Gold Won’t Protect You In A CRASH (Uncut) 03-07-2025
CONTROVERSIAL: Gold Won’t Protect You In A CRASH | Harry Dent
You would think I’m saying, oh, I don’t want this to happen. I want it to happen. Okay, we need a recession The economy is a play of opposites If you don’t understand that you shouldn’t even aspire to be an economist I took economics and quit because they didn’t understand this China’s gonna go down More than any country in history in the next several years and people are gonna say I thought they were it Hello and welcome back to soar financially a channel where we discuss the macro to understand the micro My name is Kai Hoffman I’m the edgy our mining guy over on X and of course your host of this channel and I’m looking forward to bringing back Harry Dent We’ve had him on at the end of September and of course a lot has changed.
He made a couple market crash calls We talked about bond yields bond as a safe haven investment and I remember he was hating on gold Meaning he doesn’t see it as a safe haven Investment so I have to catch up with him whether anything has changed now that gold almost hit 3,000 whether gold has been fulfilling of course his or its Its purpose and why it has been moving like that. So we’ll get a good holistic overview of the economy What is driving markets right now? And what does he expect will happen next? Of course before I switch over to my guest hit that like and subscribe button because about 80% of you are not subscribed to the Channel, let’s please change that it helps us out tremendously and we do appreciate it now Harry It is great to welcome you back on the program. It’s good to see you.
How you been? Good. Good. I’m in Puerto Rico where the taxes are about 4% and the weather’s a lot better than Florida people think well, you’re farther south.
It’s got to be hotter. No, it’s less hot less humid to Little less humid and a little less hot nice nice. So but the temperature is heating up in the markets I mean if we look at it, maybe we’ll start there Harry like maybe just as a can opener for the conversation But what is your current assessment of the of the financial markets and the economy? Okay, we had the biggest Natural bubble in history in the late 90s similar to the roaring 20s Those were what I call natural bubbles the economy so good between growing demographics and Technological progress that you know, things are good and then stocks get over value.
Okay. Well, it’s different this time I mean what happened after the 2008 crash, which which Kai I Predicted in the early to mid 80s that the u.s Would predict in this long baby boom driven boom in late 2007 and start to go down For 12 to 15 years after that way back then well the difference here is This time when it did crash in 2008 and started to go down Well into 2009 government stepped up and said well, wait a minute We’ve got new tools that we never knew we had before or never used It’s called printing money We’ll just run endless deficits and we’ll print endless money and Mario I what it wasn’t the Federal Reserve chairman that started this Mario Draghi in Europe said back When things started going down in 2008, I will he said if any Investors want to short this market. I will Blow you out of the water.
I will print so much money You’ll wish you’d never even thought about it. That’s the beginning of what we’re in now. Okay, so we’ve had this long downturn What should have been from 2008 to 22? I again predicted this all the way back to the early to mid 80s Baby boom generation peak to the spending biggest generation history They do it on a 46 year live to the birth index average peak spending the United States totally documentable.
Okay and we wouldn’t know this but but they have between fiscal stimulus of 8 to 9 trillion and And I know fiscal stimulus of 16 trillion and 8 trillion plus in monetary They’ve just blown us out of this They just printed enough money and ran enough deficits to make up for the decline of the 70% private sector so That’s what’s happened here and and and here we are still where markets have gone up because of that and Yet, where do we go from here? How do you stimulate more than that and things are weakening again here? so I think we have put off what I call a Great depression between 2008 to 22. We just put it off So it’s going to have to hit the second wave after 2008 to 9 Into the next few years and now we’ll have to see how markets react, but I’m telling you this is not sustainable You can’t just print money out of thin air And you cannot run endless deficits without Compromising your own credit quality. I mean people don’t realize the US government is the best borrower in the world We have the lowest rates for borrowing if any entity in the world Which has allowed us to run? unprecedented deficits But you can’t run unprecedented deficits without eventually getting into trouble and I think that’s why we’re in trouble now We had this big crash in 2007 aid 9 It should have gone much lower, but they printed 27 trillion dollars in Combined stimulus to offset it and now we’re still okay Well, we’ve gotten about back to where we were and we’re still struggling what happens next.
