Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel (Uncut) — Thursday. 27 February. 2025
Welcome, everybody, to The Big Call tonight. It is Thursday, February 27th. And you’re listening to The Big Call.
Thanks for joining us wherever you’re located around the globe. Thank you, SAT team, for hooking everybody up around the globe to listen in. The rest of you on free conference call, glad to have you.
And many of you listened to the replay, which is another great way to hear us. So thanks for listening, everybody. Let’s go ahead and pray the call in.
And then we’ll go to Sue for what I’m sure will be an exhilarating, stimulating teaching that we’ll all benefit from. But before we go there, let’s pray the call in. Here we go.
Thank you, Lord God, for everything that you have taken us through, some hard times, some good times, some not-so-good times, everything, all of which are beneficial to us. We appreciate everything. And that’s hard to say sometimes, but it’s really true.
It makes us stronger. It makes us more resilient. It gives us an opportunity to learn more about who we are, who you are, and what our purpose is here on earth.
So thank you for everything that you’ve done for us so far, and what you’re continuing to do to bring this blessing home. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Sue, special time of night, Tuesday and Thursday nights, when we get to hear the teaching that you found for us.
And I want to thank you on behalf of Big Call Universe for everything that you’ve done to make that happen for us over the last eight or nine years. Thank you, Bruce. And this is a beautiful teaching for all of us tonight.
And who am I going to dedicate it to? All of you. All that are moving towards the title of this piece. Get in agreement with God.
In the scripture, David said, lift up your head and the King of Glory will come in. As long as your head is down and you’re discouraged with no joy, no passion, and no zeal, the King of Glory will not come. Instead, get up in the morning and say, Father, thank you for another day.
Thank you for another sunrise. I’m excited about this day. When you’re really alive, hopeful, grateful, passionate, and productive, the King of Glory, the Most High God, will come in.
He’ll make a way where it looks like there is no way. We all face difficulties. We have unfair things happen.
Don’t let it sour your life. Just because you had a bad break doesn’t mean your life is over. I know a popular minister who led his church for many years and was such a great speaker that he was in constant demand.
But several years ago, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. He eventually lost the ability to speak and had to resign from his church. He was once eloquent, strong, and vibrant.
But it looked as if his career was over. It looked as if his best days were behind him. But just when things started to look really bad for him, he sent me a manuscript with a note.
As you know, I can’t speak anymore. So I’ve taken up writing. Here’s a look at my newest book.
Just because you can’t do what you used to do doesn’t mean you’re supposed to sit on the sidelines. If you can’t speak, write. If you can’t run, walk.
If you can’t stand up, just sit up. If you can’t dance, shake your head. If you can’t sing, tap your foot, do whatever you can do.
As long as you have breath, you have something in you. Don’t lose your passion. Think about the Apostle Paul.
He was thrown in prison unfairly at the peak of his career. Just when it was all coming together, he had this major disappointment. Paul could have become depressed and thought, too bad for me.
He could have given up on his dreams. Instead, he kept his passion. While in prison, he wrote four books of the New Testament.
What looked like a setback was really a setup for God to do something greater in Paul’s life. You may have been through some bad breaks and unfair situations. Don’t lose your passions.
Stay passionate. God is still on the throne. If you keep your head up, the King of Glory will still come in and guide you to where He wants you to be.
And that’s our teaching for tonight. Hmm. Well, Sue, that’s good.
I got distracted toward the end of that, but that was really, really good teaching. I appreciate that. And what distracted you? Well, what happened was, you know, even when I was introducing the call in prayer tonight, and while you were saying what you were saying about things that have happened in our lives, mishaps, unfortunate situations, I was thinking about Brian.
And I was thinking about his loss, and I was thinking about how great his loss was, not only for himself and his closest friends, but for everybody. I was thinking about the impact he has made already on our lives and the impact that he would have made on all of our lives and the rest of the people he would have touched around the globe. That’s what I was thinking about, and I got a little bit distracted because of that.
Because I enjoyed the teaching, and I was thinking about, do I know who this pastor is? I don’t know. I might know the name, but I can’t bring him up right now as to who that was. But I think it was important to realize that we just never know what obstacles can come into our life and what those obstacles might do.
I thought also that we would be able to achieve a lot more in our future than we have in our past. And I think it’s important to see that no matter what stage we are in life now, there’s always more that we can offer. Like the teaching said, if you can’t speak, then write.
If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t dance, then move your head. There’s always some way to stay involved and engaged and be part of what’s going on and make a useful contribution to your life and the life of others.
Use what you have in your hand, which just means use what God has given you at the moment right now. Now, post-med bed, am I going to be able to do more than I can now? Oh yeah, that’s right. And I’m looking forward to that day, to that time, and what’s going to happen.
But as of right now, I thought God’s given me a voice, and I can use it like I have been for 14 years on the big call. And so I have to be thankful for that, and bless God, and thank God for the abilities that I have right now. So that’s part of what I was thinking about saying.
I may think of something else after Bob speaks, but thank you, Sue, for that teaching. I appreciate that. Bob, I know there’s some nuggets in that teaching for you that we’re looking to hear a story about or something as it applies to you.
Thank you, Bruce. And Sue, thank you. We’re now at Thursday the 27th.
Tomorrow is the last day of the month, and it means we’re only eight days away from guess what? Daylight savings time. Daylight savings time. Daylight savings time, Sue.
