okay everybody here we go it’s me Gregory Mannarino believe it or not yes it’s still and I am not a hologram somebody was writing that Greg is a hologram I’m real anyway look uh guys I missed all of you it’s it’s been a week a week to the day and I really do hope can you hear me number one somebody let me know because I hate this thing this thing is just crazy uh if you can hear me anyway uh thank you D Jo I appreciate that December 27 2024 a lot of stuff going on you know look um with the market here we really
ended off kind of where we began but we’ll talk about that in a second let me just tell you what happened here okay I was supposed to be with you guys this morning that’s what I said so I ended up catching a cruise at a Tampa a Christmas theme Cruise let me tell you something you guys and girls if you never had a chance to do that do it it’s fantastic you’re G to love it it was an absolute blast all right so got back yesterday uh afternoon and we we keep our dogs in in like a little doggy spot they treat the dogs better than people
and um when we went to get Vega she had a very inflamed eye with discharge coming out of it so we’re like oh this is just not good you know what happened and the people there said well she was fine and then she woke up like that we didn’t know what happened so anyway brought it to the veterinarian our veterinarian over here happy New Year to you as well thank you and the vet freaked out she’s like well this is a melting a melting eye ulcer like a melting eye ulcer lovely okay what do we do she’s like we have to keep her
overnight we’re going to put her on medicine medications overnight she needs it every hour and then you guys got to get her over to the specialist so went over there this morning to see the uh doggy opthalmologist and um they were like okay the eyes really bad it’s but we can’t do surgery on the eye because it’s too inflamed it’s too infected so we’re going to put her on these medications treat it medically she’s on six different eye drops and medication by mouth as well and we have to go back Monday to see what’s going on with that
but honestly just in since overnight she was in the dog doggy hospital she’s already looking better so I think that’s pretty good um at least it’s good news and she seems to be pretty okay oh she’s much more comfortable now than she was anyway it’s kind of a sad thing so with that unfortunately I was not able to get out here to be with you guys and girls maybe it’s bird flu I know it’s everywhere you see what they’re doing you see what they’re doing they already told us they told us six months ago they
always tell you what they’re going to do before they do it with regard to the bird flu puppy Press thank you um they were going to have millions of vac vacin ready I gotta be really careful what I say here you all know that anyway um yeah put silver on her eye that might actually work honestly you know but anyway it’s a it’s no surprise that that that happened with regard to this market so let’s talk about this just backup Okay so Wednesday we had the fed you know the lowering rates and everything is going to be
lovely and fantastic the market cratered like 1100 we started to come back a little bit the market tried to you know nothing goes straight down we went down hard we got a little bit of a bounce which seemed to give it all back pretty much now we have a problem here we got a big problem let me show you what I’m talking about this is the mmri from uh today here this is where we are at the market closed now I want you to see something this is in April when the mmri peaked okay now I’m not saying we’ve peaked here at all I I got this
wrong you all know that I did not expect to see this massive sell off in fact nobody did it’s interesting you know let me let me go back to that in a moment first of all this is how we ended the day today but again with regard to the stock market we ended up really where we ended off pretty much here now there’s a lot of talk about what’s happening here in the the debt market now what the FED did let me show you something real quick this is one year of the yield curve now the FED lowering rates uh on on Wednesday here what it
did do was actually cause the long end of the curve to go up and obviously the market hated it we saw a big sell off and you know I love thing I love I love it when things go the way we believe they’re going to go what did we say if we were going to have a if we par federal funds rate 10 year yeld we’re going to have problem well we had a problem we still have that issue here so the yield curve is essentially flat uh I mean maybe not completely flat but then you got this bump here in the end now
you have to all know that starting June of this year the FED got in here and started what’s called yield curve control rigging the yield curve to try to inspire confidence in the stock market which has been on a tear like we can’t possibly believe right up until very recently now with that let’s let’s talk so as I said this was April in April when we were peing this is what the S&P 500 did it got slamed so we may not have seen anything yet we may not have seen anything yet now I’m just show you this again real quick this is
April this is what happened to the S&P 500 when the mmri was peing where we are now a lot of people say Greg the the the mmri cross 300 and nothing happened before du duh I hate to use the word duh but it’s just too stupid if you pay any attention so this is what happened now we’re peing now which means we may have not seen anything yet with regard to the debt Market uh well first of all the debt Market window we don’t even know if we’re peaking here we just kind of you know we peaked here quite obviously this
