Militia Man (Uncut) 02-10-2025
MM&C-Dinar-IRAQ-News-Constitutional Entitlements-Digital Economy Infrastructure-AI-Monetary Mass
Hey everyone, before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content, hit that like button, subscribe to my channel, and then join the Militiaman and Crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption. Hey everybody, Militiaman and Crew, hey it’s Super Bowl Sunday. I hope everybody’s having a great day.
If you like the game, if you’re into that sort of thing, today’s a big day. So it’s Eagles versus the Kansas City, and so I’m gonna go with the birds. I like eagles, and thank you.
So I’m gonna get started here shortly, but hey, I want you to check it out. Today we had Ethiopian medium roast. It’s awesome.
It’s got a great flavor, nice and smooth. So don’t forget, if you want to buy some Freedom Forged coffee, just use your MM5 discount code right here. Okay, so let’s just get started.
Here’s an article from yesterday. It’s Alma Shadani, the former president of the parliament, discussed the developments of the political scene and the future of the constitutional entitlements. You know, one of the things that is part of the constitutional entitlements for the people, well, it’s voting and all that good stuff, but it’s also their purchasing power, as far as I’m concerned.
It says here they discussed certain challenges facing the political process, and Iraq’s position on events in the region. But in addition to that, they said the up-and-coming constitutional entitlements in the country were on the table. I like that, because if I’m right on this, you know, entitlements is exactly that.
The revenues from their oil stream, all that stuff, okay. He says that his perceptions about the political scene, future constitutional entitlements, and the challenges facing Iraq, they have all that on the table. So that was kind of fascinating, because it’s truly important, the constitutional rights.
We all like that, even here in the United States. It says here, will Iraq succeed in transitioning to a digital economy? That’s the question. But the Central Bank of Iraq announced that the government is working on developing regulatory frameworks to support the transition to a digital economy, with a special focus on electronic payments.
You guys realize that this new system that they’re going to be having, the dinar, is expected to be a digital type currency, with a real effective exchange rate. And they’ll be able to do cross-border payments with their money. And so that’s a big deal.
So when they do this, and they interconnect and integrate with the international financial system, I think we’re going to see a lot different Iraq. According to Allak, as far as I’m concerned, he’s fully worked in compliance with international standards. We had an article on the 4th that specifically talked with the ambassador to France.
And if you guys remember back, I won’t go into it again, but the Paris Club originated 2003-2004, and they alleviated massive amounts of debt under Saddam Hussein. And so I didn’t think it was any coincidence that all of the detail that Al Sudani, forgive me, Allalak from the central bank offered up, a couple of paragraphs, but if you read it deep, pay attention to it, because he already said he’s done all the work that he needed to do to be international compliant. I think with Article 4 and Article 8 of the IMF’s rules and regulations around currencies and trade.
So take that into consideration because Allalak spoke on the 4th, and we’re still watching things be said about that. And when I get to the end, I believe you guys are going to see something that’s interesting. It’ll make you think, okay, it really will.
Okay, so for Iraq’s stable, is it stable? The stable outlook for Iraq’s credit rating for local and foreign operations. It looks like they’ve moved up in the world slightly, but they do have a B minus and a B with a stable outlook. It says, this came as Iraq’s foreign exchange reserves continued to exceed debt service obligations over the next 12 months, despite the significant risks arising from instability, weak institutional framework, and lack of economic diversification.
Realize that these guys talk, they don’t paint a very nice picture whenever they do this. This is pretty common for them. But the bottom line, it goes on and says, the agency said that Iraq’s credit rating may be raised if higher than expected GDP growth.
I think we’re all watching to see if that expectation is going to happen. I got a high, strong probability estimate that that’s going to happen. It says that the GDP, well, perhaps from renewed reconstruction efforts, so they’re kind of explaining what may do it for the GDP growth.
It says perhaps from renewed construction efforts, boosts real growth in GDP per capita and supports fiscal and external indicators. It says here that Iraqi government is betting on and achieving economic development by pumping $100 billion over three years into infrastructure and industrial projects in different regions of the country. That’s about $33 billion a year for infrastructure.
