Decades Of Insight From a Market Veteran (Uncut) 02-21-2025
people have not understand that the dollar is just not going to continue forever in fact statistically it continues to decline it’s now some people say it just in the mid-50s percent usage in the world when at one time it was 880 or 90 wall Street’s never going to embrace gold because they’ve always treated it like Kryptonite and the main reason is they can’t make a lot of money with it they can’t flip it change it put it here put it there go to that go to this all the buying of central banks if they’re not
going to be using it for a purpose who do they flip it to to make money on here’s nobody to flip [Music] it this is little by little with Andy schikman all right everybody welcome back to another episode of little by little I couldn’t tell you how psyched I am to have Peter grandich on with me I’ve been on Peter show a few times and that he’s he’s an exceptional man um Peter I hold you in in very high esteem um you are one of the good guys in the 35 years I’ve been in this industry one of the real good guys and and it’s a
true honor to have you on here with me today um how you doing buddy good to see you well I’m doing great it’s a little bit different on this side I I always look so much forward to speaking to you and you never lost for word so you’re one of the best guests anybody could have and uh but it’s nice to speak with you and I must tell people up front it was you who confirmed me staying in gold and also getting him very involved behind the brick St about three years ago you did a I think an interview might have
been kcko could have been somebody else and I was already long go from you know but I in 2021 Andy I literally sold all my stocks but one to buy gold and you know when you’re alone or NE alone out there and just keep hearing the opposite and everything you know it’s hard to stay and like I said I caught your interview and that made me reach out to you and speak to you and then of course start interviewing you so I’m as much pleased to be here as you are supposedly to have me well God bless you for such
um kind words and I I listened to an interview that you just did you call it your swan song for conferences where you mentioned that you went all in a a as a lone wolf and I understand the concept of being a lone wolf uh I was talking about the bricks in 2019 and 2020 everyone thought I was crazy my wife said Andy you keep saying the same stuff I said yeah but no one’s talking about it well maybe you’re wrong I’m like gez that am I um you know I think people like you and I um do the best we can to speak our mind and and do
it in a way that we hope helps people right or wrong I’ve never um ascribed to be the smartest guy in the room I I am sincere I spend a lot of time studying and researching as do you and to hear someone of your Stater say that um it’s one of the greatest things I could ever hear it’s a compliment Beyond compliments and thank you for saying that to me you’ve made my day um to say the least so that means a lot to me I appreciate that um let’s jump right into to the weeds but I’m going to ask you a
question different from anything that I’ve ever spoken with you about you you know when I first met you you you you’ve always had the football up there and talked about uh the New York Jets and and the people you’ve known I think was Joe Cleco I think um you work with legendary sports sports athletes and I Sports has defined my life I I’ve um it’s meant more to me than anything really I can’t imagine my life without Athletics baseball softball all around North America into my 40s travel all over through Canada and the
US um golf to this day skiing I just got back from a trip any basketball you name it I played it four days a week most of my life anything with a ball or a sport I loved and um still du to this day you’ve worked with some of the biggest and most legendary sport athletes there is pro athletes who left the biggest impression on you and why well yeah in in just after 2000 I was asked to form a uh christian-based Financial advisory service that would service professional athletes by a gentleman who had been on the first two
New York Giants Super Bowl team and uh I was a Die Hard Jet fan at the time and he was a New York Giant and when he asked me my response to him you’re like this was you couldn’t possibly want me to work with you because I I used to ro I used to root for you to drop the ball and die so I was his name was Lee rousan and we began a uh and within a year I found myself uh within the confines of the New York Giants uh in a circle where I was doing Bible study Chapel fellowshipping and then getting to know
the players and many of them clearly young enough to be my sons and eventually grandsons but uh it allowed an entree into the sports world that wasn’t targeted it wasn’t something like I was sitting as a financial guy and I I want to get at beats as client it just evolved that way and uh in terms of meaning the most to me you mentioned it my father and I my father I became a Jet fan because in 1969 they won the Super Bowl my father was a Jet fan I’m 13 years old and I started rooting for them and it’s been basically misery
since then so uh when I would get a chance to meet Joe Cleco who was my father’s biggest hero of the time that he played for the Jets just went into the Hall of Fame finally a couple years ago he has been the most to me because our relationship went way past sports like me he’s a devout Catholic and he spends more time about his faith than he does Sports which shocks people because they just know him from his movies and all that kind of stuff but personally to me and helping me become a better man
through some of the toughest times in my life I’ve had three huge battles with depression Andy two of them cause caused hospitalization and Cleco and some others were there for that and so from a sports person he would be uh really the number one person I would say a and I’ll just tell you this just so everybody knows they put their pant legs one leg on the time just like we do and some of them have more problems or more messed up than we’ll ever be so don’t assume from the what you see in some of the
things now especially because Sports has become so much more socially and politically involved what led to me to leave the business Andy I shut a very profitable business in 2021 because of how much wokeness came into the sports world and it clashed with my fate to the point that I had to make a choice between one and the other but the athletes themselves have a platform and an ability to speak to people or at least get people interested just unlike just about any other profession and from the ones that were involved in the in
