Dinar Guru Uncut

Global Transformation-Census Distribution Fairly-Financial Balance-Oil Flow (Uncut) 02-24-2025

MM&C-Iraq Dinar News-Global Transformation-Census Distribution Fairly-Financial Balance-Oil Flow

Hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia Man and crew patreon community by clicking the link in the caption Hey, good evening. Everybody. It’s militia man and crew.


We’re here once again It’s going to be a big Monday, and it is the 24th So let’s just jump in and see what we have to have in the news Looks like there was a specialized teams that were Set out to evaluate the performance of the ministries of the digital transformation process and We all know that Iraq and the global air the global arena is involved in a digital transformation the regions involved Which is inclusive all the ball to different countries, but in this particular article it says a minister of communications Yes, Siri yesterday That the Iraqi ministries are racing against time to complete digital transformation Operations and keep pace with developments in this field It goes on it says all ministries in Iraq are racing today to complete digital transformation operations This gal she points out that the prime minister directed the formation of specialized teams to evaluate performance of ministries and the level that They have reached in digital transformation The aiming of holding the digital cooperation forum is to approve the the Arab Digital agenda that was discussed last year with the participation of a number of international Organizations such as the International Federation and the United Nations to the Arab League and today the ministerial Declaration on the Arab digital agenda was approved me Also aimed to review the prospects of a rapid digital development and keep pace with it as it has become a necessity For not only Iraq but Arab countries in order to catch up with the global development in this field So everybody’s working together. They’ve had a focus on this was in time past But they wanted to focus in on al-usiri points out that artificial intelligence is still a challenge facing all of these countries in order to preserve the ethics of Artificial intelligence on the one hand and the benefit from the innovation in great scientific progress in this So basically there’s a push for digitalization and this is for not only Iraq to get in line, but The region and to be involved in the global community So they’re talking about a race against time Remember al-sudani was one of those guys that has been always talking about time frames get things done within a time frame And so now the push is on for the digital side of it, which is what Electronic. Okay.


So this article is a lengthy one I am no way am I going to get into the whole thing because it’s basically just a far more in-depth But the article in patreon in our discord chat room. It’s called experts Digital transformation cyber security are an Iraqi necessity Electronic automation ensures rapid response to hacking electronic espionage attempts which ensures the protection of financial institutions vital facilities and strategic sectors in the energy and Health from cyber attacks in addition to improving the efficiency of the government. So they’re talking about health Organization they’re talking about energy.


They’re talking about lots of things They’re talking about in performance in terms of improving services and reducing bureaucracy which ensures transparency through the application of digital government governance Technology is linked to a ministry or authority which is ensures. There’s a centralization So it’s talking about three of the major components of Iraq’s Government their Systems their health care systems their energy systems all of that It says implementing the idea ensures government efforts to unify efforts between sectors to move away from the Abhorrent they call it bureaucracy that sweeps institutions and harms citizens this step when implemented also limits reliance on foreign technology protects the country’s digital sovereignty and enhances the development of local solutions So the here in turn to go there’s gentleman by the name of dr Mohammed is not out by Adi a member of the digital transformation advisory team at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers an expert in digital transformation and artificial intelligence The Prime Minister holds the position of this chairman of the Supreme Court Supreme Committee for digital transformation in Iraq and this committee took a decision and issued a Diwani Order to establish two centers. The first is a digital transformation while the second is a cyber security center Some of the other key points in here it says Let’s see the guess they talk about bureaucracy again Here we are here’s something it says considering All of this ensures strong central management of the digital file helps in building a smarter safer economically sustainable country while reducing cyber risks and achieving a real digital transformation that serves individuals and Institutions He goes on many paragraphs later It says the government program confirmed the current government is a government of service and is directly linked to digital Transformation.


So now what they’re talking about here is we must move within three years to the level of an independent body or ministry concerned with digital transformation so ultimately as you guys can see they’re going through a Fight against corruption that what they’re trying to do is reduce costs and get direct service to the people Iraq has already made inroads into this. Okay. This isn’t brand.


This isn’t something that’s just getting launched today. It’s actually It looks like a completion but again electronic government payments taxation automation interfinancial banking Reforms, etc. All of this supports Iraq is going digital and with that I believe it’s her currency will be in line with central banks around the world with Digitization in mind, I don’t know you guys get used to the digital world because it’s here.


It’s not going away It’s only going to get more and more advanced So we’re going to move into a different topic here. It says Aziz trade and investment movement between the Iraqi community and In Michigan the United States and the local government in Nineveh What they say here is that this Chaldean Community Foundation and the president of the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce said the statement that Iraq’s says the visit comes at an important time to Activate the Iraqi Chamber of Commerce and American Chamber of Commerce and and strengthen economic cooperation between the two parties It says the Chaldean community is one of the active communities in the United States and has a major role in stimulating Economic relations between Iraq and America it says the local government in Nineveh has made remarkable progress in the field of Reconstruction as a number of churches have been restored such as a church of our the church of our Tahira and It goes on it says opening of the nuns house He also announced a plan to build cultural centers for Christians in Mosul next month as well as starting to rebuild a Church in his home He goes on and adds that the government is working to rebuild churches in all districts and areas to stimulate the return of Christians to the region, you know, the United States has a lot of Chaldeans here in Michigan and there are a lot of business people. There are a lot of religious people and They’re a big big community.


