Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manarino, Friday, February 7th, 2025, Pre-Market Report. First off, there’s this huge, apparently, jobs report that’s supposed to be coming out in about a half an hour from the time I am doing this video blog.
I don’t even care what’s in it, I’ll be honest with you. It’s all propaganda, it’s garbage. Moreover, whatever is in that report isn’t on Trump anyway.
Everyone is waiting to see how that’s going to play out. This is obviously, whatever comes out here, the propaganda, is from the last creature that sat behind the Resolute Desk. Doesn’t matter.
Nothing really is going to change with regard to that. So, I’ll cover it later during the live stream, although I don’t even want to think about it. It’s all fake.
We’re pretty much all on the same page with regard to that. Anyway, look, on the back of this jobs report and the market holding its breath, nothing is going on here. Everything is kind of flat-ish, nothing major going on with the market, with the 10-year yield, the MMRI still below 300.
I mean, this report could potentially move the 10-year yield around a little bit. Let’s just see where that goes anyway. Like I said, I don’t even think about it.
It’s all fake. Anyway, I’ll tell you what’s not fake, and at least someone has the guts to report on this. So, this is the Wall Street Journal this morning here, explaining.
Listen to this. Let’s just listen to this. Gold demand, the greatest driver, the greatest driver behind the increase in the price of gold is the fact, and you and I know this already, that central banks are buying it all.
Central banks are buying it all. You can’t make this up. Just think about what this means.
Central banks, collectively, what are they doing? They’re lowering rates. They’re killing the purchasing power of the currency here, flooding the world with debt. They don’t want you in gold, none to know, according to a certain central banker, you guys who know who I’m talking about here.
You know, central banks just hold this for tradition. That’s the only reason, no. Central banks are betting against their own freaking system by holding gold.
That’s what we’re doing. You and I are hoarding gold, especially silver, because we understand that the system is coming apart. And this is no accident.
No comedy of errors got us here, people. We all know this. So, what are we going to do? We’re going to continue to do what central banks are doing right now, which you and I have been doing since I came out here, day one.
Bet against the deck. Become your own central bank. Sound about right to you, or you think this is wrong? Believe me, I read through the comments and I am aghast at what I see.
I don’t even think it’s real. I believe that this blog, and I’m sure there’s other ones that are under attack by bots, that are telling people, oh, you shouldn’t hold gold. Don’t hold gold.
Oh, we hate gold. Anyone telling us to hold gold is an idiot. You’ve got to be kidding me.
Really? So, then explain this to me. Why is it, those of you who are those bots here, why is it that central banks are the number one buyers of gold right now? Not only are these central freaking monstrous organizations here, the enemy of we, the people of this world, hoarding gold. They’re also the number one issuers and buyers of debt.
It’s incredible. You can’t make this up. It drives me out of my freaking mind, I’ll be honest with you.
I just can’t handle it anymore. It’s really getting to me, as you can see, a little bit. I need a vacation.
So, I want you guys and girls to understand something else that’s going on here. So, there’s a lot of dynamics in play, and one may be shifting rather quickly. What am I talking about? We all understand the mechanism here of how a weak dollar helps the multinational corporations.
It doesn’t help you. It helps multinational corporations take advantage of the exchange rate, and they make more profit. So, what did we just find out yesterday? This was yesterday.
Corporate profits are near an all-time high while wages, what you earn, are near lows. Okay, keep that in mind for a second. So, what’s happening here is corporations here, including Amazon, are now looking to the U.S. Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessett here, to force the Fed to lower rates.
So, what’s happening here is corporations are making record profits here. It’s not enough. So, corporations are now looking towards the Treasury to force the Fed to lower rates, which was President Trump’s one of his campaign promises, which he’s now pretty much put on the back burner, but maybe not, because corporations are reaching out to the Trump administration, obviously, the U.S. Treasury, now with Trump’s guy, Bessett, in here, to bypass the Fed to lower rates.
