Dinar Guru Uncut

FRANK26 – BANKS PREPARED (Uncut) 02-07-2025


Remember in World War II, the sign that says, we want you, you don’t know, remember? That’s what that looks like, we want you. You having trouble? No? It’s okay, I’m just asking, Jen. Got it, you? No, okay, take your time, don’t worry about it.


No, okay. Thank you, babe. Oh, but you know what, though? What am I doing wrong here? No, this has to be by an article thread, I’m so sorry, Jen.


I got this board over here with it. Ready? Three, two, one. Go.


The recording has started. ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm ♪ ♪ I used to be a D-Nah newbie ♪ ♪ Until I watched Frank’s UB2B ♪ ♪ With a twinkle in his eye and God by his side ♪ ♪ Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide ♪ ♪ So whenever I need a D-Nah fix ♪ I tune in to Frank, twenty-six He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dean R.D. Now take it from me, Frank is no nookie It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie You never know what suit he’ll be wearing So I wear my sunglasses, because they are so glaring So whenever I need a Dean R.Fix I tune in to Frank, twenty-six He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dean R.D. Sit up, be patient, and get ready Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dean R.Fix I tune in to Frank, twenty-six He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dean R.D. Hey Tink, I need a cookie Come on Tink, I deserve some cookies Cookie, cookies, cookies Come on Tink, give up the cookies So Greetings family! Welcome to another one of your Frank, Twenty-Six YouTube. It’s good to be with you.


Rebecca Hill, thank you very much. My goodness, you’re always so faithful. Thank you, Rebecca Hill.


God bless all of you. It is the the 7th, I believe. Yeah, the 7th of February 2025.


I greet you in a God beloved. We are ktfalways.com. It stands for keep the faith always in our Heavenly Father. Before we do anything, we always go to God.


We always go to God. We always go to God. Will you follow me? Abba, Heavenly Father, I come to you by the blood of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, eager to be with you.


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for another opportunity to study this, because every time we study it, it’s just getting more and more exciting, and I praise you for that. All honor and glory goes to you, Father, in what we do tonight. Everything that I do, everything that I say is in my opinion, but I ask you to guide me with every step that I take.


You are my light. The because you overtake it. You are my light.


Light my path for me, Father. Light travels at a very fast speed. Nobody can catch up with you, and the interesting thing is that light only moves forward.


Abba, Heavenly Father, I do not look at my past. I have no rearview mirror. Heavenly Father, I move forward with you at the speed of your light.


Be with us tonight in all that we do. For it is in the name of your Son, Jesus, that I pray for America. I pray for Israel.


I pray for Trump. I pray for your Son to come back. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Do we have Andy? Oh, there he is.


Hi, Andy. Thank you, sir. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Thank you, Andy.


God bless you, sir. All righty, family. We got some work to do here tonight.


We always study or break down our study into three parts. We look at the articles, so please come on in. Come on in to KTFalways.com, and I’ll meet you at the very last page, the very last page, page 251.


We’re going to start with final article number 5013. Then after that, we’re going to have our report from Eddie. Yesterday, I was with you, and I felt that it was an important issue to be with you.


We talked about something, didn’t we? And then the third part is usually we talk to you about my teams with walking stick. There is a 3 a.m. phone call that I want to talk to you about, but it turns out that I still can’t. So tonight, our study will be bifurcated.


We’re going to look at the articles. We’re going to look at Eddie’s report, and before we do all that, I want to reiterate about yesterday, but not so much about the topic itself. And by the way, I congratulate you KTFA members.


You had some very, very deep thoughts about what we presented yesterday. Many of you posted, and your brothers and sisters watched, and they learned from your examples, from your ideas, from your opinions, and that’s what fellowship is all about. We learn from each other.


Now, what I want to explain is the reason why. When was the last time I was with you, family? Go ahead. This is important.


Go ahead and post it if you want. When was the last time I was with you? Lampley says, last night, man. You know that’s true.


I asked the wrong question. Okay, besides yesterday, when was the last time I was with you? I mean, I blew that one, didn’t I? I blew that out of the water. Before, besides yesterday, what was the one I was with you? Dennis goes back out there, goes, okay, okay, well then, that would be Tuesday.


Thank you, Lampley. Yeah, it was Tuesday, and keep on going. You’re putting Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.


And it was Tuesday at the very end of our UbiTube where I said, family, I want to tell you something, and I’m gonna save it for dessert. When dessert came around at the end, I said, I need to talk to you, because I believe there’s a monster waiting for you to devour you, to devour your blessings. This was Tuesday.


You with me? Good. I said to you that I will have an extra UbiTube, either the following day on Wednesday, or I said on Thursday. So far, so good? Do we, do we agree on what I said? If anybody doesn’t agree, please say, no, I don’t agree.


But if you agree, just leave it be. So Tuesday, I said to you at the end of our UbiTube, I have a concern, and I need to talk to you about it. And I started to explain it to you, and I gave you the example of the three chests in the Holy Bible.


So far, so good? So far, so good? Yeah, Jeff says, I agree. Okay, Carl says, Ryan says, I agree. Yeah, yeah, okay, I agree.


They want to take our blessing? Yeah, yeah, Chris Bax says, yeah, I agree. Maria, Maria, retired, says, I agree. Yeah, yeah, I remember that.


I agree. Okay, Linda Knipp says, yeah, it was Tuesday. Yeah, I agree, says Bobby H. I agree, says Vinny.


Yep, uh-huh. Okay, so far, so good. Now, we prepared our, uh, I prepared you on Tuesday for this.


Then, the following day, on Wednesday, I have a conversation. Is there nothing? Send the drone. Now, do you see the person? Where is he? Still? Family.


I protect my family. There’s somebody in our front door. We see him.


We’ve taken pictures. We sent the drone up to scare him. I’ll be right back.


Can I help you? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare the shit out of him, but yeah, well, I did. Mission accomplished. So, I’m sorry, family.


So, anyways, it turns out, just put it down, I’ll put it away. So, it turns out, ladies and gentlemen, that on Tuesday, I prepared this, and I said, there’s a monster out there that wants to devour your blessings. And then, on Wednesday, um, I have a conversation with somebody.


Well, really? What’s up? I agree. You do? That’s good to hear from you. I’ve missed you.


You doing well? Mm-hmm. Why do you agree? The Holy Spirit also told me the same thing. Really? Then, I think that it is our job to prepare people for this monster.


I agree, Frank. Good. I told him yesterday, I’m gonna do you be to be tomorrow on Thursday and talk about this.


So did he. And here we are on Friday. Now, the thing is, I have a gentleman on my forum, a beautiful man by the name of Bill Warner.


Bill Warner, that’s your username. And Bill Warner says, I wonder, I wonder if Frank got this, this thing about the monster from Brandon. I said, I’ve been teaching you about the monster.


Haven’t I been saying, family, they are preparing you, they’re preparing to come after you? Haven’t I been saying that forever? Haven’t I said that there are, there are entities, there are organizations, there are groups? Haven’t I said our government? Haven’t I said all this for a long time? But then, all of a sudden, it hit me hard. And to my dear brother in Christ, my friend, Brandon, it hit him hard. Ladies and gentlemen, if it is hitting us hard and we are spiritually motivated to pray to God, I would suggest that you pray to God, too.


I’m not a prophet. I’m not in, no, I pray. I suggest that you do the same thing, too.


You see, I don’t hear God’s voice. I see God’s voice in everything that he does in my life. There’s a reason why Tuesday I prepared you.


There’s a reason why Thursday my dear brother in Christ prepared you. And no, my dear friend Bill, I didn’t get it from from him. We got it from God.


And I’ve been telling you a long time about this, and I even told you on on Tuesday about this. So, I just wanted to reiterate that. I gave you the story of the three chests on Tuesday, long before anybody else told you that.


But to be in in conversation with my brother in Christ, and for both of us to feel the same feeling, oh my goodness, it would behoove you to consider our opinion. Speaking of that, everything that I say to you tonight is strictly in my opinion. Everything that I say to you is in my opinion.


I’m wearing my polka-dotted green shirt today. What do you think? You like it? Yeah, that’s in my opinion. With that in mind, let us get started.


There is no date, there is no rate. This is a speculative investment. Don’t ask a question that is insulting or dangerous.


Let’s get to work, family. We’re going to pick up with final article number 5013. The U.S., excuse me, Iraq, and the U.S. agreed to enhance financial economic cooperation.


What do I say up on top? This is the last article that we were to that we talked about together when we were on Tuesday. I say financial and economic cooperation. Well, okay, but not at 1310.


Does that make sense to you? Does it make sense to you? I like what you just said. Who said that? Tammy Perky. Tammy Perky.


You say confirmation. I know. When I was talking to Brandon, it hit me hard.


In fact, I invited Brandon, remember? I invited, oh dear me, not enough. Look at this, Jen. It will not open it.


Look at that. Holy cow. Ladies and gentlemen, bear with me because my computer just shut down.


I’ve never seen anything like that. I’ve never seen anything like that. I mean, I know I’m using the whole gambit, but still, not enough file space.


Really? How much have I used this computer? Oh, dear me. What was I doing? Yeah. U.S. and Iraq agreed to enhance financial and economic cooperation.


In other words, the U.S. and Iraq are working on a monetary reform and the economic reform with great cooperation. Okay. Yeah, we’re back now, Stephanie Ellis.


We’re back now. To which I say up on the top, the blue title, okay, financial and economic cooperation between Iraq and the United States, but I can promise you this, it’s not at 1310. And I don’t care if it’s in my opinion.


It’s an opinionated promise. How’s that? Whatever that is. What’s the next article? Final article number 5014.


I want Iran to be a great and successful country, but one that cannot have a nuclear weapon. Well, I’m just curious. Who said that? The whisper? Really? The politician whisper? Donald J. Trump? Who did you say that to? Sudani.


Why’d you tell him that? Sudani has great influence over Iran because Sudani now controls Iran. Oh, that’s a deep statement to make. You can see the evidence.


I want Iran to be a great and successful country. That’s what Trump says? Then there’s a good chance that’s gonna happen. But one that cannot have a nuclear weapon.


There’s a good chance that’s what’s gonna happen. They won’t have a nuclear weapon. There’s a good chance that Iran has the ability to come back and be normal and civil.


I believe they will. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for this article? Trump is a peacemaker because God asked him to. I want Iran to be a great and successful country, but one that cannot have a nuclear weapon.


