Economists Uncut

Trump Insiders Are Saying It’s MUCH WORSE Than We’re Being Told! (Uncut) 03-12-2025

Trump Insiders Are Saying It’s MUCH WORSE Than We’re Being Told! | Rob Kientz

The gold flows around the world is telling you who’s worried and you got everybody worried about Europe right now And that’s why you got all that moving from Europe to the US. If you look at history, tariff wars precede hot wars You’ve got financial and tariff wars that lead into hot wars. So what are you gonna see? You’re gonna see more wars kick off Let’s go back to his first administration When FASB 56 was signed off on and he knew about it as an administrative accounting rule Which meant the government can take dark as finances.


Well, how’d they take it dark? well, they can spend more than they say and you can spend for housing and urban development in in Defense or you can spend for defense in health you never know what the government’s spending money on and There was 21 trillion dollars of missing money from the Department of Defense and housing and urban development He’s going to do is use the first couple years of his presidency to clean stuff out But what people aren’t paying attention to is that he’s not cleaning everything out Is he there’s all this missing 21 trillion, which if you extend that to the rest of the government Some people think it could be a hundred trillion What he’s going to do is use the first couple years of his presidency to clean stuff out But what people aren’t paying attention to is that he’s not cleaning everything out Is he there’s all this missing 21 trillion, which if you extend that to the rest of the government You’re watching capital cause and my name is Danny and today’s guest is fan favorite Rob Keene’s Rob Thank you so much for coming on my friend Thanks for having me again. I appreciate you. Yeah, let’s dive right in Rob.


It is Monday March 10th and The market is I don’t want to say crashing but it’s correcting significantly right now that we were talking about Off-air the nasdaq is down 3% Recording the Dow is down almost 2% What do you make of what’s currently going on out there? What’s your most topical story on your radar screen at the moment? Well, I think we’re It’s affected by a lot of things. We’re seeing recession and by recession I don’t mean officially announced government recessions But I mean less less stuff being bought around the world the consumer credit here in the u.s. Has been fluctuating People were paying off their credit now and they’re buying less a lot of the goods purchases have come down The trade wars and the tariffs are affecting things and this is something I warn people about as soon as Trump got elected And I might have come on your shot. I think I did come on your show and have a big big episode on that When when you threaten tariffs in the long term, it’s very damaging to economies In the short term, it’s kind of like the art of the deal Why I think why Trump’s administration likes it so much because it’s like playing poker You can win a hand, but you may lose the battle you may you know, or win a battle or yeah Yeah, and I think what’s happening is tariffs are just screwing around with financial flows and product flows and You also got the threat of war in Europe with the whole NATO Russia thing you’ve got the defense spending ramping up but a lot of that defense spending ramping up a lot of people like Martin Armstrong and others have come out and said Europe is crashing right now, even though they’re not Officially reporting through the governments the economies are crashing and the euro is a What is it the third largest economic block in the world behind the US and China? It’s huge and not only do you have the production coming out of places like Germany you’ve got a lot of buying and You’ve had new things severed like brexit severed And so you’ve got the world in this sort of state of flux economically And that’s why you’re seeing this gold rush this gold rush where the LB may is like six to eight weeks out from delivering and they’re Slotting you got the guy from the Bank of England saying we got a lorry in the yard, which is a truck I got a truck in the yard, you know, and that’s preventing us from getting the gold out which is absurd And you got you know, the Comex is filling up with all this gold and silver because people are panicking about what’s going on Europe So they’re bringing it over here to be safe So I think people are responding to that and the gold trade not the gold price The gold flows around the world is telling you who’s worried and you got everybody worried about Europe right now And that’s why you got all all that moving from Europe to the US But you got it’s this game of musical chairs where people look at these economies going man If I sit down am I gonna have a chair am I gonna have the gold and silver? It’s Basel 3 and Basel 4 saying gold’s a high-quality liquid asset and the dollar maybe not so much anymore It’s all of these things we’ve been talking about for four or five years sort of coalescing at the same time So you’re looking at the first stages of the free fall and that’s reflected in the stock market people are not valuing the stocks as much Because they look at what’s going on the economy They look at the almost seeming panic from the administration doing these Bitcoin and gold sovereign wealth fund type of deal I mean, it’s clear that the government right now is panicking around spend.


They’re panicking around Capital flows you had the worst Current account balance monthly current account balance meaning we sent more out than we got in on record It was either last month or the month before so we’re Sending more out getting less in and we’re panicking Europe is in a state of a mess financially China’s got their problems We’re seeing the start of this global deflationary class. We’re not fully into it, but we’re seeing it And you’re starting to see the trade war escalate worldwide. It’s not just between the US and XYZ country You also China putting tariffs now on Canada.


So I mean this thing is is spread and if you look at history tariff wars precede hot wars and You’ve got financial and tariff wars that lead into hot wars. So what are you gonna see? You’re gonna see more wars kick off Hopefully we won’t get to the big one. I don’t want to predict that I’m not gonna speak it I’m gonna say hopefully that does not happen, but you’ll see more regional wars kicking off You see it in Syria.