I think this second Greatest longest bubble in history and I’m just telling you folks if you go back and look at stocks long-term Yeah, if you think the roaring 20s was a big bubble or the mid to late 90s was a big bubble look at this one since early 2009 biggest longest fattest Badass bubble in history and there’s only one things bubble do in history And if in if this bubble doesn’t birth folks, I will quit my career and never be heard from again Okay, I’ll just give you that straight up front This bubble has to birth and when it does it’s not going to be there is no way To burst this bubble with a soft landing because it is so extreme in the first place We covered over what would have been the next 1930s decade long Depression we’ve covered it over by simply printing money and running deficits Both of these are printing money, by the way You’re just creating excess spending out of nothing The difference is the government has to pay for it long term and and the money supply growing up just can contract but it doesn’t matter this Cannot end well, and that’s what I’m saying And if it does end well in the next two to three years, I will quit my profession forever and never Be heard from again Yeah, I know it’s absolutely like the money printing m2 money supply has been increasing it’s it’s Why didn’t we invent this a hundred years ago? You just print money in the economy goes. Why do we work? Why do companies invest and take risk when you could just print money and everything’s okay. This is the greatest This is the greatest financial crime in all of history times ten.
That’s how I put it Yeah, because it’s not effective spending it is not effective spending Yeah, you know you print a dollar but you only get like ten cents more speculation on top of a bubble It’s already encouraged too much speculation. That’s what we’ve done here We took the first bubble that peaked in the tech markets in 2000 in the overall economy 2007 it crashed twice and then we’re creating a bigger bubble to solve the first bubble Does that sound like Sound policy and my answer is not a chance in hell in all of eternity. That’s my answer I’ll quit.
I’ll I’ll I’ll three years from now if this thing doesn’t burst I’ll say you know what? I’m the dumb guy We should have always realized we can just print more money and get rich. Why did we work so hard? Yeah, i’m not sure if that’s that’s simple to be honest, but because you need productivity and without yes Well, you print money. There’s no incentive for productivity right You know why I turned around six businesses new ventures in the 1980s That was the beginning of my career after harvard business school I thought I was going to be a consultant in large companies.
It was too boring for me I did that at bain and company for a year I just I realized that the dynamics comes from new businesses creating new things Entrepreneurialism and then it grows in the mainstream on a predictable s curve So so that’s when I got what really drives economy new generations and demographics And new innovations and technologies that move into the mainstream on an s curve Takes forever to get the first 10 percent then it explodes in a 90 New generation comes along after the last generation peak that turned out Explodes the next boom with spending the point is These things are totally predictable and timeable Once an s curve gets to 10 you can predict the rest of the s curve Once a new generation is born you can predict what they’re going to do for the rest of their lives including dying Where are we on the s curve for ai right now? Like how many percent into it are we right now because it seems like the us is betting big on it It seems like it is the savior that everybody’s hanging their head on How much of a chance do you see that that will actually happen? It will help drive productivity. It’ll help drive like tech growth gdp growth in general. Like What do you think? Yeah, no, I i’d say, you know in the last several years or so.
It’s been a net zero to ten percent penetration It’s getting ready to explode in the ten to ninety percent adopted The s curve is the most powerful thing in history in why everything’s exponential It takes a while for something to prove. It’s all think about us Until we’re kids Okay, we cost a lot of money. Do we produce much? No, we cause a lot of trouble But once we enter the workforce at age 20 on average and go into our peak spending at 46 and our peak investing at 63 After that we tried Everything and that’s the way it is in innovations and so ai And nvidia and crypto and bitcoin.
These are the next two big things But they’re still in their infancies just breaking into the mainstream. So so the the Demographics of the united states already peaked in 2007 Late 2007 with the baby born, but the millennials take us back up to those levels in 2037 and then long-term plateau, so that’s positive but the main thing is that the technology cycles are what’s going to drive this and and and everything from biotech to ai you know to Crypto and crypto people don’t understand what crypto is It’s it changes it restructures the entire financial Assets in money sector of our economy and it’s the biggest number I have on earth It’s 630 trillion dollars in financial assets and money in the world Five times the gdp globally and that’s what crypto does and that’s why bitcoin And the crypto technology the few that survive by the way this early stage So we’re in this infancy stage where crypto is like it’s 0 to 18 to 22 getting ready to burst into Its 22 to 46 impact for a lifetime of a consumer on the economy. So again The biggest point I try to make to people because I grew up in a world that everybody Economist I dropped my economics major in the third course because the economist said nobody can predict anything past the next election I’m like, well, why am I listening to these guys? So I found my own way to predict the economy generational spending and productivity cycles as we age from 20 knowing everything to 46 Actually kind of knowing everything and being productive And new technologies that come up come around every 45 and especially 90 years.
