Militia Man (Uncut) 12-31-2024
hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia man and crew patreon Community by clicking the link in the caption good evening everybody militia man and crew just want to say happy Monday getting close to that new year and it’s coming in hours you guys so I hope everybody’s had a good year this U this year so far and we’ll celebrate in a couple in a couple days so we’ll see how it goes but in the meantime I want
to talk about a few things we talked about remember yesterday uh whenever the day before we talked about um issuance and currency bonds treasuries all that stuff uh they talked about Metals the Central Bank did they talked about um instructions they talked about that stuff I’m not going to get into it again but I just want to remind you that that um is powerful so this particular article um I overlooked it didn’t have the opportunity to get to it dear Samson super Samson reminded me of it uh last
night and I thought you know what it’s still a very powerful component of what’s happening and so um there’s an article called commemorative coin and special Monument for Baghdad the Arab tourism capital for the year of 2025 and so commemorative uh coins are meant for uh for a purpose and they U are about the civilization effectively of Iraq and they’re about many things they’re about history and uh coins have a lot of artwork involved in those and they have a lot of um uh things that are on coins to um commemorate those items
whether it be um a monument whether it be a um agricultural scene or uh Rivers whatever right so well all know about that okay the director general of the Department of tourist groups at the ministry of the culture uh this gentleman by the name of assadi he said in a statement that a special Monument will be built for historical Bagdad on the occasion and um one of the squares in the center will be the C the capital will be chosen to be remembered for future generations and that’s the whole idea of
it uh a special Visa will be also granted to tourists on which in Baghdad being the capital of the Arab tourism will be written and commem of Iraqi currency and a special stamp will be printed for that occasion so they’re they’re making a big deal out of it they started this back on the 10th of this month in Baghdad and because of why because it was chosen to be the Arab tourism capital for the year of 2025 this gentleman here is Samia galab it says we are in constant contact with the committee formed by the prime
minister’s office for for special preparations for the occasion and we trying to uh find solutions to show Baghdad in its true position which we boast is the capital of Iraq the first civilization on Earth so obviously what they’re doing is going to be very powerful a commemorative coin is going to uh be a representation of that it’s going to be a symbol um for for history and that’s big because interesting look Iraq doesn’t have coins today right they haven’t had them for 20 something years 20 23 years and so now all of a sudden
they have a commemorative coin and they talk about they talk about currency they talk about a special stamp and then so it’s a special occasion that’s what we are expecting is a special occasion so uh look um they’re being honored for this and they’re doing it um now and they brought this article out today or no sorry yesterday and it’s important and it he see the the sequence of events that have happened you tie that in and you go wow so they’re talking about a commemorative coin for ancient civilization and they haven’t been
around for 20s something years so this one should be a special one and they’re going to have currency and they’re going to have a stamp to go with it they’re going to use that stamp for I guess for Visas so tourists that come in they can have a part of history and it’s probably really pretty powerful because millions of people coming in to Iraq for the religious tourism Etc and artifacts and everything so anyway I’ll get off of that it says Iraq is on the list of countries uh that are the most attractive to
Investments so it says within two years thanks to government measures Al sadani of course Iraq achieved a foreign investment inflow of more than $62 billion placing it on the list of countries that are the most attractive for invest ments that’s going to resonate because everybody has been thinking not everybody but a lot of people have been thinking that you how is Iraq building all this uh buildout and all this reconstruction effort at 1310 how could they afford it well they couldn’t but what did they do they got
$62 billion from outside investors to come in and to help them get to where they are uh it says here that experts believe that the security and political stability of the country is experiencing what it’s experienced too was a very important impact uh factor in achieving this boom that you see pointing out the growth in Investments came as the result of the country avoiding economic recession and financial problems while they stressed the need to invest this attractive feature in selecting only
giant solid companies to work inside of Iraq so they went to the biggest and the best to be able to to facilitate what they’re going to do uh interestingly enough I’m not going to get into all the Articles because there some tonight there’s some really long ones uh M Muhammad adawi he says Investments can prepare the country and prepare it to enter the important strategic project known as the development road which contains ambitious plans that serve the country’s interests in addition to the fact that