the Christian end of it they they used their gift and still do but unfortunately politics and social uh stuff overtaking the NFL I I’ll tell you to tell you something I don’t mean to ramble on but this is important I chose not to watch the Super Bowl this year it helped that I wasn’t a fan of either team but but realistically because the social rising of a different national anthem to be played just before our own national anthem I don’t want to support an organization that’s going to bring something like that to the Forefront so
I chose not to watch it and uh you know if it was the Jets playing the Giants might have that been a tougher decision yeah might would have been tougher but it’s Sports have been invaded you still hear older people getting mad all the players it’s not what it was like you remember the 50s and 60s and 70s Joe klecker after his first year playing for the Jets he drove a truck in the off season you know you so it’s come a long way so uh I thank you for that but that that part of my life ended I still stay friends with
some and I do an occasional stuff but the Sports World what it is now and what it was 30 40 years ago the only thing remotely out of the four major sports I know you’re a big basketball son the only one that hasn’t been totally infiltrated is hockey hockey still is much like it was 20 or 30 years ago the rest especially basketball and football the social and political aspects now are in the Forefront of that that that business yeah couldn’t agree more um it’s interesting you know Juan SoDo who left the Yankees I think to go to
the Mets just signed a $51 million a year contract I remember when cury Pucket in 1988 became the highest paid athlete in sports history at three million a year things certainly are changing and you’re right the platform for for these athletes to speak sometimes I wish they wouldn’t you know like LeBron James just play basketball I don’t want to hear about all your your social viewpoints but you’re right I mean it it it could also be a platform for good no question about it but I respect someone who stood firm on his
ideals and his principles and and shuddered what uh would have been an increasingly uh profitable business but it’s it’s striking when you hear a pro a pro football player was driving a a truck in the off season to make ends meet when when guys are making you look at Joe burrow I looked at his contract I was sitting in in a restaurant the other day with a guy and we were looking at the contract he signed and the year before or the year after he signed it he got hurt right away but the year before
we took the number of pass attempts and divided it into his yearly contract and it worked out to like $85,000 per pass attempt different times to say the least well one more question on Sports but this could really I think be broadened out to just about anybody and that would be what’s one piece of financial advice that every young athlete should know before making their first million dollars what would you advise them going back if knowing what you know now so my partner I said named Lee rousan until a few years ago NFL
contracts weren’t fully guaranteed uh and so he used to say to players the NFL stands for not for long they were one injury away from but what what’s lost in in all of this is if you I know you a fany to Minnesota you know you were up there if you ask the most Harden even Eagles fan right now that won the Super Bowl name all 53 players on this roster some may get to 30 or 35 but they’ll never get to 53 and the reason I bring that up is 80% of NFL players never qualify for the pension they never play
long enough before years uh some play just one or two years some just make practice squads whatever which is okay money don’t get me wrong but it’s not retirement money and so what I would just tell them even those that make that level is there’s life after football and only a handful can live off what they make now of course that’s changed a lot you talked about baseball now even hockey salaries are going up now they are making money for Life type of investment but you’re still hearing even people
that fit that prescription still end up losing all of it or most of it and that’s even with a token the NFL started a certification program 20 years ago I had to be part of it when we were dealing with them at all but all it really does is kind of check your history and make sure your licens and all that kind of stuff and they bring the rookies in to a two or three days seminar but basically the top players get cared for the the first round second round their agents bringing in financial advises legal and all the
rest of the players they may have a lawyer to do the contract but they’re left to be on their own and they’re the most vulnerable because here’s what happens and I’ve seen it so much we could spend hours talking about it second and third cousins show up with the great business sche ideas and also Investments now you know the big thing that you know I still talked to a couple agents that were were I was friends with all so many have gotten the cryptos they’re trying to bring out mcoins in their own names now some of the big
stars because they realize how much overnight look what the trumps did overnight so if you got a real big name out there now and you came out with a mcoin you know so what I would like to say to them is is that there’s more to it afterwards it just is not you haven’t reached the peak but I I used to tell the younger players that they’re you know the second or third string guys Hey listen I just want you to know you’re in the top one to 1% of earners in the world don’t get caught up with the guy over there that’s
making 50 million and you’re making two your 2 million still puts you ahead of 99% of all the people don’t fall down that list you’ve been given a a blessing Beyond measurable and make the most of it but when you’re young just like I was young and you’re now the social aspect you know you you talked about the uh Joe Cleco Joe likes to tell the story yeah he had to drive a truck but here he was in 1981 he was Defensive Player of the Year he had 20 and a half sacks we imagine now if he did that same thing
what he would be paid for that at all but he says that he’s all grateful with it at all because a lot of these people are getting spoiled and losing their souls based on getting so caught up in the money it’s a it it listen I I understand the fame it looks great and all but know that about 80% of those players especially on football they’re not killing it where you know they’re going to sit on the money for the rest of their lives and they’re going to have to work after that and that’s why also
just you know the NFL did start something even better than theic program every team has now a a Player Development Personnel Dave zot a good friend of mine’s been it now for the Jets for almost 20 years his job is to solely work with the players about a career after football now Aaron Rogers was not going in for those meetings okay but the the the the third string tight end and you know the play uh guys on on the player Squad they needed that and so hopefully that they’ll have and they can make good because remember this Andy and
