Secret ‘Gold Tunnel’ to New York Fed? (Uncut) 02-21-2025
Secret ‘Gold Tunnel’ to New York Fed? “Military, Take Charge!” Mike Maloney
Fort Knox Fort Knox Fort Knox everybody’s saying we’ve got to audit Fort Knox this is Trump saying we’re going to go into Fort Knox and make sure the gold is there if it isn’t there we’re going to be very upset well guess what if we’re going to audit the gold we need to audit all the gold there needs to be bar numbers weights Purity uh the Hallmark on the bar and the title who owns it that’s the most important thing it has the gold been reh hypothecated now I do think going into Fort Knox is great and I love Elon
musk’s idea of let’s do a live stream I would i’ would love to watch that uh now Fort Knox uh if the gold is there uh it’s it’s more than likely there actually uh it’s at the FED that it would be missing so this is a survey is gold missing from Fort Knox and when I reported on this last it was down at 9% it’s gone up to 21% of people thinking that the gold isn’t there or not all there uh so thanks to Carl Bitcoin manger uh we have the Fort Knox starter kit I think this is absolutely hilarious now if they go into Fort Knox
or the Federal Reserve uh what are they going to find if there has been any Hanky Panky going on whatsoever in the past you know they’ve they’ve uh absolutely stonewalled us for decades and decades and decades when they when we ask for an audit uh we don’t get any results when it comes to the Federal Reserve or uh America’s gold can thanks to Egan Von Greers uh America show us your gold hand a potential US Gold revaluation will have zero meaning if they don’t prove to the world that they have the 8,100 tons that we say we’ve
got a proper audit must in uh of course include all gold Leasing and we know that central banks lease gold Futures contracts Etc I doubt we’ll ever see the true position if you don’t understand what I mean all the paper gold will be worthless and physical gold will re really be worth its weight in gold uh so the Secretary of the Treasury betet sent uh says revaluing gold reserves is not what I had in mind when he was talking about uh monetizing the asset side of the balance sheet uh and ovon bismar said never believe anything in
politic politics until it’s been officially denied I’m going to restate that you never you’re you can never be certain what a government is going to do until they deny it first once they’ve denied it you can be certain uh so moving on uh stonex CEO says 2,000 tons of gold have entered the us over the last two months and to which James Anderson replied that’s more than three times the uh record siiz numbers already INF flowed into the comx of late where’s the rest going so I want to make a speculation here um and that speculation
is that the Federal Reserve we know that central banks lease gold uh and we know that there are certain bullion banks that help with the Malarkey that goes on fiddling with the gold price and so I want to point people to uh Ronan Manley Ronan is an excellent uh an analyst and investigative reporter and his three-part series here the gold vaults the New York fed now the New York fed has uh quite a bit of America’s gold uh and uh the the part number two uh is the fed’s rarely discussed auxiliary Vault
uh and suggests that the auxiliary Vault of the FED is probably located in the neighboring Chase Manhattan Plaza facility now run by JP Morgan and so um uh here are the places that uh America’s gold is being held so you have uh Denver Fort Knox and West Point is the majority of the gold uh and so they need to be audited simultaneously if they’re and and then all of the Federal Reserve vaults this has to be audited as well and if there is as has been suggested we we know that uh the uh JP Morgan vaults are five
floors below ground right across the street from the Federal Reserve vaults which are five floors below ground now there is a reason for that coincidence that’s where the Bedrock starts and so you go all the way down until you hit bedrock and both of these vaults are going to be roughly at the same level but is since it’s since there’s an auxiliary Vault that’s not part of the main Vault underneath the FED could there be that tunnel if there is that has to be uh you know the military needs to take charge of that tunnel and make
sure nothing comes through because um uh it’s it’s really important that all the gold everything is basically Frozen audited and we get those uh bar numbers weights purities and title uh to it the and the Hallmarks but down here you know I said that the book value was uh $44 22.22% uh that there’s uh a even this price quoted this is the US Treasury saying a price here and even this price is wrong uh but do what I do want to remind people of uh the gold reserves held at the department of the treasury is
