thank you so I’m looking for 30 I just realized that my bad okay for everything’s so sluggish huh and it’s blurry it’s blurry because everybody’s trying to pour in again and then again maybe not good luck you ready good luck um 3 2 one go the recording has started course I used to be a really everything is um bouncing all over the place babe how about you y one two three four five six all of them are messed up I’m going to blame it on the Chinese they hacked us let’s try it again I went from green to Yellow to
okay I got it I got it I got it okay here we go hi I used to be a on new with a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side Frank teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a I tune into Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tuning now tuning here this is the D now take it from me Frank is no it’s okay give this man a cookie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need a on f i tune into Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news
from the street tune in now tune in here this is the D sit up be patient then get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the rain so whenever I need a I tune into fright 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the streets tune in now tune in here this is the D I be hey tank I need a cookie you just started come on tank I Ser some cookies cookies cookies cookies come on T give up the cookies greetings family how y’all doing I see
Susan here Susan Miller says are we getting excited are we getting excited um if you ain’t excited about the things that we’re seeing now there ain’t never going to be no excitement in your life it’s extremely exciting isn’t it Susan thank God we praise God for what the for what he has brought to us and and what we can share and teach with you family uh welcome to another one your ktf UB tubies another one of your frank26 UB tues I want to wish all of you a happy New Year what is the title of your UB
tub what is the title of your UB tub now that’s saying it a different way isn’t it let’s see what happens this year but I want to thank all of you that came and uh you know um we’re we’re blessed that that that that we’re um that that people come to see us but it’s putting a great demand and I’m so sorry the image is fuzzy um it’s going to be choppy um let’s see what it sounds like hold on a second here but it’s putting a great demand and I’m so sorry the image is fuzzy um it’s going to be choppy um let’s see what it sounds like
hold on a second here well we just did thank you very much I think we can get away with this you don’t need to look at me uh just listen to what we say and what what I say would you please kindly accept it as my opinion it’s just just strictly my opinion okay all righty we’re we’re going to study the Iraqi dinar and you know we break it up into three parts but before we do anything what do we do huh what do we do you tell me before we do anything before Frank 26 does anything what does he do in front
of you what do I do tell me let’s see who the first one is yeah no you can’t play tank you have the advantage come on what do I do what do I do okay well yes Maria yes Mama yes Kevin yes indeed we pray would you join me and then like uh like Jeff says then afterwards we have the show far blow AB but heavenly father I come to your throne room I run to your throne room because I’m always so excited to be with you thank you Heavenly Father for this day you know this morning I told you what are we going to do today what
are we going to do I had no idea we were going to do all of that today it’s has been a busy day it’s been a good day a fruitful day I thank you Father I thank you for I thank you for for using me I thank you that you allow these people to call me I thank you God that that you’re finding trust in me again I love you I thank you for tonight and I ask that you give me the the words the the patience and I can remove the pride and the ego that I can only give honor and glory to you because none of this could happen
none of this teaching none of this excitement could be unless if it was because of you thank you Heavenly Father for this opportunity tonight thank you for another New Year and father will you please allow this to be our year that we’ve been looking for I’d like to get to work in a different level please Papa trust us trust us that we will be good stewards thank you for the breath of my life thank you for the sight of my life life thank you for the food thank you for my family I pray for my soulmate my wife my
my sister in Christ because she she has um helped to to change me to be a better person and I’m so grateful for that I pray for everybody that’s with us tonight I pray that they find excitement in what we share for it is in the name of your son Jesus Christ by the holy spirit that I pray with great faith amen amen amen amen amen Andy amen amen amen I want to thank you Andy you’re always there for us God bless you sir and we’ll see you at the end we’ll see you God bless you guys well ladies and gentlemen here we
are again man I didn’t expect to be with you last uh Sunday a few days ago but sure enough we were and since that time A lot has happened much has happened in our study and it’s my intentions tonight to share with you uh what we put in premium what we put in club 26 some of you that already have all this information may find it repetitious but no because when I read it back to you on my UB tub I offer you an explanation I do that in premium to a degree I don’t offer anything in club 26 but I save it until we’re all
gathered together not everybody can be a part of our premium not everybody can be a part of Club 26 it’s only $5 a month but still not everybody and not everybody wants to so with that in mind we’re here to study and we’re here to catch up much has happened now before we start I want to cover an issue I want to deal with a with an issue uh shang’s not with us not yet okay doesn’t matter Shang is our transcriber and Shang will come when she when she can there’s no no problem thank you um but before we even start our
study tonight there’s something that I want to remember Barney 5 Good Old Barney five nip it in the button let’s nip it in the button I could never understand what that meant but what he meant was uh I want to I want to stop it before it gets out of hand what I want to stop before it get continues to get out of hand are the u nine people that I have removed from our study from our form from uh from from premium or not premium but uh from my UB tub I had to remember I told you that people are not my
opinion I’m not giving you a date or a rate but yet you pretend that I give you one all right we’re spinning again here we go I don’t give you a date or a rate but you pretend that I give you one and then when you when your date or or or rate doesn’t come about you blame me for it and I need to cover this before we go into everything tonight and here’s what it is did I not say that the auctions have come to an end yeah you did right so nine people in the last five days have literally spit upon me with
their verbal usage of of of colorful words that I am you know the next best thing to bacon I guess because it’s not the best thing to eat you know and they criticized me they said the auxins are not done really hey Frank you messed up again the auctions are still on yeah well you lied no you’re ignorant what you’re ignorant means and your ignorancy is self-induced because I gave you the answers I gave you the explanation I told you that on Sunday the auctions that we have been studying forever and
ever came to an end and unfortunately you see oh the next day there’s an auction there’s an auction there’s an auction actually it wasn’t the next day it was two days after and um and you think that that’s the auction that I said came to an end I had no choice but to say bye-bye you can’t come in in the middle of a dance and interrupt my dance you can’t come in in the middle of the party and say that you want the microphone I’m sorry I wish you well and I’m sure you’re going to do well because you’ve
been there wherever you’re getting your information from okay so before we go any further family that’s the issue that I had to deal with in these last few days is you say let it just roll off your shoulder Frank every day uh I have to let things roll off my shoulders hey I’m learning to be patient God is doing this for me to teach me to teach me how to remove my pride my ego and to be patient and help people but if they become belligerent if they become nasty if they become very very what’s the
word childish huh childish callous childish childish what’s that called when a person can’t help it but they curse Tourette Syndrome Tourette yeah if they become very Tourette syndrome with me I don’t want nothing to do with them and I don’t want you to be contaminated by them and I don’t want you to be hurt by them I don’t want their comments on my form or in my UB tub I dismiss them and I say goodbye to them so so for those of you that are still here with me you are good students huh you know very well that the auctions
came to an end but we saw the auctions two days later Frank yeah was it a foreign currency auction through the CBI uh I don’t know well go look uh uh it says that it was an auction for private banks of the CBI does that count did I say that it count did I tell you that that was what we were looking at that’s not the auctions that we’ve been studying and paying attention to we’ve been paying attention to what they’re going to stop using the American dollar the foreign auction currency window is what we we
study what we teach so when someone is very very undisciplined very rude they are dismissed now from ktfa they are dismissed from my YouTube and I wish them well I actually say a prayer for them I do I don’t want to kick anybody out but I will not allow my ship to be sunk and speaking of that also I had it how many times I you probably can’t even remember H take but this so many people sending me stuffff me too what me too you too I did they give you the date and the rate no they gave me things that
Claire’s already posted it’s already in the final articles and it’s not new information so but thank you you must have missed Frank’s last call they miss all of our calls and then they come in and they try so hard to be sweet and they say look you got to pay attention to this article dude we covered that article last week oh okay please don’t bring articles into our form let our staff do that okay let our staff do that all right that’s why they get paid for that yeah my my staff gets paid Believe It or Not
du all righty um so don’t don’t don’t don’t put any articles oh one other thing what I was really going to say don’t bring me stuff from other guy uh gurus please I could I I can’t even tell you how many textes I got this these last few days is this true is this true this guy saying this is this true I had two that were sent me the videos and they said Frank 26 just announced that they just well no I didn’t announce that and I didn’t do that and that’s not me and that’s not my that’s your picture yeah but that’s not