We’re in the 90 year super bubble cycle. That’s seen every major bubble back to 1835 You know 1929 and now these things are not Accidental they come in four stage cycles Okay Youth, you know early adulthood late adulthood and retirement everything has the same four stages and they and that makes everything predictable if you can put a number on it and 46 is the peak of spending for the average person in this country in most countries 47 And that makes the economy way more predictable than anybody thought that that’s why in in the Early to mid 80s when everybody thought the u.s. Was dead. I said no we got the biggest baby boom in the world We’re gonna have the greatest book boom into 2007 or much.
You’re crazy That was just a fact to me. That was a fact not even a question mark Well, you says like the technology boom cannot offset demographic decline. Let’s call it that Do you still stand by that has AI may be caught up in terms of productivity growth or so that it could offset that? What are your thoughts on that? Well, no If I said that that that’s incorrect.
It is a separate cycle I used to think they were the same generations drove They innovated when they’re young and they spent the most and drove mainstream But no, you’re right The technology cycles of 45 year cycle the demographic cycle the generation is a 39 year cycle Okay, so these two things are actually coming together I mean the demographic cycle is kind of piggy but the that the the technology cycle was still roaring into 2019 to 20 now since then both of them should have been down and because of 27 trillion dollars one and a half times the average GDP in that time of stimulus, which is massive Unprecedented, hopefully will never happen again because we’re going to see consequences for a long time from this aberration But but that’s what’s caused the technology cycle Which is just peaking in late 2019 early 2020 just recent to be elevated and now it’s still going because when kovat it and These cycles all went down naturally same time They printed more money than ever 11 trillion dollars out of the 27 trillion and just two years so we’re on a hundred percent hot air stimulus here and This is about to wear off now. So I’m saying look out. Everything looks fine Everything’s gone back up everything.
No, this is where the stimulus which is so huge Nobody in history would have ever predicted any government would go so crazy to do this Wears off and they can’t up it easily again because they already blew the why so I think the next few years is going to be difficult and then The Millennials are going to bring us out of this they already would be now if we hadn’t already created this mess and then we’ll do well in the 2037 and then plateau for a long time after that that we’re seeing the peaking of North America between 2007 in 2037 And then of course, it’s all Asia after that and eventually Long after I’m dead Africa Yeah, interesting discussions because I just read an article last week that Japanese birth rates are at all-time lows 125 year lows It really plays or hints and to it towards what you’ve been saying like demographics are off Anyway, there’s no real way to offset that like productivity growth through AI Setting that older people don’t spend more money They only save more money if they think they’re going to live longer They save more to finance them living longer the baby booms already peaked We’ll never see a peak like this in American history again Our next boom in the 2037 will be less robust and after that in the 2050 will be barely hanging in there as Asia takes over the world and North America and Europe fade You said like QE obviously in the money printing Is bringing the markets to its knees like the Fed has been tightening its balance sheet not not enough like I think that’s I think That’s clear. Everybody knows that that there’s long way to go then we’ve been introduced Heightened the money policy the monetary side, which is only a third the 27 trillion I quoted recently and since 2008 to overset this Great Depression Which is a lot of money and the whole economy and more the drop on the economy That’s the difference the monetary has pulled back the deficit spending the fiscal stimulus is Going straight forward at full blast. That’s why we’re not feeling the pullback and the quote-unquote tightening only happened on one third the monetary side and nobody calculates that II I’m like Kai did economists just go to sleep after the 1960s and 70s.
I mean really I hate to say it I mean, I I started off as an economics major and after the third quarter, I’m like this is useless vague stuff How could you learn anything from this I was learning more from my marketing and management courses and finance courses So I studied everything else and then came back with my own economic theory in the 1980s looking at these discovering these generational cycles, which are Everything and the technology cycles which long term or even more those two things a 39 year Intergenerational cycle peak and a 45 year innovation technology peak those are the two cycles that most drive our economy and I can tell you where these cycles are going to go over the rest of our lifetimes and our kids and Economists can’t figure out what’s going to happen in the next two years. It’s it’s It’s ridiculous Talking about the next two years. Do you think Doge the Department of Government Efficiency will have any impact and the destroyer will be? Yeah, it’ll have a great impact.
