Dinar Guru Uncut

FRANK26 (Uncut) 03-11-2025


I used to be a Dinah newbie, until I watched Frank’s Ubi2B, with a twinkle in his eye, then God by his side, Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide. So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune in to Frank26, he’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat.


Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie. It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing, so I wear my sunglasses, because they are so glaring.


So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune in to Frank26, he’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat. Sit up, be patient and get ready.


Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie. Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight. Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dinah fix, I tune in to Frank26, he’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.


Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat. Hey dink, I need a cookie. Come on dink, I deserve some cookies.


Cookies, cookies. Cookies, come on dink, give up the cookies. Greetings family, welcome to another one of your Frank26 Yubi-Tubies.


It’s good to be with you. It is the 11th of March, 2025. I greet you in a God-beloved, we are ktfoways.com. And KTFA stands for Keep the Faith Always in Our Heavenly Father.


We’re a Christian-based organization and Christians know that before we do anything, we always go to His throne room. We always go to Him. We give Him honor and glory, first of all, and then we ask.


We ask, but that asking is done by a very, very unique faith. It’s very unique. You don’t find it in everyone, sadly, but it takes a very, very specific type of faith to believe the way a animal.


Our God is real. And before I do anything, I always set the example that I go to Him. I go to Him before I go to you.


Will you join me? Let us pray. And by the way, I know that Andy’s with us, but if ever you see Pastor Kendall, let me know, because I would like for him to pray. He’s our spiritual leader.


I’d like for him to pray, but only when he can make it to our calls. But in the meantime, I shall pray. Let us pray.


Father, Heavenly Father, I’m sorry that I betrayed you. Holy Spirit, I apologize that I betrayed you. Jesus, I’m sorry that I betrayed you in my lifetime.


You know, Jesus, it’s interesting. Just like Jonah, you spent three days in hell. I’m not saying Jonah was in hell, but he probably thought he was, huh? He probably thought he was.


You know, Jesus, he probably thought he was when he saw all those ribs and all those, like, in the darkness, and it must have stunk, too. But just like Jonah, who spent three days in the belly of a whale, you spent three days in hell. I don’t take that lightly, because I know why you did it.


You did it for my salvation. I understand this. And in this prayer, I’m trying to tell you, I understand who you are, Jesus.


You know, Jesus, some people actually feel that sinning is no big deal. Now, I have the authority to say that to you, Jesus, because that’s how I felt. When cancer came into my life, I realized that the doctor says you only have a few months to live.


If I would have died in my sleep, that would not have been good. I wasn’t ready to die. I feel that I am now, because I know who you are.


You’re my Lord. You’re my Savior. You’re my God.


And it is, it is you that I glorify. It is not I that I satisfy. It’s you.


I love you, Father. I love you, Jesus. I love you, Holy Spirit.


And I believe in you, and I trust in you, and I am humbly embarrassed. And in your throne room, in your home, in your domain, I apologize that I have betrayed you in my lifetime. Please forgive me by the blood of Jesus and prepare me for tonight.


Help me, God. You know what I’m talking about. Help me to remove this, this bad feeling in me.


And I just want to do the right thing. I don’t want to betray you anymore. In the name of your Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, I pray to you, Heavenly Father, Amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Thank you, Andy. Yes, sir.


You know, family, my prayer there told God that I apologize for betraying him. Every now and then, Pastor Kendall is busy, and he has me to do our faith church service on Sundays. Next time that I am asked, I’m going to talk about that betrayal.


I’m going to talk about that betrayal. But for now, we’re gathered here to talk about the Iraqi dinar. How y’all doing? Look here, it’s important that we establish right away that we are only expressing our opinion in this study.


The study doesn’t have a date or a rate, as much as many people want that. I’m sorry, we don’t offer that to you, okay? And you may ask in different ways, but we’re still not going to give you the date or the rate. You may try to corner us or trick us or accuse us falsely, but we’re still not going to give you a date or a rate.


And you know why? Because we don’t have it. We don’t know it. But we offer you a comprehensive study.


That’s what we’re doing tonight. Now, tonight, well, okay, what about tonight? What’s the title of your UB2B? Um, what’s interesting is that I was with you on Friday, right? Friday? Yeah. And Friday, was it Friday that that phone call came in from WalkingStick? Was it Friday? You did a CC on Friday.


No, Tuesday, the phone call came in from WalkingStick. But Fridays, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Friday night, Aki calls us and gives us a full report. Okay.


And then Saturday, it was all over the internet. It was all over the internet. And that’s why I try to keep it as long as I can, because people grab it right away.


And they take it like a bunch of squirrels that, oh, I see a nut. I grab, that’s my nut. They load their cheeks up and they go back up into their tree and they, and they crack them open and they see what’s in them.


Okay. I don’t mind you stealing my nuts. I’d rather you ask for them though.


That’s why I protect our information. I protect their teams. I protect the ATFA.


I protect my staff. Now, family, tonight, yeah, we’re trafficated because of Aki calling in the report. And yes, I can share, I can share as much as I’m allowed to, right? Oh, and by the way, who was that first person? Mark Anglin and Rebecca Hill.


We are, we are sending WalkingStick his money for this, um, for this week. So thank you for anybody that wants to help us. God bless you all.


Thank you. So, ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to look at the, uh, the, the three parts like we always study. We’re trafficated.


When, when, when, when this information came in on Friday night, we were looking for it last Tuesday. When we were ending our UB2B, WalkingStick called, remember? And I said, are you blanking me? Because we suggested, they suggested that the report had a date and a rate in it. No, it was not given to us.


But you know, the internet grabbed it and they said, oh, Frank’s got a date and a rate. I never said that. Your desperation wants me to say that, but I never said that.


Behave. Sadly, I had to get rid of one person. Not bad, you know, with 80,000 members and we only had to get rid of one person.


I’m gonna miss you, Bill. I know you’re watching. You were with us for such a long time.


You got your own little blog, your own little place, you know, whatever. That’s good. God bless you, brother.


But you, you didn’t have to get belligerent and demand the date and the rate if we had it. When did I say I had it? You should look ashamed. But anyways, you’re really not with us.


You’re indirectly with us. Basically just still leeching off. Anyways, family, the trification tonight will be Fine Article Thread.


We’re going to start with Fine Article Number 5,144. Please go in, 5,144. And we’re going to also then go into Eddie’s report tonight, Eddie’s report.


And then after Eddie’s report, we’re going to look at what Aki wants to share with us. No, I can’t share all of it, but we’re allowed to share and explain what Aki is doing at the bank. And it’s good to know and hear and see it.


Okay? Okay. So with all that said, let’s go ahead and get to work. We’re going to start with Fine Article Number 5,156.


Yeah, that’s on the last page. So go ahead and go to Fine Article Number 5,156. Now we’re starting with the last article that we left off the last time that we were together, family.


And that article is this one right here. I always like to start with the last one that we did when we were together, because it rehashes, it overlaps, it catches us up with what is happening since we were last together. Fine Article Number 5,156, Trump hits at imminent event in Iran.


An imminent event in Iran. What do you think that event is going to be? What do you think it’s the next World’s Fair that they’re going to have there in Tehran? Of course not. Thank you, Art Troyer.


Thank you. God bless you. Thank you.


Thank you. Right? Trump hints at an imminent event in Iran. And it says, Trump says, I hope to make peace, peace deal with them.


Well, fantastic, ladies and gentlemen. That’s what we need. We need peace.


You’re not going to make a profit. You’re not going to make money with war. Things get destroyed.


People get killed. This is what Trump wants. He wants Iran to look.


Stop it. Stop what? Don’t ask. Don’t act stupid.


Stop your nuclear prolification. Okay, we know that Biden gave you billions and billions and billions. It got ridiculous.


Doge is finding out how much it got right at the end. He sent even more billions to Iranians. That’s my money.


But my president is telling you, you use that for nuclear prolification? No, that’s not good. And it’ll cost you. Now, ladies and gentlemen, and be honest with me, be honest with me, because you’re good students.


What’s the reason why we don’t have the new exchange rate for the new currency of Iraq to give purchasing power to the Iraqi citizens? What’s the reason? Why don’t we have it? Is it because the weather is too hot? Is it because we have an alignment of stars? Is it because the leadership in Iraq, you know, Sudani, he’s just a bad, bad man? Yeah. Is it because my four-leaf clover lost one of its leaves? What is the reason why we don’t have the monetary reform with a respectable exchange rate that the world wants? Let me see. Let me see what you’re saying.


You’re saying Iran, says Jeff. That’s right, Jeff. That’s exactly it right there.


And then Ronnie says, well, we’re looking for security. Do we have security with Iran? No. And what is Trump saying? Iran, will you stop it? The whole Middle East knows about you.


And let’s see what else. Iranian parliament, spit, spit. Way to go, B.R. That’s a good one.


White light healer. I like that, Iran. Grand Manisi, Iran, corruption.


Look at that. You all know, you all know, everybody. If you all know, don’t you think that Iran knows who they are? Of course they do.


And that’s why Trump is telling Iran, there’s a new sheriff and there’s a new sheriff in town. And I’m not even from France. Iran, you got to stop this.


No, Iran is going to, you’ll regret it. Why should we stop it? Because of what I’m doing in Iraq. Now, that’s a powerful opinion of mine.


Really? OK, so Trump, is this what you want to do? You want to bring peace to the Middle East because you want to do something with Iraq? Frank, is there any other Middle Eastern country that is about to explode? No. Security and stability. Dr. Shabibi, the author of the Monetary Reform Plan, expressed very plainly and clearly security and stability.


You see Sudan, you see Chile, you see a lot. What do they want? Security and stability. If the exchange rate had a voice, if it could talk, if the exchange rate, you know, the new exchange rate, if it could talk, you know what it would say? I’m not coming out until I have security and stability.


Final article, number 5157. Star dot. You say, imagine peace in the It’s starting, yeah.


As far as it being close, I don’t know. But it is starting. The security and stability of the Middle East is spreading.


And it’s not just because of the Iraqi dinars, the Iraqi monetary reform of their currency. It’s not just because of that. That’s part of it.


Yes. Everybody knows what the Iraqi currency is about to do. No, it’s not a secret.


But there are other things that have brought security and stability. Remember when Trump told Iraq or Sudan, stop buying electricity. Remember that? Well, Canada is the same thing.


Canada, isn’t it amazing, the mirror image? I keep telling you, this is not a coincidence. But still, you see what Canada did? 25% on electricity. OK.


Trump says, no problem. I got that covered. What do you mean you got that covered? He’s got it covered.


The same thing with Iraq. Iraq. What’s the problem? We need electricity.


We got to get it from Iran. We got it covered. What do you mean you got it covered? How? Next thing you know, Iraq is now going to be getting electricity from where? You’ll still be reading it.


And now the United States of America, excuse me, we’re getting electricity from where? Well, that’s pretty smart there, Trump. You know what, Trump? If we put tariffs on Canadian cars, well, then that means they’re not going to be coming into the, they’re not going to be selling in America, are they? Then that means that American manufacturers are going to make more cars. If America needs more electricity, we won’t buy it from somebody else.


We’ll make our own electricity. So you’re bringing in the industrial revolution that left us from the 1930s. You’re bringing it back into our land? Hmm.


Excuse me. What? Why not? Yeah, I know. Why not? We have all the oil in the world and underneath us.


I agree. And we have so much land still. I agree.


Why not? It is brilliant what is happening. You see delays. I see, I see Paul Bunyan leaps.


I see amazing advancements. I want to say, yeah, in the monetary reform, but in the whole geopolitical structure of the Middle East, which is important for the monetary reform of Iraq. I hope that makes sense.


Final article number 5,157. Thank you, Art Troyer. Thank you.