me some evil people are using my image why because we’re rather popular so now that we’ve gotten all that over and done with let’s get to work you want to because this is some exciting times the ubby tub tonight is called this is a happy New Year in my opinion I sincerely thought that 24 was our year I expressed it in my opinion you saw me leave and come back this is our year in my opinion so we’re going to study like we always do our we trifate into three parts number one we’re going to look at the uh
articles so please join me you’re a member of our form okay Andy needs to ask me a question if it’s true or not what is it no he’s just joking around okay got it uh I can see everything admins everything I got so many things in front of me and I have backup on both right and left hand side okay hey did we no we’re still fuzzy why is it so fuzzy I even got a new suit for you too man it’s nice all right our trication study start starts with our uh final articles and we’re going to go to the very last page
you are a member of ktf okay good good good good now get in there and go to the final article thread final article thread number 4,838 announcements of the central bank’s remittance auctions number with a term of 14 days all right so what is this well this is an auction that has been set uh and it will be on Tuesday January the 7th oh wait a minute but the auction stopped yeah but uh Sudani gave uh Parliament up until the 6th to work on a paragraph that he has in the budget and then on the sth It is believed that
um yeah well you know maybe uh you might see the budget really if they get it done on the 7th yeah yeah that’s about right that’s about right thank you Rebecca Hill God bless you God bless you anybody who wants to help us Financial contributions we we appreciate it we’re humbled thank you so this article look you know what does the blue title say take note take note are you taking notes take note take note these options are not for the foreign SE currency are not for the forey currency you nine
people uh but it says that the auctions will go back uh let’s see here on January the 7th I’ll be darn I mean the whole purpose was to stop it so that you wouldn’t use the American dollar uh right yeah okay so on the 7th are you going to restart and use the American dollar again is that what you’re GNA he said no oh oh no no that’s not what you’re going to do Sani what you going to do huh what read read my lips I don’t have to I’m a good student final article number 4,839 Al Sudani starts 2025 with a visit
to Iran uhoh ring ding ding ring ding ding hello who this this is Sudani Sudani what’s up buddy Heaven what it’s a joke what listen I’m coming over next month okay okay he we’re looking for you uh listen is there any way possible that you could bring him to he doesn’t want to he doesn’t want to come to see you but but tell him that we’ll set up the we we’ll bring Kentucky Fried Chicken in it’s really good over here okay you can’t bring Trump with you Sudani please bring Trump with you should I give you kisses please Sudani
bring to bring Trump okay because we we want to make peace what was required for the security for what was what was required for the monetary reform to be successful a phone call like this what do I say up on top what is the blue title for this article Sudani confronts the terrorists of the monetary reform come here I was here last month wasn’t I Iran yes you were and you’ve done well you did not attack you know that country I’m coming over to see you again next month and we’re going to continue
our talks can you bring him with you no but trust me I have some words that he wants me to give you everything that I say to you tonight is strictly in my opinion my name is Bozo and uh that’s in my opinion I’m wearing a green suit that’s in my opinion and today is uh Wednesday that’s in my opinion oh it is Wednesday isn’t it what huh yeah oh Noor today’s Friday okay attaching my opinion and with the final article number 4,840 with the beginning of the new year the United the U the US dollar enters a
new phase in Iraq whoaa wait wait wait wait how can it wait wait we just covered this we ended the auctions on the 31st actually a couple days before that and they’re going to restart the auctions again on the 7th but it’s not going to be for a foreign currency with the beginning of a new year the US dollar enters a new phase in Iraq so on the 7th are you going to bring back the dollar I already asked that question oh yeah you said no okay so what are you going to do on the seven I mean what are you doing and what
does it say up on top by-by foreign currency in Iraq okay are you going to use the Canadian Looney no you going to use the Mexican Bessel no you going to use a Russian rubal no oh the Chinese Y no the Korean Wong no what are you going to use our currency but your currency has no value to it you want a bet oh no no no with the beginning of the new year the US dollar enters a new phase in Iraq bye-bye foreign currency in Iraq so what would the American dollar enter its phase into meow meow says well what
about the Venezuela Boulevard nah it sucks even worse than it that’s even worse than the Iraqi dinar I bought my Iraqi dinars back in 2004 April for a million I paid 567 it was cl it was just under $600 for a million Dinars yeah shoot it it’s doubled its value but that’s not what I’m in involved in this for the dinar has more values than the Venezuela garbage and poo actually wanted to do well did business with Venezuela and buying oil from them there there’s no logic to stupidity thank God that’s over
with so this article with the beginning of the new New Year the US dollar enters a new phase what would it be well the new phase is that only the government can use the American dollar not the citizens no that is a new phase also Frank the Iraqi citizens can use the Amer uh the American dollar I thought you said you couldn’t but only for medical needs oh for medical needs well that makes sense that they could buy their medicine abroad and whatnot yeah okay can the dollar be used in any other way if a if a if if if an Iraqi wants to
travel to the United States of America uh he can go to the central bank and he can take his Iraqi dinars and convert them into American dollars uh but only to be used abroad because he can’t find nowhere to use it inside of Iraq anymore yeah I know I noticed that you know what else I noticed what you guys are adjusting your prices aren’t you we talked about that last time we were together didn’t we family don’t forget the most important things that we share bye-bye foreign currency window the American dollar is entering a new
phase thank God final article number 4841 uh integration requirements in order to expedite the procedures complete the merger transaction of all the exchange companies of category a and B under establishment and all foreign currency brokage companies please provide us with the attached merger requirement at once get it to us quickly kind of running out of time what do you want uh all you banks that Sudani has uh officially licensed uh to be part of the uh currency exchange yeah what about it uh we want
you to fill out these forms and send it to us as quickly as possible you see you use used to be categorized uh the same way that our banks used to be categorized we were category C category C but thanks to the monetary forign success which very few people know we are now category A and B actually we’re category a that’s pretty good isn’t it that’s the best so make sure that you’re up to par with us because if you don’t send in these papers that we are requiring attach merger requirements at once if
you don’t do this very quickly you’re not going to be part in the exchange of what we’re going to be involved in very soon family it’s it’s it’s no you know again I’m tired of saying it’s no secret but it’s it’s very obvious the banks in Iraq these exchange centers that have recently been licensed to do whatever they they’re supposed to do they know that there is an onslaught they know that there is an avalanche they know that there’s a stampede of 30 notes that are coming to them category C could not receive
them final article number 4,842 Iraq announces implementation of the automation system at the uh border C Crossings get it out what do I say up on top it’s a blue title for this a major requirement for the WTO and the monitory reform to secure the borders the article says once again here let’s read the the body of it down inside implementing the go the global asyc U da uh scuda system to automate Customs operations enhanced with electronic payment services starting on January the 1st 2025 the total volume of trade Exchange in
all ports is estimated at more than $60 billion annually according to economic research and studies so once again this article says Iraq announces implementation of automation systems at its border crossings what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this this is a major requirement for the WTO Ascension and a monetary reform to secure its borders this is big and it’s good um final article number 4843 Baghdad is preparing to open four hypermarkets are you serious Baghdad is is preparing to open
four Hypermarket centers at 20% discounts hey Sudani yeah Frank I notied you’re adjusting your prices yeah I’m building four supermarkets they’re big yeah I know I saw the sketches of it where you going to get that much food we got it okay you you guys got a program rate how you think people are going to buy all that food all that variety all that rich stuff you guys got we got purchasing power Frank okay all right all right four gigantic massive grocery stores yeah are you offering the the citizens
you know like anything yeah what 20% discount on everything why don’t you just put the product up already with 20% price off no it’s a gradual thing oh you’re trying to soften the shock huh Baghdad is preparing to open four Hypermarket centers 20% discount what do I say up on top what’s a blue title prices in the market start at a 20% discount why well it says here he added that the market includes all the needs of citizens and finally they’ll have everything they ever wanted and there there is cooperation with the
government and private markets for the purpose of purchasing material materials on credit indicating that the prices of some materials are 20% lower than the local markets and many of them are 20% many of lower than local markets and many of them are 20% lower uh what do I say there right right next to that in blue the parenthesis the market is adjusting for the official rate the market is adjusting for the official rate everything I say to you is in my opinion final article number 4,844 4 by the way when I would joined you