It’s not going to be as dark, is it, Bob? It’s going to be light. It’s going to be light. It’s going to be light much longer.
In fact, this time of night, it’ll still be twilight while we’re doing the big call, if we’re doing it. That’s right, Bob. That’s right.
Yeah. Sue, I really like the part about keeping your head up, and it reminds me of a story that I’ll tell in a second, but I started thinking about also when you wake up in the morning, what you were saying about that. And I thought, you know, the greatest thing that we have is our life, the life that God gave us and the spark that’s in us that animates us that He gave us.
And so I was thinking, is that not the most important thing to be thankful for, to be thankful every morning? It’s like, hey, I’m thankful to be alive. Thank you, God. And it’s like, God can hear you, and He’ll help keep you alive because you’re grateful for it.
If you’re ho-humming your way through life, and God can’t tell you’re grateful to be alive, hey, you know. And I started thinking, well, what is it about life that’s so amazing that it’s just everything, including the breath that you mentioned, Sue, in the story about, do I still have my breath? And, you know, can I still hear the birds chirping? Can I still hear the big call? I still can experience my feelings. And I can still walk and go and do things, and I can interact with other people.
And then I started thinking, like what you were saying, Bruce, what if there’s things that you can’t do? And then you better give thanks for what you can, and use what you can then to help other people that might need a hand. And, you know, if you are a person who’s very old and homebound, well, what about if you could call others people that need someone to chat to who’s living in a nursing home? And, you know, what if you’re unemployed temporarily? Well, then maybe you want to get up early and go and sweep the steps to the church so when everyone arrives for early mass, it’s beautiful. And then it reminded me of this story that I heard yesterday when I was at an event.
And this was a man who had come to be a guest speaker. It’s interesting, you were talking about guest speakers. And he’d come from Colorado, and he had started a venture capital firm that was community-based out in Colorado.
And he started it in 2006, and he’s expanded it now successfully to 50 cities in the United States and 14 other countries. He and his group of people that all came together have funded over 5,000 startup companies, 16 of which have become Unicorns, which is a company of over a billion dollars. And, in fact, he was one of the very first people who invested in Uber.
And he told the story about a company that came to them, it was two young men, and they had an idea, and they wanted funding to get this idea off the ground. And so they gave them a small amount of money and they worked and worked and tried and tried. And after a couple of years, it just was not working and they had to give up.
And the investment in this startup expired worthless. But not really, because what they did was, instead of being mad at the young men that couldn’t give them a return on their investment, they celebrated them for their hard work and their spirit of entrepreneurship. And they actually held a parade for them.
And they had all the people from the town come out and they drove these men in a car, a convertible, where they sat up on the back. And everybody cheered and cheered as they drove through like they were heroes rather than failures. And it so encouraged these young men to see how supported they were by the community for giving their best effort.
They were very well known at that point. And one of them became one of the first and top executives of Uber when it was first invested in by that same group of people. And later retired from Uber extremely wealthy.
The other man became the CEO of a corporation in Colorado based on all the experience that he had as an entrepreneur. And he also became very wealthy. And now those two men are part of the investment group and are helping other people to follow their dreams and become entrepreneurs.
And the story was so different. Nobody in the audience, it was over 250 people, had ever heard of anything like that before. And this man who was speaking, whose last name was Cohen, had a business partner who was instrumental in starting this type of community lending and community support and wrote a book about how to do it, how to get a community, whether it’s small or large, on board to be the type of place where people with creative ideas are supported, invested in.
And even if they fail, they’re celebrated. And Mr. Cohen went on to explain that nowadays, a lot of times, he sees the best opportunities in people that have failed before. And when he talks to them and sees their passion, how even though they might have failed and they didn’t give up and they still had a passion to be successful, to be an entrepreneur, and he loves investing in those types of companies.
And so at some point in the near future, a year or two, he’s going to set up a community partnership with the organization that had hosted him yesterday called Florida Funders. And they’re going to have a business association with our group, the Florida Funders, to give advice, support, and extend the range of the state of Florida and its entrepreneurship to other states and other countries. Wow, Bob, that’s terrific.
What a story. What was the name of the book, Bob? What was the name of the book? I don’t have the name of the book, but I can easily get it. I have to go and scan a barcode that came with the materials and that type of thing, but I’ll let you know.
That would be great. That was really a great story. Yeah.
Keeping your head up even after a failure. Here I am, I’m riding back to the car with my head up, and oh, there’s this thing called Uber. Maybe I’ll help with that.
Worth now $173 billion. Wow. Amazing.
You know, Sue, this reminds me when you and I were talking the other day about mistakes are part of success. Failure is part of success. You learn more from your mistakes than you do your successes.
Right, Bob? You learn more from your failures many times than you do from just no failure and being successful all the way through. And I think that was a great example of that. That was a good story.
Thank you, Bob, for that. Sue, anything you can add to what this teaching told us? Yeah, I’m fascinated by what both of you brought. Number one was you, Bruce.
This is going to be fun. Just taking in – Our friend Brian, for everybody on the call, was like you can’t stop this rocket. He had an airline company come and visit him because he traveled so much they’d never seen anything like it, all over the world, doing what he was doing.
So Bruce was very aware of that. Our group, our leadership group was very aware of it. He’d really made a huge dent in the world.