It’ll help trigger a recession. That’s now five years overdue You would think I’m saying oh, I don’t want this to happen. I want it to happen Okay, we need a recession people don’t realize how often how much are we awake? 16 17 hours every day.
How much do we sleep and Seemingly do nothing six seven eight hours So is sleep a waste of time we’ll try not sleeping for the three nights you’ll discover quickly You’ll be a crazy person and totally dysfunctional We need booms to expand the past Technologies and to accommodate the new rising say generation demographic but we need bus to consolidate and and get rid of the waste and the bad stuff and And get efficient to prepare for the next boom there they you can’t have one without recessions are the enemy of The Federal Reserve and I’m like it tells me Federal Reserve chairman Well who never had sex or run a business or at least obviously never had sex and definitely never run a business Have no clue what actually drives the economy all of our great Innovations come in bad times like the 30s and 40s and the 1870s and 80s in the Long Depression All the innovations come when we’re challenged They don’t come when we’re in a boom like the roaring 20s How many great innovations happened in the roaring 20s or the 1950s and 60s? Almost none is the answer The economy is a play of opposites If you don’t understand that you shouldn’t even Aspire to be an economist. I took economics and quit because they didn’t understand this. I Re-examined all of history and I went back to 8,000 years ago the beginning of modern civilization the agricultural revolution and Recharted all types of cycles and stuff around this four stage innovate growth boom Shake out the excesses Maturity boom bring it to the masses and then decline and bring in the new technologies to replace you This is the cycle that drives new generations from young to peak spinning to old Drive our economy.
These are the two things and economists don’t even study either of them Talking about opposites you brought up China into the discussion I think we need to talk about them the u.s. And China are the two biggest economies in the world. They’re competing obviously it seems like China is ahead of the u.s. In terms of cycles meaning To me it feels like they’ve had their real estate crash. They’re coming out of it now.
They’re in the stimulation phase Curious what your thoughts are on China and whether there’s a discrepancy and where how they see how do you see them develop? Okay bigger picture China is the first large Emerging country to grow into middle class living standards now their middle class They’re 12,000 GDP per capita is not even a fraction of our middle class at 60 80,000 Okay, but that that was a huge thing 1.4 billion Population moving from poor to middle class in a few decades That’s why it’s such a miracle problem is China cheating China basically over-stimulated economy They just told developers to build houses and and will eventually fill them now They have 22% empty houses with a real estate bubble that makes the u.s. And Europe look like nothing compared to incomes the valuations and so China’s gonna have this the biggest downturn ahead and The problem is when they come out of it Oh, they’re the first emerging country to start aging rapidly because of their one-child policy and now They’ve lifted the one pot child policy. Guess what’s happening in China? Nothing Chinese realized oh my god, we’re better off because we only had one child having two three four we’d be bankrupt and and and so that’s happened a fluency always means fewer and fewer kids and So a fluency always peaks at some point Does people have less children and and because they want to educate them better and make them better? It’s a it’s a positive mode and natural motivation But this is what causes a positive trend the change to negative now my difference Kai and it’s very simple From the beginning. I’m a cycle guy.
I was always a cycle guy. I don’t know why Cycles always peak it doesn’t matter what says what but but but but this is gonna go better Oh, oh AI is gonna change everything Yeah but at the top of the cycle you got to shake out all the excesses from the last cycle before AI is gonna have all These impact and before the next generation comes along and drives us We have to shake out the downturn from the last generation. So to me cycles are everything and That’s what I decided I Never decided to major in cycles when I was in college, but I ended up majoring in long-term cycles and I studied all modern history William Durant the history of civilization ten volume 10,000 pages of Everything in modern history that mattered since the agricultural revolution started 8,000 years ago That was my textbook and no economics course has that and nothing will beat that I could see cycles from thousands of years Down to what we still have is a decennial cycle you watch every the first two Zero one to three years of every downturn of every decade ends up down Okay, and every other one ends up down more and every other one out that ends up down more These are cycles that repeat and I Finally discovered the biggest driver in modern times Was the generational cycle of people growing up? Entering the workforce at 20 after great expense society and earning and spending more money till 46 to 47 That’s the biggest thing in the world and no economists still after I’ve been preaching this for 30 years Understands it which says they’re dead How dead could you be to miss? Just I mean, I don’t care.