You see it in Middle East. You see it in Europe You’re starting to see trying to make China basically said Taiwan’s part of our family and families don’t leave each other basically saying Taiwan you’re with us Are they gonna invade are they just gonna you know, are they gonna try to control it economically? Which is what China’s try to do you see this this geopolitical realignment in addition to an economic realignment and now a gold realignment and And that usually precedes big Conflagrations whether it be economic issues war All that kind of stuff. Oh in the Romania.


Look at what happened to Romania You had an election Romania that supposedly was a legit and the courts came out So, oh, it’s not legit because we don’t like these guys. He’s right-wing So now they’ve arrested that guy You’ve got mass protests in the street in Romania because they’re like you just canceled a legitimate election Like how many how many times is it a good thing? For a country or that region of the country of that region of the continent when you cancel a legitimate election Like when does that ever lead to good things? you you just got this financial dislocation leading to political dislocation and You know, it’s a mess Is there anywhere in the world that one can flee to because this is like an often asked question is the entire world’s screwed or is there a Could we find reprieve somewhere? You know 15 years ago. I looked at I just looked at Relocating not that I was necessarily gonna do it.


I had a family at the time still had family I’m still one one child under 18. I got daughter going to college who you know in her 20s I don’t want to leave and I don’t think they’re going to can’t afford it and you know I never found it feasible but I looked at it because you could see the problems and you know that us is gonna be the epicenter of the worst parts Of it because we’ve got the dominant currency what happens when the dominant currency dies and the economic system dies Yeah Yeah I’m all this turnover and tribulation all the tribulation around the world is Essentially dating back to Bretton Woods and in 1971 get the dollar off the gold which caused mass inflation elsewhere economic dislocation Then we globalized now, we’re deglobalizing The Japan debacle the China debacle all of these things since basically the 80s and 90s We’re the result of that that dollar decision, I don’t think if Nixon knew how badly this would screw up the world that one decision and then all decisions on the back of that because the Fiat currency started running and basically re-engineering the entire world trade from what it had been for hundreds of years That’s what we’re seeing happen and it’s not affecting everybody the same. It’s an issue and we got to work through it.


That’s an issue Is there a safe place to go I don’t know man, because we all got free at currencies and how many countries have good gold backing China as an American Do you want to go live in China? I don’t know if you get treated the same or in Russia Maybe you would maybe you wouldn’t I don’t know. Is that attractive to you? Are you gonna go to Australia? Mmm, I mean, I like Australia. It’s a long way from home.


I don’t know that they’re in any stronger position I don’t like China sitting right up north of them either I mean after Taiwan China could could come down to New Zealand and Australia say hey, thanks for all your resources We need those for our war machine Or we need it for our economy Do you feel safe going to India? Do you feel safe going to Europe? Do you feel safe going to South America? I don’t know. There’s a lot of expats all over the world You know, I see expats coming to the u.s. I see people moving in the u.s. From India China saying I want opportunity here So like yeah, we’ve had I think we’ve had like one of the largest inflows of millionaires across the entire world over the last year Yeah, they don’t want to come here and all the gold’s coming here because they think it’s safe Which I mean it could be but like if our economy erupts, is it truly safe? look at a few years ago what we had happened during the election cycle and you had riots in Portland and you know, you had people shot and people were throwing bricks and Dallas breaking windows and like, you know economic dislocation the the All of these issues can occur everywhere. They can go anywhere.


It’s it’s not Limited to places that you don’t live and people think the grass is green on the other side I’m like, we’ll go visit and find out. I recently last year went to the UK Spain and Turkey and then in UAE in the Middle East and they were like asking me How do I get to the u.s? Some of the people there very quietly. We had an episode on that.


So I You know, I don’t know. Where do you go? Yeah, I mean it looks like it’s about to blow up there in the Middle East as well Yeah going going back to the economic side of things you did have this comment from Treasury Secretary Scott percent Yesterday saying that the economy is going through a detox period Trump Afterward said that the economy is going through a transition period. Of course, these are nice little euphemisms used to describe most likely a recession So, what do you make of those comment what are they getting us ready for are they But they’re willing to admit it’s gonna get bad.


How bad is it gonna get? Okay I’ve got a lot to say in this and it may not make me super popular I know people are married to Trump in his administration. I’m not against him I’m an independent had been my entire life since I was 18 walked into college and they said you won’t be a Democrat Republican I said give me a third choice I’ve never registered as a blue or redder and I’ve always been independent. I voted both parties.


I voted libertarian I’ve stopped voting you name it. I’ve tried it all right. I Don’t marry a party So I’m not for against Trump and I know that what he’s doing with doge and all that stuff looks good on its surface Let’s go back to his first administration When fast be 56 was signed off on and he knew about it as an administrative accounting rule Which meant the government can take dark as finances.