And so you went to, like, wow, that’s a dent in the world. But I love Bob’s story, and I’m going to suggest that everybody do this. In anything, in anything, I mean, like Bruce and I grieving over, and the pod grieving over Brian, what if we could see a parade for us grieving how much we loved and cared for a really valuable contributor that could have really contributed to the world? We could have a parade for that.
You can have a parade because here’s what Bob’s story to me was speaking to. There is no lack of energy and love. Those people that had the parade were coming from abundance.
They weren’t coming from, oh my god, our tight little fists on our hands and we’ve lost it. They were coming from so much abundance. And abundance that was born out of the energy that created you trying so hard is the energy we’re going to celebrate.
Because watch, everything is going to start moving to energy. And what they did is they amplified the energy and that amplification of that energy in those two young men going through the and it was such a reversal of the scarcity model, the lack model, the down or it’s got to stay in a low model. It totally reversed that.
It completely amplified the world is infinite in abundance and the fact that you got to hear that Bob and the fact that we can practice, I’m going to be practicing, being celebrated for feeling my feelings. Celebrated for whatever it is that’s challenging you right now. Whether it’s a condition, whether it’s a what.
Have a parade for it. Have people celebrating you for going through it. And what does that do? Is it pulls in and that’s where you were going Bob.
It pulls in the energy of connection. It pulls you out of isolation and collapse into expansion. Into who you really are as an infinite energy but then when you do it so that you’re imagining just use your imagination.
Pastor Scott could have a celebration of all the people that have witnessed him get up, get up, get up, get up. A parade. And you know what? This is funny.
When you get this money, be careful I may be having a parade for myself. Have a parade for yourself. I was going to throw you a parade Sue.
I know wouldn’t that be fun? And you get to sit on the back of the convertible Sue. You get to give a parade. I want to be like Cleopatra.
Guys holding you up in the chair up above. Yes. Parading you around.
Not parading me around. It’s just a parade. The point is it would be so good if everybody could just imagine.
That was such a great story Bob. Thank you so much for that. And use that image.
Use that to move yourself. You’re sitting in the RV I’m about to complete. You’re sitting in the RV.
It feels so slow but the courage, the determination, the willingness to keep going. Every single one of us against a very intense opponent. Every single one of us deserves a parade.
Thank you Sue. A lot of imagery. Mental imagery there.
That was a cool story. That’s worth looking into a little bit more with Bob. That will be good.
Thank you Sue very much for that teaching. I love the commentary that you guys put on it. Let’s do this.
Let’s see if we have any praise reports or prayer requests and see how many days it is until Ash Wednesday. That’s right. I had a healing from that Bob.
Thank you so much. This is from Stephanie. At Boomer Boost.
Marianne needs prayers regarding her testing for upcoming brain cancer biopsy. The prayer worked last year and she’s asking for prayers again. Think of Marianne.
She has this brain cancer biopsy coming up. Again, Marianne, if you’re listening, the challenge about the environment you’re going in is that it’s not like having a parade for your well-being, for your overcoming, for the light of Christ in you which is more powerful than any condition. Let’s imagine that you know that the whole big call is with you and that we’re lifting you up above this condition.
We’re literally putting you on our shoulders and we’re walking in with you and celebrating that you’ve risen above the systems of this medical world and you are filled with the light of Christ and Christ, the angels, all of the positive forces in the universe are sealing you in this victorious celebration. You’re cheered. You’re strengthened.
You’re going into an environment that cannot even touch you with that environment of fear and giving your power and authority to a diagnosis. Instead, you’re being cheered because you’re celebrated for right now in this moment owning your power to believe in the most positive outcome, to feel that outcome, to feel Christ flooding you and you’re healed in Jesus’ name and we say Amen. Let’s go to Jeanne.
Romans 15, 13. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him. Six days until Ash Wednesday, 3-5-25.
Ten days until Daylight Savings Time, beginning on Sunday, March 9. On this day, clocks move forward one hour at 2 a.m., causing most people to lose an hour’s sleep. 21 days until Spring, 3-20-25. 44 days until Passover, 52 days until Easter, 4-20-25.
And we’re starting with our holidays. National Strawberry Day, Thursday, 2-27-25. We continue with February’s heart-shaped and red theme by observing National Strawberry Day on February 27th.
National Floral Design Day, 2-38-25. 2-38? It’s got to be 2-28-25. I know, I know, I’m just reading it and I just recognized it.
National Floral Design Day on February 28th recognizes the art and history of floral design. March 2025. Ah, march in like a lion, out like a lamb, or so the saying goes.
That’s not the only saying attributed to the moody month for the northern hemisphere. March ushers in spring. March Madness kicks into high gear as basketball enthusiasts cheer on their favorite teams, or they’re cheering on a local high school team, or they’re college and professional players.
Fans wear the colors and watch every nail-biting game. National Sun-Kissed Citrus Day, Saturday, March 1st. I’m going to cut some of these down, Jeannie, I’m sorry.
There’s a lot here. March 1st honors the rich history of California citrus, recognizing the legacy of multi-generational family-owned sun-kissed citrus farms. National Old Stuff Day, Sunday, March 2nd.
We’ve all heard the saying, same old, same old. Well, this is the day to do things differently. Maybe it’s just a way to brighten your day or someone else’s day.
