Weekend Coffee with MarkZ. 12/28/2024
hello all hello Maran Tina hello busted Gia hello MJ good morning Miss KLA hello Grandma Eevee Ben New Jersey hello spanker Speed Racer you keeping it fast hello Miss Amy hello William Lany hello Julie let’s see H rainy day in North Carolina tobo hello Andy Lee Tilly bobu yeah probably not GNA get that one right I’m gonna have to bring in some people to help on these things hello in the UK hello esta good morning hello Cheryl and Ken hello Maria and Beverly hello Cali Anna when is Sky Prince I’ve never asked Sky Prince I
think she’s getting ready to do something with Mike bar too you trying to say you guys would like for me to have her on I mean that assume she has time to be on or any interest but not the right color but hey look for you LSU fans it’s your purple oh no musical lady said grieving the loss of one of our dogs we had to put down last evening due to liver failure only 5 years old that is way way too soon I’m looking forward to that happy New Year as well Rita a particularly prosperous one hello Chrissy
G whipper will ah so uh she was on last night with Mike that see Mike was trying to get me on and I couldn’t get back to the computer in time now now it’s clicking now I’m remembering why awkward uh rever forever don’t panic on that one if they end them uh most people uh considered there would be a short gap between ending the auctions and changing the rate so don’t panic if it is the first day don’t panic at all all well let’s see Tammy saying Sky’s questionable pass you mean so did Saul who became Paul um had
the sudden Epiphany on the road to Damascus for us to embrace Christianity we have to embrace the fact that people can change and drastically for the good or we have to give up on Christianity in this belief structure so it’s up to you guys me personally call me a hopeless uh romantic call me naive but I very much believe people can change I know I have changed a tremendous amount of in my journey through this uh world did they end the auctions already ruthan they ran four days worth of auctions this week one day was a holiday
on W Wednesday but they ran all possible days short of the holiday this week they have not ended them yet now what comes on Monday we don’t know yet could be that Monday’s the last day could be Tuesday’s the last day no further than that is what we’re being told other than that fairly quiet Brenda’s birthdayday today so we got Stuart Brenda we’re still waiting for Matt and Lucas to pop in but the short news for those that can’t stick around um really only two pieces I’ve got a bond contact that was asked
to be in um Europe Zer specifically uh on Monday so he is uh making some sudden travel Arrangements wasn’t expecting to be there until towards the end of the first week of January so they have moved him up about one week uh very important form him to be there hopefully that is something good means they’re going to process and things are speeding up uh my other one just a few more rumors coming out of the Indian nations here in the states when I’m saying Indian nations I’m talking about American Indian
nations now I’m just waiting for the gurus and we’ll dive into the news after them waiting to see him pop in J go take the nap let’s see a see Mom couple of people were telling Ariel that Iraq could easily SA their old currencies are worthless and unredeemable and go with this new is that even possible ay mom not without getting any respect from the world uh the Iraqi citizens the Iraqi citizens that now reside abroad because of the unrest that has been there for years in short no they would just have kind of like
Zimbabwe kept going through currencies for a while uh they would quickly burn through another one because people would have no faith they have to honor them if they want the world to support them all right now we’re talking Lucas beach in Matt only by a little though that’s all right that’s because he’s he’s younger he’s he can do that for sure oh he’s faster when he’s running towards the computer is what you’re saying oh yeah he’s faster on everything trust me he’s he’s in pretty he’s pretty fast all everything he can
he can probably get 10 times the amount of stuff I can get done in a day for sure but be that young again you what I want to be that young again I want to be that young again yeah do you miss it already Lucas I do I do I I’m to the age where I’m starting to realize like how much I miss you know my uh my 20s and and 30s like that’s like that’s one like CH Min Christmas that went by so fast it’s all fun games till you hit 40 right exactly gosh how are you doing what’s go what’s the uh what’s the party scene
like down there well it’s loud and I can hear it right now from the next town but it is some kind of rainy has been on and off this morning it’s supposed to blow over the next hour or two um and they will go till the we hours yeah they won’t they won’t slow down or stop and it it’s already going this early Mark oh God yeah wow I I was debating with Lucas I said I I’ll bet it’s not going yet it can’t be oh yeah we’re hoping zester is going to try to get there in time um before I’m finished like closer to 11:30 quarter to 12 well
our time um I should say 10:30 10:45 your time he’s going to try to make it to uh over there so he can come from the cell phone and uh show us uh live what’s going on all right that sounds great hey should we do the uh let’s do the specials and then we’ll start talking hey if my voice sounds like it’s a little go ahead Lucas what’s up no no no are are you up for it that’s the only reason I was gonna ask are you okay doing the specials yeah I mean if Mark wants to help me like he did yesterday he was
really good iard I heard a lot of reviews from they were saying oh it’d be nice if Mark did that more you know I don’t think that’s out maybe we can see how Lucas does Lucas okay Lucas you you started out on the how to get in the website and everything and all just blurred in if you do something wrong okay oh my gosh you guys are out of control fine all right hey guys go to the CBD gurus.com and uh at the very top you’ll see a wholesale or a dropdown for wholesale just click on Mark Z it’s going to be cram CBD
backwards that sucker has been there forever but it allows people in this in this channel to be able to get in there and get kind of wholesale pricing um you know in that uh link so just go uh go there and then you’re the first thing you’re going to see is some little blue tabs uh but if you scroll down a little bit further you’re gonna see some specials and those specials contain um on well first of all if you have a problem ordering uh you can’t take care of it on online or want some suggestions you can text this number and
