Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel (Uncut) — Thursday. 06 February. 2025
Welcome, everybody, to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, February 6th, and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in, everybody, all over the globe.
Thank you, satellite team, for getting it out. And prior to the recording, we were just talking about different weather that Bob is compared to where Sue is and even where I am. So it’s all good, and we had a nice little pre-conversation.
We always do prior to the start of the recording. So people that tune in early get to hear the music and get to hear our commentary before I start the recording. And thank you for asking.
Bob is working through his Moroccan flu and has done a good job of just staying tough through the process, and he’s getting better every day. And thank you, guys, for praying for Bob and for me. I’m like 98-point-something percent totally, totally healed.
And I’m just thrilled that after lunch today, I took an hour-and-a-half nap and then woke up and really had very little, if any, sore throat left. So I’m very happy with that. So let’s do this.
Let’s pray the call in, and then we’ll get into a teaching that Sue has found for us, which I know is going to be edifying to us and really a great opportunity for us to comment. Lord God, we just thank you for the healing touch that you have on all of us. Thank you for keeping us healthy, healed, and whole.
Thank you for granting wisdom when we ask for it. Thank you for just providing for your people, your chosen people who were born at a time that we could be part of everything that’s going on now. It’s really an incredibly unusual time, and we’re very excited about it.
Thank you, Lord, for our Big Call Universe that listens to us. Thank you for Bob and Sue and the other regular contributors to the Big Call. Give us a great call tonight, we pray.
In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Sue, this is just a really important time of our call when we get to hear your teaching that you’ve found for us, and then we get to comment on it. So I’m looking forward to tonight.
Thank you, Bruce, and thank you everyone for committing to this time and a shared experience of deepening in what matters. I hope this touches your heart, and I want to dedicate it to everyone that’s listening to this segment, to your being in a culture of connection, being able to say you have people around you that love you, want to support you, and care about you. And I’m going to dedicate this to everybody that needs healing, and to the help and support I got tending to someone in the pod, Mr. Brian, who is very not well.
And I want to thank Janet, Chopper Boss, Judy and Ken, Andrea, Henry, Brenda, all the people in the pod that helped. Bruce, Bob, who’s also helped in the past. But just realize how fortunate you are.
And if you don’t, make sure you’re surrounded with people that have deep hearts, deep compassion, and deep love. Tonight’s teaching, Don’t Settle. Whether you’re a teacher, a carpenter, a banker, or a doctor, don’t settle where you are.
Don’t coast or rest on your laurels. Stir up what God has put in you and get better at it. Sharpen your acts.
This is a call to action. There are new levels in your future. Things have shifted in your favor.
God is looking for people who are prepared and taking steps, I’m going to add a word, to deepen and to improve. He’s looking for those who are serious about fulfilling their destinies. And I also want to say that I want to dedicate this to a new person, Regen.
That’s for you, Regen. Think about David in the scripture. He was out in the shepherd’s field taking care of his father’s sheep.
In today’s terms, he had a boring minimum wage job and no friends and didn’t look as though there was any opportunity for growth. Meanwhile, David’s brothers got the good jobs. Three of them were in the army.
That was prestigious. They were admired and respected. David could have slacked off, been sloppy, unmotivated, and thought, there’s no reason to develop my skills.
I have no opportunity. I’m stuck out here with these sheep. Instead, while he was alone, he didn’t sit around bored and waste time.
He practiced using his sling day after day and month after month. I can envision him setting up a target, slinging rocks again and again, learning, getting better, making adjustments, and sharpening his skills. When a coyote or another predator came after his sheep, no problem for David.
He would get that sling out and nail it. He was like a sharpshooter, a marksman. So precise.
So skillful. He could hit a bullseye from 100 meters away. When God felt somebody to defeat a giant, somebody to lead his chosen people, he looked to see who was prepared.
He wanted someone who had developed his skills, who had taken the time to cultivate the gifts he had put in him. He didn’t choose just anybody. He selected a skilled marksman who could hit a target with precision.
He selected a shepherd who would care for his people. In the same way, when God seeks someone to promote, he doesn’t just randomly close his eyes and say, I’ll pick this one. You won the lottery.
It’s your lucky day. No. God looks for people who have developed their skills.
Think about that, Pod. When we read about David running towards Goliath and slinging that rock, sometimes we think it’s all God’s hand at work. In a sense, it was God.
But the truth is, God didn’t sling the rock. God didn’t cause the rock to hit Goliath in just the right place. It was David who developed and used the skills God gave him.
Like David, God has put in you a set of special skills that will slay giant challenges, open new doors, and thrust you to new levels. But here’s the key. Your skills have to be developed.
Every day you spend learning, growing, and improving will prepare you for that new level. And that’s our teaching for tonight. Thank you, Sue.
Yeah, that’s an interesting teaching. I like that. And I like the fact that you mentioned we’re called not to settle.
In other words, don’t be stagnant where we are and settle. Take the gift or the talent that God has given each one of us and expand it. Go deeper and really make it as unto the Lord.
Make it so that we’re even better at it than we were. Get even better doing what God has talented you to do. I think that’s really important in this case where David, you know, the lonely shepherd who would be king, took out Goliath.
He also evidently killed a bear and I think it was a lion also that were trying to get after his sheep. And yeah, he had five smooth stones in his pouch. If I remember the story right, with his sling, which is kind of like a slingshot but not the same exactly, you know, he was able to use the first one and make a direct hit right to Goliath’s forehead and took him out.
Then he ended up taking off Goliath’s head with his own huge heavy sword. But that was, man, what a deal. And he had the confidence to be able to do that.
And you know, we may not have a Goliath in our paths moving forward, but some of the resistance that we’ve had in getting through this time period and listening to the big call for 13 years and waiting very patiently, you know, for what is going to be an incredible blessing, it hasn’t been easy for a lot of us, not even for me or Bob or Sue or anybody else. It’s, you know, it’s difficult. But I told you guys I would take this thing all the way to the end.