and I’ll stop because I can go with you for sports for hours if they made it to the NFL or the NBA and all even if they were second or third string they were phenomenal athletes they were the best in high school they were the best in college because that’s why you only you hear about guys oh they played 14 years in the NHL but he wasn’t great Nel are you kidding me 14 years he managed to stay in the NHL let me tell you something he was damn good he he beat 98% of the rest of the hockey players yeah imagine him in a pickup game at the
local ring I I agree um it’s funny I mean there there always are exceptions to that rule I have a very good friend who was best friends with Craig growing up Craig Council grew up in in Milwaukee Wisconsin he said wasn’t the best athlete on the baseball team and high school and walked on to Notre Dame and well then ended up winning a World Series and spending 16 or 17 years in pro baseball and then being a manager but that would be an outlier I would agree with you the um the wisdom that that you are are imparting here I I
would I would hope that they still call on you from time to time and ask you to come in and give talks to these people because it’s smart when you realize that you only get so many chances in life you know my father always said to me it’s much easier to make money than it is to keep it and I think that’s probably exemplified in Pro Sports but following that thread but no longer talking about Pro Sports I just had to ask I’ve always wondered about your background in sports and and we’ve talked a little bit about
it thank you for sharing you were a financial advisor um for decades and if you were advising someone today maybe a young person doesn’t have to be a pro athlete with no Investments to date what would you tell them to do first oh boy I so this is the model I’ve had for about 20 years because I’ve made and lost Millions not once but twice so I think I can speak from both sides of the coin Andy I I’ve adopted a less is more attitude but it part of the reason that we America is in the problem that
it has is because on a much bigger scale we spent more than we made that’s the end of the day a lot more well still seven or eight out of 10 families that we see in the Planning Group that I’m still aart are still in that boat they’re spending more than that making and people say well how do they do that well they they a they borrow uh B they defer maintenance so to speak to their homes to theirselves they have a bunch of car leases outside or payments you know to drive a fancy car and all where if they had lesser they
they would be cash flow positive and they’ve also bought into this falsehood which I don’t know was allp purposely done a mixture between Madison Avenue and Wall Street and that is more money is going to equal more happiness that the guy driving the bus can never be happier than the guy that owns the bus company that’s what they would like you to believe the fact remains in real life more of the happier people that I met are people little of no means and some of the wealthiest people I knew were
they were athletes or Rich business owners were some of the most unhappy people I met so I think perspective to understand on what’s really important and to understand getting cash flow positive uh the biggest kick on us if a 10-second commercial about our Planning Group is We Believe cash flow is the key not chasing net worth show me a successful business person show me a successful real estate person whatever they manage the cash flow properly so being as efficient as effective as you can be which most people aren’t is a is
a good starting ground before you start thinking how could I turn a dollar into two three or four or some investment that’ll give me the idea the other thing I’ll tell you is that more times than not your best asset is yourself so in all the years that I’ve met I’ve only a handful of people that walk walk up to you and go yeah mom and dad put a few thousand into the stock market every year and they walked away with a couple million what I normally learn is they either inherited it they were small to
midsize business owners they invested in commercial real estate where the financial world came in about they either were in the financial service business or they worked for a publicly heal company where they got a fair batch of stock options and were able to exercise it the stock market despite all the Hooper and all and everything it’s a lot tougher than it than than it looks a lot more people have to lose from a smaller percentage to win and I think it’s a thousand times tougher now than it was when I first entered the business
40 years ago yeah I listened to your interview talking about passive income uh Vehicles which was incredibly interesting and Illuminating when you talk about you know you were saying when you were in the industry earlier the majority of your business was from individuals and and and now it’s the opposite of that or maybe it wasn’t your business it’s just business that was being done within the uh the stock market or investing and now it’s it’s it’s institutional it’s these passive funds uh I found it very
interesting people should check that out uh especially those that are interested in the stock market they may look at things a little bit differently it kind of opened my eyes immediately I listened to it last night I’m like wow that that’s that’s fascinating I I didn’t understand that but but again um very interesting and I appreciate your take on that um let’s shift gears this a tiny bit um you are not shy and quite vocal about not being a Bitcoin fan um what is your biggest issue with Bitcoin with my hand on the Bible it’s
their savior Michael sailor so a few years back when Bitcoin let’s take a step back Bitcoin has followed the path much broadly and much more uh explosive than what the penny stock market was in the 70 80s and into the 90s how the penny stock market used to work was a handful of small people get involved with a very low price thing trade it bring a few friends in get it pumped up and then tell the world it’s about to go to the moon and have them run it up and they would exit from that that was the
standard that’s what the Wolf of Wall Street is really about when you take it back out and all and all so here was this guy you know so everybody likes to go oh bitcoin’s up 6 60,000 per. yeah how many people shared in that 60,000 the public really started getting involved about four or five years ago in general and basically when it was in the tens of thousands of dollar price okay so this this guy comes along and he starts saying what I thought and what used to be at least when I was in the business the absolute red flag or red