I don’t care if I have the whole picture just to miss something I’ve been preaching and sold millions of books on okay and miss this totally Swing and a miss for economists If I want to go more granular talk about demographics the housing market comes to mind and The impact of demographics on the housing market like what do you see a correlation and how did how is it correlating? What’s the impact? Yeah, I mean in in the family life cycle Pegan spending is 46 moving towards 47 in most developed countries But real estate peaks first you buy your first house about age 28 and your trade-up home your best home Around age 42 so you’re buying that before the peak how back in the go back to roaring 20s the Henry Ford generation The peak in housing was 1925 the peak in the economy is 1929 30 Okay. Well, that was that 42 versus 46 four to five year difference. So Housing is the most important not only because it’s the biggest expenditure, but because it’s the most leveraged That’s what we borrow the most money, but it also means when housing goes up and crashes.
It’s the most deadly tie, this is the only and biggest real estate bubble of this Magnitude in all of history roaring 20s did not even see a real estate bubble of significance It was only a stock and business bubble This is the big bubbled unravel because most people now can afford a home and a lot of people have not only bought their home With leverage, but they’ve also said well, I’ll buy another house or two for speculation So a lot of people and in China, that’s the thing Chinese more than any society not only bought their Inexpensive family home the typical China Family that has any wealth at all has bought one or two homes sitting empty in an overbuilt economy with 22% empty home Chi, how does that scenario in China’s going to see the biggest bubble burst in all of history? While everybody in the West is Worshipping China. Oh, we could only be like China. You know what China doesn’t they they have Capitalism.
Okay, they embrace that they don’t have Democracy and accountability of the government. The government has stayed in power by building stuff for nobody Expecting sooner or later. We’ll fill it up.
That’s how they’ve kept people from revolting against their absolute power China government’s going to go down China’s going to go down more than any country in history in the next several years And people are going to say I thought they were it US housing in particular there are only 15 million houses available inventory and I saw your Fox Business I was I think it was Fox Business Fox News digital interview or the snippet of it and you you were talking about illegal immigration and The impact on the housing market as well Can you repeat what you said there and like what do you see the impact being here? Okay, number one. Everybody’s anti-immigration okay, if it weren’t for immigrants and I’ll tell you as a business owner and entrepreneur if I had a choice between Hiring a legal or an illegal immigrant, which one do you think I would choose? The illegal one because they had to take more risk and try harder to get it. Okay I mean that may sound horrible, but they’re they’re more innovative.
Okay Immigration is the only reason we’re still growing faster than most of Europe especially southern Europe and other parts of the developed world and in Australia makes us look like nothing because they’re getting the highest educated Most qualified immigrants from Asia into their country Okay, so we take immigrants that are less educated than us and turn them into more productive Household, which is our big lever Australia gets people more educated than their average person and then put them in a better Economy with better opportunities and specialization of labor and stuff. So so this is Immigration is a great thing. Of course, you have to You have to have a strategy around you you can’t take anybody you can’t let anybody run across the border which we have done more Australia has the best immigration policy in the world.
Not not because they’re smarter because they were just naturally sitting in a place where Asians which are the best work ethic people nobody complains about in Asian immigrants Okay, any other immigrant? Oh, somebody will have a complaint. Nobody complain They have a strong work ethic and they come up and they contribute. Okay, and they start businesses all these things.
Okay, Australia just naturally attracted this and Australia has the best forecast into 2100 longer than I and anybody listening this will even think of living Because they’re going to continue to attract Second world You know borderline first world Asian immigrants high quality into a first world economy It’s almost as rich as the United States in Europe and the best parts of Europe So Australia is the Western country that has the best future For as far as I and anybody listening this or their kids will live And you can predict my point is you can predict this today people say you can’t predict the future past the next election no Long-term trends are incredibly predictable Anything could go wrong Trump could get shot any I mean think of all the things gonna happen to affect the next year or two into the next election and stuff and the election and Baba and who went next 20 40 50 years piece of cake from my point of view Asia Especially Southeast Asia and India are the big winners and India will be the next China Absolutely guaranteed unless they screw it up so far that they’re retarded and I’ve been to India a lot and I feel like Indian business People are better than Chinese from the ones I’ve met. So I don’t do not expect them to mess it up. So this to me is a given India’s the next big thing China everybody old China today.