Sunday thank you no seriously thank you I am beyond uh what’s the word um I’m beyond I am beyond grateful I’m I’m beyond humbled I had never seen that we had so many people uh the I saw the number of people that were watching us uh 4,447 4,447 no wonder we could couldn’t get through to you guys and right now it’s uh well it’s just a little over 2,000 so but still that was a lot of you that showed up thank you kindly the next day it wasn’t even it was like 18 hours it had over 25,000 hits I I I I’m grateful to you that you
study with us and please take my study to God in prayer and remember everything that I offer you is just my opinion by article number 4844 completion of financing state employees salaries for the month of December what do I say up on top the monetary reform wants to accomplish this it is my desire that they that they pay the citizens they still haven’t we’re already into January still no payments why why everything waits for the new exchange rate final uh what would I just say yeah okay next one final article number
4845 Iranian officials I told you these last four years that we’ve been tortured I told you God Is Watching and it will be our turn very soon it will be after the is you don’t think that I you don’t think that Iraq knows this Iranian you don’t think that Iran knows this look at the peace it’s already spreading Iranian officials regime convinced to negotiate directly with Trump there’s two guys there and they’re like you know we got to talk we got to talk with Trump we gotta talk with Trump I’m not laughing at them I’m
laughing at the situation we predicted this didn’t we it’s our turn this article says we all also Iran we also need a new foreign policy yeah yeah yeah I can give you a good foreign policy raise the value of your currency be polite to your other countries don’t attack and send missiles across other borders of people stop supporting these five different terrorist groups around the world we also need a new foreign policy our first principle is uh SE oriented development is to strengthen foreign policy with the world good luck uh we
must speak with honor and speak about national interests with and well you know what I’m glad you’re saying this and and I hope that you’re you’re man enough you know I hope you’re you have I hope you I hope you’re man enough to allow me to laugh we must speak with honor and speak about national interests you Iranians are going to be very happy that you said that we must speak of national uh interest uh uh let us defend ourselves uh your only enemy is you let us defend ourselves uh we said in the same election advertisement that
we are for negotiations he explained yeah whatever it’s the same voice that Parliament has what do I say I put a blue t uh blue title there Iran knows the truth um stop stealing or deal with Trump Iran knows the truth stop stealing Iran or deal with Trump you say you want an audience with Trump you think Trump wants to see you what is the title of this uh this T what is the blue blue title that I give to this article Sudani will talk to Iran next month as Iran begs to talk to Trump next month also before the
20th or it’ll be too late final article number 4,800 46 International reports oh this is an International report yeah well then it’s being sent to everybody what’s it say the 2025 will be the largest year for projects inside of Iraq and then look at all of these estimates and all these numbers and all these categories and all this stuff that they’ve got on here holy cow you know I said I would never invest in Iraq I may have to think twice about that uh what is the blue tile for this article because of the success of the monetary
reforms new exchange rate that’s why you’re giving us this International report and telling us that the year of 2025 will be the largest year for projects inside of Iraq because you can’t do that at a program rate you can’t do that with one penny you can’t do that with one penny penny stocks don’t work they haven’t worked for over 20 20 years they haven’t work for decades in your country final article number 4,847 for 4 days suspension of withdrawal and deposit Orient operations in all Iraqi banks for four days for 4 days we will
suspend uh all the withdrawals and all of Theos deposit operations in all the Iraqi Banks Iraqi citizens can’t even go into the to use the bank no can they go into to use the bathroom what’ he say no you can’t come into the bank at all we don’t want you to see what we’re say or uh no okay according to a document the bank decided to close the bank’s doors on January the 2nd Manana and uh stop conducting banking transactions for customers well that’s what you’re in that’s what you’re in business for what
are you going to do we’re going to do um what do we say what do we say we’re going to do yearly auditing no that was done in December you don’t do yearly auditing in January that’s why businesses reduce their inventories on their shelves you silly rabbit what do I say what what do we say we have to whitewash the walls and clean the floor of the CBI yeah so we’re going to close the banks for four days starting tomorrow let me see the second the second so second third four four five six on the sixth you’re
going to reopen uh really technically on the seventh this is interesting okay I hello ring dingding hello ringy dingding yeah what’s up Frank walking stick did you get to talk to Aki for me did you ask him if I can come uh to his bank and open a bank account yes I did good final article number 4848 comprehensive guide to trading the Iraqi Dinar IQD on Forex what right I just said penny stocks don’t add up to a hill of beans what do you Trea you’re training the Iraqi citizens is that what you’re saying on how to invest
their pennies in the uh in in the in on Forex our pastor Kendall can teach you that better free but this is interesting what do I say up on top what is the uh the blue title for this article they are teach teaching citizens how to invest in Forex because soon they will have the power to do so okay all right all right now what’s interesting is that when you look at this article here let me see if I can show you no cuz it’s all fuzzy it’s still fuzzy you won’t be able to see it I can’t believe how this is still fuzzy
honey that’s just not right um this article find article number 4,848 comprehensive guide to training to trading the Iraqi dinar uh on Forex this is monetary reform education that’s why I wrote that right there underneath the right above the 25k note this is monitary reform education to the citizens because they have never they have never been able to do this and now they’re teaching the Iraqi citizens how to do this let me ask you something family what did they teach the citizens of Iraq in the month of November and
December how to invest where we’ll cover that in a minute you’re good students you already know don’t you now the interesting thing is that this article look at it look at it as I scrolled it up look look at this the Iraqi dinar is is the official currency of Iraq and while it may not be widely traded as major currencies like the US dollar or Euro it holds significant interest for Forex Traders looking to diversify their portfolio no it doesn’t ain’t no ain’t no whale ain’t no shark ain’t no investor going to invest
in worthless money well you did Frank yeah but that’s not in my portfolio that’s a completely different I’m not investing in their stock market knucklehead so look at this one two 3 4 5 68 9 10 it goes on and on and on this is super long how long 1 10 20 30 it’s like 30 40 inches long that is a lot of material that is teaching the citizens on how to invest in Forex with the Iraqi dinar how stupid is that it has no value but obviously if you look into the future look into that crystal ball you can see that everything
is pointing in one direction to give the Iraqi citizens the purchasing power it’s not like they’re being koi about it it’s not like they’re being you know sneaky about it hey Citizens We’re going to give you purchasing power don’t listen to those Liars in Parliament Iran leadership says all right I give up I give can can we talk can we talk to Trump he’s the one to behind or can we talk to Trump final article number 4,849 now what you’re looking at here family is uh a sequence I like things in threes there was
actually four five six seven of them but I want you to look this is the Hot Topic yesterday and today in Iraq it’s everywhere it’s everywhere in the barber shops in the in the hookah shops in the mosques it’s everywhere final article number 4,849 Central Bank announces a major achievement in foreign transfers Mr Frank they stopped the auctions we have nothing else to use it’s very obvious what they’re going to do they’re going to keep their promise to us what do I say up on top foreign exchange auction ends know the
difference you nine the central look at look what’s underneath it a second article the Central Bank announces the suspension of the electronic platform mechanism related to selling of the dollar look at the next one and it the central bank we have started working with the corresponding banking systems do you understand family those are three and there was actually more many many more articles they were just and on the television in Iraq 24/7 the auctions have ended citizens of Iraq and you uh you you know we don’t
have to tell you what that means right final article number 4850 Chalet what’s up buddy no salary crisis uh no Financial reserves cover liquidity completely well then why don’t you pay me because we’re waiting for the new exchange rate there is no crisis Frank Chalet you say no salary crisis and financial reserves will cover the liquidity completely when you’re ready I guess huh yeah what’s the blue title for this one you got that Parliament final article number 4851 prime minister calls 2025 the year
of continued achievements I mean we had an article that was rather similar to that talking about the year 2025 what is the title of your blue uh UB tub tonight this is a happy New Year what do I say up on top about this article Sudani is proud of his reforms prime minister calls 2025 the year of continued achievements Sudani is proud of his reforms the article itself talks about all the things that he’s done and he’s planning to do at the very very bottom at the last the last words look at the last sentence I highlighted
for you read read and five times look at that Sudani says based on all these things that we’ve done for the year of 2025 may God protect Iraq and its people Yeah Yeah final article number 4 852 Iraq officially suspends work on the electronic platform we will witness a a crazy rise in the dollar what do I say up on top what’s my blue title for this one foreign currency auction ending all over Iraq’s news the closing of the foreign currency auction window is everywhere in Iraq but unfortunately there were nine people in the last few
days that made my life purely miserable by telling me that I did not know know what I was talking about that the auctions were still occurring but their ignorance allowed me to remove them from my presence ladies and Gentlemen please understand the difference between the auctions of foreign currency reserves versus the auction that the CBI uses with its private Banks the Iraqi this final article number 4852 Iraq officially suspends work on the electronic platform we will witness a crazy rise in the dollar
