FRANK26 – IT’S AN RI – (Uncut) 02-24-2025
FRANK26….2-24-25……IT’S AN RI
I’m sorry, what is the… No, no, no, when were we last on Friday? Friday was the 21st? I got it. Set, set, set, set, set, set. Three, two, one, go.
The recording has started. Mmm. Mmm.
I used to be a Dinah newbie Until I watched Frank’s UB2B With a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie You never know what suit he’ll be wearing So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat Sit up, be patient, and get ready Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat Hey dink, I need a cookie Come on dink, I deserve some cookies Cookie, cookies, cookies Come on dink, give up the cookies Greetings, family! Welcome to another one of your Frank 26 Yubi-Tubies. It is the 24th of February, 2025. I greet you in Agape love.
We are We’re a Christian-based organization. What that means is that we go to God. We go to God before we do anything.
And I would ask you to join me, if you don’t mind, join me in this act of reverence, of holiness because we ask for our Heavenly Father to help us. So, let us focus, let us concentrate as we prepare to pray. Oh, Heavenly Father, I thank you for this evening.
I thank you for the information that you were able to put together for us. I thank you, Father, for this information. But most of all, I thank you for your word, for your scriptures, for the Ten Commandments.
I thank you, God. It is a good feeling to have the ability to speak the name of Jesus because when I do, things happen, don’t they? I’ve noticed that. I’ve noticed that about our relationship.
And I don’t mean to overdo it, but I’m talking to you a lot more. I’m talking to you a lot more. Take care of my family.
Take care of those that I love, those that love me. Take care of those that hate me, that want to hurt me. I pray for the San Diego man.
He’s such a poor, innocent man. He’s just all lonely by himself. I feel bad for him.
I pray for this one, this guy right here from Fremont. I pray for all of these people that we are aware of and know about them because you are aware of them. I appreciate how you protect me from them.
Protect me tonight from myself. Help me, Lord, that I can focus. In fact, Father, what if we just make this a very quick call tonight? Give me the patience, give me the strength to at least accomplish what my teens want me to share.
We give you all honor and glory in everything that we do. For it is in the name of your Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, that I pray to you. Amen.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Amen. Thank you, Brother Andy.
God bless you, sir. Yes, sir. And you too.
We’ll see you again. Indeed. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we’re here to study the Iraqi dinar.
And the first thing that we establish is that this is a speculative investment. I’m sorry that I have to repeat this every time that we start, but it is the right thing to do, don’t you agree? It is the thing to have a little dignity and a little respect between each other. We don’t ask the wrong questions.
And there’s really only two questions that we should not ask. What’s the date and what’s the rate? Now, I suppose you could talk about it because you’re just guessing. But if you’re going to talk about it, make sure that you do clarify.
This is just in my opinion. You have the right to express your opinion. I have the right to express my opinion.
In my opinion, I really fancy this green suit I’m wearing. What do you think? Pretty nice? Yeah. That’s my opinion.
You may have a different opinion. But I made my point. So with that in mind, we’re going to study the Iraqi dinar tonight.
Normally, we break it up in three parts. But no. I’m only going to do it in two parts.
For tonight. You’ll see why. Normally, we are together in three hours until nine o’clock.
I don’t want to do that tonight. You’ll see why. And the last thing I will tell you before we start to study is that we give God all honor and glory because we’re a Christian-based organization.
We are KTFA. Keep the faith always in our Heavenly Father. And the thing that I want to say is that have you noticed, at least recently, in the last few months, this year, that every YouTube that my teams present to you is better than the last one that we gave you? Have you noticed that? Every YouTube is just better than the last one.
Why? Because they are releasing a lot of information. And in doing so, they’re making my teams and I look good. Because everything that they’re telling you in the articles is what we’ve been telling you.
And it’s what we were criticized for. It’s okay. But it’s really important that you notice that.
So therefore, did you enjoy your last YouTube that you had with me last Friday? Premium Club 26. Let me see, we were together Friday, so Saturday and Sunday, just two days. You saw what I released.