uh or call it just be prepared to have to get a return call 612 4128 343 you can talk to my charming older SI well just okay my sister boy I’m gonna get in trouble Wendy um by reaching out to get a response uh they do have pretty bad discount code of new 10 new 10 so you get an extra 10% off right now on top of currency uh so all right now you can get down to your specials Matt yep and one thing Lucas did really good on everything and you did just perfect Mark by the way uh would be um that he when he said the
cram uh CBD it’s lowercase everybody and that’s uh it’s actually Mark’s name backwards so k r m is if you did m a r k backwards and anyways um so it’s a lowercase k r CBD and you put that in there if you’re a new guy and you want to get in in there and because it’s got a little box you got to put that in sometimes to get in there okay so now you get the uh currency at 100 bucks the dinar 5000 and uh then you just go down in order and you keep going past all the cont uh somebody just tried to call me
my web guy Scott can you hear me you guys oh yeah we can hear you yeah we well we couldn’t for a while because you tried to hang up on us but now we can okay so then uh yeah sorry about that so I’m going to go through the special super fast and just remember when you get in there just uh check them out we got we got mushroom coffee with the uh CBD and the five mushrooms in there on sale we’ve got the uh 10 count uh our regular 5 milligram gummies uh don’t worry about the 30 counts anymore just get the 10 counts
and you can get more flavors you know so you don’t have to get stuck with uh just one flavor FL now you can get three flavors in 10 10 10 or you can get 10 different bags whatever you want to get there you know and uh you know what somebody’s probably thinking right now oh he said get 10 bags no I didn’t say that we actually have people that sometimes order 20 at a time you know I think the most we’ve ever had ordered at a time that should be a contest sometimes but I think it was about 40 right around there from our regular
customer they didn’t order for a while again maybe they did I I don’t know but anyways so we got the Miracle Gold gummies and those are great I’ve been trying to use those quite a bit lately and uh but hey if you know what I always say I use the immunity because that’s the next product you know and I don’t get sick I’m telling you right now if I didn’t go through at least a bottle and a half of that in the last six days man I’d probably be kind of sick right now but I’m not my voice is a little weird you know but uh
anyways I feel good and uh hey I actually got some some relatives listening today for the first time and uh they couldn’t believe that i’ even go on a show like this and talk to people cuz they thought I’d be scared or something I don’t get scared anymore about nothing but anyways okay we got the new Tropic there on special that’s a great product you know and uh I start using that too if I ever start feeling crummy with a cold or something because it seems like my memory starts going a little bit cuz I’m older you know but
anyway so I use the neut Tropic more when I get sick all the time and and I used the weight loss I I should use it cuz I had a bet with Lucas that I lost but I I hope he doesn’t make me pay but anyways um wait I always make people pay because here’s the thing if you don’t force people to pay they’ll never learn their lesson one to not make bets and secondly listen if you’re GNA say you’re going to do something you do it you keep your word and you do it and if you don’t make people pay they’ll never learn their
lesson that’s right that’s right you know what I I wanted to get that in there on the air and see if I could slide it by him you know yeah nothing you can’t slide stuff by me know on you being distracted Lucas yeah that that rarely happens I was try it actually made me sweat when he said he’s going to make me pay oh well that’s the way it goes Matt no anyways the Lions man that’s a great product 120 count 500 milligram per capsule we got the turkey tail same thing 120 of them those two together
there’s a great combo and then we got the pain cream the 60 count mushrooms not 30 60 and then our 125 count two and a halfs which people were clamoring for and in and they’re in baby they’re right there at 125 of them for7 bucks in a nice big jar after you use all the gummies you could put like probably change in there or something yeah keep it you start collecting change to uh send uh Matt on vacation we’ll all like chip in or change to send him to Legoland no that’s at the Mall of America and trust me I a I don’t you
know what I don’t go to the mall if I go to the mall it’s to drive around it that’s about it I ain’t going in there man you if you guys ever been to the Mall of America you twoo at all no never been to a Mall of America but why not malls I listen I I know you know they’re sketchy whatever but like you know here’s the thing especially the nice ones like the really really nice ones like they are fun to walk around in and I’ll tell you this you know what my kids love more than anything Matt about the
mall they just want to go in we’ll we’ll seriously walk two three miles and all they want to do is walk around to all the escalators and go up and down the escalators that’s all they want to do yeah I don’t mind malls for sure but I just don’t like that mall you know what I’m not gonna say you know what I’ve never been to the Mall of America is it is it pretty is it pretty shady no no it’s it’s nice it’s cool and everything but there’s a lot of people there like you know they want hey you want to go to the
Mall of America today and I said what are you cracked I’d rather just go sit outside and freeze I think Lucas and I might enjoy though I I think Lucas and I should go and and do people watching because uh yeah we happen to be professionals at this if it were an Olympic sport I mean we would be like the Australia of it oh 100% and then when we get bored of that you know I I’ll give you I’ll throw you up Mark give you a piggyback ride and you and I can go ride the escalators together in between breaks
of get on an escalator for a while oh man I I’ll I’ll throw you right over the shoulder and we’ll just go on like five or six of them you know what we should get one of those like uh little like baby Satchel carriers that like dad’s wear in front of them just for me to hang there and do the you know what I I think what I’ll do is I’ll just take one of my hammocks and tie it around my neck and then just throw you in you know one of the you know the uh you know the little nylon hammocks I think it’ work
perfect one of those like e you just like yeah exactly yeah I have one I’m going to try it out we’re g to see what happens wow that sounds like a that’ll work okay back to the specials we got lotion we got gummies all kinds of gummies we got the regular sleep the Delta eights I don’t even have to mention is okay I just mentioned the Delta eight so that perked up a lot of people that’s a huge seller we got Miracle Gold we got the pet oil right there the 1500 that stuff’s great and then H I got a few of these left I got a