may get worse we could see this get monumentally worth look the dead Market is a time bomb I’ve been telling you this for years it’s ticking faster it’s ticking louder it’s it’s it’s Disaster Area waiting to happen now what do you think is going to happen just let’s look back just till April we saw what happened here with regard to is that my no this is what I wanted to show you right there the S&P 500 you see that so that’s what happened here we’re here now and we got this sell off okay nothing dramatic 1100 points the markets
tried to come back gave it back back pretty much so what I’m saying is we may not be done here by a long shot if this is if this you know is going to mean anything but we’ll see this could turn around if this starts to drop okay and I’m not making look man I’m done with trying to figure this out it’s just gone crazy but understanding the mechanism here if this goes down you would expect the stock market to pick up if this breaks out higher could you only imagine what’s going to happen to the S&P 500 it ain’t going to be the stock
market overall it’s not going to be pretty and it could get extremely dramatic extremely dramatic now we got a few things going on here um talk about the debt market look we’re not the only people watching the debt Market here I think we’re pretty much on the same page now let me just show you a few other things just real quick so this is Barons the FED is battling the bond market it’s a they’re in a fight of their lives here to and to avoid a KN fight we’re on a collision course again the stock market
actually everything is dependent on what’s happening in the debt Market you won’t know that I don’t give a damn and I really don’t what happens in the stock market because I know the stock market is going to derive value from what’s happening in the debt Market do we need more proof of that again here you go S&P 500 peaking in April with regard I mean with regard to the peaking of the mmri I mean it’s you see hopefully you see what’s going on here anyway this was the 10-year yield today where we ended this is not pretty
this is not pretty here honestly this uh again and let me just read this to you so with regard to this so-called uh you know fed battling the bond market let me read just a paragraph here while the Central Bank Federal Reserve has been cutting rates since September long-term bond yields have been going in the opposite direction I just showed you what that looked like it’s an incredible thing again look you got this issue here with the Yi curve and that’s problem it could present a major issue um long-term
BS have been going in the opposite direction Rising sharply sharply done all right now stock investors are getting you know a little rattled by this and clearly we’ve seen what’s happening um anyway now with regard to this nonsense again inflation is sticky it’s sticking around it’s worse than anybody thought it was going to be except you and me because they’re on a mission to destroy a soul they’re not going to stop this mechanism of of of artificially suppressed rates here is meant to drive the stock market higher
but they got a problem here um again the system as you all know people let me just say this again to maybe some of you that are new here we are Beyond debt saturated but the fact of the matter is there’s not enough debt I can’t I know it’s a paradox but the fact of the matter is the system is absolutely a liquid it must be fueled with more debt into the system every second of every single day now you know real quick I wasn’t even going to mention this but I’m going to anyway because it’s just too stupid so this is a a headline today
CNBC let me read this to you real quick so the economic outlook for 2025 is strong we’re supposed our econom is booming now according to these same people um let me tell you what’s what’s a lock here for 2025 number one number one much higher debts and deficits if you think that this is going to be fixed because of Doge or because of we’re going to get rid of this that and the other thing ain’t happening what you’re about to see with regard to debts and deficits is going to spin your head around like the freaking Exorcist that’s
number one number two a much higher cost of living and number three and these two tie they tie together a much lower standard of living we are going to see and I’ve been telling you this for many many months currency devaluation on an epic scale if you think you’ve seen a lot with regard to inflation here uh this how inflation is sticky now you haven’t seen anything yet it’s going to get monumentally worse it cannot be fixed especially in this environment where you got the Central Bank heal lowering rates okay with the new the new
illustrious one going to be behind the Resolute desk also promising you lower rates which is the polar opposite of what you need you need stronger currency to make sure that that your purchasing power is kept but your purchasing power is going to be sucked out so fast moving forward your head’s going to spin around like the freaking Exorcist um now I wrote a fourth thing here and that’s debt Market question mark the dead Market is again the key to this entire disaster is it going to go off we’re
going to find out soon enough here and we’re going to be keeping our on the mmri people I really hope you’re utilizing this tool I mean just to show you again how useful this is is it’s an amazing thing I mean look at what happened the last time the the mmri peaked I don’t know if we’re peing here I have no idea nor do I even want to guess look you guys and girls are just as good at this as I am okay so I don’t know what do you think you think we’ve peaked now or we going to see a more substantial
sell-off in the long end of the year curve that the FED doesn’t want to see that means they’re gonna have to get in there and buy more debt and H if they do that what does it mean currency devaluation as well the the bottom line is look man we’re GNA see extreme currency devaluation that’s that’s my theme for next year and it’s not just going to be here in the United States again central banks who run the monetary system they run the financial system in their financial markets it’s not presidents no it isn’t believe it or