And we’ll actually go beyond the finish line with our projects together. So I feel like this particular teaching was good at telling us don’t settle for what we have now. Don’t settle.
Look into your future. Look into what your future self is going to become and see yourself that way and see what it is we’re going to accomplish with God’s help, with the leading of the Holy Spirit. What will we accomplish together as a team? You know, I think that’s really where we should go with this.
And it’s not going to be what just I can do or what just Sue can do or what just Bob can do, but what all of us and our leadership groups can do together to take us from a new starting point after we cross over into the finish line here, take us from that point to our future and accomplish everything that God has for us. It’s going to be really an incredible future for us. And I’m excited about it.
I’m excited about where we’re going together. But Sue, I really think you did a wonderful job of bringing that to us tonight. And I think that it was a good teaching.
And I’d like to say, I’d like to see what it is Bob thought about this teaching and what you received from it, Bob. Thank you, Bruce. Thank you, Sue.
That was really great. I could see the whole scene. It was the first time I really thought about the fact that David spent so much time sharpening the saw that gave him the confidence.
And it was like, hey, I’ve already killed a bear and a lion. They’re a lot faster than this man. They can both run faster than a man.
But here I am, he’s just standing there. It’s almost not fair. It was like it was easy for him.
And I started thinking about sharpening the saw. And I remember one time I was at a seminar and there was a man who’s the teacher. We’d been for a long time a teacher with Anthony Robbins at seminars that they traveled the world doing.
And he asked the question, which was, does anybody here know what the seven habits are from Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? And could you say them in order? And nobody in the room could do that. And at the end of the night, I swore that if I was ever asked that question again, I’d be able to do it. And so the first thing I did was make an acronym for the seven that made a silly word that I would not forget.
And the word was P-E-F-W-U-S-S. And the P was for be proactive. And the E was begin with the end in mind.
And the F was put first things first. And then the second part of the word W-U-S-S stood for win-win. Seek first to understand before you seek to be understood.
And then the last two were F’s. Number six was learn to synergize. And the seventh was sharpen the saw, which meant you have to take time from your toiling, whatever it is you’re doing as a salesperson or a teacher or whoever you are, to just pause to learn your craft even better and as a woodsman would do to take time to sharpen his saw.
And what I did was I actually made a mind movie out of it that I could watch every day. And I put it into a computer program with pictures and also details for each one where the first paragraph that told the basic gist of each of the seven was in the mind movie. And I would watch it every day, day after day for months.
Until it was totally ingrained in my head. And part of the reason was is it’s one of the greatest guides ever given for self-improvement and business effectiveness. But it’s also very spiritual.
Stephen Covey was very spiritual. And so Sue, I thought of all that when the second you said sharpen the saw. That scene came back to me where I was at this conference in a place called the Mariner Mansion where Roger Salam was the teacher.
And I can still see him at the microphone right now. I can see his face asking us that question. And I started thinking about the putting first things first and it wasn’t what people really thought at the beginning, meaning well you better do things in order.
But rather he was encouraging people to do the hardest things first. And the hardest thing to do during the day was the first thing that you should do in order to begin to wake up, really use your brain, get engaged, get confident and then watch the rest of the day just become this very smooth, rhythmic, easygoing, peaceful nature that you can create for yourself by challenging your fears right out of the gate. And I can see David thinking that.
It’s like oh so we got this Goliath thing I got to take care of. Thank God it’s not a bear or a lion. But it is the hardest thing that I might have to do today so let me get over there and take care of it.
And it shouldn’t take long. I can hear him. I can see him looking over to one of his comrades and going I’ll be right back.
This shouldn’t take long. And just taking care of it matter-of-factly and then tending to the herd for the rest of the day was like a day at the races. Amazing.
That’s really good Bob. Yeah. Really good.
I think he’s really, I mean here David’s taking on like a nine-foot giant and he was well prepared. He was equipped to do it. And I think that’s a beautiful, I just think what you brought us tonight was amazing and I’m just glad that you went into those seven habits.
I didn’t know if you were going to list them but you did and I love the way that you brought that out with your own acrostic made up of those words. Man, that’s good stuff Bob. Really good.
Thank you for that Bob. Sue, what would you say about David and what he or what the giants have been for you in your life? Thank you for phrasing it like that. That’s perfect.
Like you. Really. When I was reading this story but then especially when I was listening to Bob and realizing how deeply devoted he’s been to the pursuit of sharpening his character, his soul, his depth and his mastery.
Something really interesting was happening inside of me and there was like this contrarian, almost polemical, that means when you zig I zag. And my Goliath has been and I think this is the Goliath that we are being trained for is to enter into innovating into the unknown. And so picture after picture after picture of being asked to speak and seeing myself walk away from the podium in front of 150 people and hearing my head, inside my head going, what are you doing? And or raising my hand, and just all these risks that I took that was my spirit calling me forward into the unknown, into a direct access and trusting that access for what would come through you that created something that people hadn’t seen before.
They hadn’t heard it before. They hadn’t seen it before. And how do you know that you were successful with it? People come up to you.
They say, wow, that was such a great perspective because they hadn’t heard it. And I think a lot, we’re going to be the artists of, I’m going to say it two ways, possibility and probability. But we’re going to be creating our Goliath and where Bob has really been skillful and you have been really skillful, Bruce, is using your faith to step into the unknown.
And you may not be doing something that you’ve ever heard about before. You may have collected a lot of, you know, information on emerging systems and then you can see a new picture or know somebody hasn’t done a project like yours, like Mr. Henry, or you’re doing something new. And that sharpening of that, that’s practicing over and over and over.
The thing that I think people need the most is when you take, use your wisdom and your heart and your inspiration and you learn to trust. A lot of us, I think, are leaving the old ways of doing things. And you’ve learned to trust that what’s inside me is guiding me into the unknown and I will know.
I may not have read it, I may not, I may have only my direct knowing. But the practice of being able to say to yourself, I listened to the big call and I listened to Bob talking about the practice and putting himself in environments. And that’s the key part.