Well, how they take it dark well they can spend more than they say and you can spend for housing and urban development in in Defense or you can spend for defense in health you never know what the government’s spending money on and There was 21 trillion dollars of missing money from the Department of Defense and housing and urban development found by the former assistant director of HUD Catherine off you would know Catherine Austin Fitz and also dr Mark Skidmore is PhD students By the way, if you go to miss Amanda slaughter comm or you go to the Michigan State University website you look at it They’ve got the links. So I’m more worried about that missing 21 trillion I think it’s great that they’re trying to find a few billion in doge or maybe even a tree and if we get lucky That’s what must says. What about the 21 trade and what’s gonna make a bigger impact? Why don’t you go after that and why are the government finances still dark? What’s going on here? I think it’s not just they’re trying to cost cut and it’s not just a panic Yes, they’re trying to make the public aware that things are going to get tough and whenever okay Whenever they can do it now think about the timing Biden couldn’t say it because the Democratic Party wanted a re-election They needed to say things are going to be great Once Trump come in comes in these first year and I’m first day He’s signing these orders What he’s going to do is use the first couple years of his presidency to clean stuff out But what people aren’t paying attention to is that he’s not cleaning everything out Is he there’s all this missing 21 trillion which if you extend that to the rest of the government Some people think it could be a hundred trillion looking for great deals on gold and silver coins and bars From a company that you can trust then you’ve got to check out the good folks over at Pembex this year I’ve really got to know these guys and all I can say is you’re not going to deal with a better group of people They’re a family-owned gold and silver online bullion company Offering the essentials and more at industry-leading prices while always providing first-class top-tier service.


That’s PIM and if you’re looking to convert some or all of your retirement account into real gold and silver give Pembex a call They’ll help explain the process and get you started on the right path Your support at Pembex also helps support the channel so reach out to Pembex today You won’t be disappointed and make sure to tell them Danny sent you a hundred freaking trillion dollars Well, isn’t that inflationary? Couldn’t that collapse a dollar? What did we spend it on? Who did it go to? We’ve got those issues. So even if they clean out dough using dough should clean out that there’s still all these cobwebs around the world not just in the United States around the world been funded through this money printing and Essentially, that’s why the rest of the world’s be dollarizing if the world if we had not done that If we had stayed on our normal course and not over printed by trillions upon trillions of dollars We may not be in the boat that we’re in now and I think Trump’s trying to clean it up But he’s not cleaning it all up and during his first administration is when they took that rule fast be 56 not saying he initiated It but he knew about it and I don’t see them rescinding that or putting pressure. So what are they doing? Are they re-engineering you’ve got musk in here with his AI bots and his guys that we don’t even know if they have clearance because I went through a security clearance once I did a project.


It was a I was an auditor for 12 years I was working with Ernst and Young one of our clients was I think it was EDS systems that had the federal student aid Data on it was hosting. So it’s like a third party. What’s called an SS a report used to be called a SAS 70 So you go and you bring an independent auditor and they do one audit over this Thing and then since you have thousands of clients they each use that report So if you think about it, you had thousands of people using EDS systems because it’s like a cloud hosting provider So you do one report they brought you in we did it.


I wrote the report. I did a lot of testing I had to get a government security clearance. I went through hell and this is just federal Student aid and we’re not talking about top secret.


I’m getting military secrets I went through absolute hell to get that approved. They went and interviewed my wife They went and interviewed people I’d worked with 10 years ago. They interviewed every single neighbor of my neighborhood There’s 80 freaking people they interviewed 80 people.


This is a low-level security clearance How did Elon Musk people on day one have that clearance when they’re 20 years old and they’re getting top-secret clearance to Treasury data? Which shows every single transaction that you’ve ever done on your bank account multiplied by 360 million people. What are they doing there? What are they installing? What are they doing? These are the questions we need to ask. Yes.


Is it good that they’re cleaning stuff up? Yes, is it good that they’re finally warning the American people? Understand that we’re going to go through some rough times, but what else is going on behind the scenes? Those are critical questions that we need to ask and are we actually solving our problems? If you only see the tip of the iceberg and you don’t see what’s going on below Then we need to see what’s going on below. I’m an auditor. I will tell you 99 times out of a hundred you were going to do an audit and you had an inkling what the top above-water problems were You know how many times I found worse stuff as I was going through my audit and I wasn’t even auditing that but I got A piece of paper.


I got something I looked at and said Hey boss, I need to go audit this and I’d audit it and would turn out to be some significant thing At least half the time So what we’re not seeing below the water is the real risk here and we need to ask those questions I’m not saying that I’m questioning what Trump is or Elon or any of these guys are doing I think they’re doing a great job for what we see visually But remember the government took their finances dark for on Trump’s watch and that 2016 2017 time frame first time he’s president. He knows there’s no way the president does not know that the entire Basically deep state which by the way beat him up for the last eight years Has unlimited spending dollars all the persecutions of Trump were paid for by dark money That we you know, and if you’re concerned about Trump, you want to be concerned about that dark money Well, why isn’t he concerned? So is there a reengineering it my hypothesis? Trump knew that there were major issues last time. He wanted to save the buck He wanted to save the dollar because he knew we would go through a great depression part two Probably even worse than the first time if it if it all came out if all of it came out So I think what they’re trying to do is attack what they can They’re trying to hold down the fort.