Reports of the United States working in conjunction with Israel is going to blow Iran into smithereens are greatly exaggerated. I would much rather prefer a verified nuclear peace agreement, which will let Iran peacefully grow and prosper. We should start working on it immediately and have a big Middle East celebration when it is signed and completed.


God bless the Middle East. Donald J. Trump. Now that’s what we’re talking about.


Iranian people, what do you think? You want that? Yes. Iraqi people, what do you think? You want that? Yes. Middle East, what do you think? You want that? Yes.


Saudi Arabia, what do you think? You want that? Excuse me? Hello? Anybody there? Final article number 5015. Trump called, cancels US exemptions from Iraq to import electricity and gas from Iran. There’s that whisper again.


What did you just do, Trump? Well, I whispered into Sudanese ears and I told him, I said, look, now that you’re about to have your reforms, you know, exposed, I don’t want you to have any more problems with Iran. I don’t want Iran to steal any more of your money, of my, of our money. You know what I’m saying, Sudan? You know what I mean? Okay, okay.


I don’t want them to, I don’t want them to steal your oil anymore. You know very well they were taking the oil and they were selling it in the black market. Come on, man, okay? Sudan, all right? I’m telling you, I’m gonna cancel the US exemptions from Iraq to import electricity and gas from Iran.


You just can’t get it from them no more, okay? You got that? Got it. And when you see something that powerful and it’s being obeyed, you wonder to yourself, who’s in, who’s, who’s in charge? What do I say up on top? Trump whispers, no electricity from Iran. Iraq will supply it.


And you’re AI. That’s why Trump wants this family. You know how much electricity AI will require? I don’t think you do.


More than the United States can supply right now. Final article of 5016, finance on restructuring of Rafahdin Rashid and insurance companies, a fundamental step. Yes it is.


Hey, hey, Rafahdin, let me ask you something. Are you still gonna be stupid? No. Are you still gonna money laundry for Iran? For Iraqi, Iranian politicians? No.


Are you still gonna funnel money through fake accounts? No. Are you sick and tired of being punished? You’re lucky you’re one of the four major banks in Iraq. If not, you’d have been shut down a long time ago.


Yeah, I know. What’s the title of this blue title, family? This is Rafahdin’s last chance. Why? Because the new exchange rate is about to be exposed.


Everything I say to you is strictly, is strictly in my opinion. Look at, you don’t think so? You don’t think so, huh? Watch this. According to the statement, Asami pointed out that the restructuring represents a fundamental step to enhance financial stability.


Cuz 1310 ain’t that. And what we’re doing is gonna bring in a new exchange rate. Oh, I’m not saying it.


I’m not directly saying it, but read the lines for crying out loud. Read the, read the tea leaves. The restructuring represents a fundamental step to enhance financial stability and improve the efficiency of our government banks in accordance with international standards.


We’re gonna float, sucker. Noting that the importance of developing a banking system, enhancing internal control, and implementing specialized training programs for banking workers to ensure the province of advanced financial services. Ladies and gentlemen, that Kamala, Kamala would be proud of that word salad.


That very simply says we have a new exchange rate in our monetary reform process, in our banking systems, with our services for our customers, for our citizens of Iraq. Now, if you don’t think that that’s what that article says, well, so be it. But that’s my opinion.


Final article number 5017, Iraq finance minister launches bonds worth two trillion dinars to boost investments provided saving. Well, first, what’s the blue, what’s the blue title for this? Perfect timing for the bonds. Because family, what were the bonds in before? Somebody tell me.


Go ahead, post. What were the, what did Iraq sell their bonds, their government bonds, in, in what currency? Somebody tell me. Go ahead and post it.


Go ahead. The floor is yours. Oh, DJ, that was quick.


Dollars. Yeah, that’s right. Baby, baby crab cake says in dollars.


Krista Bell says USD, USD. That’s what we should say instead of USA. USD.


That’s a thought. We might start that chant at a concert somewhere. Look at you.


You all know. Brilliant, brilliant students you are. All of you.


Indeed, ladies and gentlemen. But now the article says Iraq finance ministry launches bonds worth two trillion dinars to boost investments to provide savings, you know, for the citizens of Iraq. And I say, perfect timing for the bonds because they’re no longer in dinars.


It says two trillion dinars. Oh. Well, then, then the bonds are in dinars? According to the statement, the bonds are divided into two categories.


First bond is worth half a million dinars with an, with an annual interest rate of 6%. I already read all this to you. So, ladies and gentlemen, these, these bonds are being done in Iraqi dinars.


They’re being done in Iraqi dinars, whereas before they used to be done in American dollars. Now, what’s the difference? What’s the difference? The American dollar has value. The Iraqi dinar has no value.


Then why are you selling them? Because the Iraqi dinar is about to have value. Everybody knows it. And what is, what is the title of this blue title, of this article? Perfect timing for the bonds.


I agree, James. Fine article. James.


James Bond. Bond. James.


James. Bonds, James. Fine article number 5018.


Reuters. Oh, Reuters. Okay, you always say a lot of good things about Iraq, especially the monetary reform.


What you got to say? BP plans to invest 25 billion dollars in Iraq. BP? Yeah. That’s a lot of money.


Yeah. What do I say up on top? BP is not stupid. 1310 is stupid.


Yeah. That’s a lot of money. 25 billion.


Yeah. You want to lose it at 1310? We’re not going to, Frank. I know.


Fine article number 5019. Confirming Shafat news. Al Sudani calls on the state administration coalition to hold a meeting in Baghdad.


The family, you should have caught on by now. There’s a lot of meetings going on at Sudani’s residence. Thank you, Stingray.


That’s very sweet of you. Have you noticed that? Mr. Sammy pointed it out to me. Have you noticed, Mr. Frank, Sudani and Alak are together all the time, and these two guys are constantly calling meetings at Sudani’s place? Yeah, I did notice that, Mr. Sammy.


You know why? Well, yeah, I think I know why. Well, you know the political side why, but the reason why they’re meeting at Sudani’s house is because it’s been swept. I used to went to pick up a bunch of illegal aliens that that were in their apartments, and when they went there, apartment after apartment after apartment after apartment, there was nobody there.


Inside of our own government, we have snitches. We have traitors. Sudani doesn’t play that game.


Neither does President Trump. I’ll leave it at that. What I’m trying to say is that the security and the stability of Iraq is off the hook, and that’s what we need for the monetary reform.


Final article number 5019 confirming Shafat News. Al Sudani calls on the State Administration Coalition to hold a meeting in Baghdad. And what do I say up on top? Amendment passed on Sunday.


The basket law is trivial. So this article is telling you that, okay, Parliament is saying that, you know those three laws that were passed in the basket? Yeah. They’re not constitutionally legal.


Parliament, first of all, be silent. Second of all, stop showing your ignorance. And third of all, the court just said they are legal.


What court? Sudani took your petition to court, and the judge says, to you, Parliament. Anyways, and that’s why I say it’s trivial. Final article number 5020.


Iraq is heading heading to implement the first historical transfer operation through the international TIR system. What do I say up on top? Well, first of all, what is the TIR? Well, that would be the, actually it’s the international transportation road system. Union.


Union is what that is, really. The T-R-U is the union, and the T-R-I is the institution itself. Now, what is this? Roads.


Roads. You may not find this important. I keep bringing this to you over and over again.


It is extremely important. What is the blue title of this article? Sudani is building roads in Iraq, just like Rome did. These roads, ladies and gentlemen, are so crucial for import-export, for the float, for the rear.


You can figure it out. Final article number 5021. Al-Mashhadini, the Speaker of the House, calls on political blocs to hold an emergency meeting to end differences and discuss challenges.


Out of curiosity, where’s this meeting going to be held at? What do you think, Frank? Who are they going to meet with? Who do you think, Frank? The framework? Mm-hmm. Maliki’s people? Mm-hmm. The Shiites? Mm-hmm.


All the troublemakers? Mm-hmm. And he wants to meet with them again privately, huh? Mm-hmm. That building is really swept, isn’t it? Very swept.


We don’t have any turncoats like you do in America. You don’t have to rub it in. Al-Mashhadini calls on political blocs to hold an emergency meeting to end differences and discuss the challenges.


What do I say up on top? The Speaker of the House spanks Parliament. Yeah, he did. Al-Mashhadini basically just tore them a new orifice.


Will you guys stop it? You can see where we’re going. You can see the advances of our country. Good God Almighty.


Every time you take a breath and you try to delay something, stop it. I’m the Speaker of the House. I can take care of you.


Yeah, earlier today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Mohamed Siddani called on members of the state administration coalition to hold a meeting at the at the government palace next Saturday. Sit down. This is my turf.


And I’m just excited. A statement issued by Sidani office explained that the latter call for holding the meeting aims to discuss the general situation in the country and examine a number of files at the at the national level. Sure it does.


Final article number 5022. Trump restores tough line on Iran includes watch on Iraqi banks, Gulf states, trans shipments of prohibited goods. Good grief almighty.


Hey, Iran, what? Do you know what the Hubble telescope is? Or I know it’s still up there. You know what the Hubble telescope is? Yeah. They’re using the Hubble telescope on you.


They’re watching every step, every movement. Can you say Space Force? They are watching every time. You sneeze.


We know when to say bless you. Oh my goodness. Trump restores tough, restores tough line on Iran includes watch on Iraqi banks, Gulf states, trans shipments of prohibited goods.


You see, this is a security stability to the monetary reform needs. It’s that simple. It’s that good.


What’s the blue title for this article? Iran, you’re being watched carefully and you have to be. You’re a spoiled child. You just simply want to cause trouble.


You should leave the Iranian people alone. Go find another planet to live on. Final article number 5023.


What is the importance of abandoning the budget law? What? What is the importance of abandoning the budget law? An advisor to prime minister explains. Oh, so that you sent this guy out? Yeah, I did. Right.


Are you using reverse psychology? I guess. I mean, we’re asking the question, what happens if we don’t have the budget? Well, then we’re screwed. There is no project.


There is no exchange rate. There is no future for your country. And all those contracts, you want to start a war? What is the importance of amending the budget law? What are you, stupid? You know what it is.


An advisor to the prime minister explains. Okay. What’s the blue title for this article? It exposes the budget tables which requires an exchange rate with value.


Yes. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Nothing up my sleeve, said Bo Winkle. Thank you. Final article number 5024.


I like this article. Final article number 5024. Central Bank.


What’s up, guys? What’s up, Alok? Stimulating, hoarded, stimulating, you know, hoarded money in homes is one of the most important challenges of the stage. Of what stage? Of the monetary reform stage, Frank. I like how you cut your sentences short.