Putting yourself in environments where people are growing and stretching. That is really important. And what I want to leave this comment for people to question is, how are you going to trust yourself and practice noticing how your gifts show up? For me, it’s always been about taking people into the unknown.
And what happens when they do that? When they’re facilitated to trust themselves and to create that in their teams, the magic, the creativity, the inspiration, the love that gets catalyzed. When you take them somewhere they’ve never been before and you make it safe and they can see it showing up as an improvement from the day after you bring them there. And I think that’s what you do, Bruce.
And I think that’s what Bob does. And I just wanted to add that trusting yourself, practicing your gifts so you can own them, believe in them, trust in them as a part of God that’s what we’re being called to be. And that’s our Goliath is to expand our gifts and share them as we walk into the unknown.
Thank you, Sue. You know the term xenophobia, fear of the unknown. I don’t think you have any xenophobia.
That’s really well said. Thank you, Sue. Thank you, Bruce.
I think so. I think what we do is by embracing the unknown and walking into it and through it it’s a challenge to us and you’ve done a lot and I know you’ve done a lot of sporting type things that were risky and you managed to make your way through all of them. Your risk reward quotient is very high really.
But I like the fact that taking us into the unknown and a lot of what we’re about to embark upon is unknown by the majority of people around the world. We’re in a far better state than they are knowing what’s to come. But I like the way you said that, Sue.
That’s really good. Yeah. And for us to be prepared for this time, for our futures, for our corporate future.
You know, it’s really it’s good that we’ve received that favor to move into that future and I think that’s a wonderful thing for all of us and the world, too. Thank you, Sue. All right.
Now let’s move from this teaching and our commentary into yeah, take it easy into our prayer and praise request or prayer request and praise report segment and see what you have. I’ve got something and you’ve got something and we probably have something that’s come in as far as that goes. We have a lot of somethings.
Yeah. Or as Bob would say, we have a pile of somethings. We have a pile of it, as they say in the South.
We’re all going to get together and get on a pile. I know. Oh, boy.
Do you want to lead off, Sue, or do you want me to lead off? I will. Okay. And thank you for that choice.
Let’s see. Let’s do we’ll blend it out here. This is from Stephanie.
I’m praying and asking for a financial miracle today. To avoid eviction. I have a son and pets and lost my corporate job last year from a back injury and I’m working small jobs.
Thank you for this help and considering me in your prayers. So I’d like everybody to and here’s what we’re going to do that’s a little different. I want you to just gently put your hand on your heart and close it.
And if you can shut your eyes and take your vision from the outside world and trust that as you do that, you’re closing and going into the closet of your heart in Christ. And we want to see Stephanie and we want to see anyone facing financial challenge. We want to pray for Stephanie that Christ is surrounding her.
That all of us are surrounding her with the knowing that she can choose to see and feel and be beyond circumstances. That the power of her word, of her faith, of her knowing in Christ is so powerful that she can say, I am so. Which is an amplifier.
I’m so happy and grateful that all the avenues to my complete prosperity and solutions are arriving now. And we see just her awareness, her noticing, her looking, her practicing her sharpening and her creating from her quantum coherence. The fact that her thoughts and her feelings and what she’s putting out into the universe with God and with Christ are creating that result.
We surround her in a mantle of prosperity and love and blessing and we hope to hear the miracles that unfold. In Jesus’ name. Next, we’re going to go to… This is stepping into the unknown.
This is like coming through direct, live in front of 18 million people. No problem. I laugh like a 10-year-old.
Let’s put our hand on our hearts. This is Brian and the pod. It’s going to be simultaneously.
Right. The thing about creating connected cultures and especially for such spiritual people like all of us on the call is that you can be… Your empathy can make it so that you’re almost swimming in the overcare or the… Just taking on what somebody’s going through. I’m going to pray for both Brian and the pod.
Now we see that Brian, our beloved member of the pod, is being surrounded with light. The most beautiful, powerful, strengthening and cohering light that is wrapping around every part of his body, mind and spirit. Every part.
He’s so focused and creating such a strong field of healing in Christ that nothing but the strongest healing is now taking place. This is a living field of our intention. And he’s so grounded in his light, in his healing and the augment, the increase of everyone on this call that we can actually see him beginning to heal and be lifted up and giving thanks for all the people that love and are getting to witness this kind of love going out into the world.
This kind of power. The power of your thought and feeling. And so knowing that he’s receiving this at a distance, at a level that we might not even be aware of, but his energy field, bio field, is receiving it.
We now realize that Christ is also blessing all the people on this call and all the people in the pod that are sending out so much love because that is the future of our world. And so anybody that’s hearing this prayer or these prayers that Brice and I are going to do, you are being amplified, fortified and blessed because of your loving intention. Everything will be about your frequency, your intention and your love.
And again, I want to thank all the people that I had a chance to talk to and you know who you are for the deep love, the deep bond and the deep connection. In Jesus’ name, everyone is healed by this prayer and we say amen. Amen.
And then finally one more and this is from Jeannie. Eight days until Valentine’s Day, 2-14-25. Don’t send me any Valentine’s cards, Bob.
27 days until Ash Wednesday, 3-5-25. I love thinking of those little hearts. This year the Spring Equinox is Thursday, March 20th at 5-01 a.m. Hemisphere Eastern.
44 days until Spring, 3-20-25. 64 days until Passover, 72 days until Easter. Thank you, Pastor Scott, for your kind words and blessings for me last Tuesday.
Really appreciate it. I was also under the weather but beginning to feel much better and more productive again. Pastor Scott, everyone at the Big Call is happy to hear that you’re recuperating and starting to feel better.
We pray that God bless you with better health. Jeremiah 30-17. I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, says the Lord.
Optimist Day, Thursday, 2-6-25. Did you know that being optimistic can change your life for the better? Pay a Compliment Day, Thursday, 2-6-25. Be the reason someone smiles today and experience the contagious energy of happiness.