They’re trying to re-engineer and that’s why on day one He went nuts with all the stuff he’s doing He knows the problems a hundred times worse than they’re letting us know and that’s what you guys need to know that you’re watching this The problem is a hundred to a thousand times worse than he is telling you or anyone’s telling you It’s a hundred to a thousand times worse than any YouTube influencer analyst Talking head on CNBC is telling you and that’s what you need to know because we’re not seeing what’s below the water the top line We’re only seeing the top line. I guarantee you 12 years in order eight years as a cyber analyst My my in my master’s My concentration was digital forensics. I’ve done this.


I’ve done investigations for 20 years at different times. I’m telling you right now It’s a hundred times worse. And so when you get a politician to admit, it’s bad.


It’s really bad Yeah, and that’s what we need to start paying attention. We need to ask critical questions Don’t assume that what’s going on has solved the problem. We did not save the dollar.


We’re still trying to save the dollar We’re trying to spend our gold and spend our Bitcoin and save the dollar and I don’t even know if that’s gonna be enough And so there’s gonna be fireworks the next four to eight years It’s not only Trump’s administration. The next one’s gonna have to deal with it In and and how long does this last and how bad is it gonna be? We don’t know We don’t see what’s below the water So it’s good to talk about what’s above the water. Let’s start doing investigation what below the water This is my auditor sense saying this is what we need to do Yeah, it’s crisis management 101 you don’t Detail out the full scope of the disaster to the public to not elicit fear and panic because it is as bad as we think It is then could we see bank runs? Could we see chaos? Yes, do we will see bank runs and bankruptcies.


We had them a couple years ago. We’re gonna get them again It’s kind of a lens bail-ins bailouts every kind of bail you can think of they’re gonna do bank runs They’re gonna close the banks and may confiscate assets. You’re gonna have price controls.


You’re gonna have financial controls You’re gonna have a deep recession you’re gonna have food lines. You’re gonna have people worried about the social security At some point this all has to blow up. I Appreciate what the administration is doing.


I do I 100% appreciate it. They cannot solve it this way by itself They’re trying to control perception and do deeper things My only question is what are those deeper things and are they gonna work and history has told us? No when it gets to this level debt to GDP Fiat money systems 250-year nation-state cycles 80-year contracted wave cycles. No, but it may they may be buying us time They may be trying to figure something They may I think they’re trying to buy time to figure out what the heck they’re gonna do if this cannot be the only plan History says this is gonna go bad if this is the only plan.


So we need to do more Yeah, it sounds like if it does explode in their faces then fast forward four years from now Do we risk seeing like a pendulum swing all the way back to the other side and we get something along the lines of a socialist president or or something like that or Do they do we see one man rule does Trump become a dictator at that point? In the history of great nation-states when they reach their 250-year cycle, where have they all gone? They’ve all gone to some form of tyranny whether you want to call it left right up down Whichever way from Center you want to call it. It’s tyranny. It’s government control.


It’s government mandates people go into prison. It’s war It’s financial control. It’s suppression of culture.


It’s all that. Do I know that u.s. Is going to that? No Has it happened to every single time in history that the dominant nation-state has reached the end of its 250-year cycle and recorded history Every single time no exception. Yeah Are we gonna be Pollyanna and say it couldn’t happen in the US because we’re we’re all Superman We’re all ordained by God to be the best nation in the history of the world and nothing backing up No, I don’t think so.


I Think we need to get over American exceptionalism and understand that we’re in a crisis mode and we all need to prepare for that and We need to understand what history says happens in these cases and we need to prepare for that not just financially But in every which way we talked about that on your show before People need to prepare because when this stuff has happened before in history every single time it’s gotten rough Yeah, yeah What do you I had John Paul me on the other day and his thesis was was he was trying to revisit the Reagan-Volcker plan by creating a Recession to crush inflation. Yes. Do you think it’d be something as simple as that? Could that’s could that just be the gambit here? It could be the whole the fire in the terrace and things like that Yeah, I’m sorry to interrupt you.


We had a look. I think my connection was slow and I didn’t mean interrupt you Yes, because what they’re doing is necessarily deflationary in terms of economic trade They’re trying to weaken the dollar at the same time They’re trying to stop spending a lot of money that was supporting the economy at the same time That they’re they’re using all of their available assets. I have any value to back the dollar This is not Yes It could be that they’re trying to do a smaller recession to stop the bigger one to stop the fail of the dollar But even if they do it’s just kicking the can down the road mathematically It’s never existed in history that we got in this situation We didn’t have a major depression collapse crash, whatever you want to call it And yes, I do think that could be part of the plan and that’s why I go back to that below the water iceberg comments We don’t know how bad it is.


And that’s why I’m not I don’t want to criticize this administration. I don’t want to criticize the executive branch or Congress or anybody right now because They know I’m telling you they know how bad the problem they know better than we do and there it’s crisis mode So I want to support them as much as possible But the people need to understand a matter of what is coming out of these people’s mouths we need to understand it’s worse and We need to understand that that maybe they are maybe they’re doing a short-term recession and maybe they think that they can do that and kick it down the road another five to ten years and Maybe they think that if you get into some more spending that’ll boost our economy like it did World War two I mean those are all plans that they’re probably thinking of because they’ve happened in the past But what is what what is shown in the past that that will not work is the entirety of economic history in the world When you get to these points, we’re we’re past the 1970s You can’t run the Volcker playbook now because you have much more debt Yeah, the rest of the world saying we don’t want your currency. Yeah, the rest of the world doing worldwide trade networks You have everybody’s scrambling for gold.


This is not in the 1970s. It’s not and it’s a different situation So that playbook can push it down the road it can alleviate some short-term pain And the fact that they’re doing it tells me we were probably headed for a major We probably still are headed for a major recession Because the way that I mean the first day he got in he went nuts It was like no executive or more on the first day than any president in history And he didn’t you know his first term Trump didn’t do as many as Obama or Biden now He’s outpacing both of them put together So that there’s a change in in posture The second time around you could say it’s because there’s an emergency. Yeah.


Yeah, he’s an he’s an emergency Save the ship. He’s trying to save the Titanic. But unfortunately, I think it’s a Titanic, right? Like there’s like boats, but is everybody getting alive? I don’t know economically speaking What’s the rationale behind going after Greenland and Canada and Mexico? What’s he trying to accomplish there? Is he trying to to build a fortress America in North America? Is he trying to swallow what is he actually trying to swallow up Canada and Mexico here? I Think yes and no He thinks best-case scenario.


He can swallow them up and get the resources can as a ridiculous amount of physical resource Ridiculous amount especially in the Arctic North. I mean it is it is stupid how much they have Greenland has a ton and if you add Greenland, you’re not adding that many people I mean, it’s basically like free resource with cheap price like Louisiana purchase part 2 or Alaska purchase part 2 be great Wouldn’t it be great to get all those resources for a real cheap price? Canada Trump is basically I think use it more as posture because he’s saying we’re paying for your military You get more trade from us and we get from you. You’re our 51st state.


Does he really want Canada? I don’t know I think he’s angling for better trade deal and that’s why he’s doing the rhetoric and the tariff at the same time He’s trying he’s trying to get them to say look we are your economy without us You’re gonna sink so I’m gonna use my bully power here to get you to give us a better deal So we can get the resources we need because he needs cheaper energy and cheaper supplies and cheaper precious metals and cheaper rare-earths That’s why the deal with Ukraine to get the rare-earths That’s why Greenland to get the rare-earths and the gold and silver and the oil and the natural gas and the metals He knows we’re going to have to rebuild after this recession That’s why his comments either he gets them to come on board with us Or he gets the deals he wants so that they can be the conduit and We can shove a bunch of money at them, which will help in the long run So it’s not just one way it seems like that because he’s he’s the way he’s doing it It’s very abrasive Trump Trump has this abrasive I’m a business owner approach But actually it would be good for them to get in these new trade deals in the short term It may make a little bit less money But we’re their biggest trading partner and in the case of Canada and even in Mexico were huge So it will help them in the long run He’s just the way he’s doing it for abrasive now the second part of your question. Is it Fortress America? We’ll think about this from an invasion perspective Russia and China are playing around there in that little Arctic, right? How hard would it be for them to run a force down, you know, and you can’t take over Canada and come to the US There’s a physical element to this and the Arctic is being it’s kind of like the space race that nobody’s talking about They’ve had bases there for forever and Russian China got more and Russia’s got the Siberian route where they trade goods across that they’ve been developing for ten years and They’ve got bases and the US base is mostly mostly we’ve had bases up there. They’re mothballed and then if you come across that that Alaska corridor that Conduit and also the conduit of terrorism coming up through Central America and and Mexico is very real.


It’s not just ms-13. It’s terrorists from the Middle East So you’re talking about invading forces current and possibly future so there’s a physical Element to some of these things as well so I think there’s two elements and Trump’s not saying that because if you went and said Look at all these Russian bases up here and the Chinese and Russia could invade us through Canada and we couldn’t stop it I mean you talk about tanking the market you you may have black Friday Yeah, but I think that’s an element to what he’s talking about. He’s talking about kinetic issues As much as he’s talking about economically It’s very fascinating what about the notion and Martin Armstrong often brings up this point is that you’re as in much worse shape than we are and Eventually the all that capital once Europe collapses that capital is going to flow into most likely the United States yeah, well that capital kind of provide a little padding at least a little bit of a Boost to that’s what’s happening in gold right now.


And yes, you’ll see that and when I wrote my book drop shadow in 2009 I said it probably the the next Recession which I think will be a depression starts either in Japan or Europe and you’re seeing it in Europe and you’re kind of seeing It in Japan to the demographic issues are finally coming home to roost in Japan they’re having the carry trade has been a sign of that and The the the problems with their currency has been a sign of it Europe is is in some places a dumpster fire and it’s trying to hold itself together But you see this mass political sort of chaos and dislocation happening in Europe Which is a sign of people figuring out we’re in a mess and the politicos trying to control it and losing control I don’t care what the European political class tries to do. They’ve lost control of their people right now. You’re seeing it Romania You’re seeing it in some places in Germany.


You’re seeing it a lot of places. So yes, and that will force business over to the US and I also think that’s why Trump’s trying to position because He’s trying to position it to where we have the the he I think he wants to use that opportunity To I think he thinks it will lessen the recession and it will help us rebuild after the recession because he keeps talking about Manufacturing he keeps talking about make America great again have America build stuff So in his viewpoint, he wants America to be the epicenter of the recovery. So if he can reforce force a smaller recession now to avoid the big one take those capital flows including the gold and Capitalize on that he that’s his best play now.


Is that gonna lead to touchdown and win in the Super Bowl? Hey, Rob, Rob, can you? Can you go back like 10 seconds? Okay, you cut off when you said can Trump be the Blank. Yeah, so Trump is trying to use this to to Go into a recession To lessen the chance for that accession to or extend to get the trade deals He needs to rebuild the US because what does Trump want to do? He wants to make America great again and by doing that it’s through many factor. He talks about manufacturing He talks about Americans making goods.


He talks about us running our family farms He understands that was a heyday of America and he understands this Globalization system that we had is falling apart and he’s trying to reconstruct it now. Does that mean he wins? Does that mean we win the Super Bowl and America gets through a relative landscape? No, I don’t think so But it’s his best play in his playbook. He’s a coach of the team and he’s playing his best play Now is it gonna be effective? I don’t know but he’s trying to do what he can personally I still think there’s gonna be a big crash, but you know To his credit it could mean That he’s putting us in the best position now the fact that a lot of its dark money I don’t like the fact that some of this appears to be a dog and pony show I don’t like but I understand why he may be doing that from a public perception perspective.


I only want to make sure that this ends up on the side of the American people and Doesn’t add to increased power because would you just ask me the question before what happens when countries crash? There’s tyranny We don’t want this to lead to tyranny. So there needs to be enough Honesty and transparency in the process so that people feel comfortable with where we’re going and I think there’s a ton of uncertainty right now There’s a lot of uncertainty Political and culturally where we’re going as a nation and there’s uncertainty economically and That’s what we’re all just gonna have to deal with the next few years I don’t think that’s going away anytime soon, but I think Martin Armstrong makes a really good point He’s made a good point about the goal coming over because the NATO Russia potential conflict and you know He’s plugged into a lot of political leaders So I think he makes a lot of good points here But even all the points that we’re all talking about there’s stuff under the water. We don’t know about that It’s it’s the unknown unknowns Donald Rumsfeld said it’s the unknown unknowns that are gonna get you Yeah now given the recent developments between Trump and Putin and Zelensky there does appear to be somewhat of a close sitting up between America and Russia Yes now couple this with what’s going on in Greenland in Canada How do you square that circle? How do you square the circle of we’re getting we are getting closer to Russia But at the same time we’re still concerned about our security By virtue of the North Pole the the Northwest Passage and all the different passages across the North Pole that Russia Russia has access to Is this really just kabuki theater? Do we actually trust Russia? Are we actually getting closer to Russia? Or I think you want to keep your enemies closer type of deal He wants to be close He I think Trump thinks he can work with Putin and Putin said he would work with Trump and I think Trump is trying to prevent an Armageddon scenario and He’s playing this very Interestingly, he said we’re gonna stop the Ukraine war and we’re gonna stop funding NATO, but he’s trading supplies to Ukraine that NATO wants for rare earths and other trade and Ukraine’s also big on wheat and it’s like the harvest basket of Eastern Europe.


It’s where they grow a lot of food But at the same time he’s trying not to make Trump mad. He’s trying to not to make China mad I think he’s trying to play 3d chess now. Is he playing it right? I don’t know.


It’s difficult It’s a bit the u.s. Because of all these treaties and economic agreements and the fact that we have the dominant currency still even though it’s waning It’s it’s a very difficult position to be in he doesn’t have an easy job You want to make sure you protect yourself from your enemy while at the same time? Making sure that you keep them as friendly as possible and it’s difficult. It is really a difficult thing at the end of the day Does is Trump worried about Russia? Yeah, I think he’s more worried about China if I’m being honest Because China is now developing their blue water Navy. They’ve got the Long range hypersonics.


Well, I think hexes what the one who said that we are moving our attention from Europe to the Pacific Yeah, and I think if you look at China’s close relation China Russia’s close relation to Iran Who’s got nearly has a nuclear weapon if reports are correct North Korea, which we think may already have one They’re just developing the rocket technology and China Russia helping them There are trigger points at which we have to be careful and I think that Trump knows that some of these other nations Have these little roguelite sort of nations that could be used to trip off Hot conflict and so you got to be super careful and I’ve been reading analysts for years that said if we do have a major conflict start its North Korea or its Iran in Syria Either one and who thought Ukraine, right? So it’s it’s it we’re not just dealing economic we’re dealing kinetic and we have to be super careful And I don’t you know, they’re never gonna come out and tell us everything that they’re thinking Putin’s not gonna do it China’s not gonna do it. The u.s. Is not going to do it And I think that’s why if you’re following this whole saga You got to follow a lot of people and you got to consider a lot of different angles And it’s a very complex game of chess. It’s not as simple.


It’s not as simple as people make it out to be It’s very super complex. And usually when you get into these types of complexities, it does lead the hotline to say it But kinetic wars are a feature of this. It’s cyber and economic.


It’s political It’s cold war and then you get into kinetic wars And I just hope that we can all just be rational and keep the kinetic wars to a minimum as much as possible Totally. Well, hey Rob, let’s go back to gold land here for a bit. We do have viewer questions from my Substack first question from Leslie Scott Her question is it will capital gains be charged on precious metals there? There is this gray area, especially now that the IRS is legality is in question Well, I think precious metals right now are an asset.


They’re classified as an asset not money now There is a lot of gray area Technically you have to claim capital gains on it. That’s statutory law Constitutionally, it’s money. And so what we’ve got going on right now and why one of the reasons I’m board member on citizens for sound money is our legislation is explicitly saying at the state level because of amendment 10 all powers not explicitly granted to Congress or given to the state and the people of the state and because they’re not explicitly granted through gold and silver because constitution Still says gold silver’s money We’re trying to get the states to edify that So that you can’t charge sales tax and capital gains tax and you can use gold and silver as actual money because it’s still in The Constitution article 1 section 8 still there.


They didn’t get rid of it And so the the constitutional law should Trump statutory law But laws passed by the Kong the Congress are in some ways conflicting With the Constitution. So essentially what we’re doing there’s now I think Utah was the first state seventh state to pass gold as legal tender First state and I think this happened Friday through both houses of Congress now the governor just needs to sign off and becomes official But the first state to make electronic versions of gold money and to force The state to accept gold and silver and payment of debts and taxes So now you’re seeing the game upped and we’re in Florida. We’re in Missouri.


We’re in North Carolina. We’re in New Hampshire We’re in Texas. We’ve got five states other grassroots in other states So you start to see the people in the states saying we see the fiat game coming to an end Let’s make gold and silver money again Let’s pass this legislation and push push the way to get rid of capital gains taxes and sales now are the federal Federalists, you know the federal types the not only the deep state but that entrenched, you know federal bureaucracy Are they gonna say no, wait a minute? Okay.


Yeah, we give up on our statutory law because the states, you know pass this No, it’s gonna set up a states rights battle and watch this battle I I’ve said for two years What the states are doing is setting up a Supreme Court case What is money and will gold and silver win will the dollar win? Will it be Bitcoin because if you look at what we’re doing the sovereign wealth one We’re making Bitcoin these other cryptos a form of asset which could eventually be what money so even if you don’t like CBDC’s And a lot of states are saying no to CBDC’s and I think Trump somebody signed an executive order against CBDC’s I think that’s Trump. So but you can still use the private cryptos So it’s a war for money Essentially and it’s gonna end up in a state’s right and a people’s rights battle for what is money and it’s going on right now That’s why it’s so darn important It’s why we need to pay attention to this people want to stack gold and silver They won’t they don’t want to go down their state capital and say make it money again and get rid of capital gains and sales Taxes, but that’s the most important part. I don’t care much gold and silver you got If it ain’t money, you can’t use it as money and if they want to you know, confiscate it through taxation Which I think that’s where they’re gonna they’re gonna tax it and capital gains it Then what good is it if you’re stacking right now? This is now the game.


It’s not just buying the gold and silver It’s getting the coverage to say now I get my gold and silver the way I want it and we don’t get you know Put into this other system, which by the way, those other monetary systems are more likely to lead to tyranny in The United States not only around the world than gold and silver So it is the legislative fight that we have and that capital gains and sales tax discussion and legal tender laws Is so critically important to not only economic but all freedom in the United States going forward period of story and he’s the most important issue that we have right now because as the money goes so does culture and society and as religion goes as well or spirituality, but the money is a big factor that and that’s the money is the language of Politics and where you get your tyranny is politics So we need to make sure that we have an honest money a natural money So we have an honest political system so that we don’t lead into that tyranny and that’s why that’s so important And yeah, so the capital Gains and the sales tax is huge. Is it clear? No, are we trying to make it clear? Yes for the exact point at which if you’re stacking but you don’t have the law on your side It’s not gonna help you near as much as you think it’s not just about getting rich or having some silver to go buy bread If you got capital gains on it, how do you do that? If you got sales tax, how do you do that? Right. Well, well you can’t and the grocery store is gonna report you if the government says I will shut down your bank account in your business If you do not fill out this IRS form every single time somebody presents you gold and silver buys or sells it They’re gonna do it So this is the battle that we need to be in not just understanding the problem but grassroots effort people calling emailing and showing up at their state capital and saying I want Capital gains sales tax off of gold and silver and I want gold and silver as legal tender again I don’t care how you do it just do it and that is that is pivotal to our political and cultural freedom going forward Yeah, it seems to be the only way to prepare for something like a bank bail-in other than having like huge wads of cash Laying around.


Well, yeah, how do how do people how someone prepare for a bank bail-in or a bank run? Like how close are we with I mean a couple of years we said we had that leaked video or was it? I’m not sure if it was leaked or not but there’s a video of the FDIC and they were basically saying that the banking industry was in dire straits and the public Knew it’s only the public. We don’t want to tell the public. Don’t tell me they knew how bad it really was So how bad is it really now if it was really that bad two or three years ago? How bad could it be today? It’s bad because if you look at what banks have on their books as Assets, it’s debt and it’s dead an asset.