When was it? Saturday night. And it was late Saturday night when I released it around 10.30. It was not good. But there’s more.
And I plan to share that with you tonight. Isn’t that amazing? They actually talked about a number. And Premium, Club 26, you got it.
Oh, look at all of you saying, yes, absolutely. Yes, yes, yes. I’m glad you like Club 26.
Good. Because, can you believe what they said? Well, guess what? I picked up the phone and I called my teams and I said, guys, we have one lady. She’s a lieutenant colonel.
And I said, what do you think, sir? So we were all, you know, like, whoa. So it was Saturday night. We declared ourselves red.
For those of you that are in Premium, those of you that are in Club 26, you saw, we declared our, my teams, we declared ourselves red. If you’re a student with me, you know what that means. You know what these colors mean.
Everything that’s on me, it’s not on, it’s not on me on purpose. It’s on me for a purpose. And all the old timers know that.
If you’re new at this with me, I can imagine it’s probably a little confusing sometimes. But the moral of the story is, it’s an RI. And that is the title of your Yubi-Tubi tonight.
And that’s what we’re going to focus on. And everything that I say to you tonight is just strictly in my opinion. I don’t care if I read it from an article.
I don’t care if it comes straight from Sudani himself. Everything that comes out of my mouth is strictly my opinion. Until I say goodbye, goodnight, and I turn the electricity off.
Everything is in my opinion. Okay? Okay. Now, what we’re going to do is we’re going to start.
We’re going to start with the final articles, Sammy. So let’s go ahead and get in there, okay? Oh, shoot. Something’s wrong.
Hold on. Sammy’s hot. He said he’s hot.
I don’t know if he means sick. Who suggested that? Who said March? Okay. So anyways, family, we are now going to study the Iraqi Dinar, and we’re going to start out by going into the form.
You are a member of And if you’re not, you’ll regret it. I don’t know of any other guru on the Internet that has the connections that we do. And these connections are going to give us the list that the CBI will give them of all the private banks that will be exchanging.
And I’m going to post those on my form. Then again, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just put them in premium in Club 26.
I don’t know. Anyways, so I know you’re a member of my form. So get on in there, and let us now go to second to the last page.
Second to the last page. And that would be final article number 5089. Now, we… Excuse me.
I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I missed it by one.
We’re looking at final article number 5090. 5090. Forgive me.
So this is the first article that we’re going to start with for today. The last time we were together was on Friday, and that was the 21st. So the following day on the… Hold on a second.
I’m getting a lot of information from my teams. Tell him to look at the source, track it backwards, and find out if we can trust that author, journalist, before he loses it. By the way, what difference does it make? You’re talking two weeks.
He’s mad, yeah. So… No. Final article number 5090.
Don’t worry. Everything that is happening in front of you right now, you’re going to get it. And by the way, for those of you that come and join us when we do our singing, you know, our horsing around, you get to see a lot, don’t you? People don’t know that when I’m singing, I’m also doing stuff.
Final article number 5090. Fruitful. Fruitful.
In quotations, even. Fruitful was the meeting between Birzani and Sudani in Baghdad. Yeah.
Ladies and gentlemen, what are we looking for? What are we looking for? Well, you know, when we last were together on Friday, what is it that I said my teams are looking for? I’ll give you a hint. I said, let’s hope they print it. What are we looking for? Christabella, you say the budget tables.
Okay, I agree with that. But before the budget tables can even be shown, what was it? What was it that we needed from Kurdistan? I’ll give you another clue. No, no, Missy.
Not the Gazette. No. No, it’s not cookies.
Hold on. Look. It’s already in your hands.
Just don’t squeeze so hard that you break it. Be patient. I got your family.
Look, it’s already in your hands. Just don’t squeeze so hard that you break it. Be patient.
There’s a lot going on. There’s a lot going on. And you don’t know what’s going on because the articles are not talking about it.
So I have to decide how much we share tonight. But back to what I was saying. What was I saying? Oh, oh, oh, here it is.
