Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 12-26-2024

[Music] hell hello Kos Sai shabbat shalom I see Jay and Amy hello Le little me hello Drew Al my James blue ey where did that young come from I might find a second win hello mgu girl let’s get this thing started right I think Ellen agrees star lady agrees hello Miss Kim wood hello Tama hello RW hello spanker only some of the comment spanker I’m usually too busy still pulling stuff together for any late minute news we might get I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas those that didn’t make it earlier Michelle first one with a

sizable difference that shirt gets worn hello m Max a million good to see you in the house Natalie May turn four today Mary happy birthday to miss Adalie hello Anthony bishbosh sstone I appreciate that one hello Maverick UFO Wisconsin having leftover had leftover soup this uh for lunch looking forward to another little bit of leftovers uh when we wrap this one or maybe I’ll just leave Dr Scott talking and I can just go eat leftovers and come back and he’ll take care of it all and bring it in that’s worth a shot

right I think he’s actually pushing me to go eat right oh yep [Laughter] yep that was funny all right let’s dive in so we can get to Dr Scott and still call it a relatively decent uh evening time I am planning on joining the ladies over at Heroes uh Miss TR and crew for their thirsty Thursday don’t actually I probably have a link for that I I’ll find that while Dr Scott’s talking he’s still in the background eating guys yeah let’s see I got an A in uh in what I got an A in m in Ming yeah in Ming in high

school yeah yeah what school did you go to that had classes in Miami okay I’m M you all right anyways let’s get to it let’s start with some news it’s running so quickly uh let guys in no yeah no Mark gray it’s very much now or they they know that they are pushed in time and let’s uh let’s just start although I’m going to start tonight I feel like uh history which is just fantastic because I had somebody help me with this um I sent out the request and boy did they start coming in couple of Articles from

Kuwait because there’s still so much Kuwait drops dollar Peg to blow golf currency union soon as they made it part of a basket it started exploding up great one though for you guys is here Kuwait currency dinar history and facts KU dinar is official currency Kuwait uh as of January 2024 about $325 making it the most high value currency per unit Kuwait and ARS long and interesting Herer was first introduced in 1961 replacing the gulf rupy which currency used in the region prior to Kuwait’s Independence it can go

on and on and on it’s pegged to an undisclosed back basket of currencies guys it even gets into the history of when it was devalued and and we will get to look at uh the history of the bills and some of the uh historic documents uh like this one from Reuters talking about it here’s a New York Times article from 1991 reporting the revaluation of the Kuwaiti Dinar all the folks out there telling you it never happened we know what happened it’s not a question whether it happened the question is whether or not you believe

when they try to rewrite your history cuz it happened love this one I just thought it would be a great way to start the evening I’m going to dive into too much those links will be on the website later this evening when to make certain I got those in there I’m going to go kind of quickly here we can revisit it depending on what Dr Scott has for excuse me Dr how do I do that one I have to ask uh ask you that one do I just say Dr Scott do I say I mean now that we’re friends this gets confusing Scott all right the rest of you still

have to call him Dr Scott yeah there you go all right let me get back to it I just love the stuff on Kuwait um I really much faster than I expected it due to help from others able to bring these to you um some history so that you don’t have to question it and now let’s go off to uh modernday Iraq Baghdad send salaries of regional employees for two months seems all the fighting and the back and forth has shaken things loose an informed Source revealed today Thursday December 26 Baghdad sent the amount of 1 tr200 dinar

allocated to pay pay the salaries of the Region’s employees for the months November and December Source says with an interview with Baghdad today that the salaries of the month of the 12 of the employees of the region okay anyways they paid the bills some of that herbal unrest that we were having to listen to Iraq establishes an Investment Portfolio to support National currency stability this is an extremely well-timed what they are working on is a sovereign wealth fund this is something the US

can’t do right now because we spend more than we bring in Iraq is starting to invest outside of the country and into a basket of other countries investments in other countries in the region now let’s flash right back to here when Kuwait did the same thing to strengthen their currency they are investing oh wait a minute I pulled the wrong one Investment Portfolio to support National currency stability Guys these are big ones really big ones for you folks this is what happens when you unpeg and you have dollars they are

showing us their their preparations this is also part of what they said they would do in their reform papers to support a higher value of the Nar guys I’m getting excited uh government official Iraq plans reduce glass flaring to 20% next year if you look at the progress in the last uh two or three years in Iraq and natural gas it is huge they’re going to get it down where they’re only flaring about 20% of the gas that is I believe over 20 let’s see is point out that Iraq’s reduced gas flaring from