not even if they’re wearing a red hat they don’t run they don’t run the financial system it’s run by the central banks you understand kings queens dictators and monarchs they don’t run it it’s it’s the central banks now something interesting is going on and you and I called it what did we say when we found out that Trump said we’re going to be adding cryptocurrencies Bitcoin to the Strategic reserves made the announcement to our strategic reserves let’s announce it to the world and let them all know what we’re doing as a
strategy obviously a very bad strategy Tyler thank you uh what did we say well now that that’s been announced to the rest of the world we’re adding this to our strategic Reserve we’re a great strategy let’s announce our strategies to the world what do we say was going to happen other nations were going to do it and now it appear years Putin is now following Trump’s Bitcoin Embrace now let me read this to you it’s kind of interesting the Russian government as you all know at least I hope you do has been a historic opponent
of Bitcoin Bitcoin Banning its use uh for domestic payments but now because our illustrious new president thing uh made the announcement to the rest of the world that you know this is a great move well everybody else is doing but this is a bridge and look Russia’s doing it there’s going to be other looks like 80% of you are taking this poll now believe there’s no doubt about it watch what’s going to happen the announcement this should never have been announced okay imagine telling the world and your
enemies what you’re going to do before you do it you get stuff like this man so anyway uh Russia’s now seeking potential benefits using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to evade us Western sanctions of course they are you got to be stupid not to I mean come on man uh that’s exactly what I said I would do I told you guys go back to the video I said okay if I were Russia if I were one of the bricks Nations or anybody else here I would well you know let’s just do it but this is bigger than that and you
all know that we’re being bridged into the new system and it’s happening extremely fast the Dollar’s being phased out you won’t know that new system they have to first build the bridge by using cryptocurrencies were going to a tokenized system here not the bricks Nations they don’t want this thing but Putin and other I don’t even want to call them world leaders whatever the heck they are okay are now going to uh you know uh be weaponizing the system that Trump is going to make so great you know we’re
making America great again meanwhile he’s building his guitars in Indonesia he’s still doing it did you know that yes he’s making America great again in case you were wondering by having his guitars that he’s selling made in Indonesia Indonesian factories not American factories that’s how we make America great again doesn’t that bother you a little bit bothers me as you can well see um but that’s okay right let’s see how many of you Trump supporters think it’s fine that he’s building his guitars in Indonesia but supposed to
build build back make America great again and we were supposed to build back off factories here and have them all come back and everyone’s going to want our products and our dollar you know of course that’s not true oh anyway guys yes you’re correct Trump had a big 180 with regard to bitcoin and I know you’re probably joking here but um yeah he’s made a big turn around now he’s the not only is the crypto King uh which has now vaulted Bitcoin to nearly 100 Grand and it’s oh let me show you something else here just
real quick um while we’re talking how about this Bitcoin could grow to 100 two 200,000 I think it’s a lock I think it’s a lock um especially again however this is going to happen they’re still talking about how they’re going to pay for Bitcoin selling US Gold which we probably don’t have anyway right but the fed’s gonna have to create the currency but the FED but what did Powell tell you Bitcoin is just like gold it’s just digital make it up make any of this stuff up you can’t possibly do it oh
anyway now look what I want you to take away from this video honestly you all know that I’m out of this Market I got out uh I think I got out at the right time and I know a lot of you followed along we are in no rush zero to get back in here I want to see how this is going to play out I want to see what’s going to happen here again look man I don’t know another way to show this to you I’m going to show you again right here that’s what happened to the S&P 500 when we peaked do you see how disgusting that
is who knows what’s going to happen now we may have just got the first shot fired across the bow this thing could crater we got to see what H look man the FED could get in here today all right start buying more of the long end of the yield curve which would obviously push it down where did I put that thing it doesn’t matter I showed you before right with the yield curve with a bump my desk is a disaster I’m really going to clean it I promise you I really am anyway so the FED could get in here start
buying more debt push the Y curve down the market will probably get all giddy and orgasmic and we’ll go up uh or not um we just got to see how this is going to play out you have to understand what the goal is here the goal is obviously a wealth transfer effect on a massive scale like we’ve never seen in the history of the world right up to the one and two% is the one and two percentage the one and two percentage where does it come from comes from you it comes from currency devaluation by Easy Money creation out of nothing and