Whatever it is, strive to make the day new, not the same old day it was yesterday. Love that. Today, we continue to pray to our Heavenly and Loving Father for the following.
For all our leaders and listeners on the big call, especially for their health, Pastor Scott’s health, and everyone who has requested prayers for health, MedBeds, Debt Jubilee, RV Blessings, R&R, SS, and Dividend Checks. We continue to pray for all the prayer requests on this big call, especially everyone’s health and well-being. Blessings and peace to all on this call.
Through Christ our Lord, amen and amen. Everyone have a blessed weekend, and stay safe. Thank you, Jeanne.
If I’d have known today was National Strawberry Day, I’d have gotten strawberries to have with my heavy whipping cream this morning. I usually save that for Wimbledon. We have strawberries and cream for Wimbledon, which is in, what, September, Sue? Yeah.
Anyway, thank you, Jeanne. I’ll have to make an adjustment to try to get some strawberries in the house here. Thank you, Sue.
That was great. I enjoy that. I do like knowing sort of the holidays.
I think we all know Easter is on the 20th of April now. Daylight Savings is a week from this Sunday. That’ll be great.
Give us a little bit more light. At least the clocks will make it look that way. Tell us, Sue, what you’ve been doing.
I know you had a new class that started tonight and goes tonight and tomorrow night. Do you want to comment on that and then anything else that is on your mind tonight? Sure. I’d love to.
We’re going to talk about and you may want, don’t look it up, everybody, but I want you to write down this word because it’s going to be very important for you to know. We’re going to talk about who did you come here to be known as, which is our class, and how you don’t want to be a neophobe. N-E-O-P-H-O-B-I-A.
You don’t want to be afraid of the unfamiliar. In our class tonight, Bruce, it was really wonderful. This is what we started with.
Welcome to class one. Who did you come here to be known as? You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 832.
This is no ordinary process. You’re not just attending a class. You’re stepping into a quantum completion that permanently reorients your leadership identity and clears the patterns that have kept many high-capacity visionaries in cycles of overload and external validation.
What we were doing is we were showing people how because the world has been based just like Bob’s people, based on scarcity and lack and control, we need to be the people that do the new things like having a parade to celebrate people. Moving beyond what we’ve always done. Genies.
Same old, same old. We’ve got to freshen it up. We’ve got to get innovative.
We’ve got to be abundant. But most importantly we’ve got to get past neophobia. And neophobia is our mind.
The way we’re wired, the way your mind is wired, the way you’ve been brought up all your life is to the brain likes to get something so it’s familiar, it’s known. It’s like it knows that pattern. It’s like I’ve already built it.
I think Bruce used to say, and I always used to resist it, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s too nuanced for this part of the call, but here’s the point. Neophobia, or the fear of the new or unfamiliar, is deeply wired into the brain’s survival mechanism.
When faced with uncertainty, the amygdala, the brain’s fear center, triggers a cascade of stress signals. While this was good for early humans and essential, in modern life when you step into something new, or you step into a lot of change, which we’re all going to be going through, it can create unnecessary anxiety, it can create why the unknown may feel threatening, and we’re in this time where you can have new experiences trigger a threat response. I mention this because we have two classes, and I want to read a testimonial.
When you think about the med beds, and I’ve seen the whole range of people, some people are excited about it, some people are scared about it, most people don’t know enough about it, they don’t know the capacity of it, and Bruce and I have been very fortunate to receive information from the military people, important to say, that, excuse me, are responsible for the impeccable rollout of not only that, but all the systems that are designed to regenerate our world. Starlink, med bed, and there’s most likely many, many systems and structures and architecture that we can’t see yet. But we have access, I feel very privileged to be next to Bruce, to have access to a man that got access to a lot of that information.
And then I’ve been researching a lot about, I’ve wanted to do this kind of thing, and ending aging and disease as a normative condition is one of my projects, and I had that written down 18 years ago, so I’ve been studying it for a long time. This is what a woman said, Miss J, I’m going to call her. Amazing.
Words cannot express my gratitude to you for having put all this med bed research, the interview process, and how to navigate the whole process and selection of what we want through the med bed. Thank you, thank you, I could just squeeze you. That’s what she said.
So, we have two classes, and I come from, I got into what I’ve been doing for a very long time because of coming from a world where there was a very, very clear path to success. A lot of overachievement was modeled, all that. But my family suffered from achieving too much at the expense of their health.
It’s a very, very important thing that we learn how to regenerate, and how to lead and be anchored in Christ without losing our health, losing our relationships, and not having the kind of quality connection that this money and this period is going to provide those who prepare for it. I’m deeply, deeply, deeply committed to that. And so, the Quantum Leader Future Founder class is designed so that you get the right boundaries in place, you know, you go at a pace that is right for you, and you walk through this until you get the feeling of you’re in a whole new system, you have access to all new possibilities and resources, and it’s my passion to walk you through with the class, which is the pod, the group of people that take these classes all the time, so that you can have access to evidence-based ways to hold onto good boundaries, to be in your body, to make decisions 300 times more effectively.
That’s that class. So, if you’re interested in how you’re going to be wise, and you want to use Christ, but you also want to get in your brain and your body and your nervous system, I recommend you take that class, or consider investing in that class. And then the MedBed 100, that’s such a powerful class, and each of these have meditation.