Okay, this is not what we need. Absolutely, this will help corporate profits, which are already at record highs, but who pays for it? You do. And where’s the proof? Well, yeah, here we go again.
Corporate profits are near all-time record highs, but wages are at record low. Now, Amazon is one of these companies that are reaching out to the Treasury Secretary. So, Amazon hit by a strengthening dollar.
We’re talking about relative strength here, people, not absolute. Absolute strength, meaning purchasing power, is evaporating, and it’s evaporating faster. This is a phenomenon around this freaking freak show world.
So, Amazon hit by strengthening dollar, underscoring risk to tech, overseas reliance, overseas, multinational corporations trading in, obviously, the dollar. They don’t like it. So, these corporations are reaching out, reaching out.
Imagine our shock, saying, hold on a minute, President Trump and Treasury Secretary Bessett. You promised us that we were going to get a weaker dollar. Forget about the people.
They don’t matter anymore. We’re the ones that matter. We’re going to pay them garbage while we make record profits here.
Is that what you want? Is that what you voted for? I don’t think so. I really, really don’t. So, you guys and girls, just understand what’s going on here.
The corporate agenda is what really matters, of course, to the 1% and 2% and everything else here. It’s gathering all our information here. Who knows what they’re going to do with it? Speaking about that, I don’t know where most of you stand on here with this Project 2025.
It’s a real thing, in case you don’t know. And in case you were wondering, you can see a lot of this getting implemented right freaking now, obviously. So, the Senate did confirm the architecture of Project 2025 for the White House Budget Office.
Now, again, you guys and girls need to make up your own minds on this. I don’t know where you stand with regard to Project 2025. You guys and girls may want to take just a little time here to investigate if this is something that you want.
Because I’m telling you right now, most of you probably know about Project 2025. But we are seeing a lot of this happen right now. Some of it good, no doubt about it.
But some of it bad. And what’s going on here under the surface? People, this stuff here that is so dark that, again, you can’t even know about it. Stay focused on this.
Stay focused on that. Look here. Don’t look over there.
But what’s going on here underneath it all? People are going to willingly surrender whatever freedoms they have left and liberties they have left to the new system. It’s an incredible thing to see how people are being manipulated on a scale that I’ve never seen in my life and I never would believe would have happened. They’ve been silenced.
People have been silenced. You can’t even speak out anymore against anything. Because, again, unless you are a zombie that is thinking one way and one way only, well, then, you know, you don’t matter here.
Again, we’re seeing a dystopian society kind of develop here, just like George Orwell warned all of us a while back. And I think we’re really in the midst of it right now. I’ve been telling all you guys for I don’t know how freaking long, years, that we are moving towards a system with a new set of rules, a whole new paradigm, and maximum control.
Maximum control. That’s really what’s behind this whole thing with Project 2025. And we all know it’s happening.
We know that Trump denied it, but come on, man. He gets his guy in there. You’ve got to be kidding me, man.
If you guys can’t see what’s actually going on, then you’re really just completely freaking blind. But anyway, look, what do you guys think about this? What do you guys think about corporations now looking towards Bessant to lower rates for them? It’s not for you. Lower rates for you means your purchasing power gets sucked out.
It’s a wrecking machine. Sorry about this blurriness here. It’s a wrecking machine for the economy, and we all know that around the world.
You already have historically low rates. Look around you. Is it helping you at all? No, it’s not going to stimulate anything here.
Lower rates, more easy money. It goes right back to the law of diminishing returns. And let me just say this one more time.
To prop up the markets, it’s not working, if you notice what’s going on. This stock market has gone nowhere. Nowhere since the December high.
We’re pretty close to it with regard to the S&P 500. It’s going to take exponential debt to push this market higher here. Because, again, it goes back to the law of diminishing returns.
They can continue to do this. The effect of easy money or lower rates, which is destroying all of us, obviously, but you can’t know this stuff. It’s an incredible situation.