flags sell your stocks sell your bonds sell your real estate sell your business sell your home borrow if you have to and put it in this thing and by the way not different types of those things just that thing that that’s a non-starter right there if you if you came across what you’ve never done and said people sell your stocks sell your bonds sell you this and just buy gold that’s all I want your bb as bad to me as what that person was so if you ask me that was the original turnoff to it and i’ learned
bet against people like that not on people like that and then I seen others come out and kind of Follow that line a guy named Kaiser and a few others that are really Ju Just with no regard and no it’s infallible there’s no way this can miss no concern about that see I seen losses myself I I had them myself I know I had clients that lost because of what I said or what I did and so forth and so on and you have to be unconscionable to say something like that knowing full well in reality that’s not true but what
bothered me the most Andy is that the financial so-called journalist out there embraced it didn’t challenge it and then embraced it and then because of what’s transpired elevated to now you know he’s like one of the the Mavericks you know that that might have been a JP Morgan or somebody like that was usually viewed at when they were first around all so that’s the initial part of what kept me out of it now when I had clients and people know this for record I said if you want to toss ice you want to go to
the casino you want to buy a penny stock go ahead buy Bitcoin I wasn’t but don’t treat it as the second coming or like I say I’m I kept saying it can’t top out until they tell me it cures cancer because that’s the only thing left that I don’t think they have they have left to pull out because remember this has been a this has been a whose narrative has changed four or five times in the last five to seven years the The Cure All or the reason to own it has Chang now they got smart Andy they got very smart this group they went out
and 60 minutes just ran a whole series on it three weeks ago it’s still online showing how much money was spent by the crypto industry backing certain politicians including this Lumis Senator who’s basically out all day she reminds me of the senator from the movie in the father and and so I’m concerned that when something like that is backed by that type of now you if I may I like to say this half jokingly when I was a young kid they told us don’t trust Finks remember the kid that was always considered a fink well there’s a fink
here involved in this who just F years ago said this is the most criminal worst thing you could ever get near I wouldn’t touch it with aund foot B then suddenly loved it now did he love it because suddenly he realized the technology is suddenly improved which it didn’t it didn’t change nothing changed from five years ago from when he disliked it what changed was he realized that his firm can make hundreds of millions of dollars not a billion or more with it and other things related to it and my comment always has been and I
know they never I don’t want to be on CNBC and all but my comment always be is if you really believe that sir take all your payment in Bitcoin because they’re still paying themselves some cash from that ETF and all they’re not taking it in Bitcoin so that and other things but I’ll tell you what’s worse than Bitcoin mcoins can you imagine people want to say to me they say to me that we’re not in a speculative assess no offense I know I can say it on your show if I had Pooh in this hand and a mcoin in this
hand it’s the same thing it has no value there’s nothing to it you want to try to bid a poo let’s call it the Peter bu and they did they came out with the F they came close they called it a f we have people now spending some people betting large sums of money and I’m not talking about very rich I’m working class people on just a greater fool Theory Andy just that hopefully somebody will pay more for something that’s worth nothing than I did and that all ties into my overall mood and where we’re at and how people
think and I can start going more into you it’s happening in sports betting we’re seeing so many people getting crushed now betting Sports getting hooked on Sports unlike anything ever seen before and all but that’s the speculative access that’s in this world and yet and I’m singing to the choir but I have to say this drop a pin drop hearing somebody from those industry talking about gold which just happens in the last 25 years is outperformed the two greatest things they’ve ever sold as stocks and bonds and yet there’s a pin
drop so the long long long answer to it is I’ll bet against it because of the people that are most behind it yeah a couple threads I’d like to pull on that you mentioned Michael sailor saying sell everything he even went as far as saying the government US government should sell all the gold held uh by the the Federal Reserve hopefully it’s still there um which would depress the price of gold that all the other countries been buying in Jack and use the proceeds to buy Bitcoin which would enrich the United States and
and I I I lost a little bit of respect sh we say when I heard that I thought it was outlandish but and very self-serving uh to to to say the least and and you mentioned one other thing that I I find to me on a broader scale is is a big problem with all of this and and that is this instant gratification not being fast enough uh the the getrich mentality whether it be through sports betting or cryptocurrencies or whatnot the meme coins um the the the not understanding of of elbow grease and hard work and the the laws of
compounding not just of interest but of time and and of effort which has really defined my career I always tell the story that when I was 19 years old I started this company with my father he said you won’t make the same mistakes that I made you’ll buy some silver or some gold every two weeks period or I’ll fire you well I’ve owned the company outright for over two decades he won’t fire me anymore but I’ve honored my commitment to him and and for every two weeks for 35 years this this month represents 35 years I bought something
and it’s the greatest gift I’ve ever been given it certainly wasn’t the fast road to riches um but it allowed me to understand that the laws of compounding of time and of effort and the significance of that and to your point for 25 years gold has not only doubled the performance of the 10-year treasury but when you take the S&P 500 since 2000 and add dividends reinvested it’s average 99.6% per year versus 9.9 on the price of gold gold was up 30% last year doesn’t get noticed it’s knocking on the
door of 3,000 doesn’t get noticed because it’s it’s the tortoise and not the hair it’s not sexy it’s it’s it’s it’s a pet rock that doesn’t pay any interest evidently evidently most of the public who believes that has been fooled as as you know you were saying recently and I I think I heard you say this um on that podcast last night who’s buying all the gold well that would be the central banks and and who’s not buying all the Bitcoin well that would be the central banks so when you have the most
