have 100 milligrams of d8 and then it’s like uh trust me I’ve been there um I actually took two thinking that they were two uh five milligram d9s and uh after about 45 minutes I decided that it was time to go to bed and which I couldn’t walk to bed so I ended up crawling to bed I was very happy very uh enthusiastic about the uh about crawling to bed but I still nonetheless had to do
it because my you know children at the time uh and wife did not want to carry me so it was just one of those things where if you want 50 just take two 25s right on there you go 225 say your answer there you go the long answer yes let’s see asking about the 5 milligram 10 pack oh God yeah um yeah yeah well yeah we don’t we don’t have they do that Delta 9 and it’s actually on special right now well it’s a five count one but it’s the Delta 9 not the Delta 8 yeah yeah now um the um Lucas I don’t know it’s we’ll have to talk about that
I it’s the okay right there we have the delta eight soft gels those are uh 5 mgram and those are uh we got 10 of those for three bucks we got uh five of the 5 milligram Delta 9ines for three bucks because those are some packages I I use at a couple stores so we had some left over at the end of year just moving them out that’s all and uh but anyways Lucas she was wondering about the 5 milligram deltate uh gummies do you want to make those again the which ones the man I mean they’re they’re super low
potency but honestly I mean I I would be willing I’d be willing to do like maybe like a like a two two flavors like a two flavor pack yeah I don’t know let me think about it yeah I just uh those I was gonna say matter you’re willing to invest in the inventory so that Lucas doesn’t have to sit on it right no always Lucas knows that I mean I uh yeah for sure we I the inventory is no problem we uh we got a lot of yeah everything’s good right Lucas ‘s always good me qall the code is new1 nw10 new1 uh boy I tell you a lot of people
miss that CBD powder um they they would put it in from pet food to Brownies to you name it what do you think Lucas about the yeah I don’t know if you move enough to make sense no it was I don’t think we do yes you know yeah you’re right I mean we could start marketing to bakeries I could find bakeries down here that would probably be interested in carrying it I’m certain you can find bakeries there to make it make sense but I can’t short of finding a bakery or two that want to make I don’t know if it I don’t know if
you make it make Financial sense to do it well I’ll tell you what I do because I’m always experimenting in the kitchen you guys and uh I know people out there probably don’t believe it but it’s true because I used to cook with my gr and Mom but uh I take a capsule of the uh the isolate there and I just bust it open and I pour it in the Jello-O or whatever or the uh smoothie my smoothie maker so that’s what I do and uh if you I don’t know Lucas it’s up to you on the powder man I don’t make it you you’re
the one who makes it so yeah that’s a yeah the the powder just does it it’s it doesn’t do terribly well just because there’s so many better delivery methods now I’m with you all right yeah maybe a water soluble d8 they could put in their baking or in the pet food all right just too many ideas you can only make so many um Wanda wants to know Lucas what state do you process your amp in and why thank you by the way you blew us away today U wants to know you know where you do your processing Colorado
Colorado yes Bobby said I did that crawling thing with one D9 chocolate oh like 100 milligrams or the small one with 15 milligrams of D9 either one I’d probably crawl that 15 knocks me out yeah I wouldn’t I just take a little piece of the side of it you know it’s uh I couldn’t I could never eat that whole one there’s some people that do though there’s some people that eat more than that but I just like me I’m just I don’t know how they do it I don’t know how they do it either well they do it because they do it every day but um but
yeah for me not not a chance I can’t do it hey I will tell you one thing if I didn’t have that immunity soft gels I I wouldn’t I don’t even think I’d able to get out of bed so but I’m just saying that stuff works you guys man every time I use it it’s good for at least five six hours how long does that stuff supposed to last in your system Lucas five six hours seven I don’t know uh usually between four and six hours uh like like uh some of the people I you know like my wife she’s it you know her
body metabolizes it fairly quick so she’s out in like four hours whereas me it takes me probably six you know the full length to uh you know to metabolize it so good it takes me throw that in there um yeah cremium I never thought about CBD powder on your Frozen Custard but all right I I know I had one more I wanted to squeeze in here at least H Scott uh s Kling on in the house I’ll invest in land Etc with you Lucas Matt and Mark other words we ready to move it happen now all right some people having a tough time getting into the
website they don’t understand the uh process so I’m going to walk them through it real quickly and slowly um just uh because they’re confused on pass code or not seeing specials you go to the CBD this is their homepage now at their homepage you see my little uh hand uh Arrow you go to wholesale look for Mark Z wholesale you click that now because uh my browser saves the passcode you did not see one pop up it makes me do it like every 10 days or something passcode is k r m CB D um I’m going to put a little
um overlay right here on the side of my screen where you can see it it says wholesale page web page password k r a m CBD the website is the CBD gurus if you have questions Wendy to help you with an order or whatever 612 412 8343 is the phone number um makes that one super super easy and once you put in the passcode this is the specials page this is where all the specials are now for the extra discount the new 10 you put that in at checkout you don’t put it in to get into the to the wholesale section
where we get our specials these are just for being part of our community you get great great Wicked Great Deals On Top of the already great deals that just somebody finding their site would find all right hopefully that uh I went slow enough for people to uh that are unfamiliar with it yeah that was good Mark for sure 100% you explained it a lot better and I did that’s for damn sure Jan said my well if you guys are on a mobile device it does look a little different uh than it does on the computer