God bless you. Thank you, Peg Veitch. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my soul. Thank you.


Soul. Soul. Oh, I talked to you about your soul today, didn’t I, Tink? Do you remember what I said? You do remember? Can I say what I told you? Yeah.


I told my wife today, I said, if I should leave this world first. No, is that right? No. No.


I told my wife, I said, if you should leave this life first, I told my wife, if you should leave this life first, I will still be able to smell your soul. Final article number 5,157. Thank you, Jose Chavez.


Thank you. Final article number 5,157. What we have here is ALOC.


We want to listen. CBI, what’s up? We will witness a comprehensive digital transformation in the financial sector. Family, this is so important.


What’s the title of your UbiTubi tonight? The title is software. Okay. Now, ALOC? Yeah.


The CBI? Yeah. The funds for the budget? Yeah. The home of the new exchange rate? Yeah.


What did you just say? We will witness a comprehensive digital transformation in the financial sector. ALOC, can I just summarize that? Yeah. Your money is about to become digital? Yeah.


And it’s going to leave the borders of Iraq? Yeah. Who wants it at 1310? Nobody. What’s the title of it? What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for this article? From digitalization to AI for the monetary reform.


You honestly think that AI is being used for 1310, family? All you got to do is put on your thinking cap and you’ll be able to sleep good. I know. I keep wearing that.


You like how I did that? Anyways, that’s a beautiful article. Make sure you read it from ALOC. ALOC is talking to the citizens of Iraq.


Don’t you think you should listen to? Final article number 5,158. Tehran. Here we go again.


Tehran denies. Of course you deny. You deny the sky is blue and white.


Tehran denies receiving message from Trump regarding anything about nuclear. You want to act stupid? You don’t have to look stupid. But why you act stupid? Thank you, Art Troyer.


No, seriously, Tehran. You know very well the whole world is looking at you. Every finger is pointing straight at you, straight at you, Tehran.


Everybody knows what you’re doing, who you’re supplying, what you’re doing. We all know who the troublemakers are. Even China, Russia.


They all know. So Tehran, you’re saying that you didn’t receive any message from President Trump regarding that he wanted to talk to you about the nuclear prolification that you’re doing? Well, of course you didn’t. You didn’t even open it.


What’s the blue title? I thought you said you didn’t get a message from Trump. I thought you said you didn’t get a message from Trump. Tehran denies receiving message from Trump regarding that.


So you must have admitted it later on, huh? Let’s find out. Final article number, well, actually right underneath it, right underneath it, excuse me. The supreme leader of Iran, the supreme leader.


That’s for Claire there. That’s for Claire. Supreme leader Khamenei responds to Trump’s message.


Uh, we did not, we did not negotiate under pressure. What’s the blue title for this article? Again, I’m asking a second time now. I thought you said you didn’t get a message from Trump.


So what my, what my case is, what I’m trying to say here, family, is that these people lie. Is there an untrustworthy? Final article number 5,159. And thank goodness that we have Donald Trump involved now.


Do you think that the supreme leaders of this area were afraid of Biden? They were laughing their asses off. They were laughing their asses off at Biden. And we just found out yesterday, American citizens, Biden did not sign.


The only document he signed was the one where he says he pulled out of the race. That’s the only one with his signature. Everything else is a stamp signature.


Well, guess what? That’s null and void. Oh, brother, a hunter. You better pack your suitcase and put your laptop in it and get out of town, dude.


Oh my goodness. God has a way, doesn’t he? God has a way to deal with evil. You’re seeing it.


You’re witnessing it. Wow. Final article number 5,159, communications cut off between al-Sudani and al-Maliki.


Communications cut off between Sudani and Maliki. When were they talking? And Trump. Really? And Trump will not bring down Baghdad.


Who said Trump was going to bring down? Oh, Maliki, the framework, Tehran, those, the reason why we don’t have security and stability, right? I see. And this is a Saudi from Saudi Arabia. Yeah, way to go, Saudi.


This is a Saudi report and it’s labeled urgent. The communication has been cut off between Sudani and Maliki. Well, thank God for that.


And Trump will not bring down Baghdad. Yeah, he never said he was. What is the blue title? What is the blue title? Let’s see here.


Security and stability in Iraq because the head of the snake has been cut off. Oh, well, that’s good, isn’t it? Yes, it is. You see, the article says that over the past week, over this past week, Iraqi politicians have been making public statements about US sanctions, suggesting they will likely come after Ramadan, while leaders in the coordination framework have refused to make concessions to Washington at the expense of Iraqi interests.


Yeah, as they put it, as they put it, that’s good. There is certainly within the coordination framework, the ruling coalition that includes influential Shiite forces due to the lack of political consensus. Yeah, you never show up due to the lack of political consensus on how to deal with the changes in the Middle East and adopt to American policies against Iran.


Look, you can meet all you want. You can have all your cake and eat it, too. But anything you say, anything you pass, anything you say, anything you want, no one’s listening to you.


What did the article above say? Cut, cut, cut, cut. When you cut the spinal cord, you can’t think anymore. Does that make sense? No.


When you cut the head of the snake, the snake is useless. So this article, look how beautiful it is. It’s telling you, don’t pay attention to the rumors, don’t pay attention to the garbage.


We cut the head off of the rumors. We got security and stability. And Trump is not going to bring down Baghdad.


Trump is helping us. And the article itself tells you that, look, it was framework. It was the Shiite.


It was Maliki. It was all the people that we’ve studied, family, that have been the reason, the reason why you don’t have the new exchange rate. But every day, every week, you see advancements, don’t you? You see advancements in the field of security and stability.


Security and stability is light. Framework, Maliki, parliament is darkness. And the light is overcoming the darkness every day.


Final article number 5160, mechanism, a mechanism for publishing data on buying and selling foreign currency. What for? Why would Iraq, why would the CBI need a mechanism for buying and selling foreign currency? Can someone help me? Give me an answer real quick. Come on.


Post. Why do we need, why does the CBI need a mechanism for publishing data on buying and selling foreign currency? Go ahead. Okay.


Claire, thank you, sweetheart. Claire just put the article that might help you. Look what it says.


Look what it says. There’s a mechanism for publishing data on buying and selling foreign currency. The monetary reform education teaches the citizens about foreign currency.


Why? Why? Oh, Dana, you go girl. And also flip mom. You know, you know, the majority of our membership is women.


Anyways, it’s time to trade. Yeah, Milton. Yes.


Yes. Simba. G. Digital.


Yes. Yes. Yes.


DGN 79. They are planning to go international to go across their borders. Yes.


Yes. Yes. Flip mom.


International trade. Yes. Golly, I’m so proud of all of you.


Karen M. The reform. Well, okay. More about that.


Roger, he says, so that they can exchange. Yes, Robert. Robert again.


Okay. Going global. Yes.


You think they’re going to go at 1310 and they could have done this a long time ago at 1310, but they haven’t. So they’re preparing for something. And this is what we’re seeing.


And what is the title of UB2B? That’s the mechanism. Don’t tell the other girls. This has to be orderly and not corrupt.


I like that, Jeff. I like that. Yeah.


They’re going international. That’s right, Adam Brooke. That’s right.


Dane Jocks, determining a new exchange rate. They’ve got that, brother. They got it already.


Helen, investing. Yes, because their money is going to have value. Yes, GR Britain, to track where the funds were going.


Not necessarily. Every country will be trading with Iraq. Okay.


Yes. Jay. Yes.


To cross the border and trade. Yes. White light, light healer.


Howdy, Frank. What? No. Okay.


Yes. Was it turd? You call yourself turd? Are you brown like me? Oh, man. Poor turd.


Ferguson says, howdy, Frank. Well, howdy to you, too, turd. You’re my favorite turd.


Oh, my goodness. Okay. I’m going to stop.


You all got the idea. Look at flip mom. Flip mom say, hey, turd.


Nice to see you. Oh, my goodness. Hold on.


Really? Where do we go? Where was I? Mechanism for publishing data on buying and selling foreign currency. You know how many contracts are signed? Turd. A turdy turd and a turd, okay? And a turd, a turd.


Oh, no, seriously. Hold on a second. Mechanism for publishing data on buying and selling foreign currency because they got a contracts that were signed and then re-signed even more.


And because all of these contracts are going to bring in their country’s currency. And those currencies are going to be converted into Iraqi dinars. But the main thing is, though, that there is a mechanism.


Now write that down, okay? Put it down somewhere, sidebar, because we’re going to come back to this when we get to the third part of our study tonight. This mechanism for publishing data on buying and selling foreign currency. In other words, hey, Iraqi citizens, yeah, would you like to know how much foreign currency is coming into our country? What for? What for? Because this will tell you the status of your currency.


It’ll show, it’ll explain the power, not only in our reserves, but in this foreign currency, the power of your new purchasing power. You want to learn about this? In fact, what if we gave you this report every week? Well, then you would have a very good understanding of your power of your currency, right? Yeah. Okay.


You want it? Yeah. Yeah. We do want it, says Eddie.


So mechanism, a mechanism, and I just told you what that mechanism is, your title, for publishing. The other gurus didn’t tell you this? They will now. Come on, let me have some fun, okay? What’s the blue title for this article? Monetary Reform Education Teaches Citizens About Foreign Currency.


Yeah, it would behoove them to teach you because of what? Because of what I just told you. So you’re going to do that for the citizens of Iraq, huh? You’re doing that a lot? Yeah. The Central Bank.


The Central Bank what? Well, Frank, quote, the Central Bank of Iraq explains the mechanism for publishing data on the sale and the purchase of foreign currency from the daily bulletin to the monthly report, which will include the total enhancements of bank balances abroad. What do they want to know that for? Also, it will include settlements of electronic payments abroad. What do they want to know that for? You mean like for forex and stuff? I’m sorry, I wasn’t supposed to answer it.


Which will include also for cash sales. Well, I suppose that’s good too. Yeah, okay.


Hey, Frank, what? Quote, quote, it draws attention. I know. It draws, well, let me say it.


Okay, say it. It draws attention to the Central Bank of Iraq’s possession of sufficient foreign reserves to meet all official requests for foreign currency, which enhances confidence in the national currency. I wish I would have said that.


You did, Frank. Month after month after month. This is the security and stability and the monetary reform education is teaching to the citizens.


And we’re offering data and information. We already talked about the old coins. We already talked about the old currencies.


Now we want to let them know that, look, once your new exchange rate, your new currency, you have the ability to move it across your borders now and we’re teaching you how to do that. Yeah. And when you do that, Iraqi citizens, guess what? What? It’s only going to add more value to your currency.


Well, I thought it only adds value outside on an international level. It’ll add it inside too. You mean the dollar or the dollar 25 or whatever to one of our dinars, that can also fluctuate? Why do you think we’re going to give you reports? Then we could profit from that, couldn’t we? Yeah, we want you to.


We’re figuring this out. Yes, you are, Iraqi citizens. Final article number 5161.


Iraq tells the United States of America, hey, guys, stopping Iran gas imports will cause electricity systems to collapse. What? If we stop buying gas from Iran, Trump, it’s going to cause our electricity to collapse. All right, I’ll tell you what, says Trump, and did I not tell you this last week? Security and stability demands that you depart from Iran, but you’ve got 30 more days to keep using Iranian oil.


No, to replace it, because we can, can’t we? Yes, you can, Iraq. There you go. There you go, boy.


There you go. Yeah. Roll over.


I’ll rub your belly. You finally admitted what I wanted you to say. Grow up, man.


Get a pair. Quote, al-Attawani also called on the United States administration to review the policy of pressure that’s being exerted by the U.S. Treasury on the financial and banking sector in Iraq by imposing continuous sanctions on local banks. You want some more? You want some more? I watched Animal House.