well-funded and well-informed traders in the world making the moves that they are to accumulate Commodities like gold and silver it certainly certainly makes you think of a sop or misdirection um and I and I appreciate your cander in that I was always curious what it was but you’re right one thing Andy can I just add one pleas important sorry and I call it bitcon I don’t call it Bitcoin and so let’s look at the company that he has used and remind remind you that his background is a checker background this
isn’t somebody that I think would win the Boy Scout award he’s had some serious issues in in his past including with the company so he has this company now called strategy which micro strategy and in his and in essence he found what could be his Golden Goose which I commend him for as I say I I consider him the greatest snake oil salesman That Ever Walked on the earth in investment world so he found this company and he takes this company a public company by the way that’s supposed to report act
just like other public companies and I’ll get to that in a moment and he takes able to borrow from people buy the thing that he owns that helps push it up and then pushing it up creates more money coming in but when no one questions in that is he’s a public company he’s being interviewed by Financial journalists and saying it’s going to 3 million or 4 million if I went on those same shows and started talking about my portfolio and the stocks that I had and thoughted talking that they’re going to be selling
for three million or four million they’re only $2 now I’d be called the greatest hypster in the world and all that that that is the other concern of mine and and then the big question is if all this buying is happening because you cannot go five minutes on the internet without somebody coming on saying I see you know Bitcoin going to a million two million all these numbers are being thrown out and it’s a finite item and all these machine guys you know this strategies buying it yet it really can’t
get out of its own way in the last year or two listen I understand listen it went from 70 to 100,000 that’s great their stocks have done a lot better than that and the in that same time and all but they don’t get the coverage or the or the hype they do and let me tell you this one thing I eared after 40 years if people keep talking about something and talking about something and it doesn’t happen it’s like that box he gets in the first round he shouldn’t even be in the ring on the 12th round he’s still there
many times he ends up winning the fight and I think unfortunately and I believe right now and I put it up on my X page it’s tracing out a significant top it has continued to make a series of higher I’m sorry lower highs all while the same enthusiasm and you know all this stuff is happening and I’ll tell you this much if if wherever may be listening to this if you start seeing it below 990,000 there’s some serious issues going to be for Bitcoin if that breaks below and stays for more than a day or two because
that’s a level that I think is going to change a lot of people’s mind and momentum and all these people that use it for chart but as as much as that is I I want you to know one thing I’m not against the cryptocurrency theory and I believe just like the Doom bust when the ineval happens there will be crypto currency type companies 10 or 20 years from now I just don’t think bitcoin’s one of it in fact I think their technology greatly lags and so uh you know it’s something that uh people’s asked me what would take it for you to
to to buy it I said one of two things the Jets and the Giants in the Super Bowl next year or the second coming of Christ either one well I wonder which one comes first it’ll be maybe you thr the Viking into that equation too it probably wouldn’t change the outcome very much pet are we are we witness in the end of the Dollar’s dominance or do you think we can still fight back no I I listen it I I bow and gracefully bow to your expertise and all and understanding I I I wish you could spend 15 minutes to
the world explaining what’s happening with bricks people don’t understand this I I’m a very simple guy I wasn’t a college person I entered Wall Street by I always been a bluecollar guy working in a white collar business but the Simplicity is this as I tell everybody listen for a lot of years America has been a bully economically politic socially militarily and over the years less and less people want to deal with it it’s not the same as it was 30 or 40 years ago it’s the same thing in mining now if you look at mining it’s only
about half the places you can go to where you might have went 20 30 years ago so these countries rightfully or wrong whether you like their political agendas whatever have decided starting with a small group they listen we might be better off working with ourselves we shouldn’t be just totally dependent on this this big guy over here and it’s developed and it went from a few countries to more and more and they developed these systems and they’ve talked about it no listen the only person that was saying oh they’re coming
out with a gold currency was some of the people no respect this for you not you that might sell gold stuff there was no real serious talk among them that they were about to introduce but they’ve been it’s like you little by little by little I use that now I always give you credit for it and the bottom and the bottom line is think about this first we abandoned our allies in Afghanistan people don’t realize that I mean I know a couple people very high up in military that said their military counterparts in the other countries
were’re extremely disappointed how we left them then there was a war we called for one of the Sid’s money to be Frozen and then we okayed and basically pushed for their enemy to get the interest now we got a guy that’s in charge saying if you don’t play with me I’m I’m going to beat you to pulp you’re not going to be able to play with anybody that’s the greatest marketing card for the bricks silently to go around and they they’re smart enough listen Russia China and all they’re no dummies they didn’t get to where they
were because they’re dummies they know you can’t get into a wall with words with Trump okay but right behind closed doors they’re now showing all this and they’re showing What’s Happening Here with these tariffs and all people have not understand that the dollar is just not going to continue for ever in fact statistically it continues to decline it’s now some people say it just in the mid 50s perc usage in the world when at one time it was 80 or 90 and it’s it’s been the excuse for us to spend more and