couple stores that sell a lot of these but you know it’s the end of the year I just want to liquidate them we got the 10 count deltate soft gels for three bucks and the 5count 5 milligram Delta 9 for three bucks so and then we got uh chocolates and Trump shirts if uh you know what if you want a small or a medium Trump shirt and today’s the day um get them because uh if you put in your notes two for one and you buy one I’ll make sure you get two and don’t post that anywhere anybody it’s just for
the people listening all right wait wait wait we’re talking about on the shirt yep the shirt for 10 bucks because I got some Smalls and mediums okay and so if you put in there in your notes if you order one and don’t put in the notes of your order because there’s a spot it says notes on order you can put any note you want in there but don’t make them too long like don’t start saying bad things about Lucas like usual no but can you put like a little one hey Matt I want you to be my friend will you be my
friend Check Yes or No winky face winky face winky face winky face so that’s the deal everybody and I’m only gonna say it the one time if you get a medium or small but that’s all that’s left I I’ll actually give you a free one so you get two for 10 bucks and I’ll have to put Scotty have a number on there I just want everybody wearing them for the uh what is it the uh what’s coming up the count of the votes here on the next week or is it I’m sorry it’s the week after so when you’re watching it on TV or there’s going to be a lot of
people there I’m sure in person because uh and you can wear your shirt it says get in loser we’re taking back America that’s got Trump with the thumb up you know yeah I love it but anyways that’s all the specials everybody so um just check them all out go to the CBD gurus.com uh when you get in there go to wholesale and then you put in the code if you need to in the Box lowercase k r a m CBD that’s it I’m kind of nervous here knowing some I actually have some I got my brother listening and his uh wife and
they’ve never heard before honest to God they’ve never heard me wait your your brother’s listening yeah all right can we get him to like come in and give us his take on Aunt Judy and stories and we want some Matt stories from your brother the more embarrassing the better no the thing about it is he’s uh he’s seven years younger okay and uh that was um that was they were that was about when I was little that was about the end of it you know seven or eight you know being with the uh great ants except on uh I was with Stella at the
age of 12 when she tried to poison me on California but uh anyways that was it wasn’t she didn’t mean to do it she just gave me spam that was like a year old in the refrigerator and uh but that’s one thing about that spam even though it was that old it still didn’t kill me it made me sick you know but uh yeah but anyways yeah he n we we got to talk about other stuff but we could but no no hey Mark that brings up a good point hey you know uh have you ever eaten something and gotten sick and you refuse
to eat that product from here on out because you know you still have that like mental block from the smell or the taste or whatever it is yes mayna have you ever mayonnaise yeah oh my gosh I love mayonnaise but that would be horrible I hey I had it with cottage cheese and I I can’t do it anymore and I used to love cottage cheese mayonnaise and gosh that’s sad I didn’t even think I didn’t think mayonnaise could go bad yeah exactly it’s rare but when it does it goes real bad real bad hey I I got a little story
I’ll put a smile on my brother’s face and his wife listening the uh when he was uh I think he was two years old at uh one of our uh I think it was our Christmas feast in her basement grandma and uh adah Adolf and he he’s laughing right now Adolf gave him a 12 oce beer and uh God he was just a baby almost you know and we didn’t even know he had drank it till it was gone you know he was sitting there and then he was laughing the whole dinner and to this day he loves beer he just loves it and uh so I mean he’s in
good shape but he liked beer and that was all at off I never talked about ad off ad off he was cool yeah yeah now kukas saying we should make like CBD mayonnaise a whole new version of like Miracle Whip wait that would be a Shippy nightmare trust me it would be heavy out of everything you’re worried about the shipping nightmare like that’s the first thing that went in your head well yeah I mean because it’s going to probably break or something and I’d have to put it in bubble wrap or no what would be a you
know what actually we could do it Lucas get on that get when can I expect that by never the date of never bury nothing says Valentine’s like a tub of mise yeah oh now I I’ll tell you what I would do either like a CBD or mushroom cheese I would do one of those we still need to do a CBD cooking show for sure you know Matt you were in charge of that and you Dr and you dropped the ball we could have like chill out chili yeah oh the chili would be easy man really easy yeah just open you just make a pot of chili and dump a couple of
bottles of little vows of the water soluble in it you’re good to go yeah or else yeah for sure could they open up about five capsules of isol it and just dump them right in there and mix it up you know what that’s going in all the chilies and from now on yeah I mean you know if you’re gonna have Chile I mean I I I like my name I I yeah I don’t know if you guys appreciate the the the just like raw brilliant of calling it chill out Chile but chill out can we can it we’ll have Matt’s face on it on the
can oh my gosh would people eat it yeah I mean they had the big football guy on the uh like Campbell or whatever the chunky meaty soups that they did for a while that’s true he could be any scarier than that can he I mean we probably need to do a test run just to make sure you know uh the chili Jack Jackie says guys forget the cheese and mayonnaise just bring back the milk chocolates please we had somebody else say just give us all the fragrances of soap back that’s all they want for Christmas well yeah they’ll be coming
just we’re in a little while you guys I think we still got some milk and collagen if you want them them because uh it’s going to be a couple weeks here um and the pet treats with mushrooms with it um somebody just asked that one are they back in stock let’s see out of stock but but they are coming and uh from what I understand they’re going to be getting hoisted on the truck pretty quick here so let’s just put it there that way hoisted on the truck they’re going to be shipped to us pretty quick or they may