Central Bank. Did Sudani send you to do this? Maybe. Of course you did.


Alok and Sudani are shoulder to shoulder. Maybe. All right.


Central Bank. What do you want? We are stimulating the Iraqi citizens to release the hoarded amount of 3-0 notes that they still keep underneath their couches, you know, dinar mattresses, because it is important at this stage of the monetary reform. Yeah, I know it is.


And you know that too, family, as good students that you are. An official at the Central Bank of Iraq said that stimulating the money hoarded in the homes of transferring it to the banking sector is one of the most important challenges facing the current stage. Underline, bold red, current stage.


What do I say in blue next to it? The final stage of the monetary reform. Thank you. I’ll ask for your prayers.


My PET scan was not clean, so this is an official from the Central Bank of Iraq is saying that, look, at this stage of the monetary reform plan, you guys got to give up your 3-0s because we’re gonna replace them with lower notes. Okay? Final article number 5025. Kurdistan region launches January salaries via my account.


That’s very personal, family. How many of you are familiar with MyChart? If you have any medical issues, then you know what MyChart means. You know how personal that is.


Kurdistan region launches January salaries via my account. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for it? Kurds running to the ATMs for pay. And there’s the picture.


There’s the picture that Eddie sent us, that we showed you the last time I was with you. Yesterday, I think. Kurds running to the ATM machines for pay is what I say as the blue title for this article.


Yeah, and another thing I say about this is, this is good training for the lower notes. Where are they gonna get them? At the ATM machines. How are they gonna get them? By running to the ATM machines when they’re notified.


That’s exactly what’s going on right now with my account for their salary payments. That’s why I say this is good. This is good training.


Final article number 5026. Al-Sudani, we will end gas imports from Iran by 2028. No.


No, I don’t mean to disrespect you, Sudani, but you got whispered. Now, what do I say up on top? Whisper says, depend on yourself, Iraq. Okay? Depend on yourself.


I took the dollar away. You don’t need someone else’s gas and oil when you got so much of it. Depend on yourself, please, okay? You’re about to have power with your currency.


Depend on yourself. If you don’t, these are the avenues, the open windows that you leave. We’re terrorism.


We’re money laundering. We’re profiteering. Where those Iranian politicians can take advantage of you.


Final article number 5027. This is a very good article. In fact, this article, I believe 99% of this article is all colored in red.


Parliamentary Finance Committee discusses with US delegations the file of contracts of foreign oil companies operating in Kurdistan. Why? Why? In fact, what’s the blue title? Excuse me, USA, what part do you have in this oil of Iraq? It’s not being sold at the American dollar anymore. What are you doing? The statement added that the meeting discussed the final, excuse me, it doesn’t say final.


That’s my bad. The statement added that the meeting discussed the details of amending article 12 of the federal general budget law related to the oil productions and exports in addition to financial, in addition to financial, in addition to financial, in case you missed it, in addition to the financial challenges facing the country in preparation for preparing and approving the 2025 budget schedule. You know very well the 25 budget schedule requires a new exchange rate and that’s why they tell you that they’re doing this for the financial challenges facing the country.


He can, I added that by the way. Continuing reading. He continued.


The meeting discussed the files of the contracts for foreign oil companies operating in the region and some details related to oil production exports within the framework of amending the general budget law that the Council of Representatives recently voted on as a first step to resolve the oil dispute between Baghdad and Erbil and in line with the Iraqi constitution. Al-Attawani stressed, according to the statement, the necessity for the region to commit to paying its financial dues to the central government in exchange for receiving its entitlements, including employees. What are your entitlements? Including HCL.


Well, including employee salaries and project finances to end all financial disputes, renewing the financial committee keenness to end all disputes and to stop oil smuggling due to its negative impact on the country’s financial stability. So grow up, grow up Parliament. The meeting witnessed, this is why I’m telling you, they spanked the living daylights out of them.


Enough. The meeting witnessed a discussion of the timing of the budget schedule for the year 2025. What’s in the budget schedule, ladies and gentlemen? And they just approved the time of when they’re going to release it.


With the aim, with the aim, with the aim of launching the budget in the year 2025. launching projects according to the specific timetable, with an emphasis on the increase of non-oil revenues, reducing spending on non-essential projects, investing in service, educational projects, and supporting the private sector. Holy cow.


Holy cow. Wow. What do I say in blue? What’s underneath there? The timing of the budget schedule.


The timing of the budget schedules. They’re talking about the timing of the budget schedules and you know what’s in the budget schedules. Okay? Yeah.


Yeah. So right about now, if I was Trump, I would revoke Biden’s security clearance. That was too easy.


Final article number 5028, al-Sudani asked the Trump administration to continue granting Iraq an exemption from importing Iranian gas. And up on top, Sudani asks permission from Trump. Notice that.


Stressing that in the end, we will need this exemption to continue throughout this period. Al-Sudani also pointed out that Iraq has begun the process of linking energy to neighboring countries in order to cover our needs. Okay.


You know what I mean? Let us work with them. Okay. We want peace.


And this is a part of the concept of integration that we seek with our brothers, you know, with our neighbors. What do you think, Trump? What do you think? And I can see Trump saying, well, since you asked nicely, you need a little bit more time before you can supply yourself with your own gas and oil? Because these contracts, you’re now just bringing them in? But you will stop, won’t you? Your relationship with Iran, huh? You need a little more time? And you asked politely, huh? You asked. That is a completely, completely different theater.


Final article number 5029, al-Sudani, we will continue to distribute salaries to the Kurdistan region smoothly in the remaining months. What do I say up on top? Wow. Wow.


Even Russia wants a piece of Iraq’s future. But what’s that got to do with what it says here? When you read the article, you’ll find out. Final article number 5030, al-Sudani’s advisors rebuke citizens for storing money at homes and calls for investing in.


Here we go again. How many times you got to ask the Iraqi citizens to bring in the three zeros? How many times, huh? And I noticed you’ve already asked them three times just in the last week. That’s a compression of intel about the monetary reform education.


You have a great need for this, don’t you? That gets me excited. I mean, seriously. And you’re also preparing to collect all the three zeros that are outside of your country when everybody fled, right? Yeah.


Also preparing to collect the three zeros that I’ve got, right? No. No. Your banks will do that.


That’s right. You see, ladies and gentlemen, you think that Trump has dinars in our federal reserves? Yeah. And he’s going to use them when the value goes up.


Okay. How many, how many, how many, how many dinars do you think he’s got? Just for the fun of it. He’s got five dinars.


Okay. Now, that’s in our federal reserves and it’s going to help our economy. It’s going to, it’s going to do some amazing things in our country, right? Yeah.


Well, let me ask you this. When you go to an American bank, where, where’s the American bank going to send the dinar to? Back to the CBI? No. Where? To our federal reserves.


Within a year, it may double or triple. Can you imagine the power that Trump is going to have? It’s our turn. It’s our turn.


That’s, that’s all there is to it. When you see those people that are complaining about what, how do you say it? Doge? When they’re complaining about what Doge is doing. Oh my goodness gracious.


Here, show them the list of what Doge pay, or excuse me, of what, what is it? The USA, USA, show them the list of where the money, your money, your money, show them the list of where your money is sent around the world. And for what reasons, and then let them make fools of themselves and say, oh yeah, we’re going to take you to court. Oh, we’re going to start a war.


Oh, we’re going into the streets. What’s it, what’s it feel like to be a minority? I know. Final article, number 5031.


Members of Parliament Finance Committee warns of investing projects being affected by the delay of the 2025 schedule. Ladies and gentlemen, did we not just read an article? Did we not just read an article? And I laughed at it and it said, uh, well, let me ask you something. I’m, I’m with Sadani, but let me just ask you something, citizens of Iraq.


What would happen if we don’t have the budget tables, huh? What do you think? And then a member of Parliament Finance Committee comes out and he said, Hey, I want to warn everybody, uh, uh, of, of investment projects that, you know, you know, we’re going to have for you guys, you know, all the services, uh, I want to warn you, it can be affected by any delay of the 2025 budget. Okay. Says Parliament Committee.


What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for this? You hypocrites. You have always been the delay and that’s it on the articles, ladies and gentlemen. So that’s what I wanted to share with you at seven o’clock.


We’ll be bringing in a commercial. And then I’m going to start right now with our report from our dear friend, Eddie. Don’t even think twice about it.


Drink lots of water, get vitamin C in you and cover your faces. If you have any silver oxide, put it around your nose or your hands and your, or your mouth. God bless you guys.


I will be praying just because I pick up my phone. There’s this guy. He called like about 15 times.


He’s very lonely. He’s a very lonely man when we found out who he was, but I don’t bother with him, but he’ll call 15 times here while I’m trying to talk to you because he sees that I picked up the phone. Do you see the stress that I go through family? I just told you that my pet scan was not clear, but yet this man wants to throw a stone to kill me earlier for people like this.


I’m as I Dr. Toothfairy. Thank you. God bless you.


God bless you. Uh, for people that are evil like this, that just make my life so miserable when I’m trying to help you, there’s a very important date for them in heaven, a very special, important date for them in heaven. It’s called judgment day.


They found the plane in Alaska. Thank you. When you’re lonely, you do desperate stuff.


This man that is lonely. It’s the demons that are in him. In fact, right now of a heavenly father, this man is just lost.


He doesn’t even know you, but because he’s your child, I pray for him. I pray that his heart would be filled with joy. I pray that he would know you.


I would pray that he doesn’t lose this blessing because this type of an attitude is not constructive. It’s destructive. Please take care of this gentleman by the blood of your son, Jesus, cast out those demons that are in him.


Amen. Amen. I just show you this so that you understand what I go through family.


Okay. Now what I’m going to do, I’ve got about 15 minutes before we have our commercial and we’re going to go ahead and um, Tuesday, we were together Tuesday. Now granted yesterday, I read you a little bit, so we’re going to kind of overlap that.


And for those of you that are in premium, you’ll get about, you’ve already got about half of this already. The other half you’ll pick up now. It was Tuesday that I was with you, so therefore I want to start on Wednesday, correct? Yes, Wednesday.


Okay, so here’s Tuesday. Tuesday, the last report late at night. We’re watching your show at three.


Yeah, remember that was when he said, we’re watching your show at 3 a.m. Oh, the image is, yeah, you can read backwards, but then again, I don’t, I don’t need to show you. And here we go to watch you later for the Wednesday. Here we go.


