Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 12-30-2024
okay everybody here we go it’s me Gregory manino Monday December 30th 2024 still we’re right at the end game here for this year in 25 as I’ve been telling you guys for a year it’s been a year since I’ve been warning about 2025 it’s going to be quite quite a Whopper and we got a a pretty interesting warning today I would call it more of a uh well you know they got to tell you what’s going to happen you understand they always do that it’s their playbook not ours their playbook demands that they have to tell you first um for
whatever reason all right and we got a warning from Trump today on another Great Depression kind of an interesting I’d have to say uh a lot of things interesting today we’re going to talk about so first off I hope you guys and girls can hear me okay I hate this new setup but it is what it is is uh so anyway look um kind of interesting I don’t think this is really a surprise to anyone World Markets uh not doing very well including our market today look man it’s kind of been interesting we had that 1100 Point selloff as you all
recall um the day the Federal Reserve announced the 25 basis point cut to the federal funds rate which actually had the opposite effect on the long end of the yield curve we got a big Spike uh in the 10year yield the market cratered I got out mmri over 300 you know the deal here uh and I don’t think we’re done now World Markets selling off us markets finishing in the red pretty much across the board let me just get my head on straight with this here you got cryptos doing pretty well I have to say
gold and silver remaining Under Pressure but no surprise either you knew this you know it this is an opportunity it’s going to go on for as far as the IE can see until we get the full-on Meltdown so this is a hedge it’s got to be in your portfolio you will know that this is a an incredible opportunity to get these kinds of assets um cheap now interesting what happened today so let’s talk about this earlier today the the stock market was in freef fall freef fall I mean even though we finished lower we had the
dowal down about 800 and something points and a miracle happened a miracle happened there it is the 10year yield logs its sharpest drop in a month I mean it’s incredible thing to watch all of a sudden whmo 10e yield drops stocks start to come back wow who rushed in I really want to know Tomy who do you think rushed in here and bought an epic amount of debt long into the curve of course as you would expect we believe you and me at least I do right now that the FED is going to intervene I think they intervene today that’s why we
saw this now with that the 10e Y did come down mmri still not looking too pretty here for you guys and girls that are following this lovely so far right World good of course it was the Fed now this is an interesting um now look let me let me say this to you guys and girls we’ve been talking about this for so long it makes me want to freaking puke um the game that is being played and has been being played on we the people here unfortunately uh is multiple fold but we’ve been told repeatedly the feds in
the fight of their lives they’re fighting inflation they’re doing so by creating more debt uh it’s it’s the same as if let’s see you were trying to save a drowning person by pouring water on them the bottom line is the Federal Reserve is looking for every opportunity they can dream of to cut rates now we’re hearing oh you know the FED may be trading lightly uh you know inflation is still not in the place where they promised us it would be because it was temporary it was transitory so then you get a headline like this today so um the
the coming Global interest rate collapse will Force the FED to cut four times well this is a dream come true for the Federal Reserve economic pain worldwide just does this sound about right to you it’s only something you and I have been talking about we got a warning today from the beautiful president select Trump uh economic pain worldwide will trigger Capital flight to us Treasures driving down those yields okay uh and this will of course Force the FED hand this the fed’s f at the mouth over this uh and look you
already know it and I’ve said it a million times the the only Power one that central banks have is their ability to inflate issue debt through one door buying it back through another door here allowing themselves to become stronger why do you think that President Trump has promised you he told you this is what they do before this election I promise you you’re going to get lower rates knowing he has no power to do that it’s it’s that’s how stupid that our politicians think you are that you you think a president can actually do it
presidents have no ability to lower rates they don’t have a printing press they can’t get into the debt market and buy the debt as the FED can but they can show as heck work with the FED to make it happen and I told you this is exactly how it was going to play out the Fed was going to get an ally to sit behind the Resolute Des how do you like President Trump’s complete one 180 look at the poll I’m taking here on these H1B visas we’ll talk more about that later uh it kind of really I was shocked you’re
probably shocked it looks like 72% of you are shocked but it shouldn’t surprise you they say one thing during the campaign to get you all hyped up and you know everything’s gonna be great and then they just you know it’s a bait and switch of course but anyway let us move forward I want to show you something before we move on to Trump’s warning um this is again the reverse repo scam uh that the Federal Reserve has been pulling off this is this is a year and I just want you to notice the trajectory