yes and like I said foreign currency auction ending is this news is all over Iraq television go on to the in the body of this article listen to what it says this decision in order to close the foreign currency this decision comes as a part of a series of reforms you understand that to close this window is a part of a series of reforms a monetary reform that we’ve been studying this is a part of the series and we told you that there was three them when we got to the third part we said there are three more parts in the
last third part we’re done they are reporting to the Iraqi citizens of the whole world this report and telling you that 2025 is going to be a little bit different this decision comes as a part of a series of reforms aimed at felicitating Financial procedures not sticking with a program rate and stimulating the economy not sticking with a program right but at the same time it raises questions about its potential impa impact on the stability of the of the dinar exchange rate what do I say look look look you see in blue
I wrote something no it doesn’t no it doesn’t this whole monetary reform it has brought security and stability for the monetary reform process itself and it has removed the American dollar the article continues and it says the concept of the electronic platform the auctions ending the concept of the electronic platform and its role in currency stability well the electronic money transfer platform is a mechanism adopted to ensure the regulation of foreign money transfers and to limit manipulation of the exchange
rates and they removed it yeah but but but I I don’t understand why would you remove it because Mission has been accomplished the the CBI knows where every one of its Dinars are now this article continues and says a lot there’s so much good stuff in here look at this one point number four the market depends on supply and demand with the cancellation of the platform the currency Market may become more affected by direct supply and demand this this may lead to the currency it sucks give us a dollar back what if I give you
power to your currency well give this that and that’s what they promised them by encouraging Investments and reducing dependence on foreign currency the pressure on the dollar and strengthens our currency the den yeah and and and it was a success the decision to cancel the electronic platform of money transfer represents a major challenge yeah it was it put me through hell it gave me cancer it represents a major challenge to the Iraqi economy and may have Direct effects on the exchange rate it sure
will look look look look blue parenthesis what do I say about that statement look it will have a bullseye effect on the exchange rate because the goal is to give the Iraqi citizens purchasing power and the article Ends by saying the balance between felicitating economic procedures and protecting the national currency will be the decisive factor in determining the success of this decision you’ve made a decision huh and its effect on the citizens and investors it must not fail with the citizens it must not because if it does
then it fails with the investors it fails with everybody I know now those are your final articles that I wanted to go over with you family I now want to share with you Aki’s report or excuse me uh Eddie’s rep but before I do I want to talk about my products I don’t get a chance to talk about them like I used to here are three of my products in five minutes boom like that I saw suffer I have one kidney I suffer from cramps I can be laying there excuse me I can be laying there at 4:00 in the morning and all of a sudden I feel this
ball of convulsion in my calf or my thigh or wherever and it just wakes me up and I’m I’m beg I’m begging God everything to get rid of this cramp it hurts um I saw uer when I travel in an airplane because of depressurization yeah I suffer greatly from it but one of the things that I have I’ve learned is that I have to drink a lot of water and not only do I have to drink a lot of water but I need a lot of electrolytes so do you so do you if you’re young enough let’s say that you’re 40 50 shoot your body will steal the water
from the from your organs so that you won’t cramp when you get to my age I’m I turn 69 uh last month 69 when you get to my age and when you lose five parts of your body you do not you do not hydrate like you used to and if it takes water from other parts of your body oh you’re going to suffer cramps Shang doodle our transcriber that does all that work she represent this product it’s called Natural Glow if you have any interest and want to know how to hydrate your body this is a wonderful product ttin you like it
don’t you I like that particular um there’s two of them isn’t there oh no there’s like four or five of them but that one like the best I think it tastes better uhhuh it says it’s um sugarfree sugarfree and the colder it is the better it tastes yeah I will agree keep it in the refrigerator when we first were knocked out with whatever illness we had in December I was having a lot of trouble keeping hydrated because I just didn’t feel like drinking anything and I was drinking two of these every single
day so that I would remain hydrated so that I didn’t cause any other problems very good there is a free offer still if you go to our website which Frank held up you can sample the product um all you have to do is pay the shipping I believe it’s like n something or $10 and you can try a case for free so you can go on the website and look at all the different options um I prefer this one this one is maybe $5 more than the other cases are but I like this one better all I know sweetheart is that my body suffers from
some horrible cramps Y and this product has been quite a help to it so if you have any interest I know you can’t see because the image is fuzzy right now but if you have any interest in learning about this product that hydrates you uh I know I just noticed that somebody said well oh if you get cramps all you have to do is eat salt well first of all that’s not a very healthy thing to do that’s a dangerous thing to do to tell you the truth you don’t want to create an acidic condition in your stomach number two um if you’re
going to eat salt and for cramps don’t use chloride Himalayan salt would probably be the best number three um I did say didn’t I if you’re 40 or 50 that you can recover on your own so that’s probably this person uh with that uh with that salt idea when I played football in the summertime it was called double sessions we would sweat like pigs and the coach would give us salt tablets if the cramps were still continuing he would open a jar of pickles yeah he always had like about six of them in his car he would open a
jar of pickles and he would give it to us and he would say pass it around and everybody take a two two big drinks of of of of the liquid alone behold it got rid of the cramps just like that it’s all it’s all the uh electrolytes that are in that liquid the other product that I want to tell you real quick is colostrum colostrum and colostrum as you know is mother’s milk this is what goes in our belly the moment that we are born because our mother would give us her breast milk and the breast milk has this
colostrum colostrum is what makes your immune system extremely strong colostrum will help you to digest your food colostrum helps you with your immune system tremendously yeah I love this product and I take it and the last product that I wanted to share with you very quickly is my patches I haven’t talked to you about these in a while if you have an issue that you can’t go to sleep you have uh you you you got a a a headache you got a cramp you got a little uh Lumbard uh uh situation you take one of
these and what you do is you peel it off the back there like that and it comes off and then you put this on your body and within about 15 minutes you will notice it does it work for you tank yep that doesn’t even take 15 minutes for me now the 15 for you sometimes I will pull long nights two nights ago I didn’t even get to sleep uh 40 I was up for 48 hours because of all the excitement and all the stuff that’s going on but this is called uh life wave if you have any interest in these patches give me a call
because look there are many different types of patches for many different needs needs so thank you for allowing me to talk to you about uh these patches about colostrum for your immune system and about that water now family we get back to work and what I’m going to do next is I’m going to take you to uh to uh Eddie’s uh report Happy New Year to you too love you stay strong why would you do that again unless you had a bank story is that why you’re trying to call me if you have a bank story go ahead and try to
call me again all right we’re just uh we’re just uh spending and spending and spending this is ridiculous not spending I’m just fuzzy I should just put everything in premium and in club 26 this is let me see what it if it sounds like which’re is uh which’re just all right all right so they can hear us that’s good enough then all righty family we’re now going to study our we’re now going to study that was U Veronica bab saying Happy New Year we’re now going to study here when was I last with you somebody
told me um 29th the 29th but that’s not what I want I want the day Sunday right Sunday Sunday there you go so if I go back to Monday that’s where I’m going to start with you folks Saturday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Sunday Monday all righty family here we go we’re going to start uh on oh you can’t even see it because it’s so fuzzy I just realized that oh well this is going to go quicker because I’m not going to be holding it up to show it to you all the time uh Linda you say can we
sell my broker can he sell you Dinars you’re from British Colombia no Linda I’m sorry my broker only has license to sell in the United States of America America but if you have a family member if you have a friend that lives in America uh send them the money and have them call us and we’ll send the product to them got it okay Monday morning 9 uh 10 in the morning third report Mr Frank now the television is saying that the Arab Bank groups uh gains approval to relaunch the bank operations in Iraq back back in
2024 I guess they’re getting ready for this coming year Mr Frank Eddie just watched your television show he says show he says and he very much liked it he’s re-shooting replaying it in the market store right now he’s showing it to everybody greetings uh uh you Iraqi citizens greetings all righty continuing to but but you can’t see it I I put LOL well laughing out loud I said that makes me happy uh to know that Eddie tell them all that I said hi um makes tell why I say hi Eddie everybody was uh was so excited to hear