That’s a lot of money, not to mention the $60 billion that they have allocated for investments, and more probably. The Iraqi government is in cooperation with the central bank. It launched a comprehensive reform initiative aimed at modernizing the banking sector, enhancing its efficiency, and to keep pace with international standards.
So if you think about that, you guys, one of the things we have here in the United States, and there’s an executive order that came out recently by the United States that talks about a sovereign wealth fund. Iraq has talked about having a sovereign wealth fund also. As early back as, it’s been a few years, 2022, they talked about it, and they haven’t done that yet.
But keep in mind, one of the things that they use, and here in the United States, they’ll use as well when they have sovereign wealth funds. It’s common. They’ll use foreign currencies, and the United States has a significant amount of foreign currency.
And I think that you all know who I’m talking about or what I’m talking about. But again, it’s been on the table for Iraq. And guess what? They use foreign currencies.
Well, they have increased Iraq’s reserves, the foreign currency reserves. They have way more than they need for a monthly basis on international standards, I think by three to five times. So that’s fascinating.
And not to mention, we’ll mention something else a little bit more here in a minute. But hey, as far as that sovereign wealth fund, just keep in mind, there’s a report that came out in 2025, that’s from the United States government. And it’s about 120 pages.
I stumbled onto it yesterday. But anyway, inside that, I just did a little search and looked up Iraq. And sure enough, I found a significant amount of important issues in Iraq that it talked about.
And it talked about sovereign wealth funds. But so it says here, it says the smaller Gulf states, which Iraq is included, it says as an investing, for Iraq per se, look, emphasis on investing in non-oil sectors. We all know that that’s what Iraq’s been doing.
But its economy will increase. So we’re talking about Iraq, okay, for Iraq. But then here they go on and say the smaller Gulf states, which have been making massive investments designed to transform themselves into global tourist and transport hubs, are likely to manage their transition well, bolstered by their robust sovereign wealth funds across the world, across the Arab region, etc.
So sovereign wealth funds are being deployed to develop non-oil sectors of the economy in a race against oil as a diminishing asset. So that’s basically a report that comes out of the United States. It’s 120 pages long.
There’s a link in Excuse me, militia man and crew, you guys know it by now. So sorry for stumbling on that one. But anyway, in the next article here, it says Parliamentary Committee, government cooperation to support the oversight role of the House of Representatives.
Oversight role for the House of Representatives. It says the House of Representatives, there’s an indicating that there is a green light from the prime minister that enables the committee, this is the Integrity Committee, Parliamentary Integrity Committee, enables the committee to summon and host any official in the state without restrictions. So you guys, that’s kind of a heads up to all the politicians that if you got problems, we’re going to come knocking on your door.
That’s how I would put it. Okay. It says the role of the prime minister, Sheil Sadani, is combating corruption.
He pushed forward with the oversight, and we in the Parliamentary Integrity Committee have been given a green light from the government to summon any of the ministers, special grades, and the state administrative apparatus in the event of accusations and suspicions. So previously in a previous government, ministers were protected, preventing Parliamentary Integrity from carrying out its oversight role. Not anymore, so it looks good.
It says that the oversight role now is a qualitative shift in what he’s been doing, even in the government’s positions. There are confirmations from the prime minister of the necessity of cooperation with the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, and all of this is praised and appreciated by the committee. And then also some cases of nominating people for positions are suspended due to files that we submit to the government indicating suspicions of corruption against them.
So it looks like Al-Sadani’s setting the bar high. You know, corruption at the highest levels is coming to an end. So I think it’s a job well done on Sadani’s part.
It says here on another article, it says Iraqis’ participation in the International Artificial Intelligence Exhibition in Dubai. I don’t know if you guys have been in Patreon much, but you can go and do a search, but you can look up the Agora, and you’re going to find things like XRP that are related to that, and you’re going to find that SBI Holdings is part of that, and that’s part of Japan’s banking system. And you guys know that when we talked about weeks ago, that we were talking about Japan having been in Iraq for over a year doing things, but SBI Holdings is kind of, somebody brought it to the attention again, that there’s some expectations for, you know, a digital transformation with the banking system.