understanding that our system is completely a liquid and it can’t function without more debt being pumped into it as we’re being bridged into the new system you can only imagine where this is gonna go I mean this it just epic epic on a massive scale the Greg’s recession is over less than four weeks I I don’t understand that we are we are we are well look man people getting wiped out they’re getting destroyed they can’t make Eng meat and this this mechanism is exactly what I’m talking about they’re not done doing
this to you the middle class is being eradicated like insects like bugs here and not even people wearing a red hat is going to change it for you it’s only going to get monumentally worse you will promise lower rates out of the red hat guy that means currency devaluation but the red hat guy he can’t tell you that can he no because you see then you get smart and you might say well we don’t want this and we don’t want to be the crypto Capital World we’d like to be returned to a constitutional money
system yes that’s the USS Constitution but it’s not happening we’re being pulled further and further and further and further and further and further away you got it yet are you getting with it yeah that’s what’s happening and that’s why I am telling you that when you when you see a headline telling you how great everything is going to be in 2025 like I just showed you you know the polar opposite is going to happen here and it’s a when you see when you see you know you know well this is this is a
fact that that’s going to happen um I would be stunned we might even go beyond that um especially with now they know Putin’s love affair their love affair their Bromance has now blossomed into a Bitcoin Bromance and whatever else so when you see something like that how great our economy already is and how great we’re going to be because the red hat guy said so you know that this is going to get monumentally worse your standard of living is going to Creator so badly you you guys and go better get
on the right side of this man you better start getting with the freaking program ain’t cran stop already it ain’t crashing already you don’t see the economy duh Tetra I love that when people say that the Market’s sure the we’ve already said this that the worse off the economy gets the higher the Market’s going to go from how many years ago did we nail that one to the wall yeah guess what we did yeah we did the dead Market is the ke and you all know that we’ll see where this is going to go now we’ve reached par uh you
know breaking 300 with the mmri from April it’s going to be interesting it’s going to be very very interesting to see where this is going to go my blood pressure is pretty damn good actually you know I lost a lot of weight you remember when I was a lot heavier my pressure was bad now it’s normal anyway guys and girls uh I think we’re kind of done here is anything you guys and girls to cover cover before we get out of here anything maybe this way maybe that way I’m glad to be back with you guys and girls no I’m not going to
lick silver Joe um I don’t see I don’t see a reason to lick it today maybe I put it on Vega eye maybe it it would it would help the SNP Peak Pistol Pete you know dude bro you saw what I just showed you I don’t know man it might have it depends on what happens in the debt market look this thing is on a nice Edge I think we all know that it wouldn’t take much honestly to send this debt Market into you know a nightmare situation and that’s what they’re going to do this is everything here people that we have is not by
accident the fact that debts and deficits have gone out of control who makes up the difference tell me again tell Greg again really when we run let’s say a massive trade deficit or the the national debt keeps Rising who makes up we can’t keep running though so who’s more than willing to lend to make up that Gap obviously it’s the Federal Reserve okay we all know that and when they do this what does it what’s the effect on the currency weaker weaker weaker at with regard to purchasing power sure right now the dollar is the
most beautiful bell at the ball she be gorgeous relative strength compared to other currencies you know that because we’ve been saying this is going to happens in time and Memorial but that doesn’t mean that your purchasing power isn’t being getting evaporated that’s what they do the cnbc’s the Bloomberg the Fox Business they tell you about how strong the dollar is on a relative or comparative strength but they don’t tell you that it’s absolute purchasing Powers being destroyed and that’s what inflation
actually is if you ask people what inflation is 90% of the zombies walking around the street oh the prices are rising prices are rising so you mean the currency is losing purchasing power then they look at you like what the who I don’t understand I don’t get it they have no idea they have no idea anyway guys and girls we know we know what we’re doing we’re just not gonna we’re not g to change anything but look real quick before we get out of here with regard to this stock market you know I am out here been long this
market for seven and a half years with not one single break nothing right now I’m in a I’m just I want to see what’s going to happen here this thing could get out of control very very fast we’ll see we’ll see I’m looking for an opportunity to get it back into the market but I’m going to be buying without any doubt adding to my commodity my hard assets silver okay right here I’m GNA be buying probably a lot of silver a fair amount of gold um I’m I would like to buy more xrp I’d like to buy more Bitcoin I would like to
buy a few cryptos when I when I do this stuff I will announce it I promise you that right now I’m just sitting tight I’m not doing nothing yet if you subscribe to my free newsletter Link in the description of this video you’re going to know what I’m doing and and I’m just because I’m doing it doesn’t mean that you guys and girls need to do that I and I can’t even do that anymore you know I got in trouble twice with the SEC I gotta be so careful what I say I can tell you what I’m doing I can’t even suggest anything uh I can