I just saw it. I just saw it. Oh, look at you guys.
You just oil flow. Jeff Duffers, it looks like. Gene Washington, it looks like.
Who else we got here? Oh, Poodle Man. Yeah, don’t put any numbers up. Our admins will take it down.
You see, you got Baby Crab saying, what, to what you posted. And that’s not true at all. The Gazette does not have 1771 in it.
Don’t, you see, don’t do that. Because, don’t do that because I have something better for you. I have the truth.
I have some exciting stuff for you, okay? Please don’t bring us garbage from other sites. Now, Robin, Arno, you’re saying the oil flow? Yeah. Didn’t we say last time that we were together, we better see that oil flow from Turkey, from Kurdistan, because if it does, what is it going to do? It’s going to open the tables.
And where’s the tables? In the budget. So for the person that said it’s going to open the tables, first we needed what? The oil to flow. Now I can see that a good portion of you answered the question correctly.
That’s good. That makes me happy that you understand, you know, in the direction that we’re studying right now. Yeah.
The oil. Why? Why did we want to see the oil? Okay, well, it’s a good source of income for Iraq. Yeah, I suppose.
What else? We wanted to see the oil so that we can have a good relationship with Sudan and Kurdistan region. Yeah, we got it. The first answer, the second answer, we got that.
Why did we want to see the oil flow? Because it would open the budget. Yes. Yeah, the communication between Brizani and Sudan is very close.
And guess who else joined the group? Trump. Why? Because you think Trump wants them to move the oil the way they were? No. So they stopped the auctions, and now they’re doing it differently.
Somebody said to me, watch this, somebody said to me, hey, Frank, you said we’re looking for the oil to flow, right? Yeah. That’s going to really help. But they have, they have flowed oil before.
Well, a handful of years ago, I suppose, yeah. And they were doing it at 1310. No.
Yeah. No. Yeah.
So my point to you, Frank, is that if they were flowing the oil at 1310, then they’re flowing this oil also at 1310. No. Ladies and gentlemen, good students of mine, why is it so important that we have the oil flowing? Yeah, it’s going to open up the budget.
We’re going to see the budget tables. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Let me try it a different way.
The oil is but one of many things that needs the new exchange rate. And if you see that the oil has been agreed upon, and you see it’s flowing, and you see it is coming to Baghdad, do you know how close you are to seeing that budget and those tables? Very close. Now, who would determine that? Sudani.
Sudani, you in the mood to show us the tables? No. No? Why not? At the end of your show, read my article, Frank. Okay.
Sudani, are you going to wait until next year? Oh, no. Okay. Sudani, is this still months away? No.
Frank, read the last article that nobody has read on the Internet. All right, I’ll get to it. In the meantime, final article number 5090, fruitful meeting between Birzani and Sudani in Baghdad.
And don’t forget that Trump has joined them. Why? Because of the oil that is flowing and in the manner that it’s flowing. You think that it’s at 1310? Tell me something.
How is the oil flowing into Iraq, ladies and gentlemen? Answer that question. The answer is in dinars. But it’s 1310, Frank.
What was it coming in when you say that it was at 1310 years ago? It was at 1310? It’s been 1310 forever? No. It was American dollars. Nobody’s posting it.
Nobody’s saying it. So I’m going to go ahead and say it. These past years that you’re throwing in my face and you’re saying to me that, oh, the oil has been flowing in Iraq from Baghdad, you know, all over, at 1310 for years, Frank.
If it’s been flowing at 1310 for decades, for two decades, for years, Frank, why don’t they just go ahead and do it like that now? Because you’re ignorant. And ignorant means you’re lacking knowledge. You see, in these last 20 years while we’ve been there, the flow of the oil has been coming in, yes, and it was paid in American dollars.
It had value. Now the oil that’s flowing in is being paid in Iraqi dinars. So a fine article, number 5090, fruitful meeting between Birzani, Sudani, and also Trump.