May I have another one, sir? You want some more? No, you don’t, do you? So find a way, Tehran, Iran, parliament, people, whatever. Find a way to behave because you’re not included in anything anymore. So, you know what I mean? That’s your problem.


And you only got about 30 more days to enjoy this glory because that’s going to come to an end. Trumping all it, no, you cannot buy from Tehran. You cannot buy from Iran no more.


What’s the next article? American confirms the end of expectations granted to Iraq to buy electricity from Iran. Oh, that didn’t take long. What’s the blue title? Let me see here.


30 days. Final article, number 5162, Parliamentary Oil Committee reveals urgent solutions for Iranian gas. You think so? You think so? Parliamentary Oil Committee reveals urgent solution for Iranian gas.


What do I say, Bontemps? Curious to see parliament wanting to help with Iran. Very curious, isn’t it, family? Yeah, we all know why. They want to line their pockets.


They don’t care if they steal it from Iraq. They don’t care if they steal it from the United States of America. They don’t care if they steal it from themselves.


That’s why security instability is so important. Final article number 5163, the Minister of Communications to Nina, Nina’s media outlet. Iraq seeks to establish global data centers and the largest training centers for artificial intelligence in the Middle East.


Why? No, honest engine, honest, from my heart to your heart, what are you messing with AI when you’re at 1310? And the answer is we’re not. There’s so much evidence that points that there is no more 1310. 1310 can’t even work with AI.


Think about that. That’s a brilliant statement. I just realized that.


That’s a brilliant statement. Look at the clues. They’re not being placed all over the place by Sudan and a lot just for the hell of it.


These clues are for the monetary reform education of the citizens of Iraq. The original deal. Hi, buddy.


How you doing? Love conquers all. Yes, it does, sir. And so do cookies.


Oh, no, for real. Yeah. Hey, Ting, DJ, the original DJ, he just posted and he says for you to give me four cookies.


Well, I’m looking at it, too. It looks like it says four. Or is that three? Oh, they’re praying hands.


I tried Tyrone. You know, it’s a bro thing, a bro thing. Okey dokey.


So we’re not. What is it? What’s the title of this? Let’s read it again. Minister of Communications to Nina.


Iraq seeks to establish global data centers in the largest training centers for artificial intelligence in the Middle East. Wow. And by the way, you know, you’ve been studying with me, these centers that they’re talking about, they’re already up, aren’t they? Yes, they are.


Hmm. So what about the AI? When did I tell you that the black supercomputers, when did I tell you that the black supercomputer, when did I tell you about the black supercomputers? Years ago. You’ve got the global centers already set up.


The training is already in action. We’ve been reading about that training. And this is all for artificial intelligence in the Middle East.


What’s the blue title for this article? From supercomputers to AI. And none of this is for 1310. Family, that is a given.


That may be my opinion. But that’s a fact. Supercomputer is not going to work with a negative integer, a negative.


Uh, what am I trying to think of the word? Variable. It’s not going to work with a, with a, with a negative variable. Unless you want to blow it up.


Anyways, final article number 5164. Now this one’s interesting because this is parliamentary finance. The budget is technically ready.


What? The budget is technically ready? Dude, it’s been ready. I’ve been telling everybody that. You don’t have to.


What do you want, parliament? We just want to say that the budget is technically ready and its delays may be deliberate. No. No caca, Sherlock.


Isn’t that amazing? The kettle calling itself jet black. Isn’t that amazing? Parliament says, hey, the budget is ready. Here you are.


We’ve been lying. We haven’t been passing. We’ve been delayed.


But you know what? It may have been done deliberate. By who? By me? Stupid. What is the blue title for this article? Hey, parliament, you think? Seriously, you think? Here, look at the, look at this part down here.


It is noteworthy that the house of representatives had previously voted on the budget amendment law and sent it to the government with the aim of sending the budget tables. This was the purpose. He called on the government to do expedite sending the budget tables for the year of 2025 to parliament and assume its responsibilities.


Doggone it. Do your, kick him in the butt, to ensure the stability of the financial and economic conditions in the country. That’s what you did? Yeah, we did.


Look at, in blue parentheses, what do I say down in the bottom? Laughing out loud. They’re finally figuring it out. Get rid of these idiots.


Oh, well, anyways, final article number 5,165. The monetary reform, or excuse me, Washington is concerned about Baghdad sinking. Waltz tells Al-Sudani, Trump’s pressure on Tehran will increase.


Little buddy. I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about that, Waltz, Vice President. I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about it.


Like, we really don’t have to worry about Hamas. They’re going to give it up. I mean, look at Ukraine.


Everybody was scared just 30 days ago, but we have the leadership. Look at Ukraine. They, yesterday or today, they signed an agreement saying, we give up.


Russia, same thing. Yeah, okay, we stop. That’s why Russia was bombing like crazy, because they were going to stop.


Washington is concerned about Baghdad sinking to Iran. And Waltz tells Al-Sudani, you know, Trump is going to put a lot of pressure on Tehran, okay? And he’ll just keep on putting it, keep on putting it, keep on putting it. He will squash them.


He will destroy them for you and for us, the American dollar. You see, when you leave your borders, Iraqi dinar, you’re going to affect the American dollar. That would take another whole long lecture to explain that.


But just let that soak in. Makes sense. If I, if I am, I’m not going to be linked, okay, but I’m going to be paired.


So if I’m paired, it would be like me holding onto your hand. And if I decide that I’m going to go in that building, you’re going to go with me. When the Iraqi dinar decides to go into that building, the American dollar is going to go with it.


What is that building? The world. Both currencies are depending on each other. These two currencies are married.


They’re just not taped. Let the honeymoon do that. I’m sorry.


I’m sorry. Okay. Let’s get back to it.


Oh, hey, it’s seven o’clock. Do we have our advertisers with us? I’m sorry. Okay.


Who’s the first advertiser? Dr. Rich and Will. Gentlemen, the floor is yours. Go for it.


Take it until 17 after. I’m here. I have some questions.


Start out this morning. Okay. Okay.


Frank, how many nations does KTFA cover? What’d he say? How many nations for KTFA? Nations around 90. And would you say there’s a lot of people? No. The last time I looked was last year was around over 80,000 members.


Wow. What would you say the median age, because you talk to a lot of your members personally, what would you say the median age of your membership would be? You know, that’s a good question. I’m going to lean more towards the baby boomer, because when you look at an overall population, that census has a large number of baby boomers because we are alive.


So to answer your question, I would say probably the peak would probably be somewhere between 40 and 60 years. I appreciate your answer. That was necessary.


Dr. Rich. Yes, Will. Dr. Rich.


Yes. Now, seeing as Frank’s opinion, in his opinion, this is all in Frank’s opinion, I love saying that. In Frank’s opinion, they’re between 40 and 60 for the most part.


I would think that there would be some ongoing health concerns there. And we, you and I both know that there are because we speak to a lot of the family. In that age bracket that Frank was talking about, between 40 and 60, I would think that the number one cause of illness in that age range would be age related oxidative stress.


Wouldn’t you? That’s proven by science. And everything I’m going to talk about tonight is directly related to validated research conclusions. Science.


Yes. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.


Well, you and I are thinking along the same lines tonight. I’m just going to let you go, brother. Now listen, let me introduce you, Dr. Rich, because there are some people here that may not have ever heard of him.


Dr. Rich is a naturopath. He has been a naturopath wellness physician for over 35, 40 years now. And he practiced in an office for over 30 years.


And he and his wife decided that they were going to retire, take it easy and hit some golf balls, maybe take a trip to Florida every now and again. But this product was introduced to him. And he looks at his wife and he goes, hey, honey, this is what we’ve always wanted when we were in the office.


And it’s just been delivered to us when we just retired. What do you want to do? And she said, well, we have to help people. So let’s do it.


Let’s just go help some people. And he’s helped well over 30,000 people in the last seven years overcome what they’re facing with this product line. So we’re very excited to have him here.


And I’m just going to let him go go to town with it. Dr. Rich, let’s let’s talk. I’ll say it’s true, brother.


Okay, well, look, family members, if you’re listening tonight, and especially if you’re new, but even if you’re not, and you’ve heard me present information in the past, please understand the leading medical research library that the medical research conclusion is this, that everybody over the age of 25 or 30 are suffering from a medical condition called age related oxidative stress. And that doctor and you can still are suffering function again, like you were 10 years old, genes recognizing which is normal body function. This is all percent neutralizes over rejuvenate its own genes, supports this three parts of the genes, minimizes inflammation and fibrosis while repairing and rejuvenating cells, the actual product proven to extend life in mammals by seven issue, the American Journal of Aging.


And that is where the information came from about extending life in mammals by 7%. I think one thing that we need to translate for him is 7% in humans is about five years. Yeah, at least.


But if you want to live, if you want to live an extra five years, great idea to take the drug. Right? Well, it gets better. So folks, if you’re if you’re chronically afflicted, or haven’t received good news issue, there’s another issue.


It’s called mitochondria. mitochondria are the power function in the product energy result. It’s a negative impact, like the tissues in your muscles and your nerves.


Now thought this before listen to this. It’s from begin with fuel molecules, sugars, and fats. Where do you get those? How do you get that children who have adult diseases, things are different now.


So this is not an issue with 25 and above. And especially the elderly people. It’s for everyone.


Now, diseases, afflictions, a lack of mitochondria production in your body family leads to mitochondrial disorders. There are hundreds of them. issues like seizures, vision and hearing problems, heart disease, liver dysfunction, diabetes, developed intolerance, metabolic syndrome, we’ve got heart disease and cancer.


But you can get pretend them and are easier to get. happen much more quickly. Don’t waste time giving that out right now.


Okay. Okay, now there’s this hypertension, heartburn, Parkinson’s, sclerosis, chronic kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, etc, etc, etc. Now, now, last portion here, this is important.


There are seven types of sirtuin. Nothing you get from the doctor or the supplement store is going to is going to increase these very important to are located in the cytoplasm in the nucleus. That synergizer to increase your sirtuin production, your gene expression is going to go with one and two to from 68% to 15 to 1800%.


It’s called the top of G, you’re going to want to speak with Dr. Rich, but I don’t know if I can afford him or not. How much does he charge to talk to you? He doesn’t charge anything. Maybe like, really? Well, that’s a blast.


And I said, Well, this is his mission. This is funny to get that in the morning and get busy on the phone. And he’s been doing this for a long, long time.


And he will speak to you if you want to speak to him. Just give me a call or an email at 910-690-6008. Or if you prefer, you can email me at always saving 77 at gmail.com. And remember that this is Frank’s mission as well.


Everything that we do here assists Frank and also assists his KTFA family to propagate it into the public to spread the message of Jesus Christ even more than it already has been. And hey, it’s just a good deal all the way around. And if you want to get the information on the telegram room that Dr. Rich mentioned, just send me a text or give me a call or give me an email.


I’ll send you that information as well. But remember, don’t wait. I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately that have been saying, you know, I’ve been listening to you for three and a half, four years now, and I think I’m ready to buy it.


And I’m like, good gracious, you could have felt better a long time ago. So anyway, that’s it for us, Frank. One other thing very quickly, the telegram room is everything and a whole lot more relative to what I presented tonight.


Folks, get there. It will change your life. And I’ll help somebody that’s chronically or terminally ill.


That’s the people that need me. But everybody else, if you’re out there and you don’t feel as good as you should, and you’ve got some minor problems, what’s a good, from a research perspective, from a medical perspective, without looking into anything else, what’s a good middle-of-the-road approach for anyone and everyone? It’s the NRF2. And NRF1.


Or tandem. And to start more serious issues, I need to talk with you. I will teach you in 20 minutes to a half hour what others have done.


Tens of thousands of people, 32,000 people in the last seven and a half years. I will teach you. But who needs it? Family.