partially offset by a liability for gold certificates and that partially uh is is uh 99.7% or something like that I said it in my last video uh that all of the gold uh with the exception of I believe it’s this working stock and and or uh the display gold at the FED I’ve added it up before but of this 11 billion 41 million 11 b37 million has been pledged to the Federal Reserve uh and those gold notes that those gold certificates issued by the issued to the Federal Reserve uh at the statutory rate uh can be Redeemed by
the treasury at any time so the treasury can say hey uh we want our gold notes back we’ve promised you gold at $44 and22 22222 going on into Infinity as you will see in a moment uh uh we want we want our the notes back so here you can have all of America’s gold at at this $42 and 22.22% is a price that cannot be resolved it can only be rounded and that rounding error becomes larger the more ounces that you’re talking about or the higher the value that you’re T the value change that you’re talking about so it actually
this is an insane price but this is the type of stuff the government does 42 and2 9 why isn’t it $7 $153 or maybe we should take uh that that fin dollar divided by pi and because that goes on into Infinity as well so anyway uh moving on I think uh Carl Bitcoin manger uh needs to change this to the Federal Reserve starter kit not the Fort Knox starter kit the Fort Knox starter kit is probably there now I do want to point you back again to Ronan Manley’s article and read part three because it talks about coin bars this is
coin melt so uh the coins were uh just right around uh 92% and deliverable bars for the comx and so on are at the deliverable bars for the bank of England were uh 99.5% uh gold and so big discrepancy there uh these uh coin melt bars cannot be delivered uh to the Commodities exchange it’s something that you can’t use in a contract so if anything was used from Fort Knox it will have been replaced with some shiny new 100 oun bar or kilo uh bar from a Refinery that probably did not exist back in 1933 and so it’ll be very very obvious
uh the the uh coin bars the the coin melt batches uh were in 18 and 22 bars and those uh bar Lots were kept uh whole the accounting is done by these Lots so it’s a very interesting article I do suggest reading it uh also at the New York fed the New York fed when when the bank of England dropped out of the gold standard you know they they were the Hub of the international Hub of the gold standard before World War I the in war gold standard it was a combination of the bank of England and the New York fed
when the bank of England dropped dropped out and I believe that was 32 it was before the gold nationalization in the United States uh the um then the New York fed ran the world monetary system the the they were the Hub of the international gold standard and those old banking bars are 400 ounce bars also not deliver deliverable uh to the comx so they have to if it’s leased out they have to go out and get melted down and remitted into kilo bars or 100 ounce bars of very fine gold and so if we see
a discrepancy of the number of 400 ounce bars that should be at the New York fed and then there’s all these new bars replacing them then we know that the Hanky Panky is real so audit all of these places at once Denver Fort Knox West Point and the New York Fed so moving on I just pulled the numbers I want to thank wear silver Baron just pulled the numbers from Bloomberg and made this chart 30-day average Comax 100 ounce physical deliveries and you see the covid Panic right here and where we are today this is still big it is huge
there is a run gold lease rates now uh this is a from a Zero Hedge article gold setting all-time highs uh the Gold stock on the Commodities exchange exploding and this is during a period of time when there’s uh record numbers of people taking gold off of the comx so all of these inflows from all over the world uh so that people can start taking this off and according to that one source source onethird of it not accounted for where is that third going well it’s being delivered to JP Morgan maybe and then
going through that tunnel uh over to the Federal Reserve who knows I don’t that’s pure speculation but moving on this is what has happened with the big three and here’s the red is the JP Morgan uh vaults I do not know what enhanced delivery is but you can see what happened in 2020 with covid and uh uh and it’s only JP Morgan here that has that let me see enhanced delivery HSBC that’s continued uh and over it Brinks it’s barely anything uh but uh the gold lease rates exploding and then moving on
we have GLD the cost to borrow which is basically the same thing as the as a lease rate the cost to borrow so when you borrow GLD shares if you’ve got a bro brokerage account and it’s margin enabled you have given your brokerage company permission to go into your account borrow your shares of stock or whatever you think you’ve got there and loan them at interest to somebody that’s going to sell the those into the market so they’re now short uh in this case GLD shares so if you’ve got shares that you