Wednesday at six o’clock in the morning, our first report. Television is showing the minister of finance. He’s uh, chairing a meeting that is going over the new procedures for the banking and insurance companies.


This is on the news and they talked about how they’re explaining the electronic payments and how stable and secure this new system will be. There it is again, Mr. Frank, more security and stability. They keep sneaking those words into us, I believe to reaffirm.


Wednesday, next report. Minister of finance again on television. He’s explaining the launch of the government banks that are worth 2 trillion dinars.


It’s going to start on February the 10th and last until March the 10th. They’re saying that the first bonds will pay 6% interest yearly, and the second one is going to be paying 4.75% over a six month period. And he talked about this investment opportunity for Iraqi citizens.


With all due respect, Mr. Frank, where are we going to get money to invest in this? Oh, I know laughing out loud. Television is showing breaking news right now. You can go see it.


Kurdistan council of minister has approved resuming the flow of oil through SOMO since the budget amendment was passed. This is encouraging for our HCL, right? Continuing. Television shows USA president canceling the exception to allow Iraq to obtain electricity from Iran.


Television says that we have the capacity and the capability, I should say, to have our own electricity enough to handle the supply. But Sudan is asking for permission. Can we wait a little longer until we get everything set up? TV shows help.


TV shows help will still come from the United States of America on structuring our new electricity layout. News shows British BP going to invest big, huge in Iraq’s oil sector. Mr. Frank, can you say HCL? Big government meeting at the palace.


Again, all administration will be there. Sudan is constantly bringing everybody into his domain. The international road transportation union is also here.


They came to visit last week, and they said that Iraq is headed towards implementing the first historical transport operation through the international road transport system. The union stated in a statement, followed by the news, the law, they said this, they said this, they said this, all these nice things about us and all these roads and all the, okay. News is saying all citizens will know the basic results of the three census by the end of February.


You don’t know anything about that, family. I don’t really want to get into that right now. But okay, real quick.


Remember they used article 140 for the HCL, but Sudanese says, you know, just use it. Don’t worry about it. But we need new census.


Don’t worry about it. We’ll do census later on. That’s with them.


Continuing. They sure talk about security, and this is me now responding. Yeah.


They sure talk a lot about security and stability, don’t they, Eddie? This is impressive. Now, these bonds that they’re offering you, Iraqi citizens, at those rate of returns is amazing. Once again, this reflects a new exchange rate.


I wish I could buy some of those bonds. I’m going to look into it. Every time they talk to you about SOMO, I can see the letters HCL.


Yes, Mr. Frank. We see the same thing. They’re trying to make a big deal over the amnesty law.


There they go again, trying to cause some problems, but the courts have held them up. Eddie, concerning your electricity, it is being set up to be as powerful as your currency because of AI. The United States of America will lead the field of AI.


That’s why we are going to help you with your electricity, and that’s why Trump wants you to stop buying it from Iran. But maybe he’ll let you have it for one more year. BP does not stand for BS, for BS petroleum.


They know exactly what they’re doing, Eddie, because of a new exchange rate. If not, they would not be anywhere around. They would not come around.


TIR builds the roads that Rome built for the same reason, for success. Wednesday, the sixth report that came in on Wednesday, hot news. Mr. Sammy says, the parliament finance meeting right now with the United States delegation today, they’re talking about the contracts for the American oil companies working in Iraq.


All of them are related to the budget table. This is exciting, Mr. Frank, if they want to show us that budget table. So this is like a review to cross the T’s and dot the I’s for the money, for the money side.


Mr. Sammy says it’s all relating, they say, to article 12 that was passed and about the budget tables. Dear God, please, Lord, let it be. Please let it be.


This is a huge, huge step. This is a huge step, a big thing. So things are looking good.


These meetings, if not, these meetings would not be happening. They would not be happening. That is correct, Eddie.


To which I then say to them, I agree with you, Mr. Sammy. I agree with you, Eddie. These meetings are the last meetings before the announcement of a new exchange rate, in my opinion.


Let’s see what happens. And then this is the part where I told you yesterday, but I’m repeating it. Hey, Frank, Mr. Sammy is at Eddie’s market store.


He’s been there all day. This is a good sign. Yeah, all of a sudden, Mr. Sammy goes to the market with Eddie.


Continuing. Frank, they are talking about article 12-2C and then the budget tables relating to the contracts of oil companies in Iraq and USA. I’ll bet you anything at that meeting the Sudanese having right now, that rate and those budgets are being shown right now, Wednesday 8 in the evening.


Television is showing USA President Trump just signed memorandum making it impossible for Iran to use Iraq’s money, financial system to avoid sanctions. Hoorah. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you, President Trump. Yeah.


The financial system has improved. The money financial system. And this is to avoid any sanctions.


Praise God. To which I say, gentlemen, I’ve been thinking about this all day because it’s not the weekend. So can I ask you, Mr. Sammy, why are you spending the day with Eddie at the market? Now, now, I think it may be one of two reasons.


Number one, it’s your day off. Or number two, he’s looking for something. And when I told that to WalkingStick, he goes, WalkingStick don’t say much, but when he does.


And then I said, Eddie, the budget tables and the oil are all the components for you to receive your HCL. Frank, Eddie says that he was he was there all day. He was there all day from from from opening to close.


Yeah, I agree what you just said. Eddie said it was like they were trying to explain the budget tables to them, but without actually giving us the new exchange rate to which I said exactly, Eddie. Exactly.


I have told you to pay attention to every word that’s coming from Sudan and a lot because they are directly talking to you about the new exchange rate without saying it. Trump keeps whispering into Sudanese ear and Sudanese is working with Trump. And to see what what Trump just did against Iran by using Iraq is is is is is the indication that Sudanese and Trump are shoulder to shoulder.


Sudanese listening to Trump. He has permission from Trump to do some stuff. This action by Trump just tied the hands of Iran even stronger against stealing your purchasing power.


Security stability. Right, brother. Trump is protecting the new exchange rate right now, along with Sudan.


So when Sudanese explains the budget tables, it will be very clear right now. There is still too much confusion within the next week or two. I pray that we will see these budget tables.


Me, too, he says. Mr. Frank, T.I.R. did work with the WTO. And the WTO wanted us to have a value of our currency.


T.I.R. is the new cross-border payment system. And Mr. Sami says we are launching this new system by using this transfer for international. And guess what? It cannot be done at 1310.


That’s right, Eddie. And this is why I tell you, pay close attention to what Mr. Sami is telling you, because just like Sudan, just like a lot. Mr. Sami cannot tell you the rate.


Mr. Sami doesn’t know the rate. He can hint at it. And this statement from Mr. Sami is powerful.


I agree. Continuing with what he’s telling me. Yes, saying, Mr. Sami, saying it will be a historical first in Iraq.


This international cross-border payment system is that they’re using. And we are real close to the new exchange rate, Frank. To which I said, Mr. Sami, I said the following.


I said, Mr. Sami, when you look at how successful Rome was as a conquering government on this planet for over 500 years, it was because they established the roads that went all over their area and made it easy for them to conquer their enemy and move their supplies, move their soldiers, move their spoils, move everything, their equipment. It’s very interesting what’s going on with the road system of Iraq. And yes, it’s a joke when you think about it at 1310.


I agree with you, sir. The idea that the WTO was behind this is impressive. They too want an international rate, don’t they? Mr. Sami, we are as close, in my opinion, Mr. Sami, we are as close as your breath is to your lungs.


We are as close as the next beat is to your heart. We are as close as I am to God. Wednesday, late, late in the evening, television.


Television says Iraq governor and CBI. I said governor, forgive me. Let me start again.


TV says Iraq government and CBI have launched a banking initiative to enhance our banking sector and it’s internationally accepted. Oh my, Mr. Frank. Yeah.


To which I said to him, bingo, bingo. Yes, Mr. Frank, bingo is right. We understand what that means.


Mr. Sami just wants you to know that the banking reforms will add value to our dinar. Remember that yesterday? And I said, hey, Eddie, Eddie, or no, no, Neil, Neil, Neil, my, my, my trans, my, my, no, not translated, my connection, my connection to, to Neil and his people out there. I said, you know what, hey, Neil, I don’t know if Mr. Sami will understand it, but tell him, I said, exactamundo, dude.


Yeah, it’s going to add value to your currency. And then he says, Semi, you know what? They’re already up. It’s four o’clock in the morning and they’re already up.


I think they’re expecting more news today. I’ll find out if he’s going to spend the day with Eddie again. Neil, I’m talking, Neil, every morning is filled with so much excitement, with so much news from Iraq.


Let’s see what happens tomorrow, Neil, okay? Okay. Oh, our advertiser. I’m going to stop with right there.


Yesterday, 1207. Remind me, okay? Now, do we have our, our area code 330? I think I do have, I think I told her I had to call her. Yeah.


Ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce you to a new product. You see, my sister had breast cancer about 15 years ago and she won’t drink out of plastic bottles. She won’t eat at restaurants.


Our restaurant that’s going on 55, 56 years now, 85% of it is organic. My sister has always told me, I make my own soap for my clothing. I make my own soap and shampoo.


I said, you do? But it wasn’t until I got cancer that I realized, oh my goodness. Well, I came across this young lady. Her name is Rosie.


Now, Rosie, if you’re watching, I’m about to call you. And Rosie, it turns out she’s a sweet little young lady and she runs, you know, runs her little business. She does her best to make a living.


Her product, her company, her little website is called Grace Love by Body Care. I like that. And, um, I want her to talk to you about her products.


We’re eventually going to bring one of her, um, obviously we’re going to eventually put her banner on our form where you can click on it and you’ll be able to see her products. But let’s see if she’ll answer. Rosie? Rosie? Yes.


Hi, there you are. Hey, Rosie, we’re live on the air and I’d like you to take the next 15 minutes and tell the family about your product because I believe in what you’re doing. Tell them what you do.


Uh, your little website will eventually put it on our form. Um, ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to Rosie, uh, Grace Love by Body Care LLC. The floor is yours, honey, until, uh, until about 20 after.


Go right ahead. Awesome. Can you hear me okay before I get started? Uh, yeah, but I would get closer to the phone and I would sit up straight and try to project as loud as you can.


Take myself off Bluetooth because maybe that’s better. Yeah, that is better. Okay.


Yeah, that was a problem. Okay. Awesome.


Hi everyone. My name is Rosie and I am the founder and owner of Grace Love Body Care LLC. So I created and make my own skincare products.