have been already in the last few days so everybody just hold tight we got pet oil in there and uh you know your dog’s not fussy like we are we like certain things just take a little bit of that oil put it in their other Foods they won’t even know the difference you know cats are a little bit more finicky than the dogs but yeah like Lucas has got two dogs he’s got one dog that’s big he would probably just eat everything now the little guy he might be no he would eat everything too I think because he
was when I was sleeping and uh he was licking my feet so I think he’ll eat anything wait he was licking your feet yeah what’s the name of your do what’s the name of that little guy so here’s what’s funny Mark is that he was and I said well why didn’t you just like literally get him out of the like room he’s like no the problem is I think well I mean he’s only like you know like eight pounds so he’s just and I’m like how in the world he can’t even jump on the bed he’s so small and so Pi him up and put peanut butter on his
that’s what I think happened I think he lifted him up and like put him down at the end of the bed and was like keep licking the feet you can’t get down till you lick the toes oh yes then I’ll let you out yeah yeah he was he’d be a cool guy to have around you know just put a little uh meat flavoring on your feet and you’ll lick them and while you’re and you’ll fall right asleep so I think that’s what it is Tammy just said the P must love Fritos that’s M Matt Johnson or something Fritos uh yep well anyways that’s uh let’s see
what else is to talk about you know C’s busy uh rounding out your product line she’s going to add some CBD shampoo calm that scalp down you know we talk about well and I’ll tell you what to get really good and and honestly KLA um I actually thought to go with CBG shampoo so I made some some a few samples uh long time ago uh just because the CBG being antimicrobial did actually really really well to you know with people with scalp issues um and things like that the problem is is that the Sur factums that
you have to put in shampoo you know to kind of make it foamy and and all of that um really didn’t work well with CBG and then so so then I decided okay I’m going to go like a more allnatural route for shampoos and so that actually turned out really really well but Mark you know what what’s the crazy part is people are so used to their shampoo foaming up that when you make an allnatural shampoo that only does like 10% of the foaminess they’re like oh this stuff doesn’t work it’s like yeah the hair is just as clean
they’re just used to that foaminess exactly it’s like no guys like you’re actually it’s worse off if you have more foam because that means that they’re putting more surfactants in more chemicals you don’t want that I I made the mistake of trying uh well I shouldn’t say mistake I tried some of more the allnatural shampoos and and then I’ve gone back and forth now I’ve been weaning myself more that way I’ve gotten much better about the that that it doesn’t lather up as as as much hey you guys I’ll be right back I
gotta tell Scotty to put the stuff in stock there I’ll be right back see we’ got uh we’ve got some people that appreciate it uh Jill saying Lucas I love all natural no sulfates and trust me so do I and I I feel like my scalp feels better I mean Grant I know I don’t have a lot of hair but um it it does like it feels better like I’m not like overly dry um there’s a lot of benefits but I guess the whole thing is yes do I make it for myself 100% is it extremely hard to get the general public to get on board with it
absolutely like and and that’s the hard part is like uh I mean I made it for probably a year and I couldn’t get a single Co like I had a couple companies that like uh you know kind of did a test run of it to put it out there and but everyone like I don’t want to say everyone but probably 80% of the people are like why doesn’t this foam up I want I want a refund and they’re like this isn’t good shampoo blah blah blah I’m like oh my gosh so it’s like I just stopped making it like I just didn’t you
know it didn’t work for the general population so and you know you kind of run into that from time to time I no yeah that’s something I understand uh and that the whole thing we be such a commercialized world uh we have these expectations and they’re not always the healthiest for us Lynn it’s like I’ll buy it uh couple of people saying to make sample sizes of it yeah well and so like the one person Mark just said something about Native because I use like native deodorant or whatever um and the crazy part is there are
companies out there who do good you know good enough marketing where especially in the last I’d say even like two or three years where people are uh more apt to try it and you know kind of get on board with that but that and guys that’s the hardest part about you know me being the manufacturer and not you know an actual brand um is that like I don’t have that ability I can just make the product but it’s up to the people who have the brands Market you know to marketing and sell it and you know do
the proper advertising J fzy had a good suggestion make it a CBD conditioner instead of the shampoo because it’s not supposed to foam up exact well and so yeah and that’s why like the hard part is with that Mark conditioners oh jeez like just take the Miracle Gold and put a little bit in your palm and do that before you get out of the shower rub it into your scalp I got a question for the hair area here um if you put natural CBD um oil into your hair is that bad for it will you start going bald or not oh my gosh
no I’ve been doing it well have you been going bald a little bit here and there but I’m getting a little thinner you know I mean you know I think that’s the reg you know the rest of your lifestyle you don’t like and I know this for you don’t drink enough water that’s true you don’t need enough you know collagen or protein oh okay that’s no protein yes collagen you know what you know I love I love calling Matt and catching him and by catching him I mean that like he’s like oh what one minute Lucas and I’m on
the phone with him and he’s like all right I’d like to have two bean burritos and I’m like what are you doing with a chili fries yeah I’m just like stop eating that nonsense I was like get out of there oh no Lucas I’m I’m at a healthy taco place I’m like no you’re not I heard him say hello this is Taco Bell what what would you like I’m like don’t try to lie to me you know what this is true this is 100% true cuz I feel so relaxed right when I’m approaching that call yeah and then I figur I’d be done by the
time you answered but then they go can you hold on a second they go oh no I’m caught you know busted y but uh no I don’t I I don’t eat too much fast food I try to keep it to uh I really don’t eat that much of it I you know what I know I just like giving you a hard time but I but the deli I go to the deli and I get all their stuff in the buffet deal you know not everything I get certain things because they sell it by the pound you know so it’s not like I go get mashed potatoes a pound of them and a pound of