think are backed by an ounce of gold at their GLD and the broker borrows them and gives them to somebody else that sells them to somebody else that thinks they own an ounce of shares there’s 1 ounce backing two 1 ounce shares now it’s a fractional Reserve scheme stay away from it uh what’s happening in the bullion markets is an old-fashioned banking crisis but this time around the Federal Reserve cannot print or do QE as the liquidity that is missing is physical gold and which it is uh you can pretty much guarantee that there is gold
and silver in the air over the Atlantic almost 247 now that’s how amazing the demand is I’ve never seen anything like this and Ed steer has been in this for years and years and years now I want to say to Ed uh it isn’t just the Atlantic it’s the Pacific as well now because here is gold exports from Singapore to the US Surge and you can see that in August of 2023 somebody shipped some gold from Singapore to the US but look at what is happening to now this is 11 tons of gold flowing what’s what would
basically be considered the wrong direction normally uh breaking news uh import export data from Switzerland show that 85.5% % of exported gold goes to the US now that is uh an amazing number normally if this this is the uh exports from the USA Swiss exports from Switzerland to the USA however this isn’t a net number uh the US is almost always uh exporting gold to Switzerland and it’s a much greater quantity than we receive back from Switzerland and the balance ends up going to China uh if you take the net you would see that this is
these numbers here are negative then it turns positive during covid then it goes negative and then it’s turned positive again these are extremely rare unusual circumstances what is happening now is an International Bank Run on gold and uh it is serious uh breaking this is from bullan Star uh argar harus uh is will start charging a temporary extra fee on minted gold products uh the SE charge is 350 an ounce for minted gold and a massive $3 an ounce for silver which is almost 10% over the cost and this is on
top of uh this is wholesale so it’s on top of their normal premiums and mint charges the London bullion Metals Market Association spot price can no longer be said to repres repr the price of physical metal and it can’t physical metal is diverging from the paper price uh central banks lending gold into the market in December and February this is Ronan Manley according to Stone X to provide liquidity uh providing liquidity also known as bailing out bullion Banks when they face a lack of Avail availability of physical gold in London
to which uh David Lee responded the gold market is screwing the bank of England Vault the bank of England is screwing at least 72 central banks who store their gold there like Venezuela Australia Argentina Germany Austria Switzerland Belgium and the UK Etc we are having a master feces show and I have to agree uh now TD security strategist he says we’re sleepwalking into the silver squeeze uh markets are still sleepwalking into this silver squeeze uh the disruption in the silver markets are most acute in recent
history as London’s free floating inventories drain below critical thresholds for Market structure and uh moving on uh James Anderson responds that that silver is more dislocated than gold silver has no lender of Last Resort like gold has uh with the central banks leasing out gold so the silver site can be far more explosive and then uh the Bob Coleman says attention all those who are uh trading these you know here I call them ETFs efps on Silver uh which is just a bunch of Futures contracts and
adds up to nothing they don’t have the metal rather a promise from a counterparty uh let the following sink in January silver outflows from the lbma the London bullion Market Association vaults was a staggering 72 million ounces the largest on record it brought the monthly pace of outflows since Trump threatened tariffs to 30 minus 33 million ounces per month so the drain is 33 million ounces per month and with the London bullion Market Association holding 760 million oun it will only take 22 days versus Gold’s 100 days
for the current Pace to drain all of London’s silver what do you think happens to the price then uh silver price will have to adjust to reality if this persists imagine how big the deficit will be if physical buyers return to the market well they’re returning uh so this is the uh Supply demand the the Surplus and deficit of silver starting in 2019 and going through to today without out the uh all of the investment demand that is just hitting the market right now so looking for gold at Fort Knox and it’s gone I
want to thank you for watching we’ll see you next time