I’ll go into that and then I’ll be complete. But they have meditations, and in the class tonight these people were telling, like, how they can walk into the room with their husband that would irritate them or something, and it doesn’t even affect them. How they’re getting their spouses involved in meditation.
How it’s literally rewiring and changing how their relationships function. So people aren’t as reactive. So you have a deeper understanding when you’re going into the MedBed, how do I want to feel? How do I want to be strong or centered or present? Presence is going to be very important.
So both of these, the MedBed 100 and the Quantum Leader Future Founder are just $100. And they are foundational in the way we’re going to be helping people step into new systems, be more creative, like having parades, be the people they really want to be, the best in Christ. But they need the leadership and they need the self-leadership wired into their nervous system.
So if you’re a person and you get a little anxious about what you’re going to be stepping into, that neophobic, if you get anxiety, if you feel it just could be too much, what is it all going to mean? MedBed, if you’re interested in the MedBed and the Quantum Leader Future Founder are the two classes that just to start. We have the Golden Wisdom Bundle that’s still there, but we haven’t been talking about that. We’re not going to do that tonight.
But those are, unless you heard it and you go, I want that too. But those are the two that you can start with to just anchor yourself and open yourself to the best possible outcome that you can provide so the world can benefit from who you are. Send us an email to IntegratedMinds at and just put your name, your telephone number and if you have PayPal and we’ll be getting you out an invoice.
Usually it’s within a few hours and we get it done within a day. So don’t be a neophobe. Step into feeling safe with yourself and stepping into the new.
I’m going to leave you with this one image. I’m going to leave you with two actually. Notice when you think about stepping into the new.
It could be moving to a totally new place where you don’t know anybody. Leaving a relationship and starting a new chapter. It could be stepping into humanitarianism.
It could be facing a health issue. But what if that future you could hug it and it could hug you and it says welcome. Welcome to your best future and it embraces you and it loves you.
Instead of being a scary thing, it’s the light of the new and the unknown. It’s the warmth of better. It’s the joy of welcome home.
Good job. Wait until you see how good it gets and then you can throw yourself a parade. That’s my segment for tonight.
Thank you Sue. Two great options. Medbed 100 which is two classes, one course.
The quantum leader future founders course is two classes, one course. Each is $100. I will remind them and give them that email so they can all send those out to you.
You can get those out as soon as you can. Thank you Sue. I think that’s really very good.
I love it. I love the takeoff on Bob’s parade. He talked about it.
The fact that to have a parade I liked parades I think when I was little and I still like the Rose Bowl parade and some of these Macy’s Day parades are pretty cool. I love that when they are so creative and on the floats and using flowers like in Pasadena and the flowers and just what they can do with everything. It’s amazing.
The coconut and all that. Thank you Sue. Really, really good.
Appreciate that very much. Bob, we are throwing you a parade right now. Thanking you for Boomers and everything that you have taught us over the last nine and a half or so years.
I’m excited to see what it is you have in the way of new testimonials and anything new that you would bring because you are not neophobic at all and neither are we. We are all lucky that there is something new every day. If you are a neophobic you would be having a bad day every day.
That’s right. It’s going to be around new things. You better get rid of the neophobia.
Use the emotional freedom technique to tap it out. That’s right. Actually, you have some testimonials Bruce.
I also want to let people know we have our clarity factor back in stock. I want to tell people about this new phenomenon that a woman created that is an app that you can get on the Apple App Store or the Play Store. It’s a mental health app.
It’s called Manifest. It’s gotten really popular because it’s very effective. It’s had over a billion downloads.
It’s coming up really fast. I’m just going to tell a little story that relates to Sue. I’m going to get to that part in just a minute.
This testimonial came in. This lady sent her picture. It says, the collagen from Boomers is wonderful.
I take it every night with my vitamin C and heirloom barley. Just like Bob said, that’s the best way to take it. I get the best results of all the products.
I trust all of the stuff Boomer makes. I’m very thankful for all of them and taking care of us all. I’m in my 70s, so I need all the wonderful products.
You’re the best. She sent this beautiful picture. It doesn’t look like she’s in her 70s at all, but I’m not surprised what the collagen is doing for her.
Another came from a man. It says, I’m 90 years old and I love your products. I’m trying to get to 91 with your help.
I should make it. How’s that for a testimonial? We sure want him to get to 91 and beyond. Yes, he should make it.
Here’s one last one. This woman says, I’m 71 years young and a cancer survivor who was feeling her age. Then, I got a personal trainer and Myotrol.
I’m starting to feel really good. I haven’t felt like this in a really long time. Thanks, Bruce.
That is awesome. She’s going to do great. For all the people that were taking our Clarity Factor, and there’s like a couple hundred people, Bruce, that were taking it when we ran out five months ago.
It was delivered yesterday. I was out of the office all day yesterday, so I wasn’t there when it came, but we have plenty of Clarity Factor now. I took one of them today just to test it out and make sure.
It’s the real thing. It’s the exact replica of what we had before. It took five months for the new company to make it.
It is back in stock and it’s up on the website. You can also call. Bruce, there’s a new chat system that we’re just trying out.
It’s an AI-driven chat system. We’re getting calls from people that want to speak to the lady. It works so well, they think it’s a real employee.
We have one guy that wanted her phone number. Oh, sure he did. We still have a sale going on here on the 27th.