National Send a Card to a Friend Day, Friday, 2-7-25. Do you get excited when you find a handwritten card or a letter in your mailbox? Rose Day, Friday, 2-7-25. No flower signifies feelings of love and romance like the rose does.
Opera Day, Saturday, 2-8-25. Opera is one of the oldest and finest forms of entertainment today. We celebrate it.
Super Bowl Sunday, Sunday, 2-9-25. On the first Sunday in February, America’s love affair with football springs into full bloom. Today we pray to our Heavenly and Loving Father for the following, for all our leaders and listeners on the big call, especially for their health, Pastor Scott’s health, MedBeds, Debts Jubilee, RV Blessings, R&R.
We continue to pray for all the prayer requests on this big call, especially everyone’s health and well-being. Blessings and peace to all on this call. Through Christ our Lord, amen and amen.
Everyone have a blessed weekend and stay safe. Jeannie. And now we’re going to close with Bruce.
Yes, thank you, Sue. I got a request by phone today from a friend of mine and there’s a little baby, six months old, yesterday, named Stetson. Stetson turned six months yesterday and has never made it out of the hospital yet.
He was premature at birth and he’s fighting off pneumonia and they changed his medication, I believe, yesterday and I don’t really know how that’s going so far. But obviously, we would like for Stetson to make a miraculous recovery and to come back and be a walking, talking miracle one day. So I’m going to lift up Stetson, his mother, his grandmother and anyone that knows of this little baby to make a comeback, a real comeback.
He happens to be in Tulsa at St. Francis Hospital and I just feel like we should pray for him to make a good recovery, a full recovery. Lord God, I heard about this request today and I just know what I said about his condition. But I know that you are the great physician and you said that you healed all our diseases and whatever he’s going through or has gone through, I believe he’s here for a reason and has and that he will live and not die and that he will make a comeback, a miraculous comeback.
It’s going to take a miracle. God, it’s going to take your right hand touching him to bring him out of this malaise and to give his mother and grandmother peace that he is a comeback miracle. So we’re lifting him up, speaking healing with all the 18 million plus people on this call that are believing for Stetson’s full and total recovery to take place now and in this future that he would make a comeback and get out of the hospital and go on to live a full and meaningful life as you’ve intended him to live on this earth.
We thank you for it in advance. In Jesus name, amen and amen. Sue, I wanted to also pray for Brian too.
And we don’t really know exactly what he’s gone through. We have a suggestion of what might be happening, but really we don’t have the answers. But I know there’s enough people in the pod that know Brian and that we prayed for Brian on Tuesday’s call.
We’re going to lift him up again tonight. Lord God, you said you sent your word and healed them. And so we know that your word was Jesus Christ.
And thank you for Jesus and thank you for his ability to heal, to see people in bad states and be able to lay hands on them or just speak healing into their bodies. So we’re going to speak healing into Brian right now, not knowing what is completely the matter, but we know he’s in the hospital and it looks like he has faced two surgeries in the last couple of days. We thank you for Brian.
We thank you that he is healed. He is the healed of the Lord and we say so. Thank you God for raising him up better and stronger than ever.
In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Sue, was there anybody else that we needed to pray for that you can think of? Nope. Those were both beautiful, Bruce.
Thank you. I’ll pray one more. You’re welcome.
I’ll pray one more and that’s for Bob. Lord God, we just thank you that you have Bob right where he needs to be. Thank you that even though it’s difficult for him to speak, it’s difficult for him to even function on the big call, that you’ve given him the strength that he needs.
And thank you for Bob and how much he means to all of us. And thank you for healing him of this Moroccan flu that he contracted from his partner, Larry. And thank you that Larry is also healed and that Bob is healed and not contagious.
Thank you that he makes a radical comeback, radical comeback in total healing and health. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. I think that’s it for me, Sue.
Thank you, Bruce. I think that’s it. I think that’s so good, isn’t it, Bob? Yeah.
Thank you. You’re welcome, brother. You know, and thank you God that Sue was not injured on the fall that she took today in the snow and ice.
She’s okay. She’s just such a trooper. She bounced right up, dusted herself off and kept right on walking.
Thank you for that incredible spirit of life and healing and love. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Thank you, Bruce.
You’re welcome. Well, Sue, this is your appointed time to tell us what it is we need to do and what you have to show us tonight so while you’re doing that, Sue, I’ve got to get off and make a real quick Intel call and then come back, okay? Absolutely, Bruce. All right.
I’m going to do that. I’ll see you in a few. Welcome, everyone, to I’m going to say this is your plane of probabilities instead of possibilities when I say plane, it means your dimension where what you dream for, what you learn to practice and create with your consciousness in Christ, with your love in Christ, all of that is what we’ve all been working on in the past.
For me, it will be 10 years of knowing Bruce, February 8th, so a long time and I want to talk about why it’s so important to practice putting your attention on how you can be growing into a quantum leader and what does that mean? What does a quantum leader mean? A quantum leader is a person and you have a lot of this in following Christ, it’s a person that’s utilizing their faith but they’re also combining the latest science that says your thoughts and your feelings go out and create and as a quantum leader you’re going to be charged to step into the unknown. That means, let me give you a picture, that means maybe you’ve been a regular person, maybe you’ve been a big executive traveling all over the world but you were in a toxic environment. Maybe you’ve been practicing you know leading a really wonderful company but you’ve been in this into a much bigger scale.
Whatever it is, all of us, including me, are going to be asked to open up to our gifts, number one, like what are you really good at, what do What do you love? Where do you want to invest your energy? That’s number one. And number two, where do you want to and how do you want to create the ideal boundaries so that you can learn in this new system? What do I mean by that? If you find yourself today overloaded, your nervous system is compromised, you feel depressed, you feel anxious, you feel whatever, the most important thing you’re going to need to do is to figure out how to get into a state of coherence, of well-being, so you can make decisions well. And from a clear, insightful place.