I’ve done it for the last 10 plus years and I just launched my website in June of 2023. Friends and family started asking, started noticing my clear, healthy skin and started asking me to make products for themselves. And of course I started getting busy and I was like, why don’t I make a business of this? And so that is exactly what I did.


And the reason I was making my own products and all this stuff is because my skin personally is very sensitive. I can’t have any fragrances, dyes, can’t be any alcohol, no sulfates or anything like that in my skincare products or otherwise I break out in rashes and I’d always have these hives and issues with, um, psoriasis type of thing, but it wasn’t psoriasis and all those things. And I was like, why don’t I just try and make my own products and put something together that helped? Well, another thing too that I was noticing is the fragrances especially would trigger my migraines and they were absolutely awful.


I still have an absolutely horrible time around people that wear colognes and perfumes and highly perfumed soaps and shampoos and things like that. I have a very sensitive smell and you’re my friends and family will tell you that I definitely can smell everything. So I started making the natural skincare products and we focus on keeping it simple and I make it so that everybody can from a young age to older people, all ages, men, women, everybody alike can use these products.


So we try and bring the purest products possible to you, free of fragrances, dyes, alcohol, and artificial preservatives. And we make them in small batches to ensure freshness at all times. And you will notice that if you take a look at our ingredient list, it is short and simple.


So, I mean, simple is always better in our opinion. So people like to ask me, you know, will your products make us magically younger and everything? No, it’s not magic. But just like maintaining your diet, your exercise for health and wellness, your skin is very important.


Because did you know that our skin is our biggest organ? And did you also know that 60 to 70% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream in as little as 26 seconds? So if you’re putting the sulfates and the dyes and the fragrances and alcohol on your skin, it’s going to mess with your hormones as well. And that is another thing, you know, everybody’s very cautious about those things and wondering what triggers them. That is one of the reasons too, is if you keep putting products on your skin that is not made out of pure products, natural derived products, you will have those issues as well.


Our skin is mainly to protect our body from external factors such as bacteria, chemicals, and temperature. So our skin is a pretty big deal. And no other organ demands as much attention and concern in both states of disease and health.


And there is always a fierce competition to have growing, clearer, healthier, and younger skin. So choosing the right skincare products can seem like a challenge. You want to start by looking for natural ingredients, ones that don’t contain chemicals and synthetic ingredients.


So we make sure our products contain only the purest natural form, such as cold-pressed, raw, unrefined, and properly filtered ingredients. Not only are our natural skincare products packed with beneficial nutrients, but they’re also safer for the environment. We do tend to focus on bottling and containering everything in glass, it’s something that I’m very passionate about, put it in the glass.


Some of the lids are plastic, but we have a cover on the inside to even protect that. So yes, we pay attention to that as well. So you may ask, what makes our skincare product different from everyone else’s? There are many options out there that are good.


There are so many good natural skincare products out there. I just personally have a passion for this and doing things on my own and figuring things out scientifically with my own skincare issues, since I’m very sensitive to everything. And so I just always enjoy learning new things and I like to keep it very simple.


So I have my three kids, they help me with this business and we just run it together. And we have a system that we put together and it works very well and we just enjoy doing it. My children love the science behind it and everything and helping out others as well.


We have no hidden fillers in our products, so the ingredients listed on the label is exactly what you are putting on your skin. So there’s no fancy names. It’s all very simple.


So I’m going to tell you about our number one bestseller actually. That one is an all-time favorite and this one you can find on our website and we do offer a monthly subscription at a lower cost. That way you can order it every month and spend less.


But this one is our re-mineralizing and whitening tooth powder, which helps strengthen and whiten, strengthen while freshening and removing plaque and naturally whitening. So if you do know, oral health is also very important to your overall gut health. So the first time I heard about that, I was amazed.


But there is a science behind that. It is very true. You keep good oral hygiene, your gut health suffers less.


So as I mentioned earlier, I’m all about health and healing. Oral health is extremely important for your gut health. Before I continue, I need you guys to do some homework.


So do take a tube of toothpaste that you get from the store, such as Crest, etc. Whatever you use, the generic type. Search each ingredient individually and see what it’s made of and it contains.


You might be shocked at what you find. So I personally love the clean, plaque-free feel every time I brush my teeth. And I was not getting that with the generic store-bought toothpaste.


And also in my early twenties, if you all know, everyone always has a craze about perfectly, purely white teeth. I wanted those. I was all about them.


So I started using Crest strips. This was before I started making all my products. I ended up getting gum disease and my teeth became absolutely super sensitive.


I was having a hard time even talking outside or if cold air came into my, onto my teeth, it was very painful. I couldn’t eat any solids for like two weeks when my gum disease happened because of this. And I was like, there’s got to be something not quite right or something awful in these products that’s making my mouth absolutely in pain.


So I did more, I started doing a lot of research and I was like, I’m going to try making my own homemade tooth powder. And to come to find out is very simple to do so. And it cleans and the feeling of the clean, plaque-free feel was amazing.


Now the whitening, it will whiten naturally, we will not get Crest white strip whitening, not at all. But I’m okay with that because I did not like the pain in my mouth. So I’ve created the tooth powder and I used it with coconut oil.


So I highly suggest using it with coconut oil. I don’t put any coconut oil in the product. I use it as a dry, I make it as a dry powder.


But if you do have highly sensitive teeth, please use the coconut oil if you can, or you’re not allergic to coconut oil. My teeth finally, after a year of using the coconut oil and the powder together, got rid of, I have no sensitivity anymore. Of course my gums are fine now.


And now currently all I do is just use the tooth powder on my toothbrush, dampen it and brush away. My household uses it. My 10 year old son, he finally was like, Hey mom, you don’t have to buy me toothpaste anymore.


I was trying to find the best quality toothpaste possible without all the added ingredients in it. And one day he’s like, you know, let me try that tooth powder. I think we are good.


And I will use that tooth powder. So that is what we do now. He uses that.


So another product that I like to focus on as well is our facial oil. That one is four simple ingredients. You would be probably shocked and amazed to find out that if you put the proper ingredients together, it actually does help acne and acne scarring on your face.


I have had young teenagers come to me and be like, Hey, this stuff is helping my acne on my face. And I was like, that’s amazing. Like that’s what it’s supposed to do, but that’s awesome.


The ingredients are four simple ingredients of marula oil, rosehip seed oil, frankincense essential oil, lavender essential oil. It is our daily moisturizer for morning and evening use. So it’s very lightweight, fast absorbing, can be used morning and evening.


Both men and women alike love this product. It doesn’t clog your pores or give you a shiny afterglow. It is high in antioxidants such as vitamin C, which fight free radicals and may stave off skin damage caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun and pollution.


Marula oil is lightweight and it absorbs easily. This makes it an effective moisturizer for dry or aging skin. It may be beneficial for smoothing and softening fine lines, preventing stretch marks and keeping skin hydrated and well nourished.


Rosehip seed oil is packed with essential fatty acids, vitamin A and C that is vital for skincare renewal and skin cell repair. This makes it the ultimate facial skincare facial oil that firms the skin and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. It is deeply moisturizing and nourishing.


The lavender essential oil fights free radicals which are partly responsible for fine lines or wrinkles on the face. Lavender oil is full of antioxidants which help protect you from free radicals. Frankincense essential oil benefits include the ability to strengthen skin and improve your tone, elasticity, defense mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes and appearances as someone ages.


It may help tone and lift skin, reduce the appearance of scars, acne, dark spot and skin pigmentation. Frankincense essential oil is my friend. So skin pigmentation and dark spots runs very high in our family and you can see it on the faces and arms of some of my sisters and cousins, family members and I decided back in my early 20s I’ve got to find something natural that I can put on my skin on a daily basis that helps fight this.


I did a lot of research and found that frankincense oil was supposed to help and it became my daily friend and you may find some dark age spots, very few but thankfully that one has helped maintain that I don’t get the skin pigmentation which I’m very grateful for. Also on our website if you do visit our website you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter which may not always be monthly but you get our benefit our coupons more often which are bigger, better coupons, big better deals than someone that’s not subscribed but you will be able to get a 15% off your first order if you subscribe to the newsletter and then I’m going to mention also a few other favorite products that people love and one that we just started making is goat milk soaps because I had people asking for bath soaps and I love to keep it simple and I love to derive everything from the earth and everything that comes from God’s green earth. So we did start making goat milk soaps.


If anything ever changes I let you all know you can follow us on instagram at grace love body care got a facebook at grace love love body care as well there you will find more what’s going on keeps you up to date with all the new products that are coming on and any special sales that may be going on but our goat milk soaps have no dyes in it so they’re all practically the same color but they are scented with essential oils. We do absolutely love those. Another favorite currently right now with the cold weather is our body balms and our whipped body butter.


I’ve been having a lot of patients right now complaining of very dry cracked heels or even just dry patches on their skin in specific areas so they’ve been using the body balm applying it and noticing big differences and the body balm contains coconut oil. I’ve got two different scents on there right now. I may come out with some more in the future but as for now that’s all we have lavender and rose.


Before I go any further let me mention why I have so many lavender things on this website. I don’t currently have a lavender farm but I do grow as much lavender that I can to help me using the products on the website but my dream is our dream is to have a lavender farm someday and derive everything from our own lavender. Currently we are able to do that with what we have and as we grow I just want to be able to do it some more.


We love growing the we love what lavender does for us very calming healing and we just enjoy the flower too because it’s very pretty but you will see the body balm contains ingredients such as jojoba oil. Jojoba oil I have a lot in our products because jojoba oil is the closest to your skin. It absorbs better into your skin much more highly absorbing and doesn’t keep a residue etc.


That one has avocado oil in it as well beeswax and a few other ingredients. I can’t get off my top of my head right now but my daughter had a little boy a year ago. I have a little grandson and of course you know when babies are born they are have extra dry skin.


She would always carry the body balm with her and put it apply it to his skin multiple times a day to heal his skin and she did that until his skin was healed so it is very safe for babies at a young age too in my opinion. Go ahead and start wrapping it up Rosie. Pardon? Go ahead and start wrapping it up.


Okay thank you. Make sure Rosie that you give your phone number so that they can call you because we don’t have the banner up just yet. Okay perfect perfect that you mentioned that.


So yes so go ahead and check out our website is www.gracelovebodycare.com and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive that 15% off your first order. If you do have any questions you can feel free to reach out to us. My email and our phone number is on our website but my phone number is 330-462-1761.


If anyone has any questions you can text me call me and I will be sure to help you out the best that I can. Do mention that you’re from KTFA family if you decide to purchase anything because I’m going to establish a business relationship with Rosie. We’re going to put up her her website their banner on our form because we believe in lavender.