47% in 202 won about 33% this year dropping it down to 20% in the next meaning they are producing their own electricity their own natural gas for cooking and no longer buying it outside of the country they’re producing it selling it they’re going to capture another almost uh 133% in the next year I’m just enjoying uh many of these we’re going to get into some scarier ones in a moment till then though we’re gonna spend a little time with Dr Scott I think I I I’m looking at this this and we I have had a whole bunch of

people ask me this question why hasn’t Trump said X you know the nisara thing and the answer is if he told you all the stuff they would be asking the questions how are you going to do it I mean it’s it like like for instance the the one thing I did a quite a long uh discussion on the other day was on um the IRS issue so they said no no uh he said no tax on tips and no tax on overtime and no tax on social security and when you detail it through and I used my own payroll company with that there is no way to

enter in all those those fields and not say he just basically said everything in there and you know some Talking Heads on YouTube specifically good people but they’re going yeah but how do we fit that in I mean they can’t like fit the puzzle pieces together and and I think the reality is if he told you the Nar was going to happen one person has a Viewpoint of this the other person has a Viewpoint of that and they say yeah but which Viewpoint is it the answer is you’re going to see programs coming

in in Vogue and so they’ll introduce this program and that program and this program and that program and then we’ll be able to say yeah that’s the one thing I I I I I remember very clearly and I was in grad school um when some of this stuff was happening but the uh Iraqi Kuwaiti War um was such an interesting time frame when I saw those those you know those bombs flying over the the hotels and CNN was was the big thing at the time frame and realizing now what that was is a reverse RV in essence a reverse situation of them

taking those those countries away from their capability and and by the way that’s what these nations have had happen to them over and over again each of the Nations have had in essence a reverse revaluation that stole their currency from them and we’re just seeing the opposite direction here that’s going to mess their brain up I’m keeping myself muted there are fireworks going off it feels like uh right outside my window just shaking things so I’m uh definitely letting you do a little more talking although I’m

surprised folks haven’t commented uh one of the booms hit earlier while you were talking then I hit the mute button um I am I don’t know about you Dr Scott I’m starting to hear that some of the groups are being told uh given heads up being told to prepare now um I’m hearing from the group side anywhere between now and somewhere between the 12th and 13th my bond side has been even shorter than that somewhere between now and the 7th uh my folks in uh Iraq uh they still feel like when uh auctions and don’t

know if that’s going to be accurate that’s what they feel are you getting anything you feel comfortable sharing yeah I mean I I always think like this I was I was uh talking to Steve uh with Elijah streams just a little bit ago that’s why I kind of said I can jump on if you want but he and I were talking about three I think of three dates that are are are an issue out here think about December 31st you know listen every single new president coming on I know we have a fake one and you know but we have an Administration change from

2008 to 2009 the IRS in January one I mean remember you know Trump hasn’t even come on they changed the rates and you go how do they change the rates before a President is on on Target because they’ve already been thinking this thing through and so this actually happened um in well in 2008 that would be Bush to Obama sorry but in 2016 the rate went down dramatically when or 2017 when Trump came on the on the scene and that would be one of the more unique dates to to actually do it the second one is is

January 6th January 6th they are pushing all the political statements are stated out there Jamie Rasin saying we’re going to do a reverse January 6th um now they’re talking about well we’re not even going to let the electors go through that would trigger a military response um and here’s one of the more interesting ones my uh Roy his my attorney Roger who I’ve had on my particular show who’s such a unique guy I can’t tell you you know his last name but Roger has actually talked about um Oaths think about how none of those

idiots have have given their oath of office and they can’t give their oath of office because they’re illegitimate and what if Trump gives the oath of office on January 20th and Boop everything flips right over because it triggers in the military response I think some people are getting upset about what’s happening in the background but it it feels more political in the timing than anything else so that’s it does it it feels much more like that because the money is sitting there waiting it’s waiting to