this and that I get the good stuff you know but now I gotta watch it man I got to start buying organic meats and all that stuff because uh I just I heard they’re doctoring up all the meat out there now you know so I got to watch it in fact uh somebody was don’t Lucas you had some good steaks there do you is that a local thing for you or yeah so my I have a family back in the midwest um some second cousins that have a massive uh like cattle ranch there in the Midwest and so like once a year you know they’ll uh they’ll freeze up you
know one of their uh one of their anguses and then I’ll just bring a massive it’s a huge cooler that takes up the whole back of my truck and then like you know when we visit over summer I’ll just throw it in the back on when I’m leaving throw some dry ice in there and then just bring it back to Colorado yeah I yeah I just that was a really good State Lily Pad said in here yeah mat find a local butcher I I you know I did I I had a local guy and then he retired so he’s not doing the beef no more so I’ll find somebody else for sure
I want to bring some Amish to Puerto Rico so I can uh start an allnatural like grass-fed Farm yeah do you guys got grass there mark in Puerto Ric yeah oh okay I thought was craziest thing right what what do you think is in Puerto Rico like when when you think Matt of like oh this is the island of Puerto Rico what do you think’s on it do you think it’s the desert no I think of a lot of sand on top of rocks and you know kind of like uh like Arizona kind of where the terrain would be I’ve never been there
but that’s what I would think you know cactuses and stuff and it’s more uh it’s like more mountainous and uh like green Lush trees oh that sounds nice yep that would be pretty accurate boy I’ll tell you the uh we were so cold here and now it warmed up and uh man it’s the the snow’s all melted in Minnesota I love it I I know the plow guy doesn’t like it and uh but man the animals are out there running around they love it man they’re just they’re not hibernating everything get I don’t know what that had to do with the terrain of
Puerto Rico but what you got a bunch of lizards here iguanas and stuff yeah oh yeah we got lots of iguanas uh got a fellow that uh they they brought somebody thought it was a good idea to bring some crr Cayman Crocs or whatever so now they got two many uh met a guy they uh there’s like Open Season so that to get rid of them um but he sells them for like the meat the skins and everything else local guy how about the uh do you have any kodo dragons there body’s let no no Koto just uh guanas that are about as big as
a kodo dragon and some Cay do you guys have a lot of are you kind of like uh the one thing I didn’t know Mark like Hawaii um you know a lot of people don’t realize like on the islands over there like they are filled with chickens chickens are everywhere everywhere here every every yard every whatever somebody’s chickens wild chickens because there’s no Predators the only predator on the Island’s a mongoose so what are the rules like can you take the chicken and just kill the chicken and eat the chicken people do it
all the time don’t know what the rules are but I mean don’t take your neighbors favorite chicken but yeah no time here how about ducks do you have Ducks here I’ve always the best duck hunting in the Americas and Duck and dove hunting in the Americas is right here so you have do you have Inland ponds and water l oh yeah oh yeah w taka yeah we got quite a few of them uh Boke us something the mouth of yeah we got a few just I mean amaz the amazing fishing and nobody like why I shouldn’t say nobody very few people fish in the
lakes here um it’s I saw somebody pull a peacock bass out it was just huge a few weeks ago up in Lake vaka I love like when I get time go for a drive around the lakes and the mountains it’s beautiful how about wild turkeys got any of those running around I am certain there are some somewhere but I haven’t seen any yet yeah they introduced those here it seemed like I don’t know 40 years ago 30 years ago man they’re all over the place now they’re pretty feisty too so they are feisty they’re bigger
you know they’re bigger than chickens chickens will run from you but not the turkeys man they’ll come at you and they got little knives on there little claws you know like ninjas no I’m just kidding but I feel like we’re getting ready for a childhood trauma story Mark yeah trauma no I’ve never had any drama with any birds or anything but uh no I’m just trying to think have I oh bats yeah we used to have bats all the time coming at us at night and stuff but yeah that’s kind of normal growing up I mean we had
that in Pennsylvania heck we even had that in North Carolina you have bats swooping around in the evenings yeah they got the you’d always everybody’d always say your little buddies they’re blind they can’t see it well they got the good radar man they come right through your head and swerve off about a foot from your head you know yeah and uh but anyway they’re bads bad bad I got a question for you for Mr Matthews uh I’m waging whiskey what product should I add to enhance it or is that just a bad idea well the first
thing I thought about was doing the water soluble um would probably be your best option but the problem is it messes up the alkalinity and you know if you’re you’re if you’re aging a fine you know Ry or you know scotch or whatever um you really got to be super careful on the alkalinity so you around with it but you’re gonna have to get you know you’re gonna have to do pH tests throughout the process to make sure um you know you’re not going to ruin it I don’t know I I’m very big on my whiskies and I would not
mess with an aged whiskey what I would do after the fact age it and then put it in after the fact I I wouldn’t M I would not want to risk wasting a barrel in the aging process over it that’s me personally but I’m really big on my whiskies so I wouldn’t do it hey I got a quick question for homemade wine making for kids with the uh well just grape and the gallon jug thing um is there any way you could put CBD Iselin in there when we used to I forget to mix it with sugar and yeast could we have thrown some CBD
in there too with that with that ferment and turn into THC later on or not well just water’s already THC I’m not certain on the mixing it though no but I’m just talking about making that homemade wine like I used to you know fourth grade back you know in the basement I’m telling my brother now he’s listening he’s laughing I think we all did it you know because they had you know four brothers I think we all made the homemade wine at one stage or another it work would work pretty good but could you throw CBD