they constitute Regional and global economic integration integration to the global Regional and Global um economic system and that’s pretty big you guys especially after the gradual disappearance of tensions in the region so the security and stability has gotten so much better the tensions have uh tapered off and uh timing is what they’re dealing with prime minister Muhammad shiel Sudani recently confirmed that the comprehensive reforms were the reason for attracting foreign investments so his accomplishments his achievements
that we’ve been seeing are um he’s he’s the reason for attracting Investments that were initiated exceeded $62 billion and two years in the oil gas Housing Industry Agriculture and hotel sectors and indicators from International organizations and institutions indicate increasing growth rate during this period so they’ve been expanding as they’ve been using other people’s money effectively to be able to do that but investors don’t come in to do a freebie they come in to make money um it says this gentleman by the
name of suad Al Shamari uh who is interested in economic Affairs pointed out that Iraq has recently sought to activate and Revitalize the economic sectors and develop short medium and long-term plans to enhance the investments in all of aspects of Iraq what are they doing they’re Reviving the uh private sector and they’re saying that you know they’re Reviving it by what especially sectors such as renewable energy and oil and Associated gas remember the uh gas has uh been wasted forever for I call it
forever but you know for the last few decades that they just burning it off it’s just waste but now they’re not going to do that anymore they haven’t been for quite some time now that Al Sudani is here uh so that investment people see where that is going it’s oil gas renewable energy so the regional and Global integration has begun to take shape that’s how I see it that’s pretty it’s pretty big you guys this is all like in real time and we’re watching it we’ve been talking about it for a long time and now we’re
seeing the fruits of their labor and they’re they’re offering us uh to to the world um that they’re going to Showcase they’re going to Showcase a commemorative coin currency stamps why prior to what are they changing currencies are they they tell you about um the replacement and the exchange of currency that they talk about Metals if they don’t have Metals why would you be talking about that because there’s going to be something that’s happening for to require a country to um use them they need to raise the value of their
currency and I think it’s obvious to everybody it should be by now at least okay so this article is called with the document an exceptional measure to save dollars during the New Year’s holiday it says the Central Bank of Iraq decided today on Monday to accept Bank requests to provide dollars to Travelers during the New Year’s holiday it says here u in order to provide cash liquidity in US dollars for travelers on the New Year’s holiday on January 1st and the banking holiday on January 2nd there will there will be requests
from Banks and exchange companies that will be accepted from the cash sales window uh they go on to say the expert says the the sale will be on the 30th and the 31st of December exclusively remember that we they said about the imminent uh cessation of the dollar auctions right so the sale will be on the 30th and 31st that’s tomorrow exclusively and so forth so ultimately what are we saying they just told you that um the last day of their auctions um in the manner that they’ve done be in the past is going to have that imminent
um suspension I think that’s the best word that they used okay the next article is uh with the beginning of the new year the US dollar enters a new phase in Iraq it says financial banking experts consider the suspension of the dollar selling platform from the Central Bank of Iraq like I just mentioned is a bold step bold big however you want to word it and it has multiple economic and Regulatory Dimensions but on the other hand this is expension of the platform may open the door to New Challenges so
there’s a lot to this article but some of the key points I’ll just try to touch on is the job of the central bank is to maintain the cash reserve and the unified exchange rate so it’s not the job to sell the dollar but rather it’s the job of the banks that’s been the whole process Central Bank is going to change their position and Central uh Banks and correspondent banks will be doing their job and they’re saying that that suspension um is imminent and it’s happening before our eyes Okay uh he says but because of the economic
situation and the legal chaos the central bank has taken control of selling the currency so they had a they had a reason for what they were doing and but they but they’re now they’ve accomplished what they what they needed to do and they’re not going to do that anymore so it says the House of Representatives is current currently in legislative recess so they’re on break and after the resumption of The house’s work the governor of the central bank will be hosted in this regard and work will be done to impose strict control
over currency exchange and purchase entities so obviously all the work that we’re is going to do when it changes they’re still going to work to have strict control over the currency exchange and or replacement um and purchases all of those things okay it goes on and on and says he adds that these stages have been shortened so they’ve quickened it and now the new process has been become much easier as the bank sends the transfers directly to the intermediary bank without going through the Central Bank like I