My wife loves it. She’s going to order a lot of this stuff from you Rosie and we just believe in going as natural as possible. I just saw your website.


It is professionally done. It is beautiful and for now let’s just have people mention that you’re going to get hit. You’re going to get swamped by a lot of calls.


This is a good product and I believe that people will call you. Ladies and gentlemen like I said just please make sure that when you call Rosie tell her you’re with KTFA. Her phone number is 330-462-1761.


Rosie, any last words Rosie? Thank you very much for having me Frank and I appreciate you all. Indeed and listen we’ll be talking. You call me back when you’re ready to get us a banner and we’ll put it on our form.


Sounds good. All right. God bless you and thank you for introducing your product to us.


Thank you. Bye-bye. It’s good.


That’s some good. You’re going to buy that ain’t you babe? I know you’re going to get some of that but yeah that’s a good product no doubt and very very grateful to her that she came into our lives. What else is there to do? That’s it.


Well now we’re going to go back but we’re going to go back and um give me a second be right back. Let me drink some electrolytes family so I can get the other half going. Can somebody tell me where we left off? Yesterday at 12.07. Yesterday 12.07. Thank you.


Oh here they come back. We were at 2,200 and we went down to about 15. That’s a lot of people.


What a shame. They lost out on a good product. Remember I told you it’s bifurcated.


It’s not. It’s trifurcated. You’re gonna love the third part but I don’t want those five six seven hundred that disappear with our commercials to know about it.


Meanwhile I’m back to reality. It was yesterday I think it Wednesday so I’m looking for something that says yesterday. Yesterday 12.07. Wednesday.


Yesterday 12.07. Got it. Thank you babe. Jeremy Jones says in the heart.


Okay I love that Frank. I love that. I love you.


Don’t really love it. Wait till you find out. Okay yesterday 12.07 continuing.


This is the first phone call that came in yesterday was at 12.07 in the morning man. Mr. Sami says that have you ever noticed that over the last few days it’s a joint statement from both Iraq government Sudani and the CBI saying that they are united together and for years Mr. Frank we have been told just the opposite that the CBI was in charge of changing the rate but and not Sudani but we have Sudani and the CBI joining forces on everything that they’re doing so this is really great news in my opinion and the reason why the United States President Trump signed off on the memo to stop the Iranians from profiting off of Iraq is because they were using Rafah Dean Bank. Rafah Dean Bank got busted because they were money laundering to Iran from taking Iranian oil and selling it off as Iranian oil.


We were told that they were doing this over 500 million dollars a month. It was I was going to the militia the militants in in in Iran but now they caught them and they are busted. Yeah the security and stability is is is impressive and it is needed for the monetary reform family.


We constantly keep seeing that don’t we? That’s why we constantly are seeing such good news. Yesterday the next report that came in was at 7 in the morning. Television is showing us that the Kurds are getting paid their salaries for January through the digital system and they’re showing the ATM machines withdrawing their money and then we showed you the article and this is the picture that Eddie sent to us because that’s the picture that they gave them.


The news media shots of the Kurds at the ATM machines. Mr. Samy said that when the French were here and and a lot did the press conference with them we were reminded that it is a key thing to remember that France helped us Iraq with the Paris Club agreement to keep Iraq out of debt and losing so much money so this meeting with them kind of showed that the French were here for that reason. We stand now with them and our digitally international qualities.


The television had a big special where the federal courts ruled to halt the amnesty law and other two all passed in the basket. A total of three. Well it turns out Mr. Frank that yesterday the Supreme Court overruled Parliament’s complaint and said they cannot ban a law that was passed by Parliament before it goes in the Gazette.


So guess what? Many provinces in Iraq are implementing these new laws despite protests. Final ruling is coming but if many are already implementing this is a good sign for the three laws and for our new exchange rate Frank because that’s the only way that they can supply that. Yesterday I respond to Eddie.


It’s a lot that I respond. So here we go. Eddie and I read some of this to you yesterday.


Greetings gentlemen. I am now reading your reports and yes I noticed that Mr. Sami. It was kind of hard not to notice that this relationship has gotten stronger because yeah normally the CBI takes care of its business and the GOI takes care of its business without interfering with each other but we are seeing a unity, a commonality, shoulder to shoulder from Sudan and Iraq for the monetary reform that is giving birth to the economic reform and that’s why I keep telling you Eddie only pay attention to those two.


When the smoke clears I said, when the smoke would clear Parliament would be flushed down the toilet and they happened by Sudan with fines and embarrassing pictures. Rafahdin Bank was still being used by these these cockroaches to steal and funnel money into Iran by selling your oil. Well of course Kurdistan was angry but more so my President Trump was fuming and he whispered to Sudan, stop that right now.


They will tell you that they’re going to stop the flow of gas and oil from Iran in 2028 but I strongly disagree. This is coming to an end now. The combination of the leadership of Sudan and Iraq for the monetary reform is strong in your country and they are avoiding the evil of Parliament in Iran and following Donald Trump’s whispers.


The United States Treasury on the ninth floor of your CBI building has space age technology and equipment that is protecting the reforms of Iraq and that is protecting the exchange rate. Can you say space force? Now concerning the ATM machines with the Kurdistan people, this is also part of the monetary reform education before the new exchange rate is released. Call it a test run to see how these ATM machines will work with the Iraqi citizens.


Would the citizens cooperate with each other on these machines? And based on the pictures that you just sent me it looks to me like it’s a success today. Once again the GOI and the CBI succeeding with the monetary reform. Now as far as the French, they always show up at the end always but I will admit it is an indication.


If they are there now at the very end, this is the end. That’s where we’re at. Thank you for telling me that they are dealing with the Paris Club agreement to protect.


I forgot about that. Frank, Mr. Sami said that way back in 2004 when they forgave 80% of the debt it kind of saved us and that allowed us to be here today strong. Yeah, and also the fact that we bought your dinars and gave you money to your country to run it and rebuild it.


That also helped you too, didn’t it? Also the fact that American soldiers, American money has helped you all these years. The fact that they are, but the fact that they are there to collect France at the end tells me there is a new exchange rate. If not, they wouldn’t be anywhere around to collect.


Frank, I don’t think there’s enough dinars to pay them. I don’t think there’s enough dinars to pay them at 1310. So Mr. Sami has a few connections.


He says he’s going to talk to them. I said thank you, Mr. Sami. I’m very grateful because the information that you’re going to receive from now on is literally inches away from the announcement.


Everything that you’re going to learn is going to be so powerful. They’re saying on the television, Frank, that the challenges right now is to get all the hoarded loads of money in the homes of the bank during this current stage. Frank, did you see that? The word current stage, is this what you mean by final stage? I say a few things to him and said, tell me.


Then I say, CBI, why are you doing this? And you’re doing it because you’re going to replace it with the lower notes, etc., etc., etc. All right. Today, let’s start with today, 7 o’clock in the morning.


Mr. Frank, television says 68 percent of the people still pull out all their payments from the ATM machines. They don’t even have accounts. They don’t have money in their accounts.


And they only leave a little bit of money in their account in order to pay utility bills, which are drafts from accounts. Iraq wants more people to use and keep money, to keep money in the system. They want them to keep money in the system.


Then they are showing on television new investments for citizens, like short-term bonds or real estate. They’re saying that we will have an entirely new economy, a new economy, entirely new economy, and we citizens will have opportunities to invest. Yeah, right, Mr. Frank, not unless we have that new exchange rate.


And they say, let our money make money for us. Then sales came on TV. Oh, really? And they talked about, oh, then Sudani comes on TV and soupy snail sales or what? Then Sudani comes on TV and then he talked about the importance of the budget amendments, and he will sign them within 15 days.


Whoa. And then he says it’s going to go to the Gazette. And then he says it goes to the president of Iraq.


Now, that’s exactly what we told you, family. Now, today, Iraq today called for a lock, a CBI governor, to come to visit him about the importance of goods and services for the citizens, saying what we, what, saying what or what we doing. And where are we right now at this point with the reforms? We are hearing in the streets some kind of emergency meeting, some kind of emergency meeting this Saturday.


So we try to see if this is real and what it is about. Seems like everything that is on TV is about the bank and reforms, Mr. Frank. And we know this is the last step per Mr. Sami and his thoughts before it rose.


Well, I agree with you, Mr. Sami. I think we’re very close. To which I say to him, I agree with you, Mr. Sami.


The final preparations to announce the new exchange rate are being done with these meetings that are being kept very private, very secret. It’s exciting to see this, Mr. Sami. Now, if your friends up the ladder are sharing anything extra, like my friends with WalkingStick, please let us compare notes, etc.


etc. Today, this came in just as we were starting our UB2B at 6.17. Sorry, so late. Everyone is sick here.


Mr. Sami is down. Eddie is down. Their families are very sick with virus.


Sudani’s on TV, speech, talking about Erbil and Baghdad relationship, talking about USA military here, helping us to fight terrorism. And he talked about the economic reforms. Sorry, Mr. Frank, we are sick.


Oh, to which I said to him, don’t don’t even think twice. Don’t even think twice about it. Drink lots of water.


Get vitamin C and you cover your faces. If you have any silver oxide, put it around your nose or your mouth and your hands. God bless you guys.


I will be praying for you. He said, thank you, Mr. Frank. But many here in the marketplace are very sick.


So, ladies and gentlemen, that’s what I wanted to share with you. What we did as far as the the articles go, what we did as far as our teams go. And now, look at that.


We’re only at 18. That’s about 500 people that still didn’t come back. And now what I have is a surprise for you.


You remember yesterday? Was it yesterday that I played you a bank story? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a good one, too, wasn’t it? Oh yeah, the one from Texas. And the lady tells our friend, no, there won’t be any any any charges to exchange your currency.


What? So like I told you last year, we were sending people and they were saying it’s a scam. Then sometime more towards November, December, they were saying we have no information about that at this moment. And in the in the last month or so, we’re having a bunch of banks call people now and say, can we talk to you? So what I’m going to do right now is I’m going to share with you a story, a bank story.


It’s from from a very nice. Here we go. Let’s see.


Oh, please, please. Keep your fingers crossed and pray to God that I do have the story. Here we go.


Let’s see if this is it. Wow, I finally got it to work, sir. All right.


OK, now we’re not going to say your name, but I would like to know what state are you from? I am from Pennsylvania, close to the Pittsburgh area. I deal with Citizens Bank. Citizens Bank.