jump off to me a great time to do it is in this lame duck uh period that we’re in right now that way uh Biden doesn’t get credit for it Trump doesn’t get credit for it that he overthrew the world cashed in for his own whatever I mean this this period makes tremendous amount of sense right now you you have a lame duck I mean in a normal circumstance you would have a lame duck President right I mean no matter what happens you know no matter what you feel about it that’s a lame duck kind of level so when you have a lame duck

situation and you have a new president coming on that’s here’s one of the more fascinating things how about the 1500 page document that that they were going to pass through Congress and whoop 116 pages I mean we were talking about that I think it was last week how does a document go from 1500 pages to 116 they pre-planned this thing um that to me is super fascinating and we still don’t even know exactly what passed in in Congress and there’s also um Mark zester and I talked about the Bitcoin act that is in the wings waiting

for that thing to go it sounds like qfs that’s zester’s statement it sounds like qfs if you just pulled out the Bitcoin stuff all those things could happen in seconds and we’ve already seen it happening yeah I mean they’re prepared for this one now there are a lot of people on uh you know Angela is saying I’m not uh necessarily you know on the names or whatever but just said Dr Scott Edo and John ding are saying that if Iraq doesn’t RV by December 1st 31st their effort I want to see how the efforts are down the drain are there

some people out there that will start unloading currency or whatever sure um I don’t know about those in this group but there are going to be many more people wanting to buy it than uh than not um if you can’t hang on you can’t hang on something I really understand but listen I don’t mind Ed or John it’s not I’m not trying to talk about that but when you say everything goes down the drain I mean when I hear it’s going down the drain that means you know the the whole situation is off and I go we were I was talking with some you

know deep people here I mean and and listen everyone goes through their own doubts right I mean you have doubts that that you know uh you’re going to be able to do this and I’m just going to use a football analogy I think the New York Giants when uh was it 2007 that they meet up against New England Patriots who are 16 and0 they go all the way through and they win you know a pretty close pretty close game they were like not going to make the playoffs and they went on a run all the way through with that

too but one of the things that CA comes up in those in those kinds of situations is the belief that they have in it and listen when you guys believe you can do amazing things um I always say don’t speak you know I see people say all the time gonna I’m GNA die before Nara is ever going to happen I’m like why do you want to say that stuff speak that ill over yourself yeah don’t don’t breath anything like that into life and and so to say that it all goes down the drain says that okay well then the whole world

will go down the drain because all my statistics show that we can’t possibly handle the the debt issues there’s no way you can do this Trump’s already telling you about about you know they’re they’re giving you clues about the goldbat currency over and over again they’re giving you all the clues that they’re going to shut down most of the three-letter agencies that kind of stuff is nisara in different ways of saying it hey no to me if you watch this one and you know I mean Robert brings up a good

point here talking about Sudani and the people will be pretty upset in Iraq if he doesn’t launch this by the end of the year um he’s either going to have to have one heck of an explanation or had made great progress so they can see it in the extreme near future but I mean right you make a good point Sudan’s double down on this one he’s going to raise the purchasing power of all Iraqis um I mean he’s told us over and over and we follow the fundamental I don’t know if you’ve been watching or if you folks have been keeping up with what

is going on in China right now um even over this holiday season last few weeks the busiest shopping centers in Beijing have been pretty much ghost towns um restaurant I mean scrapping their stainless still tables I it it is falling apart very quickly yep um so if you just look at this going oh it’s all up just you’re getting ready to watch a global economic meltdown whenever they have happened in the past Fiat goes out the door assets become the thing right gold backed assets and commodities nothing else watch the fundamentals you

know a massive change is about to occur well I mean I I I look at this this way Le let’s say you didn’t believe none of you guys do this but let’s just talk talk to your friends an economic person right and you say I don’t believe in any of this stuff happening I’m gonna go okay fine answer me how you fix this kind of situation that we are 30 times worse than the Great Depression answer that one tell me how you change this over and the answer is that they well I don’t know that Trump will do something

like what is Trump going to do I mean he’s an economist at heart and he’s behind the military those are the two areas I go don’t you think economists have a plan I mean they always do like I I lost my um my audiologist showed up in on on Monday morning on uh December 16th and gave a resignation notice I mean I’m broken in tears and within moments I’ve already got a plan and I’m working the plan and we just by the way we got this new ideologist that that told me on Christmas day just broke my wife into