You all need it. The information is there for you. Just reach out and grab it and take a hold of it and make it a part of your life.


Do what Frank did going through and overcome it. Don’t just treat this simply. We want you to get well and stay well regardless of what you’re going through.


On a beautiful night, I’m going to end on a beautiful night, Frank. Frank. Yo, guys, go ahead.


Yeah, go ahead. I’m down 32 pounds, baby. Oh, good for you.


That’s excellent. That’s excellent. We’ll talk about that GLP-1 weight loss system when maybe next time we get on.


Hey, before you guys go, there’s this gentleman that was posting in chat here and I mean, I don’t know if he’s trying to be a troublemaker, but I put him on timeout. He says, this Protandim is just five phytonutrients that you can buy anywhere. Why is it so expensive? I would like to answer the question for him and tell him, sir, the reason why this product costs what it costs is because it is well formulated.


You see, you say that there are five ingredients and you say that you can go to any store, you can buy them cheaper and take them. Good luck to you. One of the ingredients of this beautiful product Protandim is milk thistle.


Milk thistle is fine, but if you’re going to go buy it by itself in a concentrated form, not calculated, not formulated, not measured out, not with angstrom unit measurements, not with proper calculations, you could hurt yourself. So if you think that you know it all, you think that you can go out there and reproduce this product, knock yourself out because you will. Knock yourself out.


I just wanted to say that be careful, family. Yes, it’s five ingredients, but the way that they are combined and put together. And on top of that, you may be getting a milk thistle that has a metal alloy in it.


These products are organic, they’re natural, and they’re well taken care of for you. So I don’t appreciate this. I don’t appreciate this man.


I don’t appreciate this man coming in here and farting all over the place when we are trying our very best to help people. Yes, sir, you don’t have to tell me. I got to go to the next advertiser.


And besides, remember, they gave me two months to live. I was taking this product seven years before they told me that. Isn’t that interesting how I’m still alive five years later? And that’s what Will also experienced.


Will went through the same thing. We both started taking Protandim together. And then Will got lung cancer.


They gave lung. He got lung cancer. But guess what? His body was strong enough.


But your body was strong enough. Your body was strong enough. Why? Because you build your mitochondria.


Because you build your cells. Because you build a nucleus. And if people are too ignorant and they don’t want nothing to do with it, and they want to go out there and piece this together themselves, please do it.


Please go right ahead. Thank you. Listen, I’m off of all my pharmacy meds now, Frank.


Hey, brother, guess what? Me too. The only thing I’m taking is a tiny little small blood pressure pill. And I’m doing that because I just don’t want to take any chances.


I take garlic and I take this. I think it’s like two or three milliliters. Just a tiny little pill.


It’s a waste of time. But I’m doing it because, hey, I’m 70, man. For crying out loud, I’m falling apart.


I’m with you. I’m with you. God bless you guys.


Take care. All right. Take care.


Bye-bye. I know we went over the normal amount of time for that advertisement. But as you can see, no, it’s OK, sweetie.


It’s OK. No, no. You do what you have to do.


Once again, I know that we went a little bit over. But it’s important because this is a wonderful product. It saved my life.


It saved Will’s life. It’s got a good chance of helping your life. Anyways, if you’re interested in ProTandem, my phone number is 419-283-2552.


419-283-2552. Now we bring in our sister, Anne. And Anne has a product that you can put it under your tongue, OK? Or you can use it as a cream on your body.


Gentlemen, prostate cancer also comes from an uncontrolled amount of bacteria. Listen very carefully to what this lady has to offer you. Anne, the floor is yours.


You let me know when you’re done. OK. Thank you very much, Frank and Tink, for allowing me, again, the chance to speak on your world famous broadcast.


Yeah, this portion, what I’m going to talk about tonight is going to be of interest to people that maybe have a concern for their prostate health or their breast health, brain health, OK? And so we’re going to talk about two blood cleansing products. And people might be thinking, well, why blood cleansing products? Because in order to be healthy, a person has to have clean blood. Without clean blood, no one can be in a healthy state.


Just like we need clean oil and clean gasoline to have our car engine parts working properly, people need to have clean blood to have all their body parts, organs, and joints working properly, too. And so before I begin my talk, I’d like everyone on this call to find a piece of paper and a pencil to jot down some important information that I plan to share over the next how many minutes do we have, Frank? Because I know you’re falling behind. Take the next 15.


OK, thank you very much. Grab a sheet of paper and a pencil. And my topic tonight is going to focus on the subject of blood and particularly the importance of having clean blood.


Probably most of us listening on this broadcast never even gave much thought to why people need clean blood in order to be healthy. And I certainly never gave any thought to it until I started researching these products. But remember what the Bible says, that blood is the river of life and life is in the blood.


And blood is so important to mankind’s health that our society has established blood banks and plasma centers. And before transfusing that blood or plasma into anyone, of course, they’d like to see what the quality of that blood or plasma is before they would ever consider giving it to another person. And so down here, I live near Tampa, Florida, and there’s a hospital that people go there for their treatment.


Oftentimes, their doctor will tell them to schedule an appointment at their center with a dark field microscopist. Dark field microscopist will prick them to get only one drop and take a look at that drop of blood to just see how dirty and contaminated the blood is with things like toxins, fungus, parasites, et cetera. Then after showing the patient with their blood sample, taking certain nutrients to help clean up the blood over the next number of months is to give the patient those certain nutrients to get the patient’s blood looking much cleaner and healthier.


And the sicker a person is, the dirtier their blood is going to look. So speaking about toxins in the blood, about 10 years ago, Suzanne Summers wrote a book called Toxic, T-O-X-S-I-C-K. And in order to be able to write that book, she interviewed a whole bunch of medical doctors who discussed the topics of toxins with her.


And I can save you the time and money for having to read that 300-page book that I read all those years ago by letting you know that she summarized that book with one sentence at the end of her book. She wrote, quote, detoxification is so important that not taking steps to detoxify is a sure path to death, D-E-A-T-H, and a torturous death at that. So no one wants to suffer now and no one wants to suffer at the end of their life as a result of having too many toxins in their blood, right? So according to Suzanne Summers and all the medical doctors she interviewed, I’m pretty sure that she would agree that we all should be taking steps to clean out our blood every day to avoid many years of needless suffering and also we don’t want a torturous death either.


But unfortunately, in this day and age, in this society, living at this juncture in time, it’s very difficult to have clean blood because every day we’re bombarded with thousands of chemicals and microplastics. And in this day and age, we are living in what some people call toxic soup. All of us are taking in more chemicals in our body in one day than our great-grandparents can during their entire lifetime cover not even any paved roads.


Now a tire dust goes up one whole mile and every day all of us are breathing in a whole bunch of this invisible tire dust. I did not know until recently that rubber tires are only made up of 25% is made up of 200 different chemicals including microplastics. And a lot of us have been looking recently and seeing all this information about the harmful, you know, effects of microplastics.


Okay, microplastics we’re getting in from drinking water out of plastic water bottles, drinking out of plastic straws, microwaving our foods in plastic containers, cooking foods in plastic bags, even wearing polyester. I’m getting microplastics into my body here. And they say now that we’re taking in enough microplastics in one week equal to the amount of one credit card.


And that means we’re taking in 52 credit cards worth of microplastics in a year. And over the last month I’ve seen scientists say that we have enough microplastic in our brain to equal one plastic spoon. Is it any wonder that we’re getting brain fog? And they say over the last eight years we have 50% more microplastics today in our body than we did 50 years ago.


So scientists have discovered that one reason men are getting prostate issues is they have way too many microplastics in their prostate combining with too much fungus settling there. You know, gravity takes hold. And scientists have also discovered that women are getting breast issues because of having too many microplastics and fungus settling in their breasts.


And anybody who’s been ever diagnosed with microcalcifications might be interested to know that fungus is attracted to calcium. And so fungus, to my dismay, I just finished a book, 229 page book about what causes fungus to grow in our body. And I was disheartened to learn that fungus we’re getting from our food.


Okay, foods like corn, peanuts, pistachios, even wheat, rice, and potatoes. Okay, and what is wheat? Well, pasta and bread, right? And the author reminds us in that book that the Irish potato famine was caused by fungus. And I learned from a quantum scientist that every neurological brain disease we get, including Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s, anxiety and depression is caused by having too much fungus in our brain.


And guess what? Unfortunately, I learned anytime we take an antibiotic, well, guess what? Antibiotics are made out of fungus. And I bet you there isn’t a person listening on this broadcast that hasn’t taken fungus people get. It’s called candida.


Candida is a type of yeast. What do we put in our bread to make it rise? Yeast. So between microplastics and fungus and all the other chemicals you get exposed to daily, there are no two ways about it.


Living in this society, we all have dirty blood. And the dirtier our blood is, naturally, the more toxins, microplastics, and fungus will be deposited in our organs, tissues, and joints. And when toxins pile up in our organs or joints, that’s going to be causing inflammation and all sorts of health problems.


So in the 21st century, scientists now know that the best and most effective way to clean out the blood is by using 21st century science called quantum nutrition. So what is quantum nutrition? It’s got to get into every single cell in your body, including penetrating into the brain, the blood-brain barrier, right? So quantum nutrition is made up of teeny subatomic waves and particles contained when molecules are extracted one at a time from God-given different plants. We’ve all heard of nanonutrients, micronutrients, but quantum nutrition is much smaller than even that.


And we need to use blood-cleansing quantum nutrition to be able to get into every nook and cranny, including the blood-brain barrier, including getting into the prostate, including getting into our breast and our brain to get these toxins and fungus out. So in summary, if you want to get your body in a much healthier state, then you absolutely have to have clean, clean blood. And we know of two quantum products that can do just that.


And as Frank said, one is a spray underneath your tongue. How easy is that? You just spray four squirts under your tongue, and it’s going to get—it doesn’t have to go to the digestive tract, where a lot of us, as we get older, our digestion isn’t as good as to get food digested by our saliva to get it into our blood system. So we squirt four squirts underneath our tongue, and we’re going to get 44 top plant extract molecules taken from Mediterranean plants that have been proven in clinical trials to be the best molecules out there for human health.


And then we can apply skin cream, naturally good not just for taking toxins. So Frank, do you have anything to add before I end out with our contact information? I agree with you. When I was going through cancer, my first operation, the doctor says, if we find cancer in any other parts of your body, do we have permission to take it out? And I said, yeah, of course.


And when I woke up, they told me that they had removed my prostate. And I said, really, why? Because it was first stage. First stage.


Golly, I mean, I wish they would have left it in me because I know that at first stage, that’s the flora, that’s the bad bacteria that is starting the inflammation. I could have controlled it. I could have kept my prostate.


But apparently, they made the decision. And I have no regrets for it. I move forward with my life.


It is what it is. But gentlemen, gentlemen, if you’re 60 or even before that, and if you’re having problems, you know, urinating, your flow, if it takes you forever and everybody’s waiting for you to come out of the bathroom, you know what I’m talking about. If you go into those little booths because you don’t want to go to the urinal because you know you’re going to be there for quite a while and you’re embarrassed about it, you know what I’m talking about.


You gentlemen that get up in the middle of the night more than you should, you know what I’m talking about. This is a product that will help you. Look, this is the cream right here.


Are you watching me, Ann? I’m going to support a lady on election day today, and so I’m waiting in the car to go and support her. The cream, the cream, the one that we put on the scrotum, it’s this small little square container, correct? Yes, and it looks like Vaseline, doesn’t it? It sure does. Look, I opened it up for gentlemen.


You can see it. There it is right there. So you’ll be applying that, and I’m going to apply this not only to my private areas, but I’m also going to apply it underneath my armpits.