your voice yesterday everybody was excited to hear your voice yesterday um don’t forget what I told you Eddie go see Mr Sammy as soon as you can and ask him what I what I what I what I shared with you don’t don’t don’t push it all I want to know is does he have the boards you know with the pictures of the lower notes that they’re about to show you very soon um in fact tell him it’s a same boards that was in the picture that alak was holding uh yesterday in that article if his answer is yes no no his answer should be yes but I
want to see if he’s willing to share that information with you oh I keep forgetting you can’t read this you can’t read with you okay sending television is saying now Mr Frank that the development project will be handled will be handed off to the international companies I guess Sudani is in good position now with the contracts news is showing Sudani will be making a trip for the first days of 2025 to address issues in the region yes Eddie he’ll be traveling a lot in the Middle Eastern region um he’s also going to be going to
Iran very soon things started to get interesting because you see in the market they got the television and they’re watching it and sometimes he assigns people to watch and look at the ticker to watch and take notes of the pattern of what they’re doing what they’re saying how many times the commercial repeats itself etc etc um he says Mr Frank they’re giving up instructions now on TV and standards they call it for the circulation and exchange of Bank notes and they tell us that this mechanism is a uni a is a
unification I don’t don’t know what that means uh this is all on television like you and Mr walkingstick said they they would give us an outline to follow these are instructions on how to bring in our 30 notes television Eddie oh this is my contact television says tele Eddie says the television says they’re talking about Banks and this conversation it’s dealing with the circulation of currency within our banks also he said they just told us the exchange of Bank notes and this mechanism will also include a form of
counting and sorting currency they say that this will be implemented on the 2nd of January 3 hours later they’re back again television again says Iraq has ended the dollar auctions but we knew this yesterday but I guess it’s important government approved some new oil pipeline to Barca I don’t know if you can see any of that family oh contining uh then I say to him the following Eddie just like walking stick and I have been expressing to you for a very long time that they’re going to give you instructions when it came to introducing
the lower notes to you in the sense of what banks uh uh what banks for you to go in the sense of where you will pick up currency also on how you will exchange uh uh your 30 notes etc etc the this is great news from uh from uh from today now Eddie I want you to know something that that I haven’t told you remember that picture that alak was holding up with that big board from 201 uh 17 I didn’t tell you that’s that’s an archiv picture that is an old picture from 2017 in fact that article that picture
is in an article in our final article thread yeah and that picture from 2017 if you go back and read it it told the Iraqi citizens that the CBI was starting a mechanism to add value purchasing power to their currency yesterday they showed you citizens that same picture from the archives to tell you Iraqi citizens that they are done done what they told you they started in 17 they have finished in 24 they are done and we are now going to introduce the lower notes and a new exchange rate that’s why you are being
given instructions today he and he says wow he’s going to love this that’s Neo my contact hold on a second let me drink in this is It’s just constantly that’s Neo my kind man it’s so choppy continuing Monday ninth report oh oh this is a personal thing but I don’t mind reading it Mr Frank I told my brother in America uh to go to in the he says a city where Mr Neil is because I want my brother to go with Mr Neil to do any exchanging so we are hoping that you still letting them know where to go and
to help if needed I just I just talked to my brother in where he’s at and I and I and I tried to talk to Mr Sammy again today like you asked me and he gave me an interesting report and by the way Eddie of course I’ll be there for your family check out this report from Mr Sammy this was Monday night he said Eddie based on all the things that the that the CB is releasing and saying to you we should be seeing a welld detailed final report now this was when did I say this is Sunday this is Monday and today is
Wednesday you saw that report remember the monetary reform report I told you was uh about 40 in long so so so Mr Sammy tries to once again calm Eddie down he says Eddie everything that you are seeing uh is it it’s all uh going to be released in a final report on what Iraq has accomplished with their monetary reform in the next few days Mr Sammy you were right it came out today he didn’t say anything else he didn’t say anything else not not not not much more he didn’t say anything else today and I said um Eddie he really
doesn’t have to say anything does he we are all in position ready to receive yesterday yesterday um 8 something in the morning the first report from yesterday Tuesday Mr Frank the television today is going on an 11 page document that has been out before we’ve seen this report they’re complimenting it with the other report that they just released but they are resowing it to us it’s like a summary but guess what it’s also like instructions to all the new money exchanged on what they can accept you know what let me reread that
cuz that I know that’s mistranslated but they are resowing it to us it’s all like instructions to all the new money exchange centers that they have opened up on what those centers on what they can accept and how much to give on damaged notes that are being returned by citizens it’s like they are telling exchangers a lot of 30 notes are about to be turned yeah yeah that’s exactly right Eddie that’s exactly what they’re doing they they like I told you these Banks would be very essential the electricity would
be very essential these banks are these centers are are important the flood oh my word it’s going to be the logistics on collecting the 30 notes it’s going to be massive and that’s why digitalization is important with it because you can’t deal with so much paper but you can deal with an exchanging of a rate and value for the citizens very easily by a flip of a switch no problem but look at that I mean that’s what this is so good let me reread it again Mr Frank tevision today is doing 11-page documentation
we’ve seen it before but they’re resowing it to us it’s like instructions to all of the new money exchange centers that have been opened up on what they can accept and how much to give on damaged notes being returned by citizens it’s like they are telling exchangers a lot of the 30 notes are about to be returned uh also Mr Frank television Global customer automation starts January the 1st so after he sent all that information and he was all excited about the 30 did I show it to you I think I showed it to you I know
you can’t see it it’s fuzzy but it’s there so then um he he was so happy I guess that look what he sent me and I’ve shared it with our ktfa family uh this morning early this morning look what he sents me he says uh stand by for the blessing and in capital letters and in explanations stand by for the blessing you too Eddie Eddie it’s getting uh you know more more more complicated it’s getting more serious uh uh need like I told you I need you to stick with Mr Sammy please go see him today and this is yesterday
which was Tuesday please go see him today because I know that every day he’ll be giving you information and then he sends this report uh around 10:00 lateer at night and he says hey uh I was going to go see Mr Sammy but he came to see me what he came to see me Mr Sammy just left my place Mr Frank he told me Eddie I want you to understand that that what we are seeing on TV right now about bringing in the notes well it’s like a clean sweep it’s like a clean sweep to get the old notes out the damaged notes back and the
counterfeit notes off of the Street before the rate hits this will also and this is important this will also allow all of these notes collected to get into the electronic system the digital platform the CPI will be able to trace it and our M figures will be better and Mr Samy says we are we are officially category a currency now as of today we are category a currency now as of today it was category C Eddie which was less desirable well now we are category a and was and that was required in fact also for the WTO introduction
earlier and he says Mr Frank all these smaller exchange companies that have recently been licensed are now being linked to the big boy exchange companies here that all leads to something big is coming yes Sammy something big is coming you know I mean that’s why you’re preparing our friends and I appreciate that to then to which I then respond and I say the following to him I agree Eddie I agree Eddie uh and and I uh and Neil I agree with you gentlemen we’re already here in my opinion it is simply being introduced to
you while Sudani protects you from Parliament Crooks every day until the 7th in my opinion is going to be very exciting with a lot of information I agree with you I agree with you get ready for this blessing uh Mr Frank TV is now saying that they have completed the Border agreements with Iran good Eddie that’s very important it’ll keep the terrorists at check Mr Frank television is now showing comprehensive approach on how to trade the Iraqi dinar on Forex they got some guy going over documents page after page
on how us Iraqi citizens can invest in Forex that’s stupid I said uh what would is tra yeah trading Dinars on Forex that’s what he’s teaching us about trading Dinars on on Forex I said Yeah Eddie this gentleman is teaching you Iraqi citizens how to invest in the Iraqi stock market because you you are assumed to have purchasing power uh to do so they have never taught you this before because you didn’t have the purchasing power to do so um sending Frank who knows what they’re doing it’s kind of strange but
the but but but it all boils down to they need a real rate first they need a real rate first to which I said yes they do yes they do yesterday uh 9:29 in the evening late at night uh the last pretty much almost the last report from yesterday we celebrated new years’s with a huge fireworks show in Baghdad wow Mr Frank we have never seen such Fireworks shows as here tonight in Baghdad there’s a lot of celebration going on people are very happy uh Eddie stop it I say to Eddie stop and think about this massive
celebration they’re celebrating many things that are about to be given to you because if you were still under a program rate be so demoralized right now because their hands would still be tied you’d still have sanctions uh under the United Nations but no more I’m excited about next year happy New Year to you my brother heck even the you United States Treasury is there celebrating with you yes they are Mr Frank that’s exactly right I forgot about that one more thing television says Baghdad will join I don’t want to talk about
