“Big Bets for $3500 placed, and How to Lose Your Gold” (Uncut) 03-03-2025
“Big Bets for $3500 placed, and How to Lose Your Gold”
institutional investors having taken massive profits in gold and silver over the last three weeks are now placing bets on a rally to as high as 3500 by December 31st welcome to the morning markets and medals with Vince Lancy where each morning Vince brings you the financial and precious metals news to get you ready for your day and now here is Vince good morning everyone I’m Vince Lancia today’s gold fix Market rundown happy Monday as it were we have two stories big bets for $3,500 place that’s
a serious story and how to lose your gold well it’s serious for the person who lost the gold but pretty light compared to other thing that’s going other things going on right now let’s start with the markets here’s the front page let’s start with the markets the 10-year yield is up five the dollar is 10686 down 70 S&P 500 is up 3132 at 5978 the vix is 1951 a little bit lower gold is 2874 up 16 that’s after up another up 19 after Trump made his statement on Friday silver 3161 up a pretty strong 49 almost 50 copper 454 up
1% think tariffs although it’s not one to one think tariffs WTI 7039 up 17 disappointing considering that tariffs are going into effect tomorrow allegedly natural gas 397 up four Bitcoin 93,173 6 up 19 Platinum 956 up 9 well there you go we get our Palladium from other countries we still get it from Russia despite the sanctions soy 1010 data penny corn 452 down 4 cents and wheat 555 down point4 I’m not so sure what tariffs do directly to affect grains but uh there could be some effects all right these are the stories we put out
over the weekend FedEx loses $220,000 in shipped gold and silver we’re going to discuss that institutions Place big bets for 3500 we will discuss that we had an interview with Michael Oliver that will be sent out during the week in its entirety to premium subscribers it was very good it was very relaxed a lot of questions and answers that he was kind enough to um stick around for that’s the early look that went out to Founders Michael hartnet over the weekend gold is the new bonds that’s not his statement
it’s ours it’s an observation based on some things he said Founders special Sunday reading you can see a little little goat in that picture with a gun on his back and carrying gold so if you know who Tom Longo as you know what that is uh we’re sharing a little content back and forth with our subscribers now uh watch Trump zalinsky meeting gets hostile okay first story woman loses gold silver in FedEx accident a North Carolina woman trying to recover a lost $20,000 shipment of gold and silver coins that disappeared
while in transit with FedEx Barb Coco Tech shipped the package in late January expecting delivery within days instead four weeks later it was reportedly stuck at the FedEx World Hub in Memphis Tennessee this is reportedly by uh fox in U uh Memphis we’re out of pocket over $20,000 at this moment Coco Tech said calling the situation very very stressful the shipment here we’ll put Barb up there being stressed out uh the shipment intended for sale at JM Bullion included gold and silver coins along with silver bars after noticing delays
CCH contacted FedEx on February 6th she was told the package had been located but by February 27th it was still missing we have that full story uh linked right underneath there you go uh we would say Barbara is either a person who really is suffering a loss or she has invented a brand new way of having boat accidents uh for uh Missing silver and gold so take note those of you with uh gold and silver and uh little USB drives uh with your Bitcoin in it you don’t have to have a boating accident you could just ship it
via FedEx and you might be taken care of there all right next institutions Place big bets for 3500 institutional clients are buying binary or digital style options for the second half of the Year from Banks as they take profits now the bets are for 3,300 by the end of July and or 3500 by the end of December those are in play they have they give 10 to one payouts if they hit the bottom line is is if the market is anywhere near 3,300 or 3500 as deadlines appear these tend to behave like gamma squeeze daily
options acting as magnets to their strike prices and frequently beyond for prices themselves now here’s a a rudimentary chart that we drew up for you the p&l graph of a binary option we’re going to explain this graph in detail and much more about how these things operate at the bottom uh in premium so there’s your binary you’re sleeping you’re sleeping you’re sleeping one day you wake up boom you’re up a brazillion dollars okay so you down a little bit of money you’re up a lot of money that’s they’re binary they you may
say oh that’s a lottery ticket they’re not a lottery ticket they’re better than a lottery ticket but um uh they do have that simp uh simply speaking that’s how they they appear all right we’re going to we have a full explanation in premium below okay we all also have a um uh full trade idea and details in that post we just alluded to All Right Moving on market news a lot of news over the weekend it’s the era of trump again so a lot of Market moving news I should say president Trump will impose tariffs on
Mexico and Canada on Tuesday but is still deciding on the levels comerce secretary Howard lutnick has said Trump had previously I’m not going to read that CFT look Trump said was going to have tariffs imposed February 4th came and went uh uh Canada and Mexico uh asked for time Trump gave it to them the month is up and surprisingly to me uh they are uh going into effect at least threatening to go into effect again and we’ll find out tomorrow uh the last time he uh implemented these tariffs on February