I’m going to apply it down in between my toes. I know where fungus and bacteria grows on my body. I’m going to use this for the best of my ability, and then you have this, and this is the one where she was talking about that you spray.


You spray this under your tongue. You know how much plastic is in your body right now? That plastic does nothing more but plug up your arteries. That’s the last thing you need.


We’ve got Dr. Rich with this CardioLife product that is opening up a lot of cardiovascular structure in people right now. Now we have a product that, God willing, will be able to get rid of the plastic that’s in your bloodstream. I’m very grateful that this product came into my life.


How do you feel about it? If you have any interest in this, Anne, how did they get a hold of you? Oh, here it is. I’m going to hold it up. I’m going to give two numbers.


One is not to talk to me, but to hear a three-minute informational call about this. More information? Go ahead, type it up for me. 800-557-7023.


That’s 800-557-7023. They can hear a three-minute recording about it. And then if they wanted to reach out to me, they can call me at 727-623-5170.


727-623-5170. It’s better to nip it in the bud now. Because my friend recently had one gallon of urine drained off of his bladder, and he wasn’t taking these products.


And then the following week, they put in a permanent stent in his penis. Who wants that? You know what I’m saying? You don’t want to lose your prostate. You don’t want to lose—you don’t want to have a stent in there for the rest of your life either.


So, you know, a stitch in time saves nine, right? Yes, ma’am. Yes, ma’am. And we are dealing with a lot of baby boomers.


So, gentlemen, and you ladies as well, too. You know, in fact, Anne mentioned it. Breast cancer is nothing to—lymph nodes.


Breast lymph nodes is nothing to be playing around with. You can get rid of that bacteria. You can get rid of that fungus.


If you have any interest, you can call me at 419-283-2552. Or you can call Anne at 727-623-5170. Yes, Jen.


So the cream, Anne, I’m reading on the website is also good. You can put it on your hands, your neck, your face for sun damage. Yes, you can put it anywhere.


That cream is even edible because it’s 100% plant-based. Some people even put a little bit on their tongue if they have a stomach ache. And in 10 minutes, their stomach ache goes away.


Thank you, Anne. God bless you. Yes, go ahead.


Okay. Thank you both. No, no, no.


I was going to say thank you. Thank you, Anne. And we’re going to bring you back in again because this is a powerful product.


I’ll bring you back in in a couple of weeks. God bless you. Okay.


Thank you. Yes, ma’am. Good night.


Bye-bye. Listen, there’s a person that is posting and admins. If this person posts again in a strange way, just remove him.


It looks like it says B. That’s it. Just B, the letter B. To the individual that is called B, we have already put you on time out. And then you come back and you say, the idea of cleaning your blood isn’t a precise medical term.


Did we say it was? Your body’s already doing that 24-7. Yeah, but what happens if you have a bad kidney, bad liver, Mr. Perfect? But you should be avoiding toxins. I agree.


Exercises, fasting, eating a nutrition-rich diet, and hydrating. I should avoid those things? Look, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. So please do me a favor.


Don’t make any more comments on my form. And thank you, by the way, for your opinion. But I disagree.


I think we need to exercise. I need fasting. I think we need nutrition-rich diets.


I think we need hydrating. There’s always somebody, ain’t it, family? It’s always like that. Let’s get back to work so I can get the heck out of here.


We left off with final article number 5165. And it says, Washington is concerned about Baghdad sinking. And Waltz tells Soudani, Trump’s pressure on Tehran will increase.


And I already went over this article. What is the blue title? It says, the monetary reform demands security and stability. And Trump leads that effort.


Not just in Iraq, but worldwide. And you can see, you can see that it’s happening. Continuing, let’s go to the, well, actually right underneath it.


Soudani and Waltz confirmed by phone deepening the partnership and ending the expectation of electricity supplied from Iran. Hello. Did we not just say about five articles before that? Hey, don’t worry about it.


You got about 30 days. Well, lo and behold, this explains what I’m talking about. Anyway, so get it done, okay? Because, quote, the prime minister affirmed Iraq’s commitment to expanding economic relations with the United States, encouraging American companies to invest in growing Iraqi markets.


He also reviewed the important reforms and, the important reforms, I like that, and initiatives implemented by his government to create a more stable, transparent, and attractive environment for investors. Family, do you think that 1310 is a transparent and very attractive environment for investors? Do you think it is? No, I don’t think so, either. Final article number 5166, government advisor, 2025 budget will reach parliament before the end of Ramadan.


Oh, my goodness. Now, listen carefully. Did you catch that? Or are you all talking over here? Did you catch that? What did you catch? Tell me.


Go ahead. We got time, don’t we? What did you catch? I just read it to you. No, Claire just put it back up again.


There you go. Final article number 5166. What did you catch in this article? You didn’t talk about it in my form.


You didn’t talk about it in premium. What did you catch? What I just read to you, because I know you’re paying attention. Jeff says the budget in parliament before Ramadan.


Bingo. Yeah. Yeah.


So when is Ramadan? What? And that means that the budget will be there before Ramadan ends? Yeah. And what is in the budget that we’re looking for? I mean, it doesn’t get any more simpler than that, right? Two plus two is four, isn’t it? It’s not three, right? So if we get this actually happening, if we actually have the 2025 budget to reach parliament before the end of Ramadan, then this is good. You know why? What’s the blue title? What’s the blue title? Because this is Shaleh that’s saying this.


That’s why this is very, very good, family. Okay. Final article number 5167.


Oh, excuse me. I’m sorry. I didn’t read.


Well, you know what? You read it. There’s more to read in the article above it. You read it.


Let’s go on. Final article number 5167. Alpacor welcomes the statement of Al-Saddani and Waltz and confirms its readiness to resume exports after completing the agreements.


Oh, wait a minute. Okay. Wait a minute.


Alcapor, all you oil companies, you’re going to pay attention to Saddani and Waltz? Yeah. Is that what you’re saying? And you’re ready? You’re ready for your readiness to resume the exports of this oil? Uh-huh. When? Excuse me.


When? Can you say it louder? Can somebody tell me when, family? When will Alcapor restart the oil flowing? When will we see the exports of this oil? When? When the budget hits? Well, Robert, yeah, when it hits. Okay. But what is it that they have done in this article? It says, once again, Alcapor welcomes the statement of Saddani and Waltz and confirms its readiness to resume exports after completing the agreements.


That’s right, Brandon. That’s right, Judy. You see how you can piece all of this together and you can understand it yourself.


You don’t need me. So after, what did you guys agree upon in the contracts when you rewrote them? Oh, it must be a new exchange rate, huh? I guess so. Because I don’t see you coming into Iraq doing anything, Alcapor, until after completing the agreements.


Okay. I mean, doesn’t that sound fair, Alcapor? It sounds fair to me, too. Final article number 5168, World Bank confirms its continued support for Iraq to achieve its developed goals.


World Bank, IMF, BIS, U.S. Treasury. I mean, what an alphabet soup for the monetary reform. World Bank confirms its continued support for Iraq to achieve its developed goals.


Do you think a new exchange rate is a goal that Iraq is trying to reach, especially you, World Bank? Hint, hint, hint. What is the blue title? World Bank knows none of this is achieved at 1310. When you read this article, you’ll see that the World Bank is very proud of the CBI and the monetary reform of Iraq.


But why would they be proud of 1310? Well, they’re not. Final article number 5169, Central Bank reveals its gold reserves. Here we go again.


The governor of the Central Bank, Alak, confirmed today, Tuesday, that Iraq has one of the highest gold reserves among Arab countries, right now amounting to 162 tons. Well, it was 157 last month. Now it’s 162 tons.


Okay. What’s the blue title? Exchange rate backup continues to grow while it waits for the new exchange rate. Exchange rate backup continues to grow while it waits for the new exchange rate.


You can see it. You can see that’s what’s happening. It’s not like this is, you know, hard rocket science.


We don’t see anything. You’ll see everything once you have the new exchange rate. All we see is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.


Oh, they’re so wonderful, says the World Bank. Oh, IMF is so proud of them. Oh, BIA, oh, U.S. Treasury, good job you guys are doing.


Mr. Trump, what do you think about what they’re doing in Iraq? As long as they don’t go and get the milk that they need from Iran, I’m happy. Okay. Final article number 5,170, ministerial council discusses budget schedules and the local global oil market.


Whoa, whoa. And I say, whoa, because when you read this article, you know who this is, don’t you? Ministers, ministerial, ministerial council discusses budget schedule. That’s Sudanese people.


This is not parliament. So you guys are talking about the budget schedule. Did you see the new exchange rate? And the local global oil market.


Apricot, what do you know? Somebody talk to me. What’s going on? What are you guys talking about? And what do I say up on the blue title? Even the big wigs wait for the new exchange rate. When you read the article, you’ll see what I mean.


During the meeting, the council of ministers from Sudan discussed with the deputy prime minister and the minister of oil the completion of the budget schedules. What? For real? Yeah, well, it makes sense. I mean, you just said that.


Okay. Thank you very much. Final article number 5,171, Rashid to an American newspaper.


Iraq is ready to mediate between Washington and Tehran. What’s the blue title? KTFA family, this back and forth, this back and forth bickering, this back and forth mediating, this back and forth discussion between Washington and Tehran, KTFA family, this back and forth is important for the security and stability of the new exchange rate. So allow this to happen, because I’m really, really excited to see what is going to happen we either get rid of Iran terrorism or Iran metamorphosizes into goodness.


Good luck. Final article number 5,172, U.S., but regardless, Tehran, you’ve lost. Iraq, you’ve won.


Iraqi Dinar, you’ve won. New exchange rate? We’re looking, we’re waiting for you, man. Final article number 5,172.


Excuse me. U.S. congressman calls for immediate sanctions on Iraqi Rafateen Bank, accuses the bank of starving the Kurds. What did Rafateen just say just a few seconds ago? We’re going to help.


We’ll help. You know, the mediation between Iraq, USA, and Iran, we can help. Okay, we can help.


Okay, yeah. I know we were bad. You know we were sanctioned.


You know we were fined. You know we got in trouble with U.S. Treasury and the CBI. But we, Rafateen Bank, we don’t want to be left out.


You need help with Iran? We can help. Okay. They won’t steal through our banks no more.


I promise, I promise, I promise, I promise, I promise. Crush my heart. And we know what they were doing through our bank to hurt Kurdistan.


We won’t let that happen no more. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.


Because, what’s the blue title? Everyone knows the reason for the delay. U.S. Representative Joe Wilson has called on the United States Treasury Department to impose sanctions on Iraq’s state-owned Rafateen Bank, accusing it of laundering billions of dollars for Iraqi militants while the Iraqi government withholds salaries from Kurdistan public sector employees. No more.


We don’t play that. We don’t play that no more. And that’s the articles.


We are now going to look at Eddie’s report. We were together Friday? Yes. So that means, what is Friday’s date? 7th.


7th. So I’m looking for Saturday the 8th. Unless we have Friday night.


Oh, premium. You guys got a good report, didn’t you? I came in, was it yesterday or the day before? Day before yesterday. I came in and I was with you for about an hour and I answered about 50, 60 questions.


And those were good questions that served not only premium but Club 26 too. Good job, premium members. Good questions.


Anyways, we are going back to… We were with you Friday. Here’s Friday. Saturday.


Let’s start here. Saturday at 9 in the morning. Sudani is on the television and he’s launching several new key infrastructures, as he’s putting it, and industrial projects.


Once again, Mr. Frank, all of these are hints that there is a new exchange rate. For example, the governor of the central bank, Allat, he just announced that on Saturday there is an imminent transformation of banks into smart platforms that is now using artificial intelligence. They’re pointing this out to us that they will be applied to our banking system, pointing out that Iraq will witness a comprehensive digital transformation in the financial sector.