that Edie in my opinion the sixth of this month is going uh the sixth going into the 7th will be very interesting for the monetary reform uh look at and then he sends me a picture of what uh what they were seeing Happy New Year I said Happy New Year let us pray that this is the magic Year yes Mr Frank Sudani also said tonight when we finished with the fireworks uh 2025 will be a year of new achievements cannot can’t have achieve anything of the program rate happy New Year Mr Frank thank you for everything
Eddie tells Sudani to keep his achievements and just give us the new exchange rate laughing out loud today 8:00 in the morning good morning Sirah CBI says that we have achieved great achievements in abroad remittance abroad remittance what does that mean well Eddie the CBI is is basically just giving a report that all the contracts that have been signed have uh uh from from from overseas from abroad uh now have the ability to come in they have a remittance television says the CBI has opened New Horizons with foreign
transfers yes they have because they cancel the auctions um Eddie once again I’m sorry brother but one more time go see Mr Sammy and uh one hour later uh I I’m here Mr Samy said back on on December the 13th to the 15th here I’ll show you the as much as I can because I know we’re still fuzzy here we go Mr Sammy said and he’s there with him you see that’s why I send him every it’s like throwing a hook out into the water you know with a nice juicy worm on it I know that that that Mr Samy wants to share I know he wants
to help a fellow Iraqi I know that he’s limited but I also know that he’s being very tactful he’s he’s being like like walking stick and I so Mr Sammy so I’m here and he and he and he talked to me again what he say Eddie Mr Sammy said that back in December the 13 to the 15 Iraqi Banks stopped all credit and lending activities really yeah and Mr Samy says he doesn’t see he doesn’t see this lasting any more than 30 days if that’s if that’s it it would be bad for business so he thinks by when it’s back
up it will coincide with the new with the new rate in our system he said the CBI is on TV oh no no he didn’t CBI on TV saying we have already started working with correspondent banking systems Mr Sammy says here I’ll show it to you first can you see that gosh I hope let me see hold on I’m curious to see if you can see it can you see that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you can’t see it uh Mr Frank uh oh it doesn’t say Mr it says uh Mr Sammy says uh the month of January is critical yes Eddie this is my response yes Eddie
it is critical in the sense that they are about to give you your purchasing power because the evidence points solely in that direction there is no other option there is no other choice and Mr Sammy tells you that January is important for that reason fourth report from today television is saying that the oil and gas law is still not passed and its delay is from Kurdistan region and not doing their part on the agreement well I say well Eddie yes and no I I tend to disagree with that I believe they’ve done everything that
Sudani wants all we need is the new exchange rate then you’ll see the HCL Mr Sammy okay so now this report from Mr Sammy has to wait until probably you know down the road when we’re together again family so there’s your first report ah you found out those articles are loaded with nothing but monetary reform education your second report from medy showed you a lot deeper a lot deeper that all they’re talking about is just the idea uh that the that the foreign exchange window is gone we can’t use the
dollar we can’t use anything and and and they and they are pounding this over and over again because not to stimulate them to say you know to cause them to ask uh well what do we use but to pound it to stimulate them to make sure that they understand that what they are being taught makes sense um I’ll give you a very short report because I we trip theate our study into three parts I’ll give you a very short report I’ll give you a very short report I need to know oh hold on family okay um yeah unfortunately that’s the
end of our study for tonight I thought I was going to be able to give you more um look let me give you this remember the last time we were together I said to walking stick sir can you get me an audio with Aki so last uh Sunday when he communicated with us the question was planted instead of giving you the answer let me say that the reason why I want this appointment is because I want to study the bank I want to see if it’s it’s you know like a full bank or partial Bank a supplemental if it’s attached to the
another building if it’s attached to the bank itself what are the procedures that they’re using there I know they use American International banking laws what are their services what do they offer and Aki um I know you know it’s difficult for you to understand my language uh but we have a device that will allow me to talk to you with no problem and what I’d like sir is to learn uh about your bank now now let me tell you why Aki let me say let me try to explain to you why see you said something very
interesting two weeks ago to walking stick and he said Aki in answering your question Frank he doesn’t care about that you know he does he’s not political you may recall this conversation family he’s not political he’s profitable he’s doing what he’s doing because of a profit he doesn’t have he’s not invested in Dinars the volume that is about to go through his bank is going to be sick he knows it and he’s excited about it he’s going to make a nice penny well then if if if Aki Aki you’re interested in the profitability huh
yes I have a form that has over 880,000 members we’re going to release all the banks of the CBI will be exchanging you know privately like your bank but I could uh I could encourage people to to think about coming to see you especially in a tri-state area everybody will probably come and see you teach me sir can I open an account right now at your bank checking savings I brought I brought a few pennies I know you follow American banking laws and I can’t deposit my Dinars in here what I can oh in your vaults no I
don’t want to do that no I got my own protection thing yeah but I can’t deposit them and and keep them stored in here can I you know in an account and draw interest or anything no you can’t okay so there you go family that’s uh that’s why I want to do that Splash to don’t come in here with that nonsense you told Jo what he say a false prophet oh Justin you’re a bad person look ashame Justin you’re a booger butt oh and Justin left the pile too oh Justin oh Justin your mom and dad are so proud of youo oh yeah oh yeah they’re so
proud of you it’s okay because Justin is gone that makes it that makes number 10 now anyways family did you have a good T what what it’s awfully early I’ve never I don’t know when I last finished this early I tried to answer questions I did a Q&A with you but I really didn’t get questions uh good questions do do you want to ask me questions before I say goodbye to you christella bye Justin oh you’re into the football game instead all righty well then maybe Rex says my T res who’s Rex get rid of that I don’t know who Rex
is H good evening yes please well baby CRA crab cakes what is the question when do we go to the banks that’s not a good question a colleague of mine went through the Articles over the last year and uh the po po portrait uh that is painted with what has transpired in 24 in my opinion things have been functioning for the last year yeah the pretty much the 24 that’s why I thought it was going to happen uh hello prank Bank Story how about a bank story can I quit my job I think T no you see you’re not asking anything when is the CBI
going to talk again oo well the question is when are they going to make the announcement um actually the CBI will give the announcement uh to Sudani Sudani will make the announcement himself and when is the CBI going to talk again they talk every day every day it’s a talk talk talk to the of the monetary reform education to the citizens uh Scotch I I gave you a good question but you couldn’t answer it well try it again Scotch uh was the pickle juice sweet or Dill Dill you don’t want sweet it’ll
work the opposite way T Timmy Timmy who who bought the dollars in the auctions who bought bought the dollars who bought the do okay hold on oh got it who bought the dollar in the auctions um this the private the the private Banks the CBI private Banks I told you the uh the American dollar will still be used internally within its banks within the GOI I told you that already uh let’s see what is pickle juice how much longer do we have to wait wrong question you see this is this is this is not going to work who brought
the dollar okay who bought it thank you will the lower notes be worth anything you see you give me a question B babe um Frank can the CBI go International without on the Forex yeah they already trade on the Forex but very very minimal it’s going to go crazy now that’s why they’re teaching the citizens they’ll be able to do it as well too in fact the citizens were taught last month how to trade on the Iraqi Stock Exchange on the herbal Stock Exchange this month they’re teaching them how to trade on Forex I wonder
why what is the name of the machine to verifies the currencies I want to ask my banker well there are many machines but the most common wellknown is called delaro delaro but you could you should ask for the currency book I think it’s yellow this this time right now it changes colors every 3 months uh what is the name of the machine okay uh Raleigh remember Frank’s video what how to exchange okay uh about the geothermal about the 422 rate and the 201 rate do they reflect do they reflect real time rates
and the currency floats no those are usually buy and sell rates can can’t they go after the Prime Minister for not doing it in in 24 like he said uh well you don’t want to go after the the guy that’s going to you don’t bite the hand to feed you you work with him and and and there is no date he said he was going to get it done he hasn’t what are you gonna you know what do you want to do break his leg let him finish uh they can’t go okay will they have the to change all prices in the stores yeah in your opinion would they
warn them they’re warning them already by 20% how can you yeah Ed yes Ed Mill there in my opinion that’s what they’re doing they’re warning yeah uh do you believe in exchange centers yeah any place that uh is is authorized and follows International banking laws yeah go for it speaking of that I haven’t put up to new Banks yet in premium have I remind me tomorrow tank to put up two more banks in premium and Club 26 Okie oky doie is the IQD on Forex Annie says it’s been on on there but it’s been trading