Yeah. What is the title? What is the title of this UB2B? The fruits are delicious. Frank, I posted that in the forum today.
Did you, Gerald? Did you? Did you? So you see, you’re thinking in the proper, you’re thinking in the right direction. Not that I’m always correct, or that what I’m saying is the right answer. No, it’s not that.
I know that Simmons, is that how you say it? Simon? Simon’s process? Simmons. Simmons, Simmons process. Yeah, hey guys, yeah, let’s not just, let’s just not put no numbers up.
Let me give you a number instead. Get excited about that, okay? But right now, I’m only talking about the oil flowing. And heck, we haven’t even gotten past the first article for crying out loud.
But this is important. What does the blue title say? The fruits are delicious. So the conversation that is now causing oil to flow, is it flowing? Tell me, family, is the oil flowing now? Is it coming from Turkey into Baghdad? Is it going from Kurdistan into Baghdad? Do you know this? Is it flowing? What’s your answer? Is the oil flowing now? Yes or no? Let’s see.
Dee, dee, dee, dee. I got one. Gerald says, not yet.
Timothy says, in two days. Dee, dee, dee, dee. Jose says, yeah, it’s flowing.
Jeff says, well, it’s not been reported yet, so I guess not. Britton says, not yet. X-Man says, no.
Everybody’s saying no, no, no. Guys, it’s flowing. Say what? Remember, you get the last, the up-to-the-minute reports with us.
You get stuff that is not in print yet. That’s, you know that. That’s why we look so good right now, because everything that they’re telling you is what we’ve been telling you.
Even though we were criticized for it, there it is. Alrighty, so this was interesting. The meeting between Birzani and Sudani produced some amazing fruits that were very delicious.
Final article, number 5091. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, we got some reading to do. Shaleh? Yes, Shaleh, what’s up? You already went out and told the citizens that you’re going to raise the value.
Shoot, you’ve been, I think that’s two or three times you’ve already been sent out to do that. Once for sure this year, right? So, Shaleh, what do you got to say? Iraq banking reforms need to enhance transparency and governance. Okay, well, that’s fancy words.
Iraqi banks need to be transparent. Oh, in other words, be able to see everything that they’re doing, right? And governance. In other words, be controlled, well, properly secured and stable with the GOI of Iraq.
Is that what you’re saying? Yeah. Well, what’s the blue title? The banking reform is the monetary reform. Oh, the banking reform is the monetary reform.
Yeah, for a new exchange rate. Oh, now, be darned. Well, out of curiosity, what does this article say? 99% of it is all red.
It should attract your attention. The operations carried out by the banks operating it. Now, we read in history, okay? We read in history.
We read in ancient history here. So that’s what this is going to be, okay? This is just ancient history stuff. Oh, for crying out loud.
You see, Joe, you can’t come in here and say, didn’t they drop two zeros if they used their cards? You just can’t say that. Maybe if you said, in my opinion, I think if they’re using the cards, I think they might have dropped two zeros. Well, thank you for your opinion, bro.
You see? But if it’s put the way you did it, my admins are going to get rid of it. Why? Because it causes confusion. Ring-a-ding-ding, ring-a-ding-ding.
Yeah, can I help you? Frag-la-la-la. I didn’t say that. Well, it was posted in your form, but I didn’t.
That’s not me. Uh-huh. Go back to what we were doing.
The operations carried out, and this is, this is old history. The operations carried out, they’ve been carried out, by the banks operating in Iraq depend largely on the confidence of the international correspondent banks in the local banking sector, which necessitates the need to provide a great protection for the Iraqi banks. Security and stability.
Got it. And the international world knows it, and provides it. Continue.
He pointed out that the reform process, the monetary reform process? Yeah. He pointed out that the reform process must ensure that Iraqi banks are provided with the best transparency and governance tools, in addition to adopting the necessary applications to confront various risks and comply with international banking rules. Really? That would mean we’re Article 8. Well, of course you are.