So the Quantum Meter Future Founder practice, the class that we just gave, which people who have taken just so many of our classes said was one of our best classes, two classes, has something called the Triple Boundaries practice. And we’re including the science and the research on this. And the Triple Boundary practice is already reshaping how the people that attend it lead and thrive.
It’s been documented as having a 300% improvement in your ability to see, to see the unknown, to have foresight and decision-making. So if you’re a person, remember I gave on Tuesday night’s call that the number one initiative is the Quantum Information Science Initiative. It’s the National Quantum Strategy and it’s slash strategy.
I think we need to practice what we’re good at. That’s one practice. And the second practice is practicing where the puck is going.
Don’t just stick with what you know. Start to explore how everything is going to get connected to create a much more connected, improved world. If you were to invest in the Quantum Meter Future Founder classes, it’s $100.
What you’re going to get is the ability to slow down, learn what the science is about designing how you would be a person that can walk into a room, not be anxious, make decisions, and trust the Holy Spirit, that inner part of you. But you’re going to get it deeply in your nervous system. So try to think of a time when you might have wanted to be really confident, but your head was in the way.
Or think of a time when you hadn’t practiced in advance, and so you didn’t trust walking into a situation, and you didn’t really know yourself as that kind of empowerment. And now imagine yourself that you’re going to walk into a room, and you’re going to have different people, and they’re going to be looking at you, and you’ve got to be able to articulate and ask for help. Where are we going? What are we doing? All of that.
This is your starter practice. So if you’re interested in that, if you want to be ready, if you want to be really training for something, you’re not training to be an entrepreneur. You’re not training.
All of that training, if you have been such a being, is great. Everything that you’ve done has trained you for this moment. But this is stretching you to be around others as you step into a totally new world.
So there’s not a lot of training like it. I don’t think there’s anything like it. That’s what we’re hearing.
So if you’re interested in that, you can send us an email to IntegratedMinds at And just put Quantum and your name, your telephone number, whether you have PayPal or not, and we’ll send you an invoice. So that’s one. Two, we still have the MedBeds, MedBed 100.
And that’s going to help you. All of this is going to be, the world we’re going to create is going to be based on the quality of your love, number one, your wisdom, number two, and the ability you have to make wise, good, forward-thinking decisions. Not clinging to the known necessarily.
To be with people and to know when it feels, when your intuition, your skills come together, and you sense that this is the way forward. Brand New is a great guy from MIT. Leading from the Future as it Emerges by Otto Scharmer.
Great book if you want to get into some leadership theory. So MedBed 100 is going to make it possible for you to make the best decisions, have the best interview, and really know how to design your optimal MedBed experience. And that is $100.
All of these have been developed for the humanitarian community exclusively. And that was 26 years of research and experience, coming up with it, getting some support from various geeky scientist people that I know. And finally, I guess I could put out, we still have the Golden Wisdom Bundle for people that want to go deep.
And so people, you could combine the MedBed and the Quantum. You can combine these any way you want. We just want you to have the resources to make yourself effective.
The Golden Wisdom Bundle is 5 different courses that you can listen. And here’s how to think of it. I don’t know if you’ve ever had the opportunity to work with somebody that you really trusted because of what they were exposed to, that they had the ability to know information from the big call which has been an incredible blessing, the people that are basically creating the architecture of tomorrow that you can’t even see, that’s in the Golden Wisdom Bundle.
There are things that a lot of what we do is helping you see the things that you can’t see, and helping you to see that you can also see. There’s the scene, you know the Chinese example of the Chinese master that holds up his hand and he says, how many fingers do you see? And the typical person goes five, and he shows the spaces in between. And he says there’s 10.
Very important skill. You have to hear what you’re hearing, and you have to hear what they’re not saying. So these courses are developed to refine you, to strengthen you, to help you step into the unknown with self-trust, and the ability to create connected cultures, so important.
Places where people work together. And I spent a good 21 years of my work in this field going into low trust environments and creating high trust environments. So you’re going to need those skills.
You can get that in Golden Wisdom Bundle. That’s $300. So pair it any way you want.
And I’m sorry to be – I’ve got to put it out though. We’re doing one new class next Thursday, and it’s just two classes. And the POD or the people that are in the group heard about it today.
And it’s called Quantum Strategic Engagement Model. And this class, we’ve never done a class – I mean this is I think class 190. This is the class where you’re going to learn in two nights, you’re going to get our blueprint, what I’m going to use when I go to the US Space Force.
And what I’m going to say, and this I’ve been consulting with friends of mine that have done very advanced projects, how I’m going to outline what my participation is, how I’m going to create objectives and key results, how I’m going to create it. This is what makes it so, so different so that I come across as a leader, as being willing to work with people that have more expertise than I do, but setting the standard and the expectations of having them and working together to create results that are exceptional, but with them being self-managing. Most people want to do that, but they don’t know how to say that.
They don’t know how to architect that. They don’t know how to create the boundaries to do that. And I’ve helped many clients do that in the past, and I’m going to help you if you want to be very, very clear on how you’re going to lay out and how you’re going to articulate so people get what you’re in for and what you’re not in for.
And to me, that is so crucial because I see and hear about a lot of people taking on, oh, I’m doing this, I’m working with this, I’m doing this. And they have no idea that you cannot effectively manage with so many priorities. You cannot do it.
You can be as unlimited as you want, but your attention is limited. So you have to know the neuroscience and the faith to set your boundaries, to set your strategy, to be able to come up with a quantum-based strategic engagement model. That class is launching on Thursday next week, and we’ll start accepting $100, $50 per class.
But you’re going to get a model that you’re going to have to practice with it. You’re going to have to train yourself on it. But you could walk into a meeting and you could be much more skillful at establishing yourself with clear boundaries, and establishing what, and who, and how you’re going to work so you can be effective and they can collaborate with you in a culture of connection.
So that’s four things. Here they are, one more time. You’ve got MedBed 100.
You’ve got Quantum Leader Future Founder. And you’ve got Golden Wisdom Bundle. The two are $100 each, and the Golden Wisdom Bundle is $300.