although recently we’ve got a bump with regard to the repo action overnight over the last few days here but the fact is what what we’re looking at here understand and I I I keep getting questions about this but I can’t explain it another way that’s more simple what the Federal Reserve does here is pass vast amounts of cash billions hundreds of billions at sometimes of dollars between institutions overnight back and forth and back and fourth why do they do that it should make sense to you what I’m about to say
because again I I can’t tell you how many times I talk about this and people don’t understand it it shouldn’t be so hard to get think about it the Federal Reserve is moving vast amounts of cash why would they be doing this overnight what is it really meant to do it’s a trick it’s doing nothing but tricking the system into believing or thinking that it’s more liquid than it is we’re already in a full-on liqu liquidity price crisis you know that but what’s Happening Here is the Fed stealthily is reducing it although just recently I
don’t know if you could see the spike here but the trend is lower this is just going to exacerbate the problem moving forward leading right into what Trump is warning about here now Trump is now issuing this Great Depression warning if a few things don’t happen obviously increasing the debt ceiling in other words we need to borrow more care we thought we were supposed to be cutting Debs in deficits here what he is saying that if we don’t vastly increase the debt we’re going to face a meltdown which would be worse than the Great
Depression which we’re going to face anyway so you really thought that we would going to be cutting debts and deficits when he wants to increase the debt again you got duped I get it whatever it might have been it didn’t matter who they selected as the creature I’ve been telling you guys in this for years you don’t want to listen to me for some of you think I don’t know what you really it’s out there but um you know I mean come on man there’s no way if you believed for a second really honestly in
reality I don’t think any of you actually did Frank you thank you Frank that debts and deficits would just shrink it’s just going to go away we’re going to pay it all off no what Trump is saying here is if we don’t vastly increase the debt immediately we’re going to face another Great Depression here we’re going to face it anyway we we’re in we’re in an inflationary we haven’t even seen it get started yet here again all those extra bills that were created under the last three presidents Trump included Obama Trump
the current creature sitting behind the Resolute just beginning just beginning to chase the same amount of goods and that’s why you’re actually seeing inflation it’s not the uh fault of any one person again not a single question about any of this other than the blame game which we called what happened remember what we said it said before the presidential clown show debate I said watch what’s going to happen you’re going to see the blame game no finger pointing at the FED who’s obviously responsible for monetary policy
inflation currency devaluation not one question because again they think you’re stupid I know you’re not stupid so what Trump is saying here basically is he is suggesting that the US could face a depression unless something is done to increase our ability to borrow borrow borrow okay uh I same guys the last guys the one before that is did really change people let me explain this to you this is all by Design here the liquidity crisis that we’re facing Trump knows it he knows what’s going on here believe me
he knows that we are in a liquid in other words this what is he saying here if we don’t borrow more debt pull more into the now allow the debt to inflate it’s over yeah he knows that he didn’t tell you that but he knows it of course we can’t stop and all this does is of course make in this case the Federal Reserve stronger and you weaker via currency devaluation which is a major major factor moving into 2025 are we all on the same page at least I hope so people I’m telling you we are going to see more than likely negative rates
moving forward the goal here of central banks is to continue to cut rates the reason why Trump was chosen there was no election okay you all know that those you with a brain the reason why Trump was selected to be the president was twofold genuinely number one to help bridge the system into the new tokenized system which is coming I want to talk about that in a second here we all know it become the crypto president let’s mainstream cryptocurrencies this was all set up before the selection took place
here now you got China talking about it you got Russia other nations they’re all going to be doing the same thing adding Bitcoin to the Strategic Reserves is a bridge to the new system okay that was number one number two the man was screaming from rooftops during his last tenure that we needed negative rates now if we know we are going to move into a severe depression well yes another Great Depression here I said recession we’re already in a recession but he’s telling you they have to tell you first they always tell you
what they’re going to do first like you know we’re going to make the US the crypto capital of the world not the Constitutional money capital of the world you didn’t buy it some of you all great you don’t know Trump is saying that but he doesn’t actually mean it but it is happening and I’m going to show you something else in a moment but anyway he’s 100% right we are in fact in a a recession which is going to get dramatically worse on the back of artificially suppressed rates possibly negative rates currency purchasing power
destruction and a much worse standard of living duh I mean come on people you really don’t how to be a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out you gota be nuts you got to be freaking nuts anyway let’s let’s pump the system let’s eliminate the debt ceiling so we can so our lawmakers don’t even have to put on a show for us anymore how they’re arguing back and forth about well you know what we can’t raise the debt ceiling because then you know whatever now they don’t even want us to see that anymore so Trump is saying let’s just