What else did he say? He added that these measures are what everyone is looking forward to in the near future. In the very near proximal future? Yeah, something like that. Good.
He added that these measures are what everyone is looking forward to in the near future to achieve stability and growth. Oh, I know what you’re talking about. A new exchange rate.
To achieve stability and growth of the Iraqi banking sector and integrate it effectively into the international banking markets. Well, it’s funny you say that, because that’s exactly what the banking, what the international banking markets want. They want a new rate.
By the way, anybody that can help us with WalkingStick, we appreciate you. We love you. We thank you.
What is it? What are we short? 500. 500, we’re short. Anyone that can help us with WalkingStick’s immune medicine, I’m humbled.
I’m grateful. Please help us, and I thank you. This is a wonderful report.
And you got Chalet, the banking, or the finance minister, who’s telling the Iraqi citizens, our banks are off the hook. Our banks are connected internationally. And Chalet’s like, you know what I told you last week, Iraqi citizens? You know what I told you last week, okay? Don’t listen to the rumors, right? And you know what else I told you, right? And then, what did Sudan do? He sent an economic guy right after me.
Huh? Well, Frank told everybody, huh? Right after I talked to you guys and told you, chill, we’re gonna raise the value. Sudan, he sends an economic guy. And what did the economic guy tell you? KTFA family, post.
What did the economic guy tell the Iraqi citizens? I’ll give you a clue. He said, citizens of Iraq, remember? What’s the title of your Yubi-Tubi family? Citizens of Iraq, I am an economic expert that’s sent out by your prime minister, Alak, and he wants me to tell you that back in the days, remember? Answer, Carol, please. Okay, maybe you didn’t quite catch what I asked.
Alak? I’m sorry. Chalet comes out, and he tells the citizens, don’t listen to the rumors, we’re gonna give you, we’re giving you a new exchange rate, all right, we’re working on it. Then right after him, I told you, an economic expert came out, and I showed you, I showed you the article.
And what did he tell the citizens right after Chalet? To remember what? Thank you, Red Dirt. Tell you what, I’m gonna sit here until you tell me. Ah, Shane.
Shane, you can’t play, girl. Wayne, God bless you, thank you. Shane.
All right, so Shane just answered the question for you, family. Yeah, you see, I told you. Sudani sends out Chalet, the finance minister, to tell the citizens, don’t pay attention to this nonsense.
Gotcha, gotcha, God bless you. Don’t pay attention to this nonsense, okay? All right? And you know we’re working on the new exchange rate. You know that.
Relax. And then when he goes away, I told you, Mr. Frank, Mr. Frank. This economic expert, he said he’s been, he’s coming from the government, and he’s telling us that he wants us to remember, he wants us to remember, he wants us to remember the old exchange rate.
Can you believe that, Mr. Frank? We know the old exchange rate. That’s why this is a reinstatement, right, Frank? Not bad, Eddie. Not bad at all.
Final article number 5091, Iraq banking reforms need to be enhanced, the transparency and the governance, is what we just read. The next one, final article number 5092, Iraq prime minister stresses resumption of Kurdistan’s oil exports. Oh, my.
Okay, Sudani, what did you tell Kurdistan? Get that oil flowing. Did they? Now, this was when I was with you. When was it? Friday? So this was Saturdays.
This is Saturday’s articles. Sunday and Monday have gone by. Oh, as the articles go by, as the sharing goes by, when I get to the second part with Eddie’s report, you’re going to start to see more and more and more, and it’s going to start to make more and more sense.
Thank all of you. Paul, thank you. Messer, thank you.
God bless you all. So now, final article number 5092, which was around Saturday. The prime minister says to the Kurdistan region, get that oil going, okay? Al-Sudani called on all oil, on oil companies in the Kurdistan region to immediately resume production and facilitate exports through this port, through the Cheyenne port.
Can you imagine? Hey, Sudani, did you get a phone call? I did. Was it like this? Ring-a-ding-ding. Ring-a-ding.
