Economists Uncut

Is The Stock Market On The Edge Of A “SUPER-MELTDOWN? (Uncut) 02-18-2025

Is The Stock Market On The Edge Of A “SUPER-MELTDOWN?” Yes It Is. And Here Is The PROOF! Mannarino

Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me Gregory Manorino Tuesday, February 18th 2025 Pre-market report. Yes.


This is a regular trading day. But you know what? I just thought I’d be casual Kind of stepping out of Babylon a little bit symbolically, I guess This is just Disgusting. Anyway, look guys and girls.


We need to talk about what’s happening What I covered yesterday, I thought and most of you agree was critical information So if you did not see the video I did yesterday My markets and look ahead, please check that out. All right. Look, let’s let’s focus on where we are right now what I’m about to do and We have a situation here with regard to the market as well So we’re kind of at a paradox and I’m gonna explain this to you in just a little bit I forgot to cover this yesterday and I apologize.


This is what? News we got economic news on Friday. So retail sales see the biggest drop in a year Now again, this is not yet on President Trump this is still the illustrious Biden. This is on him Period the end although we were told how strong our economy is the US economy in case you don’t know is 70% Dependent on retail sales and No one saw this coming.


Apparently, let’s read this. So this is Yahoo Finance. Are you ready to laugh? retail sales fell 0.9 percent in January much more than the 0.2 percent decline that the rocket scientists Economists had expected according to Bloomberg This marks the largest month-over-month decline in retail sales in over a year this is part of the Destruction the wipeout the extermination Level event that we’re seeing or should I say? Extinction level event that we’re seeing with regard to the middle class who cannot survive in this environment It’s not gonna stop for those of you that are hoping that what you’re seeing now with regard to it with this flurry of Executive orders and everything is gonna change it How about know what you’re going to see mark my words on this and if you think I’m wrong save the video okay, we’re gonna see an acceleration of a Wipeout of the middle class with debts and deficit surging like you can’t believe currency Devaluation artificially suppressed rates around the world not just here in the United States.


It plays right into What I’m about to do so stick around for just a moment here, but I hope we’re on the same page here I hope really sincerely that yet again, you’re not putting your faith in the wrong place or the wrong person All right, you know where your faith needs to be if you follow this blog, at least I hope so You cannot rely upon your own Misunderstanding here or that of any human being here. Okay, you always have to rely on a higher power We’re on the same page. If not, you maybe you’re in the wrong spot by following this blog I don’t know what to tell you.


All right, but anyway, look so The economy is in shambles We all know that despite the fact that we’re seeing a blip higher in the money Velocity or the rate at which cash is moving through our economy, which I covered yesterday with a lovely chart So again, look man, maybe you should do yourself a favor Click out of this video watch the one I did yesterday My markets look ahead bring yourself up to speed As to what is happening these videos I do really do follow a line and although a lot of stuff I say I cover repeatedly Repeating things is part of learning. Okay, and a lot of times concepts, especially these kinds of things have to be Reinforced over and over again you understand To allow you to put this together in a way that you can understand again I’m not here literally to change anybody’s mind. I want you guys and girls follow this blog To take in the information that we cover let it sink in and then make up your own decisions make up your own mind as to What’s right for you or how you see things? Look, I don’t know everything by a long shot All right, I can learn from you.


This is our thing. This is not just Greg Manarino’s freaking freak show Although it does seem like that from time to time doesn’t it? No, that’s not what it is This is our thing and we are people. I don’t know how to say this to you again Cuz I’ve been telling you for a thousand years Longer than that maybe okay that we are stronger together We know what you’re trying to pull off the deceptions the lies the look here Don’t look over there the flurry of things that are happening right now to keep people again from focusing on What’s actually going on and then this is a mechanism that again has been used upon people to twist their minds into some distorted Reality since forever and look look through the nonsense We connect with the source.


You know what I’m talking about here and And we’re all gonna be better off. You understand so when a retail sales falling off of a cliff It’s not gonna stop wait till you see Let’s say economic news from a month from now when it really does start to fall on the new administration here They can’t stop it and it looks like every effort most effort here again to attack the root cause of the problem Is not going to stop and I’m talking about artificially suppressed rates currency devaluation Look, I am all about The old the talk that’s going on right now is you know looking to see what’s in the feds books here Realize again, this is another deception in my view. We understand that we’re being flung Oh, look what Elon Musk found over here.