get rid of it let’s just continue to borrow into Oblivion which of course does one thing makes the FED stronger duh again you see what we’re talking about here this is how dumb they think you are they play you like a grand piano that’s all you’re not even a grand piano you’re a means to an end that’s all we are to these things they aren’t even freaking human anyway you and I spoke about this for months ago so now Trump advisers are seeking to shrink or eliminate Bank Regulators here the Trump transition
team has started to explore ways to dramatically shrink consolidate or even eliminate uh Watchdogs are Regulators for banks they must deregulate the banks I’ve this is a key man if the the banks must be deregulated and merged with crypto as we are further bridged into the new system which you didn’t vote for right I don’t think most of you want this stuff I really don’t think so anyway look man that’s what you got uh and it didn’t matter what you thought you voted for I mean just just go back to that with regard to this poll
here this is beautiful you’re goingon to love this here so this is Barons and I wrote here what’s your opinion during the campaign as you all know all right Trump said that these H1B visas are costing the United States American jobs we’re gonna give these jobs back we’re gonna get these people out and we’re gonna give these jobs to American workers well now Trump is saying he’s a believer in the H1B Visa program and that’s fantastic news for Amazon Tesla musk of course Google all these other companies so now Trump is
outspoken now support of the H1B Visa program bodes well for these companies it just happened to be giving him millions of dollars for his inauguration you think that has something to do with it your votes don’t count it’s money it’s cash that counts your dog dooo um Trump’s remarks have ignited a political Firestorm on social social media with the president select it says elect we know we there was no election seeming to embrace this program now in an interview with the New York Post Trump prayed this is a great
program I am a believer how does that happen can someone here that’s smarter than Greg manarino explain to me how you could do when I talk about a 180 well what would you call it um some of you think the man can do no wrong and maybe Greg is wrong here tell me where I’m getting this wrong the man was staunchly against these H1B visas and he said they were costing the United States American jobs now he’s all for it what happened maybe you could tell me I think we all know man it’s the same story uh and it’s a disappointment of
course but it’s just going to keep going man look um understand again whatever you think where you’re at is real it’s not I’ve been telling all you guys that everything here this this whole environment is fake across the board and these things here let me tell you something about these these creatures all of them here they’re told what to say and when to say it because again nothing can be left to chance those that actually pull the strings here and it’s a a handful of families who run the entire world okay you don’t believe me
on that that maybe you need to do a little research into this too uh they’re the ones I mean you know look we’re just the means to and then you all know that it’s all politrix it’s games it’s it’s baits and switches and uh you know there’s not going to be any Mass deportations come on guys if you guys bought that one too I just got a laugh in your face I’m sorry maybe some people get deported but you you can already see the back stepping on all this this is this is the wrong one but uh you know
what I’m talking about here uh yeah visas are great they’re fantastic now I love them I used to hate Bitcoin too but now I just love it I’m the Bitcoin president all right guys and girls look man I mean look I understand it’s disappointing but did you really expect anything different I didn’t honestly um we need to keep our eyes on a couple things and you know exactly what I’m talking about guys and girls we have a problem here with debt although it seems like we’re going to be hyper ballooning
it let me just say this in case you really had your hopes in a different spot you’re about to see deficits the trade deficit for example balloon you’re about to see us debt balloon faster than you can possibly imagine again the goal here is to allow central banks in this case the FED to inflate it’s their sole power if we had a real leader which we do not we don’t have one now and we’re not going to get one coming inauguration day if we had a real leader now we would we would be moving back into towards a
constitutional money system that’s what we would be doing here we wouldn’t be BR being bridged into the new tokenized system which is going to be a level of control over you that you and you’re going to submit to it you’ve already submitted where the Ed people we can’t come together on a damn thing they’ve made sure that has happened are we on the same page here you have no idea again with Trump’s warning of going into a severe depression they got to create dependency on the system that’s why I
don’t believe they’re done yet probably part of this is going to be a meltdown of the debt Market which will precipitate a meltdown in global stock markets that people aren’t going to believe I mean it’s going to spin people’s heads around 10 times like the freaking Exorcist here and what’s going to happen this is very simple bleeding cash out of the debt Market massive pressure on the stock market you know what I’m going to tell you already cash is going to move into other assets and obviously going to make its way into
cryptocurrencies and of course Commodities on a massive scale that’s why let them play their games I’ve been telling this for a thousand years we’re going to continue to play our and for those of you looking for like a variety show oh Greg only talks about the markets in the econ that’s all I talk about if you need a variety or a circus you need to go someplace else if you can’t handle this stuff go someplace else name a real leader Greg how about you man you’re a real leader if you’re here we don’t have a real leader