isolate in there Lucas well it would be fermenting for the I forget how many weeks it was like three or four it’s it’s not even about the fermenting I mean you got to real and even the power is a o emulsify um them in there somehow with a with you know there’s various ways to emulsify um you’re never going to get them to you know blend together oh okay okay well that answers that yeah anyways uh yeah if you got kids and you got a basement full of junk just uh and they boys and you can’t figure out why they’re getting a little
alcohol they’re probably making their homemade wine like I used to when I was a kid but anyways yeah that’s not good kids listening don’t listen to me yeah I you know what I bet I wonder how many kids we got listening this show there must there might be a handful with their parents sitting there you know but or else Grandma and Grandpa babysitting them or whatever but there can’t be too many kids listening right now hey you kids if you’re listening just uh remember grow up to be like me be like me no
no be like Mark be like Mark yeah Mark’s good yeah do you wanna give one last thing sure one last little G up I can’t believe it’s 8:30 oh oh G let me let me take over on that every get okay go to the CBD Guru all right hold on here I’m I’m getting there I’m getting there he did he flubbed it up you guys it’s all right don’t get don’t send them bad notes okay go to the TVD gurus.com go to uh wholesale Mark z h Mark Z wholesale yes and uh just hit that button and you’re in if you already put the code word in of lowercase k r m CBD
and then order away and uh yeah we got uh oh you know I didn’t even mention it if you got any questions give our a number a call there and Wendy you’ll answer she’s working and uh for sure uh God what else was I going to say no I’m losing my train of thought but anyways um yeah that’s that’s I don’t know you talk about flubbing up man now I’m like Lucas sorry about that but anyways um no you guys just go in there and uh oh God I was gonna say oh okay here we go the t-shirts if you do order smaller
medium t-shirts which you have left put in the notes in your order you got to put the notes if you don’t put the notes I ain’t going to give you a free one the same size okay so put that in there I want to get rid of those shirts and I want you to wear them when Trump’s having his uh I don’t know the voting party or whatever they not the inauguration but the voting party at the Congress that should be a good time to wear it but anyways sit around with all your buddies let them see that shirt it’s beautiful you know what I gave a
bunch of them out to a bunch of kids on Christmas and they they promised they’d all wear to school Matt stirring him up oh we lost Lucas you know what we didn’t lose him he got mad because what I said he’s very he’s very I doubt that no he don’t get mad at me trust me okay Mark hey it was great being on and uh everybody uh stick around listen to Mark’s news and everything because he’s got the good stuff you know and I appreciate you Matt all you do for the community all right thanks Mark a great day thanks everybody
take care take care all right guys the illustrious notorious I was uh in the background when they were uh going through specials there trying to flip uh zester sent me some video I was trying to get it in a format so you guys could see it I’ll work on that at the end for anybody that wants to stick around we’ll go ahead and do news stuff for the mask Festival in Hao uh so we’re going to dive in do news first in Iraq more than1 billion dollar CBI sales in four days of course they were closed on Wednesday they ran Auction four days a
total of 1 b67 M 58479 Us doll or an average of about $291 million a day on the auction as they were uh working through so yeah we did still have foreign currency auctions uh um all eyes are going to be on Monday to see if they continue or do not continue uh my two pieces of rumor tell is got one Bond contact that was uh has been moved up he’s being asked to travel and be in place uh in two days instead of a week in two days so he has been uh moved up that is in Zurich specifically hopefully that means something is happening much
faster than expected for them the only other uh rumors I have are continuing chatter coming out of the Indian nations here in the states to be prepared that it is imminent um little bit of a warm and fuzzy but not much meat to it in my book um encouraging uh but nothing I can really like hang on to and go ha here it is it is happening um from I am still like I’m going into day two with no response out of my Redemption contact wealthmanagement contact uh so I’m still digging on that one I’m going to take that as good news
because that is very unusual I don’t think I’ve ever gone uh dark on that one for this long how much money wait how much money do they have to buy a dinar back well constantly every time they sell oil they get more in the millions and billions uh where are they at like four and a half million barrels a day or something uh which uh adds up to a lot of money they can keep buying all right let’s keep going with the news out of Iraq that’s on the auctions state of law Coalition and I there we’re seeing some
crazy rumors back and forth now state of law which is the party of Maliki Maliki says he agrees that they do not have an intention of forming an armed faction called sons of the state sons of the state’s job would be to make certain Isis never returns uh Maliki saying hey we don’t need that this is weird but seeing Malik in the news always throws me off a little um saying hey no the the government’s doing its job the military the police we don’t need any militias like we used to in the past in order to
keep peace we have official organizations now so this one surprised me because we’re getting some rumors back and forth he’s done this he’s not done that you talk uh so they’re trying to set the record straight it makes me wonder who is sewing the rumors right now on Iraq I assume it’s on purpose just like we saw in Kuwait right before the reset I guess that’s where I’m going with the uh with even bringing up those news stories the yo-yo pingpong they’re playing right now is very interesting and very reminiscent of
1991 parliamentary Finance Financial digital transformation will eliminate corruption and money laundering uh they’re Paving the road they’re laying the groundwork to be able to say hey we can go ahead and change this value the world can quit worrying about uh money laundering cuz because we don’t deal in that volume of cash anymore now that we are digital and up to speed and modernized in our banking system people can stop worrying about these things this is important before they revalue that they can say these things so when I