Hello, this is Sudani. Who this? Oh, Mr. Trump. What’s up? No, I promise, okay? I’ll get it done.
Ring-a-ding-ding. Ring-a-ding-ding. This is Brizani.
Who this? Brizani, this is Sudani. He just called. We got to get that oil now.
Now, okay? It’s not like tomorrow. You know what he’s going to do. Now.
Okay? You can do it. Thank you. I love you, too.
Tell the wife I said bye-bye. Okay. Ring-a-ding-ding.
Ring-a-ding-ding. The next day. Ring-a-ding-ding.
Did we get it flowing? Did they turn the knob? They did. And it’s my intention to show you tonight that they did. Final article number 5092.
Because if they did get that oil flowing, it’s going to open up some things, isn’t it? If they did announce that the oil is flowing, then they’ve already made some announcements about the budget. Wouldn’t you? Don’t you think? What do you think, Joe Nicholas Sr.? Thank you, by the way. If what I’m saying, that they already are doing the oil flow, then Sudani might have had another speech about that oil flow, don’t you think? And I’ll bet you it’s connected to the budget tables.
Iraqi citizens, we now have the oil flow, and the budget tables are going to nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. Thank you. Wait a minute.
Jeez Louise. Give me a second, family. Thank you.
Do whatever you can to get it. But remember, this is Sudani that is in control of this. He’s the one that wants this information.
Don’t be depressed about it. Just like my president with Doge. Whatever he wants, he’s going to get.
Same thing with Sudani. Whatever he wants from this oil flowing, he’s going to get. Because he wants to give you your new exchange rate.
I’m sorry, family. Hang in there. It’s just so much.
Thank you. Do whatever you can to get it. But remember, this is Sudani that is in control of this.
He’s the one that wants this information. Don’t be depressed about it. Just like my president with Doge.
Whatever he wants, he’s going to get. Same thing with Sudani. Whatever he wants from this oil flowing, he’s going to get.
Because he wants to give you your new exchange rate. Final article number 5092. Iraqi Prime Minister stresses the resumptions of Kurdistan oil exports.
What do I say up on top? What is the blue title for this article? Sudani obeys Trump to enhance the monetary reform. The little skit that I just put on for you with these phone calls. There you go.
Next one. Oh, Vicky Roe. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
God bless you. Now we turn to page 255. Go to the next page, page 255.
And we’re going to start with final article number 5093. Parliamentary committee. Spit, spit.
Parliamentary committee. Lawsuits against the Prime Minister’s office for delaying budget schedules. You got nothing else to do, do you, Parliament? You’re so disgusting.
You’re so odorous. You stink. Everything you do, you just F it up.
You want to sue the Prime Minister because he hasn’t released the budget schedules? You ignoramus. You were the reason for the delay. Golly, you sound like the far left in my government.
You can’t even think and lie properly. What’s the blue title for this one? Oh my gosh. Okay, hang in there, family.
There’s a lot coming in. You see, I never thought of that. That is a possibility.
And it makes sense when you think about it. Because it’ll go internal to external. You’re hearing all these things and you’re going to hear them at the end.
Alrighty, family, here we go. Let’s get back to the final article, number 5093. So Parliament committee spit-spit.
And I already made my point. What is the blue title? Politicians sue Trump to stop helping American citizens. Does that sound familiar, Sudani? Politicians sue Trump to stop helping American citizens.
Does that sound familiar, Sudani? Parliamentary committee. Lawsuits against the Prime Minister’s office for delaying the budget schedules. And the irony is that Parliament is the reason for the delay.
Go figure, huh? You know, when evil speaks, the breath is just horrible. That’s why I call them odious. Final article, number 5094.
Central Bank discusses the national assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing risk. That’s a lot of $10 words. Basically, the CBI is talking about how the national, the international community has helped the CBI with money laundering and reducing terrorists from stealing and reducing financial risk in the country of Iraq.
Why? Because these countries are going to be pouring into Iraq and they want the banking systems to be well secured. What is the title? What is the title of this UB2B? Security and Stability for the Monetary Reform demands this. And when you read it, whoa.