keep printing in the way we did it all now I think one of the things that’s going to come all of this is that when they come back to the meetings again they’re not going to beat their chest they’re not going to get into a a war words but we’re going to see them moving closer and doing more activity together and if the tariffs don’t work which I don’t expect them to Andy I’m open that maybe he knows something I don’t know but history doesn’t support tariffs no one seemingly won in Wars when there
were tffs in vote I still think it’s a negotiating Ploy of his I don’t think he plans on having 20 25% terrus six and 12 months from now it’s to get changes now but I do think that people who don’t understand the formation of the bricks the growth that it’s already had in the few years that it’s been going and what it’s set to do now going forward and listen Andy we can beat our chess to the cows come home wall Street’s never going to embrace gold because they’ve always treated it like Kryptonite and the main
reason is they can’t make a lot of money with it they can’t flip it change it put it here put it there go to that go to this and yet so I don’t ever expect or tell the public to turn on their General Financial networks and hear people speaking about it but it is a critical part of this change that coming listen Andy do you have to be a rocket scientist all the buying of central banks if they’re not going to be using it for a purpose who do they flip it to to make money on there is nobody to flip
it they have to be the end user there’s not somebody hoping that they’re going to pass this on so they can lock in profits on and I think you’ve discussed enough and anybody watching this doesn’t need me to repeat what you’ve already shared but the fact remains is they recognize the changes that coming and remember it was not that long ago when they hated gold and they didn’t want it to be part of what it was but they came to the conclusion of the indebtedness of the world and what’s transpired it’s
really their only way out long the term so maybe a topic for me to come on your show is a new Theory I have about all of the gold that is being brought back into the L from London into the comx vaults record amounts we’ve never seen this amount ever never When I Say Never the things that I’ve been saying the last two days I would put on par with in 2019 the beginning of 4,000 videos on the bricks that I’ve talked about when no one else was I’m saying things that no one else has been saying and I think
I’m right um we should talk about that we we won’t talk about it here today because it it it will take me 25 minutes to lay out the whole chain of events but I will I will wet your appetite with one thing well maybe two or three we have uh s um the treasury secretary Scot bent says he wants to monetize the liquid liquid liquid side of the assets on the on the asset side of the balance sheet well what is liquid on the US government balance sheet look at their asset assets student debts number one military is
number two you’re not going to monetize either of those there’s land there’s gold Gold’s held in the revaluation account we see all this metal being sent back we wonder is it the Trump tariffs or is it something deeper Judy Shelton wants to issue treasuries backed by gold get this a record 59,2 19600 ounce gold contracts stood for delivery in the February contract on colx that’s over almost 13,000 contracts higher than the alltime record preceding it that’s 5,929 600 ounces of gold JP Morgan says
they’re bringing back 4 billion in gold and blle Masters who you for the February contract blle Masters who used to run their their um gold desk says um yeah JP Morgan doesn’t hold it for themselves it’s for a client who’s got four billion who could that client be are the Trump tariffs tariffs a ruse to bring it all home to do something bigger with gold I’ll wet your appetite we should pick up and talk about that at another point and and you mentioned tariffs those aren’t tariffs in my mind a tariff is when you you enact something
to protect your manufacturing if Trump says to the brics Nations if you try and continue to make a common currency and as a as a a side you’re right I focused on a common settlement currency not a common bricks currency and a common settlement currency has already been announced by Delma Rus the former president of Brazil the head of the new development bank for the bricks we’ve agreed to a common Curren settlement currency she says 40% backed by gold deliverable upon request 60% bricks plus currencies traded over emage it’s called
the unit we’re moving in this direction and and what he is doing instead is issuing sanctions again they haven’t learned from their mistakes even Trump all the good he’s doing that’s not good those are sanctions masquerading his tariffs you don’t do this then we’ll do this I agree and and which which really makes the question I was going to ask you kind of blaz but I’ll ask it anyway fast forward 10 years is bricks a dominant Global force or does us find a way to hold its ground I I I think it it’s closer to
dominance and and when I say dominance because I continue to believe that China is moving in that direction to rival the United States uh a lot will do with what Trump is able to do in the next six months and here’s why Andy right now this is I it’s mindboggling I mean I’m so happy that but I fear for his life must to go in and show in a matter of a few weeks and how long has this been going on it’s not just this pass Administration that I’m certain that that was part of it’s been from both sides of the
aisle how much of this and how how many people will this involve and how could those people in the sense like I put up a gravy train today he’s talking about derailing their gravy train and this is this is phenomenal but why I say that is as great as this is and as good as it looks like Trump has started out of the gate if if the economy still weakens which some people think it’s gone or and I I’m in that camp and people’s pocket books still are getting impacted as good of all this is he won’t have that same political thrust that he
has now Congress is going to be in you know less than two years another election uh and then if he doesn’t have that same will and power I I just think that’s that’s the end of whatever hope you could have to be straightened I’ll say this much I think this is very critical I have three huge concerns Andy the first you and I shared dramatically to Deb he’s not going to help that situation it’s only going to get a lot worse than that okay and right now people aren’t looking at it because they’re focused on this other stuff but
at the end of the day that’s the big gurer in the room the Dead the other crisis isn’t spoken on Wall Street because it’s one of their big livelihoods but we have a huge retirement crisis Andy we have two-thirds of Americans working hard but just paycheck to paycheck and they’re getting older and older which makes makes it harder and harder to work and they’re not going to be able to reach those beautiful commercials that the brokerage firms run about spending your last court of your life playing golf and