at a penny and very very very very little exchange Frank do you think that denar will go first well when you say first uh are you talking about the basket uh then then I would say yeah look you all these like like like Europe it’s crazy Europe is fighting within their Parliament because the taxation doesn’t have any representation are you crazy that’s why we left you in the first place and came to America in America our tax dollars has representation you guys are and then you make the dumbest mistakes you you you
say goodbye to the American dollar to drop like a brick tell me something weren’t you supposed to give that brick stuff all organized and done in 24 yeah you haven’t even announced anything about the bricks you don’t even have anything yet do you no but we’re going to get it done this year well good luck because the American dollar is going to kick your ass stupid is what you did you don’t relinquish the hand that’s been feeding you all these years because why uh because uh I think uh I think we can do
better with China I think we can do better with Russia uh uhuh well I’ll tell you what Pilgrim if that’s what you think then go right ahead Missy w w w pretty good huh a Frank do you think okay reflect the real are we free to exchange once it hits Forex yeah yeah but let it hit CBI and then it’ll hit Forex Forex will be hours later about four five 6 hours later uh can we buy these amazingly healthy products for our health after this uh goes Frank yeah ktfa website will still be up I just won’t be visible I’m not
going to be doing ubby tubies in fact all these ubby tubies is a chronology it’s a chronology of all the years that we have been studying together I’m G to I’m going to privatize my YouTube channel hold on a second by the blood of Jesus and through your faith mom will be healed God bless you call you tomorrow um yeah we were answering questions uh can we buy these yeah you can buy all of our products ktfa website will still be up and when you scroll down you can see all the banners and you can order the
products also I’m going to have an office yeah because you may need help in buying our products what if you need help in buying gold and silver and to diversify what if you still want to buy the Vietnamese Dong because it didn’t go up in value yet what if I sold a completely different currency that you don’t even know about I wouldn’t teach about it but there would be a reason why I would put it up wouldn’t there uh let’s see will the ATM machines distribute the new lower denominations on or S I have no idea Scotch brother I
have no but I can tell you this deep in my heart those machines are loaded for bear uh my denominations are all in 25K NOS would I be able to I saw a hand uh my denominate uh denomination 25k notes would I be able to exchange those yeah shammy you can exchange 25k notes you can exchange all of the only one you can’t exchange is the one that has the uh the picture of Saddam on it those are called Swiss notes you don’t want those uh the other one too is the 50505 Z uh the 50 Iraqi dinar I think it’s a blue color uh those are Nolan
void they’re gone you can’t use those uh let’s see what else is there how long after the release to reach the rear well danis second very but because of the demand on the Iraqi dinar shoot I say within six months to a year um the real effective exchange rate will be looking at at at at the CBI uh everyone is saying to take several lawyers when it’s time to go exchange Kesha Kesha I’ve already taught that why would you take a bunch of lawyers I don’t know ask the people that are teaching you that nonsense you want
to take a a domestic lawyer somebody that knows American laws I’m going to take a a tax lawyer a financial lawyer somebody that knows what they do uh on how to take care of my money and then there there there’s investment lawyers there’s corporate lawyers there’s all type of lawyers do you belong to a church do you belong to a church do you Fellowship do you have brothers and sisters there talk to your pastor talk to your pastor somebody in your congregation might actually be a lawyer what a better place to start
at H what else everyone is saying yeah okay we did that one hey Frank if the auction shut down does that mean uh just here shortly there won’t be any more Dinars available regardless of the blessing uh happens or not oh you talking about me and uh my broker and I no my broker has a good source uh of of of Dinars holy cow now I see a bunch of questions huh Tink yeah I don’t know which one to start with oh my goodness let me just go down this and see what uh how many I can answer until till I get too tired uh
Randy do you think that the Iraqi dinar will lift the dollar as well as their own currency yes good question the whole purpose is for the dollar to carry all of these other currencies in the basket but the dollar is a little bit on the suffering side so instead of pegging how about we just pair with it all right as the dinar goes up pairing oh I’m coming I’m a coming honey thank you very much you allowed me to gain value next question do you know if there will be tax on the exchanges yeah ain’t nobody going to give you
nothing free you know it’s guaranteed in life taxes and uh and cookies okay that’s it I’m sorry that’s it good evening Frank the correspondent Banks uh were set up with the countries that Iraq uh does trade with the citizens can go to the airports to get USD if they travel for medical schools yeah that’s what I said I you repeated my thank you for for for um um um repeating it man Manchild thank you will The Exchange window be uh uh Bailey’s hi Bailey’s will The Exchange window still be 10 years
no this one was 20 years it was only meant to be a few years but it got it got abused just like the dollar gets abused um and but the dollar is going to come back super strong that’s why I brought up the bricks I feel bad for London I feel bad for all these countries that have decided to abandon the dollar and think that they can swim with their with their life vest that has holes in it all the countries that you’re talking about putting together in the bricks are dangerous unstable politically crazy no I want
know thank you how will we know that the US dollar will be gold back rather than Fiat they’ll tell you Nancy they’ll tell you what’s the their Forex exchange uh abbreviation I believe it’s IQD Inc I believe it is IQD dollar are still coming in I know we all look at this as if it has happened but with the things I mentioned that that what can stall this Manchild negativity and I’m I’m not saying that you’re negative Manchild I’m saying negativity anybody that wants to cause trouble that wants to stick a wrench
into the into the clog of the Machinery of the monetary reform jealousy negativity Parliament Iran but you see Iran say can we talk you see Parliament not saying a single word in the last few days yeah you see what’s going on you see everybody wants Trump I’m telling you there is there’s a reason for January the 20th uh logger how much uh is Trump involved in what in what you’d have to be specific about asking me you know what the bubble that we are waiting uh to pop before the 7th are they already seeing
signs of it getting there now I don’t know DJ honestly I don’t I I don’t know how to answer that question I don’t have that data I don’t have that type of material um in your opinion will the CBI or the WTO make an announcement by the 7th well the wco we don’t care what they have to say it’s a CBI and in reality like I said it’s not going to be the CPI it’ll be Sudani the Prime Minister that will make the announcement uh how have the Iraqi citizens seen the smaller denominations the Iraqi citizens that
need to see them have that might be an employee of a bank what’s happening Mr Sammy uh I know you focus on dinar but do you have any opinions on uh other currencies that will revalue along with the dinar well the only one that I have interest is in the dong that’s about it but I don’t know when that dong is going to revalue I already gave you a long lecture about 20 minutes uh I think it was on our last YouTube on my opinion about the dong it was very precise it was very deep I told you there were
relationship of China and what what’s going on with Vietnam yeah anyways next one do you think that the dinar and the dong will go together again these are repeated questions how much is Trump involved in well I said in what do you hold on ask me here we go do do you think Trump will use this windfall to pay off the 36 trillion that we are in debt no that will be left kind of like your million that you get you’re going to blow it you’re going to spend it you’re going to buy a house no you will use that money to make money
with the Iraqi dinars the windfall from it will not be so much for our deficit that’s what musk and that uh V guy is going to do and they’re going to do a really good job $2 million to see how salmon fish react to vodka are you serious and when you see all the waste you’re going to be very grateful to Donald Trump Trum allowed must to do what he’s doing when you see the waste we sent millions of dollars to a country so they could protect their borders but you know who stripped our borders and allowed us to be raped and
killed in our streets where would you recommend getting extra back coverage at to go about the FDIC amount that one’s going to be hard s SNM because not all insurance companies specialize in in backing you up for your currency may I suggest that you start with maybe by by asking questions in order to learn start with Lloyds of London uh Nancy my opinion we okay that’s you’re talking Frank this is bud what’s up bud can you do a re can you do a relax next Monday and sing oh you’re sweet when is our next UB tuby sweetie
it won’t be Monday because you have Monday at two almost at 3 um probably Tuesday copy Tuesday put it down the answer to your question from friend is Tuesday we will do another sing in UB tub I have one for go for it because this is so slow it’s ridiculous this is from somebody named Pitbull trading mindset okay in your opinion when the IQD goes live on forx what other currencies do you believe it will be paired to other than the dollar that’s Pastor Kendall by the way I would leave those two together you know if I was the the Prime
Minister the president I wouldn’t want to pair with anybody else they will already benefit because they’re in the basket they B but I don’t think that the dollar should pair with anybody except the Iraqi dinar and you know why we got a m mountain of Iraqi dinars in our federal reserves way hatched the Vietnamese Dong causes me to be interested in it that’s why I represent and sell it but I don’t see the potential of the Vietnamese Dong doing what the Iraqi dinar is doing if that was the case would not the IMF also say the