I know most of you get it, but no politician is going to tell you this. Scott Besant sure as heck isn’t going to tell you this. Trump isn’t going to tell you how the mechanism works, but it’s too simple.
Tell Greg Manarino just one more time, because you all know this. I know you do because I’ve told you a million times. In finance and economics, you can take all of it.
There are only two fundamental truths. That’s it. Everything else is kind of just out there.
The two fundamental truths with regard to finance and economics are, number one, to have a strong economy, you need a strong currency. Does that sound right to you? Number two, to have a strong currency, you need a corresponding rate of interest high enough to support it, to support the purchasing power of the currency. Duh, duh, duh.
But you see, Scotty here, Scotty boy, whatever it is, it’s another thing, non-human entity, he can’t tell you that. These corporations that are reaching out to Besant because they want lower rates, they’re not making enough profit here. They want to weaken that dollar and they don’t care about you.
You really believe that these corporations give a damn about you? All they want you to do is to buy their products. You’re nothing. You’re a means to an end.
Does this sound about right to you or is Greg making this stuff up too? It’s an incredible thing. And then you’ve got central banks, the number one buyers of gold on the earth right now. They’re the greatest driver, the greatest driver behind what we’re seeing right now.
So think about it. Does this not drive you crazy? They’re hoarding this stuff. They don’t want you to hold it.
We have gold haters all over this blog these days, which I think are fake. And then, again, they’re betting against their own system by holding gold like you and I. That’s what we’re doing. We’re holding gold and especially silver because we’re betting against their system.
You can’t make this stuff up. All right, guys, I’m going to let you all go. I want to know what you think about all this.
Are you happy to know that corporations are trying to use a backdoor mechanism here to force lower rates on you and suck your purchasing power out, which is a wrecking ball for the economy? We need to change this, man. Nothing’s going to change. You know why? Because people, this is a zombie farm already.
It’s turned into a zombie farm where people don’t know which end is up anymore. There are very few people out here astute enough as you are to understand what’s actually going on and why. I tell you, man, it’s just so freaking revolting to me, I’ll be honest with you.
All right, guys and girls, listen, I will cover this nonsensical garbage propaganda jobs report later. I don’t care what’s in it. It doesn’t matter.
And it doesn’t pertain to Trump anyway. This is not on him. All right? And I’m not looking to blow sunshine up his crack or anything like that.
But we’re still seeing fallout from the last non-human entity that was sitting behind the Resolute Desk. Does that sound about right to you? All right, look, I love all of you from the heart. I mean that with all I got.
People, do your own research. Again, if you don’t know what Project 2025 is, most of you probably already do. Now, the architect has now been confirmed by the Senate.
It’s already happening. If you can’t see this, and again, not all of it’s bad. But some of this stuff in 2025, along with Stargate, guys and girls, man, start to do your own research, your own homework.
Talk to each other here. That’s what this is all about. There’s a big forum here.
You guys can interact with each other. And I hope you start to treat each other with respect. Because I read through the comments, and there’s so much hate, it’s out of control.
What would you expect in this kind of an environment anyway, where people are controlled? People have been divided and therefore conquered. We are a conquered society. Nowhere more so than here in the United States.
It’s incredible. We’re the laughing stock of the planet right now, honestly. And is it going to change? No, it’s only going to get much worse here.
Honestly, with all this, people, it’s pretty obvious to me. All right, that’s it. Please comment.
You got time out of this video? If I have earned you a thumbs up, I’d appreciate it. Share this stuff. Get it out there.
I will read through the comments as usual. Let’s see how many gold heaters we get today. It’s an incredible thing.
I really believe that this is fake. There’s got to be bots here. We understand what’s going on.
Central Bank’s buying all the gold. Really? Hmm. Maybe that means you should.
Does that sound about right? Yeah, I think it does too. Love you all. I’ll see you later.
4 or 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream.