Economists Uncut

Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 12-19-2024

Okay everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Mannarino. Thursday, December 19, 2024 Pre Market Report let’s just set the stage for what we have here. Let’s, let’s all get up to some kind of reality here.

I think we can all agree, at least I hope so. We now have the biggest, most potentially destructive stock market hyper bubble the world has ever seen. Nothing in history has come close to where we are. You know this, I know this.

This has been going on now for a very long time, people. Look, man, the mechanism here of artificially suppressed rates and currency devaluations with central banks flooding the world with their product of debt has created where we are. This is an incredible situation here. Now let’s talk a little bit more.

What do we know has gone on with these so called insiders with regard to the stock market for the last eight quarters or two years? Two years we’ve been hearing about insiders getting out of the market, dumping their positions. None more so than the illustrious Warren Buffett here. Whatever they do, I told you this before.

Did these things dictate your life to you? They don’t dictate my life to me. As a matter of fact, these so called insiders have missed out on the last two years of a stock market that has done nothing but go straight up. I don’t give a damn what they do and neither should you, okay?

Is it a sign? Is it a warning? You know, maybe it is. I don’t care.

Whatever it is, I really don’t even think about it. I don’t even care what the stock market does. You all know that too. I have been watching the debt market since day one.

The debt market is the driver of this market. And people, I’m telling you right now, we have a problem here. Why do you think I’ve created the mmri, the Manorino Market Risk Indicator which has now gone red, Right? Red zone.

Mmride. Everybody link in description of this video. Yes. This market took a dump yesterday with the dow falling over 1100 points.

Do you realize that you and I have been buying every single dip in this market for seven years? For seven years. You know what? Maybe it’s time to take take a breather.

Absolutely freaking lutely why I got out of this market again, had nothing zero to do the stock market dropping. We have seen many significant drops in this market over the past over seven years. It was the debt market. The debt market told me, you know, let me tell you something.

Do you remember just about 5 days ago I admitted right Here I said I made a mistake. I did not see the MMRI breaking out above its recent price action lower. I said that was a mistake on my part. That was a warning.

Warning one that we were going to have a problem. And then obviously what happened yesterday, this substantial sell off in the debt market which sent the 10 year yield skyrocketing well above the federal funds rate. And then what happened? Exactly what you and I said would happen.

You know, look man, I don’t know who else nailed that one. You and I did. We said right here on this blog that watch what’s going to happen if we get PAR or equal 10 year yield with the federal funds rate. The market’s not going to like it.

And you know, of course I was told I was wrong and I don’t know what I’m talking about but seems like I did, huh? Yeah. It’s too easy to understand the mechanism behind what’s happening here. Now what my concern is, my one and only concern with regard to the stock market is an uncontrolled sell off in the debt market.

People. Look man, the debt market is a bubble of epic hyper proportions. The mechanism here, central banks pumping this via the mechanism artificially suppress rates. Opening that doorway to push cash into the stock market and out of other assets you should be going into has created an environment unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the history of the world.

History of this freaking world. Anyway. So with that again let’s put this into perspective. You and I have been buying every dip in this market for over seven years.

To say the least. We’ve been in the right spot. And again let’s, let’s tell it like it is. Have we done well here?

Absolutely. Did we really think this was never going to stop? What did I tell you? We, we’re going to keep doing this until we don’t until the debt market tells us what to do.

And yesterday to me was a big sign that we got a problem here. And the issue with this federal funds rate and the 10 year. Let me just show you what I’m talking about. And I showed you this yesterday people.

It’s the truth is always hidden in your face. Now this is again, this is a chart I showed you yesterday the relationship between the federal funds rate and, and the 10 year yield. Look what has happened every time we’ve seen what we’re seeing right now today that the dot com bubble, the meltdown, the dot com meltdown. This was the great world financial crisis.

Do you see what I’m talking about here? Do you see what I’m talking about here? This is where we are today. Today again I’ve been screaming from rooftops about the federal funds rate going par with the 10 year yield.

We got a problem here. Now this is again the mmri. This is from this morning. All right, you guys and girls should really be keeping your eyes on this.

Again, it’s free. It’s a hundred percent free. There is a link in the description of this video. Now we got this spike here.

Look at this. This is not good. Again considering where we are. Pure red zone with regard to the MMRI Manorino market risk indicator.

Now we have a. Let me show you something real quick. Yesterday after the market I sent this out to all of you who subscribe to my free newsletter. Okay, link in description of this video.

Now I wrote this. What’s next? Thoughts and opinions. So I wrote, here’s the questions I asked.

Number one, do you see the Fed jumping in here and buying more debt to lower the 10 year yield? And the second question was, do you believe that the Fed will buy large caps as well? There is something called the exchange stabilization Fund also known as the plunge protection team. This is a real thing.

The Fed has a trading desk. New York Fed, they use this to prop up the stock markets to prevent an uncontrolled meltdown here. So the question was again, do you think the Fed is going to jump in here and start buying more debt? Keep the 10 year yield suppressed, drop it down.

That’s what the market would like to see. The market would also like to see large cap stocks getting propped up. Now the Fed can do this. Absolutely.

The Fed can jump in here, start buying more debt, start propping up the stock market or not. Look, the key is the Federal Reserve, what they’re going to do. Central banks run it all. They control the financial system, the financial markets, the monetary system, everything, everything is controlled by central banks.

In this case we’re talking about the Federal Reserve. Now let’s see what they do. Let’s talk just a minute here a little bit more. All right, where did I put this here?

Stock futures this morning are getting a little bit of a bounce after yesterday’s sell off here. Beautiful and fantastic Bitcoin cryptos. Okay, hovering about where you see right now, nothing major. Gold and silver under pressure again.

Okay people, I’m going to tell you this is opportunity to buy this stuff at incredibly suppressed prices. It may be the last opportunity you’re going to get. You guys and girls do whatever you want with the information I put out. Honestly Think for yourself for a moment and, and take action.

Now this is the US 10 year yield this morning. 4.53, well above the low end of the federal funds rate. Yesterday the Fed cut rates. I mean a measly nothing, 25 basis points.

Okay. And what happened was again, this sparked a sell off in the debt market which hit the stock market. This may not be over. It depends on what the Fed does.

The Fed absolutely could get in here and start buying. Will they people, I don’t know what, I really don’t know what the Fed will do or will they won’t do here. So look, you and I again have been so dead on with the stock market, with cryptocurrencies and every freaking thing else. It’s almost like we can see into the future.

And you really can in many, many ways just connect the dots. We’ve been buying every dip for over seven years. Maybe it’s time to take a break and let this thing just play out. That’s my intention.

As I said yesterday, I don’t like to be in the spot I’m in right now. I am in the worst possible position. I am in a large cash position. I don’t want to be there.

The currencies are being destroyed by the respective central banks, none more so than the Fed by lowering rates. It’s an incredible thing. It’s a wrecking ball for the economy. I don’t understand why people are not being allowed to know this stuff here.

Why is it that no one’s telling people that the mechanism of artificially suppressed rates is a currency purchasing power destroyer, therefore a wrecking ball through the economy? No one’s telling you that. But it should be obvious. Again, just look back 25, 30 years ago where we had much, much higher rates and obviously a much stronger purchasing power.

People, we were living much better than we are now. Now people can’t survive. You can’t know that. I think what the Fed is doing here is trying to look for an excuse to go negative with regard to rates.

Negative, which would be a massive destroyer for the, for the people here. What would that mean? If the Fed actually went negative with regard to rates, it would wipe out more of your purchasing power. It would destroy the economy, sure as hell would prop up that stock market.

Look, the reality is this. The mechanism of you can’t have it both ways. Either you have a strong economy and a not so high stock market, or you get an economy that gets destroyed along with we the people and the stock market in the stratosphere again, the Mechanism here is too easy to understand. Artificially suppressed rates and currency devaluation opens up a doorway for cash to flow into risk assets or the stock market.

The stock market people. Where’s the bottom here? I already told you we don’t know where the bottom is. It’s so distorted, so twisted from any kind of reality here.

The Dow should be realistically 8,000. I think that’s where we’re gonna eventually go. We’re gonna get a par. You want to talk about another par?

I nailed it to the wall. With regard to the federal refunds rate and the 10 year yield par. What would happen here? I said this.

The market would not like it. It sparked the sell off here in the debt market. I’m going to tell you something else. We’re going to get a par.

Dow, gold. Dow 8,000 would mean gold 8,000. Do the math. We would with regard to silver here.

I think we’re going to get a 15 to 1, maybe even a 10 to 1 ratio. Gold, silver. Nothing is real. And there’s something else going on I want to show you.

I showed you this yesterday but I want you to focus on this one year of the Fed’s repo scam. It’s a scam. This repo operation that is run by central banks I’m talking about the Fed right now is a mechanism to trick the market in, to trick the system into thinking it’s more liquid than it actually is. We’re already in a liquidity crisis people.

Cash is dry enough. That’s the main issue here. They’re gonna lock up the system. That was the real problem in 08.

You all know that. I’ve told you this a million times. It wasn’t that the stock market was crashing, it was credit or the flow of debt through the markets. With locking into business, lending was stopped.

Why did they rush? Creature Ben Bernanke before our loving caring worship freaking things Congress here and say listen, if we. What did Ben say? If we don’t bend, creature puke whatever it is.

What do you tell our loving caring representatives? We don’t start pumping trillions of dollars into the economy, we won’t have an economy by Monday. This was over a weekend. He wasn’t didn’t talk about stock market.

That’s where they’re pushing us into a credit freeze people. Wake the freak up. Wake the freak up. That means transactions stop.

Digits on the screen that are in your bank account, they’re not there anymore. There’s no access to debt or credit or cash or anything else. This is where they’re pushing us into the new system as the bridge is being built. Come on, people, wake up.

But look at what’s happening here. For the last year, this repo scam, which is nothing but the Fed passing vast amounts of cash between institutions overnight, is a mechanism to trick the system, to fool it into. Into thinking it’s more liquid, that they’re pulling liquidity out. Do you see what I’m talking about here, people?

Man, this stuff is in your face. It’s so in your face. And you better freaking wake up or you’re going to be caught on the wrong side of this. And I have no guy, nobody else has worked harder than I have for all of you to make you aware of what’s happening here.

So look, I’m out of this market. I intend to stay out until I see something happened with the debt market. I don’t care what the stock market does. Are we going to get a bounce in the morning?

Does that mean it’s over? I’m going to be watching the mmri. Okay? You know that here at the end, it’s free to everybody, man, whether you use it or not, I don’t really care.

All right, if you’re awake enough to understand what you’re looking at here, then I get it. This is risk. Risk is now at an extreme level. I understand.

Again, there are some of you that are going to say, well, Greg, hold on a second. You’re saying we need much higher rates. We do need much higher rates, but that would mean this fake stock market would be cut in half. It’s not real.

It’s an illusion. For how long have I told you that they’re going to use the stock market as an illusion? Hey, everyone, look at the stock market. Record high, record high.

That must mean our economy is strong. This has been a fairy tale that has been told for a very, very long time. Certain specific presidents. I’m not even going to name names anymore.

Use that as a weapon against you. Rah, rah, rah. Look at that stock market. As the debt ballooned out of control again.

Okay, the last three presidents, none more so in history of the United States have we seen the debt double so fast. The last three presidents. Three have more than double the debt. Take every president prior to Obama.

Go back to George Washington. Every one of them. Take the last three. They’ve hyperinflated the debt and that’s created this illusion of the stock market.

They. Again, a president has no ability to do this. But they can work with the central bank and allow it to happen. You’ve been promised lower rates.

Do you want lower rates in currency devaluation? No, but you’re going to get it. I really believe they’re looking for an excuse here to go negative. I really, really do.

We’ll see where this goes here. But again people, look. Is this a surprise to you? What have you.

And I’ve been saying for the last, there’s going to be a point. We’re going to have to get out of here and be first, be smarter or cheap. Yes, indeed, these so called insiders have been dumping stocks for the last two years. They missed out on a hell of a run, you and me.

If this is the top, and I don’t call tops or bottoms, we got out pretty close to the freaking top here. So we sit back, we take a breather, we reevaluate. This is how a professional works. You understand.

I’m still in every single one of my crypto spots. I have no intention of dumping my crypto positions. If I do, you guys and girls are going to be the first to know what I intend to do with cash that I just pulled out of the stock market. I have no exposure to the stock market right now.