That’s going to include XRP in Japan. So will it be related to Iraq? That’s to be determined, but if you come back and go look up Agora, and you’ll look and see that we directly, back in September of 2024, showed specifically about that because it has to do with the Bank of International Settlements. They all know about that.
And who’s the biggest bank in the world for central banks? The Bank of International Settlements. So anyway, let’s go on to, the article goes on and says, the Chairman of Board of Commissioners, Mohamed Roubaix, Board Member Blasim Salim, I’m terrible with names, you guys, please forgive me, participated in the activities and capacity of the Middle East Conference. This is one of the most prominent global events in the field of digital transformation and communications.
It says that the capacity of the Middle East is the largest regional gathering of telecom and digital infrastructure projects and providers, bringing together industry experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments in telecom, submarine cables, data centers, cloud technology, all that stuff. International Artificial Intelligence Exhibition basically got to say where it was briefed on the latest innovations and solutions provided by technology companies specializing in artificial intelligence, information security, big data analysis. So basically, their development is going to be centered around artificial intelligence applications, communication sector, data analysis, and improving network efficiency, in addition to the digital infrastructure in Iraq, and enhanced communications services, according to the highest international standards.
So Iraq’s going to be going international, they’re going to be going digital, so they’re going to be using artificial intelligence, they’re even going to be teaching their kids about artificial intelligence. And it’s going to be something that’s going to be new. And we’re going to have to embrace it, I think, whether we like it or not.
They haven’t been just working on this for a couple years, believe it or not, I believe SBI Holdings, for instance, has been working with Japan for about 11 years. So you know, that’s about how long we’ve been here, haven’t we? Since about 2003? Well, I haven’t, I didn’t, I’ve only been around for about 15 years. But I think I believe in what I hold, because I believe that Iraq is going to be very powerful in the future.
So I hope you all agree about that. Anyway, for the month of January, the promise of stability solved the problem of salaries of the region’s employees. And there’s agreement on the list sent.
So you think about that for a minute. How long have they been, you know, pushing back and forth about having accurate lists? Well, we know that there’s been accounting firms in the country. And I’m assuming that they’ve probably done a really good job.
And now they realize that there’s been a lot of graft and all that good stuff. But anyway, not good stuff. But I think they know where the money flow is.
So it says he goes on in this order, salaries will be dispersed on fixed dates each month without any delay, or shortage of the prescribed amounts. So that’s a good thing for the people. It says, MP statements aims, this aims to provide financial stability for employees and ensure things go on a regular basis throughout 2025.
There’s other articles that come out that talk about going to 2026. But this is the one I liked yesterday because of the nature of it. And again, it’s been a lot of years about this accurate list for employees.
I think like, what, you’re going to pay them on time? You’re going to pay them so they can, you know, maybe get a car payment so that they know they’re going to be able to pay the payment when they can buy a house so they know that they can have a mortgage payment. Okay, they can pay it on time. Right? I think it’s a novel idea.
I think that was pretty funny. Okay. Here’s another article.
Iraq advances one place in the global reserve. You guys, Iraq has massive amounts of reserves in comparison to what she truly needs in foreign currencies. And then she’s obviously populated foreign currencies with the euro, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Rial, the euro, etc.
Okay, so you add the foreign reserves with her gold. Well, for some reason, I guess they found a few more tons of gold because they went from about 152 tons. Now they went to about 162 tons.
So they just found enough chump change to go buy 10 tons of gold. I think that’s pretty funny because everybody’s like, well, where do you get all that money? Well, all these new non-oil revenues and the profits they’re making, they’re making a surplus to some degree because their 70 bucks. And I think that they, you know, oil has been well over 70 bucks for a while there.
Not on every day, but on average, it’s over 70 today, I believe. So 10 tons of additional gold in all of a sudden, and you wonder why gold’s at 2,880 bucks or 2,860 bucks. You know, that’s a big, that’s a big jump.