You can put them together if you can afford it. If you can’t, do what you can, but invest in yourself. And then the last is, if you want to sign up for Quantum Engagement – I know that’s a lot to memorize, Bruce, but you’ve got it.
Quantum Engagement, just put Quantum Engagement, and we’ll put you on the list when we send out the first email on Wednesday. And the class starts 725 Thursday. That’s the 13th at 725.
On Friday, that’s the 14th, and that’s Valentine’s Day, so that’s going to be fun. And you can always get the replay. You can always listen to it offline.
You don’t have to join the class. If you can’t come and that’s not a good time for you, get it, because you’re literally going to design how you’re going to set it up so you can think and be wise. Is there anything more important than that? That’s my segment for tonight.
The only thing that might be more important than that, Sue, is did you give them the email address to email to? Integrated Minds. Okay, one more time. Integrated Minds, I-N-T-E-G-R-A-T-E-D, Minds, M-I-N-D-S, at And the best part is very clear and strategic.
I’m getting off now, Bruce. Thank you for your patience. You’re going to be in a group of people that are shimmering with aliveness, like Bob talking about Ken.
They’re excited. They’re learning. They’re heart-based.
Most people say, I can’t even believe I’m in this group. That’s who you’re going to be with. So that’s me for tonight.
Thank you everyone. Thank you, Sue. Appreciate that.
Wonderful, wonderful. A lot of good options tonight. A lot of great options.
Thank you, Sue. Yep. All righty.
Well, let’s take that and meditate on that. Decide what you can do. And I’ll hit it in my Intel segment, Sue, to refresh.
And in the meantime, let’s check in with Bob. Bob, on Tuesday night’s call you launched a new sale of some products that were at 25% off. And if I remember right, why don’t you readdress that for us? And anything else that you’d like to give us in the way of testimonials? We’re open and would love to hear it.
Okay, Bruce. We have both. We have new testimonials, a bunch of new ones that came in.
And we also have that sale you were referring to. And the sale is actually four different things. I had forgotten on Tuesday to mention that the sale we had started where people could get 20% off instead of 10% when they put something on to AutoShip.
That sale is still going on for about another 10 days. Oh, great. Okay.
And the new things that are on sale, we put three new things on sale, two of which are combos. The first one is what we call the skin, hair, nail, and joint health combo. And this is the combo that gives people our collagen peptides, a full-size jar of our heirloom barley, and vitamin C. This is a really good sale.
And the reason that we put those together is people make proteins as the most important thing that happens biologically in the human body. Our bodies are protein-making machines. We make 100,000 different proteins continuously all day long.
And the one that we make the most of is collagen. There’s more collagen protein in our body than any other kind of protein. So it’s really important to pay attention to.
We know exactly which peptides make up collagen protein. We know exactly how they’re assembled together into protein that makes your skin, your hair, your nails, your joints, your connective tissue. And so when we made this combo, we knew that all of these enzymes that were necessary for the process of making collagen protein were in the barley.
So we put it in the combo. And we’ve known for years from research that vitamin C is also really important. So that’s that combo.
It’s 25% off the regular price if you were to buy those separately. And the second one is what actually is our best-selling product. Bruce, this is a combination of Boomer Boost and barley.
And in this case, this is a starter kit. So for people that are just getting started, or believe it or not, there’s some people who can’t take full doses of barley because it’s so strong. Not everybody can take a full dose.
So those people can buy what’s called a Dynamic Intro Starter Kit, which is a full canister of Boomer Boost with a half a canister of either the Gladiator barley or Heirloom barley. That’s a really great sale too, 25% off. The other thing that is on sale is our Heirloom barley by itself.
A lot of people really like it. Heirloom barley is really great for people with arthritis. It’s also really great for people that don’t necessarily want to gain any more muscle weight.
And like the Gladiator barley will really help you do pretty quickly. But it has all the other benefits including the SOD and all the enzymes. And that is on sale half price right now, the Heirloom barley.
So it’s normally $89.95 and it’s like $40 something. And we made sure that everybody could get free shipping. So we lowered the shipping threshold down below the price of a half price Heirloom barley.
So that’s what that is. Okay. And Bob, let me stop you for one second real quick.
You mentioned the price of the second special. And I want to make sure I heard it correctly. I believe this was going to be Heirloom barley, collagen, and vitamin C. Now that was the first one that you mentioned.
Yep. Okay. Yeah, so it’s 25% off of that combo.
Right. Right. And it’s 25% off the combo with Boomer Boost and barley.
Got it. Okay. I thought I heard 45% and I wanted to make sure it was 25%.
What I was saying, the 45% is when you get half off of the Heirloom barley, that’s what the price turns out to be. Oh, okay. Yeah.
That makes sense. $45. Got it.
Yeah. Perfect. I’m glad you clarified that.
Thank you. Yeah. So we got a bunch of testimonials since Tuesday.
We now have over 3,300 testimonials, Bruce, just on this platform that we switched to many years ago. Prior to that, we had an additional 500-plus on a different software program that we used. And we’re still right at that 4.7% number.
And we got a bunch of more five-star testimonials. One of them was about Goodnight Formula where this man wrote in and said, my wife has been using Goodnight Formula every night for years. She loves it, and that starts her night.
That’s great. Then this testimonial came in about Myotrol from a man that says, it seems to be helping. I work out, and I’m able to increase my weights.
I’m 54 years old and recovering from knee surgery. Just recently have started back to running again, thanks to Myotrol. Okay.
Wow. So he’s increasing his weights, and he’s running again, and so it seems to be working. I would say so.
That’s great. We got another two-word testimonial about Myotrol. Love it.
And we got another one from a different person about that dynamic combo of barley and Boomer Boost. I drink this every morning. Love it.
We get some short ones sometimes. Here’s a guy who sent in a picture of himself. And this is what the kids would call, I think they would call him a Giga Chad.