And then he says, on a program rate? No, no, not on a program rate. Once again, this is just another indication, another hint, another clue that points in the direction of where we’re going. And that’s when I told him, I said, no, no.


No. All of this is preparation that we are witnessing. All of this preparation that we are witnessing is not for a program rate, and the world knows it now.


I mean, we now go into Sunday. So now we go into Sunday at 9 in the morning. Did you see that? That’s a mess up, but that’s CBI, yeah.


CBI on TV saying no more daily reporting on currency auction sales. No need, they say. Saying we have enough now in foreign currency reserves to have a monthly report given to Iraqi citizens on the subject concerning our foreign currency sales.


And thus, this strengthens our local currency. Yeah, well, we read that article and then the CBI comes out and they tell that exactly to the Iraqi citizens as well, too. They release breaking news to the Iraqi citizens, but what it boils down to is that they’re trying to tell the citizens that there’s a distribution of funds coming.


And it will be for salaries, civil servants, security personnel, pensioners, who are going to have received only one payment in the past three months, and so forth. Then he says, sure hope this has to do with the new salary, with the new rate. Yeah, I do, too, Eddie, I do, too.


Well, Don Green, I’m so sorry, maybe I’ll just increase my voice because the camera is already facing me. That’s the reason why everything is reversed. And over here, I mean, I’m trying my best.


Let me just keep going. Sunday, 2.30, television has Shaleh. You can go now, Mr. Frank.


He’s saying investments in Iraq keep us away from issues from oil price fluctuation. Sunday, 4 o’clock report. Shafak News is saying to us that the minister of finance and the economic minister in Kurdistan region government have decided to accept borrowers from the banks.


This is resulting from agricultural loans remaining. And I can’t say if they are paid during this, so yeah, you see, they’re working with the budget. And in my opinion, the budget has a new rate.


And in my opinion, there’s a lot of information that’s coming out. So let’s just go into yesterday. Let’s start with yesterday early in the morning, okay? 7 o’clock Monday morning.


Parliament tried to meet Saturday. But they didn’t have enough again, Mr. Frank. What else is new to show up? So they dismissed them.


Now, the interesting is that they just told us that they dismissed them with no date set to come back. But then the television just showed us five guys that were arrested for coming in to our local businesses with boxes full of dinars. And one of those boxes was full of dollars showing how the new system is working and catching criminals.


They’re trying to money laundry. We think that that’s why they’re telling us about the abroad situations. Television showing that today, Monday, the dollar rate against the dinar had a noticeable decline in our marketplace today.


We don’t know how. They didn’t explain it. But if that’s going down, then our currency is going up.


Next report from yesterday. Television is saying today Iraqi budget is ready for parliament before month’s end. And that’s what they said in the article that we read together about Ramadan.


Television shows economists saying we now have low oil prices and this may lead Iraq to reducing the dinar exchange rate and lowering expenses. No one told me. I didn’t see it on the TV.


I didn’t know. I didn’t know anything about this. I didn’t read this yesterday.


Television showing economists saying because of low oil prices, this may lead Iraq to reducing dinar exchange rate and lowering expenses. Well, you can’t lower the program rate any lower. So what he’s talking about a changing in the exchange rate.


I didn’t see this article. TV show economists saying, hey, it’s an economist. But he’s making a point, though, that because the oil prices are going down, that would reduce the expenses and it would change the exchange rate, not reduce the exchange rate.


That part I don’t agree with. Okay. Television showing those oil contracts with BP were just signed today.


That’s very interesting, Mr. Frank. We think they waited to sign a contract for a new rate. Well, they signed them today.


Way to go, Eddie. Yeah, well, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be exposed. It is the budget tables that will expose everything.


The budget tables is like a gust of wind for a short dress, which is not necessarily a good thing. Continuing. Yesterday at five o’clock, we now have the oil of the Ministry of Oil.


And this is a good thing because we know who he’s with. He just announced that on Monday that it has initialed. The Minister of Oil has just announced that on Monday that it has initialed a contract for the development of the four Kirkuk fields with BP.


This is really good, Mr. Frank. But once again, like you said, where is BP? Here is what Eddie told us this morning about this report. I then say to him, gentlemen, I bet you BP will not start anything.


This was yesterday. They will not start anything, even though they signed. They will not start anything, regardless of the signatures, because there is no exchange rate for them unless it was guaranteed to them.


Um, it says contracts. It does not say memos of understanding, Mr. Frank. Then I said, and in my opinion, Eddie, contracts are guaranteed.


Members of understanding are not. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s true. Yeah.


To which he said, yes. Oh, yes, sir. TV, yes, TV talking about what cabinet, TV talking about what cabinet is talking about, Mr. Frank, the budget schedules and our oil market and our global approach.


Mr. Frank, this is the cabinet that’s talking about the budget schedules. This is the cabinet. That’s the cabinet talking about it.


You know, if they’re talking about it, that just gets it even closer, in my opinion, family. Yesterday, seven, the next report at night, television is letting us know about a suspension of regular hours on Sunday, March the 16th. They say it’s for the holidays.


And yeah, no, I can’t read that. Yesterday, nine in the evening, our last report from yesterday. Television says that Iraq moves to get gas from Qatar and Oman since the United States of America no longer allows them to obtain it from Iran.


To which I said, there you go, Eddie. I told you, didn’t I? Just give it 24 to 48 hours. Trump will take care of it.


There it is. I told you that he had a source. I told you he would send them to the right direction.


The same thing that’s happening with us in Canada. Because I saw what he did in Canada, I knew that he had your issue solved. Stay away from Iran.


Today, 11.30 in the morning, World Bank on television talking with the Iraqi officials and giving their support for economic challenges that we may face. They say that our economy is in great shape and so are our banks. Not at 13.10. Again, give me another clue.


Today’s second report. Television is saying that tomorrow there will be another meeting between the oil minister in Kurdistan and the oil companies that we were told that the last meeting, last Thursday, there was an agreement and all was good. Why they keep having these meetings? Oh, bless his heart.


Look at that. So Eddie says to me, if they have all these agreements, why they keep having these meetings? To which then, oops, oops, oops, oops, oops, oops, oops, oops. That’s just terrible, Frank, what you just did.


My phone just threw up on me. So I said, why yesterday? Yesterday we were at, he said, why, right? Well, yeah, I keep having these meetings. And then I answer him and I say this.


Okay, this is getting ridiculous. Okay, I guess I said a lot to him. So let me just read it to you.


And it keeps, and it’s just no end to it. Holy cow. We’re going to be here a while, family.


I hope you don’t mind. Why they keep having these meetings? And I say, I say to the family, way to go, Charlie, 1977. Even though my admins removed it, way to go.


In fact, I even said that. I think I even said it. It’s just an economist.


You’re a good student. Because that’s what I always say about them. Who do I say to pay attention to, Charlie, 1977? Who do I say to pay attention to? Allah, Sudani, even Bersani, and now Trump.


That’s a good question, Eddie. But obviously they are meeting to reach the target dates. Excuse me, I said dates.


Let me do this again. That’s a good question, Eddie. But obviously they are meeting to reach the target date.


Because in my opinion, these meetings have generated not only the approval and the guarantee of these contracts, because they now have to, because they have shown, or should I say, shared the information about a new exchange rate. And for that matter, they have signed upon a, excuse me, and for that matter, they have agreed upon a target date of when to show that new exchange rate. Now, in my opinion, right now, what Mr. Samy’s Bank is doing is actually applying a new software.


This is finishing up the applications of a specific software that deals with foreign currency. Because your currency, Eddie, must be recognized by the world. And your new Iraqi dinar will be one of a few, notice I said a few, not many, a few currencies that will turn.


This software is being presented to all the banks, all the exchange centers, all the places like this are in preparation, whatever, along with the monetary reform that is being given to you. That education for you Iraqi citizens was needed. That will soon, that education, that will soon bring you your purchasing power.


Everything waits for the new exchange rate. Even the exchange rate waits for the new exchange rate. Now, you may say that’s a double entendre, that’s double talk, but it’s not.


Look at what happened today and what will, look what happened today. And that event will explain my statement regarding why we are moving forward in the right direction. There are no delays.


The only delays are found in the hearts of those that are negative and demanding this blessing to occur now with or without proper steps. These type of people would eat a spoiled fish and get salmonella because they’re so hungry. This monetary reform process is moving along beautifully, masterfully.


And now the president, and now president Trump is involved. I sleep really good at night. Remember when I told you sidebar? That sidebar was that I sleep good at night.


Continuing what I told him, Eddie, look how much of the World Bank, the IMF, the US Treasury brags about Iraq’s banking reforms. How proud they are of your restructuring. Of the removal of your auctions.


Do you think that they’re talking about 1310? Of course not. They’re talking about a new exchange rate. That’s why they’re so proud.


That is coming to you for purchasing power. That is coming to the world internationally, digitally, in order to even touch the Iraqi dinar because nobody has ever laid a finger on your new currency for decades. But its value will soon be in great demand around the world, and it’s no secret anymore.


It’s no secret anymore. No one has laid a finger on your currency because of the exchange rate. Why is everybody trampling over everyone else just to get to your dinar now? Because it’s no secret.


Everybody knows. Frank, Eddie said that last Thursday they had this same meeting and everybody at the meeting agreed on everything, and they said that the oil would start immediately. Remember those articles? Well, we still see nothing.


And now they’re having another meeting? And now they’re having another meeting? I say to him a lot. The best example that everything waits for the new exchange rate is the latter of what you just said. The signing by BP Oil.


They’re not going to come into Iraq. Yes, they signed the contract. Yes, the contract was rewritten.


Yes, Sudani guaranteed these contracts. You don’t see them even coming into Iraq to use the bathroom to pee. BP is like everyone else.


They all have to wait for the new exchange rate. BP is like everyone else that has put themselves in a perfect strategic position in order to take advantage of the explosion of the economic growth that is occurring in Iraq right now. Because of the success of the monetary reform.


Because it’s no longer a secret. The success of the monetary reform of Iraq and everybody knows it. It’s no secret.


That’s the beauty of where we are at right now. That’s the ground we stand on. There are no delays.


Only the blind see delays. Only the greedy, foolish at heart consider to talk about delays. The progress before us, in my opinion, is incredible.


It’s incredible. By the way, Eddie, all the beautiful accolades that are being presented to the CBI and to the GOI from around the world, they don’t add up to a hill of beans for your purchasing power. The only thing that will do that is a new exchange rate exposed in the budget.


So I too, just like you, am fed up with all of these nice words. It’s time to get down to business. And I believe that Sudani feels the same way now.


Not just because of his own will, but being forced by the will upon him by my president of the United States of America. And trust me, Eddie, if you notice, everybody is paying attention to my president right now. From Ukraine, wanting peace to China, wanting to do deals with USA, wanting to make deals with us, to Mexico saying, okay, we’ll work with you.


I will work with you. To Canada, even with their new prime minister, who’s acting cocky right now, but he’ll bow to all of them. All of them will eventually bow.


Will obey, thank you. Will obey Trump. And your Sudani, your leader, your prime minister, he has no choice but to obey the suggestions.


The suggestions of Donald Trump. And you know very well that both of these leaders want the very best for their nation’s currency. When Trump talks about the USD, in my opinion, he’s talking about the IQD as well.


Thank you for sending me that. Eddie was concerned about something that he saw on the internet. And I told him, don’t worry about it.


He sent it to me. There it is. And then I responded to it.


I responded to him about it. But I don’t want to, well, let’s see. Here real quick.


Thank you, Eddie, for sending me that YouTube link. Look, Eddie, don’t let these people bother you. I get irritated enough.