And so they’re reaching out to these folks to activate Got a remember of these business owners a lot of these people Are wealthy here in the United States and they probably own a lot of their own currency Let alone US dollars and so to to get that stimulates Back home so that they can use that money and that investment to rebuild the country is part of their plan So this other article is Iraqi Minister of Planning the census indicators ensure fair distribution of resources So look the population Hasn’t been the population census hasn’t been done for like four decades What its results will be will be to enable the government to dispute resources Distribute resources fairly among the people. I think we all know what that means As we announce these results They say that they’re keen on to distribute them accurately to all regions in Iraq including villages The deserts the mountainous regions that are full of scrutiny of the accuracy of data and extraction of detailed tables Well now they have after 40 years without a census now They have one they can get the accuracy of the data for the extraction of these detailed tables And to me, this is a big step because it’s an historic step to have an accurate count of the people It’s over forty six forty six million people. So it’s been crease.


I think it’s forty one forty six million 180,000 or something like that. So that’s pretty big So here’s another one. It says the governmental treatments to achieve financial balance The parliamentary finance downplayed concerns about a financial deficit this article basically in In patreon is about taxation and Jamal Cougar is the one that’s talking about it He says the ministry has completed the procedures for dispersing salaries and social protection Network allowances for the month of March which coincides with the holy month of Ramadan so the holy month of Ramadan is I Think what Monday or Tuesday? So anyway, the bottom line is they’re looking forward to getting this done the last day of the month here in In our country is Friday the 28th.


So that’s fascinating that they have that ready to go I like this article too because it says here it says from the oil minister. It says I The oil exports from Kurdistan region will resume within a week So Monday the oil exports from the Kurdistan. This is coming from the oil minister It says oil exports from the Kurdistan region was zoom within a week Stressing that this issue will be settled within a week Adding that Iraq is waiting for Turkey’s approval to resume pumping oil and we hoped that the Kurdish oil exports will be ready within two days So now this article they’re talking about within a week now that they’re hoping that oil exports will be ready within two days Well, I got something else coming for that But his country is committed to blocks decisions the exported quantities under the control of the ministry The Kurdistan region government said a statement yesterday Sunday that the region’s authorities agreed with the federal ministry of oil to resume crude oil exports from its based on Valuable quantities.


So here this article basically says sorted within a couple of days So here here’s an article again about oil the ministry of oil reveals the quantities received from the Kurdistan region as the first stage This article is going to is going to be a little bit different than the other one because it says here It says the ministry of oil has addressed the Turkish side to inquire about the readiness of the pipeline allocated for export via the port Of cyan and we are awaiting an answer within the next 24 hours I showed you guys that they’ve already taken care of that pipeline So some of this stuff is that you’re going to take it, you know taking the good throughout the bad, you know wheat from the chaff But it did does say they’re awaiting an answer within 24 hours that came out today. So we’re well within that time frame Does that mean what’s going to happen tonight or tomorrow doesn’t say that but my point is they haven’t turned that oil on at 1310 Relationship because there’s a whole new ballgame coming to to Iraq. It’s a digital world and Iraq’s real effective value of their Assets that they have you’re gonna find out here shortly that they don’t have much debt They can have it all their debt about nine billion paid off Okay within about three years and they don’t have to do it today, okay when they’re debt-free all that income non oil revenues taxation the lack of flaring gas Everything you guys it’s gonna be amazing the development road project all the industrial cities that they’re gonna build along that path is The the private sector is just gonna go crazy I think everybody in the world probably should know that by now and some yes some of that some of you had asked about checking into the ISX etc And I’m thinking about that because there are brokers out there that will probably be able to help facilitate trading Especially when they have a new exchange rate, they’re going to be Very transparent and they’re going to be part of the digital transformation as well And I think we have evidence of that so the promise of communications and coordination between the Federal Ministry of Oil the Ministry of Natural Resources the Kurdistan region what was agreed upon and Confirmed to resume the export the region’s oil according to the available quantities So within their supposed next 24 hours, they’re looking for an answer.