No China’s already peaked as a country And we’ll plateau as they get a little more urban But their demographics are the worst in the world Just second to Japan in South Korea All of East Asia is going to die in front of our eyes in the next 20 30 40 years and Nobody would suspect that all you gotta do is look at demographics crystal clear Now it’s an interesting indicator as you said like nobody’s really paying attention to it You pick up the odd headline, but you don’t see much of it, right? Yeah Harry I’ve two more topics like I hinted at gold of course in the intro But if we need to talk bonds, maybe first before by the way, I expect gold is peaking here around 3,000 will go down in the next downturn it the biggest factor driving gold will not be its Monetary value in the future. It will be India India is the next big China and an Indian love gold for investment And consumption it’s a small show of wealth for people that aren’t that wealthy and are getting more wealthy I’m telling you gold is going to go to at least 5,000 in the next decade or two and God knows what after that But gold is probably peaking here around 3,000 near-term. So if it goes back down maybe 40 50 60 percent next boom it will be the best single commodity in the world because India is going to drive this boom not China Indians consume three to four times as much Gold per GDP as the Chinese and even though China is still number two in the world It drove most the growth since the 1980s Okay, India is going to do that in the next 40 years and it’s going to catapult gold with it Harry you just missed gold as a safe haven asset last time we spoke.
Is that Still the same case like gold like it has been fulfilling its purpose in terms of like protecting yourself against devaluing dollar and other currencies Yeah, especially in the euro area where I’m at. It’s been protecting me, but Does that that’s a thesis still hold you not see it as a safe haven because when you talk about the 40 60 percent correction I would assume other asset classes will be hurting as well What’s the role then? Okay. First of all, this is an everything bubble burst Okay, everything all financial assets real estate stocks everything most commodities.
Okay gold is Doing what it did into 2008 it is contending to rise in the early stages of a downturn it will eventually Go down only for a short period of time as it did in late 2008 So it’s it is one of the safe havens I’m telling people gold is the best safe haven in the early part of the crash Which means now if I had a choice between buying the Treasury bonds Which are the ultimate safe haven in a crash as they were in in late 2008 I would buy I would hold or buy gold here. It’ll do best in the first maybe say Year of the crash and then in the last part last year or so of the crash It’ll be Treasury bonds because when everything goes bad gold will gold eventually went down about 40% only in the second half of 2008 so gold and Treasury bonds were the two Best safe havens gold in the first half Treasury bonds the second half. So now in my newsletter I’m that’s why I’m telling people I I’m into gold now more and Transitioning into Treasury bonds after we see what we have to see by the way Kai is is we have to see a first crash that is 40% or so In in this year to say we finally talked and we’re going into a longer term downturn for the next two or three years Once that happens gold is still the best safe haven I’d say into 2025 as we go to 2026-2027 then the Treasury bonds TLT average 20-year Treasury bonds 10 and 30 that becomes the best so those are both So I would start with gold Maybe 80% gold 20% TLT or GLD 20% TLT for the Treasury bond and I would switch to the opposite 20% gold 80% TLT into the second half of the downturn and of course, I’m gonna have to gauge that when it happens I think this is gonna take two years minimum three years maximum to shake out No, fantastic.
Harry very great insights really appreciate your time. Of course, where can we send our viewers? Where can we find more of your work Harry? Very simple. Harry Dent calm I have a free weekly new you will get an article with me with a guaranteed chart.
I’m a chart person I don’t say something unless I have something to prove it So I I do all my stories and all my books all my newsletters around chart, so you’ll get a weekly newsletter Update for free once a week and then we have a paid newsletter when people Feel moved to that but but Harry Dent calm you can get on the free newsletter for nothing Fantastic. Harry. Thank you so much for your time.
It was great to catch up with you We’ll have to do that again. Maybe in six months time see how TLT GLD Think that’ll be a good time to catch up. I think so as well more clear by then Exactly.
We’ll be through the first 100 days of the presidency and we’ll know clearer. We’re what direction we’re headed here. Absolutely Harry Thank you so much.
He can make America great again. My bets not it’s not his fault They were too stretched to make anything great from here. It’s catching a falling knife.
It’s never a thankful job here So we will see where that goes. Thank you so much. Harry really appreciate it everybody else Thank you so much for tuning in to soar financially tremendously appreciate your time If you haven’t done so hit that like and subscribe button It helps us out tremendously and I know 80% of you watching are not subscribed.
We do. Thank you for subscribing Thank you so much, and we’ll be back with lots more here on soar financially. Thank you so much