tears and she said I’m coming to work for you guys and she’s going to be an amazing circumstance guys when you speak good things over your life you’re gonna start finding out it really works yeah I’m just like so many of these things I mean Tommy took boxing day one of the biggest days of the year for you guys uh mean for for anybody not paying attention to what’s going on around the world and I mean how many economists now have talked about it uh Ricker just talked about it heck even Andy sheekman just said all he

can see is there has to be something that’s crashing there got to be a restart reset restart it’s exactly what we’re talking about right we’re watching some of the most brilliant economists from around the world telling us that it is all getting ready to restart reset Reb what do you want to call it’s unfixable and and this is the part that we didn’t get I I’ve looked at some of the numbers and Mark’s looked at way more numbers than I have but think about this we all wanted it to occur in 2021 right I mean

that was the time frame with that too but when you realize um what they had to do is accelerate you know the interest rates against the idiots and what it did is it flushed the cash away from them like crazy do you know there’s $32 billion that the uh fed have been spending with all the banks not to give loans out and you go wait what they’re not giving loans out left and right you’re going how do they do this um there are car dealerships fascinating stuff that we’ we’ve noticed car dealerships have

$100,000 cars on their lot and their 2020 22 2023 we’re talking about you should have 25s on your lots and they have new vehicles that are two and three years old and they’re selling them for $49,000 that means a loss is coming absolutely and and there’s no way to get around that kind of loss that’ll close some types of companies me you’re we’re watching the fundamentals play out right now I do not know what that means time wise other than you’re watching it unfold uh it’s like watching the uh broken down jalap headed towards the

Finish Line you know it’s gonna get there you just don’t know how many wheels are going to be left and how long it’s going to take to roll across across it’s the end of the race it is um absolutely say that’s kind of my take LSU girl absolutely we’ve come this far I’m finishing this thing right if it finishes tomorrow if finishes the 13th it finishes in May whatever I’m in this thing to to see it to the end you guys by the way have power that you have no idea do you know that most of these senators and congressmen they are

terrified of you not because we’re sitting there with guns or anything like that your words are changing the atmosphere around them they try to put things in place and then we call them out and they’re running scared that the elite it doesn’t take that much for them to turn over and then they have to say you know what you’re right we got to get this thing done yeah all it takes is quite literally there have been so many studies so many whatever from governments around the only takes about 5% of the people saying no more and the

whole system breaks only takes about 5% of the people saying you know I’m not going to work today I’m not gonna ship your food I’m not g they know that the people are this close reset resets inbound and those are by the way those are the evidences that we have ride in your evidences and then that’s the way that I present if I’m talking to someone who’s you know open to listen to me I talk about evidences like answer to me those evidences and don’t talk about things going down the drain or this guy says

Nara is just a scop or whatever I’m like first off explain that to me like tell me why it’s a scop and tell me how you’re going to fix it with your brilliant idea you know they they love to shoot things down but they never actually propose something that they would do to fix it hey yeah there’s far more evidence saying this will happen than evidence saying it won’t happen um yeah P you preached into the choir hey sometimes a choir needs to hear it uh let’s see uh by the way I I I’ll give you an

example of of how that this actually works and it actually works in the Bible when they used to say um and and and you you would see the uh all through the Old Testament they would say the god of Abraham the god of Isaac the god of Jacob what they were saying is all that stuff you did for Isaac can you do I’m I’m calling that stuff forward for me that is like that’s a fascinating way of thinking about that if you do that kind of stuff you will find amazing things happening around you that you can’t answer that’s the cool

way that that you call things forth I was uh taking advantage of you being here so that I could share in the background we will thrive in 2025 thursty Thursday hero crew and Friends they’re having their uh call it their farewell to the year uh whiskey SL wisdom they’re going to be live streaming let’s see guess it’s going to be 9900 p.m my time 700 p.m. central boy I’d love to see you guys like go and um you know they’ve been struggling um you know Trina and Dallas have been struggling because they only

have like 4,300 um you know people subscribing on their Channel and I know they’ve had a ton of people let’s can we flood some people over to their Channel I would love to see that and they get a huge huge boost of people H well one just fantastic people right so for me it would be a fairly enjoyable I posted the link just keep your eyes out it is in chat directly to let’s see what I do I clicked the wrong button over here putting it over Rumble as well um j a lot of I I guess maybe Jam the 1988 uh Vietnamese Dong