Well, that’s a different one. I’m in Ohio and I am very familiar with Citizens Bank. Not too many people know Citizens Bank, Fifth Third Bank, you know, banks like that.


But did this happen just recently? This just happened today. I was encouraged to call based upon the your session yesterday. Oh, so.


OK, good. I’m glad that UB2B has motivated you. You picked up the phone, you gave them a call.


What did you do? What happened? So I gave them a call and I asked to meet with their financial planners. They asked me why they because I’m a current customer there. They were able to look up my account.


They asked me what my goals and plans were. I explained to them that I will be coming into some money very soon. They did not try to pry or pry openly too much where the money was coming from, but they finally did ask where where’s the money.


And I told them that I have invested in foreign currency that I plan on redeeming very soon. Oh, my. OK, continue.


Then what? They asked me what currencies I held. I left them know that I basically have three currencies. You told them? Yeah, I told them.


So I’ll let you know that I had the Rupiah and the Yemeni dollars. So so when you said you said the Iraqis did not correct, did they stop you and say it’s a scam? They did not. They said, we’re very excited to talk to you.


What? Yes. Those were the words, but they asked me if it was physical currency or virtual. Whoa, that’s a difficult physical.


Yeah, you can. That’s right. And they said, how soon can we meet with you? What did you say tomorrow? I said I called them at 915 this morning and I met with them at two o’clock this morning.


Now, you’re calling me right away. This must have been exciting. OK, so you went in, you sat down.


In other words, you didn’t even have to deal with you know, the front line, the teller and all that. You went straight in, you sat down. Now, who represents Citizens Bank? What wealth management department do they have? I didn’t get into that much detail with them.


I ended up meeting with their finance. They call them financial advisors. I met with their head F.A., their assistant F.A. and the bank president all at the same time.


You met with three people in one room? Yes. Do you understand how important you are? They let me know how important I was. They treated you well? They treated me like I was Mr. Trump himself.


Did they give you cookies? No, never mind. So now the next thing I want to know is, you felt comfortable. They knew you had dinars.


What was the first thing that you asked them face to face? So face to face, I was able to, I told them that I currently do not have a trust. I need to set up a trust. They let me know up front that they’re a fiduciary, that they’ll manage my money.


I went through the questions that were available from last night. Question one, will you charge me a fee? Absolutely not. We charge you for money that we’re going to use to make money off of you.


Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. That’s what we said last night. Repeat that statement.


What did you just say? They said, why would we charge you to use your money to make money? Yes, yes. That’s exactly what we’ve been saying. I mean, that’s a direct quote.


Are they watching us? Okay. So you felt great. They’re not going to charge you.


Wow. What’s the next question? Go ahead. They asked me what my initial plans were.


They asked me what kind of debts I had. They were excited to immediately provide cashier’s checks to help pay off any existing loans and things that I may have. My goodness.


That was my next question to them. How soon will I have access to money? How soon when the blessing occurs? I see what you’re asking. I thought you were asking for when the date is.


When we’re capable of exchanging and we do an exchange, how soon will I have access? Right. And? Within minutes. They’re not going to freeze your money for a little bit, a few days, a week, a month? Not at all.


Wow. Where is it? Man, I’m glad I… Why would we want to restrict you? That’s what I’ve been asking. Okay.


Go ahead. What was the next thing that happened? Uh, then they went through a list of benefits that they would want to provide to me in addition to their services, um, such as do you, what do you plan on doing? Do you wish you, I mentioned that I wanted to possibly purchase, I’m close to retirement. Um, I want to purchase a retirement home.


They asked me where I said, possibly Florida. They said that they could provide flight for me at a private jets for going rates for commercial airfare. Wow.


I didn’t know that. It will be assigned to me and I can call this individual anytime for things that I need. Yes.


You’re liaison. He’s your coach. He’s your financial coach.


I knew that they were going to do everything possible for you. That’s why I called you Mr. Clampett and they’re Mr. Drysdale, but dear me, and I knew they would pick you up. I knew they would do this.


I knew they would do anything that you asked them, but I didn’t know they’re not going to charge us a fee. I didn’t know that they would go, you know, I mean, they’re, they’re ready to, to, to show you your shoes right there in that office. They were excited.


What else? I’m excited, Frank. I think they were actually more excited than I was. I think so.


I think so too. They, they want to make sure that I will bank with them. You, you want my money for your assets and you are just one.


You see, you are dealing with one bank right now. They’re going to be dealing with many of you. They are so excited.


They’re going to be so many people like you coming in. You know how much they’re going to do well. So what else happened? Um, we, we went through, we set the trust up.


Um, they could not go through and obviously tell me a date and a rate. You didn’t ask for a date or a rate, right? I, I hinted to it. Provide that with me.


I got for a rate. They told me that they can see it on Forex, but they are not permitted to hear them. It is on their bank side.


Yes. You owe me a dollar. You owe me.


I didn’t mean to be so excited and I don’t want people to get mad because I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m being louder than you. Can you kindly please repeat that and I’m going to show it up. Ready? Go.


So they are able to see an unpublished rate on their side that is not visible to the public. And they are unable to even let me look at the screen. They can’t even verify yes or no.


If I guess it spot on, they’ve seen it. They asked me how much I have because I indicated where my, my, my value would be. Oh, I see.


And they went, and they went, don’t say it on this call, but when you tell how many dinars they have and based on what they see behind the screens that you can’t, I’m not allowed to see. And then they give you checks because you’re going to need these. Then they set you up a transfer because you’re going to need these.


Then they set you up an account because you’re going to need all the things that we’ve been telling our KTFA family they did with you. Thank you, sir. Thank you.


The good Lord, I tell you, I prayed to him all the time and I asked him to please guide me. There was a gentleman on the internet by the name of Brandon. He’s the guy that predicted that Trump was going to be shot.


He called me and he says, I think we need to talk. I said, why? The Lord wants me to talk to you again. I said, why? And then when he told me, I said, that’s amazing because I already told my listening audience what you’re telling me.


The Holy Spirit is moving and we’re like radios. We’re able to pick up a frequency. God is energy.


If that energy goes through us and if we are willing, we can receive that energy. And I receive it through prayer. There are prophets, there are prayers, there are all kinds of people that are spiritually motivated.


And when we had a phone call that came to us telling us that there’s a monster out there, I started to teach about it. And then all of a sudden, this gentleman, this friend of mine, my brother in Christ, Brandon also taught about it. And that’s, I don’t think that’s a coincidence.


I believe that that’s the Holy Spirit moving within those that pray to him. And right now, I believe that you are, you were led by the Holy Spirit and everything that you need in preparation is exactly what we’ve taught you and exactly what they just did for you. Congratulations, sir.


Is there anything else you want to share with us? I don’t think there’s much more to share at this time. Okay. Wow.


Is there another appointment? From what they said, Frank, it will be very, very soon. Really? You know, I was pitching under the weather here. I was thinking, I’ve often said, I asked them, I said, well, you know, I’m not sure how I will know.


And they said, you will need me. We will call you. And when I let them know that I had, they asked me where I purchased my money from.


When I left them know, they said that’s a very reputable place. They want to make sure that it wasn’t from a scam site, such as eBay or things like that. Did they ask you if they listened to Frank 26? They must.


And then they offered me, they wanted to make sure that my physical money was secure. They immediately offered me a lock box in the bank if I wish to bring it in and keep it in there. Good God.


Look at all the things that they’ve given you in preparation. I know. And I haven’t even, I haven’t done anything yet.


So they, they know what’s coming. Oh yeah, of course they know. But the beauty.


Obviously they want to keep their investment safe as well as my investment safe. So that’s a good point. I like that.


That’s interesting. They’re not going to charge you any fees. Yesterday we had a lady that came out from San Antonio, Texas.


I think it was San Antonio or some, some, somewhere in San Antonio. And they told her the same thing. You see, that’s why we get where we have all these teams going to banks.


We are learning a lot of information. Most people don’t have this information. They’re at home just twiddling their thumbs and waiting and asking, when’s the date? Where’s the rate? No, you have to be proactive.


And we are moving as a team and we are conquering a lot of intel, a lot of information. And we share it. And even though it’s in my opinion, eventually people see it and they’re like, Oh, okay.


I give all honor and glory to God. I’m not, I’m not smart enough to do what I’ve done. So I appreciate everything you and your team have done.


You provided us with good education. I’m a teacher. I, I know the education that you’re providing us is a bond above and beyond anything that, uh, that anyone has provided out there.


And you’re accurate. You’re spot on. And I think I appreciate you more because you don’t give a rate and a date because that’s not what’s important.


No, not at all. It is the pursuit is the hunt. That that’s what I, that’s my passion because I love studying things.


I’m a gatherer of information is what I am. You have a good one, sir. And I’m going to wait till you call me back.


Okay. All right. And I’ll play this tonight.


God bless you too, sir. Bye-bye now. By the way, first of all, we give all honor and glory to God.


And, um, I also had another bank story and for the, to the gentlemen that gave me that bank story, I apologize. When this bank story came in, I forgot that I had recorded yours. And when I hit record, I recorded over your bank story.


I’m awfully sorry, brother, but this one was a good bank story as well to informative, a lot of information. This is the second one that we’ve got where it says that there will be no charge for the exchange. Hmm.


Interesting. Let’s see what happens though. Okay.


This was sent to me about a year or so ago and I saved it. I thought it was appropriate, especially for right now. This is for you, Frank and Tink.


The most hullabaloo woman I can imagine. May we all have somebody who supports her husband like you do. Good luck to everybody.


And I hope this happens really, really soon. Amen. And then he put thumbs up and he said aloha at the end there.


God bless you, brother. It was nice talking to you today. Thank you very much.


Well, family. Um, yeah, I think it’s, why don’t we just stop? Why don’t we stop? Huh? It’s been a good night with those articles. It’s been a good night with the, uh, information from Eddie and Mr. Sammy.


Please pray for them. They’re very sick. Pray for my wife.


She’s very sick. I’ll take your prayers. I did my PET scan and they, they, they, they, they, they, they say something’s different.


It’s okay. I’m in God’s hands. Whatever God wants, I got no problems with it.


I love you. I hope you had a good time tonight. I hope you, you, you were able to pick up and understand what we were trying to deliver to you.


I will be with you Tuesday, is it Tink? Next Tuesday? Yes. I will be with you next Tuesday, family. I look forward to being with you because guess what? I got another bank story.


Yeah. I was going to give it to you. It was a long one too, but I, but I, I, I, I didn’t.