get in trouble for that it’s just it’s ridiculous man what can I tell you you know I’m I’m still doing my best out here for all of you we we’ve done something fantastic and I’m very very proud of that all right guys and girls before we get out of here till Sunday we’re going to do our special thing you know what we’re going to do right um is there any thing that you guys and girls want to talk about before I get out of here no Roger I won’t be here tomorrow uh tomorrow Saturday I’ll be here on Sunday for my markets a look ahead
miners you know look man I don’t own minors people ask me this question Israel thank you J should I wait or take the your red in what um in in in the stock market you know you could I don’t know man you got to evaluate your situation there I don’t even know what you’re particularly talking about but um if you’re in cryptocurrencies I think they’re going much much higher gold and silver hold on to them keep adding to your position with regards to the stock market we got to see where this goes I want to get
back in here I want I want to I want to beong the market but I want to see what’s going to happen I don’t like the where the mmri is guys and girls man first of all like I said here’s what’s happening to the long end of the yield curve it it it’s doing the opposite what the fed you know wanted to actually do um with regard to let me see if I can find this for you guys again real quick just bear with me on this here this is bad this is just this has bad written all over it and I don’t know another way
to put it here again April this is what happened to the S&P 500 when we when this happened that could happen again and it could be much worse depending on what happens here guys girls listen to me every day you should be looking at this even if you’re not in the stock market you’ll have an idea what’s it’s free it’s 100% free there’s a link in the description of the video we are here we are right here now are we going to break out a above this one at one point we’re going to break off the page it’s going
to melt down the stock markets around the world so fast again your head’s going to spin around the freaking ex like the exus tier follow this I mean just it’s free for you if you guys go want to use it I think you should pay attention to what’s going on here look a stock market meltdown on an epic scale is already baked in that’s what that’s the final their final solution to finish the wealth transfer which we’ve been in the middle of for for many many years here people can’t get by but the one and two percenters they they’re
doing fantastic they couldn’t possibly be doing any better well people can’t make ends meet this is exactly the scenario that you and I said was going to happen from I don’t how many freaking years ago it’s not GNA stop it’s not going to stop so we got to play the game it’s become like I said I don’t even like it anymore it’s become a we have to survive this has become a a mode of survival for us we got to stay ahead of the curb you know look man if you don’t even how many years have I been saying
ronx thank you so much they can help with TDS get some who’s they TDs is even a real thing it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life but that’s okay uh I think those that blame other ones for having TDS are the actual people who have it because they got some kind of God complex going on and I think they’re all going to end up losing big time um anyway but that’s okay um but look guys and girls what am I saying here with regard to bitcoin and stuff for how many years have I been saying
even if you don’t like this stuff you got to have some in your portfolio if if you listen to me from years and years ago you’ve done exceedingly well um gold and silver people you know how this are going to play out debt Market meltdown is going to crush the stock markets around the world and you you cash doesn’t grow little wings and just fly away the money Heaven it’s going to move it’s going to move into Commodities I believe it’s going to move into cryptocurrency you haven’t seen anything yet you think that 100,000 or 94,000
Bitcoin is a lot right now you haven’t seen anything yet I mean I’m talking zero um where that’s going and um anyway look guys and girl I know I’m sitting here preaching to the choir um Bitcoin or an ETF i’ I’d rather own Bitcoin I’d rather own it I’d rather own it I mean you can get an exposure to things like that commodity ETFs but in this case here I’d rather own Bitcoin I’d rather own the actual assets here thank you XMR 2024 I appreciate that Bitcoin is a currency not a commodity well you can Define it any way
you want my friend I really don’t give a damn all I know is it’s worth a lot more than when I bought it so you can call it whatever you like don’t matter anyway guys I hate you know people have to have names on things you want to label it it has to be this oh no don’t say this because it’s wrong does it really matter no it don’t I’ve been telling you this like forever it’s magic all right guys and girls look you me we’re going to part ways just until Sunday just until Sunday so bring it in you ready you know what
we’re going to do let’s do it ready love each other care about each other be chatable people I missed all of you so much I I felt like a void I’m not going to lie I love being with you guys I love these live streams honestly thank you for being here thank you for those thumbs up we couldn’t prove that I mean come on man we got almost 2,000 people here we got 600 thumbs up help me out here help us out this community needs to get bigger it’s up to you guys and girls you share it you share the videos you get them out there you give
these videos a thumbs up you comment say freaking anything all right the algorithms like it boom boom boom I will I’ll see you on Sunday okay from uh for the markets to look ahead and uh again guys you guys are just the best I I I love you all with all I got all right so take care yourself right I’ll see you Sunday