good to buy I know it was somewhere I believe in the early 80s when they changed I don’t know what to tell you for certain though I don’t know about the you know those ones out there you know that’s that’s why we have to have a Redemption Center because they’re going to have to look at those things and and see the you know what they are it’s like saying the boulevard the 2020 Boulevard versus the 2021 you know they look so different it’s not funny so very different all right here’s one for you Dr Scott doesn’t the

president presid the house the Senate doesn’t don’t they all get removed with n and then we have elections but I mean there’s got to be an inter term would that ruin our Red Wave no I think if they uh release this and give us all the wicked information that’s out there I think the wave will get even uh bigger yeah see I I love that because it’s it’s it’s a conversation and and Mark has a great way of putting it here guys he puts it in this this kind of fashion you know we think some people go well you

got to have the RV before you know or the the the EBS before the RV so that they’re out of the way I keep saying to you guys this I want you to think let’s say the RV happens tomorrow next day whatever whatever date you want to pick up of a date a year from now we’re looking back on that date will we say yeah but this happened before that happened and that happened before this happen and it invalidates it you are never going to apply anything when the world sees the grossness of Biden watch out they will never say

anything good about him um never worry about that stuff because you know we are I keep saying there are three points of this movie it’s the uh the the media the government and Hollywood those can be pre-planned and set out so that you don’t even know the exact timing of that stuff oh you probably didn’t see this morning’s um but they had a comment from a person with mad just saying it’s all a show we the actors were the script were the script writers were the film crew it’s all a show I mean just admitting it

in public they’re doing it over and over again so you know real realize and I love using this analogy but when you watch a show and you got one guy one of your actors has got longer hair and he’s got then he’s got got shorter hair for some reason the Matrix is a as a perfect example you know they cut it and and you you are you seeing the cut um you know what you think you’re seeing out there isn’t really what you’re seeing because what’s happening in DC why do they have fences everywhere ever since 2021 it’s

telling you something something’s not what something’s not lining up there at yet uh uh I don’t know what the noise is now Nancy but it has been noisy I’ve been going on and off with my uh with my microphone here to spare you guys’s ears um yeah Rumble yeah uh rumbler cop you’re not wrong he’s been telling us Central uh broadcast I mean it’s and Trump trump is just saying the same thing like uh he said you know oh Biden’s he’s shot like why would you ever say that you know it’s because he’s trying to

give you the clues just like the same thing with the with the IRS point he’s giving you the clues amen um all right I’m gonna need to get it a break so I can eat very quickly uh I don’t know if you want to take a few more questions for yeah let’s do one I I see Captain spiffy say uh what is the blockchain system of the US Treasury will use in the RV cut over um is an ultra safe engine already established and running flawlessly first off um we have been tracking weird events ever since about August of 2020 I

have at least a dozen people who have shown me their stuff and has said they have seen their debts get wiped off particular debt points I believe that’s the qfs okay the qfs is a is a Quantum is a is a distributed Ledger blockchain and it is unhackable blockchains are unhackable and by the way I’m almost ready to release this guys um is I I just built this qfs definitions Mark will have it he’s put a put a link over there I’m just building it I’m trying to get it on my website at docot young.com

you guys can go uh download it I’ll tell you when it comes up maybe next week I’ll have it ready for you guys and you can go to go get it but I’m telling you that’s what the that’s what the quantum Financial system is it’s a system to be able to run that stuff before I forget yeah the co thing on uh Fox I I don’t know if you’ve seen that or not Dr Scott uh they are admitting that there are now enough cases of um like clot slash whatever that it needs to be investigated um and moving forward and

and too many people people were trying to cover that one up and now it has hit to the point where they can no longer hide it anymore um I I’ll work on uh seeing if I can pull that link if you want another question or t yeah sure we’ll see what we I’m looking for some questions out here that you guys are asking uh let’s see here trying to find one that would be fun um okay so Bernice says um if if in debt goes away what does it mean for the people have who have us Bond savings okay that’s a real interesting one um I

would um recommend if you really want to get deep deep into that is um Judy Shelton in her book U good as gold you can listen to the audio book of it it’s not that long um you can read the book if you want to but she talks about um a system and I believe that she’s going to be the FED chairman for a short period of time as they transition over but she’s talking about that they have to have a backing of the the bonds the the treasury bonds and they want to have people invest in them over a five 10 15