see these stories uh I mean why why waste the time even printing stories like that they obviously want us to know that they are becoming safe and stable those were some of the key um key tenants in order to re value this is also part of their white reforms that they are doing in order to raise the value of their currency so they are moving along lock step just like they said they would I’m having more fun with y’all’s comments today than anything else my high school years now I just don’t oh yeah boy it put me sick once I’ve had it
like twice since and I was terrified both times yeah Eli just watched video talking about Chase putting limits on exchanges to Total Guru disin yeah I’ve got no idea who put that one out but stop and think about that what bank is going to come to you and say no no no no no we don’t want you to put your money here it doesn’t make any sense doesn’t make any sense Theos say Biden sent 150 billion in the Ukraine yesterday 150 billion still have roads Bridges houses in Western North Carolina into Tennessee
Georgia s Florida that haven’t been fixed uh infrastructure that it’s going to be years away but we can send money everywhere else 150 billion 150 billion would build a new uh high-speed railroad across the us so we don’t need the Panama Port it was less than that even in today’s dollars exponentially less than that to do the Panama Canal $150 billion that’s a lot of infrastructure that 150 billion you could put four Alternatives uh could be built to the Panama Canal uh to safeguard American infrastructure you could do High-Speed
Rail in the US uh which I mean it makes no sense when I look at what we’re spending around the world it’s like a special kind of stupid that our politicians are suffering from all right back to it I I gotta go watch last night’s video did bar get to question the aliens that Carrie claims to CH I I want to know these questions I’m G I’m going to be calling Mike soon as I finish today or pretty soon after I finish I’m with you January 20th can’t come soon enough see if we can bring some sanity all right we’ve done the money
laundering let’s get into non RV related news hold on when riter first I read an article in shaik news yesterday that there’s a Kuwait reporter that is suing Sudani for all his failures to bring forth reforms that he’s promised the report of Sudani is counter seing the honeymoon may be ending for yeah there’s a lot of pressure on Sudani he has done an amazing amount in a short period of time compared to all past leaders but there is still more pressure to complete those reforms although I think he’s done far
more of the reforms uh than we know they have not been made public yet so that they can Cloud timing that’s my belief yeah nugs they have highspeed rails but they build them underground for themselves time to open up those Transit stations Zuckerberg denies Hawaii doomsday bunker existence oh it’s not that big on his 1500 acre ranch he’s like it’s only 4,500 square feet of underground structure it’s not really a doomsday bunker just look somewhere else I I got kind of a kick out of that one it’s World War II already here how many
of you folks have bunkers I kind of want one it sounds cool reading through these uh somebody said Mike did a great interview uh or a very good interview with Sky I don’t think Mike gets enough credit for how good he is at interviewing he’s very good at interviewing somebody very different when he runs his own show very very good at doing interviews really pulls out the guest and the information he does a great job all right Africans excited but nervous ahead of Trump’s second term uh there were celebrations in the
streets when he won the first election in 2016 and of course this uh year when he won in 2024 um there have been all kinds of Celebration there is much expectations many expectations for Trump in Africa uh because uh so many people there are wanting to push back against the inroads of uh extremist Islam into uh the country they want to develop their infrastructure uh they also know that they hold a key position going forward for the world because of the rare mineral resources located on the continent this could be a great
Renaissance for the African continent and the African PE people on the African continent I’m very excited they’re very excited uh but I I do get I find this interesting that they’re more excited about this Administration than what they have just had should tell you a lot about politics around the world and how much they are changing H great great P substat guys Alexander Downer exposes FBI’s deceit in opening the Russian Russia investigation uh one of the key people in here has said um that yeah it Durham
had it right the whole time Mueller did not and dropped some of the receipts the FBI knew before any investigation was launched that it was BS but still ran with it uh this is arguably treason I shouldn’t even say arguably it is treason they knowingly committed treason there you go I said it that’s the way it appears to me I don’t know about you guys uh but fantastic piece if you guys want to uh read through it I found it uh very interesting uh little little lengthy because of the material so you’ll have a
lot to clamp your head around but I thought it was fantastic it’s nothing you and I didn’t already know but it certainly is nice to have it confirmed in the official world see Michelle really enjoyed M see I’m looking forward to it you have to try to listen today I’m just reading a few of these see Congress has secretly paid out more than 17 million of her money to quietly settle charges of harassment sexual in other forms and Congressional offices according to representative Thomas Massie you do have to balance
that against some of the claims that are just BS so because they know they can get settled but at the same time when there’s that much smoke there is often a fire uh sunflower blooms Africa needs to kick the French Mafia who have been extorting them for decades centuries even yes uh the a uh excuse me French government has had a unusually large sway or influence in Africa and it has not been that good for Africa huh just reading a few of these uh Lynn no there are no auctions on the weekends they don’t do them on the
weekends well I shouldn’t say that um because Sunday’s a work day for them they they have occurred on a Sunday but generally they’re Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday see Lady Maga said monkey Works confirm more planes to getm he could read off the flight log but they’re actually hid the flight patterns there hiding who’s going getting interesting we get Stuart Brenda Jason nugs for the birthday at Northeast Indian Patriot 58 today Indiana I should say not Indian Indiana Patriot reading a few before we dive