Now, this guy that is copying us, it’s a copyright infringement. I could sue him, but I don’t. It’s hard to get angry at him.


But it’s also easy because he is literally repeating word for word. He’s reading our transcriber, Shang Doodle’s notes, into an AI program that changes his voice. And ironically enough, he’s saying everything that I have said.


It’s just that he stole it and makes it look like it’s his work. And that’s the part where it breaks my heart. I give everything free on the internet.


Yes, I have premium and Club 26. But when I do my YouTubes, I catch up everybody. I never leave anyone behind.


But it makes me very sad, Eddie, to see that there are low lives, to see that there are parasites, to see that there are thieves in the night that steal the work of another person when all they have to do is ask me for a drink of water and I will give them buckets of water. I do all I can to set the best example on the internet. I lead by prayer and I leave my anger behind in the same way that I leave this individual behind.


What I mean by that is that what I mean by that is that your family, I would climb mountains for. I would build mountains for. But this person that’s stealing from me, I would put a mountain on him instead.


By the way, that mountain is a mountain of prayers. So what happened, family, is that this and you know what, Shane Doodle, don’t bother yourself to transcribe this. But ladies and gentlemen.


I’m going to give you an example. I hope you don’t mind. Let’s see, sir, hit play puzzle.


Welcome back to the channel. Today, we have an eye opening update that could indicate a major shift in Iraq’s financial landscape. A well-connected banking insider known as Aki is making a significant move and his decision may suggest that we are closer than ever to a game changing development regarding the Iraqi dinar.


Let’s break it all down. According to Intel shared by WalkingStick, Aki, a key banking official who works closely with his boss, has made a critical decision to relocate his entire family. But why? Aki has stated that his move is based on direct instructions from both the government of Iraq, GOI, and the Central Bank of Iraq, CBI.


That alone is a strong signal that something big is unfolding behind the scenes. But here’s where it gets even more interesting. Aki’s boss reportedly told him.


You’re going to be very busy very soon. Now for those who have been following the Iraqi dinar’s progress, we know that such statements from high-level banking figures are not made lightly. They carry weight.


They suggest that preparations are underway for a major financial shift. So what does Aki do? Instead of waiting around, he takes immediate action. He decides to move his entire family from the state they currently reside in and relocate them further south, directly to the city where the bank he oversees is located.


Now think about that for a moment. Would someone uproot their entire life, move their family, and change everything unless they had strong confidence that something major was about to happen? And here, Jen, would you answer that? Thank you. For me, let me know.


And you know, the interesting thing, family, is that that is, you know, a thief on the internet, and they’re in my form. That’s why they copy everything that Shang Doodle does. They take it to their own little site, and they vomit, they regurgitate everything that I say, literally word for word.


Now, they don’t have to say that that’s their team, that that’s their people, whatever, but they’re just repeating it. You can go ahead and stop it. Eagle says, Eagle here says, that’s awful, Frank.


I’m sorry that’s happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In fact, look at here.


I guess that’s what I wanted to show you. I don’t know if you can even see it, but there it is. If you find yourself with, you know, at these people’s places, or anybody that literally copies this word for word, even my picture, for crying out loud, can you tell them please stop it? Can you report them to Ubitubi? What do you think? Because it causes me problems.


People call me up, and they say, why did you say that? What? And then they tell me, and I, I never said that. Oh, it’s got your face, brother. You said it, you piece of crap.


Okay. Okay. Whatever I am, so be it.


But yeah, that’s, it’s just a shame. Oh, I noticed. Let me see.


Can you even see it? What does it say? Let’s see. It says, honey, Banking Insider reveals. Crazy discount.


No, that’s the advertising. All right, Femi, we’re done with the first part. It’s up to you.


It’s up to you. We’re done with the first part. We’re going into the, we’re done, we’re done with the second part.


And now we walk into the third part, which is WalkingSticks Report. Okay, thanks, Beth. And now we’re going to walk into WalkingSticks Report.


Now, let me, let me, let me just do a little background painting here. A little green screen in the back so that we can fill in what’s going on. Uh, I know Lisa Moeller.


It is very irritating and it breaks my heart because we work hard. It breaks my heart. You know, who is it? Lisa? What is, what is her name? It’s so irritating.


Yeah, Lisa. You know, Lisa, five years ago. Wow, I can’t believe it.


Five years ago. Five years. Where does the time go? Uh, five years ago, Lisa, I asked, um, um, uh, one, two, three, four people, five people.


I’m sorry, five people, um, to help me. I got them together on the telephone. And I send them all a 50,000 Iraqi dinar, which will one day become valuable to them.


And I said, listen, guys, I need your help. The doctors say I have two months to live. And my wife was in another room because I didn’t want her to hear that conversation.


And, um, I put them on speaker and I was talking to them all. I said, guys, there’s a, there’s a, there’s a doctor that says I have two months to live and I need your help. Will you help my wife to continue KTFA? Um, you know, with the, uh, Intel gathering and then, um, I’ll have walking stick, get a hold of you guys directly and he’ll give you the information and then you can post it and keep KTFA going.


Okay. And my wife, she’ll keep the spirit, the spiritual side going. She’ll keep the, the website going.


You guys just do my, the UB2Bs that I do once a week. Will you do that for me? Oh, Frank, we got your back, man. We got you.


Yeah. One was an air force, uh, colonel. I got you, Frank.


I got you six. I’d rather you not. But yeah, I said, thank you to the five of them.


I hung up. And, and, and as, um, the next year went by, well, actually that year, actually within the, within six months, all five of them left and went off to do their own, whatever they do. All five of them.


And when it happened, it hit me hard. So I talked to my admins and I talked to some people, some of my admins. I talked to Claire, I talked to Pastor Kim, I talked to Andy, I talked, I talked to some people because in case I didn’t make it, I wanted them to continue to help my wife.


Because the other, the other ones, they, they abandoned me, even though they promised and gave their word and we prayed. They went off. I guess they thought I was going to die.


They didn’t want to stick around with a sinking ship, but you stuck around. Thank you. I would like to share with you family, the report, but first I want to paint you a little background.


Aki shared with us what he’s doing for his boss. And I will be able to share as much as I can. But before I do, let me set this up.


Family, there are many contracts that have been signed and, and they’ve all been rewritten. Another clue, right? And these contracts, the companies, the countries, they still haven’t even come in to do the work. They still haven’t even opened the, the piñata.


They haven’t opened up the contracts yet. Why? Because they’re waiting for a new exchange rate. Okay.


But these contracts, when they do open up the new exchange rate, they’re going to bring in their people, their equipment, their supplies, their brainiacs, their, their, their, their, their, their smart engineers, whatever it is that they’re going to be doing. They’re also going to be bringing in their money. They’re going to be bringing in their money into the country of Iraq.


These companies will be paying Iraq in their currency, and then that currency will be converted into Iraqi dinars, but they’ll be paying them for whatever, maybe the licenses and fees or whatever it may be, and there may be fines along the way. But the money from these contracts, from these countries is coming in and it’s a foreign currency. Okay.


Okay. Now, these banks in Iraq are training their employees, like, like Mr. Sammy, to recognize all foreign currency. Yeah.


Let me ask you this. When you hold the Iraqi dinar in your hands and you take it to an American bank, do they recognize it? Right away. Why? Well, they’ve got a currency book.


They’ve got, they’ve got computers. They’ve got everything that they need from the U.S. Treasury to recognize foreign currency. That’s extremely important for our U.S. Treasury, isn’t it? Yeah.


We don’t want to lose a penny. Okay. I’m with you so far.


So if Iraq comes out with a new exchange rate, that means a new currency. Well, that new currency must be recognizable. Yeah.


Well, the, the Iraqi students are going to, are going to see them on those billboards I keep talking about. And, and, and what is the rest of the world going to see it? How are they going to see it? How are the banking industry going to recognize the currency? You know, in order to avoid laundering and profiteering and, and counterfeiting and all that, how are they going to do that? Huh? So, Aki, how’s it going for you? Busy. Very busy, Mr. Walker.


I can stick. We are finishing up a training of a new software that we have applied to all of our, our banks. Here, my private bank is also now being a part of it.


This, this, this, this, this software, it is called multi-currency sync, for, for Chengdu, that’s S-Y-N-C. It’s called multi-currency sync software, Mr. WalkingStick. And the purpose of this software is to update the world, the banks, everybody, Forex, everybody that will, that will need to know this to update them on the new, on that we will be putting out.


Now, granted, this software is for all currencies, all foreign currencies, you know, but we’re one of them. And we will be going through, you know, a reinstatement, which will cause maybe some confusion along the way, because it’s going to require a different denomination. We’re not going to use the three zero nodes, you know.


So we want this software to train everybody of what we’re about to send them or get involved with. But the truth of the matter is, most of it is going to be digital, digitalized anyways. But still, this software is important.


Yeah, we need to put it in. All righty. Well, that sounds, that sounds pretty good.


This multi-currency sync software, it probably is going to include the pictures of the new currency. Oh, yes, Mr. WalkingStick, yeah, the pictures of the lower denominations. It will have data, all the data that every bank needs and every citizen needs for their services on this new currency.


It’ll have the new rate, everything, everything that we will need. Yeah. Just out of curiosity, hasn’t this software been around for a while? Yeah, but this is a new, updated software.


Why, Aki? And I want to get this right. So WalkingStick said, hasn’t this software been around for a while? Haven’t banks already been updated on this already? Yes, Mr. Frank, but… Yes, Mr. WalkingStick, but how else we know new currency? Well, that’s a good point. Shoot, even you don’t haven’t seen it yet, have you? No.


No, I see. Okay, well, that’s interesting. You mean, you mean, you mean how you’re going to recognize the three zero notes? No, Mr. WalkingStick, you know what I’m talking about? The lower notes.


So this is a software program called the multi-currency sync software that will be sent out to every bank, every exchange center. And like places like Forex is a very good example of where it’s going to be. And when is, when is, you’re almost done with this? Yeah, we’re pretty much done with it.


We’ve been at it for a long time. Anytime soon, Mr. Frank or Mr. WalkingStick. Okay, well, that’s good.


That’s good. Oh, Mr. WalkingStick. Yes, Aki.


I’m going to retire. You what? I’m going to retire. Aki is setting up this private bank for his boss.


Then he will retire. He has family in the United States of America. And at his age, he is ready to retire.


KTFA family, WalkingStick, and I would like to also tell you that this system has been around. It has been applied, but the new software is including new foreign currency. Also, we would like to let you know that this system has actually been running simultaneously with the QFS system.


And being incorporated into the AI system of Iraq to make sure that there is no currency manipulation. And I believe that probably the first ones to use it will be people like, or entities like Forex. This is, family, this is social security, this is security and stability for the monetary reform for the new digital system that the Iraqi dinar is playing a very big part in.


And why, Aki says, how else are we going to recognize new currency? And also, so that no one, so that no one is manipulating the markets. Security and security and stability at its highest technology. Right now.


I’m tired. Yeah, there’s more, but I’m, I want to be done. Let me see what else.


No, I’m done. I’m done. Shut it down.


I want to thank you all for being with us. And I want you to be strong in the Lord. Okay.


I want you to be strong. I don’t want you to be scared of anything. I don’t want you to be weak.


I don’t want you to think about any delays or any of that nonsense. Okay. You know, family, I believe that God is putting people in the right positions.


I believe that he’s doing that in Iraq. When I see what’s happening with Iran. I believe that God is, uh, is, is, is moving across the surface of this planet earth and, and correcting many things.


I believe that sincerely with all my heart. God knows plans, the plans that he has for you, right? Yeah. When I look at, um, someone like Musk, I’m, I’m glad that Trump has pulled the reins on him because slow down, slow down.


Okay. What you’re doing is, is good. The principle is correct, but the policy is, is hurting.