yep you know what uh I was just looking and you put on their big Matt J I like that cuz uh that’s what some of my friends call me yeah it’s kind of I know I know no but I mean you’re my friend and everything but I mean my close friends I’ve known since I’m a little kid I I get I get called Maddie big Matt J um big Maddie you know but because you really didn’t see me in person Mark I mean but I I guess I am bigger than normal you know not too much bigger than normal just bigger your your personality is bigger than
life so I figure we’re just going to run with big Matt Jay until uh you do something else uh fun or interesting and we rename you again hey I just there’s another thing I want to bring up I did put in telegram how I was kicked out of the Catholic school after sixth grade don’t think badly of me you guys it’s just it all stemmed from my mom it was the principal at the the nun who was the principal at the school my mom actually got into into a brawl with her one time and she resented me for it so I mean my mom is was really cool but
and you don’t you don’t mess with your kids man that that nun when I was in first grade man she slugged me you know so Mom wait you got hit by a nun what did you do to deserve getting hit by a nun it doesn’t matter you get slugged by a nun you just say you know I’m sorry that that’s probably the only response you can give right no but they they used to paddle you they used to hit you this yeah the one man she popped me man and I told my mom and she goes she hit you I said yeah she goes okay okay well my you know so
then she went up there for a conference you know and at one point my dad had to break them up they were up by the desk and my mom started popping her herself oh wow that is too funny yeah it’s true too and but yeah it’s it was kind of it was more complicated than that you know my dad he was the treasur of the church too so she couldn’t really she probably wanted to hit me more than that truly that none did you know how do such good parents have such a sinner like you for a kid a what how did such two good parents have
such a sinner like you for a kid such a wild man you know what my parents were the greatest but you know you know the first time the first time I got in a real all was the guy was 3 years older than me and my mom said make sure you bring him into the front yard when you’re fighting him and he beats you up so I can tell you what you did wrong I’ll watch from the picture window I said oh okay Mom you know but she was pretty fisty I my mom was the greatest so but she she it’s just a different era they grew up
in you know so anyway no every you know that’s uh I better quit talking okay all right um I’m we’re going to do quick two quick ones just so we can get out of here um Beverly said I just ordered three pounds coffee some mushroom gummies I thought you said there’s already discount there is if you ordered from the wholesale site if you ordered from inside the wholesale part there’s that three pack that is at a discount which saves you money um what what’s the normal like this one is just uh it’s 30 bucks for one pound this one
is three for eight 80 instead of 90 but that’s even more of a discount than their normal price for people that don’t have the wholesale and don’t forget new 10 you can get another 10% off at checkout yeah so they cost you 72 you know and if you go over a 100 bucks you get uh 10 well no you get the you get the dinar too yeah exactly exra is gonna be worth about 20 grand here somay yeah exactly there you go I love it then you order with the girl than you make money I went overboard on that one what
do you think of that Lucas I’m not gonna respond yeah right safer uh the last the last one we’re gonna hit real quick a lot of people still ask asking about lip balm and that was one of those you had tried making in the past it was more of a nightmare than it was worth it was it was an absolute nightmare man I’ll tell you what though if you really want to fix some lips up you take a little bit of that Miracle Gold and just rub it right on those lips with your fingertip man that Miracle Gold fix oh that’ be like glossy like
lip balm now can you imagine that big matte jay walking around with like you know glossy lips uh man I’ll I’ll do it be careful what bar you go into with those glossy lips there yeah you’re not a kiding they might get used yeah yeah kiss me no everything’s good you guys but Mark it was uh hey are we doing are you are we on tomorrow only uh I mean unless you don’t want to be on tomorrow I was planning on being here tomorrow oh for sure I mean I didn’t know I didn’t I don’t know how well people are gonna be
able to hear me because tomorrow is the mass Festival in Hao one town over but it is so painfully loud you guys are going to hear it during the morning podcast I may even open the window for a little bit just to prove it to you all and then I want you to realize that the noise is coming from like four miles five miles away that’s crazy no I’m excited nuts and then I want to take some uh pictures I may even try to go live tomorrow afternoon at some point from the festival for a short bit I won’t be able
to you guys won’t be able to hear me when I do but I thought it would be kind of cool tomorrow afternoon for people to see it no I agree let’s it it’d be fun let’s see hold on here let me uh put a link so people can see what what I’m uh referencing this is the uh discover the history of the hio mass Festival it’s actually called um uh what is it something Maser I want to make certain I got this one uh right this one doesn’t have the Spanish of it it just translated uh everything so we’re going to go to a different one it is something
else festival de mascaras uh Deo uh but it is it is something it is loud it is festive it is crazy that’s Savvy that would be a great short it’ be a great short all right guys let’s wrap you up and get back tomorrow morning if you guys can do it can you do it are we on I’ll be there can Lucas do it h I’ll think about it yeah you let me know come on get it together have a good Friday guys and I’ll sound better I’ll take more immunity see you later right sounds good see you guys bye bye to the rest of you I will see you
this evening at 7 don’t know how much to go over but we’re going to go over whatever we’ve got so take care guys uh thank you for being here again Wanda just blown away thank you take care all mods thank you