all that kind of stuff and they’re going to become a more and more financial burden and also demand government to help them and then third we have a infrastructure crisis this is not talked at all and I talked about it two years ago including how much natural disasters now I’m not into global warming and all that I’m not arguing what’s causing the natural disasters I’m just telling you they’re increasing dramatically for whatever reason and the cost of that and the infrastructure I’m in New Jersey we
don’t have a day goes by now if you hit the news Google search where more water main break hasn’t happened in a town in Boston Commerce stops because our water mains are at Ms about 7500 years old we have a 100 bridges over 100 bridges in New Jersey are should be condemned still cars and all are using them but Engineers say they should be condemned we have two tunnels some people may know them the Holland Tunnel and the Lincoln Tunnel they’re a 100 years old we have bridges that the trains all the people
are work in New Jersey to go to New York and back and forth are in such bad shape they feel one day they may just fall into the water but that’s not just New Jersey alone it’s throughout the United States it has been ignored every everybody forgets this when banki and Obama came up with qe1 people forgot what was the main purpose of the money that was going to be spent to fix America’s infrastructure that’s why we have to create this money or put the economy back in great shape and most of the money stayed on Wall Street it never
made it to Main Street yeah it’s a real drag and if you think about it the 200 billion we gave to the Ukraine what could it have done for our infrastructure the amount of money we’re wasting and you mentioned finding all this money I find it so repugnant the push back by some of the Democrats to doing this and screaming and Elon is this and Elon is that and the name calling I’ve had enough of it over the last four years I want to scream at the TV and God bless him for doing this to showing how they’ve literally stole the
hard-earned um tax revenue you know that we pay for these ridiculous stupid things that they’re doing enriching all of them M themselves and fighting pushing back as hard as possibly can publicly uh the name calling and the swearing and the screaming that that he’s trying to do this and and the Mal feance that they’re finding I hope they all um I hope they all get what they deserve for for for doing this to the American people and um and it’s it’s it’s particularly awful you mentioned the infrastructure you
know I went to the University of Minnesota and I drove across the 35W bridge a thousand times or more and that bridge was a good 150 200 F feet above the Mississippi River and bang it goes into the water um and I’m like geez that could have I me it could have been me um you’re right it kind of started the infrastructure um my viewing of the infrastructure way back then and we’ve seen so many things since then and when you realize that things like the tunnels and the subway and the water Ms and all
of these especially on the East Coast um are that old and the waste that we have spread around the world all of these things that they’re finding uh the the waste that with that USA is found it and if they just would have taken that money and made our country better and built our infrastructure put people to work did the things that they should have done how much better our country uh would be they should all be ashamed of themselves they all should be I mean it’s all criminal if you ask me um and and I do also pray for the safety
of of this Administration for Trump and musk and I wish him godspeed to be honest with you it’s about time that we um we finally get to uh to to see exactly where our tax dollars are going and how irresponsible this this policy fiscal policy and and lack of um any any uh morals have have gone into all of this I I won’t go on my soap box but I will tell you over the last four years more than the fiscal irresponsibility the monetary foolheartedly it’s been the lack of morals moving away from from meritocracy to one based on
lifestyle uh the questioning of all of the things of Integrity judicial electoral immigration Etc FBI um as a side note I’ve done two interviews with Patel might be the smartest guy I’ve ever talked to no disrespect to you because you can hold your hat with anyone but I will tell you this guy looks right into your soul uh when you talk to him and you ask him a question bang he’s got an answer that’s whoa where’d you pull that out from and I I would love for him to go in and start to do these things and to have Ron
Paul come in and audit the fed and to audit the Pentagon and just to see how how repugnant things have truly gotten while at the same time they’ve let our country Decay um and the infrastructure Decay and put us I mean you know you haven’t talked about the electrical Grid or any of these things that should have been addressed a long long time ago I I saw you talking about that as well I I would recommend everyone maybe you can mention what is the name of the YouTube that you sent me um it’s called your
swan song I think everyone should watch it I learned a lot from it a lot of your views but actually learned a lot about about things I didn’t know what is the name of that video oh it’s uh I just spoke up what’s called the uh 2025 World Outlook conference so I guess if you Google Peter granic and World Outlook conference that video will come up there’s a YouTube channel that if they just go to YouTube put my name they can watch all the interviews and all can I just add one thing before we run out of
time about that what irks me the most yeah because I only have one more question to ask you but I just want people to know it was fantastic go watch go ahead please like think about this the place that was responsible for all this that was supposed to oversee and bring oversight to all this money that’s clearly gone and I don’t think it’s just the last four years I think they’re going to trace it back for decades is the house of Congress and the Senate these are the people that we elect and hopefully will be responsible there’s
all these committees and all kind of stuff we should have known something’s wrong when these folks go in making a 100 to 200,000 a year and come out worth tens to 20 to 50 million or more themselves so the whole game from top to bottom uh will have to be totally changed are you saying to me that Paul Pelosi isn’t one of the most legendary investors in the world that he actually might have known something well you know H how do they do it just time in and time out you and I you and I and most people watching this know how difficult