Zero. What I intend to do is add to my gold and more specifically silver positions. I am intending on buying a significant amount of physical silver, mostly silver and some gold over the next several weeks. That’s what I intend to do do.

I intend to buy more cryptocurrency here. I am evaluating that. I would love to see bitcoin drop to let’s say 92 or so. I think that would be a very good entry point.

But again, I am not in the business of picking cops and or bottoms. I’m really not in that business. Anyone that’s in that business is generally going to lose me. First of all, we all know the key, the absolute key to the system is the debt market.

And right now people, again, what we’re seeing here with regard to the mmri, this is not good. The fact the Fed is pulling liquidity out of the system right under your freaking noses here. What have I been telling you? We’re in a full blown liquidity crisis.

They’re exacerbating it. You think this is by accident? Really, honestly, it’s all this is just a comedy of errors. The fact this is going on right now, this is where we are now.

This is again the relationship between the federal funds rate and the 10 year yield, people. Come on now, I think this is, this says a lot here, okay? So what we do, we sit back, we wait. And then you know what we do as lions, we bounce as we’ve been pouncing when the time is right.

That sound correct to you? I think it does. All right, guys, that’s kind of where we’re at here. Let’s keep our eye on these things and really stop focusing where they want you to look.

They want you to focus on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Thirty companies look with the Dow. Look at the Dow. We, we’re watching that debt market.

It’s all that matters here. And we will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. People, we’ve been killing it across the board. And we’re not going to stop.

We’re not going to stop. We got this. They’re going to. They’re going to play games that you’re not going to even believe moving forward.

This whole thing with polio right now that they’re shoving in our faces, what have I been telling you with that too? They need another mechanism. It used to be war. War, well, still proves to be the mechanism which allows central banks to inflate greater than any other human endeavor here.

The mechanism of war creates the need for more borrowed dollars than any other human undertaking. Right up until convid came along. Then $3.6 trillion right out of you, right on your back wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to get you fearful enough to do that.

I’ve been telling you, they need something disfiguring. They need a mark on the body or something that’s going to make people run to get this. No mandate will be required because the fear factor is going to be so great. Polio would do it.

Polio, we do it. And I think we’re being set up. I really do. I just see the writing on the wall.

It’s too simple to see. They have to create reasons to pull cash into the system. It’s the only mechanism that’s keeping this illusion real. And I’m not even talking about the illusion of the stock market anymore.

I’m talking about us here on the ground here. They want to take our air away, our ability to live. Me personally live. Look, man, I’ve been telling you for years, I think they want to depopulate the Earth.

Oh, Greg, put your tinfoil hat on, right? Okay, maybe so. But I guess we’re going to find out, huh? People be ready for anything.

Anything. Even the freaking unbelievable with these UFOs, whatever it might be out there. I’m telling you, they’re not done creating Fear. They’re not done psyoping all of us, brainwashing us, making us.

Trying to make us believe things that have no bearing on reality whatsoever here so they can do whatever they want. Fear is paralyzing. And that’s why we don’t rattle. We take action when action needs to be taken.

That’s it. You understand? Love you all from the heart. I mean that.

Hope you got something out of this video. I will see all of you later, 4 or 5pm Eastern for the live stream. Live stream people have some questions ready for me and whatever you want to talk about, we’ll talk about. And if I do not answer your question, I do apologize in advance.

I try to cover them as it’s kind of that live feed goes very fast. I can’t track it, but I will try my best. We’ve built something fantastic here and I am so proud of it. This worldwide family.

And together we’re stronger and we know what’s going to happen. We know what they want to do. It’s a mechanism to bring us to our knees. And we’re not getting on our knees before anyone except God.

God, am I on the right side? On the right side of this? You think we’re on the right side of this? All right, guys and girls, I love you all again.

Until we see each other again, please, later, take care of yourselves and each other. Follow the MMRI again. It’s 100% free. Link in the description of this video.

Subscribe to my newsletter if you haven’t yet. It’s also free. I will send out information to you all day that I think is important. And I think right now you guys and girls need to be kept in the loop.

And I’m going to work even harder to make sure that happens. All right, I am out of here. See you.



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