You guys, typically when gold moves like that, up to that high, all-time extreme highs, it’s because central banks are buying gold. They’re the biggest, yeah, biggest players on the planet. So, well, not necessarily, but close to it or equal to.
On the advisor, this is an interesting article. This is a speculation article on my part, but I passed it with Pompey Peter and we had a little conversation and we believe it just, it makes sense, but we’re not 100% on it, but hey, it’s going to make some sense. So the advisor to employees and retirees, there’s no fear of financial liquidity.
Okay, so there’s no, he goes, Muhammad Saleh reassured employees and retirees that there is no fear for the financial liquidity in the country. He says, although the monetary mass at a rate of 85 to 90% of the monetary issuance is outside the banking system. We got to be careful about what he means by that, because this guy knows his business and he has to be careful because that’s, it’s a sensitive situation, but he also has to make people be aware.
And when we’re talking about the largest banks in the world, and we’re talking about big financial institutions, they’re going to know what he means by these things. And I think that this, what it means to me from my experience for the last 25 or 30 years, being around the marketplace, whether it be real estate, stocks, gold, whatever, I’ve been around a few years. Okay.
So you can see that got some gray hair going on. But anyway, the 85% to 90% monetary issuance is outside the banking system. I would say that, look, this is a very telling sign.
Saleh is talking about this 85 to 90% of that issuance being outside the banking system. That only leaves about 2.28 trillion within the banking system based off their M1. That’s if I got the calculation even close.
So what it suggests to me is that they have, in comparison to what their monetary issue is, there’s only about 15% in the banking system. That is low, as far as I can tell. Yet it’s enough to provide, as Saleh states, liquidity to do necessary business and trade.
I’m paraphrasing, but the rest of that money is accounted out of the banking system. And that includes us as investors globally. I think that being estimated about 30 trillion around the world.
That means United States, UK, Canada, Australia, coalition force countries, everybody. Okay. So the bottom line is, is that I believe, because if we go back to 2018, or 2018, 2019, first off, we know about a new issuance in 2018.
There was about $50 million that the central bank purchased for new currency issuance. And what they’re talking about here is that they have about 85% of their issuance outside the banking system. Well, when they say outside the banking system, that means like literally in the banks, as far as I can tell.
And so all that money has been pulled out of the markets, come off the street. That’s why you’ve seen a lot of people talking about the kind of chunky money, is what some people call it, is that the citizens, our good friend and member to Patreon and Discord, brought us some information from straight off the ground is that the citizens have been quite aware for the last three plus months about electronic payments, and about having to bring in their dollars and their dinars to a bank account to make sure that that money is legit. And so obviously, that’s a motivating factor.
So if you have a chance of losing your money, you’re going to probably want to do what they say, and they’re fully apprised of what they needed to do. And so that’s really powerful. So to me, Slade mentions this ahead of exposure.
What is happening? What I mean by that is exposure means because we haven’t seen what the budget allocations are yet. They’re supposed to be on the table like today, tomorrow, etc. The oil flowing to Turkey is on the table today, tomorrow, paying salaries, right on the table.
Guess what else is tomorrow? Bond sales. You take all that into consideration. This is to me, looks like Slade is giving a heads up to the world is that we have a low amount of money in the banking system because that large amount is out of the system, effectively.
So it’s not on the streets, for instance. It’s not sloshing around the world. It’s just outside the banking system.
And that’s our terminology, I believe. So anyway, this is to me, it’s a heads up for the international world. We’re going to find out if I’m right.
We’ll see. But ultimately, there’s going to be an interesting day tomorrow, because if they do go up with these bonds, how do they sell them? And obviously, my understanding was, if I got it right, is that they were for international trade or availability internationally. So anyway, today is Super Bowl Sunday.
So I’m going to cut it short and let you guys go. Have fun. Enjoy the day.
Enjoy the game. And we’ll see you soon. Don’t forget, hit the like button and subscribe.
If you like my content, I’ll be back. And please, thank you very much for all your help with Zelle, Venmo and PayPal. Talk to you guys later.
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