Let’s, let’s, let’s slow down. Okay. Let’s do this.


Correct. Stop hurting people. But I really think that, uh, Donald Trump was put in the position of the president of the United States of America.


Thank you, Christabella. God bless you, sweetheart. I really think that Donald Trump was put in the position of the white house because the whole world turns to America first.


We needed proper leadership and you see the man praying. This is fantastic. And you know, when you see Musk is, wouldn’t you consider Musk Trump’s right-hand man right now? Not so much the vice president.


And again, in God’s infinite wisdom, I think he put the right person then. Let me show you something. Let me show you something.


And, and I say that because Musk has power and, and God will use that power in the right direction. Hey, Jesse. Thank you, Jesse.


God bless you. You cool too. Let me give you an example.


You ready? You ready? You may want to write this down. You may want to write, because that way you can look at it later in case you don’t believe me. If I gave you $500 million every day since the crucifixion of Jesus up to today, what’s that over 2000 years? If I gave you half a, that’s half a billion, isn’t it? If I gave you $500 million every day, since the, since the birth of Jesus to this moment where I’m talking to you right now, it still wouldn’t be enough to tell you the worth and value of Musk.


Are you kidding me? You know what God can do with that power? I want to thank Patricia. I want to thank Dr. Tooth Fairy. God bless you guys.


Mark Anglin. Hey, Jeff. There’s my buddy, Jeff.


May you be well and blessed brother Frank and, uh, and sister Tink and sister Tink. Please give Frank 17 cookies. It says right there.


It’s a, it’s a seven or there’s a one. There’s something there. Oh, one thumbs up.


Once he doesn’t say that he had a seven and a one in there. Uh, Tony cliff, hang in there. Uh, stay with me.


So yeah, I believe the, I believe I’m grateful to Mark Anglin and Dr. Tooth Fairy and Patricia, uh, Rebecca Hill, uh, our Troyer peg beach, Jose Chavez, Mr. D thank you, Mr. D thanks for being you. I can’t be anybody else. You’re welcome.


Thank you, Mr. D. God bless you. Uh, Jose Chavez, Eric Sims, 26, the original DJ. He’s probably asleep by now.


Howard Crockett. Thank you. My British friend, Irma Brooks.


God bless you all for helping us with financial contributions. And like I always tell you, your contributions help a lot of people, you know, family, my little, my little boy who is a doctor now. And I’m so proud of him.


Our little boy at one time was playing in the backyard and he fell in a, like a, like a mud puddle and he had mud all over him. I thought, well, now he’s, he looks like my, like my color. No, that wasn’t good enough, but I picked them up and I’m like, Oh my gosh.


Wait till mom sees you. You are just filthy. You’re covered with mud from the top to the bottom.


And I couldn’t ask my little boy. I mean, he wasn’t even a year old. I couldn’t ask him to clean himself up.


He, he couldn’t clean himself up. Even if he tried, he would have made it worse. Family, sometimes we need help to, to clean up our sins, to remove the dirtiness.


Is it time for you to get clean? Do you remember the story of the prodigal son? It wasn’t until he was in the pigsty that he finally admitted his wrong and went home. Don’t find yourself at a point where you’re so dirty that you think you cannot be cleaned. And, and don’t think that you can clean yourself.


Turn to God. I did. I was filthy.


When I was, when I was, when I was talking, I drew my, my, my Apollo 11 for my skin. I’ll get them going. Oh, by heavenly father, by the blood of Jesus, your son, my Lord and savior.


I come into your throne room. So happy. So grateful to you.


I appreciate you. I know you. And like I told you in the first prayer, I’m so sorry for my betrayal.


I’m sorry. I betrayed you, Jesus. I’m sorry.


I betrayed you. Holy father. I’m sorry.


I’ve betrayed you. Holy spirit. And I’m grateful Lord that you have shown me the mirror of my mistakes.


I saw myself. I understand who you are. I understand what I did.


I understand what you can do for me and your plans are my plans. I love you so much that I’m learning the definition every day. More and more with you, please take care of my KTFA family.


Please be with all of those that were with us tonight for they all have needs. I hear them. You, you, you hear them with me.


There’s so many people that are hurting and bleeding and dying. I pray for peace in Israel. I pray for peace in the Gaza strip.


I pray for peace in America. I pray for peace in Ukraine. I pray for peace in Russia.


I just pray that your son would come back. I pray for your will to be done on this earth as it is in heaven and let it start with me. I pray for strength.


I pray for faith. Help me with my faith, God. Don’t let me slip.


Don’t let me slip off of this cliff. I thank you for tonight. It was well, it was well.


It was good. I am pleased and I pray that you are too. Forgive me if I did anything wrong or whatever, whenever I did anything wrong because I know I did.


And again, Father, my prayers are for my family, my children, my wife, and for my brothers and sisters in Christ. And for those that are lost. My prayers are especially for them.


By the blood of your son, Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, I pray to you heavenly Father. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Amen. You know, Frank, you just prayed for Jesus to come back.


Yes, sir. And we all know, we know that he will. But if you have not accepted him, when he comes back, it’s too late.


Yes, sir. Think about that, family. Make him your Lord before it’s too late, before he comes back and says, I don’t know you.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Thank you, Brother Andy. I love you so much, brother.


Yes, sir. It’s mutual. Eagle, thank you.


Thank you. God bless you for your contribution. God bless you.


Andy, or excuse me, Cliff and Tony, hang in there. I’m almost there with you. Because we just prayed and we did the shofar, I’d like to show you something, family.


Remember I told you that we have mean dogs that will tear you apart? Remember I told you we have drones that we launch from our property? Remember I told you right now, as I’m talking to you, I carry, I carry all the time, up until when I lay my head to the pillow. And even then, it’s next to me. Remember I told you all that? I also have this.


This, ladies and gentlemen, is called a, I hope I say it right, mazuzah? Am I saying that right, babe? Mazuzah. And you put a nail here, and there’s another opening here where you put the nail through. And what this is, is a container.


And inside of this container, when you put it up against a wall, it is put at the entrance of your home. And the container contains versus this, I will, I’ll peel off. Oops, I just peeled that off completely.


Oh, no. And this is the stickum. There.


And we put it up against the wall. But in here are scriptures. These are, those are my wife’s scriptures right there.


And these are my scriptures right here. And we put it on our wall of the entrance to our home. That’s another form of protection that I have.


Tony or Cliff, whichever one is on, tell us a little something. Tell us a little something. Well, I just want to give you a report.


You remember I talked to you about and I want to say thank you for the recommendation on the Burmer gun. We got it in, and we just got back from my Tennessee road trip, and I had it carrying with me and felt a lot better knowing I had security with me. So I appreciate that.


You bought a burner. I’m so proud of you. The only thing I couldn’t do is I tried to get Cliff to take off running the other day so I could practice.


He decided not to do it. I don’t know why. Hit him in the ankles.


Get those ankles. Get them in the ankles. You need to take one for the team, you know, just so we can see.


Anyway, no, Frank, we appreciate you having us on, buddy. We won’t take much of your time. We are No Better Studios, and we write custom songs.


We do one-of-a-kind, you know, songs for whatever occasion, birthdays, anniversaries. You name it, we’ll do it. We’ve done baby name reveals.


We’ve done just when we think we’ve done them all, there’s always something shows up and surprises us. But we’d be glad to do a song for you. Now, I want to let the family know this is our six-months, Frank, with you and the KTFA family, and it all started with you all.


So we appreciate the business. It is growing. Unfortunately, it’s growing.


We have, you know, increased costs and stuff like that. But we have raised our prices a little bit, and that’s on the website. But I want the family to know that as a way for me and Cliff to say thank you, thank you, thank you to the family and the blessing that you all have been to us.


We’ll never, ever forget you, and we always want to know that you have a special place in our hearts. And that being said, when you check out our website, you’ll see the increased prices. But don’t panic.


When you check out, we have a coupon code box that if you simply put Frank26 all together, Frank26 in that box, you will forever receive a 20% coupon at the moment. It will change, but right now it’s 20% off any product we offer. And I want to let the family know that that’s exclusively just for the Frank26 KTFA family.


As a way for Cliff and I to say thank you for your support as we venture into other markets and stuff. You know, we’re growing, and it’s because of the love and support from the family. And we want to say thank you always.


Our store that we’ve been talking about, the merchandise store, a lot of people have been asking about that. It should be up maybe by the next UbiTubi. We’ve got just a few issues we want to get done.


But once we get it done, we’ll offer shirts, hats, cups, mugs, all of the above. And we’ll be offering that very soon. But it’ll always be a special deal for the KTFA family.


Thank you, my brother. I appreciate you doing that to help them out. God bless you guys.


Thank you, man. Appreciate it. Oh, let me give you my phone number.


I didn’t do that last week. 423-367-7648. Call me any time with my cell phone.


We actually, last week, had a customer call us that we had done a song for him, goodness, three, four months ago. And he had the file he had lost. So we keep, just so you know, we’re kind of like gold and silver.


We keep a vault here at the studio of every song we’ve ever done. So we’ve done a song for you, and you need it, or you lost the file. We have a file on everybody that we’ve done songs for.


We don’t get rid of them. We store them. And they’re blockchain.


So we got them all locked down. So if you ever need anything like that, just give us some help. And then you go to mobetterstudios.com is our new website.


It’s up and running. So you’ll see all the information on there that we’ve tried to do and make it as easy as you can to purchase. And should you have any questions, always give me a call.


Thank you, Cliff and Tony. I love you, gentlemen. Be safe.


Thank you, sir. If Cliff stays off running, I’ll call you. Bye.


Run! Run, Cliff! Bye-bye, guys. Take care. Did you have a good time? I hope so.


You all take care of each other, OK? Lift each other. Pray for each other. Visit each other.


Call each other. Support each other. Read God’s word.


I’m serious. Read God’s word. It gets rid of the stinking thinking.


I love you. Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute.


When do we see each other again? What is today? Tuesday. What’s up on Friday? Then Friday it is. Friday, 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.


We’ll see you then. And tell those gurus to stop stealing from me. God bless you.


Oh, no, I forgot to connect that. I used to be a Dinah newbie Until I watched Frank’s UB2 Newbie With a twinkle in his eyes And God by his side Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here This is the Dinah beat Now take it from me Frank is no rookie It’s okay, Tink Give this man a cookie You never know what suit he’ll be wearing So I wear my sunglasses Because they are so glaring So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here This is the Dinah beat Sit up, be patient, and get ready Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on, Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune into Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here This is the Dinah beat Hey, Tink, I need a cookie Come on, Tink, I deserve some cookies Cookie, cookies, cookies Come on, Tink, give up the cookies So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune into Frank 26 So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune in now, tune in here This is the Dinah beat The translation says this is burnt milk But it’s not It’s just milk with a lot of sugar That’s been warmed up for a long time Commercialism Marketed They took it away from us Mexicans And they sell it to you In ice cream, in candy And they called it Leche Dulce de leche Dulce de leche Candy of milk Pretty smart of them No one’s gonna buy burnt milk, are they? Oh, hey, you know what the dumbest car ever? You know what the dumbest car ever is? Especially for us Mexicans, okay? You know what the car? N-O-V-A Say it Nova In Spanish, those are two words No, which means no Va, V-A V-A means to go You’re selling me a car that doesn’t go? Nova, Nova That’s so dumb That’s so dumb Anyways, yeah, there was another one. I was gonna tell you that was also kind of dumb.


I forgot what it was A smart car Well, no, no, but it was the wording. It was something that was dumb that they sold and I thought no, that’s not gonna work Anyways, sweet aloha. God bless you.


I’ll see you on Friday. Bye. Bye now Hey, is that late? There she is.


I knew I was waiting for you lady

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