4th oil was very strong stocks were very weak that is not happening today okay what you are seeing happening is oil is unchanged stocks are strong but I’m not so sure that the Tariff threat has is is Weighing on this at all because uh the markets have a lot of other news to digest also virtual currencies rallied on Sunday after president Donald Trump announced the creation of a US strategic digital asset Reserve that will include BTC and ether as well as xrp Solana’s so token and cardon’s a da on the right you have the whole
crypto Universe well most of the crypto Universe the ones that people even know about um and although they are all down today uh I I might pull up the charts later on but Bitcoin ethereum salana uh cardana Ada cardana and uh Ripple obviously doing very well ethereum lagging uh everything spiked and this is a retracement of that but cardana Ada cardana and and ripple I think were the ones that did the best out of them all and that should tell you uh what’s what the market is focused on right now so
it’s like you know what’s going to Rally the most well the ones that people care about the most and those are Bitcoin which is uh Evergreen and people caring about the most because it’s Bitcoin uh and then you have Ada a uh cardano which has um more privacy uh protections depending on how you look at it and ripple which is becoming uh the item that is being seen most potentially as a backbone for FX markets uh replacing things like Banks you know uh so and Trump is not a big Bank person so if Trump doesn’t like
finance and doesn’t like Banks and does like technology as a tool to mitigate intermediaries well rupes your man that’s what I would say uh moving on to geopolitics uh Israel and Ukraine in the headlines Ukraine might be obvious based on the conversation uh that Trump and zalinsky had uh people are uh do I have that here people are uh pushing back saying it was a uh it was an ambush the Trump zinsky conversation and I would say yeah it was but he’s supposed to know how to handle on ambush you know that’s that’s
the point he’s that’s what politics is it’s anticipating and and and dealing with ambushes so and he fell for it now what kind of military leader is that you know anyway uh so after that meeting zilinsky says he wants peace but will require security guarantees his other statements were much more uh reconciliatory you know or conciliatory uh Hamas staying going back to Israel now Hamas official said the group will not agree to extend the first phase of the ceasefire deal and that the hostage release will only occur when the
agreed phase deal uh continues okay so um the ceasefire is relatively close to ending I’m not sure the date and Israel and Hamas are probably going to uh go back at it again based on the news that I’m reading uh the other the other thing that zalinsky said was you know we’re ready to sign the mineral steel even though there wasn’t one I think most importantly geopolitically if you have the patience to read it uh uh and and you are interested you want to read uh uh Min uh forign Russia’s foreign
minister uh medd lavro okay uh he spells out the fact that Trump is a pragmatist uh with the slogan common sense and a discussion in Europe about peacekeepers for Ukraine is arrogant now I’m giving you a sound bite of sound bites there basically he wants to work with Trump he doesn’t want to work with with uh Europe all right so Europe wants to have peacekeepers there it’s a big border it’s not very practical and uh uh he talks about a lot you’re going to get whenever he talks you’re going to get
some Truth uh that you can just really take a look at and uh well and a couple couple of our Founders had noted that to me so uh Russian defense Ministry said Russian forces has captured two new US Villages which is the point when you’re negotiating for peace uh you never come to the table uh negotiating for peace what you cannot win with war so you win as much as you can as peace is coming up that’s kind of what Israel is doing as well on Deck today NFP and tariffs tomorrow on Deck this week I should say
tariffs tomorrow uh non-farm payrolls on uh Friday and Jerome pal speaks as well okay stay with us and uh uh we’re going to uh discuss in more detail as you can see there a little bit of a a preview of the binary option and how this will play out however first let’s take a look at the markets in summary before we actually take a look at some charts uh institutional investors having taken massive profits in gold and silver over the last 3 weeks are now placing bets on a rally to as high as 3500 by December
31st that’s good all right gold moving averages are back in play for silver I’m not so sure if they are in play for gold yet uh but let’s take a look at what we have here make this bigger so there’s your gold daily oh no it’s the end of the world paraphrasing Michael Oliver oh no the top is in it’s the end of the world and we’re now up almost $40 off the lows of last week I’ll make this a little bit bigger moving averages let’s see what happens when the moving averages met here this is the 50-day I believe
silver silver you you you’re you’re in that moving average area and I’m not showing it here but you want to look at the 200 day moving average when we get there uh that’s where we are but everything is reacting very nicely off of the moving average silver bouncing off of moving average is like gold bouncing off of uh some invisible moving average so that’s it’s very good uh copper right up 1% above its moving averages people are thinking about the tariffs and precious metals okay number one to get it out of the way tariffs are