It’s two things that are half-off. The Heirloom Barley and the Resveratrol are both half-off. Also, our Dynamic Intro which is for people just getting started or people getting started back or people that can take our barley but they can’t take a full dose because it’s so strong.
We have this product, the Dynamic Intro, which is our Boomer Boost with a half-owned canister of the barley. That’s on sale 25% off. Also, the Collagen Combo, the lady was talking about in the testimonial, which has the collagen and vitamin C and the Heirloom Barley.
That’s also 25% off right now as well. I was talking about this app called Manifest, and I got to meet the lady yesterday who’s the founder. This is the second company that she has founded.
She founded a different company that she sold and now she’s using her expertise and her money to give back and create this app that’s really great for people’s mental health. They have over 1,000 testimonials now from people that are using this app. It has a 4.8 out of 5 rating.
They said that they designed it with younger people in mind, Gen Zers. They found that most of the people that are using it are young women, women who are teenagers and in their 20s. The woman who started the company, Amy Wu, was talking about how with social media and not so much opportunity for people to meet others face-to-face and other things have caused a mental health crisis with younger people.
She created this app that helps people with affirmations and meditation and all this stuff that’s really good. I got to speak to her after her presentation yesterday and told her that if she wanted to use the information from the Boomer’s website, including the information on Havening, that she could go through and look at it and decide if she wanted to use it in her app. We talked about nonviolent communication.
She really loved that idea and had read the book and really loved it but hadn’t thought about putting it in her app. We talked about heart math and the emotional freedom technique. I’m going to be staying in touch with her to help her bring those types of therapeutic techniques into her manifest app.
Sue, thanks again for introducing us to Havening. What I’m going to do is have Hilary Russo, who is a certified Havening instructor be in touch with Amy to see what they can do about having that technology available on the manifest app. If people have, especially younger children, teenagers, people in their 20s, and people of all ages use this app.
It seems most popular because of the way they designed it with the younger people. Definitely check it out. If you just put in a search in the internet, manifest mental health app, you’ll find it and you’ll be able to get it that way.
That’s where I have for tonight, Bruce. The time is 10 o’clock on the dot. Thank you, Bob.
That’s terrific. That sounds great. Let’s let everybody know, this Amy Wu sounds great.
Is she local, Bob, to you? Fairly local? No, she’s not local. She had come to attend the event. Same event where the guy told the story about the parade.
Excellent. Cool. That’s great.
Let’s see. To get to Bob’s website and to check everything out, you just go to When you land on our homepage, you’ll see at the top a banner that says Boomers. That’s a direct link into Bob’s website.
You want to go to our website, When you see the banner at the top, Boomers, click on it. It’s a direct link into Bob’s site. You’ll go in and you’ll be able to look through the site.
You’ll see the various tabs. You’ll see the products tab, drop-down menu has products on sale. You can check those on sale.
Then you can also look through any number of the products that are listed there and learn about them, learn about what’s basic ingredients, what they’re good for, everything, and of course their base costs. Then if you happen to find some products, you’ll see them on sale on the on sale tab. But at the footer of the page you’ll also find blogs and podcasts that Bob has done.
Then you can also learn a lot more about the emotional freedom technique or tapping. You can learn about havening. So many different things are available.
There’s quite a bit there. Check that. All of that is free.
Then if you want to find out anything more like about the circulation mat and how that increases your circulation 30%, really good if you’ve got peripheral neuropathy or you just actually that extra 30% increase in circulation will also help memory and brain situations, brain problems by getting blood to the brain. So keep that in mind as well. Use the phone number.
There’s an 800 number that you can use to call in and it’s 800-861-4609. 800-861-4609. 800-861-4609.
Monday through Friday Eastern Time. So check that out. Call it if you have any specific questions or if you have a question in the website and you just don’t know if you’re getting everything that you need, call up and they’ll be really very loving.
If you say you’re from the Big Call it goes a long way for you because they love Bob. They love the fact that Bob is on the Big Call twice a week and has been hosting with Sue for gosh, nine and a half years now. Really.
Terrific. And I think it’s been a wonderful relationship that we’re building on, building for our future. So do that and check out the sale and know that Clarity Factor is back in stock with the same formula, same everything.
And I’m glad Bob tested it and checked it out and found that it was the same. And Myatrol’s coming back. Don’t worry.
It’s coming back. Just be prepared when it does to order and I think I’m going to order a little extra for backup. Just to make sure I don’t run out and that kind of thing.
So thank you Bob. Appreciate that very much. Let’s get into where we want to be on Intel tonight.
What do I want to bring out first? The first thing that I’m thinking of is do we have any new information about Social Security increases or about R&R? Not right now. And I told you guys on Tuesday night I wasn’t giving it much hope for coming by the end of this month with three days to go. That was on Tuesday night.
Now we’re on Thursday night with one day left tomorrow and I don’t think we’re going to see it this month. That’s a pretty safe bet. But I am encouraged by the fact that we did receive a little bit of information, a couple of small puzzle pieces that we’re using to fill in this puzzle to try to complete the picture that we’re looking for.