this is if you have to play on the fair side of the of the market and all and yet you know I we know that what’s gone on but think about that these these all had oversight committees they were the all these departments had inspector generals people that job was supposed to make sure these things weren’t happening and and that’s the sad part because you know what for a lot of years and this includes the dollar and everything we used to make fun of we call Banana republics we’re one ourselves now yes we
are by every metric uh debt to GDP and you throw in the questioning of the election integrity and throwing your your political adversaries in in jail yeah I mean are we we were certainly heading down that path in terms of our deadness anything over 100% that to GDP was always considered that we’re close to 130 a line that once crossed no one’s ever come back from um you know as a side there’s a guy on YouTube that I love his name is Jay Bravo I consider him a friend I consider him a genius he’s brilliant and I’ve never noticed
him to say anything Sensational and that he couldn’t back up now I haven’t been able to substantiate what he said a few days ago but he said that the Clinton Foundation received $285 billion and it was all supposed to go to uh or maybe it was million dollars excuse me 285 million it was all supposed to go to um Haiti and evidently three million went to Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and 10 to her Mansion now I haven’t heard anyone say anything about it I haven’t substantiated and thisy guy is straightforward shooter and he’s
phenomenal if things like that are true and they come out um you know I I just hope they do it’s enough already it’s enough what’s happened to this country and to let our infrastructure like you say crumble to where it presents a real safety risk to uh to to the public um and we’re giving money away around the world at stupid for stupid reasons and stupid causes it just it just needs to be exposed we do need a reset morally we need a reset not just financially and economically we need to to reset and go
back to the ideals that we all grew up being proud of because it seems like we’ve certainly gone astray from that I appreciate you saying this stuff Peter it really resonates with me um I hope it does to everyone else last question and I’ll let you go um looking back speaking of trump do you think his leg Legacy his economic Legacy will be viewed as a period of prosperity or a precursor into severe economic challenges here’s the one thing I say so my wife is a trumpster in fact I think she would leave me if Trump said to
leave me okay that’s how much she’s involved with and all I voted for the man I don’t think it was too hard between the two choices I had in that regard but the one thing I will say to him in defend him Delight is he’s one of the only politicians that I know other than one person on a much smaller scale a local politician that literally did what he said he was going to do and just you know like him or not and I think that’s what pisses off the other side the most is is that he that what he said
he was going to do and that’s really what you’re voted on listen he’s Tak the Mandate was by the people this is what they want and and the Democrats are just foolish they’re going more against it but that’s that’s because he’s now at the core was one thing to lose to him but now you want to take away my gravy chain that’s what they’re really upset about all and let me make one comment I don’t normally comment like this but you brought up the clintons when the Biden stuff was happening and all the scandals
someone asked me what do you think the clintons would say I said they only have one word about them amateur yeah right exactly well you know um let’s hope all this comes to light you’re the kind of guy that I would love to uh sit and and have a couple of scotches with or just sit and pick your brain for hours uh um there is no substitute for wisdom for experience uh and on top of that I think anyone who watches you for five minutes can tell you’re a hell of a guy you’re you’re um you’re a good person I’m honored to call
you a friend I appreciate so much that you would come on my show I always love coming on yours um I can’t say enough about you and your character your wisdom uh and what you have to say not just about numbers but about a bigger picture and and you love sports too like I do I could pick your brain for hours but it’s been almost an hour so I’m going to let you run Peter what’s the best way to people to follow you whether it be on social media or YouTube uh and um I think that’s everyone should do it I do
it what’s the best way to follow you well my X page that’s where I spend a good B time I do put up my you I’ll put up this interview any interviews I do then the people I speak to which as soon as we go off the air I’m booking you to have that discussion because I maybe I could be the first to have you to talk about it but uh so there’s there’s the X page there’s a YouTube and then there’s my website Peter I’m still part of a uh Financial Planning Group that deals with cash flow uh efficiencies here in the US for just us
resents but let me just please also close this way I can’t begin to tell you how important you were for keep me on the right side of the track Andy and I think I’m speaking for a lot of people I get a lot of people send me emails after I’ve done interviews about you wow this guy’s this and I hear this from others and I see where you are and all consider yourself thankful and your father put you in the right thing you know my father said to me a lot of things he says if you don’t have your integrity
you cannot get enough things to replace it and you’re a man of integrity now a lot of people don’t like what you have to say and I’ve learned that about myself because I tie my faith into my business and I know that causes jealousy and envy and hatred and things of that nature but thank God for you sir I have to tell you I don’t I might have not held on and and profited the way I did if I didn’t catch that original interview and been listening to you so you stay well as well and if I ever do make it to the east coast of Florida
you’re the first person I’m stopping at yeah if you were right here I’d give you a hug and a kiss on the Peter you you’ve made my day like I said to hear such wonderful things from a person like you makes everything I’ve ever done in this industry worthwhile um and I’m dead serious on that honest to God bottom of my heart thank you thank you thank you very much and uh I will look forward to picking up on uh where we left off on your show I I think I’m on to something I really do um and I’m not afraid to say it so uh for what it’s
worth uh thanks Peter um on multiple levels and I look forward to talking with you again soon my friend God bless you my friend God bless you as well little by little with Andy schekman