20 year period of time and that they what they would do is that they would um back it by gold so they would force the government to either um keep their values correct meaning stay within your budget or they’d have to pay the person in Gold uh so that’s that’s a possibility there but you know one of the things that’s so confusing for most people is that you have to have it’s like startup you have to have startup money um and we have to have a international level of startup money you wipe the debts off that are are not

payable kinds of things like the national debt the 36 trillion and Trump just says weird things like we just take Bitcoin and just like write a check and basically what he’s saying it’s not going to it’s not going to be something we’re even going to worry about so but the reality is that many of these debts are just gonna vanish off there and and yet you can’t like steal people’s money and that’s why the qfs has a mirroring system so it’s going to see what you have in the systems it’s not g to take that stuff away from you

or you would crash people’s all their economy with that uh I posted here a uh link uh for those in chat from uh just yeah all right just click the link and it’ll explain a lot right um everybody wants her in a little longer if we can have her yeah uh all those that were good people paid our debt well you got the moral high road I I’m with you I’m the same way that’s the way I feel but I’m I’m going to tell you this one in 2021 God told me to pay off the end of of a huge loan and I paid like $23,000 and I argued with God for a long

time once I did that I learned so much about it people like well then you don’t even believe the Nara thing no man I did it because God told me to do something right I learned so much by by paying that debt off guys don’t worry about stuff in the past man you’re going to have so many cool things in the future you just stop focusing and chewing on the fat of the past yeah it’s going to be a tough and we all have to uh kind of cancel it out look back at it learn from it um they are and I think this would be

a great idea to have you when you’re ready to uh close with a prayer um yeah let’s do how about one more question uh Gardener Ziggy says what do you think about crypto first off Crypt is is is a payment system I think it’s just like like if if Mark doesn’t want to walk in and you know have cash available right he’s going to buy a computer at Best Buy instead of having the cash or a check he walks in with a credit card it’s just a another payment system think that the qfs what it’s going to do is delete the nature of

the Swift systems so they they cannot affect anything so what the qf I mean what these cryptos will have availability to do I know we want to talk about Q uh xrp and xlm and the other ones but I bet you they’re going to use many of them in different ways there’s going to be competition which is a great thing for people for for businesses competition to be able to move money from one place to another and in the past two or three years I will tell you and it’s never happened in my history and they had the capability of

doing it all of the insurance companies that pay you know from when patients have have an insurance benefit they’re paying me through weird efts like weird go on your computer print off a a a paper check and then turn it into the bank crazy things they have never done before that’s a system of us utilizing an electronic type of payment system so that’s coming all right uh I think it’s time to move to a prayer or I won’t be there for the Thirsty Thursday in a few minutes okay Lord Jesus I just come to you right

now and we just lay our concerns lay the stuff that’s messing with our minds and we lay it your at your feet We Lay it at your feet because you have already seen everything that’s going to happen I mean you died in 33 ad and you saw everything that I’m going to do in the future you saw everything I did in my past none of that stuff is is Meaningful in your way because you’re outside of time and so we just ask Lord God that we would feel that peace the peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and

mind we just thank you Lord God that we take that mantle off of us that worry off of us and we and we lay it at your throne that you can kill it off we just thank you so much for that Lord God and when you feel that you can feel the joy that comes on you so guys that’s what I really pray over you right now that you feel that Joy because that weight is off of you there’s things you can’t fix don’t try to fix them just lay them at the foot of the cross that is great advice and a great prayer amen Dr Scott I can’t thank you I

know we didn’t know think you were GNA make it because you were going to be recording and you jump through hoops for us we appreciate you happy to do it happy to do it well have they harassed you to pop in on thirsty Thursday yet uh I don’t think I can because I’m like I’m toast right now that is something I understand all right I hate to run away on you uh but it is time to get bounced over so that I’ll be prepared for it looking forward tomorrow morning I continue to get phenomenal news now let’s just see uh how much of

it is going to prove to be proven to be accurate I’m excited I’m excited all right thanks everybody all right we’ll see you

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