And such is the fact that right now I know that we had at least two very strong sources that were telling us that don’t worry, this is going to be the week that we receive our notifications. And even though we only have two days left, Friday and Saturday this week, I think it’s quite possible that we still will get notified and set an appointment this week. Now, how do I say that? I know for example that one of our Redemption Center staff members is working tomorrow morning at Wells Fargo Bank and then goes after lunch into the Redemption Center tomorrow, Friday.
Why would that be? Why would a person work in the bank in the morning and go to the Redemption Center in the afternoon unless they were expecting for the toll-free numbers to come out in our emails, our notifications and that we call and this person is there on the Redemption Center end to help set our appointments. That made perfect sense to me. And I thought, you know, tomorrow’s the 28th of February, it’s the last day of the month, could they notify us on Friday, still this week and could they notify us where we get our numbers and we set our appointment tomorrow, could be tomorrow afternoon, but we set it for Saturday or Sunday or Monday or whatever next week.
I think it’s very possible. I’m not calling it, I’m not saying that it’s definite, but it looks good for us to get notified and set our appointments for exchanges that would start on Saturday, the 1st of March in a whole brand-new month, 31 days of March. So, that is quite possible.
I really think if this is going to happen this week and I know it’s a big if, but if what we were told was it would be this week, don’t worry, then I see that as the way it’s going to happen. Now, as far as Redemption Centers go, we got some information about one email that was received in the morning yesterday, one was received in the afternoon and they were still waiting on one more that did not come this morning as was expected, but should be there tomorrow. And we don’t know what this email that hasn’t been received will say, but what it could say is when the green light will be turned on for our notifications to be released.
That’s what I believe it should say. It could say. And, of course, we won’t know it until tomorrow, but I think I’m encouraged by the fact that that is coming.
The other thing that’s interesting is we’re having trouble getting the word from bondholders and bond paymasters that they have money. We believe they have the funds in their accounts and we believe some have been told how much that is, but we don’t know if they have received the email to tell them when they can have access to those funds. My feeling is, because I don’t know this, but my feeling is that they should, bondholders should get those notifications tomorrow and, again, we won’t have it for the big call tonight, but if they do get them tomorrow, will it say that they have access to funds on Saturday or will it give them access to funds sometime tomorrow? Either one is possible.
I believe with that information, which I wish I had tonight, I don’t, but if I knew that they would have access to funds either Friday or Saturday, tomorrow or Saturday, then I would feel really good about saying, well, we’re next. We’re going to be notified post-haste. That’s part of the 48-hour rollout of everybody that’s to receive funds, whether it’s from bondholders’ monies, whether it’s admiral’s groups or our internet group, all of us to receive funds within a modified shotgun start of 48 hours.
So, I’m encouraged by that. I think that the timing of this is really interesting. The other thing that’s happening, I’m trying to think of a couple other things that I wanted to bring out to you guys tonight, and one of which is today, after the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom had meetings with President Trump and had a press conference with President Trump, which was very good, by the way.
I enjoyed both of those. Right after that, President Trump signed off on both NASSARA and JUSARA. NASSARA, our National Economic Strategic and Recovery Act, and JUSARA, the Global Economic Strategic and Recovery Act.
He signed off on both of those today, this afternoon, and we believe that those will probably be brought out because they weren’t mentioned today, they probably will be brought out this coming Tuesday, which should be the 4th of March. Yep, 4th of March. That is something that’s going to be brought out quite possibly in front of both Houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
That is a mandatory get-together of both House and Senate joint chambers, if you will, both chambers of commerce, of Congress, rather. I wish it were commerce. Of Congress.
That should be brought out at that time. Who knows what else? I think there’s a possibility we get something about the USN, our new United States Treasury note, our new currency, our new money, holding money, and maybe something about our brand new digital currency could be brought out then. It should be a really good day.
Now, can this go before Tuesday? I believe it can. At least that’s what I’m hearing from all of our sources. I don’t think we’re waiting.
In other words, I hope we are not waiting on Tuesday. What else is happening today? We had the Jeffrey Epstein papers that were supposed to come out today and they got a little smattering of some things, but it wasn’t the big impact that our Attorney General Pam Bondi was expecting it to be today, but she has really taken charge of the situation and she let our brand new head of the FBI Kash Patel know about the fact that they did not get all the documents that they needed out of New York, and so they have to deliver those to Washington to Pam Bondi’s office by 8 a.m. tomorrow morning Eastern Standard Time. Somebody ought to be bringing those down by jet or by train tonight from Washington, D.C., and get that out.
It caught Kash Patel by surprise, Pam Bondi by surprise, but don’t worry, they’re on it. They are on it and they will make sure that the FBI is held to account for these documents. Be prepared for some news along those lines tomorrow.
Let’s see, what else? Unfortunately, there was Well, let’s see what else I want to bring out right now if I can think of it. While I’m thinking, this is a perfect time for everyone to be aware that the MedBed 100 classes, the two classes are still available tonight to get an email out to Sue. The MedBed 100 is $100 for two classes, one course about the MedBeds.
It’s very informative and very important, especially if you’re a little bit lost or don’t know much about the MedBeds, don’t really know how to approach that whole thing. This you’ll feel very comfortable with the concept after listening to these two classes. You have that option and you also have the option of the Quantum Leader Future Founder or just Quantum in the subject line, two classes that people are raving about and that is also $100.
Now a lot of people are buying both. They’re getting the MedBed 100 and they’re also getting the Quantum for $100. $100 each some people are bundling and getting both of those.