back in I’m going to try to uh me 81 Daryl happy birthday Daryl reading for you let’s see does Iraq go first with crypto then sell okay um some guy said I don’t know about this whole part uh a lot of people I think are reading in more crypto activity around this than is going to exist at least that’s what I’ve told um but they go first with everything I’m told it’s a shotgun it’s all at once I believe it to be highly accurate Deb wat birthday tomorrow Happy Birthday Deb now I’m with you Gary they got a lot
of splaining to do uh yeah I’m getting more rumors um just that they’re saying buddy that it’s imminent um I talked about that a little bit earlier today uh for those that joined early early I have heard two more sources uh from other um tribes telling me the same thing that they are now being told imminent and be uh get ready and get ready now although you would think they live in a Perpetual World already but they were very similar to the to the notices that they got for Kuwait ah Patriot girl
birthday cmkx fmps Prosperity packages they are all three although I’m told they go within hours of the uh release now we talked about that briefly yesterday Mr C and I reading a few of these I’m going to try to pull up uh video that zester has been sending uh momentarily guys once we finish news which we are very close to done with I was watching a podcast talks about a new software created called whisper where one will enter airflight numbers and it will create a history of that one plane that’s kind of
interesting uh Dr SRM Germany is really busy waking up uh it has been almost uh it’s encouraging to watch The Awakening going on in Germany right now and amongst the German people I swear I had something on that I guess not uh yeah just an idea of what we’re dealing with here in the us as we send another 150 billion US homelessness in 2024 up 18% from the previous year in one year from 2023 to 2024 when they’re telling everybody things are great things are perfect nobody’s suffering it’s BS the reality is very different
than what they are telling you on the news and your government reports take a little time talk to the people on the streets talk to the working class come in here in the chat room listen to what people are going through uh Sam were there people we have a lot of people in our community Sam that were Kuwaiti uh dinar holders that did very very well shared a bunch of Articles do you guys remember what day we did that was that Thursday I think it was Thursday we shared a bunch of Articles the Thursday
night one let me double check that yes Thursday night one matter of fact I’ll drop a link in your chat on that one so you can find it so that you can find the links because I love it all the detractors are out there saying oh it never happened and then you get to just show them right boom here it happened over and over and over hello Brad’s birthday 54 today happy birthday Brad all right guys I’m gonna go ahead and sing then I’m G to try to pull up mask uh Festival videos I’m going to do my best um don’t know if the salar has been
paid but we do you know they moved the final dollars for the salaries on Thursday now they’re waiting to find out did they pay them were they just leaving the account and laugh at them are you birthday people Brad Stewart Brenda Jason nugs Northeast Indiana or New England Indi okay terl TB Patriot girl so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love make all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday Lori Beth Lori tab so many
birthdays now wish me luck oh wait a minute I think there’s at least 10,000 people living in tens of Minneapolis 99% drug addict St Paul next door 010 people’s not l i Drive in Charlotte North Carolina guys uh just on the east of downtown tent after 10 after tent just all over the sides of the roads I’m with you Tim all right for all those nugs you’re welcome all those celebrating Timmy’s going to celebrate a big 63 tomorrow Timmy pre-birthday H those to get the Sunday birthdays kind of get a pre-birthday and a post
birthday see you really get three days uh sstone said tents everywhere in Austin Texas theodosis it’s bad everywhere um just reading a few of these yeah that’s tent cities in Minnesota I don’t think I would like that D Rambo I appreciate it I’ll check the link right let me try to find see if I can pull up that video I don’t know how well this is going to go um I might be able to make it larger in this format so that you guys can see it ah here we go uh I’m going to have to unshare and reshare though so you guys can get an
idea of it with the sound now it is kind of loud so be prepared here we are still out on the highway it hasn’t moved into the Town Center so this is just the parade staging where they’re staging some of the floats but uh neighborhoods go together shops go together towns go together uh some of them will be hug huge floats um they’ve got one that looks like a pirate ship probably has 20 Pirates dancing around it um think of it as a homegrown uh Macy’s Christmas Day Parade it is the craziest thing but it
is loud it is painfully loud make certain you take earplugs if you go but it is quite something there will be food vendors everywhere pastelis you name it uh it’s strangely aw a lot of fun now you are going there’s a good chance you could get a little dirty there’s going to be a lot of silly string and shaving cream and some of the dancers or participants will be spraying the crowd so you don’t wear fancy clothes to it then later this evening there will be bands in the city uh center of a Theo right by the church in this town square
uh lots of vendors selling craft s you name it of course it’ll turn into a festive party with both traditional and modern music later this afternoon and evening wish I had some better uh pictures I’ll try to save some and upload them for Monday morning he keeps sending more oh boy let’s see let’s get this one see people all covered in the Shaving creams and everything else the cars that yes they hook up tractors and pool floats and decorate tractors you name it it turns into one just enormously
pretty much everybody comes out for it it’s fun all right guys nater just put out a video have to check let’s see if I can get nater to come in and join us sometime soon all right folks let’s call it a little short this uh morning we’ll see you Monday morning unless we get breaking news and then of course we get breaking news I’ll come back period if you see another one today it would just be me from the phone from the festival just to see if I can share it but I’ll probably just record a few videos and
show you on Monday maybe turn them into a few shorts yeah shaving Whimsical shaving cream instead of snow there you go Charlotte it is kind of like a scaled down Marty girl it’s not quite that much debauchery though it’s a lot of families all right folks have a great weekend and I will see you on Monday unless we have something breaking in between mods have a great one thank you much