No in the stupid world of accounting. Yes in the real world No And here’s the thing once interest go rates go up Which they do when you have inflation and economic problems where didn’t choice go up it devalues the face value of that debt It brings it down and it collapses your balance sheet the banks Can’t stop it here’s why they can put gold and silver and all that only the central banks have enough money to bring enough gold and silver in and To hold enough other central banks stock to remain solvent, but even they’re worried Okay the regular banking system cannot do this because all of their money through their loans gets produced out of thin air when somebody signs their John Hancock on a piece of paper. It says I want that car.


I want that house I want a credit card to buy groceries. And so it’s a debt based system The majority of the assets in the u.s. Banking system is debt. And once that collapses Down go the banks.


Okay, and that’s where you get the bailouts last time That’s where you get the bailouts this time bail-ins bailouts bail everything’s if you look at Dodd-Frank It’s got all the code words in it for bail-ins So what does that mean? It means oh guess what when you own a bank account, you’re a beneficial owner You don’t actually own it and all they have to use is either eminent domain or existing federal law to say Well, we need your ten thousand dollars in cash I’m going to give you this bank stock and once they run out of money, what’s that bank stock worth? You got you got an interest in a dying business Who wants that to happen that’s codified into law right now It’s not something you have to pass. It’s in law now same with your stockbroker account Same with any financial instrument that you have more than likely It’s you’re subject to bail in and they can take real value and give you You know butt kiss for it and it’s legal And if you look at real estate depending on where you are and there’s a big real estate collapse You still got to pay your taxes You know, you still got to pay your mortgage or they own it, you know Even if you own it free and clear if you don’t pay the taxes they confiscate it and I don’t give you anything for it I just take it So if you know I have a friend that goes county courthouses does these auctions all the time I used to do it when I was in real estate. I didn’t buy any I just went to understand it You go to the county Courthouse and they say this person knows ten thousand dollars in back taxes and that property is worth three hundred thousand dollars Who makes that money? The county will take their ten thousand plus their fees and the investor buying it gets the difference between what they pay at the auction And what it’s worth? Well, what happened to the person that owned the home and just couldn’t pay their ten thousand and back taxes.


They lost three hundred thousand So no none of these papered Assets are super safe and gold and silver is safe except for we need the law behind it to facilitate Us actually using it. Okay. It’s physically safe, but we need to actually be able to use it and that’s why i’m hammering on on that end of the The thing with a lot of my time and doing all this stuff is we need gold and silver to be money again to protect People when all this other stuff goes kaput and what happens during recessions all this other stuff goes kaput every single time Yeah, well, I think we’ve covered a fair amount of uh topics here Rob pretty much everything I have laid out anything else you want to talk about before we wrap up I would just say uh, everybody protect yourself.


Stay tuned to this channel. I love this channel You’ve got lots of different opinions. You put out a ton of content Stay tuned to that channel come to mind every once in a while.


Just be aware and be prepared Um, I always say first be prepared spiritually then be prepared physically with your food water money all that kind of stuff Make sure that you’re living in a safe place Make sure that you have close friends around that you can trust and just know that we’ll go through hard times hard times happen If you prepare for them, you’ll be much You’ll you’ll meet that challenge much better than if you’re not So the last thing anybody wants to do is just sit there on their couch and watch this video and not do anything And also speak to other people talk to your friends and family try to help them as much as possible That’s what’s going to get us through Is if society coalesces around each other if society doesn’t coalesce around each other than it then it gets a little bit A lot less fun. Let’s put it that way Yeah. Yeah, I appreciate the shout out here rob.


Go ahead and plug your channel as well. And anything else you want to uh, To put down uh for the audience to check out. Okay, a couple of things uh freedom report on youtube and twitter Just look up freedom report.


I think i’m the only one there. You’ll find me Citizens for sound We’re doing a fundraiser right now to help with legislation. We spend over a hundred thousand Dollars every year just lobbying only in florida.


We’ve got other states We were also putting together some education and a tv show by the way that tv show will come out this summer We’re at least on one major cable channel. We think we may even go to a much bigger one And then we’ve got a streaming package of about one and a half billion people on the back side out across the world So we’re literally going to reach millions and millions of people and millions and millions of views So go to citizen for sound money if you’re interested in that we’re raising money for that that should come out this summer We’re already filming Two more country locations to go a couple more episodes to film and we’ll start putting the can And you’ll see that come out this summer So we appreciate this all the support we can get there as well Awesome. We’ll have the links to all that down below guys.


Thank you so much for watching rob Thank you so much for coming on my friend as always a great episode with you If you enjoyed this episode as well, be sure to give us a like and subscribe to the channel So you don’t miss another one like this Right go rob go in the comment section if you agree with rob’s analysis If you disagreed do let me know I do read the comments and finally check us out on sub stack to get early access to all of my videos Also add free versions so you don’t have to suffer through all the youtube ads And uncensored versions of all my videos were the ones that warrant it And also check out our good friends over at pembex for all of your gold and silver needs check out pembex I’ve got really got a chance to know these guys and you’re not gonna find a better group out there All right guys until next time. Bye

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