I highly recommend both. To get them, all you do is send Sue an email and the address is IntegratedMinds, I-N-T-E-G-R-A-T-E-D Minds, M-I-N-D-S at When you put in the subject line, you can put MedBed 100, you can put Quantum, or you can put both. MedBed plus Quantum equals $200.
Okay? And so let Sue know that you have PayPal if you have it, but if you don’t, it’s okay. She can send you an invoice and you can pay for it through the invoice. Alright? Put your phone, if it’s a cell phone especially, cell phone and your name in the body of the email and that way if she’ll have your cell phone number if she needs to send you a text, she can text you about it.
Most everything she sends is going to come by email. The courses are going to come by email. The way that you let her know is obviously by email and she’ll let you know back that she got it and how to pay for it using PayPal or the invoice.
Okay? So all of that said, just go ahead and get those out tonight if you will. It would be a great idea to get them out and that’s really the way to do it. It’s absolutely something everyone is really happy about and the testimonials have been really good on both courses.
The MedBed 100 and the Quantum Leader Future Founder course. Alright. So we’re in.
I really hoped I would get a little bit more this afternoon and tonight even during the call that would indicate that we are right there and we are right there but I was looking for something that would give us more confirmation about tomorrow. So I’m going to hold that it’s very possible to get notified tomorrow, set appointments starting Saturday and that would be awesome because we get it by the end of the month, tomorrow is the last day of the month, and then we start exchanges on the 1st of March. And I’m hoping that’s exactly what happens you guys.
I’m telling you if that occurs like I’ve heard, it would be a win. It would be a definite win. And I think that we have a lot to be thankful for.
Things are definitely moving in the right direction. President Trump is doing an outstanding job along with Elon Musk and his team and Doge. I love the fact that they’re saving billions of dollars a day by going in and finding out where is the waste? Where is the fraud? Social Security benefits will not drop and neither will Medicare or Medicaid.
If anything, they’re going to find the waste that’s in the system. They’ll find people that are no longer alive getting checks in Social Security. And it’s going to be really good when they’re able to nail down all of those things and tighten up the list and tighten up everything in all organizations in our federal government.
And they’re doing an outstanding job and I just have to congratulate President Trump and all of his cabinet choices and of course Elon for doing just an outstanding job. By the way, he’s not making any money doing that. He’s doing it for free.
Does he need the money? No. Of course not. He doesn’t.
But it’s his heart is in the right place doing the right thing for the American people. Let’s see. Was there anything else I wanted to bring up? I can’t think of it right now if there were.
I know that there are a couple of other things I was thinking about mentioning but they’re not coming to me right now. So I think what I’ll do is thank Sue for doing an outstanding job and continuing to offer classes to Big Call Universe. And a lot of people are interested in taking those classes and do.
And I’d like to thank Bob for an outstanding job as well for helping to co-host the call and giving beautiful insight and stories that are very relevant for us as well as keeping up a really strong product line of nutritionals and nutraceuticals. It’s just really phenomenal. And I just couldn’t pick two better people to be with as co-hosts to the Big Call.
I know you guys know that because you’ve heard both for some of you up to nine and a half years now. And of course, without the satellite team, the SAT team as I shorten it to, we wouldn’t be able to get the signal out and get the call out all over the world. In fact, I think it was a week ago we got word that a week ago Thursday night we had over four million people that got the call on the replay, that didn’t hear it live but heard it on the replay.
And I thought, well, that’s pretty good, isn’t it? That’s good. So I’m excited about that. And of course, thank you, Jeannie, for your consistent faith in sending us your praise report and prayer requests Tuesday and Thursday nights.
And Pastor Scott, great to hear from you the other day and continued healing for you so that you can completely put this, all these strokes that you’ve had behind you and look forward to what is ahead. And thank you GCK and everybody else that has contributed to the Big Call. I’m hoping, guys, that we get this this weekend and then we can record a short celebration call and put it out there to you guys.
Make sure that you’re registered on with your email because after we get the 800 number, we’ll put it out in an email to everybody to make sure they have it or you have it. And we’ll also stay in touch with you about our future projects, Rebuild America, Rebuild International, Veterans Retreat Network, and the Pastoral Retreat Network as well. Those are our four projects and I’m looking forward to getting those started.
So with that, I think that’s all I wanted to bring out tonight. Keep an eye on your emails, register if you haven’t already on, check out the sale items that Bob has, and make sure to get in touch with Sue by email for the Medved 100 and or the Quantum 100, Quantum Leader Future Founder course. All right? Send that email to Sue integratedminds at All right? All right, everybody.
Let’s pray the call out. Thank you, Lord, for giving us such a great opportunity to be able to take a blessing that is going to be so great and use it to bless other people, many of whom we don’t know and may never know the names of. But the cool thing is that you know them all and you know all their names.
You know the end from the beginning. You know when this is going to go, and you know how we’re going to help level the playing field around the globe. Thank you for that.
Thank you for continuing to bless us and keep us financially moving forward, keeping us healthy, and allowing us to get all the information we need to make good decisions in the future. And we thank you for everybody that’s participated and has been leading us on the call and thank you for all of the people in Big Call Universe that have been listening to the call, some of them for up to 14 years. We thank you for everything you’re doing in our lives and in Jesus’ name we pray, amen and amen.