mentioned and the US Federal Reserve so they’re not doing that anymore while the auditing company remains so there’s an article about uh extending the contracts for some of those um International auditing firms but it goes uh thus the bank that raises the transfer is the decision maker and responsible for the Central Bank of Iraq and before the entire Global financial sector so what they’re doing is that they’re putting people on the on the table these Banks they’re going to have to play by the rules
International standards and practices and they’re going to be on on the hook for it and it’s going to be before the entire Global financial sector if that doesn’t sound like Iraq’s going International I don’t know what is okay it’s it’s a massive step and it goes on this one this article is like seven pages long and I’m not going to get into every page uh absolutely not you can find it in slmm N DCW and our Discord uh militia man’s chat room so when you guys come in if you’re new uh that’s
where you’ll look for it okay membership you’ll find a tab in there you when you become a full member you can tap onto that it’s free come on in enjoy it’s uh our membership is $9.99 a month that’s it’s relatively expensive but we bring a lot of value so take it into consideration try it for 30 days if you want okay the possible reasons for stopping the platform according to Al masan which is the Central Bank Governor mosan alak he is are an attempt to control the parallel Market as the Central Bank wants to reduce the
difference between the official and Market exchange rates by reducing the supply of the dollars in the marketplace mosan adds that it it also represents a step to reduce corruption and tax evasion and the Central Bank of Iraq is trying to protect foreign reserves from depletion so if you think about it for you guys electronic platform think about blockchain think about transparency it’s a new electronic system it’s going to have the same capacity as everybody else around the world this isn’t Iraq singularly uh
trading on her ISX ISX um in at 1310 they’re not talking about that they’re talking about going into a Global Financial system so there’s another page where it says the the uh platform termination statement it says according to the statement of the Central Bank on September 4th 2024 um yeah they mentioned it I guess then the electronic platform foreign transfers began back in 2023 as a first phase to reorganize Financial transfers in a way that ensures proactive oversight then instead subsequent oversight from
the Federal Reserve auditing daily so Etc so there giving you a little history it says the gradual shift was planned towards building direct relationships between banks in foreign uh in Iraq and foreign correspondent and approved Banks mediate mediated by who the international auditing uh firms to conduct preliminary audits of the transfers before they are executed by the correspondent Banks so they’re going to be audited before both sides of the equation are allowed to go through again think uh blockchain think
transparency new electronic systems okay it goes on we already knew about this but um the 95% technically they said they’ve got 97% of transfers from the electronic platform to the correspondent Banks mechanism directly between it okay they’ve they’ve beat that but that’s been taken care of it says uh only a few perc remain with the platform which which will be transferred using the same mechanism before the end of this year Well tomorrow’s before the end of this year that’s what they’re telling us and
and what is it it’s according to their plan uh the Central Bank uh of Iraq indicated that there was um some expectations about possible effects on the exchange rate and transfer operations are baseless because the process will not be sudden or in one payment at the end of this year but rather it was already achieved in the past period with effort and careful followup except for the remaining small percentage we mentioned that will be accomplished in the coming short period Well the coming short period is that
it’s probably going to be if they if we go by with what they say um tomorrow is the last day of um that happening and I would imagine that the uh those that are still trying to get money from the black market are going to find themselves in a pinch they’re using other foreign currencies you guys Chinese W Indian rupe UAE durhams they’re using those to help facilitate all of this um the article at the beginning actually it says that there was about uh five banks but technically it says 13 banks have
actually started conducting transfer operations with the prior audit mechanism that has been agreed upon and approved in addition to transfers and dollars the provision of channels for personal transfers for legitimate purposes and Tongue Tied there you guys sorry about that and exter external purchases through electronic payment channels and international money transfer companies and cash sales to Travelers the payment of cash dollars for incoming transfers to those parties in purposes specified in the central