Look, it’s all, all of it, all of it is blown up red. Because the security and stability is what we need in order to release the new exchange rate. The Central Bank of Iraq organizes a workshop attended by the officials of the Director of the Supervision of Non-Banking Financial Institutions at the bank in cooperation with the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Finances of Terrorists Office, which focus on updating the national assessments of money laundering and terrorist financing risk and the outcome of mutual assessment process.
That’s a big-ass word salad that is summarized into two words. Or three words. Security and stability.
Security and stability. And the whole freaking world is there witnessing and talking about it and applauding about it. What do you think they’ve got all the security and stability for? What do you think it’s for? For a new line of camels? It’s for a new exchange rate.
It’s for a new currency. Why do you think our military is pouring into that country again? I told you we weren’t going anywhere. I told you we were going to build three new bases.
All of it was in my opinion, of course, right? Is something wrong? Dan, is something wrong? Somebody just posted in there. In premium or in? In YouTube chat. But she’s not verifying what she put up there, so I’m going to leave it.
Okay. Look what Wicked Garden said. Frank must have a huge walk-in closet for all those killer suits.
No, it’s one big room. Final article number 5095. Erbil Baghdad reach agreements to resume Kurdistan oil exports.
Is this the article that we were talking about? Believe it or not, it’s not. But look what it says. You got Erbil, you got Baghdad, and they have reached agreements to resume Kurdistan oil exports.
Well, what is the blue title for this article? Mission accomplished. Let’s roll. Okay, now we know we need to know about Turkey, too.
But this is great news, isn’t it? If you got the oil coming in from Kurdistan going into Baghdad, well, then that means that you are now ready to expose those tables in the budget, aren’t you? I mean, you have to in order to do the calculations, right? Final article number 5096. PUK President Bafel Talabani praises the Prime Minister Barzani for My Account initiatives. Now, My Account is just another mechanism, another tool, another weapon of the CBI that is presented to the Iraqi citizens for the monetary reform process.
My Account will protect their currency, will protect their accounts, will be transparent, just like the article above was suggesting. You got this PUK President Talabani praising Barzani for the accounts because they know very well that it’s going to protect them in what they are about to receive. For example, what is the blue title for this article? My Account or My International Currency.
Look it. This is about 50 percent that’s colored red, blown up five times. Therefore, it should attract your attention.
You should want to read this. At the 7th Baghdad International Dialogue Conference on Sunday, Bafel Talabani, President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, that’s the PUK, expressed his gratitude toward Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Barzani for the success of the launch of the My Account initiatives. He revealed that they had met before.
Now that’s interesting. You have met before? That’s interesting. He revealed that they had met before in Talabani’s trip to the United States to discuss various topics, including the My Account initiative.
What else did you discuss at the U.S. Treasury? This is very interesting to me. What else did you guys talk about? Final article number 5097. Huge, in quotations, the word H-U-G-E.
Huge wealth. What? What do you know about the precious minerals in Iraq? This article is posing that question. It starts out with the word H-U-G-E.
Huge, and it’s got it in quotations. Huge wealth. What do you know about precious minerals in Iraq, says the article? What is the blue title for it? It says, family, you remember that we told you this would play a big part in the calculations? RV, RV, RV.
Remember I told you that you should pay attention to precious metals and minerals in Iraq? Remember I introduced you to their stock exchange? I told you, pay attention. Remember I told you that mining rights permits were being distributed? When I told you this about a year and a half ago. When I first planted the concept of precious minerals, and I talked to you about how the place where Baghdad is at, the Garden of Eden, Babylon, Hanging Gardens of Babel, Babel, this is not a coincidence, okay? So these four rivers, the Tigris, Euphrates, you know, all the four rivers that came, they brought a lot of wealth.
Look at NASA. NASA loves to take pictures of the Earth, especially with the LiDAR technology that we have developed when we used it on the moon and on Mars. We can look at the surface of something.