bullish for gold period tomorrow the next day no but over six months for two reasons tariffs are protectionist tariffs restrict the flow of goods which means you restrict the flow of money that’s deflationary however because the US is now interested in using tariffs again and we’ve sanctioned and then confiscated the wealth of Russia if I am a country that holds dollars and tariffs are being threatened well that’s a step towards sanctions and sanctions are not now a step towards a nuclear option in
finance and that will be confiscation of wealth so all tariffs do is they accelerate or they push me over the edge on any decision I have to say sell treasuries and buy gold as a replacement for it now in terms of the actual Market activity and behavior gold look if you think if you think the tariffs are going to crush the world economy that everything goes down gold probably does not uh if you think the tariffs are going to be uh more pointed and affect the economy well then you have to look at each item that’s
affected like silver right and you say is this is this uh is this a it’s a supply demand situation so is the demand elastic or inelastic so for example if we were to tariff silver or not have he’s tariffing the world okay so if he if he were to Tar silver and silver were to explode higher then that’s saying that our demand is in elastic no matter the price we’re going to buy it right and it’s also it also makes other countries come in and buy more concentrate before the price hits so it’s bullish for silver I
think the report that we saw on that from City Bank was uh it’s good for 5% in silver uh meaning the the a tariff on refund silver is good for a you know for silver products or silver in Industrial Products is good for uh 5% to spot and gold is good for 2% to spot and interestingly enough I have copper up there Copper’s kind of uh conflicted uh and and here’s what I mean uh we don’t need other people to sell us copper so if you if you tar copper to 100% then we’ll just that’s the point we’ll develop our own right
we’ll we’ll just buy our own copper the question is will we export less copper to people who buy it from us yes we will and what will they do because we’re going to look the point of tariffs is we’re going to charge 25% on your finished copper that’s coming to us right and simultaneously well that’s not the headline simultaneously we will be less likely to export our raw copper that you refine and sell back to us okay so raw materials stop going out and finished materials stop coming in it’s a two-way street with tariffs so the rest
of the world has to pay find other sources of copper and to the extent that there are other sources out there then copper doesn’t go up in price to the extent that there are not other sources out there then copper goes up in price so let’s take a look at it this way let’s look at Copper right and there’s there’s an application to Silver here us says to the world all your copper finished goods2 5% higher because we’re going to protect our own industry here okay we don’t want your finished copper
we’ll make our own and the rest of the world which by the way buys raw Copper from us concentrate but from us says okay fine then we’ll sell it to someone else and they continue to buy the raw copper maybe less maybe less because there’s less final demand from the US at a price they can sell and they say all right we’ll buy your raw copper and the US says uh-uh we’re not going to sell it to you right the raw material stops getting if we do it right and the other countries then they say oh where we
going to get a raw copper and they start to deplete the stores that are on exchanges so copper could be bullish uh depending on the above ground Supply that’s available and the story uh it could be bearish uh because there’s plenty of copper so it really comes down to how plentiful are the above ground supplies so copper is kind of a show Goldman was bearish on copper uh City Bank was bearish copper under tariffs and now Goldman is bullish on copper so I think you know it’s in play I think the wild card is trying to hear
anyway so that’s it enough on that uh Bitcoin so you can see here’s the daily Bitcoin right there you go Bitcoin there’s bitcoin’s going to zero acting like a tech stock and then you have a massive bounce this a weekend weekend you know Saturday Sunday right um and you could see see uh that the reaction to uh to Trump’s announcement was very favorable the question is is it as favorable as it was last time uh uh does he mean it this time it seems like he means it but the market is reacting mutly’s go higher I would want to see
Bitcoin as a Trader right but as an investor I mean we’re going to have as an owner of of Bitcoin right and I owned ethereum at one time as an owner of Bitcoin yeah we’re going to have a strategic Bitcoin Reserve but we’re not going to announce it we’re not going to buy it we already have the coin right we already have the coins the point of a strategic Reserve is stated purpose is to use it as a defense mechanism if someone weaponizes it against you which leads to you weaponizing it against everyone first okay you don’t announce
it you just buy it you drive the price lower and you fight like you do in Gold anyway so that’s it again I’m Vince have a great day well thanks for watching this morning’s markets and medals with Vince Lancy we sure appreciate you tuning in and starting your day with us here hope you enjoyed the show and we’ll see you again tomorrow please note that this video is not intended as legal licensed Financial trading advice and is to be used for informational purposes only please contact your financial adviser before making any decisions and thanks for watching