bank’s published instructions so they’re doing it by the book um it’s not five banks but it’s 13 Banks and they’re going to do it by International standards and practices and they’ve already got that in place so here we go the bank noted that it has placed foreign transfer operations and fulfilled dollar requests on sound paths that are consistent with International practices and standards and anti-money laundering and Terror terrorist financing law if you guys remember back what happened in 2018 the the fatf
requirements were passed Iraq passed that they went from the black to the gray and they’re not being monitored anymore and they hav it for six years because why because they’ve been doing their job all that fake news that came out that’s to the to to be thrown in the trash just toss it okay the central bank statement concluded that providing the aformentioned channels for all purposes at the official dollar price makes this price the true indicator of economic practices which is proven by the reality
of price stability and control of inflation it goes on and says any other price traded outside of these channels is the abnormal price that those with unorthodox or illegal practices resort to who avoid official channels in their dealings and bear the additional costs alone so they’re telling you those that 3% if you will they’re going to bear the cost of any losses that’s what’s going to happen so anyway um to me they’re putting the parallel Market to rest that’s what’s probably going to happen
would there be some sort of one in the future could be but we’re going to find out and lastly I want to go over uh the planning department uh Ministry discusses preparing the third voluntary report on sustainable development in Iraq and this is big because it’s talking about things that are about achievements that have already been accomplished by Al Sudani teams for the last two years and they’re going to have a report that’s going to come out from what their achievements are today tomorrow the next day but they’re going
to prepare this next report to be um one that’s very powerful in a global sense and that won’t happen until September of next year and no we’re not waiting till September of next year they’re going to base that that full report at a high level uh political meeting in September it’s going to be not necessarily for us you guys it’s going to be for the global um entities the biggest money in the world probably because what did they what did they already gather some of the largest most um prestigious companies
and successful companies in the world to do what to prepare for the development road project and they have already told us that they’ve set the stage for that so these are really powerful times everyone basically what is it going on the ministry of technical Affairs he says the meeting came to put out first steps towards preparing the third voluntary report on sustainable development which Iraq will present during the activities of the United Nations highlevel political Forum in New York in September of next year stressing
the importance of voluntary reports in general and their third report in particular as it is a broad illumination of the important steps achieved so in other words already achieved in Iraq in an effort to achieve the goals of sustainable development the investment file in achieving reconstruction and ensuring Justice in the country so they’re they’ve they’ve already done a lot of things everybody and what we’re seeing right now is if it holds true is that they’re going to have another report to be prepared and it’ll probably
be a phenomenal report okay he called for making efforts to prepare this report which paints a true picture of the development scene in Iraq so you’re you’re not going to hear all the riffraff stuff you’re going to you’re going to get the real skinny on the whole thing uh he says today’s consultive session is this is today okay today’s consultive session is a pivotal step in the framework of preparing the voluntary National report for 2025 which will be presented at that high level political Forum so that’s highlevel political
Forum we’re talking Global Financial system we’re talking about yeah the biggest entities in the world I would imagine that has to a lot of three three-letter agencies around the world are going to probably be at that all right it says um the woman adds that the preparing of the voluntary National report represents an opportunity to evaluate achievements highlight the successes achieved already done and faces challenges with transparency explaining that it reflects the high commitment to partnership and
Collective work between government governmental and governmental sectors and who else the private sector basically you guys this uh voluntary report on sustainable um development is about what Iraq has already achieved to date it will be held next September is like I said and basically what is it talking about I don’t know but to me I think I do know it’s we’re not waiting for that to happen we’re just not waiting for that to happen because we’re talking about the achievements they what they’ve
completed and the results of what those what those are going to be we’re already going to see the results we’ve already seen results but now we’re going to see a little bit more but again they’re not they got nine more months to keep going so enjoy your evening thank you for being with us uh please hit that like button subscribe if you like our content and of course we have the PayPal venmo and zel for those supporting donations thank you once again guys don’t forget to hit that like button if you like this content
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