anywhere around the world again it’s the puppets they’re all puppets uh if you’re here defending Trump I’m sorry he’s goingon to let you down just like he did last time did we get a deal with China that you were promised we didn’t get that either did you get the debt being paid off in two years tariffs were going to do that that didn’t happen we ballooned the debt more so than any other president in the history of the United States did we shrink the deficits because of tariffs no that reversed too
so come on man let’s get real with the situation all right we got to take care of ourselves and each other we don’t have anything Trump is so far removed from a real leader again he has no say so is a puppet just like we get like the guy now and the guy before that which happened to be him they’re puppets they do what they’re told and that’s it they tell you A big fairy tale make you believe that your vote counts and then they just bait switcher like the H1B visas and everything else you’re going
to see just just wait the cryptocurrency king uh the bridging to the new system come on man you got the wealth transfer effect you’re gonna see much more of this moving forward you’re going to get decimated that’s what you’re going to see moving forward into 2025 if you expected anything different here I’m sorry you’re not getting it and it wouldn’t matter if they selected the other thing vomitous creature I don’t even want to say it her name because it’s not even human either I’m talking about camela that’s not human Trump’s
not human but they’re not human they don’t have possess a human quality all they do is lie they lie deceive and distract and then switch things on you and then ex expect you to do nothing because you’re powerless you know that right what are you g to do about it those of you looks like 71% of you think Trump’s initial position on the H1B vises was correct okay your all en titled to your I think it’s probably more probably the 29% some of them are playing games and a lot of these are probably foreign workers looking to make
their way into the United States um but again you knew this wasn’t GNA happen did you really think first of all Trump has already admitted that he has many people working for him on H1B visas oh really now we’re starting to see the light maybe come on guys and girls you guys got to really wake up but look the bottom line is this I’m out of this Market as you know I got out before the plunge all right during the I the Dow was down about maybe three or 400 at most that day and I told all of you in my newsletter free Link in the
description of this video I’m out of here man I didn’t like that spike in the 10year yield I didn’t like seeing the long end of the year Cod move higher mmri over 300 I’m out of here I don’t care what happens at this point am I looking to get back in maybe I’m in no rush to get back in if you got out with me you I saved you tens of thousands maybe more than that all right no doubt about it if you’re still in here you might want to rethink your situation here I’ll be honest with you but you know you do what you want with regard to
cryptocurrencies people look man I’ve been telling you guys since what 175 you gotta own this stuff you gotta own this stuff Bitcoin in particular I’ve been telling you people which one Greg I’ve been telling you uh oh Greg you’re wrong it’s going to zero near 100,000 and Trump is going to make sure it goes up much much higher along with Putin and the freaking creature in China they’re all going to start buying this stuff up here believe me the world is being bridged into a new system you and I have known this since for 10 years man
a new paradigm new set of rules sound familiar to you I’ve only been telling you this since that time you didn’t believe me well look maybe you should have it’s too easy it’s too simple to put this stuff together here look there were a lot of gullible people it seems and I mean vast amounts of them that really thought things were going to be different they are not not going to be different and believe me Trump is telling you the truth because he has no choice they have to tell you that we’re going what they’re going to do we’re
being thrust into an inflationary depression on a massive scale and you ain’t seen nothing yet nothing yet whever it was Trump’s call for another depression here my desk is a mess I I’ve been telling you I got to clean it since forever here but he’s telling you the truth he’s telling you what’s going to happen because being set up and that’s the grand finale the grand finale is a debt Market meltdown which is going to shove wealth right up to the 1 percentage right out of your pocket right out of your 401k is your
investment place you’re going to lose it all you’re going to lose it all okay that’s the game you’re being played when you wake up to that fact and you stop putting your faith in anybody any one person other than the almighty then you finally will start to wake up to reality until that time you’re gonna be so lost it’s just unbelievable but again man I mean come on guys and girls come on is hyperinflation coming let’s see the dollars already lost 98 to 99% of its value they want that last percent
they’re going to make you suffer for it they’re going to make you beg for it that’s what they want they want you on your needs why do you think this is going on and on and on and on why do you think that the one in two% is getting richer and richer and richer and rich rich and laughing at everybody here on the down below them with they look down on us okay because again we’re being sucked freaking dry here and we’re being briis to a new system that we never voted for don’t even want it I don’t know about you guys and girls okay look