Vietnamese Dong is going through a r valuation of it it only says it for the Iraqi dinar next question um is a still 10year window to exchange do you think no like I said within in my opinion once this happens within six months to a year you’re going to be able to uh see the real effective exchange rate and then and and and it is at that time that they’ll probably cap it next uh question um if it isn’t done before the 20th Will trump delay it Trump does not want to delay it that no no no no please
the reciprocal of what you said turn that completely around next question are we hearing about the machines and the malls you talked about a couple months ago are they filled ah I don’t know about the malls but I can talk with confidence about the banks and I already have next question I’m looking oh that’s it I’m looking backwards do you ever hear from Supergirl or blue star that’s funny you say that I was thinking about Supergirl because I saw a report and it reminded me because it’s from her area and blue
star yeah blue star and I were talking yesterday in fact now that I think about it yeah I’m still connected to everybody except for one two three four people they abandon us next question I’d have to go back you think that’s it uh Frank how many major banks are there participating in the exchange don’t know that yet uh I’m sorry we don’t know that yet but I believe that every major bank will be involved and I’m already putting those banks in premium in club 26 you’ll find them there uh Frank uh let’s see can we still get a
song done yes look at here look at here look at here hey gentlemen go ahead and call on in come on in now and talk about this come on in and talk about this because uh I’m ready to wind down 50 note is demonized yes it is Big Papa D big papa D I like that name um hi guys hey mighty fine have I ain’t talked to you guys since last year where you been it’s been a long time you go right ahead tell me when you’re done go for it all right lady well listen we thank we sing that question can you still get a song done
absolutely we get a song done we are uh have our new rates out we’ve got the uh going to continue the Mr Freedom special of 20% off you’ll get that at when you uh log in and we’ve got new rates we’ve got uh we got Valentine’s coming up here real soon we’ll have a special on that and uh Mr freedom is dressed up for Valentine’s hopefully you’ll see his new wardrobe uh we got him dressed up as Cupid and but yeah we can still get you a song done uh we announcing our singing picture if you want a picture to sing
your song that you uh that we create for you uh we can do that it’s on the website there’s samples of that if you want to see it uh we can take you and turn you into a star uh at least for a moment Roger Dodger any uh testimonies this week did you make any new songs yeah we’ve done uh we did four or five this week it was slow with Christmas we figured it would be but we did end up with four or five and uh you know we’re still getting great new in Frank we need to schedule another testimony show to people and how they’re
continue to bless people even after they’ve heard the song uh we’re getting reports now people that will just continue to keep listening to the song over and over it’s just a blessing every time to hear it so we we’re getting some great stories looking forward to sharing that with you all more on our future show H you bet gentlemen thank you as always God bless you all happy New Year to you and keep on making those songs for our beautiful family yes sir appreciate you buddy and we’ll see you next week on the next UB indeed
God bless bye bye thank you Peggy says I love the song that they created for me that’s good that’s just wonderful I’m telling you I’m really touched by these gentlemen because they’re bringing so much joy into so many people they have somebody just told somebody to go sign up at another site make sure you sign up at honey on top of it wow yeah I’m definitely done anyways thank you kind for being with us yes well all righty thank you Chris re Rebecca Hill and christabella thank you so much for your financial contributions
to help us sincerely appreciate you all um I’m looking around to see what it is that I’ve forgotten if anything in no you know somebody my my admins uh blocked somebody here but I found it to be an interesting question maybe I don’t see it anymore now I just wanted to see if I could help and answer that question did you enjoy yourselves family did you learn a lot pretty interesting H what’s going on so tomorrow is the um is the second and from the second to the 6 like I told Eddie there’s going to be a
lot of information pouring out they’re already they’re already fine-tuning the monor form they’re already focusing in on it very good um to Irish love you’ve been with me for a long time it’s good to see you sister and you said um good news encouraging oh you’re talking to somebody else never mind thought you were talking about wait a minute uh Wardell Williams curious Frank where does the 26 in your name come from you you you may have said it but I’ve never seen it well well oh look at the Rose from
christella well um turns out that I was conceived on the 26th of um of um of April I believe it was feary huh February no they were married in February so it was the 26 of the following 26 of March probably March April May June July August September October November December yep that’s when it was and then I carried the na the number 26 uh look at them leaving they’re leaving they’re leaving because ah they don’t want the dessert oh they’re back how that happened anyways 26 uh I was conceived on that day and it turns out that I wore
26 uh on my uniform when I played football and um and I found out that one day a man in a in a prison in a in a Nazi prison camp a Jewish man was uh looking out the window and he was very sad about the conditions that he was living in and the torture that he was experiencing and after praying and he he he looked down he looked down at his arm and as you know concentration camp uh people had their their their number their serial number tattooed on their arm and as he was looking at the number he added it
up now the thing about the the Hebrew language is that the Hebrew letter also represent a number so when he added it up and it came out to be the number 26 ah he looked up at the sky and he smiled because in the Hebrew language in the Hebrew alphabet the name of God Yahweh is the number 26 I’ve had I’ve had god with me all my life sometimes I didn’t know it but I know it now so that’s the answer to your question I hope a lot of people ask me about the Book of Eli let me say goodbye with this I get
the biggest kick out of the B The Book of Eli because it’s just a coincidence it’s an amazing coincidence if you ever watch The Book of Eli you’re going to see a dark complected man who sits in the dark hiding boy two three in morning and he was hunting for substenance St that would that would feed then he goes to his home and he’s listening to mtown music on a journey from the east coast of the United States States all the way to the West Coast sound familiar and the interesting thing is that as he travels this
path um he walks with a a woman that is very faithful and loyal to him no matter what and in that walk um the evil of this world tried to kill him but when they shot him right here it didn’t kill him and when and when the cancer came right here it didn’t kill me he seeks this path with the Walk of martial arts that’s the way I was raised and he reaches this point where he’s taken the word of God to a place to an island in the Pacific really and when he delivers the word of God it’s it’s all in dots and the last thing that he
says as the movie closes dressed in white from top to bottom he said I kept the faith just a coincidence guess what there’s part two of The Book of Eli we’re about to write it thank you kindly for being with me I’ll see you next Tuesday unless something happens but from now until then I put everything in premium in club 26 God bless you all I always leave a little something I’ll come back and say something else but for now let us be dismissed with a prayer ABA heavenly father I’m so grateful to
you we made it father we made it with um w w w w with as little uh with as little sinning as possible on my behalf I apologize if I was loud I’m sorry if I was egotistical I’m sorry if I if I heard anybody’s feelings please forgive me if I didn’t if I didn’t show patience I did my best I I I ask for forgiveness by the blood of your son Jesus Christ and I ask you to to touch everybody that’s listening right now now all these different countries from all over the place may you you you said that you
wanted your word to to go to the four corners of the world ktfa has been doing that and I’m so grateful for for all those that are with us that help us thank you Holy Father thank you for your son Jesus that died on the cross and you you lifted him from Death to conquer death for me and to conquer my sins thank you that leaves me speechless amen amen amen amen amen amen thank you Andy love you so much my brother yes sir love you guys and family I say goodbye to I see you on Tuesday at 600 no I’ll see you
Tuesday at 3 P.M and we’ll have fun okay uh let’s do Elvis and Bruno about that we’ll do those I’ll see you then we’ll have a wonderful time together God bless you all happy New Year may you have uh your dream come true may you help and reach out and and be a and and be a help to somebody don’t don’t just walk on by don’t just walk on by be a help to somebody I leave you and I leave you with the dessert I told you that I asked uh Aki if I could uh open an account and see him yes God bless you all it’s going to stop it’s going to
stop watch watch watch GE I there it is I knew it man the internet is terrible isn’t it yep God anyways family let’s try this just one more time and say goodbye to you all I talked to Aki the answer is yes God bless you all I used to be a until I with a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a dinar fix I tune Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street to him now to him here this is the now take it from me Frank is no it’s okay Tink give this man a cookie
absolutely you never know what turn into 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street this is the sit up patience and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the rain so whenever I need a I tune in Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street T now here this is the hey I need a cookie no come on tank I deserve cookies come tin no oh yeah cookies cookies come on Tink give up the cookies
woo God bless you all thank you for being with us I’ll see you on Tuesday 3 p.m. our study will start at 6: p.m. Eastern Standard Time in the meantime anything that we find appropriate almost every day I’m putting stuff up in premium in club 26 but if for some reason I feel that it is a need then I will definitely uh do another quick ubby tuby God bless you all like I said Happy New Year let this be the year that you tell Jesus Christ how much you love him sweet aloha bye-bye goodbye let’s see push red
button to flush oh no no push white button to stop yeah yeah that’s it okay stop stop stop there you go bye-bye