And a Giga Chad is somebody who’s at their pinnacle, and a Chad is someone who’s a very rough-and-tough masculine male, like the guy that played Cheyenne Bodie in the old Western movie. So this guy, who looks like that, wrote in a testimonial about Gladiator Barley. Going hard at the gym, thanks to Boomers.
Yeah. He’s got a picture of himself, and it looks like he’s been going hard at the gym. And then this is another one about our probiotics from a 90-year-old man.
I’m 90 years old, and I love your products. Keep up the good work. We shall keep up the good work, sir.
Thank you very much. That’s great. And then this last one is about Ashwagandha.
I don’t know why she wrote only about Ashwagandha, but it says, I love all your products. That just came in like 45 minutes ago. Okay.
How about that? So we have 3,306 reviews. Eighty-two percent of them are five stars. Nine percent are four stars, an average of 4.7. Wow.
There you go. That’s a tremendous average. That’s tremendous, Bob.
Thank you for that. That’s terrific. We’re in our 15th year, Bruce, now.
Yeah. Selling boober products. That’s amazing.
Yeah. That’s awesome. And it’s really great.
The track record is unmatched by anybody in this industry. And you guys just do a terrific job on customer support and the product mix, and everything is just laid out beautifully on the website. Let’s let everybody know, Bob, how they get there.
When you want to get to Bob’s site, you go to That’s my site. And when you get on it, you’ll see a banner at the top that says Boomers. Click on it.
It’s a direct link that will take you right into Bob’s site. And that will be the Boomers site. And then you can go through it and look at the products that are on sale, because it will be on the products page, drop-down menu on sale, and you’ll be able to see all of those listed out.
And I think it’s great that we’re continuing the 20% off. If you’re a new subscriber to Subscribe and Save, the auto ship program, you’ll get that for the first month for any products that you put on for month one. And it’s hard to do a Subscribe and Save without Boomer Boost and Barley.
And it would be a great idea to add Myotrol, which everybody is absolutely infatuated with. And then for somebody like me, I love to get my vitamin D3. I like to get my good night formula.
Take that every night. There’s quite a few that I take. But I like the premium probiotics.
I take that every morning along with Boomer Boost and Gladiator Barley, premium probiotics, and Lignans, L-I-G-N-A-N-S. All those four powders mixed in with water in a shaker bottle. And I do that every day.
So, you know, it’s a great idea to get the basic vitamins. Here I had the sore throat for three days. Started Tuesday morning and basically was almost completely healed by lunchtime or just after lunch today.
Well, I took extra vitamin C yesterday and extra vitamin C today, you know, and gargled with a little salt water, and there it is, gone. So I’m really happy about that. It was close to strep.
I’ve had strep before. This felt close to strep, but it wasn’t, I don’t think. But even if it was, it’s all gone now.
So praise God for that. All right, so you know how to get to the website. Now, what about the phone number? To call in to Boomer’s customer support and to make an order on the phone or get some help on the phone, just dial 800-861-4609.
800-861-4609. And that number is good Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, eastern time. And that’s it.
You know what I was just thinking, Bob? Are we looking at daylight savings time in March, right? Yeah, like March 8th, I believe it was, whatever that Sunday is. It’ll be a Sunday. Yeah, I think it’s the 9th.
9th would be Sunday, wouldn’t it be? Yep. Since we have 28 days, it’s the same next month. Yeah, it’s Sunday night.
All right, sounds great. Thank you, Bob. Well, let’s get into some Intel and figure out where we are today.
I told you guys Tuesday that we were looking for this to happen Wednesday, which was the next day, right? Today is the 6th. Yesterday was the 5th. And the reason that it didn’t go, I’m going to back up a second and give you something that I just learned about yesterday.
There’s a security briefing that takes place twice a day, once in the morning, like between 8 and 9, and once in the evening between 7 and 8 in the evening. Now, we knew this was happening, and the way this security meeting goes, it goes, they rate it as a level 1 through a level 10. And 10 is forget about it.
One is, okay, it’s good to go. We can go. So what happened is yesterday, we had intended to go, and everything was ready to release.
President Trump told the Treasury not to let it go yesterday. He said, we’re not quite where we need to be, and we’re going to wait until the weekend to get this thing started. He was also, President Trump was heard to say on right-side broadcasting, and we only know of two people that heard him say this, that he wants us, meaning the American people, he wants us to have money on Saturday.
Now, that’s his desire for this thing to go for us. Now, let me tell you where our security ranking is right now. Yesterday, we were at a 2. Last night, we were still at a 2. This morning, we’re at a 2, and tonight, we are at a 2. Now, the security roundtable, let’s call it, is made up of 16 different people.
I know maybe half of them, maybe, and these are people that are very close to President Trump and close to Scott Besant and everything, and we just know some of who these people are. So we’re able to get a little bit of information from them saying what our security ranking was. They want it to be at a 1 for us to get started.
We’re very close. We’re very close. There’s also something that I found out today that is really interesting.
We have two world organizations. We would call them, maybe, world leaders that are part of these organizations. One is the World Bank, and one is the IMF, the International Monetary Fund.
Those two organizations have held this up for us, and we need them to release it, and I believe that even now as we speak, those two organizations are being dismantled. I’ve been told we’re 95% of the way that those two organizations, World Bank and IMF, are being dismantled. And the theory is that if they keep doing what they’re doing to make that happen, and believe me, they’re gung-ho and great guns at getting this done, then we could be ready to go and get notified over this weekend.
Could be Saturday, could be Sunday, and then which case we could start. If not over the weekend, we would start very early next week. Now remember, this is information that I did not even have until today.
And I found out about the security meetings yesterday after we’d already had a Tuesday night big call. So I don’t like surprises very much as a rule. But in this case, it was good to get information to tell why we didn’t go Wednesday, because we don’t always know the why, and the fact that we couldn’t go today and probably won’t go Friday, tomorrow, but the weekend is in play.
And again, we’ll get a security briefing in the morning at around 10 o’clock, and I’ll find out around that time whether it’s a go or not for Friday night, Friday evening. And the way this thing worked is, let’s say we were at a one this morning, or we were at a two. But let’s say, what would happen if we had been a one? Then 24 hours later, we would get our notifications and then be able to set appointments and start.