I am a big crypto Advocate you guys will know that probably one of the biggest crypto bills on Wall Street period the freaking in you know that but I don’t want to be bridged into this new system I don’t think we need to be the crypto Capital world we need to be the Constitutional money system of the world that’s how we end Central Banking all we’re doing here by allowing this to happen Central what what did Powell say Bitcoin is like gold they’re on the same page why do you think Trump was selected
are you that dense you’re still not getting it come on and then negative rates the FED would they’re going to push us into a depression like Trump is warning of here so they could go negative you know that’s what’s going to happen doesn’t it make sense to you or you the truth still elude you you guys got to wake up some of you guys I know I’m preaching to the choir for the most part but come on man this is a destruction I telling you guys and girls this is an extinction level event that’s been going on for
years why do you think there’s no more middle class anymore being evaporated like bugs you can’t make this stuff up but there are still people that have their false hope and false truth ain’t happening just wake up man finally and you can’t do anything about it anyway you couldn’t have done it before the selection or now you’re done you have no voice you think you could really right to the president Trump and and say we don’t want to be the crypto Capital we want to go back to a he’ll laugh at you you’re gonna be laughed at because
you don’t matter you have no voice oh gosh man tell you nothing is what it appears to be I’ve been telling you this for years and it seems like we’re getting through to some people but some people are still freaking lost they’re just so lost but that’s okay look guys the bottom line is this we’ve been on the right side of this for years years we haven’t been right I personally have not been right 100% of the time but I’ve been damn close to it I’ve been right probably 90% or better on where it’s
going to go and I’m telling you exactly what we’re gonna go we already been told if you don’t believe that Trump is telling you the truth that we’re going to be I’ve been telling you 2025 is a great potential to push us into a severe recession now he’s telling you depression he has to tell you I can tell you what I believe because it’s too easy to figure out and that warning is the truth we all know that um unfortunately here anyway but we’re not going to stop man you and I are going to continue to do what we’ve been doing we
know their plan we know their playbook it’s too easy their open books and they tell you what they’re going to do before they do it listen to what they say because what they say they have to say it you think I’m a little out there with this whole thing maybe you need to look into that too this isn’t something I’m just making up out of the top of my head here people they always tell you first they have to I guess they have to look for your approval first in some kind of way before they wipe you out and
so they can say you know what we told them and they did nothing about it so it’s almost like consent just understand we’re consenting to it free will maybe bing bing bing I don’t know people what can I tell you yeah exactly hard Walker they don’t even try to hide it anymore you know maybe they used to do these things more subtly not anymore it’s so in your face because they got us control they got us exactly where they want us it’s incredible it’s it’s incredible thing to see but I’m telling you again man people
like you and I who have an awareness of these kinds of things and this is outside the box you know you talk about this kind of stuff to some people they’re going to think you need to be put put away so wearing a straight jacket and maybe that’s maybe that’s true too at least for me but I’m telling you I’m I’m just about 60 years old I’ve seen things in my life that I just can’t even believe already and um I’ve I’ve definitely become aware of things in a way that I think that some people don’t understand
um you know whatever it might actually be but you guys and girls know what I’m talking about we know this here um so look man stop with putting your faith in any thing that isn’t even human that’s going to be sitting behind the Resolute desk it’s not going to change nothing for you I’m sorry your standard of living is is going to get worse the currency devaluation is a big part of it that’s why you were promised lower rates you see they don’t they it’s interesting how they these things they throw these
things out there knowing you don’t understand it when when a when a politician promise you you something they can’t even deliver on let’s say lower rates here which is the goal of the central bank to keep rates suppressed it means the currency loses purchasing power imagine for example let’s say when Trump was promising you or politician promises you lower rates does the next thing that come to your mind does it automatically well hold on a minute to have a strong currency you need a a a corresponding rate of
interest high enough to support the currency no you see they think you’re too stupid to know that but I know you’re not because you follow this blog here to have people look man let me just leave you off with this before we go on to have a strong economy you need two things two these are two two absolute truths they are fundamental truths to have a strong economy you need a strong currency does that just sound logical to you I bet it does even for those of you that don’t understand economics and
finance but it just sounds about right to have a strong currency you need a corresponding rate of interest high enough to to support the purchasing power of the currency so when you hear of a central bank lowering rates we’re lowering rates we’re lowering rates and then a politician saying well I promise you low race something they can’t deliver which they have to work with the FED to do without telling you that means you’re going to lose purchasing power in other words you’re gonna have to work harder to make