Look what Elon Musk found over there Here’s all this fraud and all this this misallocation of funds here. I Don’t understand it. Maybe one of you can explain this to me How did a forensic audit take place overnight with some of these institutions and why is it that all of these? Low level employees are being let go in droves Okay, no, no one at the high levels.


Okay, is he being held to account for this again? We’re not being shown any real proof. I do understand that there’s a post here and there’s a post there about this support Show us actually because we’re not stupid right you and me Okay Where the fraud took place where the misallocation of funds took place who was responsible because it certainly isn’t the flunky down on the bottom rung of The situation here is obviously those in the upper echelon and show us who’s gonna be held to account Where the arrests are and then how we can claw back some of that cash that was Misallocated or fraud was committed sound about right to you. That’s what I want to see until that point This is all just garbage and nonsense across the board But again stay focused on that because it’s all truth because Elon says so you understand you can’t make this stuff up But that’s really the mentality of many many people right now.


I’m not saying it didn’t happen I am certain it did Fraud misallocation of funds, but show us where it happened. Show us who did it? Let’s see some real accountability with regard to someone in the upper management. You think that’s gonna happen.


I’m still waiting I’m willing to wait. Let’s wait six months nine months a year if it ever does happen, of course And let’s see if we can call back some of those funds here Does that make sense to you or is Greg just totally out there? Let me know. Anyway, look If you go into this stock market, let me show you something real quick, where did I put this, you know I thought I made a printout a global bond yields are Right now this morning higher just being nudged higher just a little bit But this effort that we have seen by central banks literally buying it all keeping race artificially suppressed is reopening that doorway for cash to make its way into this twisted out-of-control distorted stock markets and This phenomenon Although I’m going to show you something that you’re going to go Whoa, whoa, whoa in just a moment here the phenomenon in my opinion to keep the markets propped up via the mechanism of Artificially suppressed rates here.


Maybe Elizabeth Warren isn’t as stupid as I think she is Although I think a lot of you would disagree with that. You know, I don’t like her I think she is a creature of the highest possible order But the fact that her Elizabeth Warren and President Trump are on the same page right now Calling for the Fed to lower rates that tells us something I’ve been trying to search for the reason and I think I found it I think I found the reason why both Warren and Trump are saying the Fed needs to lower rates immediately In other words at their next meeting coming up just a couple of weeks They must realize that this is the house of cards is about to implode and without massive Artificially suppressed rates and of course on the back of that currency purchasing power destruction on an epic scale The market’s gonna crash and we are on a knife’s edge and I’m gonna prove that to you in just a moment Anyway, so this morning we got bond years not really doing too much a 10-year years relatively flat. We got stock futures higher Nothing major but higher nonetheless the S&P 500 did cross above and seems to be holding above The December 5th high of 6088 MMRI although it’s not functioning if you do the calculation it did come down substantially.


I’m working on the MMR. I it’ll be up Very soon. It’s going to be much better than before.


This is gonna work around the clock 24-7 even on holidays now This is how I’m setting it. I have to pay for this to happen. All right, so it’s okay All right, I got your back and you guys and girls to support my work.


You got my back, too I appreciate that but I’m gonna have this up for you soon Anyway, let’s look further here gold silver and crude oil catching a bit as well Bitcoin cryptos under some pressure all right now I Want to I sent this out to you guys and girls earlier today? My newsletter this is in your inbox right now my intention to ease back Into the stock market we you and I got out at exactly the right time and I believe we’re gonna be able to pull this Again when we see certain dynamics in play right now, what what is happening is again you go Presidents President Trump in this case you get other world leaders. There’s not a peep about raising rates It’s all about lowering them So the world leaders know that we have a major problem in this market and again It’s all about a wealth transfer effect right up to the one and two percenters keeping the stock market propped up is Has to be the greatest Mechanism ever utilized in the history of the world to enrich the one and two percenters and who owns most of the stock market It’s that it’s the what’s the one in two percenters? They are 90% of the stock market that mechanism again Elizabeth Warren seems to understand that so does Donald Trump They seem to both be understanding the same thing Let’s artificially suppress rates. Let’s call for lower rates So the Fed can inflate again the greatest gift that can be given to a central bank By a world leader would be to call for lower rates.


It allows the central bank Whatever nation to inflate they have to add digits to a screen and get into the market and buy the debt You all know this sound about right to you. I think we’re on the same page. Okay, lovely So that mechanism appears to be in play.


So What I wrote here, I want you to listen to this so my intention to ease back into the stock market I intend to start easing back today. I am NOT going all-in today. I’m gonna start incrementally buying Into specifically ticker here.


I wrote it down for you JEPQ I still like GPI But I think GEPQ with tech and AI because it looks like this whole thing is is gonna happen here with Stargate There’s no pushback against this. This is a massive push into dehumanizing the world Replacing human beings with AI. Okay, no pushback at all.


I asked you guys to push back I don’t know how many of you did wrote to Trump wrote to whoever you want to but there’s nothing going on So you are people are erasing themselves by allowing this thing to happen And there’s also a big part of this is the development of new You know what I’m talking about? So just again if you’re not concerned about it Don’t do anything about it. If there’s something that does concern you then speak out against it. So I wrote lions I am intending to ease back into the market today specifically GEPQ with that be sure to watch this video Which which is I’m talking about right now, and I intend to outline why we still need to be cautious and maybe cautious.


I Phenomenon going on right now when I’ve been trying to figure out what it is What is Trump see and maybe Elizabeth Warren see that they’re both calling for lower rates? because Without this mechanism. This is all gonna get very real. What do we know? The stock market is nothing but but a house of cars Floating on an immense pool of gasoline.


It’s gonna go up. It’s gonna go up massive. There’s no there’s no reality anymore Again economists who can’t get it right ever I don’t believe they exist when you hear a story for example with retail sales and the economists all got it Well, they all got it wrong.


No one saw this coming you and I saw it coming We’ve been talking about this whole entire thing deteriorating and it can’t stop I don’t know how freaking long it can’t stop because the root cause of the problem is being addressed the root cause is what? Artificially suppressed rates, which is a wipeout which wipes out the purchasing power of the currency The middle class loses and the economy gets destroyed this mechanism Economy going down market going up as you and I’ve been talking about for 10,000 years. Okay It’s been in full effect not gonna stop. It’s all about wealth transfer to the one and two percenters now Let’s look at this particular chart here.


You see these things here very interesting. This is the relationship between the federal funds rate And and the 10-year yield which is something that we need to follow You don’t even need to understand what I’m really talking about. But let me show you these crossovers.


Look at that crossover here dot-com meltdown Crossover world financial crisis meltdown. Oh wait, this is where we are today. Are you noticing a similar pattern here or You can’t see it.


I think you can pretty much see that right and seeing is believing, right? So even though Greg Manarino intends to ease back into this market believe me I will be raising my own awareness here as to dynamics in this walk And I would be willing to get out of this market as soon as I think see things change But if we realize that the rigging is going to continue Artificially suppressed rates the president of the United States He knows it. Obviously he knows about this. This is all I can figure is he knows about this and so does Elizabeth Warren The you know me Elizabeth isn’t as dumb as we think she is.


Okay, maybe she’s paying attention to stuff like this This is a hair trigger. This can go off at any moment to keep this going would require what? massively suppressed rates more than we have now and Obviously a lot more currency purchasing power losses, which means what you lose Much higher cost of living much higher cost of living to prop up the stock market. That’s not gonna happen.


I Be willing to bet that that is exactly what’s gonna happen until it doesn’t until it doesn’t So there’s something going on here Federal Reserve here every central bank’s goal is to inflate when you have a world leader Saying hey, you know what? We need to lower rates. We need to lower rates now There’s no other explanation other than they understand this this concept that I just showed you. All right You allow the central bank to inflate to keep the system propped up There’s no other excuse for this because we need higher rates and we needed immediately.


Otherwise, we’re gonna Face in an inflationary nightmare, which I covered yesterday. I’m gonna urge you again watch my Video that I did yesterday markets to look ahead. I showed you charts I showed you diagrams of everything you need to know as to why if if we don’t start getting higher rates Immediately not in a month not no week.


This can’t wait. This has to be done immediately. We’re gonna we’re gonna be Wishing someone took action right away because there’s a massive lag effect.