Well, that’s great But they also said it would go within a week and they said that last week. Okay, so we’re in a very good time frame Here’s an article that called the cooperation between Iraq and the ITIC to promote tax reform Okay It says that Hussein the hub he goes in and represents a qualitative leap towards enhancing tax reform a local Iraqi institution signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the International Tax and Investment Center in Washington International Investment Center in Washington with what aim the aim of supporting efforts to reform their system in Iraq Remember the ice cutter system. That’s a global digital environment They have their own Agreement with the ITIC in Washington So it says the International Center provided a team of full-time experts Specializing in tax reform to study the currently reality The current reality of taxes in Iraq and working on reforming the pillars of the sector adding our goal is to build a fair and transparent tax system that relies on the best international practices and contributes to strengthening the investment environment and supporting the national economy It goes on says this tax reform in Iraq Is described as a partnership and an important strategic steps towards enhancing International cooperation in the field of tax and investment reforms in Iraq So it says this cooperation contributes to achieving a more transparent and suitable economic environment Enhances non-oil revenues.


I love that part non-oil revenues by improving the business environment, especially foreign companies Operating in Iraq or wishing to enter their Iraqi market So he says he goes they revealed that in the coming days That the coming days will witness the resolution of three major problems that have burdened taxpayers in the past First of which is the problem of similar names. They’re going to get that, right? Kurdistan region is probably a focus which has been addressed through an advanced digital system again digital system and prevents procedural errors Inquiries about taxpayers and will also become fully digital Which will facilitate knowing the tax status without the need to visit the authority. You don’t need to go into the buildings You can probably do it all online.


So he goes the inquiries about companies will become available electronically to do to government develop departments which will enhance transparency and encourage that investment and speed up procedures all of these things I’ve been describing right now are Showing us that the digital transformation whether it be for taxes energy moving oil. All of those things are going to be transparent They’re going to be well documented and it’s going to be under a new system and just as their currency is going to be under A new system. So let’s see how this turns out, but check it out.


This article it says out of debt It says that for many years foreign debts have been a huge burden on the Iraqi state and they go on to talk about since the 1980s of 2003 ISIS gangs But it says however the recent shift towards an effective Successful economic policy has led to Iraq’s depletion of the largest part of it So the words they reduced it it has become beyond the danger of the dictates of banks and creditors abroad So they’ve got their debt way down It says the remaining debts to international parties that constitute only less than nine billion dollars to be paid from now until 2028 It says the percentage of these debts in relationship the gross domestic product does not constitute a burden on the state as the comp as they constitute an estimated 5% of gross domestic product and the global standard allows for 60% of The gross domestic product to foreign debts. So at this stage Iraq has become a well fortified country in the matter of foreign debts They go on and finish up this article with By the year 2028 there will be no external debt Last article we have this evening is Iraq boosts future economy with major strategic projects They’re talking about the development road in the Grand Fah port. It says these projects will contribute to diversifying revenues Enhancing economic stability and providing wide-ranging upper job opportunities They will require the establishment of new cities and support these projects Which called which will contribute to stimulating economic growth in the country and placing Iraq in a strategic position That enhances its role at the international level It says that the development road and the Grand Fah port are going to be what major drivers that will move Iraq into the international arena And will contribute to enhancing investment integration with the country’s around the world Integration keyword you guys and which will achieve great economic feasibility So according to the executive director of the Iraqi Development Fund, it says Iraq is an important economic arena worldwide He goes on and says that the development road project being that major driver will move Iraq into that International arena.


Okay, and they they focus they focus again, which will achieve great economic feasibility It says these projects require the establishment of a of those new cities that they mentioned already and They’re basically a strategic link between the two poles of the world through Iraq territory East and West everybody Here we go Investment on and basically what it’s doing is that Iraq Development Fund is working to create a suitable investment environment to attract specialized international companies that can Effectively contribute to the economic revival of Iraq and it says Alma Mohammed Ali added that the regional cooperation with the government of Iraq an opportunity for economic integration Which will be immune from economic shocks So they’re gonna have to be a powerful state They’re gonna have to have a powerful currency and they’re gonna have to be stable and they’ve already proven that they can do that Okay, so she says that she points out that this diversity will positively Reflect on providing new job opportunities in various fields such as tourism Manufacturing and technology with contributes to enhancing economic development She goes on and adds that this work has been hard to invest. But what they’ve done is They’ve gone into and invested in their natural resources in a strategic way by bringing it in leading global investment Companies, I don’t know you guys how many ways they can tell us That we all we already know all this but they’re saying it all over again. It’s like they’re reiterating it We know Iraq’s value is not based off oil alone Aside from the obvious natural resources non oil revenue streams all inclusive is she has massive diversity with income streams All of which are underlying issues to afford to get a proper valuation Based on real assets and not based off sanctioned exchange rate.


That is not an international one It has been in sub-penny range for over 20 years now. It’s Iraq’s time to shine as far as I can tell I don’t know you guys you guys think about it but I think the news out today basically tells the story that Iraq’s ready for that full integration into the International arena and if you’re not excited about it, I don’t know what’s going to do it but and for all those that don’t get it, please come into patreon.com forward slash Militiaman and crew and check out our discord chat room and you can get all this information and you can dig into it on your Own if you’d like, but we you’re more than welcome to do so But thank you for being with us and thanks again. If you like the content hit that like button for me Would you please and again all your? Help and donations are appreciated and you know where to find me.


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