I give you this one and I lost the other one that I recorded over. But on Tuesday, these bank stories are getting more and more informative. So when I was talking to the gentleman today and I realized, whoa, that’s a good bank story.


Yeah. I’m going to follow up on Tuesday, Tuesday. Why don’t you call me before I get on the air? And he said, okay, I will.


We’ll record it. Anyways. I want to thank all of you for being with us.


I dismiss this with a prayer. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, the food that we need to eat, the food that we need to read your word and lead us not in temptation.


I don’t want anything to do with it. Lead me far away from it. Protect me from the temptation of this world and forgive me for my sins as I’m doing my very best to forgive others that would sin against me.


May your kingdom come, may it rule, may your will be done not only on earth and heaven, but in me. I love you, father. I love you in ways that I never knew before.


And I appreciate my relationship with you and I want you to know I believe in you. I trust you. I told our family today that I don’t hear your voice.


I see your voice in everything that my eyes see. Everything I see, I see the beauty of you. When I see tragedy, I call upon the blood of Jesus and I see the beauty of your mercy and your healing.


Yeah. I thank you, father. I thank you for allowing your son to die on that cross.


Father, this blessing looks like it’s very, very close. And if it is here, please protect our KTFA family. Don’t let them be lottery winners.


This angry man that called over a dozen times just to disrupt, disrupt our call tonight, I pray for him because I now know who he is and I feel bad for him. My heart goes out to people that struggle with love and he’s lonely. I sincerely pray that someone would tell him, I love you.


And if no one does, I will. I love you, even though you think I’m your enemy. May the grace of God fall upon you and I thank you heavenly father for listening to my prayer.


It is in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit that I pray for all of us. Amen. Amen.


Hi Andy. Go right ahead brother. Yeah.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


God bless you Andy. I love you. Mucho.


Mucho. I am. I know I am.


I got no problems. You know something Andy, the day that the Lord lifts me from this planet, and I’m going up to those clouds, the first thing that I’m going to do is reach to my right side and see if that bag is still there. It’ll be gone.


It’ll be gone. It’ll be gone. And so will my ingrown toenail.


No, I don’t have one. I love you very, very much Andy. God bless you, my brother.


Yes, sir. I love you guys. We’d like you to hang around a while.


We got a lot of work to do coming up, Trey. I know we do. And I promise you this, the time that God gives me, it’ll be all for him and for you.


I love you. Yes, sir. What I mean by that is that if you ever need me for anything, I give you everything.


You take care, okay? Banana split Sunday. I’m glad you didn’t ask for a cookie because I… Hey, hey, are you really… Are you watching by any chance? Are you watching the video? Huh? No, I’m watching… Well, if you were watching, you would be able to see your banana split. I’m offering it to you.


So later you catch the ending of the YouTube when you and I were talking and look, I’m holding it up for you. In fact, there’s a button here, isn’t there? It just says it’s soft. Oh, it’s just soft.


I’m not going to tell him what it is. I want him to find out. I love you, Andy.


God bless you, sir. I’m just watching you now. You see it? You look at it while Cliff and Tony say hi to the family.


Cliff and Tony, are you there? Yes, Frank. How you doing, buddy? Mighty fine. Go right ahead.


All right, gentlemen. We want to say thanks to everyone for all the love and support we got. We want to introduce something real quick tonight, Frank, that we’re going to be doing going forward.


A couple of announcements. Number one, we’re coming up with standardized songs. In other words, like a generic birthday song, anniversary song, Mother’s Day song, Father’s Day song that people can download that doesn’t have a customization to it per se.


It’s just a general song that you can download and give to that significant one. It’s another way to do business. You can go to our website, mobetterstudios.com, and you can download that song for like $4.99, the price of a Hallmark card.


But the song will last longer than the card. So we’re making that available effective tonight starting. And if you want to customize that song or what we call personalize that song, and I’ll explain the difference.


The personalization of that song, which is a generic song from our library, you can have your name to or from of the four names added to that song for $24.95. And that gives you another way to buy a song that’s custom, still special, and still has some meaning. So we have our custom song business is still where we take a song that you give us five to 10 things. We build a song completely around that person.


That’s $100 right now with our special. We have a personalized song where you take one of our standard songs that’s from our library, and you put names. We can put up the four names in that song.


And that way you get that. Or you can just order the song for $4.99. It’s just a generic song, but it’s about a holiday or a specific occasion. So we want to introduce that.


We want to play just a little snippet. Mr. Ken was nice enough to kind of let us use his song. I told you a few weeks ago about the 85-year-old mom from Valentine’s.


And we did the song for him, and he loved it so much. And so we took his name out of it. We made it a generic song, and we want to share that with you right now.


So we’re going to play just a little snippet of that song to kind of show you how this works. You bet. Nice! …that we did for Mr. Ken.


We appreciate he went and used that song. If you can imagine, we did a survey of about 20 moms between us and Mr. Ken, and it was 100%. Never had a survey come back 100% of the moms that they would love to get that song from their children for Valentine’s Day.


So we have that song available tonight right now. You can go to our website. You can download that song, just the generic version, for $4.99. It’s a cheap way for the kids to give moms something special for Valentine’s.


And if you want to put their names in the song, it’s only $24.95, and we’ll add their names, like two moms from, you know, Jim, Billy, whatever. And we can do that for you to that song there. That’s the only one that’s available right now is the Mom Near My Valentine.


If you go to mobetterstudios.com, you’ll see it on the front of our page. You can click on it, download it, and you can have the song for $4.99 or $4.95, or you can have the customized for $24.95. And going forward, Frank, we’ll have more coming up, and I’m glad you showed the mug. That kind of gives me the second part of my announcement tonight.


Mobetter Studios is in the process of developing a merchandise store, and the mugs that you show there is going to be part of that. We’re going to have some pretty cool colors. Frank, do you think it’s ironic that that’s the Detroit blue color? I think it was purposely done.


Actually, it was not. But anyway, we love the color. Now, also, it’s color.


It’s also color coordinated. This here is mine. This here is mine.


You see? This here is mine. You see? That there be blue. You see? Now, that there be jams.


Although, it would match my outfit today. Thanks, Frank. Also, we want to remind you the deadlines for Valentine’s.


We still got some time. We got about Sunday night, maybe Monday max. We can get your Valentine’s songs done.


The Year of My Mom Valentine, that can go up probably to about the 12th, 13th. Don’t take long to kick those back out. But we want to make that available to the family tonight.


And when we come back on our next UBTV, we’ll hopefully have some more songs that we’ve custom written just for a specific occasion. And so, it’s another way for us to do business. We still have our custom songs.


We will develop a 100% one-off song for you. We have our generic song that we can do for you that will be personalized with names. Or you can just order the song.


And it’s the price of a Hallmark gift card. So, we can do that for you. If you want to, like I say, call me.


If you got any questions. I know it’s a lot. We threw on you kind of quick.


You can call or text me at 423-367-7648. And as you can hear, my boys Cliff and I are still fighting this crap that we’re doing. But we’re trying to get it worked.


Today is week two. So, you said three weeks. I’m gonna hold you to it.


Next week, you should be better. My tink is, she had a rebound. We got sick in December.


And she got it right back, that cough. And so far, so good. I haven’t caught it.


And I’m trying my best. I eat a lot of garlic every day. And that helps.


No kisses. No, no kisses right now. No sugar, no nothing.


The only thing she’s giving me right now is avocados. Well, you can kiss the cookie monster. Maybe that’ll work.


There you go. That’s what we got. We appreciate it.


We’ll see you Tuesday. And thank you, man. You’re more than welcome.


God bless you, gentlemen. Thank you, sir. You know, that is a good thing, family.


What a beautiful thing to be able to give somebody a song like that. Y’all think about it, okay? Am I allowed to say that I want a prayer for somebody, tink? Yeah, because, you see, we have someone that means a lot to us. That’s a lot of people that mean a lot to us.


But this individual, I had him on my program one time. I interviewed him for about 30 minutes in Hawaii. Yeah, on a golf course.


His name is Fred Funk. For you that are golfers, you might know who Fred Funk is, right? Please pray for him. He’s having surgery.


Yeah, my PET scan found something. So I’ll take your prayers. Everything’s gonna be okay.


But we need to pray for each other as I pray for you. I want to thank Gotcha Gotcha for your financial contributions. God bless you.


I want to thank Rebecca Hill. Amazing. Rebecca Hill again.


Amazing. I want to thank Dr. Tooth Fairy. Thank you so much, sir.


Amazing. Third Degree Racing. Is that what that says? Racing? I believe that’s somebody new.


I’ve never seen that one. Cancer Survivor Third Degree. What’s up? We got something in common, don’t we? You know what it is? The blood of Jesus.


Thank you, Third Degree Racing and Bus Driver, as always. Beep beep. Beep beep.


Well, family, I think that’s it. And we will be with you on Tuesday at 6 p.m. If I get in the mood to sing, I’ll be with you at 3 p.m., but for sure 6 p.m. And I guess that’s about it. That’s about it.


No, it’s not. There’s still such a lot more, but we will cover it as time goes by. The thing that I want to talk to you about is a phone call that came in at three o’clock in the morning a couple days ago.


I shared it. Well, no, I didn’t share it in premium. Now that I think about it.


But I think that I’m getting closer to the point where I’ll be able to. Oh, also, Aki, you know, his daughter and his wife, they were rushed to the hospital. They were in the hospital for over a week, the same cough infection, and they went home.


But sadly, the daughter was rushed back home, back to the hospital. And it’s a little bit more serious. Please pray for Aki’s daughter.


She’s a frail young girl, very young. All righty, now I think we’re official. And now I say, God bless you all.


I’ll see you on Tuesday. Sweet Aloha. Take care.


I used to be a Dinah newbie until I watched Frank’s UB2Bs. With a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side, Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide. So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune into Frank’s 26.


He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat. Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie.


It’s okay, Tink, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing. So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring.


So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune into Frank’s 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat.


Sit up, be patient and get ready. Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie. Frank breaks down news and keeps us straight.


Come on, Iraq, can you give us a rate? So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune into Frank’s 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat.


Hey, Tink, I need a cookie. Come on, Tink, I deserve some cookies. Cookie, cookies, cookies.


Come on, Tink, give us some cookies. God bless you all. Take care of each other, pray for each other, support each other, talk to each other, call each other, just be there for each other.


Bye-bye. Goodbye. She always catches me.


Oh, I didn’t end this, did I? Go away, lady.

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