You understand go watch the video I did yesterday and it’ll bring you right up to speed as to why you you need we need this right now We do not need lower rates lower rates is massively destructive right now. But yes, it would kill the stock market I’m gonna admit that and Greg would have to get out of here Even though I’m easing I’m planning on easing back in today, but I will be watching things I think I am good enough all of us here to get out. We got out right at the top right in December We’re at the top.


You think we can’t pull that off again. I guarantee you that we can I guarantee it. Okay me No one watches this stuff like me nobody.


I don’t think on this freaking planet Watches this stuff more than I do And I think I have a really good understanding we collectively have a really good understanding Into the game that is being played here. So anyway, that’s what’s going on right now I hope you guys and girls again. This is epic man.


Just look at this Dot-com bubble World financial crisis. This is where we are now. Do you see a similarity here? We could be a day a minute a week a month away from a super meltdown Super meltdown in the market.


Yeah Getting back in here because I believe the rigging is gonna continue and I also believe I’m smart enough to get out Let’s see if Greg Manorino was correct here. Okay, you guys and girls stick stick stick with me All right. I got your back Always, you know that all right.


I love you guys and girls so much. I mean that with all I got Thank you for being here. Thank you for you know commenting.


I want to hear from you guys and girls sharing this work Honestly and we’re always stronger together people I think we got this I can’t imagine honestly a group of people and this is a worldwide thing that we’ve built you are part of it I’m a part of it. This is way bigger than me or anybody This is a huge thing that we’ve built together here and I am proud to say that I can’t tell you that I never Imagined that we would be here right now. I never knew this channel would get as big as it has And I think there’s a lot of suppression here.


This channel should be a lot bigger. I believe that too But uh, but that’s okay. You know, I mean look the message is getting through our message is getting through here Our real message is look man.


We got to unify. We got to come together. We got to realize that we are being Systematically eradicated if you’re a member of the middle class you have a target tattooed on your face And you’re being targeted I don’t know another way to tell you this I’ve been saying this now since I started Literally over a decade ago and we’re seeing everything play out pretty much exactly how we expected it to play out It’s not gonna stop because we understand who’s really in control here And central banks are not gonna stop inflating.


I don’t care about an audit of the Fed We got to end the Federal Reserve You know, there’s all this talk about auditing the Fed and seeing what they got Elon Musk getting in there at one post great How about President Trump use the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 and end the Fed today by executive order This is in his power to do it. He’s not doing that instead. We’re gonna go we’re gonna rely on some audit here Really? Is that what we’re gonna rely on here? How about we shut the institution down? I told you how we can do this President Trump writes an executive order to monetize gold back the dollar with gold And then we value gold would have to be 50 60 to 70 thousand dollars an ounce We save not just the United States President Trump would save the entire world because if we take down one central bank, they all fall You understand what I’m talking about? They all fall So I hope President Trump is listening to this here.


I don’t give a damn about an audit of the Federal Reserve here Okay, do you think they’re not really prepared for this? You don’t think they got all this stuff hidden and stuff I really you think that they’re that stupid they didn’t realize something like this they’ve totally prepared for this and They’re the ones right now running the system they will implode the system you don’t think there’s gonna be Retaliation you think they’re just gonna surrender Really the most powerful organization on the earth is gonna surrender because Trump is so great. I’m not putting Trump down calm down No, you guys and girls get triggered. Okay That’s the case.


Let’s end this organization sound about right to you. Let’s end it Let’s end it today and let’s go back to a constitutional money system, which we are guaranteed in the US Constitution But we’re not doing that. We’re writing executive orders to go from paper straws To plastic you think I’m making that one up.


Maybe you should look into that This guy here loves you from the heart with all I got again people. I’ll see you later 4 or 5 p.m. Eastern As usual and I want you to focus on this look at this one more time. Does this make sense to you? Why? We are on a hair trigger right now, and we could be on the edge of a super Meltdown in the stock market.


Meanwhile, I intend to get back in here today easing thing in little by little by little And I’m willing to get out of here too, man. You got to be willing to analyze the situation and Then take action does that sound about right to you as well. I bet it does.


You know why cuz it’s smart You consider all the of you guys I can’t wait for the live stream right I’ll see you later, that’s all

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