against meat they say these things because they think you’re stupid don’t you find that insulting I find that highly insulting all right guys look um is there anything you guys want to talk about before we go you want to talk about this depression warning it’s not a warning it’s a promise okay they have to tell you the FED oh they’re going to be forced to cut rates four times we’re going negative more than likely you all know that here Trump looking to deregulate the banks completely it looks like so they
can have a free-for-all okay you want these predatory institutions to have more control over you is that what you really voted for huh really I don’t think so uh the fact that the FED is playing their game here with the repo scam it’s the biggest scam that I think you can ever imagine here I don’t know what else to tell you this thing here today A Miracle who bought all the debt who if this didn’t happen the Dow would have finished down over a thousand points we finished down what like 300 and something points this was the Saving
Grace today when some mysterious buyer got in here and stop buying all the debt when they buy the debt the yeld comes down what a surprise to you and and I make it up make it up and then this is bait and switch oh it’s fantastic now it wasn’t so fantastic just a couple of months ago but now it’s the greatest thing in the history of the world Joe thank you guys I I love you guys and girls so much man I’m I’m happy to be back here with you I’ll be honest with you anyway um is there anything you guys
and girls want to cover before I get out of here I know it’s kind of long um this kind this video here I will be back oh by the way for those of you that asked the reason why I didn’t do the video this morning I had to bring my dog Vega she’s got this hat a melting uh ulcer on the eye the freaking eyeball was like it was nasty anyway she’s doing great took her back to the opthalmologist today yes they have doggy opthalmologist today um and um doctor says she’s doing fantastic and uh we’re going to just
keep she’s doing really good um I’m going to post a picture of Vega on my Instagram maybe later today or tomorrow if you guys do follow my Instagram where I post all my drag racing there is a link in the description of this video my eye thanks Brian for asking my eyes is doing pretty well man I had issues with this retina here as you know um I don’t think it’s from the drag car you know the force but but you never know um Vega is sexy Vega is a dog she’s cute yeah my dolly um I miss my dolly so much it
breaks my heart my sister Lori um honestly we don’t talk too much anymore since she was uh she was given a gift man you guys all know that and um I hope she’s using it well if she’s listening to this video I hope she’s um hope her head is in the right place guys and girls um I think we’re going to get going here uh I think we covered a lot of stuff blocked why I don’t think you blocked Madison I can see your post here um I didn’t block here anyway um we’re kind of there guys and girls all right I
love all of you thank you for being here I want to hear from you one of the things we spoke about look man I’m a lot looking to hurt anybody’s feelings or and I really don’t care about that I want people to face reality and understand that look man Trump isn’t no savior none of them are okay they do not have your best interest in mind we are being transition into a system we don’t want the corporate agenda is going to be fulfilled the feral Reserve is going to get to fulfill their goal okay and this
new system is a huge part of it deregulating the banks huge part of it can you see what’s happening I know people just they just refuse I get it it’s very difficult to to sometimes deal with truths I understand that but when you start to realize that you guys we have each other’s best best interest this thing that we’ve built I am so proud of this okay we’re really making a positive difference in people’s lives I know we get a lot of detractors I know we get a lot of people here with whatever they want to say against us and
Gregs lions or this you know what let them say what they want let let them pass all those remarks they want to say because I know you know what I know in my heart and you know in your heart we are making a positive difference together in this world people and I swear to you with all I got when I leave this earth one day I want I want to be known for one thing just one a guy who tried to make a positive difference in the world that’s it and I hope I’m doing that for you I can promise you that you’re doing that for me um this thing
that we have here is just amazing I I love being here I love talking to you guys and girls I love interacting with you as much as I Poss I love meeting you guys and girls on the street when I do it’s it’s fantastic thing anyway guys and girls look man let’s continue to do what we’re doing and I think we it’s the right thing and you know what the right thing is it’s always the right thing to do all right friend of mine told me that Peter a while back just stuck in my head people this guy we’ll see you in the morning um
usual same bad time same bad Channel all right pre-market we got this down and um they look man I just sincerely believe because we understand the game I think we really have a a deep outside the box understanding of the game how can we lose all right and the more people that we bring into this family that we have the right people I don’t care if people want to unsubscribe let them do it I want the right people here um It’s Not About Numbers it’s about the right people I know another way to put it and you are the right
person again I’ll see all of you in the morning okay people until we meet again in the morning please uh take care of yourselves and maybe even more importantly all right take care of each other too