So because we did not get a security level one, we’re at a level two. We have to see what tomorrow will bring. Tomorrow morning, tomorrow night, etc., etc.
So we’re getting very, very close to having the security say, yeah, it’s okay to go, we can go. 24 hours later, after we get a one, we’ll be in business and be moving forward. So I think that is very important.
Now, the other thing I heard about AROC, AROC has still not put their rate nor their budget in the Gazette. I believe they’re waiting on Saturday or Sunday to do that. I don’t even have an updated rate on the DINAR because Redemption Center screens have been down for three days straight.
We know the bank screens have been up, and that’s fine, but it helps us to get the rates that are on the screens at the Redemption Centers. You guys heard what I said about the rate for the DINAR that they should be offering us. I said on Tuesday, anybody that knows what a hundo is knows what I was saying.
And we should get treated very favorably on the rates of all the other currencies. So yeah, I’m gonna say that we’re really in great shape and rates are the least of our worries. And if you have ZIM, you’re in superb shape.
And we’ll be able to do a lot of projects. And by the way, if you are a ZIM holder and you’ve got some medical needs or so-called dire needs, I fall into that category, you will get precedent. You will get a priority in setting your appointment for the MedMed.
If you’re a ZIM holder and dire need, you’re in really good shape, and you should be seen pretty quickly for an appointment. Now, I think that’s the intel that I wanted to bring tonight. You know, there’s always one or two things that I’m not sure of or that I don’t wanna bring out because it’s unsure to me, uncertain how I can say it.
But I believe I put it out pretty clearly tonight on what we’re hearing and why it is we’re looking at the weekend or exchanges very early next week. President Trump wants this to go, but it has to be without impediment, impediment like we’ve had from the World Bank and IMF. And as those are being taken down, that should happen.
We’re 95% of the way there according to my sources that knows about those two operations, let’s call it. So we’re getting there. We’re getting, we’re almost there.
We should be there by the weekend. Let’s hope so. In the meantime, you do have some time to get in touch with Sue about the MedBed 100, fantastic two-night class about getting everything you need ready for the MedBeds.
It’s like a training on what you need to know before you get there and give them a 15 to 20-minute summary of what it is you want to have done. And you’ve got the, so there’s the MedBed 100. You also have the Golden Wisdom Bundle, which we call the Golden Bundle 300 available.
And some people are combining those two and getting both of those together. And then we also have a new class that Sue has. Well, first of all, let me go back.
We have the last class available as the recordings of the two-night class. And that was what she called the Quantum. Quantum Leaders, Future Founders.
Quantum Leaders, Future Founders. And we shortened it to Quantum. So it’d be easy to put in the subject line and send off for that.
That’s also $100. And all of these are payable on PayPal. But even if you don’t have PayPal, she can generate a PayPal invoice so you can pay it on that invoice.
And the other, the last opportunity is the new class. I’m going to call it, because I don’t remember everything about the title, I’m going to call it New Quantum Class. Because I know Quantum was in the title.
New Quantum Class, that is also, it’ll be a $100 class that’ll start next Thursday, February 13th at 7.25 p.m. And then the second class will start on Valentine’s Day, February 14th at 7.25 p.m. So two classes, and it’s like Sue said, you don’t have to be on the call to hear the call. She can send you the coordinates, the numbers, so you can listen to the replay if you can’t make it Thursday or Friday night. It’s a big deal to try to get in there and make it and be part of the pod.
Because they do a lot, and they have a tremendous interaction on those calls. And the testimonies that come from those calls have been very, very strong. Very good testimonials.
So, how do you get these? You send Sue an email, and the email goes to integratedminds at I-N-T-E-D-R-A-T-E-D-M-I-N-D-S at And then you want to put your name and your cell phone number in the body of your email, so she’ll see that she can text you if she needs to send you a text. All of the information that I’ve talked about tonight will come by your email. But, the trick is to watch your email and watch for her to respond back to you after you send something in and keep watching it so that you can send back the payment for these various classes and the new class.
Just say, I’m in. The quantum, the new quantum class, I’m in. Let her know you plan to be there.
So she can get a count. All right? And that’s really what I wanted to say tonight. So, from that point on, let’s continue to pray for Brian.
Let’s pray for Bob’s healing. Let’s pray for little Stetson, the six-month-old baby. And he’s still in the hospital, never made it out yet.
We want him to make it out. And anybody else that we mentioned tonight in the prayer requests, and we’re going to pray that the World Bank and the IMF are taken down as impediments to us moving forward with what we have. My understanding is we’re 95% of the way there.
Let’s get the rest of that 5%. Let’s get it by the weekend. That’s my prayer for tonight.
So let’s thank everybody. Sue, thank you so much. Thank you, Bob.
Thank you, GCK. Thank you, Pastor Scott. Thank you, Jeannie.
Thank you, satellite team, for getting the call out all around the world. And thank you, Big Call Universe, for listening to me for 13 years now. Sue is coming up in over nine and a half years, same thing with Bob, on the Big Call.
And I’m just thrilled that we have such a strong group of leaders. And that doesn’t even include the pod, which is great, which is really great. So I’m thankful.
Let’s pray the call out. And let’s look forward to a revelatory weekend. Lord God, we just thank you so much for everything that you’re doing in our lives.
Thank you for the healing that I’ve experienced, today especially. We pray for Stetson, for his complete healing, and exit from the hospital. Pray for Brian, same thing.
Complete healing and his removal from the hospital. Pray for anyone else that had a need tonight. Pray for the entire Big Call Universe to just keep the faith that they have to move forward in everything that they’re doing in their lives, and for all of us to move forward together as a big group of the Big Call after this goes.
We thank you for all that you’ve done in our lives, and will continue to do. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Well, good night, everybody.
And have a great weekend. And perhaps we’ll have a celebration call on Tuesday. Good night, everybody.